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Quarter: 4th Module 2


Opening Prayer

Lord, thank you for all the blessing that You have given to me and to my
family. Thank you for making me feel the love of my parents and friends in
order for to me to do my best in everything that I aim for. Lord, I am asking
for your continuous support so that I will be able to finish the tasks that I
have to accomplish. I am praying also for a stronger mind and spirit so that I
will be able to surpass whatever trials I am facing right now and will be
facing in the days to come. All this I ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen

A reaction can occur at different rates under different conditions. When a food is left in a
warm place such as milk or any other, it spoils more quickly. But, when the same kind of food is
placed in a cooler temperature, the food lasts longer. These are some knowledge about chemical
reaction that we can use at home. There are also chemical reactions at home that can cause
harm to us if we just ignore it, like using products that you apply on your skin causing irritation. We
must also keep the matches in a safe place to avoid starting fire. There are many factors that can
cause chemical reaction and the rate at which they occur.

In this module, you are going to learn about the factors affecting the rate of reaction. As you
explore through this module, you will be able to respond to the following questions:
Why is understanding reaction rate significant?
How and when do reactions occur?
What causes reaction to become faster or slower?


 Describe how various factors influence the rate of a 1. Describe how reactant
reaction. (STEM_GC11CKIIIi-j-130) concentration affects the rate of
 Explain activation energy and how a catalyst affects reaction using collision theory.
the reaction rate. (STEM_GC11CKIIIi-j-137) 2. Infer the relationship between
 Cite and differentiate the types of catalysis. temperature and rate of reaction.
(STEM_GC11CKIIIi-j-138) 3. Explain how activation energy
affects the rate of reaction.
4. Discuss the effect of catalysts in
reaction rates.

Textbook (Phoenix Exploring Life Through Science General Chemistry 2)

Online resources
Mobile phone
Internet connection
QR code scanner


Quarter: 4th Module 2


Hello, Michaelian! How was your learning experience last quarter so far? I know that all the hard
work that you have done paid off since you have now reached the 4 th quarter of this academic year. I hope
that you still have the enthusiasm with you in learning the upcoming lessons of General Chemistry 2. To give
you a glimpse of our topic for this module, let’s do your first task. Let’s go.

Task Time Tracker

The task is good for 10 minutes.
Time Started: _______ Time Finished: _______

In your General Chemistry 1, we have already discussed some concepts about chemical reactions.
In your next task, you are going to classify some chemical reactions whether it is FAST or SLOW. After that,
answer the following questions.

Chemical Reaction Fast or Slow

1. Rusting iron
2. Striking matches
3. Ripening of fruit
4. Frying egg
5. Spoiling of food

1. What made you classify these chemical reactions as fast or slow?

2. Why do you think chemical reactions occur at different rates?


Chemical Kinetics
Chemical kinetics is the study of the rate of chemical reactions, including the mechanism by which a
reaction occurs and the different factors that affect it. The rate of a reaction can be defined as the change
in the concentration of a reactant or product per change in time.
Many reactions occur spontaneously at a fast rate. The reaction between vinegar and baking soda
happens instantly with accompanying bubble formation. However, some reactions take time to happen.
The rusting of iron does not happen instantaneously.
Aside from reactant concentration, other factors influence the favorability of a chemical reaction to
occur and the rate at which they occur. For a chemical reaction to occur, there must be a contact
between the reactants through collision. This theory can be practically explained using the effect of stirring.
The stirring motion causes the reactant particles to move faster, thereby increasing the probability of
collisions. However, not all particle collisions lead to a successful reaction. It is imperative that the reactants
are in proper orientation during that moment of collision.


Quarter: 4th Module 2
Temperature is also another factor that can affect reaction rates. The average kinetic energy of a
substance increases when the temperature rises causing the rate of collision to increase as well. The
molecules will move faster at high temperatures, so they collide more frequently.

Task Time Tracker

The task is good for 20 minutes.
Time Started: _______ Time Finished: _______

Read the discussion above regarding the rate of reaction and collision theory or you can also refer to
your book on page 92. After reading, analyze the given illustration for two setups showing two similar
chemical reactions but have different concentration of the reactants. Then, answer the following questions.

Process Questions:
1. Considering the illustration given above, which setup do you think will have a faster reaction than the
other? Justify your answer.

2. How does temperature related to the collision rate of molecules during a chemical reaction?

Activation Energy
Aside from colliding with one another, the reactant particles must also have sufficient energy during
collisions. They must able to surpass an energy barrier, called activation energy of the transition state (Ea), to
successfully form the products. At the transition state, the reactants form an activated complex that
eventually forms the product.
Read more about activation energy by scanning the QR code given below. In your next task, you
are going to learn how activation energy affects the rate of reactions. Let’s gets started.

Scan Here!


Quarter: 4th Module 2

Task Time Tracker

The task is good for 20 minutes.
Time Started: _______ Time Finished: _______

Study the two illustrations showing the graphs for reactions A and B with their respective activation
energies. Analyze how activation energy influences the rate of a chemical reaction by answering the
questions that will follow.

Process Questions:
1. Which of the two reactions is faster, Reaction A or Reaction B? Why?

2. What do you think will happen to a chemical reaction if the activation energy needed for the process is
not attained?

Another factor that can affect the rate of a reaction is the presence of catalysts. Catalysts speed up
the rate of chemical reaction by providing an alternate route for the reaction to occur. Catalysts are not
consumed in the reaction; they are used but regenerated during the reaction. Similar to a reaction
intermediate, a catalyst does not appear in the reactants or products side of a chemical equation.
Reactions involving catalysts may be classified as heterogeneous or homogeneous. Heterogeneous
catalysis uses a catalyst that is of different phase from that of the reactants and products. In homogeneous
catalysis, the catalyst is of the same phase as that of the reactants and products.
Scan the QR code given below and learn more about catalysis. Now, for you to understand how the
presence of catalysts affects the rate of chemical reactions, do the Learning Task 4.

Scan Here!


Quarter: 4th Module 2

Task Time Tracker

The task is good for 20 minutes.
Time Started: _______ Time Finished: _______

Examine the illustration below comparing the reaction progress of two reactions, the uncatalyzed
and catalyzed reactions. With the help of the given discussions above, answer the following questions.

Process Questions:
1. In the given illustration above, why does catalyzed pathway is shorter than the uncatalyzed pathway?

2. What did the catalyst do in order for the reaction to become faster taking a shorter pathway?

Task Time Tracker

The task is good for 30 minutes.
Time Started: _______ Time Finished: _______

Chemical kinetics is also applied in some of our daily activities at home such as cooking and
preserving food. For your next task, you are going to give at least five (5) tips that you always do at home on
how to cook your food in a shorter period of time and your ways of preserving your food to slow down the
inevitable spoilage. You will also explain how the knowledge of chemical kinetics is applied in each of the
tips that you have given. Then, answer the questions that will follow after doing the task.

Tips on Cooking and Preserving Food Application of Chemical Kinetics




Quarter: 4th Module 2




Is it an advantage to you that chemical kinesics can also be applied in some daily activities at home like
cooking and preserving the food that we eat? In what way?

Rate you understanding. Check one of the boxes describing how the lesson helped you attain the
focus points intended for the lesson.

Needs Fairly Very

Were you able to achieve the Satisfactory Excellent
improvement satisfactory satisfactory
following? 5-6 9-10
1-2 3-4 7-8

1. I can describe how reactant

concentration affects the rate
of reaction using collision

2. I can infer the relationship

between temperature and
rate of reaction.

3. I can explain how activation

energy affects the rate of

4. I can discuss the effect of

catalysts in reaction rates.

Congratulations! You have accomplished all the tasks for this module. I’m hoping that you will apply
knowledge that you have learned in your daily life experiences, and will still have high energy with you in
answering modules next lesson. Keep up the good work!


Quarter: 4th Module 2

Since you are done with the module, you have to answer the following items to test your
understanding and progress about the lessons that we have tackled earlier. Mabuhay and Blessed be God

I. Multiple Choice
Read and understand the following questions carefully. Write the letter of your answer on the space
provided before the number. Encircling the letter, erasures, or any form of alterations will have deduction of
______1. Which of the following does NOT describe a catalyst?
a. A catalyst changes the rate of the reaction by altering its pathway.
b. A catalyst speeds up the activation energy for a reaction.
c. A catalyst is regenerated in its original state after the reaction is complete.
d. A catalyst generally increases the rate of a reaction.

______2. Which of the following conditions is possible if Beaker A has more reactant molecules than Beaker B?
a. Beaker A will have faster reaction than Beaker B.
b. Beaker A will have slower reaction than Beaker B
c. Beaker B will have more collision rates.
d. Beaker B will have faster reaction with the help of a catalyst.

______3. What will happen if the reactant molecules have sufficient energy but have no proper orientation
during collision?
a. A slow reaction will occur.
b. A fast reaction will occur.
c. No reaction will occur.
d. None of the above.

______4. Is temperature related with the collision rate of reactant molecules?

a. Yes, because reactant molecules move faster at high temperatures which increase collision rates.
b. Yes, if there is an increase in the concentration of reactant molecules.
c. No, because low temperatures make reactant particles move slowly decreasing chances of
d. No, temperature only affects the movement of the molecules only.

______5. Which among these factors can increase the average kinetic energy of the reactants?
a. Addition of catalyst
b. Increase in the reactant concentration
c. Increase in temperature
d. Decrease in activation energy

II. Factors Affecting Reaction Rates

Examine the given factors and decide on their effect on the rate at which certain reactions may
occur. Write INCREASE if it makes the reaction go faster. Write DECREASE if it slows down a chemical process.

Factors Effect on Reaction Rate

6. Lower concentration of reactants
7. Adding catalysts to the reaction
8. Greater frequency of collision
9. Decreasing temperature
10. Higher activation energy

III. Short Response

Answer the following questions.
1. Enzymes catalyze the degradation of biomolecules, like starch and cellulose, into simple sugar glucose.
Why do you think humans digest starch but not cellulose??


Quarter: 4th Module 2
2. Can storing batteries in a cold place, such as refrigerator or freezer, help prolong its life? Justify your

Congratulations! You’re now done with Lesson 1. See you again

in Lesson 2.

Closing Prayer

Dear Lord,
The giver of all things thank you for all the blessings You have given us.
I’m sorry for all my faults and humbly ask for forgiveness.
Bless all my teachers and schoolmates.
Teach us all to love one another and to love You above all things.

Offline Resource/s:
Textbook (Phoenix Exploring Life Through Science Grade 8)
Textbook (Phoenix Exploring Life Through Science General Chemistry 1 )
McGraw-Hill General Chemistry I and II


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