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Case analysis worksheet GBS Hubli

RollNo & Name: SU30 Naiemkousar Jamadar

Section Details
I. Executive Summary  Golftripz was founded in April 2009 by Ajit Mohandas ,
Managing Director & Co- Founder, Hyderabad, Madhav Misra,
Director & Co-Founder, Mumbai and Chandradev Bhagat,
Director & Co-Founder, Mumbai. Ajit is an engineering graduate
from Institute of Technology, BHU. Played cricket for Hyderabad,
Also runs a State-of- the-art manufacturing company, ASACO,
that produces machines for steel industry & engines for satellites
for organizations like ISRO. Turned avid golfer 2 years ago on
introduction to the sport. Ajit is responsible for building
relationships with golf courses in South India as also for the
business with golfers in this part. Madhav was a peer of Ajit in
Engineering & is an MBA from XLRI Jamshedpur. He is an avid
sportsman & golfer. Worked for nearly 15 years in sales,
marketing & general management roles including 10 years with
Coca-Cola in India & Vietnam. Also worked in real estate. Today,
he devotes all his time to Golftripz. Madhav is responsible for
building relationships with golf courses in West, North & East
India and is assisted by Arif Ansari. He also works on developing
business for golfer services, and also corporates. Chandradev
grew up in Jamshedpur and graduated from St. Stephens, Delhi in
1994. An avid sportsman and photographer with accolades at the
national level. He made his career in Sports Management and
worked with companies like IMG, TWI & Ten Sports and
currently divides his time between Golftripz and Greymatter
Entertainment, an event & TV Production company, he started a
couple of years ago. He is the creative brain at Golftripz
Jogeswari PSV, Director, Hyderabad, and Arif Ansari, Sales &
Operations Manager, Delhi, are the other members of the
Golftripz team who joined soon after. Jogeswari is a Gold
Medalist MBA from Kirloskar Institute. She worked in Sundaram
Finance and then moved to work at Google as a Team Lead and
managed the Online Advertising team. She received Google's
worldwide Luminary award for Best Performer, 2005.  After 4
years at Google, she helped establish an online startup venture,
Greenreign, where she was responsible for systems & operations
 Jogeswari PSV, Director faced the major problem of operational
difficulty to book the package for Indian customers
 Summarize the recommended plan of action and include a brief
justification of the recommended plan
2.What are the key issues 1. Understanding the behaviour of the Indian customer
2. To sell the package and to get the trust from the customers
3. Prioritise the issues or 1. Credibility to sell the package
Case analysis worksheet GBS Hubli

problems 2. Operational difficulty

3. Psychology of Indian customers

3. identify the cause of the 1. Planning of Indian customers to book the package
problem (minimum 2) 2. Infrastructure development

4. Brainstorm the 1. Marketing of the company could have been done good at the
options / logical reasoning initial stage
2. Setting up of target customers

5.Evaluate the options Option Advantages Disadvantages

(solutions ) Better research of the Players can choose the Takes time to do the
tournaments for the destinations quick research of the
purpose of tournaments which is
infrastructure and the conducted in other
quality of the countries
equipments for the
amature players

6. Selection of optimal To understand the golf market especially the Indian golf market and
solution (best) proper marketing of the products or services for the customers to attract
them and the feedback or remarks from the customers GolfTripz needed
a cloud service provider with the expertise and resources to stabilize its
existing AWS environment, build a new modernized environment, and
provide ongoing management and monitoring along with Security
7. Your conclusion Golftripz has been around since 2009, started by people intensely
passionate about golf, as an endeavor to deliver delightful golf holiday
experiences to golfers from around the world. Golftripz has reached out
to golfers from more than 30 countries from 5 continents. The passion to
deliver great experiences at great value are the core philosophies at
Golftripz, which gets more intense by the day with increased motivation
from seeing golfers happy with their services

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