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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 8

Prepared by:


I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the students shall be able to:
a. Explain correctly biodiversity through watch-pair-share
b. Differentiate comprehensively the 3 levels of biodiversity
species diversity, genetic diversity, and ecosystem
through a 3-column chart.
c. Suggest creatively solutions on how to protect
biodiversity through
paint me a picture.
II. Subject matter:
a. Topic: Biodiversity and its 3 Levels (Grade 8)
b. Reference:
Grade 8 Science Module (Department of Education)
c. Materials: video clips, graphic organizers, ppt. presentation,
projector, pentel pens, pictures
d. Values: integrity of creation, cooperation and participation,
one’s ideas/open-mindedness,
e. Skills: HOTS, critical thinking skills, communication skills,
f. Strategy used: watch-pair-share, 3-column chart, paint me a
III. Procedure



1. Routines:

a. Prayer
Let us all stand for the opening prayer.
Trisza please lead the prayer. All students will stand up
and pray.

Good morning Grade 8 students! Good Morning Sir.

You may now take your seat. All students will take their

b. Checking of attendance
By the way, class, is anyone absent today? None Sir.
c. Reminders
Before we proceed to our lesson for today I
have to remind you of our classroom rules.
First, if you want to recite, just raise your right
Second, if someone is talking in front of you,
keep your mouth shut. Otherwise respect and
listen. Whenever I saw certain student who is
not listening, I will warn you. Otherwise if you
are not willing to learn then you may go
outside. Therefore, please take control of
Am I understood? Yes Sir.
I hope so.
d. Motivation
Okay class I have here a picture (a picture of
rainbow). What can you say about this

Anyone from the class?

Yes, Kate? That picture is a rainbow
Correct. So what can you say now about the
Yes Kyle? The rainbow has 7 different
colors Sir.
Correct. The rainbow has many different
colors. Do you think a rainbow could still exist
without these different colors? No Sir.

Yes. These 7 different colors make a rainbow

exist. Just like us, we have differences. And
these differences exist in the biosphere. Thus,
our topic this morning is all about Biodiversity.
But before that, let us be guided by our lesson
objectives. Everybody please read our
(students will read the
At the end of the lesson the
students shall be
able to:
a. Explain correctly
biodiversity through watch-
pair-share activity.
b. Differentiate comprehensively
the 3 levels of
biodiversity namely species
diversity, genetic
diversity, and ecosystem
diversity through a 3-
column chart.
c. Suggest creatively solutions
on how to protect
biodiversity through paint me a



In order for us to have a meaningful discussion,

let us have first an activity.
But before that, are you ready to listen? Yes Sir.
Okay, the first thing you do is you are going to
watch the video clip that I am going to present
with you. While watching the video clip I want you
to answer the ff. questions.

(Students will take note the

guided questions)
Please take note it first. Yes Sir.

Are you done copying class?

Okay, after watching the video, you are going to
choose your partner. Please choose your partner (Students will choose their
Are you done choosing your pair? Yes Sir.
Okay. Please watch this video first. (all students will watch the

Watching Time (the video clips contain a little bit

explanation about biodiversity and its levels)
Now the video is over.

I think it’s time to discuss your answers with your

partner based on the guide questions. I only allow
you to do the sharing time within 3 minutes. And
after that, I will ask certain student randomly
about the video presented. (All students will discuss
one another)

(Sharing time)

Okay class your time is over.

The video presented talks about biodiversity, so
what is biodiversity?
Yes, Katrina? -Biodiversity is short term
for biological
Okay, what else? -Biodiversity talks about
variety of organisms
in terms of gene, living in
different habitats or
Correct. According to many biologists,
Biodiversity is the sum of all the different species
of animals, plants, fungi and microbial organisms
living on Earth and the variety of habitats in which
they live.

What about the three main types of biodiversity? The three main types of
biodiversity are:
Yes, Joy? species diversity, genetic
diversity, and
ecosystem diversity.

Correct. Based on the video, who among of you

here can explain to me what is the term species?
Yes? Ian?
According to the video, a
species is a group
of genetically distinct
organism that can have
Correct, species refers to a group of organisms offspring.
that have distinct traits. However, when you
encountered “species diversity”, what does it
Yes? Maylene?
Species diversity refers to
variety of organism
Okay. Thank you. Species diversity is just simply in terms of their species.
talks about different kinds of organisms. For
example. The species of dog is far different from
the species of bird.
Did you get class?
Yes Sir.
Okay, Now, who among of you here can explain
to me about second type or level of biodiversity,
which is the genetic diversity?
Yes, Karl?
Genetic diversity refers to
differences among
Very good. Genetic diversity talks about organisms in terms of gene.
differences among species of organisms in terms
of gene they contain. Although all organisms in
the same species are quite related to each other,
but they are not 100% identical. Thus, every
species of organism is unique. For example, a
species of beetle. Are all beetles the same in
terms of color and physical traits?
No Sir.
Okay. And even the color trait would reveal that
certain beetle is different from the other beetle.
And that is the concept of genetic diversity.

What about the third one? who can explain to me

what is an ecosystem diversity? Anyone?
Yes, Keith? An ecosystem diversity talks
differences of organism in
terms of their
habitat in which they live in.
Very good. An ecosystem diversity talks about the
different kinds of places where organisms live and
the dynamic interconnections between them. For
example, animals that live in the dessert has
distinct adaptation compare to animals that live in
the forest. Meaning to say they differ in terms of
location or habitat.

Are the concepts about biodiversity clear to you

class? Yes Sir.
Very good.

Okay. Now, allow me to divide the class into 5 (students will count
groups, let’s start counting here. 1…6

Now, go to your respective groups and follow this


Are all set within their respective group? Yes Sir.

Okay. Please listen to my instructions first. In this

activity, you are going to differentiate species
diversity, genetic diversity and ecosystem
diversity through this 3-column chart.
You are only allowed to finish the task within 5
minutes and afterwards, each group must have to
choose a presenter. .
Are all my instructions clear to you class? Yes Sir.

Okay. Your time starts now. (activity time)

Please finish your task as fast as you can
because your time will end in 10, 9, 8, 7………..1,
0. Time’s up!
Ok group 1 please report your output.

Thank you group presenters. Let us give them a

barangay clap. Please return to your proper
(students will clap themselves
and return to
seats. their proper seats)
Okay class here is my 3-column chart showing
the differences among three types or levels of
biodiversity. Everyone please read.
(students will read writings in
the 3-column
Are the three types of biodiversity cleared to you
Yes Sir.

Since you already explain biodiversity and

differentiate its definition. I want you to express
The benefits of biodiversity through paint me a
Okay class please listen to my instructions first.
Are you ready to listen? Yes Sir.

This activity is called “paint me a picture”.

Groupings in previous activity will merge. Group 1
and 2 will merge same with groups 3 and 4, then
5 and 6. Therefore, there should be three groups
all in all. At my left side is the place for group 1 at
my right side is the group 3 and at the center is
the group 2. Go to your respective group now (students will group

Are all set within their group? Yes Sir.

Okay. I am going to project a certain scenario
about problems regarding biodiversity. In this
activity you are going to suggest certain solution
on how to address that problem through paint me
a picture or tableau. You are only allowed to
portray each of the benefits of biodiversity in 20
seconds. Afterwards, each must have to choose a
representative to explain it, if none, I will call
someone to explain the concept being depicted.

Are all my instructions clear to you class? Yes Sir.

Criteria for judging.
Content – 10 points
Creativity – 5 points.
Total: 15 points

The world has been suffering from

global warming. Sea level rises due
to melting of ice caps in arctic region
such as North Pole and South Pole
which cause many islands to
submerge and some species of
polar bears got extinct.t

What are some ways can you help

reduce global warming?

Your time will end in ….. 10, 9, 8 ….2,1, 0. (G1,G2, AND G3 will prepare)
Let us start with group 1. Any representative from
the group?

(the teacher observes and evaluates using the (any representative among
each group will
criteria) explain)
(depicting of concepts may

Okay. Kindly clap yourselves for a job well done.

And please return to your proper seats.
Here are the results of your output.

On the other hand, group 1 got the highest score.

Let us clap ourselves for them. Each of you will
have an additional three points for your quiz. (students will clap

Did you learn today class? Yes Sir.

And since did you learn something today let us
have an evaluation.

IV. Evaluation

Kindly get 1 whole sheet of paper and

answer the following.
Instructions: In 1 whole sheet of paper,
answer the ff. questions. Write your
answers legibly. (26 points)
1. it is the sum of all the different
species of animals, plants, fungi and
microbial organisms and other life
a. ecosystem
b. habitat
c. biodiversity
d. species
2. It is one of the levels/types of
biodiversity which refers to
differences in the genetic make-up
of a group of organisms.
a. biodiversity
b. species diversity
c. genetic diversity
d. ecosystem diversity
3. Which of the ff. examples belongs
to ecosystem diversity?
a. species of cactus and aloe vera
b. white and red rose
c. sea lion and the lion in savannah,
d. Indian mango and Apple mango
4. it refers to a group of genetically
distinct organism that can have
offspring is called ______
a. biodiversity
b. species
c. genetic diversity
d. species diversity
5. “Not all dogs are the same” what
does this statement implies?
a. all dogs can survive in the same
b. all dogs vary in terms of color,
stature and other physical
c. all dogs can produce a
combination of cat and dog offspring
d. all dogs are identical

B. List 3 ways on how to protect the

diversity of life. (2 points each)

Time is over. Please submit to me your

paper in 10, 9, 8 …2, 1. 0.


And take note of your assignment:

Deadline: January 16, 2018
Research about the three domains of life.
Describe and give example to each
domain. Write it in your assignment (students are copying the

Let us all stand. Maylene please lead our Our Heavenly Father …… , in Jesus
closing prayer. name, Amen

Good day Sir.

Good day everyone.

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