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TIME: 01:15min TEST SESSION-2022 CLASS-9 MARKS: 40
NAME:____________________ ROLL NO.:_____________ DATE: APRIL 18, 2022

D C B A Fill the circle of correct ‫درست ج واب کے دا رے کو ب ھری ں۔‬ #
‫نق‬ ‫ئ‬ answer.
‫نق‬ ‫( ئ‬8)
‫تج ب کو ی تکالمی ش ہ اس طرح ت ی ار ک ی ا ج اے کہ ہ ر کالم کا ش ہ اس می ں موج ود گروہ کے‬
Histogram Ogive Curve
‫نق‬ Bar chart
When a bar graph is constructed so that‫عدد کے م ن اسب ہ و‬
‫مح ی‬ ‫او گو‬ ‫کالمی ش ہ‬ ‫ب ار چ ارٹ‬
the area of each bar is proportional to the number of
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ ئ‬.items in each group is called
‫ش ت خت‬
All ‫مام‬ ‫ وس طان ی ہ‬Median ‫ عادہ‬Mode ‫اوسط‬Mean The ‫ے۔‬ ‫کسی موار کا ماری ا ی ا صار ج و وسط مرکز کی پ یما ش کر ا ہ‬
‫ے کہال ا ہ‬ 2
summary statistics which measure the middle of the
:data is called
Geometric mean Mean Median Mode The middle values of data arranged in numerical 3
:order is called
Geometric mean Median Mean Mode The score which occurs most often in a set of data is 4
Arithmetic Mean Mode Harmonic n 5
mean mean H=
:is called 1
Mean Geometric
mean X w=
∑ wx iscalled : 6

Geometric mean Mean Median Mode If all numbers in a set are added together and then 7
the total is divided by the number of scores in a set is
Mode Geometric
∑ (x i−X ¿ )=0is one of the properties of :¿ 8

Subjective Type (‫)حصہ ا ائ ی ہ‬
ّ ّ ‫خت‬
Q2. Provide short answers of the following questions. (2x10=20) )‫صہ اول‬ ‫(ح‬ )2x10=20( ‫سواالت کا ج واب دی ں‬
‫ت‬ ‫۔ مٹ صر‬2 ‫سوال‬
i. Write standard deviation formula for ungrouped data. ‫ ہ س و گرام کی عریف کری ں‬i
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ .
ii. Define cumulative frequency. ‫ جم موعی عدد کی عریف کری ں‬ii
iii. Define Range and write its formula. iii
iv. Define Variance. Write the formula to find variance. iv
v. For the data 3, 5, 6, 8, 8, 9, 10, v
Find Mean and mode. .
vi. Define mode. vi
vii. Find Geometric mean of the value 2, 4 and 8. vii
viii. Define Geometric mean. viii
ix. Find the range of given data 6,8,10,14,13,12 ix
x. Write the formula of Arithmetic mean for an ungrouped x
data. ‫ئ‬ .
)Section II( ‫حصّہ دو م‬ ‫ت‬ ‫تف‬
Answer any 3 detail questions from the following. (3x4=12) )3x4=12(‫لی سواالت کے ج واب ات حریر کری ں‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ص‬
Q3 Find the standard deviation of the values 2, 3, 6, 8, 11. ‫سوال‬
Q4 Find A.M from the following ten values using formula

X =A +
Q5 Construct a cumulative frequency polygon (that is an Ogive) 4‫سوال‬
for the given data:
Classes 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30
Frequency 10 15 20 30 15

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