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1. What is educational psychology? Explain its importance.

Educational psychology is a branch of Psychology that studies how people learn,

and how psychological concepts can be applied to learning and teaching. By the
definition itself, it can be inferred that taking the course will provide any aspiring
teacher supplemental information about teaching. They will be immersed in to
various theories that conceptualize the science behind learning with age, culture,
and types of intelligence as baselines. They will then be trained how to use these
theories in classroom, eventually developing effective teaching strategies.

Moreover, educational psychology courses will teach them how to meaningfully

relate to their future students. Since they will be handling children of different
ages and backgrounds, it is expected of them to create student teacher
relationship founded from respect, appreciation, and understanding. The courses
will help them meet these expectations, they will be briefed how a child’s mind
improves when they are regarded with kindness, so they are then motivated to
act kindly with them. A teacher that relates well with the students will establish a
learning space lush with motivation and development.

Lastly, educational psychology will add aspiration to the teachers. They will be
exposed to the never-ending demands of different people including students, and
will develop a stronger sense of motivation to help them. The thought of teaching
them will be an act of kindness and passion. In turn, a deeper sense of personal
growth and goal attainment will be achieved.

2. Do you want to be a teacher? Why or why not?

If a 5 year old me will answer this, she would say yes but now it’s a no for me.
Teaching as a profession is really wonderful if you’ll think of it but teaching
requires a lot from you. You need to be well equipped as a person not just with
brains but also with patience, understanding and many more. People will expect
you to be an epitome of the good and the great. Teaching is really a challenge
you don’t just look upon yourself but also to other people most especially your
students. It requires a lot from you. Teaching is fun but I can’t say I would be a
great teacher if I will. I had some characteristics to be one but I think would not
last long in this field.

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