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5.1 Matter in Nature

What is Matter?
1. Matter is anything that has mass 质量 and occupies 占有 space 空间.
2. All living things 生物 but not all non-living things in the world are matter.
3. Human beings, animals, plants and insects 昆虫 are examples of living matter 生活物质.
4. Sand 沙, air, water and wood 木 are examples of non-living matter.
5. Some examples of non-matter include light 光, heat 热, electric current 电流 and sound 声音. They do not
have mass and do not occupy space.

Our thoughts 思想 are not considered as matter because they do not have mass and do not occupy space.

ACTIVITY 1 To show that air has mass

Apparatus and materials
• Balloons • Cellophane tape 玻璃纸
• Drinking straw 吸管 • Retort stand 铁架
• Needle 针 • Strings 线

1. Balance 平衡 two balloons which have been pasted 粘 with cellophane tape-on a drinking straw which has
been hung 挂 on a retort stand as shown in the diagram.
2. Prick 刺 the taped area of one of the balloons using a needle.
3. Wait for the drinking straw to stop moving (make sure that there is no disturbance 干扰 caused by the wind
风 or moving air 流动的空气).
4. Observe 观察 what happen 发生 to the drinking straw and the two balloons.

1. The balloon which was pricked becomes deflated.泄气
2. The drinking straw tilts 倾斜 down towards the balloon that has more air.
3. This happens because the deflated balloon has become lighter 比较轻.

1. What is the mass of a substance?
2. Why is the balloon pricked through the cellophane tape instead of directly through the balloon?

Air has mass.

Soil 土壤 and Water are Matter

1. Soil and water have mass and occupy space.

2. We can prove that they have mass by using a lever balance 抗杵天平 and a beaker.
3. A measuring cylinder is used to prove 证明 that soil and water occupy space.

When water is poured 倒入 into the beaker on the pan 平底锅 of the balance, reading of the scale 尺 increase 增
加. This shows that air has mass.

When the soil is put into the measuring cylinder, the water level will rise 上升. This shows that soil occupies

Conclusion : Soil and water are mass.

The States of Matter 物态

3.2.1 What is Matter Made Up of?
1. Matter has mass and occupies space.
2. According to 根据 the kinetic theory 分子运动论 of matter, matter is made up of tiny 微小的 and discrete 分
离的 particles 微粒 which are atoms 原子 or molecules 分子.
3. Particles of matter are not visible 看得见的 by the naked eye 肉眼 but we can show that matter is made up of

Physical and Chemical Properties of a Matter

1 Matter has different physical and chemical properties.
Table 5.1 Physical and chemical properties of matter

Physical properties of matter Chemical properties of matter

• Properties that change the physical form or the state • Properties that change the chemical composition of a
of a matter matter
• Boiling point, for example the boiling point of water • Rusting
is 100°C • Flammable
• Melting point, for example the melting point of ice is • Reaction with acids and alkalis
0°C • Reaction with water
• Solubility • Reaction with oxygen
• Heat conductivity • The effect on limewater
• Malleability
• Ductility
• Density

Classification of Substances Based On the Physical Properties
1 Density of a substance is the mass per unit volume of the substance.
2 The formula for density (g cm-3) = Mass (g)/Volumc (cm3)
3 Density determines the ability of a substance to float or sink.

Examples of substance Less dense Denser

Glycerol and water Water Glycerol
Petrol and mercury Petrol Mercury
Sand and water Water Sand
Oil and cork Cork Oil

Melting point and boiling point

1 Melting point is the temperature at which a substance changes from a solid to a liquid.
2 Boiling point is the temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid to a gas.
3 Different substances have different melting and boiling points.
4 The boiling point of water is 100°C. The melting point of ice is 0°C.
5 The boiling point of copper is 2562°C. The melting point of copper is 1085°C.

1 Solubility is the ability of a substance to dissolve in a solvent to form a solution.
2 Water is a universal solvent. Most substances can dissolve in water.

Three States of Matter

1.The three states of matter are: (a) solid 固体(b) liquid 液体(c) gas 气体
2 According to the Kinetic Theory of Matter, matter consists of tiny particles called atoms or molecules.
3 These particles arc discrete. These particles are separated and there are spaces between the particles.
4 The particles in a matter are always in a constant motion.
5 Temperature affects the movement of the particles. The higher the temperature, the faster the movement of the
6. At room temperature 在温室中, matter can exist 存在 as:
(a) solid (iron 铁, sand)
(b) liquid (mercury 水银, oil, water)
(c) gas (oxygen 氧气, nitrogen 氮气)
7. At different temperatures, water, which is a liquid, can exist as ice 冰 (solid) and steam 蒸汽 (gas).

The Arrangement 排列 of Particles in Matter

The following table shows the arrangements of particles in the three states of matter.

State of matter Arrangement of particles

• Close 紧密, well-arranged 良好排列 and compact 紧密
• Only tiny 极小的 spaces 空间 exist 存在 between the particles
• Vibrate in a fixed position. Cannot move freely.

Liquid • Not closely arranged and compact but are still quite close to one another
• Small spaces exist between the particles

• Move randomly and collide with one another.

• Not arranged at all and far apart 离得很远 from each other
• A lot of empty 空的 spaces between the particles
• Move about freely and randomly in all directions and frequently collide with one


Solid Liquid Gas

Follows the shape

Has a definite shape Follows 跟随 the shape of the container. (No fixed
一定形状 of the container 容器. (No fixed shape) shape)

Shape 形状

Volume 体积 Has a fixed volume Has a fixed volume Fills up the container
Density 密度 High Moderate 中等的 Low
Cannot be
compressed Hard 难 to be compressed Easy to be compressed
Ability 能力 to flow Flows from a high to a lower level 水平 Flows easily in all
Cannot flow
流动 面. Flows easily directions 方向
Mass Has a fixed mass Has a fixed mass Has a fixed mass
Characteristics 特点 of matter

Rate of Diffusion 扩散,渗透 in the Three States of Matter

1 Diffusion is the movement of particles into the spaces between the particles. Diffusion of particles occurs in
solids, liquids and gases.
2 The process of movement of particles in matter is from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower

Figure 5.6 Diffusion process
3 The larger the space between the particles, the higher the rate of diffusion
4 The rate of diffusion is highest in gases followed by liquids and then solids.

Diffusion occurs because there are spaces between particles in matter.

Rate of diffusion in solids

• The blue colour of copper(II) sulphate diffuses
upwards slowly until the gel turns blue completely
after a few days.
• The rate of diffusion is very slow because the
particles in solid are closely arranged and the spaces
between them are very small.

Rate of diffusion in liquids

•The blue colour of copper(II) sulphate solution
diffuses slowly and the liquid turns blue.
•The rate of diffusion is faster in water compared to a
gel because the spaces between the particles in
liquids are larger than the spaces between the particles
in solids.

Rate of diffusion in gas

• When the lid of the gas jar is removed, the bromine
gas diffuses rapidly into gas jar B and the J contents of
the two gas jars become reddish brown in colour.
• The rate of diffusion is very fast because the spaces
between the gas particles are very far apart.
• the gas particles move very fast because they have a
lot of energy 能量

Larger spaces between particles encourage 促进 collision 碰撞. Gas particles have the highest level of energy
compared to solid and liquid particles.

Movement of Particles in the Three States of Matter

1. The movement of particles in matter depends on 依赖 the arrangement of particles in the matter.

2. Solids are made up of particles that can only vibrate 振动. Liquids have particles that move faster than solid
particles but slower than gas particles.
3. The random 胡乱的 movement of particles can be shown by the Brownian movement 布朗运动.

4. Brownian movement can be seen in a smoke cell.

5. The following table shows the movement of particles in the three states of matter.

State of matter Movement of particles

Solid • Unable 不能 to move freely 自由地
• Only rotate 转动 and vibrate in a fixed position 定位

Liquid • Move freely and slide 滑落 against one another

• Collision 碰撞 of particles are frequent 时常发生

• Move quickly in a random 随意 manner
• Strong 猛烈 collision of particles occur 发生 very frequently 时常

Activity To show the movement of smoke particles

Apparatus and materials
• Microscope
• Smoke cell

1. A bit of 一点 smoke is collected from a smouldering joss stick 香.
2. The smoke is placed into a smoke cell and covered with a cover slip.
3. The smoke cell is placed under a microscope.
4. The light in the smoke cell is switched on 开 to light up 照亮 the smoke particles.

5. The movement of the smoke particles is observed under the microscope.

The smoke particles move very fast 很快 randomly.

Smoke particles are very energetic and they move very freely.

Changes in the States of Matter Due to 由于 the Absorption

and Release of Heat Based on the Kinetic 动力 Theory 学说
1 Matter changes 变化 from one state 状态 to another when heated 加热 or cooled.冷却
(a) When a substance is heated, it absorbs 吸收 heat.热能
(b) When a substance is cooled, it releases 释放 heat.
2 The processes involved in the change of states of matter include melting 溶化, boiling 煮沸, evaporation 蒸发,
condensation 冷凝, freezing 冷冻 and sublimation.升华

Boiling is the process when a

Melting is the process when a substance changes from the liquid
substance changes the solid 固体 state to the gaseous 气体 state
state 状态 to the liquid 液体 state

Freezing is the process in which a Condensation is process in which
substance changes from the liquid substance changes from the
state to the solid state gaseous state to the liquid state

Figure 5.7 Changes in the states of matter involve the absorption and release of heat

Melting • The ice cubes 冰块(solid) absorb heat

• The particles 粒子 vibrate 震动 faster.
• When the temperature reaches the melting point (100
ºC),heat energy breaks 破坏 the force 力量 which
holds 拉住 particles in a fixed 固定的 position.位置
• The free particles move freely.自由地

Freezing • Heat is released when water (liquid) is cooled 冷却

• The liquid particles lose 消失 energy and move more
• When the temperature reaches the freezing point 冷
冻点(0°C), the water particles will vibrate at a fixed
•The liquid freezes into solid.

Boiling point is the temperature at which a liquid

Boils 沸.
The boiling point 沸点 of water is 100°C.

Melting point is the temperature when a solid

Freezing point 冻点 is the the temperature at which

a substance freezes.
The melting point of ice is the same as the freezing
point of water. Both are 0°C.

Boiling • Water absorbs the heat energy when heated.

• The particles in the liquid moves freely and faster.
• When the boiling point is reached 到达, the heat
energy breaks the bonds 键 that hold the liquid
particles, and liquid turns into 变成 gas.

Condensation • Hot water vapour (steam)水蒸气 loses energy and

condenses 浓缩 on the cold mirror 镜片 to become
water droplets.水滴
• Gas changes to liquid when the temperature of the
gas drops 下降 below 以下 the boiling point of the

Evaporation 蒸发
• Evaporation occurs at temperatures below the

boiling point of the liquid at an exposed 暴露的
• Evaporation is the process in which a liquid changes
into a gas without 没有 going through 经过 boiling.
• During evaporation, heat is absorbed 吸收 from the
surrounding 周围 and the liquid changes into gas.
Sublimation 升华
• Sublimation is the process in which a substance changes directly solid to gas without changing into a liquid
• When cooling occurs, the gas changes back into solid without condensing to become a liquid.
• Substances undergoing 经历 sublimation are dry ice 干冰(solid carbon dioxide), iodine 碘, naphthalene
(mothballs 樟脑丸), sulphur 硫磺 and ammonium chloride.

• When the evaporating dish is heated gently 慢慢
地, the iodine crystals 晶体 in the dish change to
iodine vapour (purple gas 紫色气体)
• When the heating stops, the rising 升起来的 iodine
vapour condenses on the cool surface in the glass
funnel changing the vapour back into iodine crystals.

Dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) absorbs heat from the
surrounding and changes into carbon dioxide gas.

Solid ammonium chloride sublimates to become

Figure 5.10 Sublimation (a) iodine (b) dry ice (c)

ammonium chloride

(A) The changes during the heating of ice

1 Ice is heated 加热 until the water
changes into steam.水蒸气
2 The temperature is measured 测量
throughout the process as ice changes to

of water)

of water)

1 When a substance is heated, the temperature increases.增加
2 When a substance is cooled, the temperature decreases.减少
3 The temperature remains unchanged 保持不变 at the freezing point, melting point and boiling point because
the kinetic energy 动能 of the particles does not increase. The heat energy absorbed or released at that moment
is used to overcome 克服 or form the attractive forces 吸引力 between the particles.

(B) The changes in mass during physical changes

1 The mass of ice before and after melting is recorded.

1 The mass of ice before and after melting remains
2 The mass of a substance remains unchanged at the
melting point during the melting process.
1 During physical changes, the mass remains
unchanged because the quantity of particles remains
unchanged during heating or cooling.
2 Mass is the quantity of matter contained in an object.

(C) The changes in mass during the melting of salt

1 The initial mass of salt and water is recorded
2 The salt solution is measured again after stirring 搅
拌 and the salt has dissolved in water.

1 The initial and final mass of salt before and after
dissolving in water remains unchanged.
2 The mass of matter remains unchanged when it
dissolves in water.

(D) The changes in mass during expansion of solid

1 The mass of metal 金属 ball and the ring 圈 are
2 The metal ball is heated.
3 The mass of the metal ball and ring is measured

1 The mass of the metal ball before and after heating
remains unchanged.
2 The mass of matter remains unchanged during the
process of expansion 膨胀 by heat.

1 The Law of Conservation of Mass 质量守恒定律 explains the physical changes of matter.
2 The mass of matter remains unchanged because the quantity 数量 of particles does not change when heated or
cooled. Only the kinetic energy 动能 of the particles changes.变化
3 Matter can neither be created 创造 nor destroyed.毁灭

Examples of Changes in the State of Matter in Eeryday Life

1 Evaporation (change from liquid to gas) causes wet 湿 clothes to become dry.干

2 Melting (change from solid to liquid) causes ice to melt.
3 Condensation (change from gas to liquid) causes the formation of dew 露珠 on leaf surfaces.
4 Boiling (change from liquid to gas) causes water to become steam.
5 Sublimation (change from solid to gas) causes dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) to change to white fog 雾 which
can be used to prevent ice cream from melting. Mothballs become smaller in size because the solid is converted
directly into gas.
6 Freezing (change from liquid to solid) causes sweet cream to solidify 固体化 to become ice cream.


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