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Motivation Letter

Being a part of Airlangga University students is a matter of pride for me. As a form of
appreciation to the campus, I volunteered to be able to contribute in the School of Mawapres
forum aimed at forming outstanding students.

I’m, Mery Puspita Sari, a nursing student at Airlangga University 2019. Being a
health worker was my dream long ago, precisely when I was in the 9th grade. Being busy
with various medical devices and patients with different characters and backgrounds made
me challenged to choose that noble profession. Through my chosen study program, of course
I have gained a lot of knowledge, especially in the health field. With the knowledge and soft
skills that I got while studying in nursing college, hopefully it can bring me to be a part of

Actually, personally I am among those who are individualists and have big ambitions.
12 years I studied education in my hometown, Lumajang. Starting from SDN Jogotrunan, to
entering favorite districts of junior high and high schools, namely SMPN 1 Sukodono and
SMAN 2 Lumajang. When I was in high school, I became active in extra-curricular activities,
especially Islamic teenagers and traditional dance. Since I was a child I really liked dancing
and had already won several dance contests such as, FLS2N District level Traditional Dance
Elementary School and FLS2N Provincial level Traditional Dance Middle School. Besides
that in the academic field, I have also been a Semifinalist in the 2018 Pharmaceutical
Competition. But I am very sad, when I was a student, I rarely participated in school
organizations. This is what drives me to be able to contribute directly to organizations on
campus so that I can get new experiences. By joining the organization I think it can increase
my ability to understand the character and background of others, so that I can adapt to
different environmental conditions.

By taking part in the Mawapres forum, I am confident that I can contribute to efforts
to advance and bring the good name of the university. I see great potential and opportunities
for the development of the world of education in the future, which requires a common
awareness, especially for the youth generation of the nation in upholding the education of the
Indonesian state. So, with that I was determined to become Mawapres.
To ensure that I can and deserve to be Mawapres, I have 5 points about my strengths,
which include being able to adapt in a new environment quickly and well, speaking well in
public, managing my time regularly, taking full responsibility, and finally can respect the
opinions of others. With the advantages that I have, I will increase again the other abilities
that are really needed in order to make me better for the future.

My vision as a student of the Faculty of Nursing, Airlangga University is to be able to

be a medical staff who cares for others, is responsible, disciplined, works hard, and provides
good health services for the community. For my mission, namely to develop achievements by
studying earnestly and increasing positive moral attitudes.

My future dream as a UNAIR student is to be the best graduate in FKP UNAIR, to

bring the name of the campus to the international arena and to become a mawapres and also a
professional nurse who is useful for the community at large. With the motto that I have is
"Work Hard, Pray Hard" as one of the sources of my motivation and my reference in order to
be able to rise in the future.

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