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Physical Education and Health: Sports


Rules of the Game: Table Tennis

A game is won by the player who first scores 11 points, unless players have
scored 10 points, in this case the first player who scores 2 points more is the
The choice of playing position and order of service are determined by a toss
The winning player has the choice whether to serve or receive first. If the
winner of the toss prefers to have first choice of playing positions, the
opponent has the choice of whether to serve first or receive first or vice
The server is only given two consecutive services before the opponent takes
place in doing the service. At the score of 11 all, the receiver becomes the
server and the server becomes the receiver, and so, after each point until the
end game.
The game is played with 4 out of 7 matches, wherein players need to win four
sets to be declared winner of the match.

A good service is delivered by projecting the ball from the free hand and the
projection starts from above the playing surface. The ball must be resting at
the palm of the free hand which is flat and the thumb free of the fingers.
A good return of a served ball must be struck by the receiver on the first
bounce so that it passes directly over or around the net and touches directly
on top of the opponent’s table.

A point is awarded to the opponent in the following circumstances:
1. Failure to make a good service, unless a let is declared.
2. Failure to make a good return of a good service.
3. If the player’s freehand touches the playing surface while in play.
4. If the player, the racket or any wearing apparel moves the playing surface
while in play or touches the net.
5. If a player strikes the ball twice in succession.
6. If the server stamps a foot during the service.

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A let, which is then replayed, is called in the following cases:
1. If the served ball touches the net or its support, provided that the service
would otherwise have been good or volleyed by the receiver.
2. If a service is delivered when the receiver is not ready.
3. If either player is prevented by an accident not under his or her control
from serving a good service or making a good return.

In play
The ball is in play from the moment it is projected from the hand in service
until one of the following has occurred:
1. It has touched one court twice consecutively.
2. Touched each court alternately without having been struck by the racket
3. It has been struck by either player more than once consecutively.
4. It touched any object other than the net and support.
5. When it comes in contact with the racket or the racket hand below the
6. It has touched either player or anything the players wear or carry except
the racket.

How to play the game

Start of the game
Before the game begins, a player from each end shall toss for serve. A coin
can be used to determine who should be the first to serve, as the winning
side may choose from the option service or receive.
Scoring used is “rally point,” meaning every fault is a point. All double games,
as well as men’s singles, are played to 21 points, and the side that first scored
2 points in advantage, wins the game.
Every match consists of 3-5 sets and the player/team must win 2 out of 3 sets
to be declared as winner of the match.

Change of ends
Players change ends at the beginning of the second set and third set if
necessary. In the third set, players change ends when either player first
reaches eight (8) points in game of 15 points.
In scoring for singles as well as doubles, all even numbers must be served at
the right side of the court and odd numbers at the left side. If players forget
to change end as prescribed, they should do so as soon as the mistakes are
Physical Education and Health: Sports

Service Rotation for Singles and Doubles

o Singles serve and receive in the right service court.
o In doubles, the service is determined by the serving team’s score and
by the court position of each player at the beginning of the game.
o The first service must go diagonally and is always from the right
service court to the opponent’s right service court.
o The server changes court after every point made and the receiving
side changes court in singles. In doubles, the receiving side does not
change position.
o The winning team serves first in the next game. In doubles, either
player of the winning side may serve first in the next game and either
player of the losing side may be in the right court to receive.

A team that violates the rules is charged with a fault, and every fault is a
point. If the serving team commits a fault, a side-out is served.
The following are considered faults:
o If service is not correct
o If the server misses the ball
o If, on a serve, the ball is caught in or on the net either before or after
passing over the net.
o If in play, shuttle lands outside the boundary lines, fails to pass the
net, touches the roof or ceiling or walls.
o When a player touches the net, table or its support with any part of
the body, racket or clothing.
o If a player misbehaves or repeated misconduct during the game.
o Deliberately distracting an opponent by an action such as shouting or
make faces.

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