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Political Search about Brazil

1. What did the country do to tackle the issue of the pandemic COVID-19?

 Physical distancing
 Confinement measures
 Attraction of large number of people were cancelled
 Universities and schools were closed
 Services like essentials were remain
 Conducted surveys on adherence of Brazilian people to individual public health measures
 Online survey questionnaires for the confirmation of confirmed cases, hospitalize, and
 Wearing of facemask and face shields
 Body temperature checking
 Quarantine and other containment measures
 Temporary reduction of taxes on industrialized products
 Reductions to provisional measure were different for each entity that belongs to
autonomous social services, varying from 0.05% to 1.25%.
 Transfers of high amount of money to health and social expenses
 Suspension of the debts of the states to the Union
 Pharmaceutical drugs were postponed for two months by government
 Foreign Trade Secretariat published a decree creating the Special Export License for
Combat Products from COVID-19
 Ministry of Science and Technology signed an agreement with five major
telecommunications operators to obtain information from anonymized data from cell
phones and monitor agglomerations
 National Social Security Institute (INSS) extended the deadline for beneficiaries to
comply with requirements with the agency for another 60 days.
 Provisional Measure was published opening an extraordinary credit of R $ 160 million to
the Ministry of Women, Family and Human Rights to carry out actions related to
pandemic long-term emergency institution

2. Any agreements with other countries.

 Temporary elimination of import tariffs on certain personal protective equipment and

licensing requirements on certain products
 Temporary suspension of the anti-dumping duties on vacuum plastic tubes for blood
collection imported from Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States; and on
and syringes imported from China
 Temporary elimination of import licensing requirements on certain products
 Temporary exemption from the requirement of inexistence of national production for the
import of used pulmonary ventilators, vital signs monitors, infusion pumps, oximeters
and capnography and stretchers for the transport of patients
 The prior authorization of exports of a certain pharmaceutical products
 Medical, hospital and hygiene products’ exportation was prohibited
 Prohibitions and certain licensing procedure requirements on imports of used good
related actions under the Public Health Emergency of the National Concern was
 Must have export license of products as a requirement
 Export prohibition of medical, hospital and hygiene products essential to fighting the
coronavirus epidemic in Brazil
 Special export license for products essential
 Elimination of prohibitions and certain licensing procedure requirements on imports of
used goods related to actions under a Public Health Emergency of National Concern
 Export license requirement for certain products for COVID-19

3. How did the United Nation (UN) help World Health Organization (WHO)?

 Delivery of the large-scales, coordinated and comprehensive health responses

 Adoption of policies addresses the devastating socio-economy
 Adoption of policies to humanitarian
 Adoption of policies to human right aspects of the crisis
 Recovery process to put things back
 Specialization of the organization of the UN to World Health Organization
 The Article 99 of the UN Treaty
 Larger Freedom Report (2005) of UN former secretary General Kofi Anna about threats
to peace and security
 UN General Assembly approbation of Resolution 74/270 for International cooperation
 General Assembly resolution 377(V) known as Uniting for Peace Resolution

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