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Activity: Write 3 statements (claim of fact, policy and value) and state your reason/evidences

why it falls under types of claims.

1. Claim of Fact: “Safeguard is a cleansing soap that kills 99.9% bacteria on the skin” –

Safeguard PH

Reason/Evidences: On year 1980, it is already recommended by adults and parents for their kids

to use this as cleanser to different kinds of dirt on their skin or before and after eating foods.

Children use Safeguard soap to remove dirt, and toddlers to eliminate germs. According to

William Procter and James Gamble that it contains micellar deep cleaning formula that washes

away bacteria, provides essential cleansing formula that prevents spread of the bacteria.


2. Claim of Policy: “Bongbong Marcos Jr. stuck to a message of unity” – Joseph Pedrajas

Reason/Evidences: Bongbong Marcos on his latest speech talks about unity to help Filipino

people achieve their assistance in life. He also stated that it is the cultural personality of every

Filipino, and the goal of his speech is to convince everyone to self-act to different instance in life

to make our country proud. He also mentioned 17 times the word “unity” on his speech at

Amoranto Stadium. He also added about the concern about the agriculture tourism and

infrastructure’s strengths as well as to the network and internet connection in the country which

is the problem nowadays of every Filipino working and learning from gadgets.



1 Year Academic Commissioner
“Da mihi animas coetera tolle”
3. Claim of Value: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation

where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character” –

Martin Luther King Jr.

Reason/Evidences: A speech “I Have a Dream” is the speech announced by Martin Luther King

Jr. on August 28, 1963 at Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C. that tells everyone to not tolerate

discrimination in the United States. Those blacks will not be treated as poor anymore by whites,

and the will not signifies the poorest among the poor in the society. He also tells the past of the

Negros that all black people are not free to live in a healthy community. Martin Luther King Jr.

is also one of the victims of the discrimination and he stands to equality among blacks and

whites to consider the black people as human being, also a God’s children.


1 Year Academic Commissioner
“Da mihi animas coetera tolle”

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