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College of Teacher Education

Teaching Math in Intermediate Grades


A. Set

A.1. Definition of Set

 A set is a well-defined collection of distinct objects whose contents can be

clearly determined.
 The objects in a set are called the elements or members of the set.
V = {a, e, i, o, u}
 Capital letters A,B,C,…usually denote sets.
 Lower case letters a, b ,c,…denote the elements of a set.
 The order in which the elements of the set are listed is not important.

 The collection of the vowels in the word “probability”.
 The collection of real numbers that satisfy the equation.
 The collection of two-digit positive integers divisible by 5.
 The collection of whole numbers.
 The collection of integers.

NOTE: If 𝒂 is an element of a set A, we use the notation 𝒂∈𝐀 and say "a in A” or
“a an element of A". The notation 𝒂∉𝐀 indicates that “a is not an element of A”
and is often read "a is not in A".

A.2. Methods for Representing Sets

1. Rule Method (Set Builder Notation)

Example: A = {x| x is a collection of vowels in the English alphabet}
A = {x| x is an even numbers} --- A = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, …}

2. Roster Method (Tabular Method)

Example: A = {a, e, i ,o , u}

A.3. Empty Set

 A set which contains no element is called the empty or null set.

 We denote the empty set by { } or ∅.
 The set {∅} is not empty since it contains one element, the empty set.
Example: The set of real numbers x that satisfy the equation
x 2+ 1=0 ---- R = {x| x2 +1 = 0} –no elements or ∅
Subset – is a set within a given set

A = {x | x is a letter in the English alphabet}

B = {x | x is a vowel in the English Alphabet} ae i
B is a subset of A ou

A.4. Finite and Infinite Sets

 A finite set is one which can be counted.

Example: The set of two-digit positive integers has 90 elements.
A = {3, 6, 9, 12, 15} ; n(A) = 5

 An infinite set is one which cannot be counted.

Example: The set of integer multiples of the number 5.
A = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, …}; n (A) = ∞

A.5. Cardinality of Sets

 The cardinal number of set A, represented by n(A), is the number of

distinct elements in set A.
 The symbol n(A) is read “n of A.”
 For finite sets A, n(A) is the number of elements of A.
 For infinite sets A, write n(A) = ∞.
 Repeating elements in a set neither adds new elements to the set nor
changes its cardinality.

A.6. Kinds of Set

A.7. Operations on Set
B. Real Numbers

Real Numbers is a set of numbers that contains both rational and irrational
numbers. The set of the real numbers is denoted by the symbol R. The
subsets within the set of real numbers as shown in the Venn diagram below,

1) The Set of Natural or Counting Numbers

 The set of the natural numbers (also known as counting numbers)
contains the elements {1,2,3,4,5,…}
 The ellipsis “…” signifies that the numbers go on forever in that pattern.

2) The Set of Whole Numbers

 The set of whole numbers includes all the elements of the natural
numbers plus the number zero (0).
 The slight addition of the element zero to the set of natural numbers
generates the new set of whole numbers.
3) The Set of Integers
 The set of integers includes all the elements of the set of whole numbers
and the opposites or “negatives” of all the elements of the set of counting

4) The Set of Rational Numbers

 The set of rational numbers includes all numbers that can be written as a
fraction or as a ratio of integers. However, the denominator cannot be
equal to zero.
 A rational number may also appear in the form of a decimal. If a decimal
number is repeating or terminating, it can be written as a fraction,
therefore, it must be a rational number.

5) The Set of Irrational Numbers

 The set of irrational numbers can be described in many ways. These are
the common ones.
 Irrational numbers are numbers that cannot be written as a ratio of two
integers. This description is exactly the opposite of that of rational
 Irrational numbers are the leftover numbers after all rational numbers
are removed from the set of the real numbers. You may think of it as,
irrational numbers = real numbers “minus” rational numbers
 Irrational numbers if written in decimal forms don’t terminate and don’t

C. Rational Numbers

C.1. Fractions
C.1.1. Definition
A fraction simply tells us how many parts of a whole we have. You
can recognize a fraction by the slash that is written between the two
numbers. We have a top number, the numerator, and a bottom number,
the denominator.

C.1.2. Classification of Fractions

The classification of fractions are as follows:
a. Proper and Improper Fractions
Proper fractions are those fractions where the numerator is less
than the denominator. An improper fraction is a fraction where the
numerator is greater than the denominator.
b. Mixed Fractions
A mixed fraction is a fraction that is a combination of both whole
and part fractions in the same fraction. A mixed fraction has a value
that is always greater than one.

c. Like and unlike Fractions

The group of two or more fractions with the same denominators
or identical denominators are called like fractions.

C.1.3. Operations on fractions

a) Addition of Fractions
 Addition of Like Fractions - Like fractions have identical
denominators. To add the like fractions, add the values of the
numerators, keeping the denominators the same.

 Addition of Unlike Fractions - Unlike fractions have different

denominators. So, we need to convert the, unlike fractions into like
fractions. It means the fractions must have identical denominators.

To add the unlike fractions, we need to follow some steps.

1. Find the LCM of the denominators of the given unlike fractions
2. Change the denominators into the obtained LCM. This process
can change the numerators of the given, unlike fractions.
3. Now, add the numerators.

b) Subtraction of Fractions

 Subtraction of Like Fractions - To subtract the like fractions,

subtract the values of the numerators, keeping the denominators
the same.

 Subtraction of Unlike fractions – To subtract unlike fractions,

convert the given fractions to like fractions by determining the LCM
and subtract them.

c) Multiplication of Fractions

 The numerators and denominators of two fractions are multiplied

separately when they are multiplied. The first fraction’s numerator
will be multiplied by the second’s numerator, and the first fraction’s
denominator will be multiplied by the second’s denominator. In the
end, we will reduce the fraction to its lowest form if it is required.

d) Division of Fractions
 Dividing the fraction by another fraction is multiplying the first
fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction.

D. Decimal
 Decimals are used to express the whole number and fraction together. It is a set
of numbers lying between integers on a number line. They are just another way
to represent fractions in mathematics. With the help of decimals, we can write
more precise values of measurable quantities like length, weight, distance,
money, etc. The numbers to the left of the decimal point are the integers or whole
numbers and the numbers to the right of the decimal point are decimal fractions.

D.1. Types of Decimals

Decimals can be divided into different categories depending upon what

type of digits occur after the decimal point. It will depend upon whether the digits
are repeating, non-repeating, or terminating. Let us have a look at how the
decimals are categorized based on their type here.

a. Terminating decimals: Terminating decimals mean it does not reoccur

and end after a finite number of decimal places. For example:
543.534234, 27.2, etc.

b. Non-terminating decimals: It means that the decimal numbers have

infinite digits after the decimal point. For example,
54543.23774632439473747..., 827.79734394723... etc. The non-
terminating decimal numbers can be further divided into 2 parts:

c. Recurring decimal numbers: In recurring decimal numbers, digits repeat

after a fixed interval. For example, 94346.374374374..., 573.636363... etc.

d. Non-recurring decimal numbers: In non-recurring decimal numbers, digits

never repeat after a fixed interval. For example 743.872367346..,
7043927.78687564... and so on.
D.2 Operations on Decimals

a. Addition of Decimals
 To add decimals, align the decimal numbers according to their place
values one below the other, keeping the decimal point intact, and then
add the numbers.

b. Subtraction of Decimals
 For the operation of subtraction in decimals, the rule of carryover is
followed as in the normal whole numbers.
Step 1: Write the numbers, such that the decimals are lined perfectly.
Step 2: Write zeroes in the places wherever the length of decimal
numbers is not the same.
Step 3: Now subtract the decimal numbers and find the output to

c. Multiplication of Decimals
 Multiplication of decimals is done by ignoring the decimal point and
multiply the numbers, and then the number of decimal places in the
product is equal to the total number of decimal places in both the
given numbers.

d. Division of Decimals
 Dividing Decimals is similar to dividing whole numbers, except for
keeping in mind the position of the decimal point. When we divide
decimals, we change the divisor to a whole number by moving the
decimal point all the way to the right. Then, we move the decimal
point of the dividend up to the same number of places to the right and
divide the resultant numbers in the normal way as we do regular

E. Percentage
 Percentages are fractions with 100 as the denominator. In other words,
it is the relation between part and whole where the value of whole is
always taken as 100. It is a fraction with 100 as the denominator and is
represented by the symbol "%".
For example, if Sam scored 30% marks in his math test, it means that
he scored 30 marks out of 100. It is written as 30/100 in the fraction
form and 30:100 in terms of ratio.
II. Measurement

A. Metric System
 The metric system is a system of measurement that uses the meter,
liter, and gram as base units of length (distance), capacity (volume),
and weight (mass) respectively. 
To measure smaller or larger quantities, we use units derived from
the metric units

B. Conversion
 Conversion of units is the conversion between different units of
measurement for the same quantity, typically through
multiplicative conversion factors

III. Measurement and Geometric Figures

A. The Geometric Figures

 A geometric figure is any combination of points, lines, or planes. Geometric
figures are often classified as space figure, plane figure, lines, line segments,
rays, and points depending on the dimensions of the figure.
 The basic geometric plane shapes are circle, triangle, rectangle, rhombus, square
and trapezoid.
B. Measurement
IV. Polynomials

A. Basic Concepts
 A polynomial is a type of algebraic expression in which the exponents of
all variables should be a whole number. The exponents of the variables in any
polynomial have to be a non-negative integer. A polynomial comprises
constants and variables, but we cannot perform division operations by a
variable in polynomials.
 The terms of polynomials are defined as the parts of the expression that are
separated by the operators "+" or "-". For example, the polynomial expression
2x3 - 4x2 + 7x - 4 consists of four terms.
 Like terms in polynomials are those terms which have the same variable and
same power. Terms that have different variables and/or different powers are
known as unlike terms.
 The highest or greatest exponent of the variable in a polynomial is known as
the degree of a polynomial. The degree is used to determine the maximum
number of solutions of a polynomial equation (using Descartes' Rule of
 Polynomials can be categorized based on their degree and their power.
Based on the numbers of terms, there are mainly three types of polynomials,
namely; Monomials, Binomials and Trinomials
B. Operations on Polynomial
1. Addition of Polynomial. When dealing with the addition of polynomials, one
needs to pair up like terms and then add them up. 

2. Subtraction of Polynomial. To subtract a polynomial from another, just

change the signs of all the terms of the polynomial to be subtracted and then
add the resultant terms to the other polynomial.

3. Multiplication of Polynomial.  To multiply to polynomials, we just multiply

every term of one polynomial with every term of the other polynomial and
then add all the results. 

4. Division of Polynomial. The division of polynomials is an arithmetic

operation where we divide a given polynomial by another polynomial which is
generally of a lesser degree in comparison to the degree of the dividend. 

V. Educational Theories in Teaching Mathematics

1. Experiential learning
 The key aspect of this theory is that knowledge is created through the
transformation of experience (Kolb & Kolb, 2009). 

 There are various models for this, often based on 4 stages, for example
Kolb’s experiencing/noticing – interpreting/reflecting – generalizing / judging
– applying / testing, and the Shewart/Deming cycle of plan, do, reflect, act.
Wilson (2012) notes that the experiences of learning can be both formal and

 Some Well-known Theorists: John Dewey, David Kolb, Kurt Lewin

Key features Explanation

Experiential learning is spiral-like where students can
1. Experience is the foundation for
learn from experience over and over again, so that
experience reinforces and conceptualizes learning.
Learning is a process of transforming our experiences
and internalizing them to form our  knowledge, skill,
2. Learning is the transformation of attitudes, values and emotions. Learning is best
experience into knowledge, skill, facilitated by a process that draws out the students’
attitudes, values and emotions beliefs and ideas about a topic so that they can be
examined, tested and integrated with new, more refined
The continued reflection upon earlier experiences is
3. Reflection is the means of needed in order to add to and transform our experiences
transforming experience into deeper understanding and reinforce them into
A learner goes through all phases in the learning
process –  experiencing, reflecting, thinking, and acting
– in a recursive process that is responsive to the
4. Learning takes place through a
learning situation and what is being learned. Immediate
cycle of concrete experience,
or concrete experiences are the basis for observations
reflective observation, abstract
and reflections. These reflections are assimilated and
conceptualization and active
distilled into abstract concepts from which new
implications for action can be drawn. These implications
can be actively tested and serve as guides in creating
new experiences.
This theory overlaps and intersects with constructivist
theories of learning whereby social knowledge is
5. Knowledge is created through the
created and recreated in the personal knowledge of the
transformation of experience
learner. Education must be conceived as a continuing
reconstruction of experience.
Source: Kolb & Kolb (2009), Conole, Dyke, Oliver & Seale (2004).

2. Situated Cognition

 Situated cognition, who’s best known theorist is John Seely Brown, focuses
on how knowledge is embedded in the activity, context, and culture in
which it was learned (Brown, Collins & Duguid, 1989).
 Learning is social and not isolated. Rather, people learn while interacting
with each other through shared activities and through language as they
discuss, share knowledge, and problem-solve during these tasks (a form of
socio-cultural learning). 
 Some Well-known Theorists: John Seely Brown, Allan Collins, Paul

Key features Explanation

The context needs to be all embracing, to provide the
1. Providing authentic contexts and
purpose and motivation for learning, and to provide a
activities that reflect the way the
sustained and complex learning environment that can be
knowledge will be used in real-life
explored at length.
Authentic learning environments provide access to such
2. Providing access to expert
expert thinking and performances, allowing students to
performances and the modelling of
observe the task before it is attempted and to access the
modelling of processes.
Opportunities are provided for students to work in small
3. Supporting collaborative groups or pairs. Such an arrangement allows students to
construction of knowledge ‘put their heads together’ on problems, and to fully
articulate their progress as they go about the task.
The role of the teacher is one of coaching and scaffolding
4. Providing coaching and – observing students, modelling, providing resources,
scaffolding at critical times offering hints and reminders, providing feedback, and so
on – rather than a didactic one
Students are required to reflect upon a broad base of
5. Promoting reflection to enable
knowledge to solve problems, and to predict,
abstractions to be formed
hypothesize, and experiment to produce a solution
Source: Herrington & Oliver (1995)

3. Constructivism
 Constructivist theory asserts that learners actively construct or create
their own subjective representations of objective reality, and link new
information to prior knowledge. 
 Some Well-known Theorists:  Lev Vygotsky, Jean Piaget, John Dewey,
Jerome Bruner

Key features Explanation

Keeping learners active doing meaningful activities results in
high-level processing, which facilitates the creation of
1. Learning should be an active and
personalized meaning. Asking learners to apply the
meaningful process
information in a practical situation is an active process, and
facilitates personal interpretation and relevance.
Knowledge construction is facilitated by good interactive
2. Learners should construct their own
instruction, since the students have to take the initiative to
knowledge rather than accepting that given
learn and to interact with other students and the instructor, and
by the instructor
because the learning agenda is controlled by the student.
Working with other learners gives learners real-life experience
3. Collaborative and cooperative learning
of working in a group, and allows them to use their
should be encouraged to facilitate
metacognitive skills. Learners will also be able to use the
constructivist learning
strengths of other learners, and to learn from others.
4. Learners should be given control of the There should be a form of guided discovery where learners
learning process and time and opportunity are allowed to make decision on learning goals, but with some
to reflect guidance from the instructor. Learners should be given time
and opportunity to reflect. When learning, students need the
time to reflect and internalize the information.
Learning is the development of new knowledge, skills, and
attitudes as the learner interacts with information and the
environment. Interaction is also critical to creating a sense of
5. Learning should be interactive to presence and a sense of community for online learners, and to
promote higher-level learning and social promoting transformational learning. Learning should be made
presence, and to help develop personal meaningful for learners. The learning materials should include
meaning examples that relate to students, so that they can make sense
of the information. Assignments and projects should allow
learners to choose meaningful activities to help them apply
and personalize the information.
Source: Ally (2004)

4. Connectivism
 The concept of connectivism is based on the idea that Internet
technologies have created new opportunities for people to learn and share
information across networks.
 Learners develop knowledge through peer networks and online, and these
connections are more important than our current state of knowing
(Siemens, 2004).
 Some Well-known Theorists: George Siemens, Stephen Downes

Key features Explanation

1. A stimulating and motivating learning Learners should be able to cognitively interact
activity that asks of and allows for learners
and engage to create or modify artefacts, and
to create artefacts in personal networks engage deeply with others while reflecting on
linked to other social networks these artefacts.
2. A technologically- supported The learner uses technological tools such as
environment that supports meaningful blogs, wikis and social networks to participate in
dialogue and collaboration learning. These tools engage with others to
share and support learning.
3. Learners use diverse information Learners learn how to navigate the networking
sources offline and online, formal and terrain by identifying the right resource nodes
informal (people or information).
In a connectivist learning context, each learner
4. Leveraging skills that are transferable should be assisted by a facilitator, peers,
across media, platforms and tools to experts, and non-human support mechanisms to
expand students’ learning networks create and maintain a personal learning network
(PLN) immersed in other networks.
Learner–content and learner–group interactions
5. Developing a dynamic, technology-
occur at a deeper level. The technological,
based knowledge community and learning
social and conceptual grid is tightened as
network wherein students critically
learners aggregate, make decisions, reflect, and
evaluate and synthesize concepts,
build a coherent understanding of information
opinions and perspectives
1. X is the set of multiples of 3, Y is the set of multiples of 6, Z is the set of multiples of 9, which
one of the following is true? (⊂ means "subset")
a. X ⊂ Y
b. X ⊂ Z
c. Z ⊂ Y
d. Z ⊂ X

2. What does this symbol “∩”, mean?

a. Intersection
b. Union
c. Is a member of
d. Universal set

3. The symbol ∅ means

a. Universal set
b. Null set
c. Union of sets
d. Intersection of sets

4. Given that X = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, how many subsets are contained in X?

a. 5
b. 25
c. 32
d. 64

5. How can -7.5 best be classified?

a. Rational, real
b. Irrational, real
c. Rational
d. Irrational

6. 1,378,472,706 and best be classified as what?

a. Natural, whole integer, rational
b. Whole, integer, rational
c. Rational
d. Natural, whole, integer, rational, real

7. What is the definition of integers?

a. Numbers you count on your fingers and toes
b. Natural numbers and zero
c. Terminating or repeating decimals
d. Whole numbers and their opposites

8. – 5 - (- 3) is equal to
a. – 8
b. 8
c. –2
d. 2
9. It is an instructional approach that propagate the idea that students are more inclined to learn
when they actively participate in the learning experience
a. Situated learning
b. Experiential learning
c. Cooperative learning
d. Group learning

10. It is defined as the process whereby knowledge created through transformation of experience.
a. Experiential learning
b. Cooperative learning
c. Group learning
d. Situated learning
11. It is one of the experiential learning cycle, wherein students practice the learning they have
gained in their experience.
a. Concrete experience
b. Active Experience
c. Reflective Experience
d. Situated Experience

12. The following are the advantages or benefits of experiential learning except for
a. students learn to work more effectively together,
b. Placing learners in realistic settings
c. Increase students engagement and participation
d. Students have the opportunity to be more creative

13. What is the correct sequence for experiential learning cycle?

a. Concrete, active, reflective, abstract
b. Concrete, reflective, abstract, active
c. Concrete, reflective, active, abstract
d. Concrete, abstract, reflective, active

14. What is Reflection?

a. A process of understanding and evaluating a situation within the context of prior
knowledge and experiences to critique future skills, outcomes, or behaviors
b. A process of conscious thought on what is being learned, not only as a passive learner but a
an active contributor to the overall learning capability.
c. This occurs when the health professional introspectively considers an activity while
performing it so change can be made within the moment.
d. This occurs when the clinician introspectively analyses an activity after it has been
completed to learn from it for the future.
15. What is Reflective Learning?
a. This occurs when the clinician introspectively analyses an activity after it has been
completed to learn from it for the future.
b. A process of understanding and evaluating a situation within the context of prior
knowledge and experiences to critique future skills, outcomes, or behaviors
c. This occurs when the health professional introspectively considers an activity while
performing it so change can be made within the moment.
d. A process of conscious thought on what is being learned, not only as a passive learner but
an active contributor to the overall learning capability.

16. What is constructivism

a. The teacher is the most important person in the class
b. The teacher does all the research
c. Learners create their own knowledge
d. It is a traditional model

17. Which one is not a constructivism class activity?

a. Allow student to teach each other
b. Learners find the solution to a problem
c. Students hear the teacher presenting the class
d. Students work together in small groups

18. Which of the following is not true of Hindi – Arabic system of numeration?
a. The position of the digit in a number dictates its value.
b. It is additive in nature
c. It follows the base 2 system
d. It is multiplicative in nature.

19. Which of the following statements us true regarding “Numeral” and “Number”?
Statement A. A numeral is a symbol used to represent numbers.
Statement B. Same number can be represented by different numerals
a. A is correct and B is incorrect
b. B is correct and A is incorrect
c. Both A and B are correct
d. Both A and B are incorrect

20. The Zone of Proximal Development was introduced by _________________

a. Ivan Pavlo
b. Jerome Bruner
c. Jean Piaget
d. Lev Vygotsky

21. Scaffolding can be done through the following methods, EXCEPT…

a. Grouping
b. Think out loud
c. Question
d. Modeling

22. Constructivism classroom is _______________

a. Teacher centered
b. Activities centered
c. Learners centered
d. Questions centered

23. Which is not the student role in the constructivism classroom?

a. Active
b. Collaborator
c. Passive
d. Self – monitoring

24. Discovery Learning can be describe as

a. Findings things out for themselves, looking into problems, and asking questions.
b. Inquiry-Based Instruction.
c. Seeking answers and solutions.
d. Passive instructional technique

25. Inquiry-Based Instruction is a method that ca be utilized in

a. Experiential Learning
b. Discovery Learning
c. Constructivism
d. Cooperative Learning

26. Problem solving can be described as

a. learn to analyze and interpret the acquired information
b. promotes autonomy and independence
c. the process of finding solutions to difficult or complex issues.
d. does not focus on finding the right result

27. What is cooperative learning?

a. A technique of inquiry – based learning
b. A means of instructing whereby the teachers actively involve the students in their learning
c. An educational approach which aims to organize classroom activities into academic and
social learning experiences
d. A method of teaching in which content, instructional technology and pace of learning are
based upon the abilities and interest of each learner

28. The followings are the advantages of cooperative learning, except :

a. Some students may not do their fair share of work
b. Provide experiences that develop both good learning skills and social skills
c. Build positive relationships among students
d. Provide individual attention and assistance to one another

29. The followings are the examples of cooperative learning, except :

a. Think-pair share
b. Jigsaw
c. Project-based learning
d. Problem-based learning

30. How many thousands make a million?

a. 100
b. 1000
c. 10000
d. 100000

31. Estimate the difference of 15875 - 7892 by rounding off each number to nearest hundreds.
a. 7983
b. 8000
c. 8100
d. 7900

32. Joey is 25 years old and Nelson is 59 years old...What is the sum of their ages in roman

33. The ascending order of XX , XXXVI , V , XXI is

a. XXXVI , XXI , XX , V
b. V , XXI , XX , XXXVI
c. XXI , XX , V , XXXVI
d. V , XX , XXI , XXXVI

34. When a Roman numeral of smaller value is put between two numbers of greater value, it is
subtracted from the numeral on its ____________
a. Left
b. Right
c. Both sides
d. Next numeral from the left

35. This quarter, a survey of 100 students at a local college finds the following: 50 take math, 40
take English, 30 take history, 15 take English and math, 10 take English and history, 10 take
math and history, and 5 take all three subjects. How many students taking math but not the
other two subjects.(use a Venn diagram to determine the answer)
a. 30
b. 10
c. 60
d. 25

36. A lesson plan is

a. a sheet of paper given by a teacher to students that lists tasks for the students to
b. the instructor's road map of what students need to learn and how it will be done effectively
during the class time.
c. the instructor's road map of what students need to learn and how it will be done effectively
during the class time.
d. a sheet of paper given by a teacher to students that lists tasks for the students to

37. A successful lesson plan addresses and integrates three key components:
a. Learning Objectives, Learning activities, and Assessment to check for student
b. Learning Objectives, List of learners and teachers, and Assessment to check for student
c. Learning Objectives, Learning activities, and List of learners and teachers

38. A lesson plan includes activities before, during, and after the class. Which activity should be
done before the class?
a. Identify the learning objectives
b. Share the lesson plan with students
c. Reflect on what worked well or didn't work well and why
d. Stare at your students and count them quietly

39. Which learning activity may help learners' problem solving and critical thinking?
a. Real-world projects
b. Quiz
c. Discussion
d. Drill and Practice

40. Which learning activity may encourage learners' interaction with others?
a. Reflection
b. Drill and Practice
c. Discussion
d. Quiz

41. Which learning activity may encourage learners' thinking about their learning?
a. Quiz
b. Reflection Journal
c. Drill and Practice
d. Simulation

42. In teaching a lesson, which activity should be done first?

a. Gain Attention
b. Inform learner of objectives
c. Present Content
d. Practice
e. Assess performance

43. In teaching a lesson, the last activity that should be done last is
a. Gain Attention
b. Inform learner of objectives
c. Present Content
d. Practice
e. Assess performance

44. A _____________ is a symbol, usually a letter that stands for a number.

a. Coefficient
b. Variable
c. Expression
d. Term

45. It consists of one or more numbers, variables, and operations.

a. Numeric expression
b. Term
c. Variable
d. Algebraic expression

46. Simplify : (6y – 5) – (3 + 3y)

a. 3y – 8
b. – 3y – 8
c. 8y – 8
d. 9y – 8
47. Simplify : (7x + 2y + z) - (5x + 2y + 4z)
a. 2x + y + 5z
b. 12x – 5z
c. 2x – 3z
d. 2x + 5z

48. What is the degree classification of the polynomial x 2+ 4x – 8?

a. Binomial
b. Quadratic
c. Trinomial
d. Cubic

49. Find the sum (3 - 2x + 2x2) + (4x -5 +3x2).

a. 7 – 7x – 5x2
b. 5x2
c. 5x2 + 2x – 2
d. 5x2 + 6x – 8

50. Solve. (x+2) (x+3)

a. x2 + 5x + 6
b. x2 + 6x + 6
c. x2 + 6
d. x2 + 5x + 5

51. Which one is the best to describe Problem Based Learning?

a. PBL is a student-centered approach, a learning that involves groups of students working to
solve a real-world problem.
b. PBL is a student-centered approach to solve a real-world problem.
c. PBL is a teacher-centered approach, a learning that involves group of students working to
solve a real-world problem.
d. PBL is a teacher-centered approach to solve a real-world problem.

52. Which one is the advantages of practicing PBL in class?

a. Get the chance to ignore teachers
b. Develop a selfish trait in students
c. Will work alone forever
d. Improve teamwork abilities

53. Experiential learning is based on the principle;

a. learning by completing the notes and being attentive in class
b. learning by doing
c. learning through a teacher
d. learning by doing revision again and again

54. Which of the following is NOT an effective engagement strategy?

a. Sit and lecture
b. Sharing ideas
c. Adding choice
d. Allowing movements
55. What should a teacher consider when establishing a Student-Centered learning environment?
a. Pick one or two strategies to try and make changes as needed.
b. Find a colleague to plan with and share ideas
c. Continue learning through workshops and professional literature.
d. All of the above mentioned activities.

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