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Experiencia de Aprendizaje N° 03

“We promote economic activities to better face the effects of the pandemic
by taking care of our pachamama”


PROPÓSITO DE LA ACTIVIDAD: Crea una entrevista para crear conciencia sobre un problema que afecta al mundo o a tu
PRODUCTO DE LA EDA 3: Elabora un producto de material reciclable con su respectivo anuncio publicitario de venta.
C3: Escribe diversos tipos de textos en inglés como lengua extranjera
 La entrevista incluye una introducción, descripción del problema y una conclusión o
frase de cierre.
 La entrevista incluye un mensaje final y una cita relacionada con el problema.

Step 1: Read again your graphic organizer and remember the information from last week.
Step 2: Use the sentences you wrote in your graphic organizer last week, and add recommendation to fight the
problem. Follow the example.

Example: People have few job opportunities because they drop out of school. We should help people
finish high school!

Step 3: Write your interview. Check the texts in section “Listen andread” above,
consider both parts the interviewer and the interviewee lines. Use the
following template if you want to:

Suggested template

1. Introduction (Greetings and general biographical information).

2. Presentation of the problem in your community.

(What is the problem? When did you notice the problem?

3. Detailed information (What are the causes? Who does the problem affect? Why did you get
involved? How did you start? You can use the sentences from Step 2 here).

4. Calls for action (What should be done? You can use the sentences from Step 2 here).

5. Message (What is your personal message to your audience?).

6. Quote (Be creative and look for your own inspiring quote).

7. Farewell.
Your interview should have the following characteristics or criteria:

Characteristics or criteria YES NO

1. The interview is about a problem from your graphic organizer from last
2. The interview includes at least three sentences with causes, effects and
recommendations to fight the problem.
3. The interview includes recommendation using “should” or “shouldn’t”
4. The interview includes a final message and a quote related to the
5. The interview includes an introduction, description of the problem and a
conclusion or closing sentence.

Can I do it? Not at all Somewhat Well Very Well

1. 1. Can I identify key details in an

2. Can I match the global problems
with the actions taken by the
3. Can I give advice about how to
deal with a problem using
“should”, “shouldn’t”?
4. Can I write an interview in English
to raise awareness about a
specific problem in my

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