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SCENE-3 Intern: Excuse me.

Doctor, what is she

doing in here?
Police Officer: Hey, buddy, she saved his
Midge: You saved his life?
Lucy: Well, yeah, yeah, but I, uh,
Ox: I thought he was pushed off a train
Police Officer: She jumped on the tracks.
Saul: You jumped on the tracks?
Lucy: Yeah.
Intern: Doctor it's supposed to be family
Ox: Don't tell me about passes. Where the only.
hell is he? Ox: She is family.
Everybody: Oh, my God. What is this? Ox: Dr. Rubin: She's the fiancee, you idiot.
This is my son. How is he? Lucy: Okay, look, I'm, I'm sorry. You, you,
Midge: Oh, how depressing. really don't understand, but.....
Dr.Rubin: You can't come bursting into Elsie: You know, I'm awfully sorry because,
this unit. you know, we really, we, we haven't seen
Midge: He'll be all right, right? Right? Ox: him for a long time, so we didn't know. I
What happened? What's going on? Dr. always wanted him to find a nice girl. I'm so
Rubin: He's in a coma. glad he found you. Oh, Peter.
Midge: On Christmas Day?! Jesus. Lucy: Wh-why did you say that?
Dr. Rubin: His vital signs are strong. His Wanda: Say what?
brain waves are good. I think he's gonna get Lucy: I'm not his fiancee.
through this. Wanda: Why did you tell me that you
Saul: Are you a specialist? were?
Midge: How did this happen? Lucy: I'm not engaged. I've never even
Lucy: Um, he was pushed from the spoken to the guy.
platform at the train station. Wanda: What?! Well, do-, downstairs, you
Ox: Who's she? said, you said you were gonna marry him.
Wanda: She's his fiancee. Lucy: Oh, geez, I was talking to myself.
Midge: His fiancee? Wanda: Well, next time you talk to
Wanda: Yeah. yourself, tell yourself you're single and end
Mary: Peter's fiancee? the conversation.
Elise: Yeah. I thought.... Lucy: What am I gonna do?
Lucy: No, he w... he wa... No, no, you don't, Wanda: I don't know.
y-you don't understand. I'm.... Lucy: she held me so tight that, you know, I
Elsie: Maybe he was busy? couldn't, I couldn't tell her.
Ox: Oh, too busy to tell his own mother he's Wanda: I know. I know.
getting married? Saul: Excuse me. Nurse, is there a
Elise: All right. Don't yell at him. pharmacy in the hospital? Uh, wh-what do
Ox: I'm not yelling at him! Uh, i-if only you need?
Jack were here. He'd know what to do. Saul: Elsie. She wants, uh, nitroglycerine.
Dr. Rubin: Is she okay? Wanda: Oh, for her heart problem?
Saul: She's got a little heart problem, you Saul: Problem? Problems. You know
know? She's had three attacks already. They something'? I think you saved her life. In
weren't attacks. They were episodes. Nothin' fact I think you saved the whole family.
wrong with her hearing. Bless you.
Lucy: Huh? specialist /speʃəlɪst/ : A specialist is a person who has
Wanda: Why don't you come with me? I'll a particular skill or knows a lot about a particular
take you down there. Ex) We brought a pecialist over from Korea.
Elise: So, tell us how you met Peter. be supposed to : be expected or required to do
Midge: Ma, she doesn't wanna talk about something by rules, the law, an agreement.
that now, okay? ex) He was supposed to call her at six.
Elsie: Why not? We could all use a nice nitroglycerine: 협심증에 특효약. 혈관 확장을 통해
심장의 경련 감소시킴.
story. could all use : ~이 필요하다. ~했으면 좋겠다. (need
Saul: How do you know it was nice? 보다 공손한 표현)
Elise: Of course it was nice. Why shouldn't ex) I could use a hot bath.
it be nice? price of eggs: 달갈의 가격같이 싸고 대수롭지
Saul: What about that other girl? What's her 않다는 표현
high and mighty : 지위가 있고 권세가 있는 사람들,
name? The one he met in the bar. Elise:
오만한 사람들
Well, what's that got to do with the price of ex) She was acting all high and mighty after coming
eggs? back from America.
Ox: Ashley Bartlett Bacon. Ox. All I know
is she was pretty high and mighty for
someone named after breakfast meat.
Midge: Well, he has a nice girl now.
Mary: So, did you steal him from Ashley? I
bet it was love at first sight. Right? I have a
sense about these things.
Saul: Elsie, let her tell it.
Elsie: She is telling it. I bet that he picked
you up in that fancy car of his. Midge:
What was it about him that, you know, first
struck you?
Lucy: It was his, uh, smile.
Ox: They're caps. Six hundred bucks a
tooth. Shh!
Lucy: Well, um, we saw each other and,
um, he uh, smiled. And I knew that my life
would never be the same.
Joe Jr.: So.... Tomorrow night, eight
Lucy: What?
Joe Jr: I got Ice Capades. I know a guy.

3.1 Expression & NEW WORD

burst into /b3:st |ɪntu/: 우르르 밀려들다.
ex) The demonstration broke into the National
Assembly Building.
coma /|koʊmə/ : someone who is in a coma is in a
state of deep unconsciousness
Ex) She drifted in and out of a deep coma.
vital sign /vaɪtl saɪn/: 활력징후(사람이 살아 있음을
보여주는 호흡, 체온, 심장 박동등의 측청치)
ex) The patient’s vital signs were closely monitored
get through /get θru:/ to survive a difficult or
unpleasant experience or period in your life.
ex) Quitting is not going to help you get through this.

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