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SCENE-4 Elise: Lucy! Hi!

We didn't know you were

Lucy: Hi.
Ox: Were you here all night?
Lucy: Yeah.
Elise: You're like me. I could always sleep
Saul: And believe me, she has.
Mary: Way to go, Gram.
Midge: So, how's Peter?
Lucy: Oh, well, he's got more color.
Ox: He has some color. Looks like he has
some color.
Lucy: Hi. Um... bet you're wondering what Lucy: Yeah. Well, I-I have to go. So, it was
I'm doing here in the middle of the night, great to see you guys again.
huh? Well, I thought I should introduce Ox: We didn't get to, uh, celebrate
myself. My name's Lucy. Lucy Eleanor Christmas. So, uh, it would be nice if you
Moderatz. Um, I think you should know could join us.
your family thinks we're engaged. Never Lucy: Oh, um.... Oh, I would love to, but I
been engaged before. This is all very sudden can't....
for me. Um...what, but what I really came Mary: Jack's gonna be there.
here, uh, to tell you was that, um... I didn't Midge: That's right, you haven't met Jack
mean for this to happen. I don't know what yet.
to do. I mean, if you were awake, I wouldn't Lucy: No, not yet.
be in this mess. Oh god, not that I'm Midge: Oh he'll be so happy to meet you.
blaming you. sorry. It's just that, you know, Ox: So, you'll come tonight?
when I was a kid, I always imagined what I Lucy: I-I-I really shouldn't because I have
would be like, or where I would be, or what to work. I can't.
I would have when I got older. And you Ox: Well, look, here. Put your phone
know, it was the normal stuff. You know. I'd number and address down there. Midge'll
have a house and family and things like that. call you and talk you into it. Lucy: Okay.
Not, you know, not that I'm complaining or And here's another card for when you
anything cause I, you know, I have a cat, change your mind. Uh, we're in the estate
have an apartment, um, sole possession of furniture business. We buy furniture from
the remote control... that's very important... dead people. Okay. All right, well, I have it.
It's just I never met anybody that I could So, bye.
laugh with. You know? Do you believe in Ox: Bye, dear. Bye. See you later.
love at first sight? Nah, I bet you don't. Man: Ma'am? Excuse me, ma'am.
You're probably too sensible for that. Or Lucy: What is this?
have you ever, like, seen somebody and you Man: I'm sorry, Mrs. Callaghan? These are
knew that if only that person really knew your husband's things.
you, they would... Well, they would, of Lucy: Oh, he's not my husband!
course, dump the perfect model that they Man: I'm sorry, um, your fiance.
were with and, realize that you were the one Clarke: Uh, you're Peter's fiancee? Lucy:
that they wanted to just grow old with. Have Okay.
you ever fallen in love somebody you Clarke: Dalton Clarke. Colleague of Peter's
haven't even talked to? You ever been so at Lubel, Parker, Jacobs and Fink.
alone you spend the night confusing a man Lucy: Mm, I have to...go now.
in a coma? Bye. Clarke: Oh, he's a, he's a great guy. He's
had a tough year. You know, well, with the
accident last month and all.
Lucy: Mm. Accident?
Clarke: Well, of course it was an accident. I
mean, it wasn't my...... Did he tell you it was
my fault? Were playin' basketball, all right?
I carry a pencil, I'm a lawyer, I do that!
Lucy: All right, okay.
Clarke: Jesus. What's he telling....
Lucy: It's gonna be okay.

4.1 Expression & NEW WORD

I didn't mean for this to happen.
= I didn’t mean it.:일부러 이런 일이 생기게 한 거
Ex) he didn’t mean to upset her.
sensible /sensəbl/: Semsible actions or decision are
good because they are based on reasons rather than
Ex) I am sensible of your feeling.
dump /dʌmp/: (애인을) 차다
ex) Did you hear he’s dumped his girlfriend?
talk into: to do it by giving them good reasons for
doing it.
ex) I didn’t want to move abroad but talked me into
estate /ɪ|steɪt/: An astate is a large area of land in the
country which is owned by a person,family, or
Ex) He landed an entry-level job in New York
commercial real estate.
colleague /kɑ:li:g/: Your colleagues are the people
you work with, especially in a professional job.
Ex) These days my colleague looks really depressed.

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