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Unit 4 Topic 7

Unit 4 Topic 7: Explore the ways biology is used to describe the cellular processes and mechanisms
that ensure the continuity of life. Describe and explain DNA structure and replication. Identify the
processes in meiosis. Explain how variation occurs in the processes involved in sexual reproduction
discuss implications of genetic screening technologies. Describe gene expression. Explain how
mutations occur and later genotype. Use probability models for inheritance problems. Describe
recombinant DNA and its use in biotechnology. Explain the polymerase chain reaction and gel
electrophoresis and their use in practical applications.
Prokaryote and Eukaryote DNA The mRNA then has to leave the nucleus and go
The genome of prokaryotes is structurally different the cytoplasm where translation occurs.
to the genome of eukaryotes with the amount of While in the nucleus there is extensive RNA
DNA in a prokaryote being considerably less than processing with RNA splicing removing introns
the amount of DNA in a eukaryote. which are long noncoding stretches of nucleotides.
Prokaryote DNA DNA In organelles
• Is located in circular ring in the nucleoid region Some organelles in eukaryotes contain DNA. The
of the cytoplasm and lack the histone protein genes in these organelles are called extranuclear
framework of eukaryote cells. genes and have the ability to reproduce themselves.
• Prokaryotes also have plasmids which are Mitochondrial DNA
smaller rings of DNA that contain a limited Cylinder shaped organelles that vary in size from 2
number of genes. to 8 micrometres in length and are the site of
• Prokaryote ribosomes are slightly smaller than aerobic respiration.
eukaryote ribosomes and have different protein They have a double membrane with the inner
and RNA. membrane infolded to form cristae.
In DNA replication the process starts at the origin of They can give rise to other mitochondria by growth
replication site and continues form the two forks at and division.
each end of the replication bubble. Mitochondria contain a ring of DNA (mtDNA) like
There are no telomeres as prokaryote DNA is prokaryotes and the dimensions of mitochondria is
circular with no ends that can be eroded with each similar to the size of prokaryotes.
replication process. The inheritance of mtDNA from one generation to
When the DNA code is used in protein synthesis the the next doesn’t involve both parents and has been
processes of translation starts while transcription is used to track ancestry and evolutionary trees.
still in progress. The analysis of mtDNA has been used to track the
When the protein has been synthesised it quickly migration of different human populations following
diffuses to its site of function. the female line back through many generations.
Eukaryote DNA Endosymbiotic theory
The chromosomes containing DNA of eukaryotes Suggests that mitochondria arose as a symbiotic
are found inside the nuclear membrane in the relationship between a free-living heterotrophic
nucleus and are packaged with large amounts of bacterium with aerobic respiration that entered a
protein with about one half of the protein present larger cell- either a larger prokaryote or an
being histone. eukaryote and both then existed in a mutualistic
The DNA- protein complex is called chromatin, partnership.
Plasmids are found in some eukaryotes
DNA in Plastids
In eukaryotes DNA replication is initiated at many A group of closely related plant organelles that
points along the chromosomes. includes chloroplasts, chromoplasts and
• A framework of fibres throughout the nucleus amyloplasts. Plastids contain pigments such as
that anchor the parental strands of DNA during chlorophylls and carotenoids.
the DNA replication process. • Chloroplasts have a double membrane with the
• Telomeres are protective structures with inner membrane giving rise to branching
repetitive codes that are found at the ends of lamellae that forms thylakoids.
eukaryotic chromosomes. • They contain the green pigments chlorophyll a
• the nucleotide sequence in telomeres is nit a and chlorophyll b which trap light energy for
gene code but multiple repetitions of a short photosynthesis.
sequence that is eroded with each replication. • Chloroplasts contain a ring of DNA like
• Since eukaryotic DNA is in linear chromosomes prokaryotes and the dimension of chloroplasts is
and DNA polymerase can only add to the 3’ end similar to the size of prokaryotes.
of an existing chain, each replication involves • Chloroplasts may have arisen as a symbiotic
the erosion of the 5’ ends of the daughter DNA between a free-living photosynthetic bacterium
strand. that entered a larger cell – either a larger
• Telomeres act as a buffer and increase the time prokaryote or an eukaryote.
before genes bear the ends of DNA molecules Amyloplasts: colourless plastids common in storage
start to be eroded. organs, turn into chloroplasts.
When the DNA code is used in protein synthesis Chromoplasts: coloured plastids with non-
transcription occurs in the nucleus where the code photosynthetic pigments common in fruits and
is transcribed onto mRNA. flower petals and in carrot root tissue.
Chromoplasts synthesise and store pigments.
Structure of DNA DNA Replication
To determine hereditary information was passed on DNA replication involved the semi-conservative
through proteins or deoxyribose nucleic acid (DNA). model which involves each of the two daughter
Oswald Avery: demonstrated that genes were made molecules having one old strand from the parental
of DNA and Franklin and Wilkins showed that the molecule and only one newly male strand.
DNA molecule was helical using X-ray diffraction
crystallography. Watson and Crick proposed the In the 1950’s there were three models proposed for
double helix structure for DNA. DNA replication, the conservative model where the
Each chromosome consists of many genes; each parental strands reassemble after forming a
gene is certain length of DNA molecule. To encode template that forms a new double helix, the semi-
a large amount of information, that it must be conservative model as proposed by Watson and
chemically stable and be able to make an accurate Crick and the dispersive model where both the
replication of itself, that occasional errors could daughter molecules contain a mixture of old and
occur, that substance controls and directs protein newly synthesised DNA.
The basic unit of DNA is the nucleotide; consisting
of a sugar, a phosphate and one of the 4 nitrogen Meselson- Stahl experiment
bases – adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C) or Bacteria Escherichia coli labelled with radioactive
Thymine (T). nitrogen to investigate the three models of DNA
• To form the double helix, the sides of the ladder replications.
are made up of alternating sugar and phosphate It was found that the amount of 15N in the each
molecules and the rungs consist of paired generation after cell division and replication over
nitrogen bases, several generations was consistent with the semi-
• Adenine pairs with thymine and guanine always conservative model and conformed the model of
pairs with cytosine. semi-conservative replication proposed by Watson
and Crick
The double helix is a structure where two spirals coil Process of replication
around each other keeping a constant diameter of During DNA replication the DNA molecule unwinds
the coil. It is a right handed spiral polymer. and the double helix separates into two single
Bonding in DNA strands.
The base pairs on the rungs of the ladder are held • Each single strand is a template for the
together by hydrogen bonds and by van der Waals synthesis of a complementary strand so that
interactions between the stacked baes. These adenine is opposite thymine and guanine is
hydrogen bonds break during DNA replication. opposite cytosine.
The process of replication begins at origin of
The nucleotides are joined together by covalent replication sites along a chromosome. These sites
bonds between the phosphate group of one are sections that are coded with a specific sequence
nucleotide and the sugar of the next. of nucleotides.
These bonds are called phosphodiester linkages Proteins that start DNA replication detect and attach
and occur between the -OH group on the 3’ carbon to these sections causing the two strands to
of one nucleotide and the phosphate on the 5’ separate to form a replication bubble.
carbon of the next. There is a replication fork at the end of each bubble
This means that the free ends of the DNA molecule where the unwinding process begins, and the
are different to each other with one side having a bubble opens up further in both directions.
phosphate attached to a 5’ carbon and the other Helicase enzymes untwist the double helix at the
side having a hydroxyl (OH0 group on a 3’ carbon. replication forks and break the bonds between the
two strands of DNA. The separated sections in the
Since the two strands of the double helix run in bubble act as templates for new complementary
opposite directions, they are said to be antiparallel strands.
to each other.
The phosphate groups give the nucleic acids their The beginning nucleotide chain is a short RNA
acidic properties. chain called a primer and is synthesised by the
Discovering DNA enzyme RNA primase.
Discovery of DNA, Once the primer has formed DNA polymerase
enzymes add nucleotides to the end of the existing
Nucleotides can only be added to the 3’ end of the
growing DNA strand.
This means the new strand always grows in a 5’ -> • Cross-links between DNA bases either on the
3’ direction. same DNA strand or between different DNA
The leading strand is the new DNA strand that is • Breaks in the backbone, X-rays and some
continuously synthesised in the 5’ -> 3’ direction. chemical such as peroxide cause breaks in the
The other strand us called the lagging strand and is DNA backbone.
also synthesised in the 5’ -> 3’ direction but grows Types of damage repair systems
away from the replication fork and forms There are three basic types of damage repair
discontinuously in a series of segments. systems:
The segments are called Okazaki fragments. DNA Damage reversal, damage removal, and damage
ligase enzymes join the sugar-phosphate tolerance.
backbones of the Okazaki fragments together to Damage reversal – where enzymes restore
complete the new single DNA strand. structure without breaking the backbone or if it was
a simple break in the backbone of one strand, DNA
ligase can rapidly repair the damage. In many
bacteria, insects and plants, the enzyme photolyase
The cytoplasm of the cell contains many free breaks the bond and reverses DNA damage in the
nucleotides which are used during DNA replication. presence of light
DNA polymerase proofreads each nucleotide
against its template removing incorrect nucleotides Damage removal – where the damaged section of
or catalysing the formation of bonds to join the nucleotides is cut out, removed and replaced.
correct nucleotide to the DNA strand. Glycosylase enzymes each remove a specific type
If DNA polymerase while proofreading misses a set of base damage by cutting the base-sugar bond.
of mismatched nucleotides other repair enzymes Uracil glycosylase will remove uracil from DNA.
can remove and replace the incorrect pair. Often called excision repair.

The significance of DNA replication is the large Damage tolerance – where a method is found to
amount of coded information can be copied and cope with the damage; if the thymine dimer forms; a
passed onto the next generation, providing covalent bond forms between two adjacent thymine
continuity of a species. bases, the thymine dimer will hinder DNA
The method also allows for some changes and for replication. During replication a ‘gap’ may be left on
mutations when the code is incorrectly copied. one strand, although this can be dangerous if the
cell divides.
DNA repairs itself
During DNA replication and other cellular metabolic Rate of DNA repair
activities DNA can be damaged and errors can The rate of DNA repairs depends on several factors,
occur. the age of the cell, the type of cell and the
DNA that is exposed to chemical mutagens, extracellular environment.
radiation can become damaged and needs to be
repaired. DNA replication and continuity of a species
The coding in the DNA molecule provides all the
There are several processes that correct damaged necessary information to build structural and
DNA. Repair enzymes move along the DNA functional cell components. DNA replication allows
checking the base pairs to make sure they are for coding to be passed from one generation to the
correctly matched. next.
If the DNA is not repaired it can lead to mutations,
replication errors, persistent DNA damage, genomic The replication is semi-conservative with each new
instability which lead into cancer and ageing. DNA molecule consisting of one DNA strand from
the template and one newly synthesised DNA
Types of DNA damage strand.
DNA can be damaged in several ways.
• One of the nitrogenous bases in DNA is Universality of DNA replication
modified; by the loss of an amino group Many features of DNA replication are universal; the
(deamination) such as cytosine being converted nitrogenous base pair coding not only holds the
to uracil. genetic information that will determine the features
• Mismatching of normal bases in DNA; uracil of a particular species but the adenine-thymine and
instead of thymine cytosine-guanine pairing is found across all species
Stage of meiosis What is happening
Since the backbone of the DNA molecule consists Interphase Cell growth, Chromosomes replicate
of covalently bonded 3’ carbon of one sugar to the forming identical sister chromatids
5’ phosphate of the adjacent sugar it is possible to joined at centromere. Centrosome
have molecules of indefinite length. replicates forming two centrosomes
Through there are some differences and
eukaryotic DNA which is linear with a large Prophase I Chromosomes condense. Diploid
amount of associated protein and some RNA. number of chromosomes appear as
long, thin threads, they shorten, thicken
Continuity and evolution and homologous chromosomes pair
The complementary base pairing allows DNA with each other gene by gene along
replication to produce another generation with the their length and are seen as a tetrad of
continuity of life and continuity of a species. four chromatids,
The exact replication of the code is needed in Crossing over can occur at chiasmata.
binary fission; for unicellular organisms and for Metaphase I Pairs of homologous chromosomes in
meiosis in eukaryotes for gamete formation. the form of tetrads line at the equator
with one chromatid of each pair facing
In DNA replication there is also the possibility of each pole. Assortment is random.
One homologue of tetrad is attached by
mutation; base substitution, deletion, insertion,
fibres to one pole and the other
duplication, translocation so that variation can
homologue is attached to the opposite
arise leading to evolution and speciation. pole.
e.g. there is some evidence that human Anaphase I Chromosomes move towards the poles
chromosome 2 formed by the fusion of two pulled by spindle fibres as microtubules
ancestral chromosome telomere to telomere contract. Sister chromatids stay
leading to humans having 46. attached at centromere and move as
one unit
Meiosis Telophase I and Each half of cell has complete haploid
Cell division to produce gametes- eggs and Cytokinesis set with two sister chromatids. Spindle
sperm. disappears. Cytokinesis and division of
The four daughter cells produced in meiosis are cytoplasm occurs at the same time.
haploid and not identical to the parent cell. Two haploid cells form.
Meiosis only occurs in the gonads – testes or Prophase II Spindle apparatus forms at right angles
ovaries in animals and the ovaries and another in to previous spindle. Due to earlier
flowering plants. crossing over, the two sister
chromatids may not be genetically
Meiosis involves two divisions which are usually identical
called meiosis I and meiosis II
Metaphase II Sister chromatids line up at equator
During meiosis the homologous chromosomes and attach to spindle fibres
loosely pair long their length aligning gene by
gene. Homologous chromosomes are pairs of the
same length and centromere position with one
being inherited from the father and one from the Anaphase II Centromeres separate and sister
mother. chromatids are pulled apart and mover
When the homologous chromosomes are aligned to opposite poles.
during prophase I, they form a tetrad. Chromatids now act as individual
Crossing over The law of independent assortment states that
When the homologous chromosomes are aligned alleles pf genes on nonhomologous chromosomes
forming a tetrad in prophase I, crossing over can sort independently during gamete formation. Linked
occur. genes, on the same chromosome will sort together
Crossing over involves the exchange of genetic – unless crossing over occurs.
information between two adjacent chromatids,
This occurs at the chiasmata and provides new A gamete has only one allele for each gene. During
genetic combinations and variation. meiosis the two alleles separate, this is the law of
At metaphase I, the tetrads line up at the equator of segregation.
the cell. The separation of the homologous pair with Cytokinesis occurs after meiosis to form the four
one pair moving to either pole accounts for the law daughter cells. Fertilisation involves the union of two
of independent assortment. haploid gametes.
This means the zygote is diploid,
certain sections of chromosomes, producing new
Thus, meiosis is an essential process to enable linkage groups. The point at which the
sexual reproduction to occur, provide variation and chromosomes cross and break is called the
maintain the diploid number of the species. chiasma (plural chiasmata).
Telophase II and Chromosomes reach poles and
Cytokinesis spindle disappears. Nuclei form, Cytokinesis: follows the division of the nucleus
chromosomes begin condensing, and the cell organelles are distribute. Meiosis
nuclear membrane reappears, produces haploid gametes. The diploid number is
nucleolus becomes visible, and
restored when fertilisation occurs. Random
cytokinesis occurs. Four
daughter cells form which can fertilisation also increases genetic variation.
each be genetically unique 14 Comparing Meiosis and Mitosis
Meiosis is a type of cell division that produces
Processes in Meiosis Gametes are sex cells and have half the normal
Meiosis was first discovered and described in the number of chromosomes. Mitosis is the process
19th century. in which the cell nucleus divides into 2.
Genetics: study of heredity and hereditary variation.
Meiosis is very important in providing a means for Stages in mitosis
variation can occur from one generation to the next. Mitosis begins with the chromosomes becoming
Meiosis: cell division to produce haploid daughter visible as two identical chromatids. The nuclear
cells. It is a reduction division, coming from the membrane disappears and the chromatids line up
Greek word meaning ‘make smaller’ and occurs in at the equator. The chromatids separate and
sexually reproducing organisms move to the poles carried by spindle fibres. A
nuclear membrane forms around each new
The normal number of chromosomes for a species
nucleus and cytokinesis occurs forming two
is the diploid number, or 2n, and is found in body
identical daughter cells.
cells such as muscle cells, nerve cells and epithelial
Stages in meiosis
The haploid number, or ‘n’, is half the diploid
number and is the number of chromosomes found in Like mitosis, the cell division begins with the
a gamete, or sex cell chromosomes becoming visible as long thin
For humans the diploid number is 46 which means threads which condense until they are double
that a normal body cell has 46 chromosomes. strands called chromatids joined at the
During interphase before meiosis the chromosomes The nuclear membrane disappears. However, in
replicate. When meiosis begins the chromosomes the first division, the chromosomes line up in
appear as long threads that shorten and thicken to homologous pairs and crossing over can occur
become visible as two chromatids joined together at increasing the variation in genetic material in the
the centromere. gamete unlike mitosis where the chromosomes
line up singly.
In meiosis the homologous chromosomes pair up to The spindle apparatus forms and the sister
form a tetrad or bivalent in prophase I. the paired chromatids remain attached and are pulled as a
chromosomes in the bivalent are joined by an unit toward opposite ends of the cell.
extremely thin protein framework and crossing over
is likely to occur at this time. The spindle disappears and the cell divides into
two. In the second division, the chromosomes do
The bivalents then line up at the equator in
not duplicate.
metaphase I and separate during the first meiotic
A spindle forms and the sister chromatids line up
along the equator. The sister chromatids separate
Homologous chromosomes: are the
and each moves to an opposite pole. The spindle
corresponding X and Y. each gamete formed by
disappears, the nuclear membrane re-forms and
meiosis will contain only one of each homologous
there are now four daughter cells.
Similarities and differences between miosis
During meiosis, when the homologous
and meiosis
chromosomes are paired in the tetrad, crossing
Meiosis Mitosis
over can occur. Crossing over is the exchange of
Involves two cell divisions Mitosis involves one cell Testosterone: Leydig cells secrete testosterone
and produces four haploid division and produces tow needed for growth and division of spermatogonia
daughter cells identical daughter cells
Only occurs in organisms Occurs in all living things Follicle stimulating hormone: secreted by
that sexually reproduce
anterior pituitary gland stimulates Sertoli cells to
Occurs in the gonads Occurs in body cells and is convert spermatids to sperm.
(testes and ovaries) and is needed for growth, repair
needed for sexual and maintenance
reproduction Oogenesis
Oogenesis is the production of Ova.
The production of sperm, and occurs in all Oogonia
seminiferous tubules during the active sexual life Oogonia: singular oogonium are stem cells in the
of the male. germinal epithelium of the ovaries of a female
Spermatogonia Oogonia divide in the ovary many times by
Spermatogonia: Singular spermatogonium, are mitosis during prenatal development and that
germinal epithelial cells that line the outside migrate to the connective tissue and increase in
sections of the seminiferous tubules. size to become primary oocytes.
They usually form two or three layers and They become surrounded by a layer of follicle
continually divide and maintain the layer. cells to become a primary follicle.
In spermatogenesis is spermatogonium migrates This has usually occurred by the fifth month of
to a Sertoli cell moving towards the lumen and embryonic development.
centre of the seminiferous tubule.
As it moves the spermatogonium gets larger to Meiosis
become a primary spermatocyte. When a female child is born in the primary
oocytes in the primary follicle are up to Propose I
Meiosis in meiosis and go into a resting phase.
The primary spermatocyte divides to form two At puberty, further development occurs and
secondary spermatocytes. Each of these then meiosis restarts.
divides to form spermatids. Several occytes may start to develop each month
but usually only one matures and the rest
Spermatid to Spermatozoa degenerate.
Newly formed spermatids have many features of
an epithelial cell. The cells stay embedded at the First division of meiosis: produces two cells of
lumen end of the Sertoli cell as they elongate, different size with the larger being the secondary
lose most of their cytoplasm and microtubules oocyte and the very small other cell being the first
extended to form the tail. polar body. Each cell has 23 duplicated
Mitochondria concentrate in the neck region of chromosomes.
the sperm and provide the energy for movement.
Second division of meiosis: the secondary
Spermatogenesis takes around 64 days from oocytes begins the second division but halts at
spermatogonium division until the sperm are metaphase II unless it is fertilised. The secondary
released into the tubule. When the sperm are oocyte at metaphase II is released from the ovary
released from the Sertoli cell they are not fully in ovulation.
mature and able to swim by themselves.
Bulk flow pushes the sperm into the epididymis The first polar body can divide to form two polar
where they complete the process and are sorted. bodies but all polar bodies will eventually break
down. The formation of polar bodies is a way to
Hormones and Spermatogenesis remove unneeded chromosomes without
Several hormones must be used. complete formation and then needing to dispose
of a larger amount of cytoplasm.
Luteinising hormone: Secreted by anterior
pituitary gland stimulates Leydig cells to secrete Follicle development
testosterone. During the development of the oocyte the zona
pellucida a thick membrane, surrounds the oocyte
separating it from the follicle cells. The follicle
cells then secrete fluid which collects in the combination of favourable characteristics that will
space. Glandular cells secrete oestrogen and the aid them survive the change. These individuals
follicle moves closer to the surface of the ovary. survive, reproduce and the favourable
After ovulation the ruptured ovarian follicle characteristics are passed to the next generation
develops into the corpus luteum, which will – evolution by natural selection.
become the endocrine gland of pregnancy if
fertilisation occurs. If fertilisation doesn’t occur the Fertilisation in the vertebrates
corpus luteum degenerates becoming a white Reproduction methods can be used to distinguish
scar, the corpus albicans the different vertebrates. Jawless fish, bony fish
and amphibians use external fertilisation.
Hormones and Oogenesis In many species of marine body fish the female
Several hormone are needed for oogenesis releases large batches of eggs into the water and
Luteinising hormone: secreted by anterior the male releases sperm into the same area.
pituitary gland stimulates ovulation, the
development of the corpus luteum and secretion The sperm swim to meet the eggs for fertilisation.
of progesterone. In many species of amphibians the male grasps
Follicle stimulating hormone: secreted by the female and while she releases eggs he
anterior pituitary gland stimulates maturation of releases fluid containing sperm. This helps to
ovarian follicles and the secretion of oestrogen for keep both sperm and egg in the same area and
ovulation. reduce the distance for the sperm to swim to the
Oestrogen: secreted by follicular cells and then egg.
corpus luteum cause development of the
endometrium. The cartilaginous fish, reptiles, birds and
mammals use internal fertilisation. During
Fertilisation copulation the sperm are deposited inside the
Fertilisation is the union of two gametes. Gametes female and they then swim to meet the egg.
re sex cells and contain only one set of Copulation involves the insertion of an intromittent
chromosomes. When the two gametes fuse they organ into the female in sexual union.
form a fertilised egg called a zygote. It also An intromittent organ is an external organ for a
maintains the diploid number of a species. male to deliver sperm to the female during
The contact of the sperm with the egg also copulation. In some species that do not have an
triggers the start of the development of the intromittent organ, the male and female have a
embryo. cloacal kiss when they touch their cloacae
together and sperm are transferred to the female.
Sexual reproduction can involve internal
fertilisation when the sperm and ovum inside the Acrosomal reaction
female’s body or there can be external fertilisation The acrosome is a vesicle at the tip of a sperm
when the sperm and ovum unite outside the cell that helps the sperm penetrate the egg. The
female’s body. acrosomal reaction is a processes that occurs
when the sperm approach the zona pellucida of
Fertilisation and variation the egg.
In fertilisation males release millions of sperm at a The zona pellucida is the extracellular matrix for
time and it is random which sperm fertilisers the egg. The acrosome releases hydrolytic
which egg. enzymes that digest the jelly coat making a
Fertilisation means offspring have a different pathway through the zona pellucida so that the
combination of characteristics to either parent. sperm head can fuse with the plasma membrane
of the egg.
Sexual reproduction is very important as a way to The sperm head is engulfed and there is
produce variation in a population. Variation in a exocytosis of cortical granules that alter the zona
population in sexually reproducing organisms pellucida to stop other sperm entering the egg.
occurs due to fertilisation and two processes that In the cortical reaction, the zona pellucida
occur during meiosis – random segregation and hardens to form a block to polyspermy.
crossing over.
Variation in a population means that during times There is a ‘lock and key’ recognition of the protein
of environmental change there is a greater molecules on the ed of the tip of the acrosome
likelihood of some individuals having a and the cell membrane of the egg.
Fertilisation in plants Meiosis
In the seedless plants, a flagellated sperm is Meiosis is cell division that produces daughter
released and it needs to swim to the egg cell. cells with haploid number – half the
This is why these groups of plants need to live in chromosomes number of the original cell. It
moist areas. occurs in sexually reproducing organisms and
involves two divisions – meiosis I and Meiosis II.
In seed plants, pollen grains are released and can Variation in the daughter cells occurs due to
travel long distances by wind or pollinators to random segregation of the chromosomes,
reach the egg. crossing over during prophase I between non-
The sperm of seed plants do not need mobility sister chromatids and independent assortment.
and do not need water to reach the egg. Mendel’s Law of segregation: states that the
Without the need for water for fertilisation the two alleles for a trait separate during gamete
seed plants can live in a broader range of formation and end up in different gametes.
conditions. Mendel’s law of independent assortment:
states that each pair of alleles segregates
independently of other pairs of alleles during
The gymnosperms have ‘naked seeds’ that are gamete formation
not in ovaries and are exposed on modified
leaves. Mutations: permanent change in the genetic
information, DNA. Mutations can be spontaneous
The gymnosperms have ‘naked seeds’ that are or induced, can occur in somatic cells and/or
not in ovaries. The seeds are exposed on germ line cells and be gene mutations or
modified leaves. chromosome mutations.
When pollen grains land on an ovule they enter
the ovule through the micropyle. A micropyle is a Reproductive Technologies
small opening in the ovule of a seed plant through Variety of assisted reproduction technologies
the pollen enters. Fertilisation occurs within the (ART) which are medical interventions with the
ovule. use of any reproductive technology to help
overcome infertility problems, through each has
The angiosperms are the flowering plants. The its limitations, risks and benefits.
flower is a specialised structure for sexual Thia includes: vitro fertilisation, artificial
reproduction when pollen lands on the stigma a insemination, Embro transfer, hormone treatment,
pollen tube grows down the style to the ovary and cryopreservation, mapping of a woman’s ovarian
enters the ovule through the micropyle. reserve with the ability of the ovary to produce
The pollen tube releases two sperm cells into the viable egg cells, follicular dynamics and
embryo sac of the ovule and there is double associated biomarkers and semen analysis.
One sperm fertilises the egg and the other sperm Infertility
fuses with the large central cell to become the Infertility is defined as the failure to conceive a
endosperm which has the food reserves for the child after one year of regular sexual intercourse
developing embryo. without birth control.

Causes of genetic variation summary Sterility is the permanent, irreversible inability to

Genetic variation is related to the processes of have children.
fertilisation, meiosis and mutation.
Male Infertility: is low sperm count measured as
Fertilisation the number of active sperm per millimetre of
Fertilisation is the union of two haploid gametes semen. Low level of testosterone, exposure to
to produce a diploid zygote. This means that the chemicals, pesticides heat, radiation, very
offspring has a unique set of chromosomes (2n) frequent intercourse that depletes the sperm
with one set of chromosomes from each parent supply or tube blockage.
If each egg is randomly fertilised then siblings Can be due to infrequent ovulation, tube
from the same parent will have different genotype blockage, pelvic inflammatory disease, sexually
and will show variation from each other.
transmitted infection, endometriosis, hormonal which is a hormone produced by granulosa cells
imbalance or cervical problems. in ovarian follicles.

Female infertility: infrequent ovulation, tube Cryopreservation

blockage, pelvic inflammatory disease, a sexually Cryopreservation: process where biological
transmitted infection, endometriosis, hormonal material, cells tissues, organs, embryos are
imbalance or cervical problems. p[reserved by cooling to very low temperatures to
maintain their variability.
Miscarriage: natural or spontaneous end of a Eggs, sperm and embryos can be cryopreserved
pregnancy where the embryo/foetus is unable to and used in fertility programs.
survive. Refers to events that happen in early The survival rate of frozen embryos is around
pregnancy. Refers to events that happen in early 90% to 95%.
pregnancy. Estimated that miscarriages occur in
the first 20 weeks of pregnancy to about 20% of Risks
women who know they are pregnant. Potential loss and damage to stored material; with
equipment or power failures causing premature
Pregnancy testing sample thaw.
Testing the urine or blood of the female for There is a possibility of transmission of infectious
human chorionic gonadotrophin hormone, Around disease between samples and there are safety
the 6th day the embryo contacts the endometrium issues for the people working in the these
for implantation and releases hCG which will stay facilities.
present in urine until around week 8. Introns and Exons
The genome refers to all the genetic material in
In virtro fertilisation: the chromosomes of an organism, including its
Several methods of in vitro fertilisation which genes and DNA sequences.
involves mixing oocytes with sperm in culture Gene: region of DNA that is made up of
dishes and incubating for several days to ensure nucleotides; the molecule unit of hereditary.
the beginning of gastrulation. Introns: non-coding segments of nucleic found in
The embryo needs to be at least 8 cells in size. eukaryotic DNA.
Exons: coding segments of nucleic acid found in
ZIFT (zygote intrafallopian transfer) involves eukaryotic DNA that are involved in gene
fertilising the eggs in vitro and then immediately expression.
transferring the zygote to oviducts. GIFT (gamete
i9ntrafallopian transfer) involves placing eggs and Genes in eukaryotes include ‘coding’ (exons) and
sperm in the oviducts hoping fertilisation will ‘non-coding’ DNA which includes a variety of
occur. transcribed proteins: Functional RNA (tRNA),
centromeres, telomeres and introns,
There are several risks involved with IVF. The use Many functions of ‘non-coding’ DNA are yet to be
of fertility drugs. hCG can cause ovarian determined.
hyperstimulation syndrome which causes the Non-coding DNA
ovaries to become swollen and sore, along with Some non-coding DNA us used to produce non
nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. If more than one coding RNA components; transfer RNA,
embryo is implanted at a time there is a risk of ribosomal RNA and regulatory RNA. Non-coding
multiple births which has a risk of early labour ad RNA is an RNA molecule that is not translated
lead to other complications. into a protein and the DNA sequence that is
transcribed to form non-coding RNA is often
Ovarian reserve testing called an RNA gene.
Current supply of eggs in the ovary and
associated with reproductive potential. Ther e=is The centromere is the centralised region joining
a finite number of eggs and the supply of eggs two sister chromatids
decreases over time until menopause. The telomere is the protective structure that acts
There are several ovarian reserve tests (ORTs). as a buffer at the end of each linear eukaryotic
Assessment methods include measuring the chromosomes as each time the DNA replicates
levels of FSH, LH, oestrogen, progesterone, there is erosion of the 5’ ends of the daughter
inhibin-B and anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) DNA strand (DNA polymerase can only add to the
3’ end of an existing chain).
Ribose nucleic acid (RNA) is a single stranded
Thus the telomere with its multiple repetitions of nucleic acid that functions in protein synthesis in
short nucleotide sequences increases the time a cell. RNA is a polymer made of ribonucleotide
before genes near the ends of DNA molecules subunits linked together by 5’-3’ bonds similar to
start to be eroded. those found in DNA. The genetic code is both
DNA and RNA is universal. Living organisms, with
Gene expression a few rare and minor exceptions use the same
The process where DNA directs protein synthesis. genetic code.
A gene is a section of DNA that has the code for
a particular polypeptide. The pentose sugar in RNA is ribose and the base
When the gene is expressed the section is uracil substitutes for thymine. Both uracil and
switched on and the polypeptide is produced by thymine are pyrimidines and uracil can form two
the cell. hydrogen bonds with adenine making adenine
Gene expression and protein synthesis involves and uracil a complementary pair.
two steps- transcription and translation. In
eukaryotic cells transcription occurs in the The genetic code is a triplet code with every three
nucleus and translation occurs in the cytoplasm. nucleotides giving a specific instruction. Since
there are four types of nucleotides DNA= A, T, C
Triplet code and G and RNA = A, U, C and G there are 4^3
The smallest unit of DNA that passes information (64 combinations) possible combinations of triplet
from gene to polypeptide is the triplet code. codes. Of these possible 64 combinations, 61
The triplet code is a sequence of three specify particular amino acids and there are stop
nucleotides (The triplet TCG is the code for the codons. The genetic code is degenerate with only
amino acids cysteine and the position of this code 20 amino acids forming 64 codons.
along a DNA strand leads to cysteine being This means that more than one codon may code
placed at the corresponding position in the for the same amino acid allowing for silent
polypeptide that is being produced). mutations where a change n the nucleotide
sequence doesn’t affect the amino acid sequence
In the transcription stage of gene expression the in the polypeptide.
DNA triplet code is read to form a strand of
message RNA (mRNA). RNA is ribonucleic acid. Messenger RNA(mRNA)
The base pairing rules apply to transcription Messenger RNA is RNA that has been
except teat uracil (U) replace thymine (T) in RNA. transcribed from DNA and specifies the amino
mRNA takes the code from the nucleus to the acid sequence of a protein.
cytoplasm. mRNA carries the genetic code from the DNA to
the protein-synthesising part of the clel. In
RNA processing eukaryotes mRNA is formed in the nucleus ad
RNA processing is unique to eukaryotes and takes the message to ribosomes in the cytoplasm.
involves the modification of the RNA transcript mRNA forms during gene expression when the
taken form the DNA gene before it leaves the enzyme RNA polymerase splits apart the two
nucleus as mRNA. The initial transcript forms strands of DNA and joins together RNA
precursor RNA or pre-mRNA. This primary nucleotides complementary to the DNA template
transcript is modified in several ways. Any introns strand.
within the gene are removed and the exons are
spliced together to form a continuous coding Transfer RNA (tRNA)
message for the polypeptide. Each end of pre- Transfer RNA are RNA molecules that bind to
mRNA is also modified and the 5’ end is capped specific amino acids and aid the synthesis of the
with the addition of a modified base. polypeptide at a ribosome with their anticodon
binding to complementary mRNA codons. A cell
The number of introns within a gene is variable has a supply of amino acids that are either made
with some genes having introns of greater by the cell or taken up by the cell and each tRNA
combined length than the coding exon segments will pick up a specific amino acid.
that are made into the functional message.
Different tRNA synthetase enzymes link the
RNA amino acid to the tRNA. tRNA looks like a cleaver
leaf with each arm having a special function. The
arm at one end of the tRNA there is a anticodon support the endosymbiont theory for the origin of
that is a nucleotide triplet code complementary to eukaryote cells from prokaryotic cells
the codon on the mRNA. Each tRNA will bring a Endosymbiont theory: proposes that some
specific amino acid to the ribosome. The organelles, e.g. mitochondria and chloroplasts are
formation of the tRNA is controlled by the DNA in the result of large prokaryotes engulfing other
the cell. prokaryotes.
The engulfed forms were not digested, survived in
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) the cytoplasm and became incorporated with this
Ribosomal RNA is the component of ribosomes host to their mutual benefit, e.g. mitochondria are
found in the cytoplasm. It directs the translation of the result of aerobic bacteria being engulfed.
mRNA into proteins. As the ribosome moves
along an mRNA molecule it catalyses the S= Svedberg units which is a unit for
synthesis of amino acids into a polypeptide chain sedimentation rate that is determined by the
and binds tRNAs and various accessory mass, density and shape of the particle in the
molecules necessary for protein synthesis. centrifuge.
Ribosomes are made of a large and a small
subunit, each of which contains its own rRNA The gene for the small subunit of ribosomes
molecules. Formation of rRNA involves a series of found in mitochondria and prokaryotes is found in
steps transcribing rRNA genes. al living tings and is used to work out
relationships between different organisms and to
A ribosome consists of about 60% rRNA and 40% construct an evolutionary tree of life on earth.
protein by weight. The rRNA in the ribosome The difference in ribosome structure between
forms two subunits- the large subunit and the prokaryotes and eukaryotes is also used in the
small subunit. development of drugs aimed at prokaryotic
Other RNAs
There are other RNAs not involved in protein Ribosomes have binding sites for mRNA and
synthesis, e.g. small nuclear RNA(snRNA) that is three binding sites for tRNA.When the two
involved in splicing, antisense RNA (asRNA) subunits are joined together, all the parts needed
involved in regulating transcription, microRNA for the synthesis of a polypeptide chain from
involved in gene regulation and some RNAs are amino acids are brought into the required
double stranded and may be up to 200 positions for protein production.
nucleotides in length. the ds RNAs start the RNA Ribosomes attach to the end of the mRNA and
interference (RNAi) pathway that inhibits gene travel along it.
expression e.g. by destroying specific mRNA
molecules. When several ribosomes occur along a common
strand of mRNA the complex is called a polysome
Ribosomes (polyribosome).
Ribosomes consist of two subunits and although Cells that are actively synthesising proteins, e.g.
different species have slightly different ribosome enzymes for export our of the cell, have many
structures, all ribosomes have a similar function. ribosomes.
The ribosomes of prokaryotes are slightly smaller
than the ribosomes of eukaryotes. Ribosomes in 24 Polypeptide synthesis – transcription
prokaryotes exist as 70s in prokaryotes and 80s DNA stores genetic information. The sequence of
in eukaryotes. bases determines the sequence of amino acids in
protein molecules.
The 70s ribosome is a combination of the 50s The smallest unit that can code for amino acids is
subunit and 30s subunit with the 50s subunit a codon, or triplet of bases. For example, the
having two rRNAs ad the 30s subunit having one DNA code CC codes for the amino acid glycine.
rRNA. In eukaryotes the 60s subunit has 3 rRNA Protein synthesis involves the transcription of the
and the 40s subunit has 1 rRNA. code from DNA to messenger ribonucleic acid
(mRNA) and then the translation of he code from
In eukaryotes, the ribosomes in mitochondria are the mRNA to sequencing the amino acids to form
smaller than cytoplasmic ribosomes and resemble a protein.
the ribosomes of prokaryotes. This is used to
Scientific knowledge about the process of gene
expression and polypeptide synthesis has rapidly RNA processing also includes RNA splicing.
increased as new research methods and During RNA splicing the noncoding introns are
development in DNA technology. The new removed from the pre-mRNA and the exons are
technologies have shown how signals from joined together.
outside the cell. E.g. hormones or other signalling
can start the process of polypeptide synthesis Coding for polypeptides is an important function
and gene expression. of DNA; however, less than 10% of the genome is
involved in actual coding.
Pre-mRNA Humans have about 3 ∗ 109 base pairs in their
The first step of polypeptide synthesis involves genome, with the average gene being about 3000
the unwinding of the DNA and one side, the bases long. The largest gene is over 2 million
template strand, is copied to form mRNA. base pairs in length and the smallest gene is a
RNA is similar to DNA except that it contains a few hundred base pairs long.
ribose sugar instead of deoxyribose sugar, it is
always single stranded and it is complementary Once the mRNA has the code for the polypeptide,
with base pairs to the template strand except that it moves from the nucleus into the cytoplasm. The
it contains the nitrogenous base uracil instead of mRNA is complementary to the DNA template.
thymine. The genetic code is just about universal E.g. the DNA code CCA for glycine becomes the
for living organisms from unicellular bacteria to mRNA code GGU where uracil replaces thymine.
multicellular plants and animals.
25 Polypeptide synthesis – Translation
In eukaryotic cells the RNA coding transcript from Translation is a cellular process that uses the
the DNA coding gene is modified in RNA genetic code on mRNA to synthesise a
processing before the functional code leaves the polypeptide. The sequence of nucleotides is
nucleus. The initial transcript forms pre-mRNA translated into a sequence of amino acids which
(precursor messenger ribonucleic acid). are joined together to form the polypeptide.

Prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus so when Translation occurs in the cytoplasm on
transcription begins translation will start before ribosomes. The translator is tRNA (transfer
transcription is complete. There is no RNA ribonucleic acid).
processing of bacterial mRNA before translation
begins. Translation occurs in three main stages –
Transcription occurs in the 5’ – 3’ direction from initiation, elongation and termination.
the template strand and starts at a specific Initiation
promoter base sequence of nucleotides that The mRNA, tRNA with the first amino acid of the
signal the beginning of the gene. Different genes polypeptide that is to be formed and the two
have slightly different genes can be transcribed at subunit of a ribosome are brought together to
the same time. form the initiation complex.
The enzyme RNA polymerase causes the two
strands of DNA to separate and then links the Elongation
RNA nucleotides together to form mRNA. The amino acids are brought to the mRNA and
added to the growing polypeptide chain.
RNA processing
RNA processing occurs in the nucleus of Termination
eukaryotes and involves several actions. Each A stop codon (UAG, UAA, UGA) in the mRNA is
end of the pre-mRNA is modified in a particular recognised by a protein release factor causing the
way to help protect the mRNA from being polypeptide to be completed and released and
degraded by enzymes and to aid the movement the translation assembly comes apart.
of the functional mRNA to the cytoplasm.
The 5’ end of the mRNA chain is capped and at each tRNA can translate a particular mRNA
the 3’ end an enzyme adds a poly-A- codon into a particular amino acid. One end of the
tail(polyadenylated tail). A poly-A-tail is the tRNA has a nucleotide triplet called the anticodon
addition of 50 to 250 adenine nucleotides to the which is complementary to the mRNA code. The
end of the mRNA.
other end of the tRNA carries the amino acid and end first. Peptide bonds form between the amino
takes it to the ribosome for translation. acids and the sequence forms a polypeptide.
Stop codons, e.g. UAG, UAA, UGA stop
This gives the tRNA its distinctive shape which translation and a release factor binds directly to
looks like a 3-leaf clover leaf when flattened to the stop codon at the A site.
draw in two dimensions.
In eukaryotes tRNA is made in the nucleus and Polysomes
moves to the cytoplasm. A polysome or polyribosome is a cluster of
ribosomes bound to one mRNA. Once a ribosome
The cytoplasm of a cell contains a supply of has attached to a single mRNA and started to
amino acids that are either synthesised from produce the polypeptide, another ribosome can
other compounds or brought into the cell for attach and start to make the same polypeptide.
protein synthesis.
The 3’ end of tRNA is the attachment site for the Then another ribosome can attach. This means
amino acid. There are 20 different amino acids that multiple copies of a polypeptide can be
and there are 20 different synthetase enzymes quickly synthesised.
that link the correct amino acid to the tRNA with
the correct anticodon. Each tRNA can be used Importance of Polypeptide synthesis.
many times- to pick up an amino acid, to deposit Polypeptide: a polymer of many amino acids
the amino acid onto the polypeptide chain at the linked by peptide bonds forming a chain and
ribosome and then to move away to pick up proteins may be made up the most ‘solid’ mass in
another amino acid. the bodies of many mammals.

At the ribosome Polypeptides are synthesised within the structure

of the ribosome with some being released into the
In the cytoplasm the mRNA moves to a ribosome cytosol and others moving into the lumen of the
where it binds onto the ribosome at the end with endoplasmic reticulum where proteins are formed
the ‘start’ codon. The sequence of codons is and transported through the tubules to parts that
translated into a sequence of amino acids that form smooth endoplasmic reticulum near golgi
make up a particular polypeptide. bodies where the proteins are enclosed in a
transport vehicle.
A transfer RNA (tRNA) in the cytoplasm moves to
the codon onto the mRNA which is at the Variety of polypeptides.
ribosome. At one end of the tRNA there is an The genetic code gives the sequence of amino
anticodon to complement the codon on the mRNA acids in a polypeptide and this sequences
and on the other end of the tRNA is the amino determines the biological activity of the
acid. polypeptide.
Proteomics is the study of the full protein set
Ribosomes are made up of two subunits which encoded in the genome. The protein set shows
consist of proteins and ribosomal RNA(rRNA) with the particular polypeptides/proteins involved and
bout 2/3 of the mass of a ribosome consisting of interacting when a particular biological activity is
rRNA. The large subunit binds with tRNA and the occurring.
smaller subunit binds with mRNA.
Variety in polypeptides is due to the following.
A ribosome has three binding sites for tRNA. The • The specific sequence of amino acids, e.g. if
P site holds the tRNA with the growing chain. The there are 20 common amino acids, the
A site holds the tRNA carrying the amino acid number of different polypeptides consisting of
about to be added to the chain. The E site has the 14 amino acids would be 20^14 different
exiting tRNA that has delivered its amino acid and polypeptides.
is about to leave the ribosome. • The variety of amino acids present gives the
polypeptide a high degree of specificity,
Once the first amino acid is attached, the second • The number of amino acids present, e.g. a
tRNA brings in its amino acid is attached to the ingle protein molecule may have around 50 to
next codon on the mRNA. 50000 or more amino acids in the chain.
The ribosome then releases the first tRNA. The
mRNA moves through the ribosome with the 5’
• The spatial arrangement of the amino acids in occurs in the transcription of DNA into RNA.
the chain causes coiling and folding to give Other stages which control gene expression are
the protein a specific 3-D structure. the activation or deactivation of the chromosome,
A change in the code during cell replication can control of RNA transport, control of the initiation of
affect the property of the polypeptide coded by translation and protein activity control.
that gene.
DNA in the nucleus od eukaryotic cells is a tightly
Arrangement of polypeptide chains. wound molecule which allows large amounts of
Polypeptide chains can be arranged to form long information to be stored in a small area. The parts
sheets as in fibrous proteins or tightly folded and that are very highly condensed are the genes that
compact to form globular proteins. are switched off, sometimes even permanently
switched off.
• Fibrous proteins: have a regular, repeated
sequence of amino acids, e.g. collagen which Promoters are very important in controlling gene
forms tendons that link to muscles, elastin expression.
which is in ligaments, keratin and silk and Promoter: is a regulatory area at the start of a
elastin. Fibrinogen polymerises into long fibrin gene that acts as the binding site for RNA
threads during blood clotting. polymerase. In eukaryotes, each gene has its
• Many globular proteins regulate chemical own promoter and eukaryotes also have a
reactions, e.g. enzymes, some hormones and separate RNA polymerase for each type of RNA.
haemoglobin which becomes oxyhaemoglobin E.g. one enzyme for mRNA-coding genes such
in the red blood cell when it picks up oxygen. as structural proteins and another enzyme for
Antibodies (immunoglobulins) are part of the larger rRNAs.
defence system for acquired immunity. If there is a problem with the promoter, there will
Structural globular proteins include be a problem in starting transcription and thus the
microtubules. polypeptide will not be synthesise and the gene
will not be expressed.
Gene expression If the binding strength of the promoter region is
Process where DNA directs proteins synthesis. In increased, t here will be a greater quality of the
gene expression, a gene is ‘turned on’ to produce protein produced.
a polypeptide. The presence of some chemical groups can block
gene expression, e.g. methyl groups (-CH3) block
Gene expression is a process which converts the DNA from expression. While the presence of
DNA information into the functions and structure other groups can allow gene expression to occur
of a cell. The genes in humans make around more easily, e.g. acetyl groups (-COOH).
30000 proteins and each can be classified by
their major functions. E.g. structural proteins, Application of gene expression
regulatory, immunological proteins, catalytic Because specialised cells, e.g. nerve cells and
proteins (enzymes) and proteins that assist in the muscle cells, perform different specialised
transportation of substance and body functions, cDNA hybridisation can be used to
movements. At any one time, only some genes compare the gene expression in these cells. This
are expressed. They can be switched on and off information shows which genes are determining
by various mechanisms. the specialised function and nature of these cells.
e.g. comparative hybridisation can be used to
Differential gene expression compare normal cells with cancerous cells to find
Differential gene expression occurs when out where the transcription changes occurred to
different genes are expressed in different sets of change the cell from normal to cancerous
cells with the same genome.
This leads to differentiation and cell Measurement of gene expression
specialisation. Gene expression (expression profiling) can be
indirectly measured using DNA microassay
technology. This gives an approximate cellular
Controls of gene expressions concentration of the different mRNAs present.
Each stage of protein synthesis from the DNA
code, has some form of control which in turn Phenotype
means it controls gene expression. Most control
Phenotype: refers to the actual appearance of an A polypeptide is synthesised under the direction
organism which includes all aspects of external of the mRNA at a ribosome.
and internal anatomy, physiology and behaviour. Gene expression can be measured by the
Genotype: refers to the genetic constitution of an amount of functional protein produced by the cell.
organism and can also refer to a particular set of The initiation of translation is controlled by
alleles in an organism and is the complement of initiation factors. After translation the protein can
an organism’s genetic information. be processed and modified and these steps
control the functionality of the final product.
The phenotype of an individual doesn’t always
show the genotype. the beginning of gene expression requires a
Norm of reaction: the range of phenotype section of DNA to be modified so that
appearances for a trait. It can range from no transcription can occur.
breadth, or there can be very broad norm of
reaction. Chromatin-modifying enzymes: act on the DNA
Traits that are polygenic; with two or more genes and have the initial control of gene expression.
determining a single phenotypic feature usually
have a broad norm of reaction. Each protein is functional for a specific length of
time and proteases regulate protein degradation.
Pleiotropy: occurs when a single gene had
multiple effects, e.g. cystic fibrosis, sickle cell Products of other genes
anaemia, Albinism Metabolic pathways involve a series of reactions
Phenotype depends on with each step catalysed by a different enzyme.
- Factors controlling transcription and Each enzyme is coded by a particular gene,
translation during protein synthesis meaning several genes need to be expressed for
- Products of other genes the complete metabolic reaction to occur.
- The environment
Multifactorial: when many other factors determine The appearance of a particular trait can thus
the final appearance of a particular feature. E.g. depend on the products of several genes.
the development of cancer is multifactorial as the
fundamental causes of cancers is DNA damage In eukaryotes some coexpressed genes are
that accumulates over a person’s lifetime. clustered near each other on the same
chromosome. E.g. certain genes in the testis of
Factors controlling protein synthesis fruit fly while other coexpressed genes are
Genotype of an individual determines the scattered over different chromosomes, e.g. for
particular polypeptides that will be produced by enzymes on a particular metabolic pathway.
cells. A gene is a section of DNA that has the Gene with the same control elements will be
code for a particular polypeptide and when the activated by the same chemical signal.
gene is expressed that section of the DNA
molecule is ‘switched on’ and the polypeptide is Epistasis: gene interaction with the presence of
produced by the cell. a particular allele of one gene pair determining
whether certain alleles of another gene are
Gene expression and protein synthesis involves expressed.
two steps: Environment
1. Transcription Environment: all the living and non-living
2. Translation surroundings. The conditions under which an
organism lives can affect the appearance of the
Transcription: organism. E.g. the quantity and quality of
The DNA code for a gene is used as a template nutrients, affecting the growth and final size of the
to form mRNA. organism, exposure to sunlight affecting the
The initiation of transcription is regulated by greenness of leaves and the sun-tanning of
specific transcription factors – activators or human skin. Leaves on a plant have the same
repressors which bind with multiple DNA control genotype but can have different phenotypes –
elements called enhancers. appear different sizes and colours due to age,
position on the planet and exposure to sunlight.

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