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Lesson Idea Name: Surface Area
Grade Level/Content Area: 6th Grade Mathematics - Geometry

Content Standard Addressed:

MGSE6.G.4 Represent three-dimensional figures using nets made up of rectangles and triangles, and
use the nets to find the surface area of these figures. Apply these techniques in the context of solving
real-world and mathematical problems.

ISTE Technology Standard Addressed: What would you like students to know and be
able to do by the end of this lesson: I would like
Empowered Learner 1.1.c: Students use technology students to be able to obtain information from a
to seek feedback that informs and improves their video, be able to apply it in practice and be able
practice and to demonstrate their learning in a to conceptualize it as a group.
variety of ways.

What is the student learning goal(s) for this lesson idea?

Students will be able to obtain information from a video, formatively assess themselves from video prompts,
and apply the knowledge from the video to a concept in the real world.

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☐ Remembering ☒ Understanding ☒ Applying ☐ Analyzing ☐ Evaluating ☒


Students will show their understanding from the video and applying it in practice. Students will be
asked to express their knowledge in their own words throughout the video. Students will then work
in groups to create their own surface area problem.

How do you plan to implement this lesson and integrate the technology? Check all that apply:

X Teacher-led: There is no student voice and choice in the activities. Students are guided by
teacher direction and expectations. Learning activities are assigned to the
student and mostly practice based.

X Student-Led: Students are given voice and choice in the activities. They may select the topic
of learning and/or determine the tool they will use to meet the learning goal. The
teacher facilitates the learning as the students direct their own learning processes.

☐ Problem-based and/or Publishable: Students are solving problems

and completing projects to demonstrate their learning. Additionally, the projects can be shared
outside of the classroom. (Note: This objective could be reached by displaying the project on the
school’s morning newscast, posting the project to the classroom blog, presenting it to another
class, or publishing via an outside source.)

SBooker, 2022
Web 2.0 Tools for Communication and Collaboration
Lesson idea implementation:
As the students come in, they will be given an entry ticket. The question will be, “How many square sticky
notes does it take to cover the filing cabinet?” Students will use what they know to try and make a guess, and
then as a class we will find the solution. Afterwards, students will watch the video and see what they can
learn from find the surface area of a rectangular prism. Once they are through with the video they will
practice and be introduced to another 3D shape to find surface area. During this lesson students will be
collaborating and contributing to discourse. The teacher will only be facilitating discourse as well as keeping
students on track. The video that students watch will walk them through how to find surface area and
students will answer formative questions along the way.

Managing student learning:

Throughout the lesson, students will be given timers on each task they are told to complete. Most of
the time, students will be given the opportunity to think for themselves, and then collaborate with
their peers to get further perspective. The activating question at the beginning of class will provide
students time to discuss with one another and then they will assess their own learning through Ed

Universal Design for Learning (UDL):

Engagement for this lesson should not be an issue. Students are presented with a question and are
asked to problem solve using something tangible as well as collaborating with their peers. There will
be multiple forms of representation throughout this lesson from the filing cabinet, Ed Puzzle video
and worksheet. Students are able to submit their findings about the opening task however they like
whether it is on chart paper, on the white board, or on their devices.
Reflective Practice:
I believe that students would rather work on a rich task that allows for collaboration and higher-level
thinking that taps into their prior knowledge and extended that. I think that as the students are
trying to figure out the number of sticky notes, they are also realizing how to create a formula along
the way. I look forward to the opening task the most and seeing how they students work through
the Ed Puzzle video.

SBooker, 2022
Web 2.0 Tools for Communication and Collaboration

Looking at the net above, write a constructed response that explains the steps used

to calculate the surface area of the figure.

Name the figure below. Draw the net and find the surface area.

SBooker, 2022

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