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Submitted as the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor
(S-1) in English Education at Mataram University





COVER PAGE TABLE of CONTENTS....................................................

TABLE of CONTENTS............................................................................. ii


1.1 Background of Study ..................................................................... 1

1.2 Problem Statement.......................................................................... 4

1.3 Limitation of The Study.................................................................. 4

1.4 Research Objective..........................................................................4

1.5 Significance of The Study............................................................... 5

1.6 Definition of Key Terms ................................................................ 5


2.1 Theoretical Framework ................................................................. 6

2.1.1 The Nature of Language........................................................... 6

2.1.2 Sociolinguistics ........................................................................ 6

2.1.3 Overview of Communicating.....................................................7

2.1.4 Form and Functions or us of Language………………………..9

2.1.5 Language Attitudes....................................................................10

2.1.6 Definition of Abuse Language …………..…………………....11

2.1.7 Consequently Use of abuse Language.......................................13

2.1.8 Characteristics of Adolescent Language....................................14VF

2.2 Previous Study .......................................................................15


3.1 Research Approaches and Methods.............................................. 17

3.2 Research Backround..................................................................... 17

3.3 Research Subject........................................................................... 17

3.4 Research Stages............................................................................ 17

3.5 Data Collection Techniques……………………………..…..........18

3.6 Data Analysis Techniques...............................................................19




Language is the most effective means used by humans for communicate. Through language a

person can express a variety ideas and ideas that he had in mind for a specific purpose,

language can also form a social group. The group always lives side by side, generally called

the community. The speaking community who uses the language can be people who can use it

one language (bilingual), and a speech society that can speak many languages (multilingual).

Communicative ability is the ability to speak or ability to use language in accordance with the

function and situation and norms use of language in the context of the situation and social


Language is a system that integrates the world of meaning with the world of sound'. Language

is a system which means that language is systematic and at the same time systemic that forms

language structure. Kushartanti (2009:6).

Someone who have the communicative ability to choose the appropriate language forms with

the situation, being able to choose an expression that suits your behavior and situation, as well

as being able to interpret the meaning when communicating. The benefit of language

communication is that it can influence human behavior in his social life. This can be seen when

the speaker speaks communicating.

The language changes in general include two things, namely changes in language grammar

from within or external changes, and changes due to contact with other languages or external

changes. One of the effects of internal language change is the occurrence of innovation in

society familiar, giving rise to "slang" or "jargon". Jargon used by community groups whose

professions are official, while slang is used by a group of people who are informal. One of the

effects of internal language change is the occurrence of innovation in society familiar, giving

rise to "slang" or "jargon". Jargon used by community groups whose professions are official,

while slang is used by a group of people who are informal. Secretive groups use slang

commonly called argot. Meanwhile one language change is externally marked by the entry of

new phonemes.

Slang words are non-standard words that are structured in a unique way;

powerful and witty used in conversation. Sometimes slang resulting from intentional

misspellings. Slang words aren't really only found in the educated group, but also all levels of


Due to the different backgrounds and environments, then the language they use also varies,

where between one language style and another often has big differences. For formal situations,

a language style called standard style or is used standard language style, while for the informal

one, non-formal language style is used standard or non-standard language style.

Teenagers have their own language in expressing themselves so that it has characteristics that

distinguish adolescent speech from other languages. These characteristics can be seen in the

choice of vocabulary, expressions, patterns and structures (Hilaliyah, 2010:25). In today's

variety Slang is emerging as a popular thing among school youth. They feel embarrassed and

out of date when communicating in the environment the school does not use a variety of slang.

The variety of slang has now been assimilated into everyday language which cause various

problems. Variety of slang becomes frequent used as a form of daily conversation in the

community even in media such as television, radio, film, and publications aimed at teenagers.

Therefore, the variety of slang become the language used for verbal communication by

everyone in everyday life in informal situations.

This phenomenon causes a variety of slang that is not easily understood by people common

people. This is very troubling to the people who are not at all understand the language of

teenagers, so that they assume that the language of teenagers can destroying the structure of the

standard language order. The youth who should be the next generation of the nation if it

continues Continuing to use a variety of slang in communicating will damage

nation's morals. The use of a variety of slang is not prohibited, The problem that occurs is

when the variety of slang shifts the use of language that should be among the people.

Language has various variations or style of language is a variation of language according to

different usage according to the topic spoken of, according to the relationship of the speaker,

interlocutor, the person being spoken of and according to the medium of the speaker. Use of

styles of language related to several factors such as age, education, gender, occupation,

aristocratic level, socioeconomic status, and so on. Based on age, it can be seen the difference in

the style of language used by the children teenager. Language style based on speakers and its use

is related to the status, class, and class of the speaker, usually called acrolectic, basilic, abuse,

slang, colloquial, and jargon.

In millennial era is a time of increased use and familiarity with communication, language skills

often emphasis on linguistic knowledge so that it affects vocabulary mastery. Vocabulary is an

important element in language activities that are conveying ideas or ideas. When one masters the

vocabulary, then the more ideas or ideas that will be mastered so that it is easy to disclosed.

The alpha generation has a distinctive character, this generation was born between 2000 and

at the moment. They tend to use a variety of familiar languages when communicating live or

online on social media. They think that slang is the language of millennials because all children

born in the 2000s understand the intended meaning between the speaker and the interlocutor.

Nowadays, researchers often encounter teenegers who speak abusive language, and this

tends to be done frequently with friends who are even older than them. Teenegers in Mataram

have made harsh language the language of their daily life, and over time, harsh language has

become the language of their daily interactions.

Frequently spoken forms of abuse language for example, dasar sial, sundel Besides that,

there are also curses for you, for example matamu, godek side. Clause-shaped harsh words are

formed by adding the pronoun behind the harsh word, for example, gila kamu, acong side. The

placement of pronouns behind insults is intended to emphasize the forms of the harsh words.

The abuse language reference consists of a harsh word denoting a state (gila, taintele), refers to

animals for human character that are not good (anjing, babi, bangsat, ajay, kambing, acong,

godek, ubek), cursing ghosts (bajingan, setan) all of that that annoys peoples.

Basically, things like this should not be obliged and should not be continued. If this culture

continues and continues to be trivialized, it will have a negative impact on the next generation

and will continue to occur in the next generation. People who often speak harshly will be seen

as uneducated and will not be respected by others, besides that the frequent use of abuse

language continuously will cause a shift from polite language to language that is not pleasant to


Not only that, the use of abuse language that is not appropriate to its place will also cause

disputes, enmity, and quarrels. Therefore, the problem of using offensive language must get

attention, especially in interpersonal communication. By knowing the language procedure, it is

hoped that teenegers can better understand messages and avoid harsh language conveyed in


Based on this, the researchers feel interested in researching language acquisition in
adolescent children, especially in the Mataram area which is very vulnerable to the
pronunciation of words dirty and not standard with this the researcher give the title


1.2 Problem Statement

Based on the background of the problems described above, the identification of the problems

in this study are:

1. The number of teenagers in Mataram who communicate so often is far from being polite,

both in the community and in their relationships. Offensive language is a natural

language to communicate with peers.

2. The dominant factor in language formation is influenced by upbringing and the

environment in which teenegers live. The habit of harsh language that is carried out

everyday even at all times, becomes a pattern of forming communication habits with

peers, both seen in the male and female.

3. The use of abuse language will affect people's perceptions of teenegers in Mataram city

and will be bad and unethical.

1.3 Limitation of The Study

This research only focuses on why Abuse language became common among the youths in the

mataram city, as well as what types of abusive language were commonly spoken.

1.4 Research Questions

1. What causes teenagers in Mataram, often use abuse language?

2. What types of abuse language do teenagers often use?

3. Where did the abusive language spoken by teenagers in the Mataram city come from?

4. Why is harsh language growing rapidly in teenegers in Mataram city?

5. What are the impacts that will occur if the use of abuse language is not dealt with


1.5 Research Objectives

From the study problems that the researchers compiled above, it becomes the object of

research structured as follows:

1. To classify the forms of abuse language used by teenegers in Mataram city

2. To explain why teenagers in Mataram city often use offensive language.

1.6 Significance of the Study

This study is expected to provide theoretical and practical contributions. Theoretically, this

study contains abuse language used by teenegers in Mataram city as the theory used. Can

also determine the background of the character using it. Practically, researchers can describe

how and what drives teenagers to always reveal offensive language in their daily lives. In

addition, researchers will find out what the effects of frequent use of offensive language are.

And then, this study found the traits of its abuse language expressed by almost teenagers. In

addition, researchers can deepen the theory and It can be linked to other theories. To Future

researchers can find out how abuse language is used by teenagers in Mataram city. so that it

will be a reference material and consider the best solution of this problem.

1.7 Definition of Key Terms:

use of abuse language among teenergers in mataram, types of abuse language, and the impact

of abuse language.



2.1 Theoretical Framework

2.1.1 Nature of language

Language is a system symbol of arbitrator, which is used by members of a community to

work together, interact and identify themselves. Alwi (2003: 88). Language is one of the most

important abilities of humans to enable it to superior to other creatures on earth, language is an

integrated communication system, including language, reading and writing. As we know

together, language functions are not only limited to thinking tools, reasoning tools, taste tools,

and even cultured tools. Thus, the language used by someone will actually shink its ability to

think, reason, taste, and culture.

Language is a system that means that language is systematic and also systemically forming

the language of Kushartanti's structure (2009: 6). Language is one of the media used by humans

in communicating. Humans will not be separated from the process of using language in their

daily lives.

Language is used by humans in life activities. So thus, language is the most absitimed thing in

human life. Language can also be interpreted in various, depending on the corner of the person's


2.1.2 Sociolinguistics

In this case the data to be analyzed in this study has several theories that support researchers

in collecting and analyzing data, namely theory in the form of sociolinguistic theory which is two

sciences formed from two (2) interconnected things. Sociolinguistics is an interdisciplinary

science between sociology and linguistic science, sociology discusses how people interact

between society and others by studying the social environment of society and social institutions

will be known how the community develops and interacts between others in obtaining existing

goals and rules. While linguistics are the knowledge of language and language as the object of

the study. (Abdul Chair (2010: 2).

According to sociolinguistic experts:

a) Sociolinguistics is commonly defined as the science that studies characteristics and

various variations of language, as well as the relationship between the language with

the characteristics of the function of language variations in a language society.

(Kridalaksana 1978: 94).

b) Language assessment with community dimensions is called sociolinguistics (Nababan

1984: 2).

c) Sociolinguisi is a study of language and its use in the social and cultural context

(Rene Appel, Gerad Hubert, Greus Meijer 1976: 10).

So it can be concluded that this sociolinguistic is a science that learns about the

connection between language used with daily life in certain societies.

2.1.3 Overview of Communicating

Communication is very closely related to human life. Because humans will never live

without relating or interacting with other humans. In this case, whenever and wherever

in every human step there is there will be communication. Even in solitude there will be

communication for human, namely communication between humans and their Creator.

Communication is a process of transferring information.

Without communication will result in the neglect of human existence, from all aspects

of behavior people who deal with many problems or form processes sending and

receiving of information. Communication is a process of giving signals according to

rules certain way, so that in this way a system can be established, maintained, and

changeable. In this definition, communication is seen as a process. signal word, This

means that the signal is in the form of verbal or nonverbal that has certain rules.

This is in line with the opinion of Muhammad (2000:4) who said: that

communication is the exchange of verbal and non-verbal messages between sender and

receiver of the message to change behavior. Based on some of these opinions regarding

communication, then the author can draw a conclusion that communication is a

reciprocal relationship between one individual and another in groups and society at

large to achieve a particular goal.

Furthermore, in communicating, one must have their own skills and ways so that the

communication they do can well and smoothly. Everyone has different characteristics,

so the person who will do the communication must be smart to see and read the

characteristics of the interlocutor, to immediately make adaptations by conveying

messages that are easy to understand and attract attention others.

In the end, the person that communicating with gets a good impressiongood for the

communicant. However, in communicating there is often a lack of smoothness or

ineffective communication. This is usually caused by:

1. The use of words that do not understand the meaning and meaning.

For example, by using scientific words that are difficult for ordinary people to


2. Too many words or long-winded in speaking, so that people who receive messages

to be confused and feel bored.

3. There is a great distance between the speaker and the listener.

4. The people factor, namely the delivery of news or messages that are not clear.

This is usually due to lack of / low mastery of the language, so the message delivered

unclear and not understood.

5. Interest factor, that usually someone does not pay attention the interests of others.

So that person wants to win himself. In In this case, the person only wants to convey

a message or wish towards others but does not want to hear and receive feedback

back to the listener.

2.1.4 Forms and functions or use of language

The language basically consists of the form and meaning of the two components cannot

be separated. we can recognize language forms in general from the form and sounds.

Based on its form, the form of language is distinguished for the word, phrase, clause,

sentences, paragraphs, and discourse. Language forms in the form of speech or speech

thus, language can be born oral and write.

Language functions other than as a comunication tool or means to convey information or

express thoughts, feeling, or ideas, also function as:

1. As a tool to express feelings or express themselves. Ablo to express descriptions,

intentions, and ideas. Through teh language we can express openly everything

implied in our hearta and minds.

2. As a comunication tools.

Language is channel of someone’s intent, which gives the feelings and allows the

community to work together. When using language as communication, it means

having a goal so that the listeners are the main target of a person’s attention. The

language is said to be communicative because it is general. As social beings who need

other people as communicating partners, human use two ways to communicate,

namely verbal and non verbal. Communicate verball done using languge/ media (oral

and written), while non verbal communicating is done using media in the form of

various symbols, couses, and sounds such as traffic signs, sirens after that translated

into human language.

3. As the means of integrating and adapting social.

When adapting to social anvironment, someone will choose the language used

depending on the situation and the conditions faced. Someone will the standard

language when talking to friends and using standard languages when talking to

parents or respected.

4. As a social control tool.

Which affects attitudes, behavior, and someone said. Control social can be applied to

yourself and the community, for example textbooks, religious lectures, scientific

speeches, following discussions and public service advertisements.

2.1.5 Language attitude

Language attitude is the part of attitude, language attitude is mental position or

feeling of language itself or someone else (Krisdalaksana, 1982: 153). The

opinion above states that language attitudes are the person’s reaction (language

user) to the language and the language of others.

Rusyana (1989.31-32) states that the language of a user or peoples language will

be in the form of feeling of pride or mocking, rejecting or at the same time

accepting a particular language or certain language user community, both for

language controlled by every individual and by community members. This has to

do wiht the status of language in adolescents, including political and economic

status. Likewise the use of language is associated with the lives of certain

community groups, often stereotypical because language is not only a

communication tool but also a social identity.

Language attitude in socioliguistic studies refers to behavior or actions carried

out based on views as a reaction to a phenomenon of the us of certain language by

language speakers. Language in a community may be different from other

communities how language can be influenced by their use in accordance with

different social traits.

Basically, which is often a debate about language attitude is the nature of the

attitude itself. Even though it is wedely kown in the field of social psychology,

there is no common agreement on the concept of attitude itself. There are two

different theorecal views about attitude, namely the views of mentalists and

behaviris. The two views have always been the foundation of the theory and

measurements carried out in research on individual attitudes of society (siregar,

1998: 87).

2.1.6 Definition of abuse language

The abouse language is a social variation whose characteristics are the use of languages

by those who are less educated, or from those who are uneducated (Abdul Chaer, 1995:

87). for less educated circles they tend to be reluctant to consider their language.

Therefore they will tend to use a language that is not pleasant to hear.

In the community, the educated group is indeed considered to have a higher social

status so he must adjust the language used with the position. While for the less educated

groups of rough vocabulary it feels natural because it has become a habit in daily

conversation. Abuse Language can thus also be interpreted as a Language Level than

Formal Language (Compare: Harimurti Kridalaksana, 2001: 96).

a. Abuse language which means to joke.

Usually teenagers in Mataram will say rude words when they are hanging out with

friends, or when they are joking with friends.

b. Abuse Language that means satirize

Satire is an activity to criticize someone indirect. Indirect in this context is indirect

say what is meant, but say something else for alludes to what is really meant.

Generally, in teenagers, especially for girls, they tend to use harsh language to

insinuate others.  Swearing with the intention of the insinuation came out because of a

feeling of dislike or dislike against someone.

c. Abouse language that means angry

Anger is a feeling of displeasure that a person has because feel insulted or treated

inappropriately or hear inappropriate speech. In everyday life, just like teenagers in

other areas, teenagers in Mataram also sometimes use abusive language to express

their anger.

d. Abusive language meant to insult

Insulting is an act of condescending, looking down on others, defame people, or curse

and insult other people. mocking, sarcastic, and angry.  In addition to these three

purposes, there is a to insult also in the utterances.

According to Wijana (2013: 119) in the book sociolinguistics: sociolinguistics, studies,

theories and analysis, the system of abuse language in Indonesian can be treated to

vigorously, namely:

1. situation

    Words that show unpleasant circumstances in a conversation are often targeted in cursing.

Basically there are three abuse languages that are often used by teenagers in Mataram who

are pleasant, namely mental states like gila (crazy), jogang (stupid), idiot and so on. The

situation that is not blessed by God is like terkutuk (blasting), sialan (damned), kafir (infidel),

and so on. The situation that happened to someone like celaka (wretched), mati (dead) and so

on.  But it is not uncommon for words in this situation expressing admiration, astonish, and

tapency of something.

2. Animals

      In harsh words that are often used, namely the word animal in a lingual refers to

individual properties related to the nature of certain animals. Like acong (dog), godek

(monkey) babi (pig), bangsat (bastard), buaya (crocodile).

3. Fine creatures

harsh words that are often used using setan (demons) as swears.

4. Body parts

harsh words related to body parts related to sexual like taintele (vagina), matamu (your


5. Profession

The use of abuse language that refers to the profession is often forbidden by religion. The

profession includes maling (thieves), sundel (Bitch), ubek (prostitute),  jogang and others.

2.1.7 Consequently Use of abuse Language

1. The language becomes broken

Language becomes damaged with a child or an adult using a rough language,

the language of a region becomes damaged and impacts to the rough language.

2. The spread of abuse language

Someone who tends to get used to using a rough language will get used to

using the abuse language so that the language will be imitated by other teenagers

and becoming increasingly spread.

3. Decrease in language quality.

Language mistakes especially to future generations are increasingly clear

when the generation is wrong with a good language, the quality of language will

also decrease.

2.1.8 Characteristics of Adolescent Language Development

Children that born into the world have language capacity. But as in other cases,

environmental factors will take a role that is quite prominent, influencing the development

of the child's language " Yusuf (2006: 31).  Teens language that has developed and learned

from environmental factors, Thus teenagers language are formed  by environmental factors.

Basically the language development of adolescents is enriched by the environment in

which they live. Social influence in society (peers) sometimes quite prominent, so that the

language of children (adolescents) becomes more colored by patterns of social language

that thrive in peer groups.

Language is closely related to social conditions.  Therefore its development is

influenced by several factors, namely:

a. Child's age

children get older will be more mature

physical growth, increasing experience, and increasing need. A person's language will

develop in line with increased experience and needs. During adolescence, the biological

development that supports

language skills have reached the level of perfection, which is accompanied by the

development of the intellectual level, which is able to support the communication process

in adolescents.

b. Environmental conditions

The environment in which the child lives gives a large enough role in the development of

language in children. Language development in urban areas will be very different from that

in rural areas, coastal areas, even in mountainous areas and isolated areas show the


The environment that means including the social environment in groups, such as play

groups, work groups, and other social groups.

c. Children's intelligence

To imitate sounds, movements and recognize signs, requires good motor skills.  Ability

intellectual or thinking level.  Accuracy of imitating, producing memorized vocabulary, the

ability to compose sentence well.

2.2 Previous Research

There have also been studies that raised the topic of negative language conducted by

Rahman (2006) with the title "Maraknya Penggunaan Bahasa Negatif Dalam Media sosial

Dikalangan Remaja". The researcher then concluded in his thesis that the changes that

occurred in the communicate, especially teenagers because of the use of language what they

perceive as creativity.  In fact, it would be nice language negative is not used in the

communication process.

Furthermore, research conducted by Rendi setiawan (2020) with the title "Bahasa

Vulgar Pada Anak Usia Remaja Dan Implikasi Terhadap Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di

SMP". This study analyzes vulgar language in adolescents and young adults implications

for learning Indonesian in junior high school. Based on the results of research on vulgar

language in children aged youth in Brebes district and its implications for language learning

Indonesia in junior high school, it can be concluded as follows.

The discovery of vulgar language in the form and function of children's speech acts

adolescents in Brebes Regency.  The form of speech acts of adolescent children in Brebes

Regency found in this study were fifteen existence.  The fifteen forms of speech include

vulgar language edition Public free, prostitute trans edition vulgar language, genital vulgar

language, animal vulgar language.  Based on these results, there are 15 utterances found in

the speech of teenagers who are commonly used in daily communication in the BASSIS

community and society general. In Institional Repository UMM Journal written by Akbar,

Khairil (2012) in a study entitled "Ragam Umpatan Bahasa Bima (Analisis Struktur Dan

Makna)”. University of Muhammadiyah Malang The purpose of this study is to describe

Bima language swear, both form, structure, meaning and also its use. Based on the above

objectives, the results of the data analysis are obtained as follows:

(1.) The type of Bima language consists of swears that are equal to the name of the animal,

a swear that is the appointment of the organs, the naturation that is the mention of the

nickname /person, a nickname shows negative actions, the responsibility that is an

equalization of objects, nurse is equal to spirits, and swear shaped flasts.

(2.) Bima's nurse structure consists of formed words, phrases, clauses, and sentences.

(3.) the meaning of Bima language nature is in the form of ridicule, satire, and threats;

(4.) Use of Bima language feed has a difference in terms of age and gender speaker.

The equations of the research results that are relevant to this research are There are

study about negative language, while the difference on the focus of research as well as

previous research using Indonesian language and also different populations and samples. 

The focus of this research is on the population and the sample studied on teenegers in the

Mataram area.



3.1 Research Approaches and Methods

This research uses a qualitative research approach where qualitative research as a

scientific method is often used and carried out by a group of researchers in the field of

social sciences, including education.

Research on language abuse among adolescents in Mataram is relevant to using

qualitative research because it fulfills the characteristics of qualitative research, especially

in terms of disclosing in-depth data through interviews, observation and document review

of what informants do, what types of crude language are used. used, why is the Language

spoken so often and where do they get the language from.

3.2 Research Background

This research was conducted on adolescents in the Mataram city area. In connection

with this research is a type of qualitative research, this research is not clearly determined by

the time limit until the researcher obtains a truly deep understanding of the object under


3.3 Research Subject

In connection with this research focuses on the misuse of language spoken by

adolescents in Mataram, whether it is in the family environment, society, and in daily

interactions with friends. So the research subject was youth in Mataram city.

3.4 Research Stages

In a research method that adheres to the scientific method, the stages of research must

be systematic and procedural or well planned. These stages are:

1. Research Preparation Stage

First, the researcher made an interview guide that was arranged based on the type of

rough language usually expressed by the subject. This interview guide contains questions

fundamental which will later develop in the interview. Interview guidelines that have been


      The next stage of preparation is for the researcher to make observation guidelines

based on the results of observations related to the type of rough language used by the

subject during interviews and observations, as well as their influence on the subject's

behavior and direct notes made when the researcher makes observations. However, if this is

not possible, the researcher will write it down as soon as possible after the interview is

over. The next researcher looks for a subject that fits the characteristics of the research

subject. For this reason, before the interview was carried out the researcher asked the

subject about their readiness to be interviewed. After the subject is willing to be

interviewed, the researcher makes an agreement with the subject regarding the time and

place to conduct the interview.

2. Research Implementation Stage

The researcher made an agreement with the subject regarding the time and place to

conduct the interview based on the guidelines made. After the interview was conducted, the

researcher transferred the recording based on the interview in written verbatim form.

Furthermore, the researcher conducted data analysis and data interpretation in accordance

with the steps described in the data analysis methods section at the end of this chapter.

3.5 Data Collection Techniques

1. In this case the researcher made direct observations, namely making observations on

adolescents, precisely in the Mataram city area.

2. Interview

In addition to requiring a long time to collect data, with the interview method the

researcher must think about the implementation. Giving a questionnaire to the

respondent and wanting written answers is easier than getting the respondent's

answers face-to-face.

3. Documentation

This is very necessary because it is a reference when you want to review data


3.6 Data Analysis Techniques

a. make abstracts of all data obtained from all field notes from observations of

interviews and document review. Data reduction is a form of data analysis that

sharpens, expects important things, classifies directives, removes unnecessary and

organizes data so that it is systematic and can make a meaningful conclusion. So,

the data obtained through observation, interviews and document review are

collected, selected, and grouped and then concluded without eliminating the value

of the data alone.

b. Data presentation, namely a set of structured information that gives the possibility

of drawing conclusions in taking action.

c. Conclusion and verification

d. Data that has been arranged in such a way (patterned, focused, arranged

systematically) are then summarized so that the meaning of the data can be found.

However, these conclusions are only provisional and general. To get a "grounded"

conclusion, it is necessary to look for other new data to test the tentative conclusion

on language abuse by adolescents in Mataram city.


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