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U6: The old house

Yak & Zak Fluency Reading

By: MissAsh

1. Read it and time it.

Teacher set the timer at

30 seconds. Pupils read
as much as they can
within the time.

2. Word Work
Underline the words
starting with
y - yellow
z - green
q - red

3. Silly Reading

Read the story in

a monster voice

1. Who are best friends?


2. Where do they live?


3. Where is the queen sitting?


4. Who is playing the yo-yo?


5. Why do the ducks run away quickly?

U6: The old house
Yak & Zak Fluency Reading
By: MissAsh

1. Read it and time it.

Teacher set the timer at

30 seconds. Pupils read
as much as they can
within the time.

2. Word Work
Underline the words
starting with
y - yellow
z - green
q - red

3. Silly Reading

Read the story in

a monster voice

1. Who are best friends?


2. Where do they live?


3. Where is the queen sitting?


4. Who is playing the yo-yo?


5. Why do the ducks run away quickly?


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