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Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

Hamdalah, syahadat, shalawat.

Confident. What is confident? From what I research,

confident means feeling sure of yourself and your abilities, NOT in an
arrogant way, but in a realistic, secure way. A confident person is
someone who acknowledges their own achievements and effort.
Because you already know what confident means, let me tell
you my story. In the past, when I first entered middle school, I was
an ordinary student. I'm not that special at school. I don't really
have too many friends either. Because there used to be a pandemic,
so we couldn't go out first, which in the end the school had
to do it online. Because of online school, I couldn't get to
know the other students better. 7th grade was definitely the worst
for me. After the pandemic ended, schools finally started face-to-
face. At first I was still shy with my classmates, because I never met
them before. But and then I eventually get to know them better.
One day, one of my friend ask me to be an MC, and at first I
didn’t want it because I don’t have the confident, but my friend says
that I should get it, so I could have an experience, and my friend also
says that I have a potential to be an MC, so I get the job. In the early
days of training, I didn't really believe in myself, what's more, I'll be
seen by a lot of people, and I hate that. But my friend always
supports me so I can be more confident with myself.
The event starts and I was really nervous, i was thinking a lot,
and I was shaking a lot. Im afraid that ill messed up the event. But
and then, I tried to believe in myself that I can do it, so I hop on the
stage, ready to be a great MC. From what I’ve experienced, confident
is about how you believe in yourself. Every time you want to do
something, there will be a process.

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