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Determine the buckling strength of column C1 shown below and check the inelastic column
buckling for a 250 MPa yield stress material. Use the sections and details shown in the table
below for the frame components. The frame is un braced in both directions (i.e., side sway is not

Solution :

For W 360 x 196 I x=636 x 10 6 mm 4 I Y =229 x 10 6 mm 4 ASCM P(1−31)

For W 460 x 106 I x=488 x 106 mm 4 ASCM P (1−27)

For W 530 x 138 I x=861 x 10 6 mm 4 ASCM P(1−27)For W 410 x 85 I x=315 x 106 mm 4 ASCM P (1−29)


Gtop G btm K x=1.52 ASCM P(6−186)

G top G btm K Y =1.68 ASCM P(6−186)

Effective length for major ( X )axis buckling=K x L x=1.52∗4.8=7.296 m=7296 mm

Effective length for minor (Y ) axis buckling=K Y L Y =1.68∗2.4=4.032 m=4032 mm

P cr−KN Governs

P cr−KN

f =P cr −x / Area=23560∗1000/ 25000=942.4 MPa

2. Select the lightest W310 section using A36M Steel for a column to support axial compression
dead and live loads of 1200kN and 2000 kN respectively. The member, which is to be 6.0 m long
and to be pinned top and bottom, has lateral support (pinned) supplied in the weak direction at
mid depth as shown.


F y =250 MPa , F u=400 MPa AISCM P(1−15)

K x=k y=1 ASCM P(6−184 )

Effective length for major ( X )axis buckling=K x L x=1∗6=6 m=6000 mm

Effective length for minor ( Y )axis buckling=K Y L Y =1∗3=3 m=3000 mm

P u=1.2∗1200+1.6∗2000=4640 KN

Assume Kl /r=100 , F cr=125.07 MPa Table(3−250) AISCM P(6−147)

Required A g=P u ❑ = =37099.2 mm 2Try W 310 x 313
F cr 125.07
A g=39900 mm 2 r x=150 mm

r y=83.3 mm AISCM P(1−33)

(Kl /r) x=1∗6000/150=40Governs

( Kl /r) y=1∗3000/83.3=36.01

F cr =195.22 MPa Table (3−250) AISCM P (6−147)

F a=P u/ A g=4640∗1000 /39900=116.29 MPa

F a /F cr =116.29/195.22=0.56 0.95 smaller section will be tried

Try W 310 x 179 A g=22800 mm 2

r x=140 mm

r y=79.5 mm AISCM P(1−33)

(Kl /r) x=1∗6000/140=42.86 Governs

( Kl /r) y=1∗3000/79.5=37.74

F cr =193.78 MPa Table(3−250) AISCM P(6−147)

F a=P u/ A g=4640∗1000 /22800=203.51 MPa

F a /F cr =203.51/193.78=1.05 Acceptable

b f /2t f 5.57 15.84 OK

h /t w 13.7 1.49 200∗10 3/250 13.7 42.14 OK

3. Design a column of W460 wide flange section for the member (DE) of the frame
shown below. The frame is fully braced in the perpendicular plane (Ky = 1.00) while
the other plane is free to sway... Assume the axial load on the column is 1500 kN. Use
A572M gr. 345 steel materials.
F y =345 MPa , Fu=400 MPa AISCM P ( 1−15 )

k y=1ASCM P (6-184)


G top G btm

K x=1.56 ASCM P(6−186)

Effective length for major ( X )axis buckling=K x L x=1.56∗4.2=6.552 m=6552 mm

Effective length for minor (Y ) axis buckling=K Y L Y =1∗4.2=4.2 m=4200 mm

P u=1.4∗1500=2100 KN

Assume Kl /r=100 , F cr=125.07 MPa Table(E−1) AISCM P(2−23)

Required A g=P u /F cr=2100∗1000/125.07=16790.6 mm 2

Try W 460 x 144 A g=18400 mm2

r x=199 mm

r y=67.4 mm AISCM P(1−27)

(Kl /r) x=6552/199=32.9

( Kl /r) y=4200/67.4=62.3 Governs

F cr =221.37 MPa Table( E−1) AISCM P(2−23)

F a=P u/ A g=2100∗1000/ 18400=114.13 MPa

F a ❑ =114.13 ❑ =0.52 0.95 smaller section will be tried Try W 460 x 106
F cr 221.37

A g=13500 mm 2 r x=190 mm

r y=43.1 mm AISCM P(1−27)

(Kl /r) x=6552/190=34.48

(Kl /r) y=4200/43.1=97.4 Governs

F cr =147.34 MPa Table( E−1) AISCM P(2−23)

F a=P u/ A g=2100∗1000/13500=155.6 MPa

F a /F cr =155.6/147.34=1.06 Acceptable

b f /2t f

h /t w 32.3 1.49200∗10 3/345 32.335.87 OK

4. Design Column AB of the frame shown below for a design load of 2000 kN. Assume that
the column is unbraced in major axis direction and braced in the minor axis direction.
Assume that the same column section is used for the stories above and below. Use
A572M gr. 345 Steel Materials.
Fy=345 MPa

Fu 450 MPa ¿ AISC P .(1−15)

E=200 000 MPa Pu=1.4 x 2000=2800 kN

Assume =100

Column AB :

W 360 x 101

L=3.6 m
6 4 6 4
I x =275 ×10 mm I y =90.2 ×10 mm ¿ AISCM P .(1−33)

302 275
3.6 4.5
G x Top= =1.37
302 302
5.5 6

¿ monograph Kx=1.47

kx × lx 1.47× 3600
= =33.28
rx 159

∅ Fcr=200.58 MPa ¿Table ( 3−250 ) AISCM P .(6−147)

Pu 2800 ×1000
Fa= = =122.80 MPa
Ag 22800

Fa 122.80
= =0.61<0.95 Smaller Section Will consider
∅ Fcr 200.58

Try W 360 x 91

Ag=11600 mm 2 r x =152 mm ry =62.1mm ¿ AISCM P .(1−31)

kx × lx 1.47× 3600
= =34.81
rx 152

∅ Fcr=199.87 MPa ¿Table ( 3−250 ) AISCM P .(6−147)

Pu 2800 ×1000
Fa= = =241.37 MPa
Ag 11800

Fa 241.37
= =1.20> 0.95 Acceptable
∅ Fc r 199.87

So use W 360 x 91

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