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Thoughts into words

Writing a paper seems difficult. We do have lots of ideas but we don’t know where to start and we can’t
put our thoughts into words anymore. Even a clear prompt or a grasp on the materials, getting started
on any paper can be a challenge. It is always important that to write clearly, we must always remember
to think beforehand. Therefore, planning before writing is very essential.

Defining our purpose for writing is very essential. It will guide us towards writing an effective message.
Aside from that, always remember that condensing our thoughts into one short sentence will clarify our
purpose. Ineffective writers often make is trying to make their message too flowery and long. it is better
to have a style and diction that is direct, simple, concise and clear.

One of the key to effective writing is to consider who we are writing to before we begin. The audience
opinion really matters because they help us make our decisions about what information we should
include, how will they feel about it and what action should the audience take base in the message and
how can we motivated them to take that action. Being able to know our audience is really important if
we do not address a certain audience appropriately, we could lose their respect, attention and interest.

Developing a strategy in writing is also very important. Without it there could be an adverse impact in
our work environment. We must always remember to choose communication channel that best
supports our content and most appeals to the audience. Also, emphasize why the audience needs to
read our message. When formulating a strategy, be aware of the context and lastly, deliberately pace
the delivery in our content. Effective writing strategies can help our work environment improved overall
productivity, and may instil a sense of trust among our audience.

Before we start to write, it is helpful to have a broad plan in mind, setting out what information we
intend to include, and in what order. Building a structure will save us time as we write. It will ensure that
we include all the necessary information and it will also help us to improve the flow of writing.

Summing up, writing is essential part of our everyday lives from social media to our work, even in our
daily activities. Some of us don’t think before putting out whatever comes into our mind. Thus, to get
our thoughts into words, It is very important to plan a message and by doing that, always remember to
define the purpose, consider our audience, develop a strategy and build a structure. It will guarantee us
that anything we write will be better appreciated by our audience .

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