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Name : Carolin Putri Estetika Daya

Class/Semester : A/VI

Subject : Business Communication

Question :

After learning Media Communication for Business subject, what will you do to be accepted in a
business field and to stay in it?

Answer :
To be accepted in the business field, there are several things that must be considered such as
(a) looking for which business field you want to apply for, when you want to apply for a job it is
better to pay attention to the targeted company. Is in accordance with our passion, wants and needs.
This is the basis for us to be comfortable to work in a company. (b) Pay attention to the registration
information at the company. When you want to apply updated information is very important.
Confirm the date, day and time. When registration arrives, you can arrive on time. (c) Prepare the
files you want to bring. Make sure that you have prepared all the requirements when applying for a
job. You can organize files and collect them in a folder for easy carrying. (d) Fill in the document as
expected by the company. When you fill out documents such as registration documents, resumes
and others, make sure you fill them out correctly. Do not fill in what the company does not ask for
or add information that is not needed by the company. Also make sure the writing format is correct,
you can ask for the document format from the company directly or other reliable sources such as
books, internet, etc. (e) Make sure your education and work experience match the company you are
applying for. This is to give you the opportunity to be accepted in the company. (f) Prepare yourself
during the interview session. When your application is received, the next session is an interview.
You have to be well prepared how to speak politely and kindly and behave well. This is to give a
good impression to the company. You can practice repeatedly how to answer questions fluently and
well. When all of the above has been done well, then your chances of being accepted in a company
are even greater. The most important thing is that you can adapt to the company's work system
while remaining humble.
When you have been accepted in a company, another important thing is to stay in the
company. What you need to do is stay humble, respect other people, be social and always renew
your abilities. Currently, the situation and uncertain job requirements make opportunities to be
exchanged or laid off possible. The importance of every employee to stay humble, whatever your
position in the company, people who work with you will feel happy and comfortable when you are
humble. They will be pleased with your attitude and want you to stick around and work with them.
Furthermore, respect for others is a must. There are many people in the company from various
educational, racial, religious and economic backgrounds who need to be respected. With this the
working situation in the company is more peaceful. Next, socialize, if you work in the marketing
department, don't just hang out with the workers in your department. You can also make friends
with other departments, with cleaning services, security guards and others. So when you need or are
needed you can be involved. And lastly, keep updating your skills. Along with the rapid
development of technology, you are required to be able to follow the flow. Continue to study either
independently or with friends in the company to improve your skills.

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