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Doan Quang Khai
Your score

145790548 1997110124 5 495

Identification Date of Birth
Number (yyyy/mm/dd) READING

2018112121 2020112/21 ~~~

Valid Until
(yyyy/mm/dd) 5 495

o 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 o. 0 Jl 0 0 0 0 0

Official ~epre.entativesof ET&? JIG Vietnam .IIG Education La'os IIG Education"Cambodia IIGo Education Myanmar •••• VN2001.
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seRioo. Ai'!9\1S ~servea. ETS,dhe £1$ Iogotl a~ TSEle8f? reglSterM IfldematiG %.1 EdQc:aliegai TesliPg SeRtice.
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Your scaled score is between 200 and 300. Tesllakers who score around 200 typically ha~e the lallowing Your scaled score is between 250 and 350. Test takers who score around 250 typically have the
slrengths: following strengths'
• They can understand short (single-sentence) descriptions of the central idea of a photograph. • They can mak.e simple inferences based on a limited amount of text
• They can sometimes understand the central idea. purpose. and basic context of extended spoken texts • They can locate the correct answer 10 a factual question when the language of the text matches the
when this infofmabon is supported by a lot of repetition and easy vocabulary. information that is required. They can SometlO'leS answef a factual Question when the answer is a simple
• They can undersla'ld details in short spoken exchanges and descriptions of photographs when the paraphrase of the information in the texl.
vocabulary is easy cwl when there is only a small amount of text that must be understood • They can sometimes connect information within one or two sentences.
• They can understand details in extended spoken texts when the requested information comes at the • They can understand easy vocabulary. and they can sometimes understand medium-level vocabulary
beginning or end 01 the text and when il matches the words in !he spoken lexl. • They can understand common. rule-based grammatical structures. They can make correcl grammatical
To see weaknesses typical of lest takers whO score around 200. see the 'Proficiency Description Table. chOices. even when other features of language. such as difficult vocabulary or the need 10 connect
I! your performance is closer to 300. you should also review the descriptors for test takers who information, are present.
score around 300. To see weaknesses typical of test takers who score Blound 250. see the 'Proficiern:y DescriptiOn Table
If your pertormance is closer 10 350. you should also review the descriptors for test takers
who score around 350.

.::= Your Percentage

"" ---""'lC====]'DD%
Can make inferences based on 64
Can infer glst.purpose and baSIC
0% I 100%
COfltext based on Information that
IS explicitly staled In short spoken
47 InformatIOn in Wlillen telds
0% I 100% 64
texIs Can locale and understand specific
tnformahoo in wrmen texts 0% I 100%
Can infer gisl,purpose and basic
COflteld based on informalion thaI is 54 Can connect information across
expliCItly stated in extended spoken
I 100% multiple sentences in a single 54
tellts 0%
written teld and across lellts 0% I 100%
Can understand details in short
spoken texts
47 Can understand vocabulary in
0% I 100% written tellts 0% I 100%

Can understand delails 10 extended 71 Can understand grammar in 84

spoken lexts 0% I 100% written texts 0% I 100%

• Proficiency Description Table can be found on our web site, www.ets,org/toeic


Percent Conect of Abilities Measured:
Percentage of items you answeret:l correctly on this test form for each one of the Abilities Measured. Your pertormance on Questions testing these abilities cannot be compared to the performance of
Test takers who take other lorms or to your own performance on other lest lorms.

Hote: TOEle scores more than two years old cannot be reported or validated,
--- --- ----~
~ Copyright 0 2018 by Educaliooal Teshng SeMce. All rights reserved. ETS. the ETS logos. and TOEIC are regislered lrademarlls 01 Educational Tes1ing SeMCe.

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