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Mount Carmel School of Infanta-Senior High School Department

“The Impact of Korean Creative Industry to the Five

Aspects: Physical, Social, Mental, Emotional, and

Spiritual among Teenagers in REINA”

The Impact of Korean Creative Industry in the Five Aspects: Physical,

Social, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual among Teenagers in REINA
Mount Carmel School of Infanta-Senior High School Department




South Korea's creative industry has become the focal point of attraction thanks to Hallyu,

the Korean Wave. As South Korean content is gaining momentum worldwide, with K-pop and

South Korean Drama (K-drama), the government has quieted down and supported the industry,

which is one of the reasons it has become as important as it is now. As Korean Creative Industry

is continuously gaining popularity worldwide, many people are fascinated with the beauty of the

creative industry, especially with K-drama and K-pop.

The primary goal of this study is to determine the impact of the Korean Creative Industry

in physical, social, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects among teenagers in Real, Infanta, and

General Nakar.

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The

other is as though as everything is a miracle.”, this quote, by Albert Einstein, is a reminder that a

person can live life as if everything is a miracle or as if nothing is a miracle. It is all a matter of

choosing a rational decision on how to look at things. Physical, social, emotional, mental, and

spiritual well-being are all closely related as they constitute an individual, thus, every aspect

must be recognized in every person. Developing a rational decision to take care of the aspects of

an individual will enable a person to truly live each day most healthily and happily possible as if

The Impact of Korean Creative Industry in the Five Aspects: Physical,

Social, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual among Teenagers in REINA
Mount Carmel School of Infanta-Senior High School Department

it is a miracle. Furthermore, if one aspect is being compromised, it is quite likely that other

aspects will be compromised as well.

According to Handel (2009), the physical aspect of life relates to health and how a person

cares for the body. Healthy habits among adolescents may reduce the risk of obesity as adults. K-

pop and Korean drama films in the creative industry of South Korea is a place that places a

premium on looks and body, as idols generally conform to an “ideal body type”, and the

perception of the “perfect figure.” Some fitness instructors develop various exercise programs

that “could potentially reach” the body of an idol which can be found on different websites. For

example, an exercise program called “90 Degree Shoulders in a Week” to achieve a broad and

prominent shoulder like Blackpink’s Lisa Manoban and Jennie Kim gained 2.1 million views on

YouTube with teenagers as the primary viewers. This kind of program can serve as the starting

point and motivation for teenagers to have a routine that will improve their physical health. On

the contrary, certain viewers of K-drama spend most of their night watching K-drama shows,

which prevents them from sleeping well. A good night's sleep helps control our metabolism and

weight, promotes stable moods, helps prevent cardiovascular diseases, boosts our immune

system, increases knowledge retention, and helps us with long-term and short-term memory.

The social aspect of life is theorized by Alfred Adler, “a feeling of community, an

orientation to living cooperatively with others, and a healthy lifestyle that values the common

good above one’s interest.” According to Adler (1980), social welfare protects individuals

against feelings of inferiority and promotes better adaptation and a healthier attitude to stressful


The Impact of Korean Creative Industry in the Five Aspects: Physical,

Social, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual among Teenagers in REINA
Mount Carmel School of Infanta-Senior High School Department

Idols have many admirers called fans and these fans create and develop a group called

fandom. Fandoms are groups of individuals who admire or support a particular entity within

popular culture. This group has made individuals who idolize artists feel part of themselves

because there are still other people criticizing Korean idols. Fans are not only grouped to support

a particular group or artist but also they were grouped to build a strong social group empowering

the support to each other as well.

Furthermore, Korean dramas are loved by many people as it features various movie

themes. Also, K-drama features lawyers, prosecutors, physicians, politicians, teachers, and other

professions as protagonists, which help teenagers to develop an interest in a particular

profession. Many teens find it difficult to find the profession that suits them. Perhaps K-drama

can be a starting point for acknowledging a profession they would love.

Researchers have determined that crying liberates oxytocin and endorphins. These

comforting chemicals help alleviate physical and emotional pain (Marcin, 2017). Korean drama

successfully created emotional bonds with viewers, the reason why viewers become extremely

happy or sad while watching a scene. K-drama viewers were wept only by watching a Korean

drama because they felt the pain as they watched it.

It is commonly accepted that music nurtures the soul because it calms the soul and

relaxes the mind. Numerous musical pieces from various K-pop groups promote a person’s

worth and how to build strong self-esteem in their music. As individuals go through the teenage

phase, they become more sensitive and they more likely tend to have anxieties and depressions.

Korean music offers songs that could make one loved and beloved. Laffan (2020) stated, “K-pop

The Impact of Korean Creative Industry in the Five Aspects: Physical,

Social, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual among Teenagers in REINA
Mount Carmel School of Infanta-Senior High School Department

was a significant predictor of increased happiness, self-esteem, and social connectedness.”

Korean idols in their shows shower their fans with their emotional support, resulting in fans to

feel that they are being kept and they have worth.

In this register, some teens love and addicted to Hallyu in the creative industry of South

Korea as they find comfort, belongingness, and happiness in it; depressed teens who found

Hallyu; outcast who found social identity because of K-pop; and teens who built an interest in a

specific profession because of K-drama. However, in some cases, Hallyu may be adversely

affecting the various aspects of a person.

Theoretical Framework

The pursuit of happiness is what humans have been working towards from the beginning

of time.

Martin Seligman (2012) has five basic components: positive emotions, commitments,

relationships, meaning, and achievements, which enable him to develop his theory of well-being

PERMA. Various individuals will benefit from each of these five basic elements.

Positive emotion is much more than simple "happiness" that includes hope, interest, joy,

love, compassion, pride, entertainment, and gratitude. This is an excellent indicator of growth

because they can be nurtured or learned to improve well-being. When people can explore, savor

and incorporate positive emotions into their daily lives, it improves their usual thinking and

behavior. Positive emotions can negate the negative impacts of negative emotions and promote

resilience. Creating positive emotions helps individuals build physical, intellectual,

psychological, and social resources for general well-being.

The Impact of Korean Creative Industry in the Five Aspects: Physical,

Social, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual among Teenagers in REINA
Mount Carmel School of Infanta-Senior High School Department

Seligman (2012), stated that engagement is integral to the music. It is something much

more powerful than simple happiness, but happiness is one of the many byproducts of

engagement. Engagement research has shown that individuals who try to use their strengths in

new ways each day for a week were happier and less depressed after six months.

Relationships encompass all the various interactions individuals have with partners,

friends, family members, colleagues, mentors, supervisors, and their community at large.

Relationships within the PERMA model represent the support, love, and value of other people.

Relationships are included in the model that assumes humans as intrinsic social creatures

(Seligman, 2012). There is evidence of that everywhere, but social ties take importance as we got

older. The social environment is crucial for taking prevention of cognitive decline and strong

social networks help people to be more physically healthy (Siedlecki,, 2014).

Another intrinsic human quality is the pursuit of meaning and the necessity of having a

sense of value and worth. Meaning is stated by Seligman as the significance of membership and

serving something greater than ourselves. Having a purpose in life helps people to concentrate on

what is important when they face major challenges in life. A sense of meaning is guided by

personal values, and those who claim to have a purpose in life are believed to live longer and

have better life satisfaction and fewer health problems.

Accomplishment includes the concepts of persistence and having a passion to achieve

objectives. However, fulfillment and well-being come when accomplishment is tied to striving

toward things with a personal motivation (Quinn, 2018). This contributes to well-being because

individuals can look at their lives with a sense of pride.

The Impact of Korean Creative Industry in the Five Aspects: Physical,

Social, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual among Teenagers in REINA
Mount Carmel School of Infanta-Senior High School Department

The benefits of happiness in well-being are valuable, not only because it feels wonderful,

but also because it has positive real-world implications. Individuals with high levels of well-

being develop more fulfilling relationships which are more cooperative and their inner and

physical health is more stable than the ones with lower levels.

Conceptual Framework

-Review of the related

-Distribution of -Determine the impact
- Teenagers of REINA
questionnaires to of South Korea’s
-Korean creative Creative Industry in the
industry the respondents five aspects of life
-Aspects of Life: -Collection of data -Findings
physical, social, mental, through survey
- Recommendations to
emotional, spiritual questionnaires address the problem
-Analysis of data

Input Process Output

Figure 1: Paradigm of the study

The input-process-output diagram was used by the researchers’ paradigm of the study to

further understand the flow of the study. The study's input includes teenagers living in Real,

Infanta, and General Nakar; the creative industry of South Korea; and the five aspects of human

life. The process includes data collection through a review of related literature and studies,

The Impact of Korean Creative Industry in the Five Aspects: Physical,

Social, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual among Teenagers in REINA
Mount Carmel School of Infanta-Senior High School Department

administering of survey questionnaires, and data analysis to ensure that researchers obtain the

necessary information. The process will be done to develop the study's output that includes the

impact of the Korean creative industry on the five aspects of life among teenagers in REINA,

including social, mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The output also contains

the findings and suggested recommendations to address the problem related to teenagers in the

creative industry of South Korea.


Specifically, the researchers would like to provide answers to the following:

1. What part of the Korean Creative Industry is popular among teenagers in REINA?

2. How does Korean Creative Industry affect the following aspects:

2.1 physical

2.2 social

2.3 emotional

2.4 mental

2.5 spiritual

3. Is there a significant relationship between Korean Creative Industry and a person’s well-


4. Based on the result of the study, what are the suggested recommendations to prevent the

bad effect of Korea’s Creative Industry on an individual?


The Impact of Korean Creative Industry in the Five Aspects: Physical,

Social, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual among Teenagers in REINA
Mount Carmel School of Infanta-Senior High School Department

There is no significant effect in the spiritual aspect, however, there are significant effects

in the physical, social, mental, and emotional aspects in the involvement of teenagers among

REINA with the Korean Creative Industry.

Significance of the Study

This research about, “The Impact of Korean Creative Industry to the Five Aspects:

Physical, Social, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual among Teenagers in REINA”, seeks to build

upon the following:

The Teenagers

Guide them to be aware and determine the possible advantages and disadvantages, and

acknowledges ways to handle and balance effectively their support to Korean culture and

creative industry without disregarding the other aspects of human life.

The Parents

Widen the knowledge about the creative industry of South Korea, on why, do some teens

are getting obsessed with it; to give them awareness on how it affects their children, and to help

them to understand their children as they engage with them in their daily activities.

The Researchers

The Impact of Korean Creative Industry in the Five Aspects: Physical,

Social, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual among Teenagers in REINA
Mount Carmel School of Infanta-Senior High School Department

Help the teenagers to find solutions to manage their persistence on Korean-related

interests and educate them about the pros and cons of engaging themselves in the Korean culture.

The Future Researchers

Provide a place where academic linkages can be established that will help for further

strengthening academic programs and comparative and diverse studies on topics related to the

Korean creative industry will help them discuss their academic interests, further collaboration,

and joint research.

Scope and Delimitation

   The research is focused on studying the impact of the Korean creative industry in the

aspects of life including physical, social, emotional, mental, and spiritual among teenagers living


This study is conducted not only to know the effects of the Korean creative industry

among teenagers but to also further understand why teenagers are getting obsessed with Korean


Administering questionnaires to teenagers living in Real, Infanta, and General Nakar of

the Province of Quezon are the primary data gathering methods that the researchers will use to

determine the impact of the Korean creative industry.

Definition of Terms

 Addictive – causing or characterized by addiction

 Aspect – a particular status or phase in which something appears

The Impact of Korean Creative Industry in the Five Aspects: Physical,

Social, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual among Teenagers in REINA
Mount Carmel School of Infanta-Senior High School Department

 Creative Industry – refers to a range of economic activities which are concerned with the

generation or exploitation of knowledge and information

 Fan – a person who exhibits strong interest or admiration

 Hallyu – a Chinese term which, when translated mean “Korean Wave”

 K-drama – Korean television series made in South Korea

 Korean Wave – a collective term used to refer to the phenomenal growth of Korean


 K-pop – genre of popular music originating in South Korea

The Impact of Korean Creative Industry in the Five Aspects: Physical,

Social, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual among Teenagers in REINA

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