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The fundamental ideas behind the philosophy

1. Have faith in the transformative potential of curiosity; man is the world authority on his own life and
the challenges he faces. The practitioner can pick up a few useful lessons from the "secret" of another
person's narrative if they approach it with genuine inquiry.

2. Instead of concentrating on issues, deficiencies, or other forms of weakness, make use of the power
of creation.

3. Show respect for other people's preferences rather than acting as a patron (Barker & Buchanan-
Barker, 2010).

Explain the significance of each of the highlighted aspects of the Mental Health Act QLD 2016 and
provide an explanation for your choice.

The intellectual disability is associated with the mental disorder.

Mental sickness. It is a disease that can significantly damage one's thinking, mood, cognitive abilities, or
memory in a therapeutic setting.

Patient who does not volunteer for treatment. Someone who is subject to examination authority is a

Care provided in the neighborhood. The term "inpatient treatment" refers to a support arrangement for
forensic treatment that is provided by a medical facility for an individual who is receiving care there.

Principal goals to be accomplished by the Act.

People who suffer from mental illness but are unwilling to accept therapy should have their health
improved and maintained. Permit individuals, in the event that it is found that they cannot be brought
to justice due to their mental state or because they cannot be brought to justice when a violation
occurs, to deflect attention away from the criminal judicial system. When people outside of the criminal
justice system pose a threat to the safety of others, communities need to be protected.
There are eight different circumstances in which a patient might be considered an involuntary patient.

Patients who are not cooperating voluntarily include those who:

1. Individuals who present themselves to medical institutes.

2. Individuals who are required to do something by a court of law.

3. Individuals who have been ordered by the court to participate in the treatment of the patient.

4. Individuals who are responsible for reporting to the expert panel.

5. Individuals who have been suggested for further examination

6. Individuals who are required to do something by a court of law

7. The individual who was currently incarcerated at the time that the evaluation recommendation was

8. a person who does not have permission from another state to be absent from an approved mental
health service in the previous state.

An order for community treatment

This is a decree issue that defines the criteria that a person must get medication and treatment,
counseling, management, rehabilitation, and other services during the course of their stay in the
community. These conditions must be met in order for the person to remain in the community.

The reasoning behind carrying out the plan.

In what circumstances, if a person has previously denied acceptable treatment, the following may apply:
The individual has in the past refused suitable treatment; when the treatment is terminated, the active
phase of mental disease has resumed; mental or physical deterioration following the relapse indicates
that involuntary hospitalization (whether the individual is hospitalized or not) is justifiable. Inpatient
care or treatment has resulted in, or has the potential to result in, an improvement or recovery of
symptoms associated with the mental disease.

According to the Queensland Mental Health Act of 2016, please define "capacity." Specify the following
five conditions:

The degree to which a person is able to grasp, in broad strokes, the fact that he suffers from a condition
that affects his mental health.


If a patient is able to do any of the following, they can provide their consent:

Be conscious of the fact that you are ill or exhibiting signs of a mental disease.

Gain an understanding of what your treatment entails and the rationale behind it.

Gain an understanding of the positives and negatives associated with the therapy options.

Be aware of the potential outcomes that could result from declining therapy.

Consider your options for treatment, and then discuss your choice.

In the field of mental health care, please name two different policies and/or procedures designed to
ensure the privacy and confidentiality of patient information.

North Memorial Health Care is the policy in this case.

The procedure calls for the personnel to continually assess whether or not they require access to the
information in order to perform their duties effectively.

Describe in detail two of the sections of the Mental Health Act (2016) that allow for the disclosure of a
patient's private and sensitive information without the patient's consent.

1. Communicate information to individuals who have a "sufficient interest" in the health and well-being
of consumers as described in the previous sentence. Anyone who the attending physician considers has
sufficient personal or professional concern for the health and well-being of the consumer can be given
information regarding the consumer's assessment and/or treatment. This information can also be
passed on to other individuals.

2. The dissemination of information that is necessary for the care and treatment of customers It is
possible to give consumers and major providers of psychiatric care with information regarding the
assessment and treatment of customers.

What are the mandated next steps that must be taken as soon as the patient has been checked into the
secure section of an approved mental health facility?

An individual should be provided with both verbal and written explanations of their rights, as well as
other rights, in a language that the individual is able to comprehend.

Describe the powers that an AMHP possesses in order to carry out a Mental Status Examination (MSE) in
a public setting.

The investigative power grants permission for a licensed physician or mental health practitioner to enter
a place, such as a person's home, and examine them without obtaining their agreement first.

Please describe the authority that an AMHP has to transfer a patient so that they can be evaluated.

permission to access a location only if the resident gives consent to do so or if it is a public space that is
available to the general public (Gill & Turner, 2020).
Outline four ways that you, as the nurse, may make sure that your interactions with a person who is
going through a mental illness are therapeutic and productive for the individual you are working with.

1. Assist your clients in evaluating possible replacements for destructive behaviors such as testing and

2. Assist those who suffer from mental illness in expressing their distressing thoughts and feelings.

3. Assist the patients with their day-to-day activities.

4. Encourage patient autonomy and the provision of their own treatment.

It is required by the Mental Health Act that you list seven rights that patients have (2016)

1. The capacity to make decisions on their own treatment and care, as well as the right to agree or
disagree with medical treatment. 2. Patients who are able to make their own medical decisions should
not be treated without the permission of the medical facility.

3. This individual is required to be treated in accordance with their pre-established health care

4. The patient is required to be hospitalized in the "community" category unless it is impossible to meet
the individual's treatment needs in this manner.

5.Patients have the right to get information regarding their medical care that is accurate, up to date, and
relevant for the situation.

6. Patients ought to be given verbal explanations and be allowed to take part in the clinical decision-
making process at crucial phases.
7. It is important for patients to get written information regarding their concerns, such as the
establishment of a medical institution (Balakrishnan et al., 2019).


Balakrishnan, A., Kulkarni, K., Moirangthem, S., Kumar, C. N., Math, S. B., & Murthy, P. (2019).
Implications for People's Mental Health Under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act of 2016 Indian
Journal of Psychological Medicine, Volume 41, Number 2, Pages 119–125

Barker, P., & Buchanan-Barker, P. (2010). The Tidal Model of Mental Health Recovery and Reclamation:
Application in Acute Care Settings [The Tidal Model of Mental Health Recovery and Reclamation] The
Journal of Mental Health Nursing, Volume 31, Issue 3, Pages 171–180.

Gill, N. S., & Turner, K. (2020). How the statutory health attorney provision in Mental Health Act 2016
(Qld) is incompatible with human rights. Australasian Psychiatry, 29(1), 72–74.

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