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The outcomes of the program demonstrate that various forms of leadership are attainable and can have
an impact at the micro, macro, and meso levels. Through dedicated study and introspection, I was able
to finish all five courses in this program. When leaders from many fields work together to develop novel
functions and expertise, they encounter a number of problems. Managers in charge of operations have
to encourage people to work together to achieve shared service objectives. You need to be a change
agent and advocate. Collaboration and innovation amongst professionals from diverse fields. The
function and skills of social educators also need to be defined in the service sector, which has been
historically dominated by other clinical and medical professionals (Dove Press, 2019).


For nurses interested in career advancement, the MSN's many functions are essential.

The Master of Science in Nursing degree is crucial because it allows Nursing Empowerment to
collaborate with the majority of other healthcare providers in the United States, who hold master's or
doctoral degrees. Second, nurses' ability to manage sophisticated information systems that improve the
quality of treatment is bolstered by their training and experience. Finally, nurses have the skills
necessary to assume leadership positions in the public health sector (Khushbu Khatri & Blankson, 2015).


Better communication methods are essential for a productive workplace, I've realized. There needs to
be more effort put into improving the quality of communication between healthcare providers and their
patients. It takes a team of people to provide quality patient care, and they all need access to the same
data. For this reason, there has been a rise in the popularity and use of information and communication
technology used to facilitate health service delivery (Ross, 2018).


Understanding the significance of change as described by Rogers' Change Theory has finally dawned on
me. A long-term change project will succeed if the caregivers who initially rejected the proposed change
eventually accept it after hearing about it from the caregiver who initially accepted it (Rogers, 2014).

Having earned my Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), I am better equipped to assume leadership roles
and provide patients with better care. The knowledge I've received has helped me become adept at
managing intricate computer systems (Khushbu Khatri & Blankson, 2015).


We recommend the Dove Press (2019, January 30). Health care interprofessional leadership | JMDH. Full
text available at
care-peer-reviewed-article-JMDH.pdf as of June 19, 2021.

Those authors are Khushbu Khatri, D. A., and Michael Blankson (2015). Incorporating Care Coordination
into Primary Care Using Clinical Microsystems. Medical Care Research & Review, 4 (05).

Ross, J. (2018). Patient safety can be increased by good communication. Achieving PeriAnesthesia
Nursing Excellence, 33(2), 223-225.

Stephen A. Rogers and Paul E. (2014). Alteration hypothesis. Impact evaluation methodological briefs,
2(16), 1-14.

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