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An Introduction to Year 1

The Scheme of Work for this year group aims to:

• Provide a 10-15 minute activity which may be repeated throughout the week

• Provide a wide variety of songs (in several languages) and activities to enthuse and excite children

• Enable children to understand and use some routine language, such as greetings, reacting to foods
offered, expressing emotions

• Explore some sounds in a foreign language, through looking at individual words and listening to short

• Give children a glimpse of the lives of their peers in other countries as they watch children playing and
celebrating a birthday party

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Year 1 Overview
Week Theme Key language
1 Celebrating birthdays Happy Birthday
2 Recognising similarities between words in different languages N/A
3 Enjoying a short story N/A
4 Reacting to food items Thank you.
Yum yum! Delicious!
5 Reacting to food items Thank you.
Yum yum! Delicious!
6 Observing the preparation of a simple dish; tasting and reacting Thank you.
Yum yum! Delicious!
7 Reacting to food items while taking part in a circle game Thank you.
Yum yum! Delicious!
8 Learning everyday language through a song Hello, thank you,
9 Celebrating other languages; recalling numbers 1-3 or 1-6 through One, two, three
a team game (four, five, six)
10 Recognising previously learned language, problem solving Yum yum!
One, two, three
Happy, sad
11 Emotions (Receptive language:
happy, sad, tired, angry,
excited, worried)
12 Emotions (Receptive language:
happy, sad, tired, angry,
excited, worried)
13 Christmas N/A
14 Christmas N/A
15 New Year Happy New Year!
16 Enjoying a short story N/A
17 Watching (and performing) a simple finger rhyme N/A
18 Numbers 1 to 3; noticing patterns Thank you.
One, two, three
19 Exploring the sound of some words in a foreign language N/A
20 Action song N/A
21 Exploring an aspect of culture: Chinese New Year N/A
22 Exploring an aspect of culture: Chinese New Year N/A

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Week Theme Key language
23 Emotions - revisited (Receptive language:
happy, sad, tired, angry,
excited, worried)
24 Emotions - revisited happy, sad, tired, angry,
excited, worried
25 Participating in a playground game N/A
26 Playing with a vowel sound N/A
27 Action song and warm up game One, two, three,
four, five
28 Imitating accents N/A
29 Enjoying a fable N/A
30 Recognising and applying patterns Red, blue

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Week 1 – Year 1 French
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Celebrating birthdays. Bon anniversaire.

Objectives: Key language to support teachers:

• Deepen knowledge and understanding of N/A.
celebrations in different cultures.
• Recognise that birthdays are milestones for
children and are celebrated all over the world.

1 Talk about how birthdays are celebrated in the UK – mention present giving, special food, birthday
cake and candles, parties, family meal. Ask children if they have any other ideas to add from
their family experiences. Children might mention celebrating birthdays of older family members,
grandparents etc. If there are children in the group from other countries/cultures they could share
details of how birthdays are celebrated at home.

2 Show the children some DVD clips of birthday celebrations from four countries and use
Appendix C to talk about birthday celebrations around the world.

3 Use the song to teach children the birthday song – ‘Bon Anniversaire’. Versions in other languages
are available on CD. The song is sung to the tune of ‘Happy Birthday to you!’ which the children
will recognise.

The birthday song can be sung throughout the year each time a member of the class has a birthday
to celebrate. In France you can either sing ‘Bon Anniversaire’ or ‘Joyeux Anniversaire’ which the children
will hear on the DVD clip.

Software resources Other resources:

DVD clips Appendix C - information
Songs: Bon anniversaire (also CD 1 Track 9) on birthday celebrations
Happy Birthday in Chinese in other countries
Happy Birthday in Italian
Sound files

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Week 1 – Year 1 Spanish
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Celebrating birthdays. Feliz cumpleaños.

Objectives: Key language to support teachers:

• Deepen knowledge and understanding of N/A.
celebrations in different cultures.
• Recognise that birthdays are milestones for
children and are celebrated all over the world.

1 Talk about how birthdays are celebrated in the UK – mention present giving, special food, birthday
cake and candles, parties, family meal. Ask children if they have any other ideas to add from
their family experiences. Children might mention celebrating birthdays of older family members,
grandparents etc. If there are children in the group from other countries/cultures they could share
details of how birthdays are celebrated at home.

2 Show the children some DVD clips of birthday celebrations from four countries and use
Appendix C to talk about birthday celebrations around the world.

3 Use the song to teach children the birthday song – ‘Cumpleaños Feliz’. Versions in other languages are
available on CD. The song is sung to the tune of ‘Happy Birthday to you!’ which the children
will recognise.

The birthday song can be sung throughout the year each time a member of the class has a birthday
to celebrate.

Software resources Other resources:

DVD clips Appendix C –
Songs: Cumpleaños Feliz (also CD 2 Track 10) information on birthday
Happy Birthday in Chinese celebrations in other
Happy Birthday in Italian countries.
Sound files

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Week 2 – Year 1 French
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Recognising similarities between words in N/A.
different languages.
Key language to support teachers:
Objectives: le fromage – the cheese
• Listen carefully to be able to recognise words le chocolat – the chocolate
in the foreign language, making use of English le crocodile – the crocodile
• Understand that some words in other le pain – the bread
languages are very similar to English but are le lion – the lion
pronounced differently le tigre – the tiger
• Be able to understand and respond with: l’éléphant – the elephant
‘Oui/Non’. la souris – the mouse
• Learn a simple song to use at the end of la maison – the house
each lesson. le parc – the parc
la tomate – the tomato

1 Explain to the children that they are going to take part in a listening game/challenge.

2 Remind them from Foundation stage that words in different languages can be very different or very
similar and give some examples:
Hold up a picture of cheese and say its name in English and then in French (fromage). Ask the children
if the words sound similar or not and have some discussion about this. Next explain that some words
are very similar and give an example, holding up a picture of an elephant – French (éléphant).
3 Explain the game to the children. You will hold up a card with a picture on it – if the children think
that the word you say in French is the right word for the picture, they should put their thumb up and
say: ‘Oui !’. If they think the word and the picture don’t match, they should put their thumb down and
say: ‘Non !’. You could allow each table time to discuss their answer first and then ask for an answer
after you have counted to three in the foreign language.
To do the activity above you will need the images for cheese, chocolate, crocodile, bread, lion, tiger,
elephant, mouse, house, park, tomato and the words listed in the foreign language (see above or
Appendix A).

Continued on reverse.

Software resources Other resources:

Images Appendix A –
Song: Au revoir et merci (also CD 1 Track 10) suggested words in the
Sound files foreign language.

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Week 2 – Year 1 French

4 The children will have guessed some correctly eg. le chocolat, le crocodile but they will have met words
which are very different in both languages, eg. la souris, la maison. Discuss with the children that
some words are similar to English but pronounced differently – le chocolat, le tigre, for example. Play
with some of the words in the foreign language, possibly saying them in an exaggerated manner to
emphasise the pronunciation. Some words, however, are very different to English – le fromage, le pain.

5 Teach the children a simple song for the end of each language lesson – ‘Au revoir et merci’.

Software resources Other resources:

Images Appendix A –
Song: Au revoir et merci (also CD 1 Track 10) suggested words in the
Sound files foreign language.

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Week 2 – Year 1 Spanish
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Recognising similarities between words in N/A.
different languages.
Key language to support teachers:
Objectives: el queso – the cheese
• Listen carefully to be able to recognise words el elefante – the elephant
in the foreign language, making use of English el chocolate – the chocolate
• Understand that some words in other el pan – the bread
languages are very similar to English but are el león – the lion
pronounced differently el parque – the park
• Be able to understand and respond with: la casa – the house
‘Sí/No’. el tigre - the tiger
• Learn a simple song to use at the end of el cocodrilo – the crocodile
each lesson. el tomate – the tomato

1 Explain to the children that they are going to take part in a listening game/challenge.

2 Remind them from Foundation stage that words in different languages can be very different or very
similar and give some examples:
Hold up a picture of cheese and say its name in English and then in Spanish (queso). Ask the children
if the words sound similar or not and have some discussion about this. Next explain that some
words are very similar and give an example, holding up a picture of an elephant – Spanish (elefante).

3 Explain the game to the children. You will hold up a card with a picture on it – if the children think
that the word you say in Spanish is the right word for the picture, they should put their thumb up
and say: ‘Sí !’. If they think the word and the picture don’t match, they should put their thumb down
and say: ‘¡No!’. You could allow each table time to discuss their answer first and then ask for an
answer after you have counted to three in the foreign language.

4 The children will have guessed some correctly eg. el chocolate, el cocodrilo, but they will also have met
words which are very different in both languages, eg. el queso, el pan. To do the activity above you
will need the images for cheese, elephant, chocolate, bread, lion, park, house, tiger, crocodile, tomato
and the words listed in the foreign language (see above or Appendix A).

Continued on reverse.

Software resources Other resources:

Images Appendix A –
Song: Gracias, adiós (also CD2 Track 11) suggested words in the
Sound files foreign language.

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Week 2 – Year 1 Spanish

5 Discuss with the children that some words are similar to English but pronounced differently –
el chocolate, el elefante, for example. Play with some of the words in the foreign language, possibly
saying them in an exaggerated manner to emphasise the pronunciation. Some words, however, are
very different to English – el queso, el pan.

6 Teach the children a simple song for the end of each language lesson – ‘Gracias, adiós’.

Software resources Other resources:

Images Appendix A –
Song: Gracias, adiós (also CD2 Track 11) suggested words in the
Sound files foreign language.

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Week 3 – Year 1 French
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Enjoying a short story. N/A.

Objectives: Key language to support teachers:

• Listen with enjoyment to a short, simple Story read in sound file.
story, using pictures and tone of voice to work
out meaning.

1 Read the book: ‘Bon appétit ! Monsieur Lapin’ by Claude Boujon (see Appendix B for book list and
translation of the story).

In this short story a little rabbit is fed up of eating carrots and decides to visit his friends to see what
they are eating. He reacts to the bird eating worms with the expression: ‘Beurk!’ (Yuk!) During the
next few lessons the children will learn some common expressions for reacting to food and this
could be a very useful introduction to that theme.

It might be helpful to give the children a summary of the story before you begin to read and then
help the children to understand the text through gesture and mime. If you use the story repeatedly
with the children, they could be encouraged to join in with the question which occurs at the top of
several pages: ‘Que manges-tu ?’.

Software resources Other resources:

Sound files Appendix B
Story book: Bon appétit !
Monsieur Lapin
by Claude Boujon

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Week 3 – Year 1 Spanish
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Enjoying a short story. N/A.

Objectives: Key language to support teachers:

• Listen with enjoyment to a short, simple Story read in sound file.
story, using pictures and tone of voice to work
out meaning.

1 The reading book suggested for this lesson is ‘El Secreto’ by Eric Battut (See Appendix B for book
details and a translation of the story).

It will be helpful to give the children a summary of the story to set the context before you begin to
read. In this short story a little mouse finds an apple and thinks he has found a great secret, which he
hides. When the other animals approach asking to know what the secret is, he refuses to tell them.
At the end of the story the apples fall from the tree and his secret is discovered!

Due to the amount of repetition, this is a very useful text to use with young learners. The children
could be encouraged to join in with the words; ‘Es mi secreto’ or to put their fingers on their lips
every time the phrase occurs.

Software resources Other resources:

Sound files Appendix B
Story book: El Secreto
by Eric Battut

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Week 4 – Year 1 French
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Reacting to food items. miam, miam ! – yum yum!
délicieux ! – delicious!
Objectives: beurk ! – yuk!
• React to foods tasted by saying ‘Oui’ if you like merci – thank you
it and ‘Non’ if you don’t like it
• Understand some expressions used to express Key language to support teachers:
likes and dislikes in the foreign language Story read in sound file.
• Remember to use the words ‘thank you’
• Develop understanding of differences in food
around the world by sampling food from other
countries (and understand that climate affects
food produced by a country).

1 Show children some DVD clips of French children tasting different foods and listen to their reactions.
Children on the video clips say: ‘Merci’ as they accept the food and then react to the food tasted
with expressions such as those listed above.
2 Talk to the children about the phrases we use in English to show we like foods – yum yum, mmmmm
etc. and then practise some of the expressions in the foreign language.

3 Invite some volunteers for the food tasting. Talk about the different foods you have brought to the
lesson and where and when they are usually eaten. Examples could be pain au chocolat, olives,
salami or spicy sausage meat, Hindi savouries etc. Children can
be encouraged to say: ‘Merci madame/monsieur’ as you hand
the food to them and then to say: ‘Oui !’ if they like it or ‘Non’
if they are not keen. More able/confident children might also
add expressions in the foreign language, such as miam miam!
délicieux! or beurk!

Food tasting can be repeated throughout the week and

language reinforced as appropriate. You could vary or adapt the
activity by using fruit (kiwi, mango, coconut, pineapple, banana,
orange, for example) and talking about where it is grown and
why. Use a feely bag for children to pull out fruit and then taste
a prepared piece of it, saying ‘Merci’, reacting appropriately in
the foreign language.

Software resources Other resources:

Sound files Food for food tasting
DVD clips Fruit and feely bag

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Week 4 – Year 1 Spanish
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Reacting to food items. ¡ñam, ñam! – yum yum!
¡delicioso! – delicious!
Objectives: ¡ahhrr! – yuk!
• React to foods tasted by saying ‘Sí’ if you like it gracias – thank you
and ‘No’ if you don’t like it
• Understand some expressions used to express Key language to support teachers:
likes and dislikes in the foreign language Story read in sound file.
• Remember to use the words ‘thank you’
• Develop understanding of differences in food
around the world by sampling food from other
countries (and understand that climate affects
food produced by a country).

1 Show children some DVD clips of Spanish children tasting different foods and listen to their
reactions. Children on the video clips say: ‘Gracias’ as they accept the food and then react to the
food tasted with expressions such as those listed above.
2 Talk to the children about the phrases we use in English to show we like foods – yum yum, mmmmm
etc. and then practise some of the expressions in the foreign language.

3 Invite some volunteers for the food tasting. Talk about the different foods you have brought to the
lesson and where and when they are usually eaten. Examples could be pain au chocolat, olives, salami
or spicy sausage meat, Hindi savouries etc. Children can be
encouraged to say: ‘Gracias señor/señora’ as you hand the food
to them and then to say: ‘Sí’ if they like it or ‘No’ if they are not
keen. More able/confident children might also add expressions
in the foreign language, such as ¡ñam, ñam!, ¡delicioso! or ¡ahhrr!

Food tasting can be repeated throughout the week and

language reinforced as appropriate. You could vary or adapt the
activity by using fruit (kiwi, mango, coconut, pineapple, banana,
orange, for example) and talking about where it is grown and
why. Use a feely bag for children to pull out fruit and then taste
a prepared piece of it, saying ‘Gracias’, reacting appropriately in
the foreign language.

Software resources Other resources:

Sound files Food for food tasting
DVD clips Fruit and feely bag

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Week 5 – Year 1 French
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Reacting to food items. miam, miam ! – yum yum!
délicieux ! – delicious!
Objectives: beurk ! – yuk!
• Listen to and join in singing a simple song, merci – thank you
reinforcing some new language expressing likes
and dislikes. Key language to support teachers:

1 Explain to the children that they will listen to a song and show the food items that occur in the song
– chocolate, green apple, banana, grapes

2 Play the song:

Du chocolat, miam miam !
Une pomme verte, délicieux !
Une banane, oui merci !
Des raisins, mmmm, super !

3 Play the song again, holding up the food items as they occur in the song.

4 Add actions for the following:

Miam, miam ! – rubbing tummy
Délicieux ! – thumbs up
Oui, merci – nodding head
Mmmm super ! – lifting both hands in the air

5 Invite volunteers to the front to hold up the food items as they are mentioned in the song, whilst the
rest of the group perform the actions.

6 Invite a group to perform the actions for the rest of the class.

Software resources Other resources:

Song: Du chocolat (also CD 1 Track 11) N/A.
Images or real food items

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Week 5 – Year 1 Spanish
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Reacting to food items. ¡ñam, ñam! – yum yum!
¡delicioso! – delicious!
Objectives: ¡ahhrr! – yuk!
• Listen to and join in singing a simple song, gracias – thank you
reinforcing some new language expressing likes
and dislikes. Key language to support teachers:

1 Explain to the children that they will listen to a song and show the food items that occur in the song
– chocolate, apple, sweet, orange

2 Play the song:

El chocolate, ñam ,ñam.
Una manzana deliciosa.
El caramelo, ñam ñam.
Una naranja muy muy rica.

3 Play the song again, holding up the food items as they occur in the song.

4 Add actions for the following:

ñam, ñam – rubbing tummy
deliciosa – thumbs up
ñam, ñam – rubbing tummy
muy rica – lifting both hands in the air

5 Invite volunteers to the front to hold up the food items as they are mentioned in the song, whilst the
rest of the group perform the actions.

6 Invite a group to perform the actions for the rest of the class.

Software resources Other resources:

Song: El chocolate (also CD 2 Track 12) N/A.
Images or real food items

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Week 6 – Year 1 French
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Food – preparing a simple meal with fresh N/A.
Key language to support teachers:
Objectives: une omelette – an omelette
• Listen to and join in singing a song with actions. du lait – some milk
• Observe how a popular dish in France is made. un oeuf – an egg
• Write a list of ingredients. du beurre – some butter
du sel – some salt
du poivre – some pepper
du jambon – some ham

1 Sing again the song introduced last lesson with actions.

2 Demonstrate how to make an omelette and talk about how popular omelette is in many countries.
Ask the children if they have ever tried omelette at home. Talk about the different types of omelette
available and show the children the basic ingredients needed to make an omelette.

3 Allow the children to taste the omelette and encourage them to

react in the foreign language.

4 Children could write a shopping list of the ingredients needed to

prepare an omelette. This could involve creative writing where the
children attempt to write the words in English – milk, egg, butter,
salt, pepper, ham (maybe even adding a few ingredients of their
own!), or it could involve display work with the words copied in
the foreign language with some phrases for how they feel about
the food, eg. miam, miam!, délicieux!, beurk!, merci, non merci.

Software resources Other resources:

Sound files Ingredients and
Song: Du chocolat (also CD 1 Track 11) equipment for making
Real food items an omelette

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Week 6 – Year 1 Spanish
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Food – preparing a simple meal with fresh N/A.
Key language to support teachers:
Objectives: una tortilla – an omelette
• Listen to and join in singing a song with actions. la leche – the milk
• Observe how a popular dish in France is made. un huevo – an egg
• Write a list of ingredients. la mantequilla – the butter
la sal – the salt
la pimienta – the pepper
el jamón – the ham

1 Sing again the song introduced last lesson with actions.

2 Demonstrate how to make an omelette and talk about how popular omelette is in many countries.
Ask the children if they have ever tried omelette at home. Talk about the different types of omelette
available and show the children the basic ingredients needed to make an omelette.

3 Allow the children to taste the omelette and encourage them to

react in the foreign language.

4 Children could write a shopping list of the ingredients needed to

prepare an omelette. This could involve creative writing where the
children attempt to write the words in English – milk, egg, butter,
salt, pepper, ham (maybe even adding a few ingredients of their
own!), or it could involve display work with the words copied in
the foreign language with some phrases for how they feel about
the food, eg. ¡ñam, ñam!, ¡delicioso!, ¡ahhrr!, gracias, no gracias.

Software resources Other resources:

Sound files Ingredients and
Song: El chocolate (also CD 2 Track 12) equipment for making
Real food items an omelette

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Week 7 – Year 1 French
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Reacting to food items. miam, miam ! – yum yum!
délicieux ! – delicious!
Objectives: beurk ! – yuk!
• Listen to and join in singing a song with actions. merci – thank you
• Take part in a circle game, responding in the
foreign language. Key language to support teachers:
du chocolat – some chocolate
une banane – a banana
des raisins – some grapes
du poisson – some fish
de la salade – some salad
un yaourt – yoghurt
des bonbons – some sweets
une pomme – an apple
une tomate – a tomato

1 Sing again the action song introduced in week 5.

2 Ask the children to sit in a circle. Place images of food in the centre of the circle. Turn over the top
card and show it to the children. You could say the French for the item as you turn the card over
(all the words for the food items are recorded on the sound file). Throw a bean bag to one of the
children and encourage him/her to react to the item of food shown, stating either ‘Oui, merci’ or
‘Non, merci’. You could encourage more able and more confident children to give responses, such as:
‘Oui, merci ! Mmmm. Délicieux !’ The bean bag can be passed to a few other children before the next
image is turned over.

Software resources Other resources:

Sound files Beanbag
Song: Du chocolat (also CD 1 Track 11)

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Week 7 – Year 1 Spanish
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Reacting to food items. ¡ñam, ñam! – yum yum!
¡delicioso! – delicious!
Objectives: ¡ahhrr! – yuk!
• Listen to and join in singing a song with actions. gracias – thank you
• Take part in a circle game, responding in the
foreign language. Key language to support teachers:
un tomate – a tomato
unos caramelos – the sweets
una manzana – an apple
el chocolate – the chocolate
una naranja – an orange
unas uvas – some grapes
la ensalada – the salad
un yogur – a yoghurt
el pescado – the fish

1 Sing again the action song introduced in week 5.

2 Ask the children to sit in a circle. Place images of food in the centre of the circle. Turn over the top
card and show it to the children. You could say the Spanish for the item as you turn the card over
(all the words for the food items are recorded on the sound file). Throw a bean bag to one of the
children and encourage him/her to react to the item of food shown, stating either ‘Sí, gracias’ or ‘No,
gracias’. You could encourage more able and more confident children to give responses, such as:
‘¡Sí, gracias! Mmmm. ¡delicioso!’ The bean bag can be passed to a few other children before the next
image is turned over.

Software resources Other resources:

Sound files Beanbag
Song: El chocolate (also CD 2 Track 12)

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Week 8 – Year 1 French
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Learning everyday language through a song. bonjour – hello
merci – thank you
Objectives: s’il vous plaît – please
• Learn a song containing routine language
which can be integrated into everyday Key language to support teachers:
classroom activity. N/A.

1 Use a song to practise everyday language with the children. This language can often be used in class
at certain times e.g. fruit time, lining up, moving around the classroom, giving praise etc.

The lyrics of the song with accompanying actions:

Bonjour – waving
S’il vous plaît – pleading, hands together
Merci – smiling and nodding
De rien – flicking hand
Très bien – thumbs up
Excuse-moi – waving hand from side to side
Au revoir – waving goodbye

Software resources Other resources:

Song: Bonjour, s’il vous plaît (also CD 1 Track 12) N/A.
Sound files

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Week 8 – Year 1 Spanish
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Learning everyday language through a song. buenos días – good morning
hola – hello
Objectives: gracias – thank you
• Learn a song containing routine language por favor – please
which can be integrated into everyday
classroom activity. Key language to support teachers:

1 Use a song to practise everyday language with the children. This language can often be used in class
at certain times e.g. fruit time, lining up, moving around the classroom, giving praise etc.

The lyrics of the song with accompanying actions:

Buenos días – waving

Por favor – pleading, hands together
Gracias – smiling and nodding
De nada – flicking hand
Muy bien – thumbs up
Perdón – waving hand from side to side
Adiós – waving goodbye

Software resources Other resources:

Song: Buenos días, por favor (also CD 2 Track 13) N/A.
Sound files

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Week 9 – Year 1 French
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Celebrating linguistic diversity; recalling numbers un – one
to 3 or to 6. deux – two
trois – three
• Recognise and celebrate other languages Key language to support teachers:
spoken by children in the class. N/A.
• Recognise and count numbers 1 to 3 (or to 6)
and count in the foreign language.

If there are children in the class who speak another language this activity could be used to give them
the opportunity to teach the class some of their home language. You may prefer to select a new
language for this activity. Appendix A gives the numbers in several languages. Children who have
used the scheme for Foundation Stage 2 may be familiar with numbers to 4.

1 Recall with the children numbers 1, 2, 3. (You might choose to extend to 6 if the children are very
confident with these numbers).

2 If staffing allows, divide the class into two groups. You may choose to use two rooms or the hall for
this activity. Next divide each group into two teams of equal number. Place a set of ‘stepping stones’
(sheets of A4 paper or card) across the room – one for each team = four sets in total. Each team
must compete to cross the river before the other. In order to play the game, one child in each team
must throw the foam die. If you are working with numbers 1 to 3 prepare a die with two number 1s,
two number 2s and two number 3s. The child who has thrown the die states the number in French
and his team count with him as he crosses the same number
of stepping stones. His opponent then has a turn. The winning
team will be the one to have all their team members across
the river before the other team, but a player can only start
to cross the stepping stones when his team mate has safely
reached the other side.

3 Practise counting forwards and backwards from one to three

with the children. Ask the children to hold up the right number
of fingers as you count with them.
4 A traditional song ‘Un kilomètre à pied’ may be used here as it
practises numbers and contains lots of repetition.

Software resources Other resources:

Song: Un kilomètre à pied (also CD 1 Track 13) Dice
Sound files Stepping stone cards
Text cards

© Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution. Page 84

Week 9 – Year 1 Spanish
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Celebrating linguistic diversity; recalling numbers uno – one
to 3 or to 6. dos – two
tres – three
• Recognise and celebrate other languages Key language to support teachers:
spoken by children in the class. N/A.
• Recognise and count numbers 1 to 3 (or to 6)
and count in the foreign language.

If there are children in the class who speak another language this activity could be used to give them
the opportunity to teach the class some of their home language. You may prefer to select a new
language for this activity. Appendix A gives the numbers in several languages. Children who have
used the scheme for Foundation Stage 2 may be familiar with numbers to 4.

1 Recall with the children numbers 1, 2, 3. (You might choose to extend to 6 if the children are very
confident with these numbers).

2 If staffing allows, divide the class into two groups. You may choose to use two rooms or the hall for
this activity. Next divide each group into two teams of equal number. Place a set of ‘stepping stones’
(sheets of A4 paper or card) across the room – one for each team = four sets in total. Each team
must compete to cross the river before the other. In order to play the game, one child in each team
must throw the foam die. If you are working with numbers 1 to 3 prepare a die with two number 1s,
two number 2s and two number 3s. The child who has thrown the die states the number in Spanish
and his team count with him as he crosses the same number
of stepping stones. His opponent then has a turn. The winning
team will be the one to have all their team members across
the river before the other team, but a player can only start
to cross the stepping stones when his team mate has safely
reached the other side.

3 Practise counting forwards and backwards from one to three

with the children. Ask the children to hold up the right number
of fingers as you count with them.
4 A traditional song ‘Un elefante se balanceaba’ may be used here
as it practises numbers and contains lots of repetition.

Software resources Other resources:

Song: Un elefante se balanceaba (also CD 2 Track 14) Dice
Sound files Stepping stone cards
Text cards

Page 85 © Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution.

Week 10 – Year 1 French
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Recognising previously learned language; un – one
problem solving. deux – two
trois – three
Objectives: miam miam – yum yum
• Recognise previously learned language, such as triste – sad
miam miam content – happy
• Recognise the meaning of new language by
watching teacher’s expression and recognizing Key language to support teachers:
tone of voice Miam, miam!, délicieux, Ah non!, Ils sont tristes.
• Use numeracy skills to work out how to Luc est triste, Bozo est triste, content, triste, J’ai une
divide evenly. idée, Max est content, voilà! Excellent! Très bien!

(This activity works better with small groups, rather than with the whole class)
1 Play again the song containing routine language introduced in week 8.

2 Choose 6 of the toys and position them in a line, greeting each in French.

3 Take three cup cakes (could be made of plasticine or dough but need to be cut during the activity)
out of a bag, counting as you do so. Rub your tummy and lick your lips as you introduce the French
for Yum yum!: ‘Miam, miam !’ You could extend with: ‘Miam, miam ! Mmmm, délicieux !’

4 Explain that the cakes are for the toys and place one cake in front of the first three in the line.
Repeat ‘Merci’ as you hand a cake to each one. When you have run out of cakes, exclaim: ‘Ah non !’
and explain that the other toys are sad: ‘Ils sont tristes. ‘Luc est triste, Bozo est triste’ etc. Show the
images of faces to demonstrate content and triste again and indicate which toy is happy and which is
sad. You could do this by simply pointing at each toy with a cake in turn and stating: ‘content, content,
content’ (in a cheerful voice) and, to those without a cake, ‘triste, triste, triste’ (in a sad tone).

5 Next state: ‘Ah ! J’ai une idée !’ Re-distribute the cakes so that the sad toys are now happy but the
happy toys are now sad. State: ‘Ah non !’ again and explain which toys are now sad by demonstrating
a miserable face and pointing to each toy in turn stating ‘triste’.

6 Try to leave it to the children to solve the dilemma and then

cut the cakes in half and share them evenly. Explain that all the
toys are happy as you point to each one, stating cheerfully;
Max est content ! Luc est content ! Bozo est content !… Voilà !
Excellent ! Très bien !

Software resources Other resources:

Images of faces Cup cakes
Song: Bonjour s’il vous plaît (also CD 1 Track 12) Toys
Sound files Bag

© Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution. Page 86

Week 10 – Year 1 Spanish
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Recognising previously learned language; uno – one
problem solving. dos – two
tres – three
Objectives: ñam ñam – yum yum
• Recognise previously learned language, such as triste – sad
ñam ñam feliz – happy
• Recognise the meaning of new language by
watching teacher’s expression and recognizing Key language to support teachers:
tone of voice Nam, ñam, delicioso, ¡Coco está triste!; ¡Coco está
• Use numeracy skills to work out how to feliz!, Tengo una idea!, Ya está, muy bien
divide evenly.

(This activity works better with small groups, rather than with the whole class)
1 Play again the song containing routine language introduced in week 8.

2 Choose 6 of the toys and position them in a line, greeting each in Spanish.

3 Take three cup cakes (could be made of plasticine or dough but need to be cut during the activity)
out of a bag, counting as you do so. Rub your tummy and lick your lips as you introduce the Spanish
for Yum yum!: ‘¡Ñam, ñam!’ You could extend with: ‘¡Ñam, ñam! ¡Mmmm, delicioso!’

4 Explain that the cakes are for the toys and place one cake in front of the first three in the line.
Repeat ‘Gracias’ as you hand a cake to each one. When you have run out of cakes, exclaim: ‘¡Ah no!’
and explain that the other toys are sad: ‘Están tristes. ‘Coco está triste, Pepe está triste’ etc. Show the
images of faces to demonstrate ‘feliz’ and ‘triste’ again and indicate which toy is happy and which is sad.
You could do this by simply pointing at each toy with a cake in turn and stating: ‘feliz, feliz, feliz’ (in a
cheerful voice) and, to those without a cake, ‘triste, triste, triste’ (in a sad tone).

5 Next state: ‘¡Tengo una idea!’ Re-distribute the cakes so that the sad toys are now happy but the
happy toys are now sad. State: ‘¡Ah no!’ again and explain which toys are now sad by demonstrating a
miserable face and pointing to each toy in turn stating ‘triste’.

6 Try to leave it to the children to solve the dilemma and then

cut the cakes in half and share them evenly. Explain that all the
toys are happy as you point to each one, stating cheerfully;
¡Coco está feliz! ¡Pepe está feliz!… ¡Ya está, muy bien!

Software resources Other resources:

Images of faces Cup cakes
Song: Buenos días por favor (also CD 2 Track 13) Toys
Sound files Bag

Page 87 © Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution.

Week 11 – Year 1 French
Theme: Key language for children to understand:
Feelings. content – happy triste – sad
fatigué – tired fâché – angry
Objectives: excité – excited anxieux – worried
• Interpret moods depicted on illustrations and
listen to the word for each mood/emotion in Key language to support teachers:
the foreign language, recognizing its meaning. N/A.

1 Place the Faces Wall Frieze provided with the scheme all around the classroom.

2 Draw the children’s attention to the Wall Frieze where the children can see faces expressing the
following emotions:
content – happy
triste – sad
fatigué – tired
fâché – cross
excité – excited
anxieux – worried

3 Play a short game with the children. Ask them to touch a face that looks tired. As they do so, nod
your head, say ‘Oui – fatigué’ and make an appropriate action, such as yawning. Next ask the children
to touch a face that looks happy and respond: ‘Oui – content !’ and make an appropriate action such
as smiling broadly at the children or whistling happily. Repeat for each emotion. Repeat the activity as
many times as you feel appropriate.

Software resources Other resources:

Sound files Faces Wall Frieze

© Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution. Page 88

Week 11 – Year 1 Spanish
Theme: Key language for children to understand:
Feelings. feliz – happy triste – sad
cansado – tired enfadado – angry
Objectives: entusiasmado – excited preocupado – worried
• Interpret moods depicted on illustrations and
listen to the word for each mood/emotion in Key language to support teachers:
the foreign language, recognizing its meaning. N/A.

1 Place the Faces Wall Frieze provided with the scheme all around the classroom.

2 Draw the children’s attention to the Wall Frieze where the children can see faces expressing the
following emotions:
feliz – happy
triste – sad
cansado – tired
enfadado – angry
entusiasmado – excited
preocupado – worried

3 Play a short game with the children. Ask them to touch a face that looks tired. As they do so, nod
your head, say ‘Sí – cansado’ and make an appropriate action, such as yawning. Next ask the children
to touch a face that looks happy and respond: ‘Sí – feliz’ and make an appropriate action such as
smiling broadly at the children or whistling happily. Repeat for each emotion. Repeat the activity as
many times as you feel appropriate.

Software resources Other resources:

Sound files Faces Wall Frieze

Page 89 © Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution.

Week 12 – Year 1 French
Theme: Key language for children to understand:
Feelings. content – happy triste – sad
fatigué – tired fâché – angry
Objectives: excité – excited anxieux – worried
• Recognise previously learned language,
such as Bonjour! Key language to support teachers:
• Work out meaning of word(s) in the foreign bonjour – hello Ça va? – Are you well?
language through interpreting tone of voice. non, je suis fatigué – no, I am tired
• Use imagination to continue a conversation content/e – happy fâché/e – angry
in English. triste – sad excité/e – excited
anxieux/anxieuse – worried

1 Place toys in a sack.

2 Bring out a toy and all say: ‘Bonjour + name’

3 Toy replies: ‘Bonjour’ in a specific tone of voice to indicate mood.

4 Teacher asks the toy: ‘Ça va?’, to which the toy replies: ‘Non, je suis fatigué’. Ask the children how
teddy is feeling and invite one of the children to choose a face image that matches teddy’s mood. You
could then extend this with a conversation, such as: ‘I wonder why teddy is tired. I bet he was talking
all night…’ See if the children can offer their own suggestions and ideas, using their imagination as
you repeat the activity with other toys and different emotions.
5 Use the Faces Wall Frieze. Teacher and teaching assistants say how they feel in French with very clear
emphasis through tone of voice. Children touch corresponding face on the Wall Frieze.

(NB – adjectives change their spelling according to whether it

is a male or female person describing themselves. This in turn
has an effect on the pronunciation of two of these words in
French – anxieux/anxieuse and content/contente. The children
do not need to know this at this stage! They will encounter
adjectival agreements in key stage 2 and beyond. For support,
the adjectives are recorded in both masculine and feminine
form on the sound files for this session.)

Software resources Other resources:

Images of faces Toys and sack
Sound files Faces Wall Frieze

© Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution. Page 90

Week 12 – Year 1 Spanish
Theme: Key language for children to understand:
Feelings. feliz – happy triste – sad
cansado – tired enfadado – angry
Objectives: entusiasmado – excited preocupado – worried
• Recognise previously learned language,
such as ¡Hola! Key language to support teachers:
• Work out meaning of word(s) in the foreign ¿Qué tal? – How are you?
language through interpreting tone of voice. estoy feliz – I am happy
• Use imagination to continue a conversation estoy triste – I am sad
in English. estoy cansado/a – I am tired
estoy enfadado/a – I am angry
estoy entusiasmado/a – I am excited
estoy preocupado/a – I am worried

1 Place toys in a sack.

2 Bring out a toy and all say: ‘Hola + name’

3 Toy replies: ‘Hola’ in a specific tone of voice to indicate mood.

4 Teacher asks the toy: ‘¿Qué tal?’, to which the toy replies: ‘Estoy cansado’. Ask the children how teddy
is feeling and invite one of the children to choose a face image that matches teddy’s mood. You could
then extend this with a conversation, such as: ‘I wonder why teddy is tired. I bet he was talking all
night…’ See if the children can offer their own suggestions and ideas, using their imagination as you
repeat the activity with other toys and different emotions.

5 Use the Faces Wall Frieze. Teacher and teaching assistants say how they
feel in Spanish with very clear emphasis through tone of voice. Children
touch corresponding face on the Wall Frieze.

(NB – adjectives change their spelling according to whether it is a male

or female person describing themselves. This in turn has an effect on the
pronunciation of four of these words in Spanish where the ‘o’ changes
to ‘a’ eg. preocupado/a and cansado/a. The children do not need to
know this at this stage! They will encounter adjectival agreements
in key stage 2 and beyond. For support, the adjectives are
recorded in both masculine and feminine form on the sound
files for this session.)

Software resources Other resources:

Images of faces Toys and sack
Sound files Faces Wall Frieze

Page 91 © Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution.

13 &14
Week 13&14 – Year 1 French and Spanish
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Christmas. N/A.

Objectives: Key language to support teachers:

• Enjoy singing Christmas songs in the N/A.
foreign language
• Perform to an audience

1 During the weeks leading up to Christmas the children can learn and perform one of the
Christmas songs.

In Foundation Stage 2 they may have learned Petit Papa Noël a very well known French song and
it might be a song that you choose to repeat in Year 1. There are several verses of this song from
which you could select one or two for a performance, if desired. Alternatively, Mon beau sapin is
available for Year 1.

For Spanish, during Foundation Stage 2 the children might have learned Cascabeles (to the tune of
Jingle Bells) or Veinticinco de diciembre. Both of these have lively, catchy tunes and the children will
probably enjoy using them once again in Year 1. Also provided are two more traditional Spanish
carols: Tan tan and Los peces en el río.

Software resources Other resources:

Songs: Mon beau sapin (also CD 1 Track 14) N/A.
Petit papa Noël (also CD 1 Track 4)
Los peces en el río (also CD 2 Track 15)
Tan tan (also CD 2 Track 16)
Cascabeles (also CD 2 Track 5)
Veinticinco de diciembre (also CD 2 Track 4)
Sound files

© Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution. Page 92

Week 15 – Year 1 French
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
New Year celebrations. Bonne Année ! – Happy New Year!

Objectives: Key language to support teachers:

• Understand that the start of the New Year is Bonne Année ! – Happy New Year!
celebrated around the world. maman et papa – mummy and daddy
• Understand why the New Year is celebrated bisous de… – kisses from…
and talk about resolutions and new beginnings.
• Design a New Year card using ICT.

1 Show the children some of the Christmas cards you received. Explain that in some countries
Christmas cards are not sent, but New Year cards are occasionally sent instead. Ask the children
what they think a New Year card might be for.
2 Talk to the children about the start of the New Year and how it is celebrated around the world. If
possible find images or clips from the internet of the New Year celebrations around the world to
show the children.

3 Discuss with the children why New Year might be celebrated. What are resolutions? Why do people
make them?

4 Show the children the images of French

New Year cards. Show the children the
French for ‘Happy New Year!’
5 Provide the children with the equipment
they need to make their own New Year
card for a family member. You could also
remind them of words for family members
which they will have met in Foundation –
maman, papa.

Software resources Other resources:

Christmas cards ICT equipment
Images of French New Year cards
Sound files

© Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution. Page 94

Week 15 – Year 1 Spanish
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
New Year celebrations. ¡Feliz Año Nuevo! – Happy New Year!

Objectives: Key language to support teachers:

• Understand that the start of the New Year is ¡Feliz Año Nuevo! – Happy New Year!
celebrated around the world. mamá y papá – mummy and daddy
• Understand why the New Year is celebrated besos de… – kisses from…
and talk about resolutions and new beginnings.
• Design a New Year card using ICT.

1 Show the children some of the Christmas cards you received. Explain that in some countries
Christmas cards are not sent, but New Year cards are occasionally sent instead. Ask the children
what they think a New Year card might be for.
2 Talk to the children about the start of the New Year and how it is celebrated around the world. If
possible find images or clips from the internet of the New Year celebrations around the world to
show the children.

3 Discuss with the children why New Year might be celebrated. What are resolutions? Why do people
make them?

4 Show the children the images of Spanish

New Year cards. Show the children the
Spanish for ‘Happy New Year!’
5 Provide the children with the equipment
they need to make their own New Year
card for a family member. You could also
remind them of words for family members
which they will have met in Foundation –
mamá, papá.

Software resources Other resources:

Christmas cards ICT equipment
Images of Spanish New Year cards
Sound files

Page 95 © Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution.

Week 16 – Year 1 French
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Enjoying a story. N/A.

Objectives: Key language to support teachers:

• Listen to a short story with interest Story recorded on sound file.
and enjoyment.

1 Sing the song: Bonjour s’il vous plaît with accompanying actions.

2 Select a foreign language story that the children will enjoy listening to. A recommended text is:
‘Aaaarrgghh une Araignée!’ by Lydia Monks, (‘Aaaarrgghh Spider!’). Some of the children might be
familiar with the story in English and might like to volunteer information about the book. There are
several repeated expressions in the text, such as ‘J’ai une idée!’/‘Allez, Ouste, Dehors!’/Aaaarrgghh
une araignée!’ and with sufficient gesture and mime, the children may be able to guess the meaning
of some expressions and to follow what is happening on each page. There are some words in the
text which are quite similar to English: eg. Danser, and this will also be helpful for the children. A
translation of the text is available in Appendix B.

Software resources Other resources:

Song: Bonjour s’il vous plaît (also CD 1 Track 12) Story book – ‘Aaaarrgghh
Sound files une Araignée!’
by Lydia Monks

© Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution. Page 96

Week 16 – Year 1 Spanish
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Enjoying a story. N/A.

Objectives: Key language to support teachers:

• Listen to a short story with interest Story recorded on sound file.
and enjoyment.

1 Sing the song: Buenos días por favor with accompanying actions.

2 Select a foreign language story that the children will enjoy listening to. A recommended text is:
‘No David’ by David Shannon. This is a very simple and enjoyable text, during which David is
constantly in trouble with his mum. The children will be able to use the illustrations to work out
what is happening on each page and will soon join in with the repeated phrase: ¡No, David, no! A
translation of the text is available in Appendix B.

Software resources Other resources:

Song: Buenos días por favor (also CD 2 Track 13) Story book – ‘No David’
Sound files by David Shannon

Page 97 © Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution.

Week 17 – Year 1 French
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Watching and joining in with a simple finger rhyme. N/A.

Objectives: Key language to support teachers:

• Take part in a simple finger rhyme, following Chut ! Je dors !
the example on the DVD clip, presented by a toc, toc, toc
French child. dring, dring
qui est là?
c’est moi
ouvre la porte

1 Show children the DVD clip of the finger rhyme – Chut ! Je dors !

2 Play the clip twice and then invite the children to have a go at doing the actions and saying the
French with you.

Children could practise this throughout the week.

Software resources Other resources:

DVD clip N/A.
Sound files

© Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution. Page 98

Week 17 – Year 1 Spanish
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Watching and joining in with a simple finger rhyme. N/A.

Objectives: Key language to support teachers:

• Take part in a simple finger rhyme, following ¡Shushh, duermo!
the example on the DVD clip, presented by a toc, toc, toc
Spanish child. ring, ring
¿quién es?
¡soy yo!
abre la puerta

1 Show children the DVD clip of the finger rhyme – ¡Shushh, duermo!

2 Play the clip twice and then invite the children to have a go at doing the actions and saying the
Spanish with you.

Children could practise this throughout the week.

Software resources Other resources:

DVD clip N/A.
Sound files

Page 99 © Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution.

Week 18 – Year 1 French
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Numbers 1 to 3 and patterns. un – one
deux – two
Objectives: trois – three
• Reinforce numbers one to three in and out merci – thank you
of sequence.
• Listen with enjoyment to a short song, Key language to support teachers:
noticing the pattern of the song with each line N/A.
beginning with a number.

1 Listen to the short number song:

Un, deux, trois, dans le bois

trois, deux, un, trois, deux, un.

Un, deux, trois, dans le bois

trois, deux, un, trois, deux, un.

2 Encourage the children to clap to the rhythm of the song as you play it through several times.

3 Play a circle game with the children. Use a timing device which is set to ‘explode’ randomly – (rather
like the game Pass the Bomb). The children sit in a circle passing an object to one another around
the circle. As they pass it on everyone counts together un, deux, trois, merci, un, deux, trois, merci etc.
as the object is passed from one person to the next. When the bomb explodes or the timer on the
IWB sounds (or when the teacher claps) the person holding the object has to stand up and turn
around three times very quickly.

Software resources Other resources:

Song: Un, deux, trois (also CD 1 Track 15) Timer
Sound files

© Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution. Page 100

Week 18 – Year 1 Spanish
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Numbers 1 to 3 and patterns. uno – one
dos – two
Objectives: tres – three
• Reinforce numbers one to three in and out gracias – thank you
of sequence.
• Listen with enjoyment to a short song, Key language to support teachers:
noticing the pattern of the song with each line N/A.
beginning with a number.

1 Listen to the short number song:

uno, dos, tres ¿de dónde es?

tres, dos, uno, tres, dos, uno.

uno, dos, tres ¿de dónde es?

tres, dos, uno, tres, dos, uno.

2 Encourage the children to clap to the rhythm of the song as you play it through several times.

3 Play a circle game with the children. Use a timing device which is set to ‘explode’ randomly – (rather
like the game Pass the Bomb). The children sit in a circle passing an object to one another around
the circle. As they pass it on everyone counts together uno, dos, tres, gracias, uno, dos, tres, gracias
etc. as the object is passed from one person to the next. When the bomb explodes or the timer on
the IWB sounds (or when the teacher claps) the person holding the object has to stand up and turn
around three times very quickly.

Software resources Other resources:

Song: Uno, dos, tres (CD 2 Track 17) Timer
Sound files

Page 101 © Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution.

Week 19 – Year 1 French
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Exploring language. N/A.

Objectives: Key language to support teachers:

• Explore the sounds of words in different Pronunciation of all items of vocabulary provided
languages. on sound file.
• Understand that some languages have a
different writing script and observe one of
the letters.

1 Display the English word: ‘hotel’ on the board. Ask the children if they can read it. Sound it out
with the children. Next display the word again in a different colour to represent the French word:
‘hôtel’ and say it, taking care not to pronounce the ‘h’ at the start. Ask the children which letter they
couldn’t hear as the word was read aloud. Next, show the children the word: ‘horrible’ in French
and say it aloud. Explain that in French ‘h’ is not pronounced at the start of a word.

2 You could ‘play’ with some other words, exploring the sounds in English and in the foreign language.
You might choose to use:

banque – bank
France – France
orange – orange
chocolat – chocolate
limonade – lemonade
télévision – television
tennis – tennis

3 Explain that even similar words can be pronounced quite differently in other languages, which is
why they sound so interesting. This reinforces the message from week 2 about how some words
are similar and others are quite different. If you have any EAL children who would like to volunteer
a few words or a sentence in their first language, take advantage of this and emphasise to the other
children how fascinating it is to listen to people communicating in another language.

4 Finally, explain to the children that some languages have different writing systems and don’t use a,b,c
as we do. Show a script in Chinese. Focus on one letter. Try to copy it and enjoy the challenge! One
or two children might like to attempt it themselves.

Software resources Other resources:

Text card N/A.
Sound files

© Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution. Page 102

Week 19 – Year 1 Spanish
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Exploring language. N/A.

Objectives: Key language to support teachers:

• Explore the sounds of words in different Pronunciation of all items of vocabulary provided
languages. on sound file.
• Understand that some languages have a
different writing script and observe one of
the letters.

1 Display the English word: ‘hospital’ on the board. Ask the children if they can read it or make a guess
at what it says. Sound it out with the children. Next display the word again in a different colour
and explain that this is the Spanish word for hospital: ‘hospital’. Say the word, taking care not to
pronounce the ‘h’ at the start. Ask the children which letter they couldn’t hear as the word was read
aloud. Next, show the children the word: ‘horrible’ in Spanish and say it aloud. Explain that in Spanish
‘h’ is not pronounced at the start of a word. The words are spelt in the same way, but pronounced
differently because of Spanish pronunciation patterns.

2 Next, draw the children’s attention to a letter which only exists in Spanish – ñ. Explain to the
children that in foreign languages there are sometimes letters which are different to English letters.
You could ‘play’ with the words containing this letter, exploring the sound it makes in Spanish – (ny).
You might choose to use the following words which are recorded on the sound file:

señor – Mr/Sir
señora – Mrs./Madam
ñam ñam – yum yum
niño – boy
castaño – brown
daño – harm

3 Explain that new sounds and ways of pronouncing words differently make other languages sound so
interesting. If you have any EAL children who would like to volunteer a few words or a sentence in
their first language, take advantage of this and emphasise to the other children how fascinating it is to
listen to people communicating in another language.
4 Finally, explain to the children that some languages have different writing systems and don’t use a,b,c
as we do. Show a script in Chinese. Focus on one letter. Try to copy it and enjoy the challenge! One
or two children might like to attempt it themselves.

Software resources Other resources:

Text card N/A.
Sound files

Page 103 © Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution.

Week 20 – Year 1 French
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Warm up song for PE lesson. N/A.

Objectives: Key language to support teachers:

• Join in a warm up song in the foreign language, N/A.
following instructions.

You may wish to use a large space for the following activities.

1 The following song can be used as a warm-up song for a PE lesson at any time:

Courez sur place – Run on the spot

Touchez le ciel – Touch the sky
Touchez le sol – Touch the ground
Tournez, tournez – Turn around
Sautez, sautez – Jump, jump
Frappez deux fois – Clap twice
Marchez sur place – Walk on the spot

2 Play the equivalent of Duck, duck, goose. The children sit in a group or groups in a circle on the floor.
One child in each group walks around the edge of the circle tapping each child on the head stating
bonjour, bonjour, bonjour, bonjour (for any number of times he chooses) and then taps one child saying:
‘au revoir !’ This child must quickly stand up and chase the first child around the circle to try to catch
him before he returns to his place.

Software resources Other resources:

Song: Courez sur place (also CD 1 Track 16) N/A.
Sound file

© Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution. Page 104

Week 20 – Year 1 Spanish
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Warm up song for PE lesson. N/A.

Objectives: Key language to support teachers:

• Join in a warm up song in the foreign language, N/A.
following instructions.

You may wish to use a large space for the following activities.

1 The following song can be used as a warm-up song for a PE lesson at any time:

Corre, corre – Run, run

Toca el techo – Touch the ceiling
Toca el suelo – Touch the floor
Gira, gira – Turn around, turn around
Salta, salta – Jump, jump
Toca las palmas – Clap your hands
Camina, camina – Walk, walk

2 Play the equivalent of Duck, duck, goose. The children sit in a group or groups in a circle on the floor.
One child in each group walks around the edge of the circle tapping each child on the head stating
hola, hola, hola, hola (for any number of times he chooses) and then taps one child saying: ‘¡Adiós!’
This child must quickly stand up and chase the first child around the circle to try to catch him before
he returns to his place.

Software resources Other resources:

Song: Corre, corre (also CD 2 Track 18) N/A.
Sound file

Page 105 © Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution.

21 &22
Week 21&22 – Year 1 French and Spanish
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Chinese New Year – exploring an aspect of culture. N/A.

Objectives: Key language to support teachers:

• Deepen intercultural understanding about N/A.
festivals and celebrations in other cultures.

1 Explain to the children that the Chinese New Year is celebrated at a different time to the New Year
celebrated in this country, which always falls on the first day in January. You might share with the
children the following dates so that they can recognize that New Year’s Day for the Chinese New
Year is celebrated around January/February but not on the same day each year:
2005 – Feb 9; 2006 – Jan 29; 2007 – Feb 18 etc.; 2010 – Feb 14; 2011 – Feb 3; 2012 – Jan 23.
The dates and information are available on the text cards.
2 Using the images, share with the children the 12 animal names that are allocated to each
year and identify which animal will represent the new year approaching:
2010 – Tiger; 2011 – Hare; 2012 – Dragon; 2013 – Snake; 2014 – Horse; 2015 – Ram;
2016 – Monkey; 2017 – Rooster; 2018 – Dog; 2019 – Pig; 2020 – Rat; 2021 – Ox.
1 (A difficult concept for very young children to understand but might be of interest to the teacher:
The Chinese system makes it easy because you don’t have to remember your age, just the year
when you were born! In 2009 everyone born in the Year of the Rat was either 2, 14, 26, 38, 50, 62,
74, 86 or 98. This makes it easy for older people who might not always remember their exact age!!)
3 As part of the New Year celebrations, Chinese people send each other cards. You can find a
selection of Chinese New Year cards on the internet and children might like to print one or two
out to make their own Chinese New Year card.
4 Another tradition is to put up a ‘chun lian’ at the front of the house. This is a piece of beautiful
writing, which typically contains a happy, hopeful message about the new year to come and about
the arrival of Spring. It may include words such as:
‘Winter gone mountain clear water sparkle’ Or ‘Spring comes bird sings’
You can easily find examples of these to show the children by
using a search engine and typing the words ‘chun lian’.
5 Ask the children to think in pairs what words they might like
to include in a chun lian of their own. This could be a creative
activity where children reflect on all the words connected to
Spring, hope and new life.
6 Use the song to teach the children a Chinese New Year song.

Software resources Other resources:

Images Internet access.
Text cards
Song: Chinese New Year song (also CD 1 Track 44
& CD 2 Track 43)

© Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution. Page 106

Week 23 – Year 1 French
Theme: Key language for children to understand:
Exploring feelings – revisited. Revisiting feelings vocabulary:
content – happy
Objectives: triste – sad
• Recall the meaning of words describing excité – excited
emotions, introduced in term 1. fatigué – tired
• Recognise how tone of voice can help in anxieux – worried
working out the meaning of emotions. fâché – angry
• Identify how the main character of a story might
be feeling at various points during the story. Key language to support teachers:
Story read aloud on software

1 Show the images of faces and say the corresponding word with appropriate expression. Encourage
the children to guess the English meaning for each:

triste – sad fatigué – tired excité – excited

content – happy fâché – angry anxieux – worried

The children may recall these words. If not, you may choose to use only the first four in the list.

2 Draw the children’s attention to how some of the words have a link with the English and also to how
the image and your tone of voice helped the children to guess the meaning of each word.

3 Re-read the story: ‘Bon appétit! Monsieur Lapin’ from week 3. You could read this simple story to
the children (or play it using the software), pausing at several points to ask a volunteer to touch the
smiley face image which represents how the little rabbit is
feeling at that moment. During this story, the little rabbit
experiences different emotions – sad at the start because
he is fed up of eating carrots, excited when he sets off
to see what type of food he could borrow from friends,
angry at the thought of eating bugs and worms, sad that
he doesn’t grow bananas in his own garden, frightened
when the fox chases him, happy at the end when he eats
his carrot meal.

Software resources Other resources:

Images of faces Story book
Sound files

© Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution. Page 108

Week 23 – Year 1 Spanish
Theme: Key language for children to understand:
Exploring feelings – revisited. Revisiting feelings vocabulary:
feliz – happy
Objectives: triste – sad
• Recall the meaning of words describing entusiasmado/a – excited
emotions, introduced in term 1. cansado/a – tired
• Recognise how tone of voice can help in preocupado/a – worried
working out the meaning of emotions. enfadado/a – angry
• Identify how the main character of a story might
be feeling at various points during the story. Key language to support teachers:
Story read aloud on software

1 Show the images of faces and say the corresponding word with appropriate expression. Encourage
the children to guess the English meaning for each:

triste – sad cansado/a – tired entusiasmado/a – excited

feliz – happy enfadado/a – angry preocupado/a – worried

The children may recall these words. If not, you may choose to use only the first four in the list.

2 Draw the children’s attention to how some of the words have a link with the English and also to how
the image and your tone of voice helped the children to guess the meaning of each word.

3 The book ‘David va al colegio’, by David Shannon is a useful text here. You could read this simple
story to the children, pausing at several points during the story to ask a volunteer to touch the
face which represents how the main character is feeling at that moment. David is angry in different
places when he gets a telling off, sad when he has to stay behind after class, happy when he receives
a gold star.

Software resources Other resources:

Images of faces Story book
Sound files

Page 109 © Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution.

Week 24 – Year 1 French
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Exploring feelings. content – happy
triste – sad
Objectives: excité – excited
• Listen to children talking about how they feel fatigué – tired
in the foreign language and identify from the anxieux – worried
language they use, their tone of voice and their fâché – angry
body language how they are feeling
• Understand some vocabulary relating to feelings (fier – proud)
• Consider what makes us feel different
emotions and how we can help people when Key language to support teachers:
they feel anxious etc. N/A.

1 Use the Faces Wall Frieze. Do a warm-up activity by asking the children to touch a face for each of
the words you say. Use exaggerated expression and gestures to help the children identify
the meaning.

2 Show the children DVD clips of children stating how they feel in the foreign language. Pause after
each one and encourage them to guess how the child was feeling. They could volunteer their answer
by choosing the right image and holding it in the air. You could lead into a discussion about why the
child was feeling like that, during which the children can use their imagination. Eg. content – maybe it’s
his birthday; maybe he has a new toy; maybe he is having her favourite meal for tea etc.

3 Circle time activity – place the images (happy, sad, excited, angry, tired, worried) in the centre of
the circle face down on the floor. (You might choose to add the word for proud: ‘fier’ if you think
the children could learn another word or you could reduce the number of words included in the
activity.) Pick up an image and say the French word, encouraging
the children to guess what it means in English. Next spin an
object (arrow, bottle etc) in the centre of the circle. When it
stops, ask whoever the bottle is pointing to, to suggest when we
might feel the emotion on the image: eg. I feel sad when I have
to go to bed/when I don’t like the dinner/when I get told off/
when I don’t understand in class etc. You could consider with the
children how we can help others when they feel anxious or sad.

In Year 2, children will learn how to form simple sentences saying

how they feel using the verb: ‘Je suis’.

Software resources Other resources:

Images of faces Object for spinning
DVD clips Faces Wall Frieze
Sound files

© Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution. Page 110

Week 24 – Year 1 Spanish
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Exploring feelings. feliz – happy
triste – sad
Objectives: entusiasmado/a – excited
• Listen to children talking about how they feel cansado/a – tired
in the foreign language and identify from the preocupado/a – worried
language they use, their tone of voice and their enfadado/a – angry
body language how they are feeling
• Understand some vocabulary relating to feelings Key language to support teachers:
• Consider what makes us feel different N/A.
emotions and how we can help people when
they feel anxious etc.

1 Use the Faces Wall Frieze. Do a warm-up activity by asking the children to touch a face for each of
the words you say. Use exaggerated expression and gestures to help the children identify
the meaning.

2 Show the children DVD clips of children stating how they feel in the foreign language. Pause after
each one and encourage them to guess how the child was feeling. They could volunteer their answer
by choosing the right image and holding it in the air. You could lead into a discussion about why the
child was feeling like that, during which the children can use their imagination. Eg. feliz – maybe it’s his
birthday; maybe he has a new toy; maybe he is having her favourite meal for tea etc.

3 Circle time activity – place the images (happy, sad, excited, angry, tired, worried) in the centre of
the circle face down on the floor. Pick up an image and say the Spanish word, encouraging the
children to guess what it means in English. Next spin an object
(arrow, bottle etc) in the centre of the circle. When it stops, ask
whoever the bottle is pointing to, to suggest when we might feel
the emotion on the image: eg. I feel sad when I have to go to
bed/when I don’t like the dinner/when I get told off/when I don’t
understand in class etc. You could consider with the children
how we can help others when they feel anxious or sad.

In Year 2, children will learn how to form simple sentences saying

how they feel using the verb: ‘Estoy’.

Software resources Other resources:

Images of faces Object for spinning
DVD clips Faces Wall Frieze
Sound files

Page 111 © Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution.

Week 25 – Year 1 French
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Participating in a playground game and song. N/A.

Objectives: Key language to support teachers:

• Enjoy singing a traditional song and join in a N/A.
traditional game.

1 Play one verse of the song – ‘Le fermier dans son pré’ and ask the children if they recognize the tune.
Explain that children all over the world play games and that this is the French song to accompany
the game – ‘The farmer’s in his den’. In French the words mean ‘The farmer is in his meadow’.

2 Listen again to a verse and show the children the words ‘Oh hé, oh hé’ on the screen.

3 Play the whole song and encourage the children to join in with the words ‘Oh hé, oh hé’ in each
verse. They will not manage to join in the rest but might happily join in with these two words.

4 Choose the farmer and ask the children to form

a circle. Play the song, pausing after each verse to
explain what is happening. This will take longer and
need more explanation if the children are not familiar
with the game in English.
Verse 1 – farmer in his den
Verse 2 – chooses a wife
Verse 3 – wife chooses a child
Verse 4 – child chooses a cat
Verse 5 – cat chooses a mouse

If you would like to include an Hindi playground game,

the following song is available:
Choock, choock karti gari aayee Choo Choo train Choo choo train
Choock, choock karti gari aayee Choo Choo train Choo choo train
Agey se mut jaana bhai Here comes the Choo choo train
Kaala kaala dhuan urati, dhuck, dhuck, dhuck dhuck shor machati. Chug Chug, Chug it chugs along
Gari aayee, gari aayee, chook, chook karti gari aayee. Puff Puff Puff it sings a song

Children can listen to the song and then form a train around the room, hall or playground as they
listen to the music and join in singing.

Software resources Other resources:

Songs: Le fermier dans son pré (also CD 1 Track 17) N/A
Hindi Train song (also CD 1 Track 49)

© Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution. Page 112

Week 25 – Year 1 Spanish
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Participating in a playground game and song. N/A.

Objectives: Key language to support teachers:

• Enjoy singing a traditional song and join in a N/A.
traditional game.

1 Two songs are introduced in Foundation Stage 2 which could be used this week. ‘Al corro de la
patata’ is available as a Spanish playground song. This is sung with children holding hands and walking
around in a circle, sitting down at the end, rather like ‘Ring a ring o’ roses’. A DVD sequence is
available to watch Spanish children playing the game.

A second song which children met briefly in Foundation Stage 2 is called ‘La Tía Mónica’. This is a
traditional song which children might recognize and they will certainly enjoy putting actions to the
song, making a dance routine. An extract of the song is below:

Así mueve los ojos, Así mueve la cabeza,

Así, así, así Así, así, así
Así se da una vuelta, Así se da una vuelta,
Así, así, así. Así, así, así.

2 For each verse children have to move a part of the body

for lines 1 and 2 and then turn around for lines 3 and 4.
(As with all songs, a translation is available).
3 Initially play the whole song and encourage the children
to join in with the words ‘Así, así, así’ in each verse.
Next explain which part of the body is to be moved in each verse and provide a demonstration!

If you would like to include an Hindi playground game, the following song is available:
Choock, choock karti gari aayee Choo Choo train Choo choo train
Choock, choock karti gari aayee Choo Choo train Choo choo train
Agey se mut jaana bhai Here comes the Choo choo train
Kaala kaala dhuan urati, dhuck, dhuck, dhuck dhuck shor machati. Chug Chug, Chug it chugs along
Gari aayee, gari aayee, chook, chook karti gari aayee. Puff Puff Puff it sings a song

Children can listen to the song and then form a train around the room, hall or playground as they
listen to the music and join in singing.

Software resources Other resources:

Songs: Al corro de la patata (also CD 2 Track 9) N/A
La Tía Mónica (also CD 2 Track 3)
Hindi Train song (also CD 2 Track 48)
DVD clip

Page 113 © Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution.

Week 26 – Year 1 French
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
A vowel sound. N/A.

Objectives: Key language to support teachers:

• Link sounds to letters, focusing on the sound N/A.
of the letter ‘i’ in both English and French.
• Understand that individual letters might make
a different sound in a foreign language.

1 Display the text card ‘timid’ on the screen. Underline ‘i’ in each syllable. Show some other English
words containing the letter ‘i’ – hit, bit, mitten, sit, window sill and read each with the children. Then
show the words ice cream, mice and talk about the English letter ‘i’ making two different sounds.

2 Explain to the children that in French the letter ‘i’ makes the sound eee – merci, for example.

3 Show the images of pets and text cards their names, all containing the sound of the letter ‘i’ – eg.
Mimi, Fifi, Minou, Lili, Tchoupi.

4 Play the song practising the sound of the letter ‘i’, adding actions as you choose.

5 Discuss how letters can make different sounds in different languages, reinforcing the English sounds
of the letter ‘i’.

Software resources Other resources:

Images N/A.
Text cards
Song: i, i, i (also CD 1 Track 18)
Sound files

© Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution. Page 114

Week 26 – Year 1 Spanish
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
A vowel sound. N/A.

Objectives: Key language to support teachers:

• Link sounds to letters, focusing on the sound N/A.
of the letter ‘e’ in both English and Spanish.
• Understand that individual letters might make
a different sound in a foreign language.

1 Display the text cards ‘met, get, net, set’ on the screen. Underline ‘e’. Ask the children to make
the sound of the letter. Ask the children whether they think the letter e makes the same sound in
every language. Show some Spanish words that the children have met containing the letter ‘e’: triste,
elefante, tigre.
2 Explain to the children that in Spanish the letter ‘e’ makes a similar sound to ‘ay’.

3 Show the images of pets and text cards of their names, all containing the sound of the letter ‘e’ – eg.
Bebé, Leo, Fideo, Caramelo, Rene, Pepe, Dante, Dulce.

4 Play the song practising the sound of the letter ‘e’, adding actions as you choose. See song CD.

5 Discuss how letters can make different sounds in different languages, reinforcing the English sounds
of the letter ‘e’.

Software resources Other resources:

Images N/A.
Text cards
Song: e, e, e (also CD 2 Track 19)
Sound files

Page 115 © Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution.

Week 27 – Year 1 French
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Warm-up song for PE lesson, PE game. un – one
deux – two
Objectives: trois – three
• Enjoy performing actions to a warm-up song, quatre – four
following the teacher’s example. cinq – five
• Join in an activity following instructions from
the teacher and recognizing numbers 1 – 5. Key language to support teachers:
Les requins arrivent – the sharks are coming.

1 Play the warm-up song for the PE lesson again, encouraging all the children to join in the actions as
detailed in week 20.
2 Play a simple number statues game. Some PE teachers refer to this game as… ’The sharks are
coming…’ and encourage the children to run around the room before the teacher blows a whistle
and states a number e.g. 2. The children must quickly get into a group of that number. Anyone not in
a group of 2 after 5 seconds is eaten by a shark… The game could be called: ‘Les requins arrivent !’

Software resources Other resources:

Song: Courez sur place (also CD 1 Track 16) N/A.
Sound files

© Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution. Page 116

Week 27 – Year 1 Spanish
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Warm-up song for PE lesson, PE game. uno – one
dos – two
Objectives: tres – three
• Enjoy performing actions to a warm-up song, cuatro – four
following the teacher’s example. cinco – five
• Join in an activity following instructions from
the teacher and recognizing numbers 1 – 5. Key language to support teachers:
Los tiburones llegan – the sharks are coming.

1 Play the warm-up song for the PE lesson again, encouraging all the children to join in the actions as
detailed in week 20.
2 Play a simple number statues game. Some PE teachers refer to this game as… ’The sharks are
coming…’ and encourage the children to run around the room before the teacher blows a whistle
and states a number e.g. 2. The children must quickly get into a group of that number. Anyone not in
a group of 2 after 5 seconds is eaten by a shark… The game could be called: ‘¡Los tiburones llegan!’

Software resources Other resources:

Song: Corre corre (also CD 2 Track 18) N/A.
Sound files

Page 117 © Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution.

Week 28 – Year 1 French
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Imitating accents. N/A.

Objectives: Key language to support teachers:

• Have fun trying to say words in a French ‘way’ Sound file – pronounciation of all sports used in
and imitate a French accent. this lesson: golf, badminton, tennis, football, rugby,
judo, ping pong.

1 Prepare a feely bag with various small sports items, representing the sports listed below:

Golf – golf ball

Badminton – shuttle cock
Tennis – tennis ball
Football – football
Rugby – rugby ball
Judo – belt
Ping pong – table tennis ball

All of the sports above are selected because virtually all of the words are the same in French/English
but pronounced with a French accent. See Appendix A for the same list in other languages if you
would like to make further comparisons.

2 As the children pull out an item from the bag, emphasise the French pronunciation for each word.
Make sure that the children have fun pronouncing the words. You could sit them in a circle for this
activity and allow them to pass the object around the circle as they say the word with a French
accent. Rugby is a useful one for practising the sound of the French letter ‘r’, made at the back of
the throat! The focus for the session is not on the children remembering the words for the
sports, but rather on them
enjoying making new sounds
as they imitate the French

3 Play a matching up activity with

some children matching up the
sports items and the words,
while all the children join in
saying the words in French.

Software resources Other resources:

Activity Feely bag and objects.
Sound file
Text cards

© Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution. Page 118

Week 28 – Year 1 Spanish
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Imitating accents. N/A.

Objectives: Key language to support teachers:

• Have fun trying to say words in a Spanish ‘way’ Sound file – pronounciation of all sports used in
and imitate a Spanish accent. this lesson: golf, bádminton, tenis, fútbol, rugby, judo,
ping pong.

1 Prepare a feely bag with various small sports items, representing the sports listed below:

Golf – golf ball

Badminton – shuttle cock
Tennis – tennis ball
Football – football
Rugby – rugby ball
Judo – belt
Ping pong – table tennis ball

All of the sports above are selected because virtually all of the words are the same in Spanish/English
but pronounced with a Spanish accent. See Appendix A for the same list in other languages if you
would like to make further comparisons.

2 As the children pull out an item from the bag, emphasise the Spanish pronunciation for each word.
Make sure that the children have fun pronouncing the words. You could sit them in a circle for this
activity and allow them to pass the object around the circle as they say the word with a Spanish
accent. The focus for the session is not on the children remembering the words for the sports, but
rather on them enjoying making
new sounds as they imitate the
Spanish pronunciation.

3 Play a matching up activity with

some children matching up the
sports items and the words,
while all the children join in
saying the words in Spanish.

Software resources Other resources:

Activity Feely bag and objects.
Sound file
Text cards

Page 119 © Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution.

Week 29 – Year 1 French
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
A fable. N/A.

Objectives: Key language to support teachers:

• Understand the concept and purpose of a fable. Story read aloud on sound file.
• Listen to and enjoy a traditional French fable.
• Explore the effect of repeated language in
the story.

1 Introduce the word ‘fable’ to the children. Give an example of a fable that the children may know
in English – The Hare and the Tortoise, for example. Explain that fables are short stories with a
moral etc. (You may choose to use English in this lesson as you are covering a traditional French fable and
discussing traditional stories; however, a simplified version in French is provided if you would like to use it.)
2 Read a simplified version of the fable ‘Le renard et le corbeau’ (The fox and the crow) to the children,
using the story activity provided. Explain the background to the story before you read it in the
foreign language. (A translation of the story is provided in Appendix B.) The crow has a piece of
cheese in his beak which he found on the ground; the fox approaches and is very hungry and smells
the cheese. He has to find a way of taking it from the crow so he decides to play a trick on the crow.
He compliments him on being the most attractive bird in the sky, and tells him that his feathers are
very beautiful. He says that he imagines that he must have a very beautiful singing voice too. The
crow is delighted by the flattery and wants to show off his lovely voice at once. He starts to sing,
drops the cheese from his beak and the fox runs away with it, telling the crow that he is surely the
silliest creature because he has been far too happy to listen to flattery and has not used his brains.

3 Hand out an image to four children; two depicting a crow and two depicting a fox. The children
stand at the front of the room. As you read the story the two holding the crow raise their card in
the air each time the crow is mentioned; the other two children do the same for the fox. Challenge
all the children to listen and spot the word for cheese.

4 Discuss with the children what the moral of the story

is. Why was the crow silly? etc.

Software resources Other resources:

French story activity N/A.
Sound file

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Week 29 – Year 1 Spanish
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
A fable. N/A.

Objectives: Key language to support teachers:

• Understand the concept and purpose of a fable. Story read aloud on sound file.
• Listen to and enjoy a traditional Mexican fable

1 Introduce the word ‘fable’ to the children. Give an example of a fable that the children may know
in English – The Hare and the Tortoise, for example. Explain that fables are short stories with a
moral etc. (You may choose to use English in this lesson as you are covering a traditional Mexican fable and
discussing traditional stories; however, a simplified version in Spanish is provided if you would like to use it.)

2 Read a simplified version of the fable ‘La lechera’ (The Milkmaid) to the children, using the story
activity provided. Explain the background to the story before you read it in the foreign language. (A
translation of the story is provided in Appendix B.)

3 In this traditional story the milkmaid has milked her cow and is planning what she will do with all the
money she will get at the market for the milk. She has grand plans about buying hens, selling eggs,
buying a pig, selling him for bacon etc and is so busy making plans that she doesn’t concentrate, slips
and spills all the milk, ending up with nothing. After reading the story you could discuss with them
how the milkmaid was feeling at various points and how she feels at the end. What is the moral of
the story? etc.

Software resources Other resources:

Spanish story activity N/A.
Sound file

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Week 30 – Year 1 French
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Recognising and applying patterns. rouge – red
bleu – blue
• Recognize and apply patterns, learn the names Key language to support teachers:
of two colours. N/A.

1 Show the children two coloured bean bags – rouge (red) and bleu (blue)

2 Encourage the children to say the French words with you as you lift up each beanbag in turn.

3 Listen to the simple song which practises the words for the two colours. It is sung to the tune of
Frère Jacques.

Rouge, rouge, bleu, bleu

Rouge, rouge, bleu bleu
Bleu, bleu, rouge
Bleu, bleu, rouge
Bleu, bleu, rouge, bleu
Bleu, bleu, rouge, bleu
Rouge, rouge, bleu
Rouge, rouge, bleu.

4 Show the coloured patterns’ activity (in a series of circles) and chant the colours in the order they
are shown. See if the children can spot the different patterns in each sequence displayed on each
slide: Eg. rouge, rouge, bleu, rouge, rouge, bleu, rouge, rouge, bleu.

The children could complete the patterns or create their own patterns using the circles at the bottom.

The children could also clap as they chant the colours in each sequence.

Software resources Other resources:

Song: Rouge, rouge, bleu, bleu (also CD 1 Track 19) Beanbags
Sound files

© Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution. Page 122

Week 30 – Year 1 Spanish
Theme: Key language for children to produce:
Recognising and applying patterns. rojo – red
azul – blue
• Recognize and apply patterns, learn the names Key language to support teachers:
of two colours. N/A.

1 Show the children two coloured bean bags – rojo (red) and azul (blue)

2 Encourage the children to say the Spanish words with you as you lift up each beanbag in turn.

3 Listen to the simple song which practises the words for the two colours. It is sung to the tune of
Frère Jacques.

Rojo, azul.
Rojo, azul.
Azul, azul.
Rojo, azul.
Rojo, azul.
Rojo, azul.
Azul, azul.
Rojo, azul.

4 Show the coloured patterns’ activity (in a series of circles) and chant the colours in the order they
are shown. See if the children can spot the different patterns in each sequence displayed on each
slide: Eg. rojo, rojo, azul, rojo, rojo, azul, rojo, rojo, azul.

The children could complete the patterns or create their own patterns using the circles at the bottom.

The children could also clap as they chant the colours in each sequence.

Software resources Other resources:

Song: Rojo, azul (also CD 2 Track 20) Beanbags
Sound files

Page 123 © Copyright La Jolie Ronde Ltd. 2010. This page cannot be photocopied. Only to be used within the purchasing institution.

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