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Journals Review

1.Girish K. Jha (2021) Focused on understanding Agricultural Student’s perception and

preference towards the online learning through an online survey of 307 students. We also
explored the student’s preferences for various attributes of online classes, which will be
helpful to design effective online learning environment. The results indicated that majority of
the respondents (70%) are ready to opt for online classes to manage the curriculum during
this pandemic. Majority of the students preferred to use smart phone for online learning.
Using content analysis, we found that students prefer recorded classes with quiz at the end of
each class to improve the effectiveness of learning. The students opined that flexibility and
convenience of online classes makes it attractive option, whereas broadband connectivity
issues in rural areas makes it a challenge for students to make use of online learning


1.Girish K. Jha, Students’ Social Sciences & Humanities Open. perception and preference for
online education in India during COVID -19 pandemic Volume 3, Issue 1, 2021, Volume 3,
Issue 1, page no.100101

2.KalpanaRamachandran (2021) Has stated Perception of medical students about

online learning in the COVID-19 . This survey analyses the perception A cross-sectional
descriptive questionnaire-based study was done and first year medical students were asked
to respond. The respondents were asked to answer the questions in Likert-scale, from
1-5. Statistical analysis was done and Test for one proportion was calculated using ‘z’ test. A
p-value of<0.05 was considered significant. A total of 122 first year medical students
responded to the survey. The pandemic has posed an unprecedented challenge to the
academic schedule. Although many challenges were faced by the teachers and learners,
internet connectivity continued to be a major problem in online education. It is the duty of
every educationist to ensure an uninterrupted, continuous and an effective process of
teaching and learning

KalpanaRamachandran, Research article Perception of medical students about online learning

in the COVID-19 January, –March 2021 ,volume 41(1),page no 139-145

3.Md. EmranHossain (2021) Conducted study Students’ Perception of Online Class
During Covid19 Pandemic: An Ordered PROBIT Model Estimation based on a telephone
survey among 200 public university students in Bangladesh. Our ordered probit model
estimation shows that gender, living area, money spending for online classes, academic
grade, internet problem, consideration of online class as a good alternative, considering
whether teachers are skilled or not significantly affect the students’ perception of online class.
Students having lower facilities, for example internet problems, living in rural areas,
unskilled teachers, lower spending (because of poor economic status) tend to choose a very
bad perception of online class. Besides students with lower grades, students who don’t
consider online classes as a good alternative and female students tend to choose very bad
perceptions of online class


EmranHossain, international journal of academica research and progressive education and

development,t Students’ Perception of Online Class During Covid-19 Pandemic: An Ordered
PROBIT Model Estimation,2021 volume 10(2),Page no 329-401

4. Aziz Ansari et .al (2021) conducted study on Perception of Online Teaching and
Learning Among Health Sciences Students in Higher Education Institutions  An online
computer-based cross-sectional study was conducted A pre-validated questionnaire was used
and administrated to health sciences students studying at Dammam Universities through
online software Question  Out of total 281, 68% of the participants were females (n=188)
while 31.9% (n=88) were male students with an average age of 23.1(4.5) years. Overall, 176
(62%) of the students expressed their satisfaction with online learning.


Aziz Ansari ,Perception on online teaching and learning among health sciences students in
higher education institutions during the COVID-19 lockdown, 2021, volume  10, issue 177.
5.Arshad Khan (2020)reveled quantitative study as well as descriptive study about
Students’ Perception towards E-Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic in India the perception
on and attitude of students in regard to the effectiveness of e-learning during COVID-19 The
study reveals the preferences of students for e-learning as it provides them much freedom to
connect with their teachers, fellow students and engage with their study materials at the
comfort space and time


Arshad Khan, Students’ Perception towards E-Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic in

India: An Empirical Study. Sustainability 2021, volume  13, issue 1 page no, 5

6. Dr.Shruti Nagar (2020) has stated Students’ perception towards e-learning and
effectiveness of online sessions amid Covid-19 Lockdown Phase in India In this study
primary and secondary data sources have been used. The data is collected through self-
administered, online circulated, structured questionnaire, which has fetched 182 responses
from 16 states of India. The respondents were the students who are using e-learning sources
to complete their regular courses or for skill development, during lockdown. The suitable
statistical tools have been used to validate and analyse the data. Major There is considerable
percentage of the respondents who have used the e-learning mode of education for the first-
time during lockdown phase which affects the perception of the students towards elearning as
well as effectiveness of cessation


Dr.Shruti Nagar, Students’ perception towards e-learning and effectiveness of online sessions
amid Covid-19 Lockdown Phase in India

7. AbhinandanKulal (2020), Conducted a study on perception of teachers and students

toward online classes in Dakshina Kannada and Udupi District. The study aims at analyzing
the perception of teachers and students about online classes. The data was collected through
two separate structured questionnaires for students and teachers in Dakshina Kannada and
Udupi District in Karnataka. Data were recorded in SPSS and analyzed by using descriptive
statistics. The study reveals that students are comfortable with online classes and are getting
enough support from teachers, but they do not believe that online classes will replace
traditional classroom teaching. It also finds that teachers are facing difficulties in conducting
online classes due to a lack of proper training and development for doing online classes.
Technical issues are the major problem for the effectiveness of the online classes


Asian Association of Open Universities Journal Vol. 15 No. 3, 2020 pp. 285-296 Emerald
Publishing Limited e-ISSN: 2414-6994 p-ISSN: 1858-3431 DOI 10.1108/AAOUJ-07-2020-

8.MahajanKalpana. (2018) Conducted quantitative study of students’ perception

about e-learning with a structured questionnaire were used for data collection and it was
presented to 150 respondents . 98% agree to find e-learning useful and 86% M and 94% F are
motivated to use it. 81%M and 88% F find e-learning to be of interactive mode and 74% M
with 83% F. The study clearly depicts that e-learning has its benefits from a student's
perspective and it will have a positive influence on their performance with better
understanding of their courses.

KalpanaMahajan, Research article Perception of medical students about online learning in

the COVID-19 January, –March 2021 ,volume 41(1),page no 139-145

9. M.M. Abbad (2011) has brought an interest and encouragement to some
researchers to examine and evaluate the values perceived from the online learning. The
purpose of this study is to evaluate the students’ perception of the e-learning system at
Paisley University. This study evaluates several factors influencing the perceptions of the
undergraduate students who undertaken the information management course. In this
research study, 134 students voluntarily participated to answer the questionnaire, whereas
the total number of the students undertaking the course was 137 students. , the results
showed that the main factors that affect the students’ perception of e-learning are
enhancement, ease of use, flexibility, motivation, role of instructor, and the usefulness. . It
was notable, that both of the usefulness and the ease of use factors have the highest mean
score between all other factors. This study increases the literature in some factors that
influence the learners’ adoption of e-learning systems

M.M. Abbad. International journal of emerging technologies in learningEvaluate Students’
Perceptions of the Virtual Learning Environment at Paisley University 2011 Volume 6,
Issue 3,

9.Dr. Arjun Chandra Das conducted study on Attitude of Secondary School
Students towards Online Education during Covid-19 in West Bengal Descriptive Survey
study and quantitative study. A total number of 240 selected as a sample. close-ended
questionnaire for higher secondary students to study the attitude towards online education.
The questionnaire is a Likert type scale, which consists of 40 items There is no significant
difference among the gender, locality, and stream of study of higher secondary students
towards online education


Dr.Arjun Chandra Das, International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and

Development ,Attitude of Secondary School Students towards Online Education during
Covid-19 in West Bengal, , 2021,Volume 5 Issue 2,

10.PritilataPeguDoley (2020) conducted survey among on B.Ed. trainee’ s attitude

towards e-learning where it aims to study the attitude of B.Ed. trainees towards e-learning
in general and to study the attitude of male and female, urban and rural, married and
unmarried trainees in particular. For this purpose, 100 samples were collected where 50
were male and 50 female and 50 urban and 50 from rural, 50 married and 50 unmarried. A
standardized test was administered to collect data from the sample Collected data were
organized and tabulated on the basis of scores and used Mean, Standard deviation and‘ t’
test for analyzing collected data. In this study, it is found that the B.Ed. trainees have
different levels of attitudes and there is no difference in attitudes of male and female and
married and unmarried trainees of Pragyajyoti B.Ed. College. On the other hand it has been
found that there is significance difference in the attitudes of urban and rural trainees of
B.Ed. College


PritilataPeguDoley, Quest Journals Journal of Research in Humanities and Social

Science,2020, Volume 8 , Issue 12, page no : 25-29
11.KiranOdit-Dookhan (2018) conducted survey on Attitude towards e leaning the
Ccase of mauriti student in public teis using structured questionnaire to target university
students from public HEIs in Mauritius. Out of a sample of 200 respondents only 156
questionnaires were received back where only 150 were found reliable for testing. Data
collected was statistically examined using SPSS and the research hypotheses were tested
using regression analysis. The results reveal that students are adopting technologies in their
studies and wish to use it in a more progressive way


KiranOdit-Dookhan, International Journal of Social Sciences,2018, Volume 4, Issue 3, page

no .628-643

12.Dr.IshmirekhaHandiqueKonwar(2017) conducted Quantitative research .Survey

method is used to collect the data A Study on Attitude of College Students towards E-
learning with Special Reference to North Lakhimpur of Lakhimpur District, Assam Sample
of 200 college students were randomly selected Gender male 111 and female 89 according to
locality rural 104male ane 96 female Attitude Towards e-learning Scale developed by Dimpal
Rani was used to collect the data. The scale has four major areas, viz., 1. E- Learning interest,
2. Usefulness, 3. Ease of e-learning and 4. E-learning confidence. The 65 items (both positive
and negative type) have been distributed in these four areas. The study revealed that the
college students have positive attitudes towards elearning


Dr.IshmirekhaHandiqueKonwar, .International Journal of Information Science and

Education,2017, 1262 Volume 4, Number , page no. 1-9

13.Hiren Joshi (2017) revel that Students’ Attitude towards E-learning From 80 final
year students 56 participated in the study. The survey was prepared online and hyperlink to
the survey was distributed to students using mobile group messaging application. . The main
aim of the study was to gauge students’ attitude towards the use of E-learning systems. We
analyzed their attitude with respect to gender, locality and social category. there is a highly
positive incline of diploma engineering students towards the usage of E-learning. Also, this
attitude is not affected by differences in gender, locality or social category of students

. Hiren Joshi Students’ Attitude towards E-learning, Scientific Journal of Impact

Factor,2017, Volume 8 ~ Issue 12 page no: 25-29

15. AKIMANIMPAYE AND L.P. FAKUDE (2015)conducted survey of Attitudes of

undergraduate nursing students towards e-learning at the University of the Western Cape,
South Africa among 213 undergraduate nursing students to assess their attitudes toward e-
learning. The study employed a survey methodology based on the questionnaire that was
distributed randomly to students to assess their attitudes towards e-learning, and to establish
whether any existing demographical factors impacted on the students’ use of e-learning.
From a valid response rate of 86%, the statistical analysis revealed that learner satisfaction
was influenced by perceived ease of use, gender, and study-year level of respondents. The
findings demonstrate a favourable attitude towards e-learning among nursing students at the
University of the Western Cape


Akimanimpaye ,Attitudes of undergraduate nursing students towards e-learning at the

University of the Western Cape, South Africa, . African Journal for Physical, Health
Education, Recreation and Dance,2015, pp. 418-433.

16.BrekhnaJamil (2015) has stated Attitude of nursing students towards E –

learning aim of this study is to determine the attitude of nursing students towards e-
learning. A quantitative, cross sectional study was carried out. One hundred and twenty
nursing students participated in study. The data was analyzed by SPSS 20. the result
revealed that the total 120 students, 86% were females. The mean scores for perceived
usefulness, intention to adopt, ease of learning and pressure to use e learning were
3.68,3.74,3.64 and 3.69 which are significantly more than the mean scores for technical
support and e learning stressors i.e., 3.25, 3.05 Our study shows that the nursing students
are ready to adopt e-learning and recognize its uses in education, but they consider the
difficulties with technical support and stress of using technology as a hindered


Ahsan, attitude of nursing student towards e –learning ,Adv Health Prof

Educ,2016,volum2(1),page no 24-29
17. Do cebo (2014)It has stated that there is universal agreement that the worldwide e
learning market will show fast and significant growth over the next three years. it was further
indicated that while the aggregate growth rate of e learning is 7.6% several world regions
have higher growth rates - Asia is at 17.3%, followed by Eastern Europe 16 .9 %, Africa
15.2% and 14 .6% in Latin America. The increase in uptake of internet –ready mobile devices
denote an expansion of access of access that will support the development of e learning in
this region


simpleRajagopal assessing the perception and attitude of learning Nightingale Nursing

Times 11 AND 12 FEBURY and March 2021 volume No xvi page no .41

18.Bozzetto More (2008) conducted project at Maryland state university to identify the
student’s preference for various e learning types, it was reported that majority (51.1%) of
the respondents preferred hybrid courses,25.9 % were neutral on this, while 23% disagreed
This research future shows that majority of the respondents were interested in taking a fully
online course in the future -52.3%, agree, 22.0 % were neutral and 25.7% disagreed


simpleRajagopal assessing the perception and attitude of learning Nightingale Nursing

Times 11 AND 12 FEBURY and March 2021 volume No xvi page no .41

19.Elina and Erkki (2007) conducted a study on identifying students’ attitudes on e-

learning, the effects of students learning skills and institutional support at University of
Joensuu, Finland. The results revealed that the amount of students training in e-learning is in
correlations with their level of satisfaction towards the support by their institutions; in
Universities where the amount and skills of students training was high, students attitude
towards the support by their University were considerably more positive than in universities
providing less training


Ahsan, attitude of nursing student towards e –learning ,Adv Health Prof

Educ,2016,volum2(1),page no 24-29
20. Kelly an Bauer (2004) E - Learning is understood as internet- based communication,
collaboration, knowledge transfer, and training to add value to individuals and organizations
they work within


simpleRajagopal assessing the perception and attitude of learning Nightingale Nursing

Times 11 AND 12 FEBURY and March 2021 volume No xvi page no .41


1]AvinashSupe, NirmalaRege, PrithaBhuiyan (2015)A Virtual Learning Environment

(Vle), Also Called As A Learning Management System Is Web -Based Software That Can Be
Used To Put Up The E-Learning Modules. The Modules Can Be Easily Developed By The
Teacher And Does Not Need An It Expert To Create Them .

Reference: AvinashSupe, NirmalaRege, PrithaBhuiyan , The Textbook Of The Art Of

Teaching Medical Student, Elsevier Publication (2015) 3rd Edition Pg.No-120-121.

2] K.P. Neerja(2009),Distance education is a form of education in which the students of

universities and institutes of the higher learning do not attend regular classes or lectures but
instead study teaching material especially prepared for this purpose by professor and their
staff together with experts in distance education and interact indirectly with members of the
teaching staff means of technical media for the guidance and control of their learning.

Reference: K.P. Neerja,textbook of nursing education ,jaypee publication 2009,


3]AvinashSupe, NirmalaRege, PrithaBhuiyan (2015), e- learning has changed over time as

the process has evolved a concise definition presented by fee (2009) says that “e- learning is
an approach to learning and development a collection of a learning methods using digital
Technologies which enables distribute and enhance learning.

Reference: AvinashSupe, NirmalaRege, PrithaBhuiyan , The Textbook Of The Art Of

Teaching Medical Student, Elsevier Publication (2015) 3rd Edition Pg.No-118-119.

4] K.P. Neerja (2009)The national policy on education (1986) highlighted the role of open
learning and distance education for the democratization of education in the country.
Reference: K.P. Neerja,textbook of nursing education ,jaypee publication 2009, 369

5] Elsa sanatombidevi(2006)The innovative approach used in competency based programme

as nursing have been rewarding for the nursing profession specifically to update the
knowledge and skill an empower the women of the country .

Reference: Elsa sanatombidevi, textbook of manipal manual of nursing education, CBS


6] Elsa sanatombidevi(2006), Online discussion allows student to interact with classmate

outside class and online discussion is not fixed in time or space. Students can log on at any
time from any internet –enabled computer to seek clarification for issues they encounter in
their course work to discuss topic raised in class, or to initiate new discussion on related

Reference: Elsa sanatombidevi, textbook of manipal manual of nursing education, CBS


7] Jaspreetkaursodhi (2017) Holmberg (1981) has defined distance ducation as the various
forms of study at all level which are not under the continous immediate supervision on tutors
present with their students in lecture rooms or not the same premises but which nevertheless ,
benefit from the planning guidance and tutorial organization.

Reference: jaspreetkaursodhi ,textbook of nursing education , jaypee publication,2017, pg

no- 324

8] Jaspreetkaursodhi (2017) As a concept distance education has recent origin it has

emerged as a result of rapidly changing national and international situation.marked by new
human needs and aspirations. Change has become a watchword of successful living and
education has been recognized as a tool for bringing this change in the desired manner.

Reference: Jaspreetkaursodhi ,textbook of nursing education , jaypee publication,2017, pg

no- 325

9] Shabber .P. basher(2018),distance education is a system of rational action for the

imparting of a knowledge , skill and attitude , their by the originally directed social
relationship between teacher and student are substitute to a great extend by in a direct relation
that are characterized by technical rules and prescription.

Reference: Shabber .P. basher, textbook of nursing education, emmesspublication , 2018 ,


10] K.P. Neerja ,(2009)This policy categorically stated that the further thrusts would be in
the direction of the distance and open learning system .in 1998 seven open universities in
india offering numerous of degree and post degree and diploma courses.

Reference: K.P. Neerja,textbook of nursing education ,jaypee publication 2009, 369

11] Neelamkumari (2014), A system of a learning and teaching through an electronic media
especially the internet.

Reference: neelamkumari (2014), a textbook of communication and education technology,

pveepublication , 215

12] Keshavsuvarnakar (2009)e-learning is an effective method of spreading education to

rural and remote area.

Reference: Keshavsuvarnakar ,textbook of community health nursing, 2 nd edition, lotus

publication ,(2009)pgno-560

13] Suresh k sharma ,Reena Sharma (2018)e-learning is a structured course or learning

experience delivered electronically.

Reference: Suresh k sharma ,Reena Sharma, textbook of communication and educational

technology , elsevier publication,2018,pg no-179.

14] Punitaezhilarasu(2018)e-learning also refer to online learning ,is the acquisition of

knowledge which take place through electronic media.

Reference: Punitaezhilarasu,textbook of educational technology integrating innovations

in nursing education. Wolterskluwer publication, 2018,pg no-304
15] BT Basavantappa (2009) for adults online learning often manage to solve the numerous
challenges adults learner faced during study.

Reference: BT Basavantappa, textbook of nursing education, jaypee publication, 2009,

2ndedition ,pgno-1207

16] Suresh k Sharma, companies , on the other hand , use e-learning to boast the
knowledge , skill and overall productivity of their employees.

Reference: Suresh k Sharma, textbook of administration and management services ,jaypee

publication, 2nd edition, pg no-205

17]LotheraE , It is the one of the most convenient way to greater the knowledge and
information in interactive way.

Reference:Lothera E, textbook of teaching and learning in schools of learning, konar

publication, 2008, 3rd edition, pg no-75

18] PramilaaR , e-learning is a way to provide quick delivery of lessons .as compared to
traditional classroom method.

Reference: PramilaaR , textbook of nursing communication and education technology,

jaypee publication, 2008, pg no-283

19] PunithaEzhilarasu(2018 )Distance learning plays a prominent role in delivering

education news statergies and technologies to deliver distance education can be developed.
National consortium for phd nursing by INC and rajivghandhiuniversity , Karnataka, India, as
an example.

Reference:PunithaEzhilarasu, textbook of educational technology integrating innovations in

nursing education ,wolterskluwer ,2018 263
20] Shabber .P. basher(2018)The scientific and technological advancement have influenced
and will continue to influence nursing , as they do in all spheres of all human activities.
According to the report of the high power committee of nursing and nursing profession.

Reference: Shabber .P. basher, textbook of nursing education, emmesspublication , 2018 ,


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