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Core Competencies

Core capabilities or distinctive competencies that distinguish a person from the


The Core Competencies are sets of intellectual,personal, and social and

emotional proficiencies that all students need in order to engage in deep, lifelong


Students develop Core Competencies when they are engaged in the "doing" -the
Curricular Competencies-within a learning area. As such,they are an integral
part of the curriculum. While they manifest themselves uniquely in each area
are often interconnected and are foundational
learning, the Core Competencies
to all learning.

at home
Before students enter school, development of Core Competencies begins
and then continues throughout their life. Students encounter opportunities
informal settings. They move from
develop their competence in formal and
in relativelysimple and highly supported situations,
demonstrating competence
and varied contexts.
to demonstrating independence in more complex
Competency development does not end with school graduation but continues in
and workplace contexts.
personal, social, educational,

share responsibility forthe ongoing

Students, teachers, and parents/guardians
Each group has its own considerations.
development of Core Competencies.

Unpacking the three Core Competencies

encompasses the knowledge,
-The Communication competency
we associate with interactions with others.
skills,processes and dispositions ideas and
students acquire, develop and transform
Through theircommunication,
with others to share their ideas, express their
information, and make connections
done. The communication
their learning, and getthings
individuality, further
Skills: Definitions and Examples

and Examples
Skills: Definitions

and be understood by others.

allow you to understand
Communication communicating ideas to
can include but are not limited to effectively
and receiving critical feedback
in conversations,giving
others, actively

and public speaking.

What are communication
and receiving different
are the abilities you use when giving
Communication feelings
of information. Some examples include communicating new ideas,
Communication skills involve listening,
or even an update on your project. to understand the
observing and empathising. It is also helpful
speaking, face-to-faceinteractions, phone
in how to communicate through
differences email and social media.
and digital communications like

Examples of communication
skills you can learn and practice
are different types of communication
There skills work together
an effective communicator. Many of these
help you become
communication skills in different contexts
making it important to practice
whenever possible.

Active listening

who is speaking to
listening means paying close attention to the person
Active their co-workers
People who are active listeners are well-regarded by
you. others.While it seems simple, this
attention and respect they offer
because of the can be an active listener by
be hard to develop and improve. You
is a skill that can
phones, laptops or other
the speaker, avoiding distractions like

focusing on or ideas to thoughtfully respond.

and by preparing questions, comments

styleto your audience

Adapting your communication
makel To
are appropriate in different situations.
Different styles of communication
to consider your
of your communication skills, it's important
the best use with them.
most effective format to communicate
audience and the
with a potentialemployer, it's better to
For example, if you are communicating
call them on the phone. Depending
on the sítuation, you
send a formal email or of communication.
letter over other forms
may even need to send a formal, typed complex information in
it's easier to communicate
In the workplace, you may find
a than in a long, denseemail.
person orvia video conference

In friendships,characteristics such as
honesty andkindness
often fostertrust and
understanding. The samecharacteristicS are
When you're working with others, important in workplace
approach your interactions with a
attitude,keep an open mind and ask questions to positive
help you understand where
theyre coming from. Small gestures such as asking someone how
smilingas they speak or offering theyre doing,
praise for work well done can
productive relationships with both help you foster

In the
workplace, people are more likely to
respond to ideasthat are
with confidence. There are presented
many ways to appearconfident such as
contact when you're making eye
addressing someone, sitting up
straight with your shoulders
open and preparing ahead of time so
your thoughts are polished. You'll find
confident communication comes in handy not just on the job but during the job
interview process as well.

Giving and receiving feedback

Strong communicators can accept critical feedback and

provide constructive input
to others.Feedback should answer
questions,provide solutions or help
strengthen the project or topic at hand.

Volume and clarity

When you're speaking, it's

important to be clear and audible.Adjusting your
speaking voice so you can be heard in a
variety of is a skill and
settings it's critical
to communicating effectively. Speaking too loudly may be disrespectful or
awkward in certain settings. If you're unsure, read the room to see how others
are communicating.


Empathy means that you can understand and share the emotions of others.
communication skill is important in both team
and one-on-one settings. In both
cases, you will need to understand other
people'semotions and select an
appropriate response. For example, if someone is
empathy can expressing anger or frustration,
help you acknowledge and diffuse
their emotion. At the
being able to understand when someone is sametime,
feelingpositive and enthusiastic can
help you get support for your ideas and


A key aspect of respect is

knowing when to initiate communication and
In a team or group setting,allowing others to respond.
a speak without interruptionis seen
as necessary communication skill.
Respectfullycommunicating also means using
your time with someone else
wisely-staying on topic,asking clear questions and
responding fully to any questions you've been asked.

Understanding nonverbal cues

A great deal of communication happens

through nonverbal cues such as body
language, facial expressions and eye contact. When you're
listening to someonhe,
you should be paying attention to what they're saying as well as their nonverbal
language. By the same measure, you should be conscious of your body
when you're communicating to ensure you're sending appropriate cues to others.


Whether you're returning a phone or sending a reply to an email, fast


communicators are viewed as more effective than those who are slow to respond.
One method is to consider how long your response will take. Is this a request or
can answer in the next five minutes? If so, it may be a good idea to
question you
it as soon as you see it. If it's a more
address complex request or question, you
still that you've received the message and let the other person
can acknowledge
know you will respond in full later.

How to improve your communication skills?

With experience and practice, you can learn and improve communication skills.

Start by identifying your strengths and then practice and develop those areas.

Aska close friend or colleague for constructive criticism.It can be hard to

know how you are perceived as a communicator. To get an objective
opinion, ask a trusted friend for their honest feedback. Understanding
what to
areas of improvement for communication can help you identify
focus on.
communication habits. Many communication skills
Practice improving
habits you have developed over time. You can improve those
skills by

practising new habitsthat

make you a better communicator. That might
are sent,
include being more responsive to communications when they
positive feedback
reminding yourself to make eye contact, practising giving
and asking questions in conversations.
or classes. There are several
Attend communication skills workshops
online and offline seminars, workshops and classes that can help you
include instruction, role
become better communicator. These classes may

and open discussions.

play, written assignments
on and off the
Seek opportunities to communicate. Seek opportunities,
job, that require you to use communication skills. This will help you
to practice new ones.
improve existing skills and allow you

effectively in the workplace


will use in different scenarios,

While there are severalcommunication skills you
there are few ways you can be an effective communicator at work.

Be clear andconcise. Making your message as easy to consume as possible

reduces the chance of misunderstandings, speeds up projects and helps
others quickly understand your goals. Instead of speaking in long, detailed
sentences, practice reducing your message to its core meaning. While
providing context is helpful, it is best to give the most necessary
information when trying to communicate your idea,instruction or message.
ideas and goals
Practice empathy. Understanding your colleague's feelings,
can help you when communicating with them. For example, you might
need help from other departments to get a projectstarted.If they are not
willing to help or have concerns, practising empathy can help you position

yourmessage in a way that addresses their apprehension.

At to be assertiveto reach your goals
Assert yourself. times, it is necessary
whether you are asking for a raise, seeking projectopportunities or
resisting an idea you don't think will be beneficial. While presenting with
confidence is an important part of the workplace, you should always be
respectful in conversation. Keeping an even tone and providing sound

reasons for your assertions will help others be receptive to your thoughts.
can be
Becalm and consistent. When there is a disagreement or conflict, it

easy to bring emotion into your communications. It is important to remain

calm when communicating with others in the workplace. Be aware of your
body language by not crossing your arms or rolling your eyes. Maintaining
consistent body language and keeping an even tone of voice can help you

reach a conclusion peacefully and productively.

Use and read body language. Body language is a key part of
communications the workplace. Pay close attention to the messages

people are sending with their facial expressions and movements. You
should also pay close attention to the way you might be communicating

(intentionally ornot) with your bodylanguage.

How to highlight communication skills?

You use your communication skills in every step of the job search and on the

the job interview and beyond will require

job. Everything from your resume to
skills. Here are a few ways you can highlight
different types of communication
those skills at each step.

Communication skills for resume

A well-written resume is demonstration of strong communication skills. Ensure


that your resume is structured appropriately and free of spelling and grammar

errors. Additionally, you may also want to include

some positive communication
skills in your resume sills section, especially if the job post calls for specific
in the job description. You can add skills to your Indeed
communication skills
Resume for employers searching for candidates with your skillset.

Communication skills for cover letter

Your cover letter is a great opportunity to elaborate on your communication skills.

While you can talk more directly about how effectivelyyou communicate here,
your cover letter is one of the employer's first impressions of your skills. You will
want to make your cover letter brief, well-written, free of typos and spelling
errors and tailored to the position you'reapplying for.
Communication skills for the job interview

ne Tirst, most
important way you can communicate in
your interviewis yOur
presentation of yourself. Show up forthe interview 10-15 minutes
early and
aress appropriately for the job you're applyingfor. Pay attention to the nonverbal
Cues you're displaying through body
AVOId actions such as slouching or looking at your phone during the interview.
Looking your interviewer in the eye, employing active skills and
displaying confidence are all
ways to
communicate in your interview.
Almost everything you do, both on the job and in life, can be seen as a form of
Communication. By identifying your strengthsand weaknesses and regularly
practising good habits, you can improve the way you connect and communicate
with others.

4 Types of communication

While iteasy to think of communication as simply the verbal transmissionof


information from one person to another, it is so much more than that.

Communication ranges from non-verbal, such as a glance and raised eyebrows, to

verbal,such as a change in pitch and tone. Let's take an in-depth look at all the
ways that we communicate with each other.

1. Non-verbal communication

It is interesting to note that non-verbalcommunication is used both intentionally

and unintentionally.

Most people do not have perfect control over their facial expressions- we all have
heard an unprofessionalcomment and raised our eyebrows in response,
regardless of whether or not it was wise to do so.
Dy edrhing more about how
Deter able to we use non-verbal communication, will be
master yours and ensure that
you are conveying your message
exactly the way
you wish to.


we often use facial

expressions as a way to communicate that we are listening
and engaged with the
person speaking

A smile, furrowed
eyebrows, or a quizzical expression all convey information to
the speaker about how you are responding to their conversation.

They work to help grease the conversation, keeping it

going without having to
interject verbally to confirm your continued interest.

you have ever spoken to a stone-faced person, you will know how important
facial expressions are in a conversation.


How you position yourself during a conversation is important.

with a relaxed and open posture, you

Ifyou angle yourself towards the person,
invite them to engage with you more fully.

from the speaker conveys a very

Leaning back, crossing arms, or turning away
different message -and nota positive

Just as no one wants to have a conversation with the back of someone's head,
talking to someone with an extremely closed posture creates a more difficult and

unpleasant conversation.
Gestures and physical touch

Depending on the person, and

their country of origin, they
may use nd
physical touch a lot, or gesturesan
almost never. However, there is a lot of information
conveyed in these actions.

A gentle touch on the

arm can signal encouragement, while an overly strong
handshake can be an act of dominance.

Someone fidgeting with their hands while talking to you about a problem can
Signal guilt or avoidance and using many grand gestures while presenting an idea
could convey excitement or confidence.

Eye contact

We all know the importance of eye contact.

When someone is unable to maintain eye contact, we take this to mean that they
are being untruthful,shifty, or not paying attention.

Being able to maintain eye contact while listening will ensure that the speaker

knows that you are present and engaged.

While speaking, it shows that you are connecting with the listener, and in cases

where you are delivering unpleasant news, is doubly important.

Being able to tell unpleasant message while looking them directly

someone an in

the eye shows that you respect them and are an honest and sincere person.

2. Verbal communication

When we speak, we are communicating much more than just the content of our

We are also
using pitch
convey important and tone, as well as
as the level
level of
subtext to the formality we use 1
person we are speaking with.

By caretfully
choosing how we use each
of these
message is
received exactly as aspects, we can be sure that
intended. Ou
From greeting
coworkers to leading a client
the entire pitchmeeting to present in front Or
company,verbal communication factors into our work lives in a
massive way.

B Pitch

When speaking, our emotions can often come into play.

Ifwe are angry, upset, or frustrated, our pitch might raise, conveying to the
listener that we are experiencing a strong emotion.

This not necessarily a bad thing, but being able to control

is it allows you to make
sure that you are effectivelycommunicating.


We all encounter situations thatare frustrating or upsetting.

tone from calm and professional to curt, short, or

Allowing that to change our
rude is always a mistake.

of information to the listener about how the speaker views

Tone conveys a lot


in an office
environment, we should
To build positive interpersonal relationships
all endeavour to speak in a professional and respectful
from the


Or Course, content
is the
most important part
say, and the words of verbal
communication.what w
we choose to use, are

while most office

Stu communications tend to be more formalthan, for exampie,
C meeting a friend for coffee, we should make sure that we leave
space for persond
chats and
relationship building.

Think also about how your contentis. If you are talking with developers
about specific aspectsof code, you should use different terms than when talking
to the marketing team about new developments within the app.

3. Written communication

Effectivecommunication by writing is a massively importantskill, especially
the workday
more people are working remotely and keep in touch throughout
or other digital mediums.
through Skype, Slack,

to an email to a customer to a new employee's training

From a Slack message
to do so
day and crucial that we understand how
guide, we write every
it is


we are all faced with

In fact,as we increasingly rely on written communication, this medium.
when using
is to create misunderstandings
just how easy

or an incorrect understandingof
the information gone missing,
Unclear messages, with written communication every
that happen
tone or content are all problems
will misread the
tone of a message because they
Sometimes the reader
an unpleasantperson.
or just had a run-in with
having a bad day,
No matter what, one

knowing when vou need
skill to have when
stop using
w in
A simple call, in
all cases, can solve
these communication problems.

ifyou sense that there is a miscommunication happening, or juststart
the bud with a quick verbal chat and you'll save a lot of time and frustration

how you are presenting
When writing, important to think about
it is

and line breaks are necessary

information. Using paragraphs

the reader understanding
wall of text will disengage
Creating an impenetrable
in the information
structurewill let the reader take
and applying a proper
clear proof, add
time to back it up with
or thesis, take the
Present your argument understands the point
to make sure that the reader
in the relevant
close with a conclusion.

If you are

between over or under explainingconcepts.

balance to strike
It is a hard how detailed should you
for a new employee,
a little bít is much
the person, but over-explaining
Of course, this depends on
the reader clueless.
better than leaving

will they kno and what do you need to

audience, what
Be thoughtful about your
more detail?
explain in


to be a bit more formal than verbal.

Written content tends
Leave out the slang,use proper be hat
punctuation and spelling, and remer
anything written especially in the digital age- will remain, even if you delete
it, to
Err on the side of professionalismevery time you write something. Mess
Slack,for example, do not need to be written as formallyas
a cover letter, u
they should be polite, professional, and well-written.

context of tone
Be aware that written jokes can fall flat without the added

facial expressions.

4. Visual communication

social media,
driven by
of communication,
Visual has become the most used type
YouTube, and other platforms of the digital

these channels of
and organisations use visual
As more and more people and even dependent upon, using
the more we are used to,
stand out in a crowded platform.
communication to

must be in line with your brand

that your visual communication
Understanding a developed and cohesive
and that there must be
and marketing, knowing
is crucial.
strategyfor that,

on visual communication.
We rely heavily

like charts, photographs,

that visual communication,
There are many ways
and even emojis and GIFs, can help improve the
of your message.

data to life, making it much easier to

Think about how charts can bring
a stream of numbers, or how a sketch of a new
understand than presenting long
much more effective than a text description.
UX is

We rely on visuals to elevateour understanding of complex ideas.


While it is
tempting to include visuals to add a bit of diversity and interest, you
should consider whatthey bring to the table.

Are they helpful?

Arethey necessary?
Do they add to the overall message?

Not communications need to have visuals added, and

all in some cases, they
might detract from what you are trying to communicate.

flutf to your
You should endeavour to make sure that you are not adding
understanding of it.
message, but rather strengthening your audience's

audience where
sure that you are meeting your
As with all communications, make
they are.

at the right
data, includethe relevantdescriptions,
Ifyou are presenting complex follow.
audience can
technical level, so that your

or could be upsetting,
and remember the same
that are graphic
Don't use images
visual communication
as does to writing: don't create anything
rule applies to in the future.
want to have associated with you
that you wouldn't

encompasses the knowledge,
- The Thinking competency
Thinking skill their
development. It is through
we associatewith intellectual
concepts and content
as thinkersthat students take subject-specific
competency includes
a new understanding. Thinking competence
and transform them into awareness.
skills as well as habits of mind, and metacognitive
specific thinking
from a variety of sources, including
These are used to process information
thoughts and feelings that arisefrom the subconscious and unconscious mind
from embodied cognition, to create new

Personal and Social-The Personal and Social competency is the set of abilities
that relate to students' identity in the world, both as individuals and as members
of their community and society. Personal and social competency encompasses
what students need to thrive as individuals, to understand and care about
themselves and others, and to find and achieve their purposes in the

use to process information, make connecuo

Thinking skills arethe mental activities you to make
whern you try
make decisions, and create new ideas. You use your thinking skills Or
ask questions, make plans,
sense of experiences, solve problems,make decisions,

organize information.
Effective thinking
has thinking
but not everyone uses them effectively.
skills, see
Everybody see possibilities where others
are over a period of time. Good thinkers
skills developed various
connection between
or roadblocks. Good thinkers are able to make
only obstacles are also able to developnew
and unique
and be able to tie them together. They

solutions to problems.
series of connective
refers to the process of creatinga logical there di
Thinking However,
just happens automatically. d
items of information. Often times,thinking a or making

times when you consciously

think. It may be about
how to solve problem
into yourexiu
and integrate new experiences
enables you to connect
decision. Thinking
and perception of how things
understanding incluae
order skills
and recall, while higher
skills are learning facts
The simplest thinking
and evaluation.
problem solving,








Core Thinking
hinking Skills arecognitive
operations or processes that arethe building blocks
inking. here are several core O
thinking skills
including focusing, organizing, analyg

Focusing- attendingto selected pieces of information while ignoring other stimul.

Remembering storing and then retrieving information.

Gathering- bringing to the conscious mind the relative information needed for cognitive


- so it can be used more

Organizing arranginginformation effectively.

down information by examining parts and so that its

Analyzing- breaking relationships

structure may be understood.

connections between related items or pieces

Connecting-making ofinformation.

-connectingand combining information to better understand the relationship

between the information.

-putting parts together to form a whole or building a structure or pattern from


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