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Chào bạn,
Mình là Thanh Loan, hiện đang là giáo viên dạy IELTS Online và đồng thời dạy
Offline tại Hà Nội.

Mình quyết định biên soạn cuốn sách Hướng dẫn học IELTS Reading cho người
mới bắt đầu vì:
- Tài liệu IELTS Reading quá nhiều, chỉ khiến bạn rối rắm
- Những bài thực hành Reading có thể không phù hợp với trình độ của bạn.
Bạn mới bắt đầu học Reading thôi mà đã chạm chán với những bài đọc quá khó, quá
- Quan trọng nhất là 1 chiến lược và lộ trình học Reading hiệu quả. Tuy nhiên,
trang mạng tràn lan những lời khuyên khác nhau … không phù hợp với bạn, vì người
chia sẻ không phải là ‘người mới bắt đầu’ như bạn
- Bạn cần mẹo, kinh nghiệm, cách làm bài chi tiết nhằm mục đích tăng band
điểm nhanh nhất có thể
- Bạn cần được giải thích đáp án cụ thể sau mỗi bài thực hành, vì nhiều lúc
kiểm tra đáp án xong, bạn cũng chẳng hiểu tại sao lại chọn như vậy.

Với cuốn sách Hướng dẫn học IELTS Reading cho người mới bắt đầu, bạn
nhận được những gì?
Những thông tin từ cơ bản nhất đến chi tiết nhất về bài thi IELTS Reading
Tiếp cận từng dạng câu hỏi Reading phổ biến, từ dễ đến khó
Với mỗi dạng câu hỏi, bạn được hướng dẫn chi tiết cách làm từng dạng câu hỏi,
kèm với ví dụ minh hoạ và những ‘mẹo ngàn vàng’ cho nó
Đi kèm với các bài tập thực hành theo từng dạng câu hỏi, đã được sắp xếp theo
thứ tự từ dễ đến khó, từ cơ bản đến nâng cao
Phía cuối trang sách là đáp án chi tiết cho từng bài đọc, kèm giải thích và
phân tích từ vựng bằng tiếng Việt, phù hợp cho mọi bạn đọc
Bạn được chia sẻ 1 lộ trình học, lộ trình thực hành Reading cùng với những lưu
ý ‘vàng’ khi làm bài

IELTS Thanh Loan


Mục đích của cuốn sách này là hướng tới những bạn mới bắt đầu học IELTS Reading,
giúp các bạn có nền tảng cơ bản về cấu trúc và đặc điểm của kỳ thi. Tuy nhiên, bạn
đọc nên tiếp tục với việc luyện đề IELTS Reading chuyên sâu trước khi đăng ký thi
IELTS thật.

Để biên soạn cuốn sách này, mình có tham khảo một số đầu sách của nhà xuất bản
IELTS Cambridge, bao gồm: Bộ sách Complete IELTS band 4-5, 5-6.5 và 6.5-7.5; Bộ
IELTS Cambridge Practice Test, Cuốn IELTS Advantage - Reading skills …..Đó đều
là các nguồn tài liệu chuẩn, sát thật nhất.

Trong quá trình biên soạn, chắc hẳn còn nhiều thiếu sót và không tránh khỏi 1 số lỗi
sai. Mọi ý kiến đóng góp xin được gửi về hòm mail

Mình xin chân thành cảm ơn và mong nhận được sự ủng hộ của các bạn!

Thanh Loan

IELTS Thanh Loan


Đối với IELTS, việc tự học thực sự rất khó khăn vì:
- Có quá nhiều thứ phải học: Từ vựng, Ngữ pháp, Phát âm, Nghe, Đọc, Nói....
và khi đi vào 1 vấn đề cụ thể, lại càng có 1 đống kiến thức cần học
- IELTS khó quá, với quá nhiều kỹ năng bạn cần thành thạo, quá nhiều câu
hỏi bạn cần chuẩn bị.

Vậy nên, mình đề xuất 02 hướng đi cho bạn như sau:

click vào
Học IELTS Offline tại Hà Nội: link này

- Đăng ký của Thanh Loan tại Hà Nội

- Bạn chỉ cần học theo hướng dẫn của mình, sử dụng tài liệu của mình, được
mình hỗ trợ từ A đến Z cho đến khi bạn thi đạt mục tiêu

Học IELTS Online ở bất cứ nơi đâu:

- Bắt đầu với khóa
học Grammar for IELTS để củng cố lại ngữ pháp chuyên
biệt cho bài thi IELTS (nếu nền tảng tiếng Anh của bạn chưa tốt)
- Học với những bài học dưới dạng video, truy
cập không giới hạn thời gian và vị trí địa lý, đảm bảo kiến thức cô đọng xúc
tích và học phí tiết kiệm tối đa
- Học và thực hành cùng, trong đó có:
Sách học IELTS cho người mới bắt đầu (mình còn viết tiếp)
Sách luyện đề IELTS chuyên sâu (mình còn viết tiếp)

Có rất nhiều trung tâm, thầy cô dạy IELTS khác nhau, nhưng phương châm hoạt
động của IELTS Thanh Loan là:

“Chất lượng hàng đầu”

Hãy trải nghiệm
Và mình chắc chắn không làm bạn thất vọng!

Thanh Loan

IELTS Thanh Loan


Chương I. Thông tin cơ bản về bài thi IELTS Reading....................................01

1. Cấu trúc bài thi IELTS Reading.............................................................................02
2. Cách tính điểm IELTS Reading..............................................................................15
3. Các kỹ năng quan trọng trong IELTS Reading......................................................17

Kỹ năng 1: Skimming – Scanning – Closed reading.........................................18

Kỹ năng 2: Đoán nghĩa từ mới...........................................................................33
Kỹ năng 3: Xác định từ chìa khoá.....................................................................44

Chương II: Các dạng câu hỏi trong IELTS Reading và thực hành................55

Dạng 1: True / False / Not given và Yes/ No/ Not given.............................................56

a. Thông tin dạng câu hỏi
b. Cách làm bài (kèm ví dụ)
c. Bài tập thực hành
Dạng 2: Gap filling / Completion (with or without given words)............................104
a. Thông tin dạng câu hỏi
b. Cách làm bài (kèm ví dụ)
c. Bài tập thực hành
Dạng 3: Matching names..........................................................................................140
a. Thông tin dạng câu hỏi
b. Cách làm bài (kèm ví dụ)
c. Bài tập thực hành
Dạng 4: Matching headings......................................................................................166
a. Thông tin dạng câu hỏi
b. Cách làm bài (kèm ví dụ)
c. Bài tập thực hành
Dạng 5: Multiple choice............................................................................................206
a. Thông tin dạng câu hỏi
b. Cách làm bài (kèm ví dụ)
c. Bài tập thực hành

IELTS Thanh Loan


Dạng 6: Matching features........................................................................................238

a. Thông tin dạng câu hỏi
b. Cách làm bài (kèm ví dụ)
c. Bài tập thực hành
Dạng 7: Short-answer Questions.............................................................................267
a. Thông tin dạng câu hỏi
b. Cách làm bài (kèm ví dụ)
c. Bài tập thực hành
Dạng 8: Matching information to paragraph...........................................................293
a. Thông tin dạng câu hỏi
b. Cách làm bài (kèm ví dụ)
c. Bài tập thực hành

Chương III: Lộ trình luyện IELTS Reading cho người mới bắt đầu...........331
Bước 1: Tìm hiểu thông tin cơ bản về bài thi IELTS Reading
Bước 2: Tìm hiểu các dạng câu hỏi và thực hành theo dạng câu hỏi
Bước 3: Luyện tập chuyên sâu với đề thi sát thật

Một số lưu ý.............................................................................................................349

Lưu ý 1: Phân bổ thời gian cho từng bài đọc
Lưu ý 2: Đừng đọc và dịch từng từ một
Lưu ý 3: Học cách bỏ qua những câu hỏi khó
Lưu ý 4: Thời gian chuyển đáp án
Lưu ý 5: Làm câu hỏi lần lượt theo thứ tự với những dạng câu hỏi xuất hiện theo trật
tự trong đoạn văn.
Lưu ý 6: Kiểm tra lại đáp án sau khi hoàn thành vào tờ answer sheet


IELTS Thanh Loan


Thông tin cơ bản
về bài thi
IELTS Reading

Chào mừng các bạn đến với Journey to Achieving IELTS - Hành trình chinh

phục IELTS Reading cho người mới bắt đầu!

Chắc hẳn, với các bạn mới bắt tay vào tìm hiểu bài thi IELTS, các bạn đều đang có

một tâm trạng chung, đó là lo lắng, đặc biệt là với kỹ năng Reading vì nó được đánh
giá là kỹ năng dễ tự học lên điểm nhất trong cả 4 skills. Lo lắng vì không biết mình

nên bắt đầu từ đâu, lo lắng vì không biết mình nên sử dụng nguồn tài liệu nào cho
phù hợp, hay cũng có thể các bạn đang lo lắng vì có quá nhiều thứ cần học…

Đừng lo lắng nữa, hãy cứ hành động thôi!

Để bắt đầu, chúng ta hãy cùng nhau tìm hiểu những thông tin cơ bản của bài thi

IELTS Reading để có một cái nhìn tổng quát nhất về kỳ thi mà mình sẽ chinh phục

trong thời gian sắp tới nhé.

Cụ thể hơn trong chương I này, các bạn sẽ được tìm hiểu về:
- Cấu trúc một bài thi IELTS Reading
- Cách tính điểm một bài thi IELTS Reading
- Các kỹ năng quan trọng trong IELTS Reading

IELTS Thanh Loan 01

1. Cấu trúc bài thi IELTS Reading

Có hai hình thức thi IELTS Reading, đó là IELTS Reading Academic (Học thuật) và
IELTS Reading General Training (Tổng quát). Mỗi hình thức thi sẽ có những điểm
giống và khác nhau riêng, cụ thể sẽ được đề cập dưới đây:

3 bài đọc: Một bài thi IELTS Reading gồm 3 passages, cụ thể số lượng câu hỏi
của mỗi passage như sau:
- Passage 1: gồm câu hỏi từ 1 đến 13
- Passage 2: gồm câu hỏi từ 14 đến 26
- Passage 3: gồm câu hỏi từ 27 đến 40
Tổng số câu hỏi: một bài thi IELTS Reading gồm 40 câu hỏi

Thời gian làm bài: Có hai điểm bạn cần lưu ý đối với thời gian làm bài, đó là:

- Tổng thời gian cho một bài IELTS Reading là 60 phút

- Không có thời gian chuyển đáp án, nghĩa là bạn sẽ trả lời câu hỏi và chuyển

đáp án vào phiếu trả lời câu hỏi trong tổng số thời gian cho phép là 60 phút.

Độ dài: Cả hai hình thức thi có độ dài giống nhau, cụ thể như sau:
- Độ dài của mỗi đoạn trong IELTS Reading thường dao động trong khoảng
700-1000 từ.
- Như vậy, tổng độ dài trong một bài thi IELTS Reading nằm trong khoảng từ
2000-3000 từ.

Chủ đề: Do mục đích của hai hình thức thi là khác nhau, nên chủ đề được đề
cập đến trong hai hình thức khác nhau:
- Đối với IELTS Reading Academic: thường xoay quanh những chủ đề học
thuật như các vấn đề về môi trường, lịch sử, khoa học..., phù hợp với các bạn
chuẩn bị bước vào môi trường Đại học, sau Đại học.
- Đối với IELTS Reading General Training: thường xoay quanh những chủ đề
đời sống hàng ngày, ví dụ như: một số quảng cáo, những vấn đề liên quan đến
công việc như: xin việc, lương, điều kiện làm việc, đào tạo nhân viên…, phù hợp
với những bạn chuẩn bị đi định cư, xin việc làm ở các quốc gia sử dụng tiếng
Anh là ngôn ngữ chính.

IELTS Thanh Loan 02

Độ khó:
- Đối với cả hai hình thức thi IELTS Reading, độ khó của bài thi tăng dần từ
đoạn 1 đến đoạn 3, nghĩa là đoạn 1 thường là đoạn dễ nhất, trong khi đoạn 3
thường là đoạn khó nhất trong bài thi.
- So sánh độ khó giữa hai hình thức thi: IELTS Reading Academic khó hơn
IELTS Reading General Training.

Nguồn bài đọc: Nguồn bài đọc của hai hình thức có phần khác nhau, cụ thể

như sau:

- Bài thi IELTS Reading Academic: lấy từ các nguồn sách, báo, và tạp chí.

- Bài thi IELTS Reading General Training: lấy từ các nguồn báo, tạp chí,

thông báo, quảng cáo, hay sổ tay hướng dẫn...

hỏi như sau:

Về các dạng câu hỏi: Cả hai hình thức thi thường xoay quanh 8 dạng câu

- Dạng 1: True/ False/ Not Given hay Yes/ No/ Not Given
- Dạng 2: Gap filling/ Completion

- Dạng 3: Matching Names
- Dạng 4: Matching Headings

- Dạng 5: Matching Information to Paragraph

- Dạng 6: Multiple Choice
- Dạng 7: Matching Features
- Dạng 8: Short-Answer Questions

Note: Chi tiết về ví dụ và cách làm bài của từng dạng sẽ được đề cập đến trong
chương II

IELTS Thanh Loan 03

Ví dụ bài đọc hình thức thi IELTS Academic:

The Extraordinary Watkin Tench

At the end of 18th century, life for the average British citizen was changing. The population
grew as health and industrialisation took hold of the country. However, land and resources
were limited. Families could not guarantee jobs for all of their children. People who were
poor or destitute had little option. To make things worse, the rate of people who turned to
crime to make a living increased. In Britain, the prisons were no longer large enough to hold

the convicted people of this growing criminal class. Many towns and governments were at a
loss as to what to do. However, another phenomenon that was happening in the 18th century

was I exploration of other continents. There were many ships looking for crew members who
would risk a month-long voyage across a vast ocean. This job was risky and dangerous, so

few would willingly choose it. However, with so many citizens without jobs or with criminal

convictions, they had little choice. One such member of this new lower class of British

citizens was Watkin Tench. Between 1788 and 1868, approximately 161,700 convicts were

transported to the Australian colonies of New South Wales, Van Diemen’s land and Western

Australia. Tench was one of these unlucky convicts to sign onto a dangerous journey. When

his ship set out in 1788, he signed a three years’ service to the First Fleet.

Apart from his years in Australia, people knew little about his life back in Britain. It was said

he was born on 6 October 1758 at Chester in the county of Cheshire in England. He came
from a decent background. Tench was a son of Fisher Tench, a dancing master who ran a
boarding school in the town and Margaritta Tarleton of the Liverpool Tarletons. He grew
up around a finer class of British citizens, and his family helped instruct the children of the
wealthy in formal dance lessons. Though we don’t know for sure how Tench was educated
in this small British town, we do know that he was well educated. His diaries from his travels
to Australia are written in excellent English, a skill that not everyone was lucky to possess
in the 18th century. Aside from this, we know little of Tench’s beginnings. We don’t know
how he ended up convicted of a crime. But after he started his voyage, his life changed

During the voyage, which was harsh and took many months, Tench described landscape of
different places. While sailing to Australia, Tench saw landscapes that were unfamiliar and
new to him. Arriving in Australia, the entire crew was uncertain of what was to come in
their new life. When they arrived in Australia, they established a British colony. Governor
Philip was vested with complete authority over the inhabitants of the colony. Though still

IELTS Thanh Loan 04

a young man, Philip was enlightened for his age. From stories of other British colonies, Philip
learnt that conflict with the original peoples of the land was often a source of strife and
difficulties. To avoid this, Philip’s personal intent was to establish harmonious relations with
local Aboriginal people. But Philip’s job was even more difficult considering his crew. Other
colonies were established with middle-class merchants and craftsmen. His crew were
convicts, who had few other skills outside of their criminal histories. Along with making
peace with the Aboriginal people, Philip also had to try to reform as well as discipline the

convicts of the colony.

From the beginning, Tench stood out as different from the other convicts. During his initial

time in Australia, he quickly rose in his rank, and was given extra power and responsibility

over the convicted crew members. However, he was also still very different from the

upper-class rulers who came to rule over the crew. He showed humanity towards the

convicted workers. He didn’t want to treat them as common criminals, but as trained military
men. Under Tench’s authority, he released the convicts’ chains which were used to control

them during the voyage. Tench also showed mercy towards the Aboriginal people. Governor
Philip often pursued violent solutions to conflicts with the Aboriginal peoples. Tench

disagreed strongly with this method. At one point, he was unable to follow the order given by

the Governor Philip to punish the ten Aboriginals.

When they first arrived, Tench was fearful and contemptuous towards the Aboriginals,
because the two cultures did not understand each other. However, gradually he got to know
them individually and became close friends with them. Tench knew that the Aboriginal
people would not cause them conflict if they looked for a peaceful solution. Though there
continued to be conflict and violence, Tench’s efforts helped establish a more peaceful
negotiation between the two groups when they settled territory and land-use issues.

Meanwhile, many changes were made to the new colony. The Hawkesbury River was named
by Governor Philip in June 1789. Many native bird species to the river were hunted by
travelling colonists. The colonists were having a great impact on the land and natural
resources. Though the colonists had made a lot of progress in the untamed lands of
Australia, there were still limits. The convicts were notoriously ill-informed about
Australian geography, as was evident in the attempt by twenty absconders to walk from
Sydney to China in 1791, believing: “China might be easily reached, being not more than
a hundred miles distant, and separated only by a river.” In reality, miles of ocean separated
the two.

IELTS Thanh Loan 05

Much of Australia was unexplored by the convicts. Even Tench had little understanding of
what existed beyond the established lines of their colony. Slowly, but surely, the colonists
expanded into the surrounding area. A few days after arrival at Botany Bay, their original
location, the fleet moved to the more suitable Port Jackson where a settlement was
established at Sydney Cove on 26 January 1788. This second location was strange and

unfamiliar, and the fleet was on alert for any kind of suspicious behaviors. Though Tench had

made friends in Botany Bay with Aboriginal peoples, he could not be sure this new land

would be uninhabited. He recalled the first time he stepped into this unfamiliar ground with

a boy who helped Tench navigate. In these new lands, he met an old Aboriginal.


IELTS Thanh Loan 06

Questions 1-6:
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading
Passage 1?
In boxes 1-6 on you answer sheet, write:

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if the information is no information on this

1. There was a great deal of information available about the life of Tench before he

arrived in Australia.

2. Tench drew pictures to illustrate different places during the voyage.

3. Other military personnel in New South Wales did not treated convicts in the

same way as Tench did.

4. Tench’s view towards the Aboriginals remained unchanged during his time in


5. An Aboriginal gave him gifts of food at the first time they met.

6. The convicts had a good knowledge of Australian geography.

Questions 7-13:
Answer the questions below.
passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 7-13 on your answer sheet.

7. What could be a concrete proof of Tench’s good education?
8. How many years did Tench sign the contract to the First Fleet?
9. What was used to control convicts during the voyage?
10. Who gave the order to punish the Aboriginals?
11. When did the name of Hawkesbury River come into being?
12. Where did the escaped convicts plan to go?
13. In which place did Tench feel unaccustomed?

Source: IELTS Online Tests

IELTS Thanh Loan 07

Ví dụ bài đọc hình thức thi IELTS General Training:

Auston health centre patient information leaflet

A. Appointments
Please telephone 826969 (8.30am - 5.00pm: Mon - Fri). We suggest that you try to see the
same doctor whenever possible because it is helpful for both you and your doctor to know

each other well. We try hard to keep our appointments running to time, and ask you to be

punctual to help us achieve this; if you cannot keep an appointment, please phone in and

let us know as soon as possible so that it can be used for someone else. Please try to avoid

evening appointments if possible. Each appointment is for one person only. Please ask for

a longer appointment if you need more time.

B. Weekends and Nights

Please telephone 823307 and a recorded message will give you the number of the doctor

from the Centre on duty. Please remember this is in addition to our normal working day.
Urgent calls only please. A Saturday morning emergency surgery is available between

9.30am and 10.00am. Please telephone for home visits before 10.00am at weekends.

C. Centre Nurses
Liz Stuart, Martina Scott and Helen Stranger are available daily by appointment to help
you with dressings, ear syringing, children's immunisations, removal of stitches and blood
tests. They will also advise on foreign travel, and can administer various injections and
blood pressure checks. For any over 75s un able to attend the clinic, Helen Stranger will
make a home visit. AII three Centre Nurses are available during normal working hours to
carry out health checks on patients who have been on doctors' lists for 3 years.

D. New Patients
Within 3 months of registering with the Centre, new patients on regular medication are
invited to attend a health check with their doctor. Other patients can arrange to be seen by
one of the Centre Nurses.

E. Services Not Covered

Some services are not covered by the Centre e.g. private certificates, insurance, driving
and sports medicals, passport signatures, school medicals and prescriptions for foreign
travel. There are recommended fees for these set by the National Medical Association.
Please ask at reception.

IELTS Thanh Loan 08

F. Receptionists
Our receptionists provide your primary point of contact-they are all very experienced and
have a lot of basic information at their fingertips. They will be able to answer many of your
initial queries and also act as a link with the rest of the team. They may request brief
details of your symptoms or illness - this enables the doctors to assess the degree of

G. Change of Address

Please remember to let us know if you decide to relocate. It is also useful for us to have a

record of your telephone number.


IELTS Thanh Loan 09



Meal Breaks
(minimum company guidelines)


0-4 hrs
4-6 hrs
15 mins
6-8 hrs 30 mins

8-12 hrs 60 mins (taken as 2 x 30 mins)

12-24 hrs 75 mins (taken as 2 x 30 mins + 1 x 15 mins)

Your section staffing board will show the times when these breaks are to be taken.

Please note
It is your responsibility to check that the total break time shown on the staffing sheets
accurately reflects the breaks that you take. Any discrepancies should be raised with your
Staff Co-ordinator immediately.


Food handlers are those concerned with preparing and serving unwrapped food.
Food handlers should report any instance of sickness, diarrhoea and/or stomach upset
experienced either while at work or during a holiday to a member of the Personnel
Management team. Any infections of ear, nose, throat, mouth, chest or skin should also be
reported to a member of the Personnel Management team.
Food handlers need to have an annual dental examination by the company dentist.
Alternatively, a current certificate of dental fitness may be produced from their own
dentist. This applies to all permanent staff who handle food.

IELTS Thanh Loan 10

Questions 1-4:
Reading Passage 1 has seven sections, A-G.
Which paragraph contains the following information?
Write the correct letter A-G in boxes 1-4 on your answer sheet.

1. What to do if you need help outside normal working hours

2. Who to speak to first for general information

3. What happens when you register with the Centre

4. What to do if you need to cancel a doctor's appointment

Questions 5-9:

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading
Passage 1?
In boxes 5-9 on your answer sheet, write
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN if the information is no information on this

5. You must always see the same doctor if you visit the Centre.
6. If you want a repeat prescription you must make an appointment.
7. Helen Stranger is the Head Nurse.
8. It is possible that receptionists will ask you to explain your problem.
9. You should give the Health Centre your new contact details if you move house.

IELTS Thanh Loan 11

Questions 10-13:
Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-J, below.
Write the correct letter, A-J, in boxes 10-13 on your answer sheet.

10. Temporary employees only

working 3 hours should
A. talk to a staff co-ordinator.

11. Employees who work 11 hours
B. have two thirty-minute breaks.

C. not take any breaks for meals.

12. To find out when to have their

breaks, employees should D. pay for any meals they have.
13. Employees working with food E. get a single one-hour break.

F. look at the section staffing board.
G. lose pay for their break times.

H. tell a member of the Personnel

Management team.

S T I. have an annual dental examination.

J. consult their doctor.

IE Source: IELTS Online Tests

IELTS Thanh Loan 12

Về mẫu Answer Sheet, các bạn có thể tham khảo mẫu Trả lời câu hỏi cho bài
thi IELTS Reading dưới đây:

Write your test Write the date

centre number of the test

Write your name
in capital letters

Write your

candidate number

Shade a box to
indicate which

module you are taking


IELTS Thanh Loan 13

Cùng giải thích qua một số thông tin cần điền trong tờ Answer Sheet này
Write your test Write the date
centre number of the test

Write your name

in capital letters

Write your
candidate number

Shade a box to

indicate which
module you are taking

- Thứ nhất, về Candidate name (là tên thí sinh): Tên của bạn cần phải viết hoa

và không dấu.


- Thứ hai, về Candidate number (là số báo danh thí sinh): Gồm 6 số và bạn sẽ

được xem trước khi vào thi.

Ví dụ: 013457. Nhớ là mỗi ô chỉ được phép điền một số

- Thứ ba, về Centre number (là số hiệu trung tâm): Gồm 5 số và sẽ được cung
cấp trên máy chiếu phòng thi.
Ví dụ: 00236. Tương tự như số báo danh, mỗi ô chỉ được phép điền một số thôi

- Thứ tư, về Test date (là ngày thi): Bạn sẽ điền ngày thi của mình theo thứ tự:
ngày – tháng – năm.
Ví dụ: 02 - 07 - 2016.

- Thứ năm, về Test Module (là hình thức bài thi): Bạn sẽ bôi đen vào hình thức
thi dự thi của mình.
Ví dụ: Bạn thi hình thức IELTS Reading Academic >> bôi đen vào ô Academic.

IELTS Thanh Loan 14

2. Cách tính điểm IELTS Reading

Sau khi đã làm quen với cấu trúc bài thi IELTS Reading rồi, hãy tiếp tục hành trình
chinh phục IELTS Reading qua việc tìm hiểu về Cách tính điểm một bài thi IELTS
Reading nhé!

Hai dạng thi IELTS Reading Academic (Học thuật) và IELTS Reading General

Training (Tổng quát) có cách tính điểm khác nhau, cụ thể như bảng dưới đây:

Reading (Academic) Reading (General
Correct Band A Correct
score H answer

S T score

39-40 9.0 40 9.0

30-32 7.0 34-35 7.0
27-29 6.5 32-33 6.5
23-26 6.0 30-31 6.0
20-22 5.5 27-29 5.5
16-19 5.0 23-26 5.0
13-15 4.5 19-22 4.5
10-12 4.0 15-18 4.0
7-9 3.5 12-14 3.5
5-6 3.0 8-11 3.0
3-4 2.5 5-7 2.5

Source: IDP

IELTS Thanh Loan 15

Cùng giải thích một chút về bảng điểm này qua các ví dụ để hiểu rõ hơn về
cách tính điểm trong bài thi IELTS Reading nhé.

Ví dụ 1: Giả sử bạn đặt mục tiêu điểm thi IELTS Reading của mình là 6.5:
- Nếu là hình thức thi IELTS Reading Academic (Học thuật), thì bạn cần đạt được
27-29 câu đúng trong bài thi.
- Nếu là hình thức thi IELTS Reading General Training (Tổng quát), thì bạn cần đạt
được số câu trả lời đúng nhiều hơn, cụ thể là 32-33 câu.

Ví dụ 2: Giả sử bạn đặt mục tiêu điểm thi IELTS Reading cao hơn, 8.0:
- Nếu là hình thức thi IELTS Reading Academic (Học thuật), thì bạn cần đạt được
35-36 câu đúng trong bài thi.

- Tương tự như vậy, nếu là hình thức thi IELTS Reading General Training (Tổng

quát), thì bạn cần đạt được số câu trả lời đúng nhiều hơn, cụ thể là 38 câu.

Với bảng điểm và các ví dụ phân tích cụ thể như trên, hy vọng các bạn đã phần nào

hiểu được cách tính điểm cho bài thi IELTS Reading, bên cạnh đó cũng đã đặt cho

mình một điểm số mục tiêu đối với bài thi IELTS Reading này. Hãy tiếp tục đến với

các chương tiếp theo để tiến gần hơn với Hành trình chinh phục IELTS nhé!

IELTS Thanh Loan 16

3. Các kỹ năng quan trọng trong IELTS Reading

Khi bạn bước vào kì thi IELTS Reading, Thời Gian chính là yếu tố đóng vai trò
quan trọng nhưng lại bị giới hạn. Rất nhiều học viên đã nói rằng: nếu đọc từ từ thong
thả em đúng rất nhiều, nhưng bị ép vào thời gian là em bị tâm lí, không hoàn thành

hết bài đọc.

Khả năng đọc nhanh và đánh giá, phân tích thông tin hiệu quả chính là một phần

quan trọng trong bài IELTS Reading. Mỗi bài đọc bạn phải đọc đến 900 từ hoặc hơn,

trong đó có rất nhiều từ mới, ngữ pháp khó, và việc phân tích thông tin để tìm ra đáp

án thì cũng chẳng hề dễ dàng gì. Vậy nên bạn cần phải phát triển các kỹ năng để

giúp bạn đọc nhanh - đọc hiệu quả.

Hãy cùng di chuyển đến chương sách tiếp theo và tìm hiểu cũng như luyện tập

những kỹ năng đọc quan trọng nhất.


IELTS Thanh Loan 17

Kỹ năng 1: Skimming – Scanning – Close reading
Chắc hẳn các bạn đã và đang ôn luyện IELTS không còn xa lạ gì với kỹ năng
Skimming (đọc lướt) và Scanning (đọc quét tìm thông tin) và Close Reading (đọc chi
tiết), nhưng với các bạn mới bắt đầu học IELTS Reading thì chưa chắc các bạn đã
hiểu rõ về những kỹ năng này.

a. Skimming

Skimming: to read something quickly in order to find a particular point or the main

Như vậy, skimming liên quan đến việc di chuyển mắt thật nhanh trong bài đọc để

tìm ra thông tin chính mà bài đọc đang cung cấp. Bạn không cần đọc hiểu nghĩa tất

cả các từ vựng hay thông tin trong bài đọc mà chỉ cần hiểu ý chính và mục đích chính

mỗi đoạn văn, bài văn nói đến.

Skimming được áp dụng khi:
- Đọc nhanh một đoạn văn (có thể chỉ tập chung vào câu đầu, câu cuối của đoạn

văn mà bỏ những thông tin nhỏ xung quanh) -> tìm đại ý chung của một đoạn văn

- Đọc nhanh một bài văn -> tìm nội dung và bố cục chung của bài văn
- Đọc nhanh câu hỏi trước khi đọc bài đọc -> tìm hiểu và ghi nhớ bạn cần tìm kiếm
thông tin gì khi đọc bài
- Đọc tiêu đề của bài đọc (được in đậm ở đầu tiên của bài) và phần tiêu đề phụ
(được in nghiêng phía dưới tiêu đề chính) -> đoán được nội dung chính của bài đọc là
về cái gì

Khi Skimming, bạn nên:

- Đọc nhanh nhất trong khả năng có thể: đảm bảo bạn hiểu được ý chính của thông
tin với tốc độ nhanh hơn 3 - 4 lần so với việc đọc bình thường
- Không dùng từ điển: Việc dùng từ điển cực kì tốn thời gian và do đó không thể đảm
bảo tốc độ skimming. Khi skimming, bạn nên coi từ mới là X-factors (nhân tố bí ẩn)
để đọc nhanh và lấy ý chính và tuyệt đối không sử dụng từ điển
- Gạch chân các từ chìa khoá: Chỉ chú ý đến những từ mang nội dung chính nhất
trong bài đọc (thường là danh từ, động từ, tính từ) và bỏ qua những nội dung
thông tin phụ trợ, gồm:
1. Bỏ qua trạng từ - vì adv thường bổ sung ý nghĩa cho tính từ hoặc động từ
2. Bỏ qua mệnh đề quan hệ - thường chỉ làm rõ cho danh từ chính
3. Bỏ qua mệnh đề phụ trong những câu ghép chính phụ
4. Bỏ qua các thông tin ví dụ, thông tin giải thích, cụm giới từ giải thích

IELTS Thanh Loan 18

Ví dụ: Dưới đây là đoạn văn đầy đủ

(1) By asking people about their experiences of boredom, Thomas Goetz and his team at
the University of Konstanz in Germany have recently identified five distinct types:
indifferent, calibrating, searching, reactant and apathetic. (2) These can be plotted on two
axes - one running left to right, which measures low to high arousal, and the other from top

to bottom, which measures how positive or negative the feeling is. (3) Intriguingly, Goetz

has found that while people experience all kinds of boredom, they tend to specialise in one.

(4) Of the five types, the most damaging is ‘reactant’ boredom with its explosive

combination of high arousal and negative emotion. (5) The most useful is what Goetz calls
‘indifferent’ boredom: someone isn’t engaged in anything satisfying but still feels relaxed

and calm. (6) However, it remains to be seen whether there are any character traits that
predict the kind of boredom each of us might be prone to.

Bắt đầu Skimming bằng cách đọc -> gạch chân từ chìa khoá -> loại bỏ những thông
tin phụ -> rút ra ý chính của đoạn văn.

(1) By asking people about their experiences of boredom , Thomas Goetz and his
team at the University of Konstanz in Germany have recently identified five
distinct types: indifferent, calibrating, searching, reactant and apathetic.
- Loại bỏ ‘By asking people about their experiences of boredom’ vì nó là mệnh đề phụ
trong câu ghép chính
- Loại bỏ ‘at the University of Konstanz in Germany’ vì là thông tin giải thích, bổ
sung cho danh từ chính ở trước
- Loại bỏ indifferent, calibrating, searching, reactant and apathetic vì là thông tin
làm rõ cho cụm danh từ chính ‘five distinct types’

(2) These can be plotted on two axes - one running left to right, which measures
low to high arousal, and the other from top to bottom, which measures how positive
or negative the feeling is.
- Loại bỏ one running left to right, ... and the other from top to bottom vì là thông
tin làm rõ danh từ two axes
- Loại bỏ which measures low to high arousal và which measures how positive or
negative the feeling is vì là mệnh đề quan hệ lần lượt làm rõ cho one running left to
right, ... and the other from top to bottom

IELTS Thanh Loan 19

(3) Intriguingly, Goetz has found that while people experience all kinds of
boredom, they tend to specialise in one.
- Loại bỏ Intriguingly vì là trạng từ
- Loại bỏ Goetz has found that vì là thông tin phụ không cung cấp giá trị

(4) Of the five types, the most damaging is ‘reactant’ boredom with its explosive

combination of high arousal and negative emotion.

- Loại bỏ ‘Of the five types’ là cụm giới từ

- Loại bỏ ‘with its explosive combination of high arousal and negative emotion’ là
cụm giới từ

(5) The most useful is what Goetz calls ‘indifferent’ boredom: someone isn’t

engaged in anything satisfying but still feels relaxed and calm.
- Loại bỏ ‘what Goetz calls’ thông tin phụ

- Loại bỏ ‘someone isn’t engaged in anything satisfying but still feels relaxed and
calm’ vì là mệnh đề phụ giải thích nghĩa của từ indifferent boredom

(6) However, it remains to be seen whether there are any character traits that
predict the kind of boredom each of us might be prone to.
- Không có thông tin phụ rõ ràng -> đọc cả câu

IELTS Thanh Loan 20

Từ các bước kể trên, đoạn văn của bạn chỉ còn những từ như sau:

Thomas Goetz and his team have recently identified five distinct types. These can be
plotted on two axes. While people experience all kinds of boredom, they tend to specialise
in one. The most damaging is ‘reactant’ boredom. The most useful is ‘indifferent’ boredom.

However, it remains to be seen whether there are any character traits that predict the kind

of boredom each of us might be prone to.

Tạm dịch:
Ông Thomas Goetz và đội tìm ra có 5 loại nỗi buồn, được xếp theo hai cách. Mặc dù 1

người trải qua đủ mọi nỗi buồn, họ chỉ tập trung vào 1 loại. Loại có tính phá huỷ nhất là

‘reactant' còn loại hữu ích nhất là ‘indifferent'. Vẫn cần tìm hiểu thêm mới biết được liệu

đặc điểm tính cách có quyết định mỗi người có thiên hướng với loại nỗi buồn nào hay



IELTS Thanh Loan 21

b. Scanning
Scanning: to look quickly but not very carefully at a document, etc

Kỹ năng này được áp dụng không phải để hiểu nội dung, mà chỉ đơn giản là quét
nhanh bài đọc để tìm những từ, cụm từ đặc biệt (thường là ngày tháng, tên riêng ….)
xem nó nằm ở vị trí nào trong bài đọc.

Scanning được áp dụng khi:

- Khi bạn tìm tên một ai đó trong danh bạ điện thoại hay tìm một từ vựng trong từ
điển, bạn không đọc từng dòng mà sẽ quét nhanh danh bạ điện thoại hay từ điển để

tìm thông tin.

- Ví dụ tìm số điện thoại của Etrain trong danh bạ, bạn không tìm từ đầu đến cuối

của danh bạ, mà vuốt rất nhanh đến E - T - R …

- Scanning cũng được áp dụng với mục đích tương tự trong IELTS Reading, đó là khi
bạn cần:

Tìm vị trí một thông tin trong bài đọc liên quan đến câu hỏi và giúp bạn trả lời

câu hỏi nhanh nhất có thể.
Xác định đoạn văn, câu văn nào có chứa câu trả lời, thay vì đọc từng dòng

trong bài đọc

Khi scanning, bạn nên:

- Tuyệt đối không đọc hiểu bài đọc mà chỉ đưa mắt thật nhanh trong bài đọc để
tìm sự xuất hiện của các từ bạn đang cần tìm
- Nghĩ về các cụm từ, cách paraphrase (diễn đạt ý tưởng tương tự bằng từ/ cụm
từ đồng nghĩa) các từ trong câu hỏi sẽ xuất hiện ở vị trí nào trong bài đọc. Ví dụ như
nếu bạn đang tìm cụm từ ‘in the 1990s’ xuất hiện ở đâu trong bài đọc, thì nhớ rằng
cụm này có thể được paraphrase bằng: in the nineties hoặc from 1991 to 1999

Tóm lại:
- Skim là đọc nhanh - nhằm nắm được ý chính của bài đọc
- Scan không liên quan gì đến đọc hiểu, mà chỉ tìm vị trí của 1 từ/ cụm từ trong bài
đọc nhanh nhất

IELTS Thanh Loan 22

Hai kỹ năng skimming và scanning áp dụng liên tục song hành trong bài đọc.
Nếu bạn skim hiệu quả, bạn sẽ có định hình về việc đoạn văn nào cung cấp
thông tin về cái gì, từ đó scan hiệu quả hơn. Ngược lại, khi bạn dã gạch chân
được những cụm từ chính như tên, số, ngày tháng … thì đó cũng chính là những
nội dung bạn cần chú ý để khi skim có thể nắm được ý chính của bài đọc.

Scanning có thể giúp bạn định vị vị trí thông tin liên quan đến câu hỏi rất

IELTS Thanh Loan 23

c. Close Reading
Close Reading: the careful, sustained interpretation of a brief passage of a text. A
close reading emphasizes the single and the particular over the general, affected by
close attention to individual words, the syntax, the order in which the sentences
unfold ideas, as well as formal structures.

Bạn sẽ đọc close reading khi đã xác định được vị trí thông tin cần tìm và cần phải
đọc kỹ, chú ý đến từng từ, từng mẩu thông tin rất nhỏ, ngữ pháp … của đoạn văn/
câu văn/ cụm từ để hiểu được dụng ý chính xác của người viết

Close Reading được áp dụng khi:

Người đọc đã tìm được thông tin liên quan đến câu hỏi từ bài đọc

Cần đọc phân tích kỹ thông tin trong bài đọc và so sánh với thông tin trong câu

hỏi để tìm đáp án

Khi Close Reading, bạn cần chú ý:

- Cần đối chiếu từ đồng nghĩa, trái nghĩa giữa câu hỏi và bài đọc để xác định thông

tin có trùng khớp hay không
- Tuyệt đối không bỏ qua những từ nhỏ nhất như: từ nối, động từ khuyết thiếu … vì
nó đều có thể ảnh hưởng đến nội dung của bài đọc và có tính quyết định đến đáp án
bạn chọn

IELTS Thanh Loan 24

d. Bài tập thực hành

Exercise 1:

a. Practice your skimming and scanning with the article below about happiness.
Read it quickly to find out what it says about the following:

1. sources of happiness
2. the relationship between happiness and politics
3. research into happiness
4. living standards and happiness
5. how to measure happiness

6. how different countries promote happiness

How can we measure happiness?
by Philip Johnston

Western leaders are looking beyond traditional indices of economic and social well-being

and turning to ways of measuring national happiness.
What makes you happy? The smell of new-mown grass on a spring morning, perhaps; or the
laughter of your children. For many of us, happiness is spiritual, individual, difficult to define
and ephemeral. A Buddhist monk with no possessions beyond his clothes and an alms bowl
might consider himself happier than a City financier with homes on three continents.

Personal happiness is something we all aspire to; so what about national happiness? Can the
well-being of a country be measured? Is it possible to aggregate all those individual
experiences into a happiness index that can be published quarterly, along with crime
statistics, inflation rates and unemployment figures? Some political leaders think it is. They
subscribe to the idea that measuring a nation's well-being by its economic output is a policy
dead-end. Is this wise?

The consideration of happiness and how to maximise it is hardly a new activity. It has
exercised great minds from Socrates to Montaigne and on to Bentham, Mill and the authors
of the American Declaration of Independence. But while philosophers tended to deal with
how we should lead our lives as individuals, the idea of happiness both as a science and a
specific aim of national policy has only taken off in the past decade or so.

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It is hardly surprising that the idea appeals to many politicians, especially when most of the
economic news is gloomy and government policy is couched in the downbeat language of
austerity. In such circumstances, looking beyond the traditional measurements of national
well-being is a great temptation, even if it risks being criticized as a gimmick that has no place
in the serious business politics.

Moreover, economists believe that the pursuit of public happiness as a policy goal has merit

even when the economy is booming. This is because, as their data have become more

comprehensive and sophisticated, they have noticed one apparent paradox: that despite the

fact that Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has increased substantially in the industrialized

West, the levels of human contentment have remained static.

This realization encouraged Lord Layard, professor at the London School of Economics and

adviser to a former prime minister, to urge the last Labour government to recognize that

economic growth need not be an overriding priority. He believed governments should

embrace the principle that ‘the best society is that where the people are happiest, and the best

policy is the one that produces the greatest happiness'.

They found this hard to do because so little was known about what made people happy. But,
as Lord Layard points out, ‘The first thing we know is that in the past 50 years, average
happiness has not increased at all in Britain or in the United States - despite massive
increases in living standards.’ In better-off countries, in other words, simply raising
incomes does not make people any happier.

In truth, Prime Minister David Cameron has been thinking along these lines for a while.
Shortly after he became Tory leader in 2005, he said: ‘Well-being can't be measured by
money or traded in markets. It's about the beauty of our surroundings, the quality of our
culture and, above all, the strength of our relationships. Improving our society's sense of
wellbeing is, I believe, the central political challenge of our times.' He added: ‘It's time we
admitted that there's more to life than money, and it's time we focused not just on GDP but
on GWB - general well-being.’

In order to avoid a politically biased view of what constitutes national contentment, it

would be essential to have an independent body such as the Office for National Statistics
deciding what questions to ask and when to do so. A survey conducted in the middle of a
cold, wet January, for instance, might produce significantly gloomier results than one
carried out in summer months.

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So what might a list of questions contain? Measurements of national wellbeing are already
included in cross-border surveys carried out by the UN or the OECD* and include such
indicators as a perceived lack of corruption; low unemployment; high levels of education and
income; and the number of older people in the labour market. Using such criteria, polls can
try to paint a picture of what a country thinks about itself.

It seems that modern politicians have bought so heavily into the idea that the state can do

everything that they have deluded themselves into believing it can deliver the most elusive of

all human desires: happiness. They have been persuaded that it is possible to measure life

satisfaction and that its achievement on a national scale should be a goal of government. The

difficulty is to establish an index that does not remain static or decline. After all, which

politician will enjoy being accused of making his fellow citizens less happy than they were?

If measuring happiness is a relatively new phenomenon in the West, it has underpinned the

public policy of one country for almost 40 years. The Kingdom of Bhutan has pursued the

goal of ‘gross national happiness' since 1972. In addition to the promotion of equitable

socioeconomic development and the establishment of good governance, it also stresses the

importance of the preservation and promotion of cultural values.

It probably helps, too, that there is little in the way of traffic, commuting into major cities
does not involve an hour-long journey crushed together like sardines, television was banned
until 1999 and the Himalayas provide a visual backdrop to a stunning sub-tropical
landscape. No wonder they are happy.

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b. Read the text about “How can we measure happiness?” again and complete these
sentences with NO MORE THAN THREE words from the text. Use the scanning
techniques to help you find the answers. Underline the sections of the text that
helped you to find the answers.

1. Some politicians feel that it is not wise to focus on a country's ..........

2. Governments have only really taken the importance of promoting national

happiness seriously in ..........

3. While the idea of measuring happiness appeals to some politicians, others

believe it could be .......... for lacking in seriousness.

4. Although there have been .......... in personal wealth, people in the rich West

are not happier.

5. For David Cameron's government, the attempt to increase the .......... of the

people is a key priority.

6. Surveys may have different results depending on the weather, with ..........

results being possible for those carried out in winter.

7. As part of its policy of promoting happiness, the government of Bhutan

thinks it is important to ensure the country remains true to its ..........
8. According to the writer, Bhutan has the advantage of having almost no
.........., which is a source of stress in Western countries.

c. When you have finished, answer these questions.

1. How long did you take on your first reading?

2. Which questions did you manage to answer?
3. Do you think you need more practice skimming and scanning?

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Exercise 2: Skimming for content

a. Read the extracts below. How many of the extracts mention:

1. education
2. nationalities
3. work

4. free time

5. law and law-breaking

A. Immigration derives from the Latin word migration and means the act of a

foreigner entering a country in the aim of obtaining the right of permanent residence.
Immigration may have economic or political motivation, or be a matter of family

reunification or caused by natural disaster. In many cases, immigrants simply desire

to improve their circumstances by relocating.

B. Timofey Pnin is surely one of the most memorable of Nabokov’s characters. We
meet a bald and middle-aged teacher of Russian, and discover that he’s completely
lost. Much that he encounters in the world around him is a source of confusion,
including timetables, the use of articles in English and also – comically – the habits of
the Americans who are his neighbours. These are all things that many if not all fellow
immigrants are likely to have in common with him. Yet Pnin is a unique character,
both in life and in literature.

C. The precise date of the first human occupation of Australia is likely to remain
unknown, but evidence has been uncovered to suggest human presence on the
continent for at least 40,000 years. Migration from europe dates from 1788, when the
first transports bearing convicted criminals made the long journey south. This was
quickly followed in the early 1790s by the first wave of voluntary – and hence free –

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D. Immigration control concerns both how and why people from countries outside
the UK are allowed to enter the country and how long they are permitted to remain.
Furthermore, it governs what they may and may not do while during their stay in the
UK; for example, whether they have the right to obtain paid employment, whether
relatives may join them here, and whether they have access to the National Health

Service and similar state benefits. The paragraphs that follow give advice about all

aspects of immigration control.

E. Syed Ahmed, 22, a bright and hard-working young man, is studying at a leading

British university to become an accountant. When his application to renew his visa so
he could stay here on completion of his three-year degree course was approved, the

final decision was not based on the contribution he could make to this country.
Instead, the fact he’d taken up playing cricket for a local club since his arrival from

Bangladesh turned out to be the basis of the judge’s decision

F. With over 25 years’ experience of providing a comprehensive range of
immigration and legal services, we offer our clients a friendly and professional
service for all immigration needs. Our extensive experience enables us to advise you
on the prospects of success and problems to be aware of when submitting an
application. Working together, we will use our experience to find a solution that
matches your needs wherever possible. As specialists in business immigration, we
have developed a range of strategies that can assist organizations in obtaining work
permits, visas and rights to remain.

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G. I came to this country at the age of 12. When I started high school, I could hardly
understand the language. That seems an age ago. Now I’m married, studying at
college and would like to become a teacher. Unfortunately, that can’t happen as a
result of my status as an illegal immigrant. The future now seems so uncertain. But we
are good people, we don’t have a criminal record, we pay taxes, we go to school, we

work hard, and we love living here. I just want a chance to get the job I feel I deserve,

and to normalize our situation. Ultimately, we aim to use the years we’ve been here as

justification to become naturalized, so we can be treated as citizens of the country.

H. If directions are given under Part I of Schedule 2 or Schedule 3 to the 1971 Act
for a person's removal from the United Kingdom, and directions are also so given for
the removal with him of persons belonging to his family, then if any of them appeals

under section 59, 63, 66, 67 or 69 (1) or (5), the appeal is to have the same effect under

paragraphs 10 to 14 in relation to the directions given in respect of each of the others

as it has in relation to the directions given in respect of the appellant.

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b. These expressions are taken from the extracts above but each one has - an extra
word. Scan the extracts to find which one each expression is from and cross out the
extra word.

1. speedy professional service

2. then quickly followed in
3. source of considerable confusion
4. entering a European country
5. all persons belonging to
6. have the legal right to
7. university degree course
8. hardly understand anything

c. Answer these questions about the extracts above using NO MORE THAN TWO

WORDS for each answer.

1. The aspect of English grammar Pnin finds most problematic is .............

2. Preceding those who chose to settle in Australia by a few years, .............

were the first European migrants.
3. Immigration control includes rulings on whether people are allowed to look
for .............
4. The hope to live together again with one's ............. is in some cases a reason
for immigration.
5. The author of extract G hopes to change nationality by being ............. as a
result of the length of time she has spent in the country.
6. Extract H states that anyone under threat of ............. from the country has
a right to appeal.

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Kỹ năng 2: Đoán nghĩa từ mới
Khi tiếp xúc với các bài đọc IELTS, chắc hẳn không ít bạn thường xuyên gặp phải
các “từ lạ” hoặc “từ mới” khiến chúng ta nản lòng và đầu hàng trước các bài đọc phải
không? Tuy nhiên, để giải quyết hết 1 bài IELTS READING là chúng ta không cần
dịch và hiểu nghĩa chính xác của tất cả các từ trong bài, bao gồm “từ lạ” đó, trừ khi
chúng có liên quan trực tiếp đến câu hỏi.

Đừng bối rối khi gặp từ mới, vì:

Bạn có thể biết phần đa các từ, diễn đạt trong bài đọc, từ mới chỉ chiếm 1 phần
Rất nhiều từ mới không quan trọng -> không biết cũng không sao

Những từ quan trọng bạn có thể đoán được nghĩa mà không cần từ điển.

Thay vì đó, các bạn hãy tận dụng 1 trong các chiến lược sau để đảm bảo có thể vượt

qua các bài đọc IELTS một cách “ít tốn sức” nhất.

a. Đoán nghĩa dựa vào ngữ cảnh

Các bạn hãy thử tìm xem các vế trước và sau “từ lạ” đó có các từ nào mình biết, và

dựa vào các thông tin đó để đoán ra nghĩa sơ bộ của “từ lạ” nhé.

Ex: It had been raining hard through the night so the ground was saturated.
(Trời đã mưa to suốt đêm qua nên đất đã bị…) -> dựa trên ngữ cảnh ở đây, chúng ta
có thể đoán được hậu quả của việc trời mưa rất to là đất sẽ bị ướt và theo Oxford
dictionary thì nghĩa của từ này sẽ là “completely wet” – phù hợp với nghĩa chúng
ta đoán.

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b. Đoán nghĩa dựa vào định nghĩa, ví dụ được minh hoạ, giải thích

Đôi khi, chính tác giả cũng nhận ra các “từ lạ” này khá mới đối với độc giả, do đó, họ
sẽ cố gắng giải thích, đưa ra ví dụ, minh họa các “từ lạ” này thông qua các từ mang
nghĩa giải thích như: colon (dấu hai chấm “:”), “is”, “mean”, “refer to”, “that is”,
“consist of”, “for example”, “such as”, “including”, hyphen (dấu gạch nối -)…

Ex: Snoring is a noise generated by vibration of the soft part of the throat during


Như các bạn có thể thấy, ở đây có thể chúng ta không biết nghĩa của từ “snoring” và

có thể là của cả từ “vibration”, nhưng hãy nhìn nghĩa những từ key còn lại để suy

đoán nhé Snoring – noise generated – soft part – throat – during sleep

-> tiếng động/tiếng ồn phát ra trong phần mềm của cổ họng khi ngủ

-> vậy chúng ta hoàn toàn có thể đoán được Snoring là tiếng ngáy


- Brackets: A tornado (a violent storm of twisting wind) struck Edmonton and

caused a lot of damage.

- Commas: A tornado, a violent storm of twisting wind, struck Edmonton and
caused a lot of damage.
- Dashes: A tornado – a violent storm of twisting wind – struck Edmonton and
caused a lot of damage.
Với 3 ví dụ trên, tornado đều được định nghĩa ở phía sau là một trận bão lớn kèm
theo gió cuốn

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c. Đoán nghĩa dựa trên xác định từ loại, vị trí đứng trong câu và mục đích
sử dụng của từ

Tuy chưa biết nghĩa nhưng ít nhất các bạn cần xác định liệu đó là danh từ, tính từ,
động từ… Tác giả có sử dụng các dấu câu đi kèm không, ví dụ “semi-colon” (dấu hai

chấm “:”) hay “question mark” (dấu chấm hỏi “?”)

Đối với các dạng bài tập như gap fill (điền từ), một trong những yêu cầu đầu tiên là

xác định loại từ trong câu hỏi dựa trên ngữ cảnh, ví dụ ta bắt gặp câu hỏi sau:

Ex: “… is vital for the continuing existence of garden plants.”

Việc đầu tiên chúng ta xác định được dạng từ, ở đây sẽ là một noun (danh từ)
và là danh từ số ít vì động từ theo sau là is. Chẳng hạn như Word limit trong trường

hợp này là “one word”, đồng thời chúng ta tìm thấy đoạn sau trong bài đọc:

Is the use of compost a guarantee of the survival for plants under harsh conditions?

Recent studies have unanimously demonstrated that while many other factors need
to be added to the equation, a failure to use compost would be synonymous with
plants being wilted.

Dù trong trường hợp này chúng ta khó có thể đoán được nghĩa của từ
“compost”, nhưng dựa trên ngữ cảnh bài đọc chúng ta hiểu nó rất quan trọng đối
với plants, và chúng ta biết compost là một “noun” và đạt tiêu chuẩn “one word”, do
đó hoàn toàn có cơ sở để đoán compost là đáp án.

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d. Đoán nghĩa dựa vào các từ nối câu

Các từ nối này thường đứng gần “từ lạ” và giúp chúng ta suy đoán nghĩa của các vế
câu trước và sau từ lạ, từ đó đoán được nghĩa sơ bộ của “từ lạ” đó.

Ex: Joe was exhausted after the trip; however, Tom was wide awake and alert.
Giả sử chúng ta không biết nghĩa của từ “wide awake và alert” trong trường hợp này,

nhưng chúng ta lại biết nghĩa của của từ “exhausted” là “mệt mỏi, kiệt sức” +
“however”, chúng ta có thể đoán được là “wide awake” và “alert” có khả năng trái
nghĩa với exhausted. Đáp án ở đây sẽ là “tỉnh như sáo”.

e. Đoán nghĩa dựa trên tiền tố và hậu tố

Ex: It was later discovered that the collapse of many past civilizations was largely

due to the fact that rulers at the time often underestimated the importance of

maintaining a healthy ecological balance.

Chúng ta biết được từ “estimate” có nghĩa là đánh giá/ước lượng, vậy thì dựa trên

tiền tố “under” chúng ta hoàn toàn có thể đoán được “underestimate” là “đánh giá

thấp/đánh giá chưa chính xác”

Ex: many past predictions of the future turned out to be well inaccurate. Still, with
hindsight, it is important to understand that these projections of the future played
an irreplaceable role in many innovations seen today.

Chúng ta biết được từ “accurate” là chính xác và từ “replace” có nghĩa là thay thế
chúng ta hoàn toàn có thể đoán được nghĩa của “inaccurate” ở đây là không chính
xác và từ “irreplaceable” là không thể thay thế dựa trên các Prefix “In” và “Ir”, và
Suffix “able”

IELTS Thanh Loan 36

Vậy thì, hãy điểm danh một số tiền tố phổ biến trong IELTS Reading nào:

Anti-war / Pro-war Phản đối/Ủng hộ chiến tranh

Cyber- Có liên quan hoặc kết nối với internet.
(Cybercafe: quán café có mạng internet).
Non- Không (non-smoker: người không hút thuốc lá)

Re- Tái diễn, lặp lại

(reorganize: tái tổ chức/cấu trúc)

Ex- Trước, cũ trong quá khứ (ex-wife: vợ cũ)

Mal-/ Mis- Sai, không đúng

(malpractice: thực hiện sai/ Misbehaviour: hành động sai


Under- Dưới (underground: dưới lòng đất, undergraduate: sinh viên

chưa tốt nghiệp)

Semi- Một nửa

(semi-circle: nửa vòng tròn)


L T Có liên quan đễn viễn thông, khoảng cách xe

(telecommunication: viễn thông)

Pseudo- Không có thật, giả

(pseudo-science: khoa học giả tưởng)

Fore- Phía trước, về tương lai

(forecast: dự đoán/ foretell: tiên tri)
Liên quan đến môi trường
(eco là viết tắt của ecology: hệ sinh thái, eco-friendly: thân
thiện với môi trường)
Hai thứ
(bilingual: có thể nói 2 thứ tiếng, song ngữ/ bi-sexual: lưỡng
Tự bản thân chính mình
Auto-/self- (autobiography: cuốn tự thuật về bản thân/ self-discipline:
tự giữ kỷ luật)

IELTS Thanh Loan 37

Để thành công trong việc đoán từ, chúng ta không chỉ dựa vào Prefix (tiền tố), mà
đôi thi Suffix (hậu tố) cũng là yếu tố quan trọng và dễ gây nhầm lẫn. Sau đây mình
sẽ liệt kê lại 1 số chú ý “thú vị” khi xác định từ loại của động từ dựa trên hậu tố của

- Danh từ: thường có các đuôi phổ biến sau: tion–question, sion-impression,

ship-friendship, ure-culture…
ment-entertainment, ce-difference, ness-kindness, y-quality, er-worker, ist-stylist,

- Tính từ: rất thường được nhận dạng bằng các đuôi sau: al-cultural, ful-helpful,

less-helpless, ive-impressive, able-enjoyable, ible-possible, ous-famous,

ish-childish, ed-bored, ing-boring, ic-specific…, ate-passionate

- Trạng từ: thông thường sẽ được tạo ra bằng cách thêm đuôi “ly” vào sau tính từ.

EX: culturally, impressively, possibly, specifically…

Tuy nhiên, có phải từ nào đuôi “ly” cũng là trạng từ. Ví dụ: Friendly, lovely, early,

(thân thiện) có đuôi “ly” nhưng lại là tính từ.

Một số từ khác không có đuôi “ly” nhưng lại là trạng từ (thực ra các từ này vừa là
tính từ, vừa là trạng từ) như từ: wrong, late, long, last, hard, free…

- I came home late (tôi về nhà muộn là “late” chứ không phải “lately”)
- My friend works extremely hard (bạn tôi học cực kỳ chăm chỉ là “hard” chứ không
phải “hardly”)
- Tương tự đối với 1 số trạng từ đuôi “ly” nhưng lại mang nghĩa khác hẳn tính từ gốc
như: near (gần) >< nearly (gần như = almost); high (cao)>< highly (cực kỳ =

IELTS Thanh Loan 38

f. Coi từ lạ như biến “X”
Cuối cùng, nếu các bạn đã vận dụng tất cả các phương pháp trên mà vẫn chưa đoán
được nghĩa của từ, thì đơn giản là hãy bỏ qua chúng. Thay vào đó, bạn hãy nghiên
cứu mối quan hệ của X với các từ còn lại trong câu, xác định thông tin tổng quan của
câu (bao gồm X) dựa trên thông tin từ chính các từ mình đã biết rõ.

Đôi khi quá đâm đầu suy nghĩ vào 1 “từ lạ” là một việc khá vô ích và tốn thời gian

khi làm bài READING IELTS trong khi như mình nói, từ lạ đó chẳng quan trọng

hoặc đôi khi là thuật ngữ chuyên ngành mà bạn chẳng cần biết nghĩa vẫn có thể trả


Chỉ sử dụng kỹ năng đoán nghĩa từ mới khi đó là từ quan trọng, dùng để tìm

ra câu trả lời cho câu hỏi, chứ bạn không cần biết tất cả các từ vựng trong bài
đọc vì mục đích của IELTS Reading là đọc hiểu, chứ không phải kiểm tra ngữ

nghĩa từng từ vựng.


IELTS Thanh Loan 39

Bài tập vận dụng:

Exercise 1:

Guess the meaning of the word in CAPITAL and then look it up in dictionary to
check your answer.


- Tuan shows me a rough sketch of the house he is going to build.

- Many artists make a pencil sketch of their subject before they start to paint it.

- I watched my T-shirt in cold water so it wouldn’t shrink

- If you want to have enough spinach for dinner, you need to buy a lot.

- It shrinks to almost nothing when you cook it.

- I always glance at the headlines in the morning. I barely have time to read the

whole newspaper.
- As he ran up the stairs for the school, he glanced at his watch – late again!

- Gerald always comes home promptly on Tuesday so that he can watch his TV show.
- The firefighter arrived promptly and was able to stop the fire from spreading to
other houses.

- In the early morning, you could see the dew on every leaf of the branch.
- When we got up, the tent was wet with dew outside, but we were warm and dry

IELTS Thanh Loan 40

Exercise 2:

Use your knowledge of the world to guess the meanings of the underlined words.
When you’ve finished, check the meanings in dictionary

1. Some vegetarians believe that killing animals is wrong. Others are vegetarian
because they think meat is bad for people.
A vegetarian is probably ____________________________

2. The driver swerved to miss the little boy who stepped out into the road.
To swerve is probably ____________________________

3. The podiatrist told the woman to take the medicine for 5 days and call him if she

didn’t feel better.

A podiatrist is probably ____________________________

4. She picked the irises and arranged them in a vase to put on the coffee table.

An iris is probably ____________________________

5. Her tea was tepid, so she put it in the microwave.

Tepid probably means ____________________________

6. The deluge, a flood of rain, threatened to drown the little town.

A deluge is ____________________________

7. Sleet (half rain and half snow) can be very difficult to drive in due to poor
Sleet is ____________________________

8. Freezing rain – rain which freezes when it hits the earth – also causes many
accidents. Freezing rain is ____________________________

9. A great part of Canada’s economy is based on its natural resources, for instance
coal, oil and wood.
A natural resource is ____________________________

IELTS Thanh Loan 41

10. Despite the risks, new businesses are expanding everywhere, from natural
resources, manufacturing, construction, real estate, retail trade and – especially –
service industries such as consulting and tourism.
A service industry is ____________________________

11. The reporter talked to many auto-industry executives, e.g. company presidents
and vice-presidents.

An executive is ____________________________

12. The research company said that less-established car makers such as Subaru

and Isuzu could be forced out of North America.

Less-established is ____________________________

13. The Big Three are designing radical new cars including vehicles that use radar
and advanced computers.

Radical is ____________________________

14. Many of the elderly who go to programs at Centennial House are highly

stimulated. On the other hand, old people who stay home all the time are usually

To be stimulated means ____________________________

15. Alzheimer’s disease is a common problem in old age, but many old people
continue to have healthy minds.
Alzheimer’s disease is an ____________________________

16. While many people live in rest homes, others still live on their own or with their
families. A rest home is ____________________________

17. Many old people stay home in inclement weather, yet they go out walking on
nice days. Inclement weather is ____________________________

18. Instead of vegetating at home, lots of old people are very active in the
To vegetate is an ___________________________

IELTS Thanh Loan 42

19. Yesterday some shysters came to my door. Those dishonest men pretended they
were doing a survey and then tried to convince me to buy a magazine.
A shyster is ____________________________

20. My neighbours have a beautifully landscaped yard. It is well arranged with

beautiful shrubs, lush looking trees and bright flowers.
Landscaped means ____________________________


IELTS Thanh Loan 43

Kỹ năng 3: Xác định từ chìa khoá
Khi học IELTS Reading, các bạn liên tục được nghe cụm “từ chìa khoá". Chắc hẳn
“từ chìa khoá" quan trọng lắm nên mới được nhắc đi nhắc lại nhiều lần đến thế.
Hãy cùng tìm hiểu.

a. Phân tích từ chìa khoá trong câu hỏi

Từ chìa khoá (keywords) là:
- Từ mang nội dung thông tin chính
- Không phải từ nối, giới từ, mạo từ mà thường là danh từ, động từ, tính từ

Vì sao phải phân tích từ chìa khoá trong câu hỏi?

Bài đọc quá dài, phức tạp, nhiều từ vựng và ngữ pháp khó -> Phân tích từ chìa

khoá giúp bạn đọc hiệu quả hơn bằng cách bẻ nhỏ thông tin và so sánh từng mẩu

thông tin giữa bài đọc và câu hỏi

Dựa vào từ chìa khoá, bạn có thể đọc hiệu quả hơn bằng cách chỉ tập trung vào

một mẩu thông tin trong bài đọc, so sánh mẩu thông tin đó với câu hỏi và tìm ra đáp


Có hai nhóm từ chìa khoá như sau:

Từ chìa khoá loại 1 (mang nội dung chính, không bao giờ được paraphrase giữa
câu hỏi và bài đọc). Chúng thường là:
1. Time, number - số, thời gian (Eg: 1997, the 19th century, ....)
2. Proper names - tên riêng (Eg: William Henry Perkin, France ....)
3. Terminology - thuật ngữ chuyên ngành (Eg: malaria, ...)
Mục đích: Người đọc xác định từ chìa khoá loại 1 trong câu hỏi -> scan sự xuất
hiện của từ chìa khoá loại 1 trong bài đọc -> từ đó biết được thông tin liên quan
đến câu hỏi sẽ nằm ở vị trí nào trong bài đọc.

Từ chìa khoá loại 2 (mang nội dung chính, sẽ được paraphrase bằng từ đồng
nghĩa, cách diễn đạt tương đương giữa câu hỏi và bài đọc). Chúng thường là:
1. Noun - danh từ
2. Verb - động từ
3. Adjective - tính từ
Mục đích: Sau khi đã xác định thông tin liên quan đến câu hỏi nằm ở đâu trong
bài đọc -> người đọc đối chiếu từ chìa khoá loại 2 từ câu hỏi sang bài đọc -> từ đó
tìm ra đáp án cuối cùng

IELTS Thanh Loan 44

b. Ví dụ về việc phân tích từ chìa khoá

Các bạn được cho bài đọc như sau

William Henry Perkin

The man who invented synthetic dyes

William Henry Perkin was born on March 12,1838, in London, England.

As a boy, Perkin’s curiosity prompted early interests in the arts, sciences,
photography, and engineering. But it was a chance stumbling upon a run-down, yet
functional, laboratory in his late grandfather’s home that solidified the young man’s

enthusiasm for chemistry.

As a student at the City of London School, Perkin became immersed in the study of

chemistry. His talent and devotion to the subject were perceived by his teacher,

Thomas Hall, who encouraged him to attend a series of lectures given by the eminent

scientist Michael Faraday at the Royal Institution. Those speeches fired the young

chemist’s enthusiasm further, and he later went on to attend the Royal College of

Chemistry, which he succeeded in entering in 1853, at the age of 15.

At the time of Perkin’s enrolment, the Royal College of Chemistry was headed by the
noted German chemist August Wilhelm Hofmann. Perkin’s scientific gifts soon caught
Hofmann’s attention and, within two years, he became Hofmann’s youngest assistant.
Not long after that, Perkin made the scientific breakthrough that would bring him both
fame and fortune.

At the time, quinine was the only viable medical treatment for malaria. The drug is
derived from the bark of the cinchona tree, native to South America, and by 1856
demand for the drug was surpassing the available supply. Thus, when Hofmann made
some passing comments about the desirability of a synthetic substitute for quinine, it
was unsurprising that his star pupil was moved to take up the challenge.

During his vacation in 1856, Perkin spent his time in the laboratory on the top floor
of his family’s house. He was attempting to manufacture quinine from aniline, an

IELTS Thanh Loan 45

inexpensive and readily available coal tar waste product. Despite his best efforts, however, he
did not end up with quinine. Instead, he produced a mysterious dark sludge. Luckily, Perkin’s
scientific training and nature prompted him to investigate the substance further.
Incorporating potassium dichromate and alcohol into the aniline at various stages of the
experimental process, he finally produced a deep purple solution. And, proving the truth of
the famous scientist Louis Pasteur’s words ‘chance favours only the prepared mind’, Perkin
saw the potential of his unexpected find.

Historically, textile dyes were made from such natural sources as plants and animal
excretions. Some of these, such as the glandular mucus of snails, were difficult to obtain and
outrageously expensive. Indeed, the purple colour extracted from a snail was once so costly

that in society at the time only the rich could afford it. Further, natural dyes tended to be

muddy in hue and fade quickly. It was against this backdrop that Perkin’s discovery was


Perkin quickly grasped that his purple solution could be used to colour fabric, thus making

it the world’s first synthetic dye. Realising the importance of this breakthrough, he lost no

time in patenting it. But perhaps the most fascinating of all Perkin’s reactions to his find was

his nearly instant recognition that the new dye had commercial possibilities.

Perkin originally named his dye Tyrian Purple, but it later became commonly known as
mauve (from the French for the plant used to make the colour violet). He asked advice of
Scottish dye works owner Robert Pullar, who assured him that manufacturing the dye would
be well worth it if the colour remained fast (i.e. would not fade) and the cost was relatively
low. So, over the fierce objections of his mentor Hofmann, he left college to give birth to the
modern chemical industry.

With the help of his father and brother, Perkin set up a factory not far from London.
Utilising the cheap and plentiful coal tar that was an almost unlimited by product of
London’s gas street lighting, the dye works began producing the world’s first synthetically
dyed material in 1857. The company received a commercial boost from the Empress
Eugenie of France, when she decided the new colour flattered her. Very soon, mauve was
the necessary shade for all the fashionable ladies in that country.

IELTS Thanh Loan 46

Not to be outdone, England’s Queen Victoria also appeared in public wearing a mauve
gown, thus making it all the rage in England as well. The dye was bold and fast, and the
public clamoured for more. Perkin went back to the drawing board.

Although Perkin’s fame was achieved and fortune assured by his first discovery, the
chemist continued his research. Among other dyes he developed and introduced were

aniline red (1859) and aniline black (1863) and, in the late 1860s, Perkin’s green. It is

important to note that Perkin’s synthetic dye discoveries had outcomes far beyond the

merely decorative. The dyes also became vital to medical research in many ways. For

instance, they were used to stain previously invisible microbes and bacteria, allowing
researchers to identify such bacilli as tuberculosis, cholera, and anthrax. Artificial dyes

continue to play a crucial role today. And, in what would have been particularly pleasing
to Perkin, their current use is in the search for a vaccine against malaria.

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading

In boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

1. Michael Faraday was the first person to recognise Perkin’s ability as a student of
2. Michael Faraday suggested Perkin should enrol in the Royal College of
3. Perkin employed August Wilhelm Hofmann as his assistant.
4. Perkin was still young when he made the discovery that made him rich and
5. The trees from which quinine is derived grow only in South America.
6. Perkin hoped to manufacture a drug from a coal tar waste product.
7. Perkin was inspired by the discoveries of the famous scientist Louis Pasteur.

IELTS Thanh Loan 47

Bước 1: Hãy bắt đầu với việc xác định từ chìa khoá loại 1 và loại 2 trong câu hỏi từ
1 đến 7.

Cụ thể:

Loại 1 - tên riêng Loại 1 - tên riêng

1. Michael Faraday was the first person to recognise Perkin’s ability as

a student of chemistry.
Loại 2 = initial person Loại 2 = realise

Loại 1 - tên riêng

2. Michael Faraday suggested Perkin should enrol in the Royal College of

Loại 2 = attend, join in, take part in

L T Loại 1 - tên riêng

3. Perkin employed August Wilhelm Hofmann as his assistant.

Loại 2 = hire Loại 2 = supporter

4. Perkin was still young when he made the discovery that made him rich
and famous.
Loại 2 = well-off, affluent
Loại 2 = fame, well-known, renowned

Loại 1 - thuật ngữ chuyên ngành Loại 1 - tên riêng

5. The trees from which quinine is derived grow only in South America.

IELTS Thanh Loan 48

Loại 1 - tên riêng

6. Perkin hoped to manufacture a drug from a coal tar waste product.

Loại 2 = produce, create

Loại 1 - tên riêng

7. Perkin was inspired by the discoveries of the famous scientist Louis


Loại 2 = motivate


IELTS Thanh Loan 49

Bước 2: Sau đó scanning từ chìa khoá loại 1 trong bài đọc

William Henry Perkin

The man who invented synthetic dyes

William Henry Perkin was born on March 12,1838, in London,


As a boy, Perkin’s curiosity prompted early interests in the arts,

sciences, photography, and engineering. But it was a chance stumbling

upon a run-down, yet functional, laboratory in his late grandfather’s
home that solidified the young man’s enthusiasm for chemistry.
As a student at the City of London School, Perkin became immersed in

the study of chemistry. His talent and devotion to the subject were

perceived by his teacher, Thomas Hall, who encouraged him to attend

a series of lectures given by the eminent scientist Michael Faraday at Câu 1 ở
quanh đây

the Royal Institution. Those speeches fired the young chemist’s

enthusiasm further, and he later went on to attend the Royal College of Câu 2

đây rồi!
Chemistry, which he succeeded in entering in 1853, at the age of 15.

At the time of Perkin’s enrolment, the Royal College of Chemistry was
headed by the noted German chemist August Wilhelm Hofmann.
Perkin’s scientific gifts soon caught Hofmann’s attention and, within Câu 3
two years, he became Hofmann’s youngest assistant. Not long after
that, Perkin made the scientific breakthrough that would bring him
both fame and fortune. Hai từ này
bằng rich and
famous này
At the time, quinine was the only viable medical treatment for malaria. -> Câu 4
The drug is derived from the bark of the cinchona tree, native to South
America, and by 1856 demand for the drug was surpassing the Câu 5
đây nhé!
available supply. Thus, when Hofmann made some passing comments
about the desirability of a synthetic substitute for quinine, it was
unsurprising that his star pupil was moved to take up the challenge.

IELTS Thanh Loan 50

During his vacation in 1856, Perkin spent his time in the laboratory on
the top floor of his family’s house. He was attempting to manufacture
quinine from aniline, an inexpensive and readily available coal tar Câu 6
waste product. Despite his best efforts, however, he did not end up with
quinine. Instead, he produced a mysterious dark sludge. Luckily,
Perkin’s scientific training and nature prompted him to investigate the
substance further. Incorporating potassium dichromate and alcohol
into the aniline at various stages of the experimental process, he finally
produced a deep purple solution. And, proving the truth of the famous
scientist Louis Pasteur’s words ‘chance favours only the prepared
Còn đây

là câu 7

mind’, Perkin saw the potential of his unexpected find.

Historically, textile dyes were made from such natural sources as

plants and animal excretions. Some of these, such as the glandular

mucus of snails, were difficult to obtain and outrageously expensive.

Indeed, the purple colour extracted from a snail was once so costly that

in society at the time only the rich could afford it. Further, natural dyes
tended to be muddy in hue and fade quickly. It was against this

backdrop that Perkin’s discovery was made.

Perkin quickly grasped that his purple solution could be used to colour
fabric, thus making it the world’s first synthetic dye. Realising the
importance of this breakthrough, he lost no time in patenting it. But
perhaps the most fascinating of all Perkin’s reactions to his find was
his nearly instant recognition that the new dye had commercial

Perkin originally named his dye Tyrian Purple, but it later became
commonly known as mauve (from the French for the plant used to make
the colour violet). He asked advice of Scottish dye works owner Robert
Pullar, who assured him that manufacturing the dye would be well
worth it if the colour remained fast (i.e. would not fade) and the cost
was relatively low. So, over the fierce objections of his mentor
Hofmann, he left college to give birth to the modern chemical industry.

IELTS Thanh Loan 51

With the help of his father and brother, Perkin set up a factory not far
from London. Utilising the cheap and plentiful coal tar that was an
almost unlimited by product of London’s gas street lighting, the dye
works began producing the world’s first synthetically dyed material in
1857. The company received a commercial boost from the Empress
Eugenie of France, when she decided the new colour flattered her.
Very soon, mauve was the necessary shade for all the fashionable

ladies in that country.

Not to be outdone, England’s Queen Victoria also appeared in public

wearing a mauve gown, thus making it all the rage in England as well.

The dye was bold and fast, and the public clamoured for more. Perkin

went back to the drawing board.

Although Perkin’s fame was achieved and fortune assured by his first

discovery, the chemist continued his research. Among other dyes he

developed and introduced were aniline red (1859) and aniline black

(1863) and, in the late 1860s, Perkin’s green. It is important to note

that Perkin’s synthetic dye discoveries had outcomes far beyond the

merely decorative. The dyes also became vital to medical research in
many ways. For instance, they were used to stain previously invisible
microbes and bacteria, allowing researchers to identify such bacilli as
tuberculosis, cholera, and anthrax. Artificial dyes continue to play a
crucial role today. And, in what would have been particularly pleasing
to Perkin, their current use is in the search for a vaccine against

IELTS Thanh Loan 52

Sau đó người đọc cần so sánh thông tin xung quanh từ chìa khoá, đối chiếu với câu
hỏi để tìm đáp án thích hợp. Ví dụ:

Loại 1 - tên riêng Loại 1 - tên riêng

1. Michael Faraday was the first person to recognise Perkin’s ability as

a student of chemistry .

Loại 2 = initial person Loại 2 = realise

Bài đọc: His talent and devotion to the subject were perceived by his teacher,
Thomas Hall, who encouraged him to attend a series of lectures given by the

eminent scientist Michael Faraday at the Royal Institution

Ta thấy: recognise = perceive, ability as a student of chemistry = his talent to the
subject, nhưng ai mới là người nhận ra tài năng của Perkin đầu tiên? Thomas

Thông tin ở câu hỏi khác với thông tin trong bài đọc

-> Dựa vào từ chìa khoá loại 1, người đọc xác định được vị trí thông tin
liên quan đến câu hỏi

-> Dựa vào từ chìa khoá loại 2, người đọc đối chiếu thông tin và tìm
đáp án chính xác

IELTS Thanh Loan 53


Chào các bạn!

Mình xin giới thiệu về các sản phẩm giáo dục IELTS Thanh Loan đang cung cấp

như sau:

1. Khoá

học offline tại Hà Nội để đảm bảo sự tương tác tốt nhất giữa giáo viên

và người học, tạo môi trường học vui vẻ, thân thiện và tập trung.

2. Khoá
học IELTS online để tăng tính linh hoạt về thời gian, không gian học.

3. Sản

phẩm sách ebook IELTS do IELTS Thanh Loan biên soạn hỗ trợ bạn

học IELTS tại nhà.

4. Dịch vụ chữa bài IELTS Writing online có phí cho các bạn đang luyện đề.

Chúc bạn học tập tốt!

IELTS Thanh Loan 54


Các dạng câu hỏi
trong IELTS Reading
và thực hành

Ở chương I, các bạn đã được hướng dẫn có 8 dạng câu hỏi trong IELTS Reading. Mỗi

dạng câu hỏi sẽ có chiến thuật tiếp cận, cách thức làm bài và những lưu ý riêng.

Ở Chương II của cuốn sách, bạn đọc sẽ được:

- Hướng dẫn chi tiết cách làm từng dạng câu hỏi trong IELTS Reading

- Những lưu ý chất ngất chất đầy kinh nghiệm của IELTS Thanh Loan

- Thực hành cùng những bài IELTS Reading từ dễ đến khó


IELTS Thanh Loan 55


Dạng câu hỏi đầu tiên là dạng True/ False/ Not Given hay Yes/ No/ Not Given - dạng
phổ biến trong đề thi IELTS Reading. Vì vậy việc nắm bắt các thông tin cũng như
cách làm dạng bài này là cực kỳ cần thiết để chinh phục bài thi IELTS.

a. Thông tin dạng câu hỏi

Dạng True/False/Not given sẽ được mô tả như sau trong đề thi:

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the

Reading Passage?
In boxes from 1 - 5 on the answer sheet, write

if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this


Những câu khẳng định dưới đây có trùng khớp với thông tin được cung cấp trong bài đọc
không? Trong phần 1 đến 5 của tờ đáp án, hãy ghi:
TRUE nếu thông tin trong phần câu hỏi trùng khớp với thông tin trong bài đọc
FALSE nếu thông tin trong câu hỏi ngược lại với thông tin trong bài đọc
NOT GIVEN nếu không có thông tin liên quan đến câu hỏi

IELTS Thanh Loan 56

Dạng True/False/Not given sẽ được mô tả như sau trong đề thi:

Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in the
In boxes from 1 - 5 on the answer sheet, write

YES if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer

NO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer
NOT GIVEN if there is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this


Những câu khẳng định dưới đây có trùng khớp với khẳng định của người viết/ tác giả trong

bài đọc không. Trong phần 1 đến 5 của tờ đáp án, hãy ghi:

YES nếu thông tin trong câu hỏi trùng khớp với ý kiến của tác giả

NO nếu thông tin trong câu hỏi trái ngược với ý kiến của tác giả

NOT GIVEN nếu không thể khẳng định rằng tác giả nghĩ gì về câu hỏi


IELTS Thanh Loan 57

True/ Yes là gì?
Câu trả lời là True/ Yes khi thông tin trong câu hỏi được đề cập và hoàn toàn
trùng khớp với thông tin được đề cập đến trong đoạn văn.

- Ví dụ:
Câu hỏi: “At present, in America, about 400 million acres of land is allocated for

- Thông tin tương ứng trong bài đọc: “Just over 400 million acres of land is being

used for agriculture in America.”

- Dịch câu hỏi: Hiện nay, ở Mỹ, khoảng 400 triệu mẫu đất được sử dụng cho nông

cho nông nghiệp ở Mỹ

- Dịch thông tin tương ứng trong bài đọc: Hơn 400 triệu mẫu đất đang được sử dụng

Đối chiếu từ vựng đồng nghĩa:

Từ vựng trong câu hỏi
S T Từ vựng đồng nghĩa trong bài đọc

At present is being (bị động ở thì Hiện tại tiếp diễn -> đang
nói về hiện tại)
in America in America
about 400 million acres of just over 400 million acres of land
land (about là khoảng, có
thể xấp xỉ, hoặc lớn hơn)
is allocated for
is being used for agriculture

TRUE vì thông tin trong câu hỏi hoàn toàn trùng khớp với thông tin được đề
cập trong đoạn văn

IELTS Thanh Loan 58

False/ No là gì?
Câu trả lời là False/ No khi thông tin trong câu hỏi được đề cập nhưng trái ngược
thông tin được đề cập trong đoạn văn.

- Ví dụ:
Câu hỏi: After finishing their tertiary education, all people had difficulties to find
- Thông tin tương ứng trong bài đọc: The majority of people who graduated
universities found it difficult to get a job.

khăn trong việc tìm việc làm
- Dịch câu hỏi: Sau khi hoàn thành bậc đại học, tất cả mọi người đều gặp phải khó

- Dịch thông tin tương ứng trong bài đọc: Phần đa những người tốt nghiệp đại học

thấy việc tìm việc làm khó khăn

Đối chiếu từ vựng đồng nghĩa:

Từ vựng trong câu hỏi

S T Từ vựng đồng nghĩa trong bài đọc

finishing tertiary graduate university
all people (100% people) # the majority of people (from over 50% to less
than 100% people)

had difficulties to find

found it difficult to get a job

FALSE vì thông tin về số lượng người - đã tốt nghiệp đại học - tìm việc làm
khó khăn đều được đề cập, nhưng trái ngược thông tin trong bài đọc: (all people)
trong câu hỏi không trùng khớp với thông tin (the majority of people) được đề cập
trong đoạn văn.

IELTS Thanh Loan 59

Not Given là gì?
Câu trả lời là NOT GIVEN khi xảy ra 1 trong 3 trường hợp sau:

Trường hợp 1: Không có thông tin nào trong câu hỏi được đề cập đến trong đoạn
Ví dụ:
- Câu hỏi: Sylvia Earle lives in the USA.
- Thông tin tương ứng trong bài đọc: Sylvia Earle is an underwater explorer and
marine biologist who was born in the USA in 1935.

- Dịch câu hỏi: Sylvia Earle sống ở Mỹ

- Dịch thông tin tương ứng trong bài đọc: Sylvia Earle là một nhà thám hiểm dưới

nước và một nhà sinh học biển, cô sinh ra ở Mỹ vào năm 1935.

NOT GIVEN, vì trong bài đọc không có thông tin nói về việc cô đang sống ở
đâu (Sylvia Earle chỉ được nói là sinh ra ở Mỹ thôi).

Trường hợp 2: Một phần thông tin của câu hỏi không được đề cập đến trong đoạn
Ví dụ:
- Câu hỏi: If one partner in a marriage smokes, the other is likely to take up

- Thông tin tương ứng trong bài đọc: As an illustration of the health risks, in the
case of a married couple where one partner is a smoker and one a non-smoker, the
latter is believed to have a 30 per cent higher risk of death from heart disease
because of passive smoking. The risk of lung cancer also increases over the years of
exposure and the figure jumps to 80 per cent if the spouse has been smoking four
packs a day for 20 years.

- Dịch câu hỏi: Trong một cặp đôi, nếu một người hút thuốc thì người kia cũng có thể
hút thuốc.
- Dịch thông tin tương ứng trong bài đọc: Nhằm minh hoạ cho các rủi ro sức khỏe,
trong trường hợp một cặp vợ chồng có một người hút thuốc và một người không hút
thuốc, người sau có nguy cơ tử vong cao hơn 30% do mắc bệnh tim vì hút thuốc lá thụ
động. Nguy cơ mắc bệnh ung thư phổi cũng tăng lên sau nhiều năm phơi nhiễm và
con số này tăng vọt lên 80% nếu người vợ hoặc chồng hút bốn gói thuốc mỗi ngày
trong 20 năm.

IELTS Thanh Loan 60

NOT GIVEN, vì bài đọc chỉ nói về những tác hại nếu trong 1 cặp đôi, vợ/chồng
hút thuốc sẽ ảnh hưởng đến sức khoẻ của người kia như thế nào, không có thông tin
để cập đến việc khả năng người kia cũng sẽ hút thuốc ra sao.
Mặc dù có rất nhiều từ đồng nghĩa như: partner in a marriage smokes = a married
couple … one partner is a smoker, nhưng một phần thông tin trong câu hỏi (take up
smoking) không được đề cập trong bài đọc, nên không kết luận được thông tin trong
câu hỏi.

Trường hợp 3: Câu hỏi mang tính chất so sánh giữa hai hay nhiều đối tượng,

nhưng bài đọc chỉ nhắc đến đặc điểm của hai đối tượng này mà không có sự so sánh.

Ví dụ:

- Câu hỏi: The charity spends more of the money raised on schooling for poor people

than on their daily requirements.
- Thông tin tương ứng trong bài đọc: The charity raises money to pay for education
and the daily needs of poor people.

- Dịch câu hỏi: Tổ chức tình nguyện dành nhiều tiền vào việc xây dựng trường cho
người nghèo hơn là chi trả những nhu cầu hằng ngày của họ.

- Dịch thông tin tương ứng trong bài đọc: Tổ chức tình nguyện kiếm tiền để trả cho
giáo dục và nhu cầu hằng ngày của người nghèo.

Đối chiếu từ vựng đồng nghĩa:

Từ vựng trong câu hỏi Từ vựng đồng nghĩa trong bài đọc

money raised on money to pay for education of poor people

schooling for poor people

money raised on daily money to pay for daily needs of poor people
needs for poor people

NOT GIVEN, vì trong đoạn văn không có dẫn chứng nào chỉ ra sự so sánh
giữa việc dành tiền từ thiện vào schooling và vào những daily requirements. Hay nói
cách khác là do không có thông tin “more of the money than”, nên câu văn vẫn là
không được đề cập.

IELTS Thanh Loan 61

Chọn đáp án True / False / Not given cho những câu dưới đây, sau đó kiểm tra đáp
án ngay trang sau. Nếu bạn đã đúng cả 4/4 câu, hãy đọc trang tiếp theo. Nếu bạn sai
bất kỳ câu này, hãy đọc lại phần giải thích True/False/Not given ở phía trên.

Câu hỏi 1: Rochman analysed papers on the different kinds of danger caused by
ocean trash.
- Thông tin tương ứng trong bài đọc: “Rochman and her colleagues examined more
than a hundred papers on the impacts of marine debris that were published through

Câu hỏi 2: Coffee arrived in Europe after the 17th century.

- Thông tin tương ứng trong bài đọc: By the second half of the 17th century, coffee

had found its way to Europe.

Câu hỏi 3: It is easier to sell cheaper products than more expensive items because

they don't rely on sophisticated sales techniques.

- Thông tin tương ứng trong bài đọc: Companies know that they don't sell products,

they sell us lifestyles, regardless of whether they are selling a cheap daily necessity

or a special luxury item.

Câu hỏi 4: Are the following statements true, false, or not given?
In a recent study published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise,
researchers looked at 10 pairs of male identical twins in their 30s. Each twin was
similar to his brother in most ways, right down to their eating habits - except that
one in each pair had stopped exercising regularly in adulthood.
Despite the fact that the less active twins had the exact same DNA as their fit
brothers, after just three sedentary years, they had begun to develop insulin
resistance (a precursor to diabetes), had more body fat and lower endurance - and,
perhaps most notably, had less grey matter in the brain regions responsible for
motor control and coordination. While the study was small, it is evidence that
exercise may have as large an effect on your health as your genes do.

1. The twins in the study were very similar, but they had different diets.
2. The fitter twins had less body fat than their brothers.
3. The less active twins performed badly in tests of coordination.
4. The size of the study means that no conclusions can be drawn.

IELTS Thanh Loan 62

Kiểm tra đáp án nhanh
Câu hỏi 1: Thông tin trong câu hỏi hoàn toàn trùng khớp với thông tin được đề cập
trong đoạn -> Vậy, đáp án của câu hỏi này phải là TRUE

Từ vựng trong câu hỏi Từ vựng đồng nghĩa trong bài đọc

Rochman analysed Rochman examined papers

danger caused by ocean impacts of marine debris


Câu hỏi 2: Một phần thông tin trong câu hỏi không trùng khớp với thông tin được đề
cập trong đoạn văn -> Vậy, đáp án của câu hỏi này là FALSE.

Từ vựng trong câu hỏi

Từ vựng đồng nghĩa trong bài đọc

arrived in Europe

S T found its way to Europe

after the 17th century # by the second half of the 17th century (nghĩa là

mới đến) L
(nghĩa là sau thế kỷ XVII

trước nửa sau thế kỷ XVII - hay nói cách khác là
coffee đã có trong thế kỷ XVII rồi)

Câu hỏi 3: Có đề cập đến 2 đối tượng, nhưng không có dẫn chứng nào thể hiện sự so
sánh (đối tượng nào dễ bán hơn đối tượng nào) -> Vậy, đáp án của câu hỏi này là

Từ vựng trong câu hỏi Từ vựng đồng nghĩa trong bài đọc

cheaper products cheap daily necessity

expensive items special luxury item
not rely on sophisticated is marketed in this way (this way ở đây là sell us
sales techniques lifestyles not sell products)
không có dẫn chứng nào thể hiện sự so sánh giữa
easier to sell
hai đối tượng

IELTS Thanh Loan 63

Câu hỏi 4:
1. False: Chế độ ăn uống của họ không hề khác nhau, mà rất giống nhau, họ chỉ khác
nhau về về tập thể dục
2. True: Trong bài đọc có nói cặp song sinh mà hoạt động ít hơn thì tạo ra nhiều body
fat hơn -> cặp song sinh cân đối hơn tạo ít body fat hơn.
3. Not given. Bài đọc có nói cặp song sinh ít hoạt động sẽ có ít chất xám hơn ở vùng
não chịu trách nhiệm điều khiển và phối hợp vận động chứ không nói gì đến ‘tests’

->không có thông tin về bài test nào hết.

4. False. Đã có kết luận được rút ra ở câu cuối của đoạn văn:it is evidence that

exercise may have as large an effect on your health as your genes do.


IELTS Thanh Loan 64

Sự khác biệt giữa True/ False/ Not Given và Yes/ No/ Not Given

Về lý thuyết:
- True/False/Not given được đưa ra khi nội dung bài đọc cung cấp thông tin về những
sự thật hiển nhiên (FACTS)
Nhưng như thế nào là sự thực hiển nhiên? Là những quy luật, nguyên tắc, chân lý,
lý thuyết …. mà chúng ta không thể nào tác động được, không thay đổi được.
Nói khác đi, FACTS vốn là những thứ “đúng rồi", chúng ta chẳng còn gì mà tranh
cãi hay thảo luận về nó.
Ví dụ: Tiểu sử và sự nghiệp văn học của nhà văn Nhật Huraki Murakami
Quá trình viết từ điển của Johnson

Bài đọc dạng này sẽ đi cùng với True/ False/ Not given questions

- Yes/No/Not given được áp dụng trong những bài đọc thảo luận ý kiến của tác giả,

của một người hay nhóm người khác.

Đây là dạng bài đọc mà tác giả thể hiện quan điểm cá nhân của mình về một ai đó/

hiện tượng xã hội / sự kiện văn hoá … nào đó. Quan điểm của tác giả có thể là đồng
tình/ phản đối/ trung lập …. hay chỉ đơn giản là những suy nghĩ về nó. Vì thể hiện

quan điểm cá nhân nên những gì tác giả trình bày trong bài đọc có thể gây những ý

kiến tranh cãi, thảo luận.
Ví dụ: Nhà văn Nhật Huraki Murakami xứng đáng đoạt giải Noben văn học
Cuốn từ điển của Johnson thay đổi cách học ngôn ngữ
Bài đọc dạng này sẽ đi cùng với Yes/ No/ Not given question

Về thực tế:
- Chiến thuật trả lời hai dạng câu hỏi này hoàn toàn giống nhau
- Nếu câu hỏi hỏi Yes/ No/ Not given, bạn nên viết vào đáp án là Yes, No hoặc Not
given và ngược lại.

IELTS Thanh Loan 65

b. Cách làm bài
Đối với mỗi dạng câu hỏi trong đề thi IELTS Reading, có rất nhiều cách chúng ta có
thể áp dụng để làm. Tuy nhiên, vì thời gian và sự chuẩn xác là 2 yếu tố cực kỳ
quan trọng trong bài thi IELTS, vì vậy cần phải áp dụng cách để có thể giảm thiểu
tối đa được thời gian làm bài, nhưng vẫn đạt được hiệu quả trong từng câu trả lời.

Quy trình trả lời dạng bài True/ False/ Not Given hay Yes/ No/ Not Given bao gồm 3

Bước 1: Đọc hiểu và gạch chân từ chìa khoá trong câu hỏi

- Nếu bạn không hiểu câu hỏi, bạn khó lòng tìm được câu trả lời chính xác. Nếu câu

hỏi có chứa từ mới, hãy áp dụng những cách đoán nghĩa từ mới ở chương I.
- Việc gạch chân từ khóa là cực kỳ quan trọng, vì nó không chỉ giúp hiểu được main

ideas của câu hỏi, mà còn giúp giảm thiểu tối đa thời gian cần dành cho mỗi câu hỏi.

Có hai loại từ khóa chính mà bạn cần chú ý trong mỗi câu hỏi, đó là:

Loại 1: Từ khóa giúp scan vị trí thông tin của câu hỏi trong đoạn văn, loại từ khóa
này thường là các TÊN RIÊNG (Ví dụ: Thanh Loan), SỐ (Ví dụ: one thousand year),

thuật ngữ chuyên ngành (Ví dụ: feminism).

Loại 2: Từ khóa giúp bạn nắm được ý chính của câu hỏi, loại từ khóa này thường là
các Danh từ, Tính từ, Động từ, hay Trạng từ chính trong câu hỏi.

IELTS Thanh Loan 66

Bước 2: Xác định vị trí thông tin liên quan
- Dựa trên từ chìa khoá loại 1, bạn hãy scan để tìm kiếm thông tin liên quan đến
từng câu hỏi. Viết số câu hỏi bên cạnh thông tin liên quan đó.
Ví dụ: Câu 1 có từ chìa khoá loại 1 là: Thanh Loan -> Scan từ ‘Thanh Loan’ trong bài
đọc -> Khi nhìn thấy từ chìa khoá, khoanh tròn và ghi bên cạnh từ ‘Thanh Loan’ số
1, thể hiện rằng: Chỗ này có chứa thông tin trả lời câu số 1

- Đối với những câu không có từ chìa khoá loại 1, bạn tạm thời chỉ đọc hiểu câu hỏi

và không scan thông tin trong bài đọc. Sau khi thực hiện bước số 2, bạn sẽ dùng tư

duy phân tích để đoán vị trí của các câu này.

Ví dụ: Câu 1 có từ chìa khoá loại 1 -> Scan được nó nằm ở dòng 5 đoạn A

Câu 2 không có từ chìa khoá loại 1 -> Đọc hiểu câu hỏi rồi chuyển sang câu 3
Câu 3 có từ chìa khoá loại 1 -> Scan được nó nằm ở dòng 3 đoạn B

-> Câu 2 sẽ nằm giữa dòng 5 đoạn A và dòng 3 đoạn B, vì thứ tự thông tin

trong bài đọc theo thứ tự của câu hỏi.

Bước 3:
Đọc đối chiếu thông tin và xác định đáp án

- Sau khi đã định vị được vị trí thông tin câu hỏi trong đoạn văn, đọc kỹ rồi đối chiếu
thông tin được đề cập đến trong câu hỏi và đoạn văn.
- Viết TRUE/ YES nếu thông tin trong câu hỏi được đề cập và trùng khớp với thông
tin trong đoạn văn. Viết FALSE/ NO nếu thông tin trong câu hỏi được đề cập nhưng
ngược lại với thông tin trong đoạn văn. Và NOT GIVEN nếu thông tin trong câu hỏi
không được đề cập đến trong đoạn văn.

IELTS Thanh Loan 67

Ví dụ về các bước làm dạng True/False/Not given hoặc Yes/No/Not given

Although some of the steps in photosynthesis are still not completely understood, the
overall photosynthetic equation has been known since the 1800s.

Jan van Helmont began the research of the process in the mid-1600s when he carefully
measured the mass of the soil used by a plant and the mass of the plant as it grew. After
noticing that the soil mass changed very little, he hypothesised that the mass of the
growing plant must come from the water, the only substance he added to the potted

carbon dioxide as well as water.

plant. His hypothesis was partially accurate—much of the gained mass also comes from

In 1796, Jean Senebier, a Swiss pastor, botanist, and naturalist, demonstrated that green

plants consume carbon dioxide and release oxygen under the influence of light. Soon

afterwards, Nicolas-Théodore de Saussure showed that the increase in mass of the plant

as it grows could not be due only to uptake of CO2, but also to the incorporation of


Do the following statements agree with the information given in the

Reading Passage?
In boxes from 1 - 3 on the answer sheet, write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

1. We now fully understand the process of photosynthesis.

2. Van Helmont's hypothesis did not take into account that plants consume oxygen.
3. De Saussure demonstrated that both carbon dioxide and water contribute to an
increase in mass in plants as they grow.

IELTS Thanh Loan 68

Bước 1: Gạch chân 2 loại keywords trong từng câu hỏi:

Loại 1 - thuật ngữ chuyên ngành

1. We now fully understand the process of photosynthesis.

Loại 2: động từ chính trong câu

Loại 1 - tên riêng

2. Van Helmont's hypothesis did not take into account that plants

consume oxygen.

Loại 2: động từ chính trong câu

Loại 1 - tên riêng

3. De Saussure demonstrated that both carbon dioxide and water

contribute to an increase in mass in plants as they grow.

Loại 2: tân ngữ chính trong câu hỏi Loại 2: Noun chính trong câu hỏi


IELTS Thanh Loan 69

Bước 2: Lần lượt scan keyword loại 1 trong đoạn văn, và đối chiếu thông tin giữa câu
hỏi và thông tin được đề cập trong đoạn văn:

Although some of the steps in photosynthesis are still not Vị trí tìm thấy
completely understood, the overall photosynthetic equation has been thông tin
keyword của
known since the 1800s.
Question 1

Jan van Helmont began the research of the process in the Vị trí tìm thấy
mid-1600s when he carefully measured the mass of the soil used by a thông tin
keyword của
plant and the mass of the plant as it grew. After noticing that the soil
Question 2

mass changed very little, he hypothesised that the mass of the growing

plant must come from the water, the only substance he added to the

potted plant. His hypothesis was partially accurate—much of the

gained mass also comes from carbon dioxide as well as water.

In 1796, Jean Senebier, a Swiss pastor, botanist, and naturalist,

demonstrated that green plants consume carbon dioxide and release

oxygen under the influence of light. Soon afterwards,

Nicolas-Théodore de Saussure showed that the increase in mass of Vị trí tìm thấy
thông tin

the plant as it grows could not be due only to uptake of CO2, but also
keyword của

to the incorporation of water.
Question 3


IELTS Thanh Loan 70

Bước 3: Dựa vào phần đối chiếu xác định câu trả lời cho từng câu hỏi
Question 1: Một phần thông tin trong câu hỏi không trùng khớp với thông tin
được đề cập trong đoạn văn -> FALSE

Từ vựng trong câu hỏi Từ vựng đồng nghĩa trong bài đọc

now fully understand # still not completely understood

the process of the steps in photosynthesis

Question 2: Thông tin trong câu hỏi không được đề cập trong đoạn văn -> NOT


Từ vựng trong câu hỏi Từ vựng đồng nghĩa trong bài đọc

Van Helmont’s

He (= Van Helmont) hypothesised


not take into account that trong đoạn văn chỉ đề cập đến việc “plant uptake
plants consume oxygen

S T CO2”, chứ không có thông tin nào đề cập đến


Question 3: Thông tin trong câu hỏi hoàn toàn trùng khớp với thông tin được
đề cập trong đoạn văn -> TRUE

Từ vựng trong câu hỏi Từ vựng đồng nghĩa trong bài đọc

De Saussure De Saussure show

both carbon dioxide and increase in mass not be due only to CO2, but also
water contribute to an water
increase in mass in

IELTS Thanh Loan 71


Tip 1: Làm câu hỏi theo thứ tự lần lượt từ 1 đến hết.
Vì thông tin các câu hỏi được sắp xếp theo trình tự xuất hiện trong đoạn văn, vậy
nên việc làm lần lượt từng câu hỏi sẽ giúp dễ dàng tìm thông tin trong đoạn văn hơn.

Tip 2: Hãy làm 2 câu hỏi cùng một lúc

Việc làm 2 câu hỏi cùng một lúc vừa giúp tiết kiệm thời gian vừa tăng sự hiệu quả
cho câu trả lời. Vì câu trả lời NOT GIVEN thường là những câu không có thông tin

được nhắc đến trong đoạn văn, vì vậy thay vì việc làm từng câu 1 và phải đọc hết cả

một đoạn văn dài để tìm thông tin cho 1 câu NOT GIVEN, làm 2 câu cùng một lúc
giúp rút ngắn đoạn văn cần đọc để tìm thông tin hơn.

“All our life, so far as it has definite form, is but a mass of habits,”

William James wrote in 1892. Most of the choices we make each day Vị trí chứa

may feel like the products of well-considered decision making, but thông tin
Question 1

they’re not . They’re habits. And though each habit means relatively

little on its own, over time, the meals we order, what we say to our kids

each night, whether we save or spend, how often we exercise, and the

way we organize our thoughts and work routines have enormous
impacts on our health, productivity, financial security, and happiness.
One paper published by a Duke University researcher in 2006 found
that 40 percent or more of the actions people performed each day
weren’t actual decisions, but habits …. Vị trí chứa
thông tin
Question 3
Do the statements below agree with the ideas expressed by the
1. The majority of choices we make on a daily basis are conscious
2. Saving money is the key to financial security.
3. Habits account for at least 40 percent of the things we do each day.

IELTS Thanh Loan 72

Khi làm 3 câu hỏi này, trường hợp nếu làm từng câu một, vì câu 2 là NOT GIVEN
nên sẽ phải mất nhiều thời gian hơn để scan từ đầu đến hết bài đọc để tìm kiếm
thông tin liên quan đến “saving money” và “financial security”.

Tuy nhiên, nếu làm 2 câu cùng lúc, khi làm kết hợp cả câu 2 và câu 3 sẽ thấy ngay
vị trí chứa thông tin của câu 3.
Thay vì phải scan toàn bộ bài đọc, bây giờ chỉ cần scan từ vị trí chứa Question

1 và Question 3, nếu không thấy thông tin giữa 2 câu này thì tức là đáp án cho câu

hỏi này là NOT GIVEN.

Tip 3: Luôn cẩn thận với những câu hỏi có từ chỉ số lượng
Câu hỏi có chứa từ chỉ số lượng như (all, most/ majority, many, some, several, a

few/ a little, no) là câu hỏi thường chứa bẫy, vì vậy khi làm những câu hỏi này, phải
cực kỳ chú ý đến nghĩa chính xác của các từ chỉ lượng này để tránh đưa ra 1 câu trả
lời sai.
Ví dụ:
H A Từ chỉ lượng

Câu hỏi: After finishing their tertiary education, all people had difficulties to find

Từ chỉ lượng

Thông tin tương ứng trong bài đọc: The majority of people who graduated
universities found it difficult to get a job.
Nghĩa của từ “all” (tất cả) và từ “the majority” (hầu hết) là khác nhau, vậy nên
mặc dù tất cả các thông tin còn lại được đề cập đến trong câu hỏi và đoạn văn hoàn
toàn match với nhau, nhưng câu trả lời cho câu hỏi này vẫn là FALSE

Tip 4: Không viết TRUE thành YES, FALSE thành NO và ngược lại
Nếu trong câu hỏi yêu cầu viết câu trả lời là True/ False thì đáp án phải được viết là
True/ False, những câu trả lời là Yes/ No sẽ không được tính điểm. Ngược lại, nếu câu
hỏi yêu cầu viết Yes/ No thì đáp án phải được viết là Yes/ No.
Question: Write - True/ False/ Not Given
Answer: Yes -> Wrong
Answer: True -> Right

IELTS Thanh Loan 73

Tip 5: Cẩn thận với những động từ khi đưa ra những câu tuyên bố
Những câu hỏi chứa động từ như (claim, believe, suggest, know…) thường là những
hỏi chứa bẫy trong bài. Vì vậy, cần phải đặc biệt chú ý với những câu như vậy.
Ví dụ:
- Câu hỏi: The man is a British citizen.
- Thông tin tương ứng trong bài đọc: The man claimed that he was a British citizen.
- Theo từ điển Oxford, động từ “claim” được hiểu là “to say that something is true

although it has not been proved and other people may not believe it”. Như vậy, đoạn

văn chỉ đề cập là anh ta claim anh ta là người Anh Quốc chứ không có thông tin anh

ta thực sự là người Anh.

Vậy nên, đáp án cho câu hỏi này phải là NOT GIVEN không phải TRUE

Tip 6: Cẩn thận với những từ chỉ mức độ bắt buộc trong câu hỏi
Câu hỏi chứa các từ chỉ mức độ bắt buộc (như must, can, may, should, if possible…)

thường là những câu hỏi chứa bẫy, vì vậy cần đặc biệt chú ý với trợ động từ được sử
dụng trong câu hỏi và đoạn văn khi đưa ra đáp án.
Ví dụ:

- Câu hỏi: Bus drivers do not give change so you must have the correct money for a

- Thông tin tương ứng trong bài đọc: Buy your bus ticket from the bus driver, with
the correct money if possible.
Từ quyết định câu trả lời cho câu hỏi này chính là từ “must” và “if possible”.
“Must” là từ chỉ bắt buộc phải làm một điều gì đó, trong khi “if possible” chỉ mức độ
không bắt buộc - có thể làm hay không đều được >> Chính vì vậy mà đáp án cho câu
hỏi này là FALSE.

Tip 7: Một nhóm câu hỏi True/False/Not given thường chứa đầy đủ 3 đáp án
Một nhóm câu hỏi True/ False/ Not given hoặc Yes/ No/ Not given thường có cả 3 đáp
án xuất hiện. Vậy nên nếu bạn tìm được đáp án cho câu 1 & 2 là True, 3 & 4 là False
và câu cuối cùng là câu 5, thì rất có thể câu 5 là Not Given.

IELTS Thanh Loan 74

c. Bài tập thực hành

Exercise 1:

Sylvia Earle, underwater hero

She has spent her working life studying the world's oceans

Sylvia Earle is an underwater explorer and marine biologist who was born in the USA in

1935. She became interested in the world’s oceans from an early age. As a child, she liked to

stand on the beach for hours and look at the sea, wondering what it must be like under the


When she was 16, she finally got a chance to make her first dive. It was this dive that inspired

her to become an underwater explorer. Since then, she has spent more than 6,500 hours

under water, and hạs led more than seventy expeditions worldwide. She has also made the

deepest dive ever, reaching a record-breaking depth of 381 metres.

In 1970, she became famous around the world when she became the captain of the first

all-female team to live under water. The team spent two weeks in an underwater house. The

research they carried out showed the damage that pollution was causing to marine life, and

especially to coral reefs. Her team also studied the problem of over-fishing. Fishing methods
meant that people were catching too many fish, Earle warned, and many species were in
danger of becoming extinct.

Since then she has written several books and magazine - articles in which she suggests ways
of reducing the damage that is being done to the world's oceans. One way, she believes, is to
rely on fish farms for seafood, and reduce the amount of fishing that is done out at sea.
Although she no longer eats seafood herself, she realises the importance it plays in our diets.
It would be wrong to tell people they should stop eating fish from the sea, she says. However,
they need to reduce the impact they are having on the ocean's supplies.

Source: Complete IELTS band 4-5

IELTS Thanh Loan 75

Questions 1 – 5:
Now decide if these statements are TRUE, FALSE or NOT GIVEN according to the
information in the passage.

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

1. Sylvia Earle lives in the USA.

2. Until 1970, nobody had lived underwater before
3. Sylvia Earle was worried about the amount of fish that were being caught.
4. Her books offer some solutions to marine.
5. She thinks people should avoid eating seafood.

Exercise 2:

Break the habit

We all think we can break our bad habits — but they can stay with us for life

What is a bad habit? The most common definition is that it is something that we do

regularly, almost without thinking about it, and which has some sorts of negative

consequence. This consequence could affect those around us, or it could affect us

personally. Those who deny having bad habits are probably lying. Bad habits are part
of what makes us human.

Many early habits, like sucking our thumb, are broken when we are very young. We
are either told to stop doing it by our parents, or we consciously or subconsciously
observe that others do not have the same habit, and we gradually grow out of it. It is
when we intentionally or unintentionally pick up new habits in our later childhood or
early adulthood that it becomes a problem. Unless we can break that habit early on, it
becomes a part of our life, and becomes “programmed” into our brain.

A recent study of human memory suggests that no matter how hard we try to change
our habits, it is the old ways that tend to win, especially in situations where we are
rushed, stressed or overworked. Habits that we thought we had got rid of can suddenly
come back. During the study programme, the researchers showed a group of
volunteers several pictures, and gave them words to associate with them (for example,
see a picture of tea, and associate it with ‘breakfast'). They then showed the volunteers
the same pictures again, and gave them new words to associate with them (see a
picture of tea, and say ‘afternoon’).

IELTS Thanh Loan 76

A few days later, the volunteers were given a test. The researchers showed them the pictures,
and told them to respond with one of the words they had been given for each one. It came as
no surprise that their answers were split between the first set of words and the second. Two
weeks later, they were given the same test again. This time, most of them only gave the first
set of words. They appeared to have completely forgotten the second set.

The study confirms that the responses we learn first are those that remain strongest over time.
We may try to change our ways, but after a while, the response that comes to mind first is
usually the first one we learned. The more that response is used, the more automatic it
becomes and the harder it becomes to respond in any other way.

The study therefore suggests that over time, our bad habits also become automatic, learned

behaviour. This is not good news for people who picked up bad habits early in life and now

want to change or break them. Even when we try to put new, good intentions into practice,

those previously learned habits remain stronger in more automatic, unconscious forms of

A N Source: Complete IELTS band 4-5

Questions 1-7:

Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in the Reading

passage? Write

Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in the
passage? In boxes from 1 - 5 on the answer sheet, write

YES if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer

NO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer
NOT GIVEN if there is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

1. We usually develop bad habits when we are very young.

2. We can only break bad habits if people tell us to do so.
3. Bad habits may return when we are under pressure.
4. Researchers were surprised by the answers that the volunteers gave in the first
5. The volunteers found the test more difficult when they did it the second time.
6. People find it more difficult to remember things they learnt when they were
7. If we develop bad habits early in life, they are harder to get rid of.

IELTS Thanh Loan 77

Exercise 3:

Read this text and decide whether the statements below are True (T), False (F) or Not
Given (NG).

Tea and the Industrial Revolution

A Cambridge professor says that a change in drinking habits was the reason for the Industrial
Revolution in Britain, Anjana Abuja reports

A. Alan Macfarlane, professor of anthropological science at King’s College, Cambridge

has, like other historians, spent decades wrestling with the enigma of the Industrial

Revolution. Why did this particular Big Bang – the world-changing birth of industry-happen

in Britain? And why did it strike at the end of the 18th century?

B. Macfarlane compares the puzzle to a combination lock. ‘There are about 20 different

factors and all of them need to be present before the revolution can happen,’ he says. For

industry to take off, there needs to be the technology and power to drive factories, large

urban populations to provide cheap labour, easy transport to move goods around, an

affluent middle-class willing to buy mass-produced objects, a market-driven economy and a

political system that allows this to happen. While this was the case for England, other

nations, such as Japan, the Netherlands and France also met some of these criteria but were

not industrialising. All these factors must have been necessary, but not sufficient to cause the
revolution, says Macfarlane. ‘After all, Holland had everything except coal while China also
had many of these factors. Most historians are convinced there are one or two missing
factors that you need to open the lock.’

C. The missing factors, he proposes, are to be found in almost even kitchen cupboard. Tea
and beer, two of the nation’s favourite drinks, fuelled the revolution. The antiseptic
properties of tannin, the active ingredient in tea, and of hops in beer – plus the fact that both
are made with boiled water – allowed urban communities to flourish at close quarters
without succumbing to water-borne diseases such as dysentery. The theory sounds eccentric
but once he starts to explain the detective work that went into his deduction, the scepticism
gives way to wary admiration. Macfarlane’s case has been strengthened by support from
notable quarters – Roy Porter, the distinguished medical historian, recently wrote a
favourable appraisal of his research.

IELTS Thanh Loan 78

D. Macfarlane had wondered for a long time how the Industrial Revolution came about.
Historians had alighted on one interesting factor around the mid-18th century that
required explanation. Between about 1650 and 1740,the population in Britain was static.
But then there was a burst in population growth. Macfarlane says: ‘The infant mortality
rate halved in the space of 20 years, and this happened in both rural areas and cities, and
across all classes’. People suggested four possible causes. Was there a sudden change in
the viruses and bacteria around? Unlikely. Was there a revolution in medical science? But
this was a century before Lister’s revolution. Was there a change in environmental
conditions? There were improvements in agriculture that wiped out malaria, but these

were small gains. Sanitation did not become widespread until the 19th century. The only

option left is food. But the height and weight statistics show a decline. So the food must

have got worse. Efforts to explain this sudden reduction in child deaths appeared to draw

a blank.

E. This population burst seemed to happen at just the right time to provide labour for the
Industrial Revolution. ‘When you start moving towards an industrial revolution, it is

economically efficient to have people living close together,’ says Macfarlane. ‘But then

you get disease, particularly from human waste.’ Some digging around in historical

records revealed that there was a change in the incidence of water-borne disease at that

time, especially dysentery. Macfarlane deduced that whatever the British were drinking

must have been important in regulating disease. He says, ‘We drank beer. For a long time,

the English were protected by the strong antibacterial agent in hops, which were added to

help preserve the beer. But in the late 17th century a tax was introduced on malt, the basic
ingredient of beer. The poor turned to water and gin and in the 1720s the mortality rate
began to rise again. Then it suddenly dropped again. What caused this?’

Questions 8-13:
Now decide if these statements are TRUE, FALSE or NOT GIVEN according to the
information in the passage.
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

8. China’s transport system was not suitable for industry in the 18th century.
9. Tea and beer both helped to prevent dysentery in Britain.
10. Roy Porter disagrees with Professor Macfarlane’s findings.
11. After 1740,there was a reduction in population in Britain.
12. People in Britain used to make beer at home.
13. The tax on malt indirectly caused a rise in the death rate.

IELTS Thanh Loan 79

Exercise 4:

Australian culture and culture shock

by Anna Jones and Xuan Quach

Sometimes work, study or a sense of adventure take us out of our familiar surroundings to
go and live in a different culture. The experience can be difficult, even shocking. Almost
everyone who studies, lives or works abroad has problems adjusting to a new culture. This
response is commonly referred to as ‘culture shock’. Culture shock can be defined as ‘the
physical and emotional discomfort a person experiences when entering a culture different

from their own’ (Weaver, 1993).

For people moving to Australia, Price (2001) has identified certain values which may give

rise to culture shock. Firstly, he argues that Australians place a high value on

independence and personal choice. This means that a teacher or course tutor will not tell

students what to do, but will give them a number of options and suggest they work out

which one is the best in their circumstances. It also means that they are expected to take

action if something goes wrong and seek out resources and support for themselves.

Australians are also prepared to accept a range of opinions rather than believing there is

one truth. This means that in an educational setting, students will be expected to form their

own opinions and defend the reasons for that point of view and the evidence for it.

Price also comments that Australians are uncomfortable with differences in status and
hence idealise the idea of treating everyone equally. An illustration of this is that most
adult Australians call each other by their first names. This concern with equality means
that Australians are uncomfortable taking anything too seriously and are even ready to
joke about themselves.

Australians believe that life should have a balance between work and leisure time. As a
consequence, some students may be critical of others who they perceive as doing nothing
but study.

Australian notions of privacy mean that areas such as financial matters, appearance and
relationships are only discussed with close friends. While people may volunteer such
information, they may resent someone actually asking them unless the friendship is firmly
established. Even then, it is considered very impolite to ask someone what they earn. With

IELTS Thanh Loan 80

older people, it is also rude to ask how old they are, why they are not married or why they
do not have children. It is also impolite to ask people how much they have paid for
something, unless there is a very good reason for asking.

Kohls (1996) describes culture shock as a process of change marked by four basic stages.
During the first stage, the new arrival is excited to be in a new place, so this is often
referred to as the “honeymoon” stage. Like a tourist, they are intrigued by all the new

sights and sounds, new smells and tastes of their surroundings. They may have some

problems, but usually they accept them as just part of the novelty. At this point, it is the

similarities that stand out, and it seems to the newcomer that people everywhere and their

way of life are very much alike. This period of euphoria may last from a couple of weeks to

a month, but the letdown is inevitable.

During the second stage, known as the ‘rejection’ stage, the newcomer starts to experience
difficulties due to the differences between the new culture and the way they were

accustomed to living. The initial enthusiasm turns into irritation, frustration, anger and
depression, and these feelings may have the effect of people rejecting the new culture so

that they notice only the things that cause them trouble, which they then complain about.

In addition, they may feel homesick, bored, withdrawn and irritable during this period as


Fortunately, most people gradually learn to adapt to the new culture and move on to the
third stage, known as ‘adjustment and reorientation’. During this stage a transition occurs
to a new optimistic attitude. As the newcomer begins to understand more of the new
culture, they are able to interpret some of the subtle cultural clues which passed by
unnoticed earlier. Now things make more sense and the culture seems more familiar. As a
result, they begin to develop problem-solving skills, and feelings of disorientation and
anxiety no longer affect them.

In Kohls’s model, in the fourth stage, newcomers undergo a process of adaptation. They
have settled into the new culture, and this results in a feeling of direction and
self-confidence. They have accepted the new food, drinks, habits and customs and may
even find themselves enjoying some of the very customs that bothered them so much
previously. In addition, they realise that the new culture has good and bad things to offer
and that no way is really better than another, just different.
Source: Complete IELTS band 5-6.5

IELTS Thanh Loan 81

Now decide if these statements are TRUE, FALSE or NOT GIVEN according to the
information in the passage.

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

1. Australian teachers will suggest alternatives to students rather than offer one


2. In Australia, teachers will show interest in students’ personal circumstances.

3. Australians use people’s first names so that everyone feels their status is similar.

4. Students who study all the time may receive positive comments from their


5. It is acceptable to discuss financial issues with people you do not know well.

6. Younger Australians tend to be friendlier than older Australians.


IELTS Thanh Loan 82

Exercise 5:

Why don’t babies talk like adults?

Kids go from ‘goo-goo' to talkative one step at a time

A recent e-trade advertisement shows a baby speaking directly to the camera: ‘Look at
this,’ he says, ‘I'm a free man. I go anywhere I want now.’ He describes his stock-buying
activities, and then his phone rings. This advertisement proves what comedians have
known for years: few things are as funny as a baby who talks like an adult. But it also
raises an important question: Why don’t young children express themselves clearly like

Many people assume children learn to talk by copying what they hear. In other words, they
listen to the words adults use and the situations in which they use them and imitate

accordingly. Behaviourism, the scientific approach that dominated American cognitive

science for the first half of the 20th century, made exactly this argument.

However, this ‘copycat’ theory can’t explain why toddlers aren’t as conversational as

adults. After all, you never hear literate adults express themselves in one-word sentences

like ‘bottle’ or ‘doggie’. In fact, it's easy for scientists to show that a copycat theory of

language acquisition can’t explain children’s first words. What is hard for them to do is to

explain these first words, and how they fit into the language acquisition pattern.

Over the past half-century, scientists have settled on two reasonable possibilities. The first
of these is called the ‘mental-developmental hypothesis’. It states that one-year-olds speak
in baby talk because their immature brains can’t handle adult speech. Children don't learn
to walk until their bodies are ready. Likewise, they don't speak multi-word sentences or
use word endings and function words (‘Mummy opened the boxes') before their brains are

The second is called the ‘stages-of-language hypothesis’, which states that the stages of
progress in child speech are necessary stages in language development.

A basketball player can't perfect his or her jump shot before learning to (1) jump and (2)
shoot. Similarly, children learn to multiply after they have learned to add. This is the order
in which children are taught - not the reverse. There's evidence, for instance, that children
don't usually begin speaking in two-word sentences until they’ve learned a certain number
of single words.

IELTS Thanh Loan 83

In other words, until they’ve crossed that linguistic threshold, the word-combination
process doesn't get going.

The difference between these theories is this: under the mental-development hypothesis,
language learning should depend on the child’s age and level of mental development when
he or she starts learning a language. Linder the stages-of-language hypothesis, however,
it shouldn’t depend on such patterns, but only on the completion of previous stages.

In 2007, researchers at Harvard University, who were studying the two theories, found a

clever way to test them. More than 20,000 internationally adopted children enter the US

each year. Many of them no longer hear their birth language after they arrive, and they

must learn English more or less the same way infants do - that is, by listening and by trial

and error. International adoptees don’t take classes or use a dictionary when they are

learning their new tongue and most of them don’t have a well-developed first language. All

of these factors make them an ideal population in which to test these competing hypotheses

about how language is learned.

Neuroscientists Jesse Snedeker, Joy Geren and Carissa Shafto studied the language

development of 27 children adopted from China between the ages of two and five years.

These children began learning English at an older age than US natives and had more
mature brains with which to tackle the task. Even so, just as with American-born infants,
their first English sentences consisted of single words and were largely bereft of function
words, word endings and verbs. The adoptees then went through the same stages as typical
American- born children, albeit at a faster clip. The adoptees and native children started
combining words in sentences when their vocabulary reached the same sizes, further
suggesting that what matters is not how old you are or how mature your brain is, but the
number of words you know.

This finding - that having more mature brains did not help the adoptees avoid the
toddler-talk stage - suggests that babies speak in babytalk not because they have baby
brains, but because they have only just started learning and need time to gain enough
vocabulary to be able to expand their conversations. Before long, the one-word stage will
give way to the two-word stage and so on. Learning how to chat like an adult is a gradual

IELTS Thanh Loan 84

But this potential answer also raises an even older and more difficult question. Adult
immigrants who learn a second language rarely achieve the same proficiency in a foreign
language as the average child raised as a native speaker. Researchers have long suspected
there is a ‘critical period’ for language development, after which it cannot proceed with full
success to fluency. Yet we still do not understand this critical period or know why it ends.

Source: Complete IELTS 5-6.5

Questions 26-29:

Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in the

reading passage?

In boxes 26-29 on your answer sheet, write:


if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer

NO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer

NOT GIVEN if there is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

26. People are extremely amused when they see a baby talk like an adult.
27. Behaviourists of the early 20th century argued that children learn to speak by
copying adults.
28. Children have more conversations with adults than with other children.
29. Scientists have found it easy to work out why babies use one-word sentences.

IELTS Thanh Loan 85

Exercise 6:

The history of the poster

The appearance of the poster has changed continuously over the past two centuries.

The first posters were known as ‘broadsides’ and were used for public and commercial
announcements. Printed on one side only using metal type, they were quickly and crudely
produced in large quantities. As they were meant to be read at a distance, they required

large lettering. There were a number of negative aspects of large metal type. It was

expensive, required a large amount of storage space, and was extremely heavy. If a printer

did have a collection of large metal type, it was likely that there were not enough letters.

So printers did their best by mixing and matching styles.

Commercial pressure for large type was answered with the invention of a system for wood
type production. In 1827, Darius Wells invented a special wood drill - the lateral router -

capable of cutting letters on wood blocks. The router was used in combination with

William Leavenworth’s pantograph (1834) to create decorative wooden letters of all
shapes and sizes. The first posters began to appear, but they had little colour and design;

often wooden type was mixed with metal type in a conglomeration of styles.

A major development in poster design was the application of lithography, invented by
Alois Senefelder in 1796, which allowed artists to hand-draw letters, opening the field of
type design to endless styles. The method involved drawing with a greasy crayon onto
finely surfaced Bavarian limestone and offsetting that image onto paper. This direct
process captured the artist's true intention; however, the final printed image was in
reverse. The images and lettering needed to be drawn backwards, often reflected in a
mirror or traced on transfer paper.

As a result of this technical difficulty, the invention of the lithographic process had little
impact on posters until the 1860s, when Jules Cheret came up with his ‘three-stone
lithographic process’. This gave artists the opportunity to experiment with a wide
spectrum of colours.

Although the process was difficult, the result was remarkable, with nuances of colour
impossible in other media even to this day. The ability to mix words and images in such an
attractive and economical format finally made the lithographic poster a powerful

IELTS Thanh Loan 86

Starting in the 1870s, posters became the main vehicle for advertising prior to the
magazine era and the dominant means of mass communication in the rapidly growing
cities of Europe and America. Yet in the streets of Paris, Milan and Berlin, these artistic
prints were so popular that they were stolen off walls almost as soon as they were hung.
Cheret, later known as ‘the father of the modern poster’, organised the first exhibition of
posters in 1884 and two years later published the first book on poster art. He quickly took

advantage of the public interest by arranging for artists to create posters, at a reduced

size, that were suitable for in-home display.

Thanks to Cheret, the poster slowly took hold in other countries in the 1890s and came to
celebrate each society’s unique cultural institutions: the cafe in France, the opera and

fashion in Italy, festivals in Spain, literature in Holland and trade fairs in Germany. The
first poster shows were held in Great Britain and Italy in 1894, Germany in 1896 and

Russia in 1897. The most important poster show ever, to many observers, was held in

Reims, France, in 1896 and featured an unbelievable 1,690 posters arranged by country.

In the early 20th century, the poster continued to play a large communication role and to

go through a range of styles. By the 1950s, however, it had begun to share the spotlight

with other media, mainly radio and print. By this time, most posters were printed using the
mass production technique of photo offset, which resulted in the familiar dot pattern seen
in newspapers and magazines. In addition, the use of photography in posters, begun in
Russia in the twenties, started to become as common as illustration. In the late fifties, a
new graphic style that had strong reliance on typographic elements in black and white
appeared. The new style came to be known as the International Typographic Style. It made
use of a mathematical grid, strict graphic rules and black-and-white photography to
provide a clear and logical structure. It became the predominant style in the world in the
1970s and continues to exert its influence today.

It was perfectly suited to the increasingly international post-war marketplace, where there
was a strong demand for clarity. This meant that the accessibility of words and symbols
had to be taken into account. Corporations wanted international identification, and events
such as the Olympics called for universal solutions, which the Typographic Style could
provide. However, the International Typographic Style began to lose its energy in the late
1970s. Many criticised it for being cold, formal and dogmatic. A young teacher in Basel,

IELTS Thanh Loan 87

Wolfgang Weingart, experimented with the offset printing process to produce posters that
appeared complex and chaotic, playful and spontaneous - all in stark contrast to what
had gone before. Weingart's liberation of typography was an important foundation for
several new styles. These ranged from Memphis and Retro to the advances now being
made in computer graphics.
Adapted from
Source: Complete IELTS band 5-6.5

Questions 10-13

Do the following statements agree with the information in the reading passage?

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

10. By the 1950s, photographs were more widely seen than artists’ illustrations on

11. Features of the Typographic Style can be seen in modern-day posters.
12. The Typographic Style met a global need at a particular time in history.
13. Weingart got many of his ideas from his students in Basel.

IELTS Thanh Loan 88

Exercise 7:

Read this text, then decide whether the questions on page 88 are True (T),
False (F) or Not Given (NG).

The development of market research

There have been considerable improvements to the way products and services are
marketed over the years. Much of this can be attributed to the creation of market
research as an industry, which saw its beginnings in the latter part of the 1920s in the
United States with the work of a man named Daniel Starch. The common practice at

that time was for copywriters to think up an appropriate and perhaps catchy text to
attract the attention of the buying public, publish the ad, and then hope that readers

would act upon the information provided and buy the product or service.

During the early 1930s, Daniel Starch developed the theory that in order to be

effective, advertising must be seen, read, believed, remembered and then acted upon.

He went on to develop a research company that would stop people going about their

business in the streets, asking them if they read certain publications. If they did, his

researchers would show them the magazines and ask if they recognized or

remembered any of the ads found in them. Having collected the data, he then

compared the number of people he interviewed with the circulation of the magazine to

calculate how effective those ads were in reaching their readers. Thus surveying or
‘market research' was born.

As time went on, many more market-research companies began to emerge and
followed Starch's example. It was not long before they were working to improve on his
techniques. George Gallup, whose name is now associated with opinion polls,
developed a rival system that was known as ‘aided recall', which prompted those
interviewed to recall the ads seen in a publication, without actually showing them the
ads. This rival system was later adopted by companies to measure the effectiveness of
radio and television advertising.

In the late 1980s, Ronald Lindorf founded what would be one of the largest
market-research companies in the United States, Western Wats. The focus of Western
Wats was to leverage the current technology of WATS telephone lines to conduct
survey research. There was no longer a need to interview people on the streets or to

IELTS Thanh Loan 89

organize and conduct focus groups. A representative in a call center could collect all of the
data desired. This greatly increased the number of surveys collected each year and improved
the market-research model ten-fold.

Over the last five to ten years, market research has taken another great leap forward in terms
of methods of data collection. While surveys are still employed, this is largely done via
internet connection. Western Wats (recently renamed as Opinionology) is still the largest
market-research company in the US and collects the majority of their research via their
online panel called Opinion Outpost. Rather than cold-calling an individual in the search for
data, the company has online studies that anyone interested in participating in can sign up to

receive and freely share their opinion. It is much less intrusive, and the quality of data is

often much higher, since people can participate on their own schedule, instead of being

rushed when they receive a phone call from a call center.

This use of internet technology shows how far the quest to gather public opinion has come

since the 1820s, when it is said that the first recorded straw polls - the term comes from

farmers throwing a handful of straw into the air to check which direction the wind was

coming from - were recorded. Nowadays, it seems that everyone from political parties to

companies marketing toothbrushes wants to see which way the wind of public opinion is

blowing before making a decision.

Source: IELTS Reading Advantage

Question 1 – 5:

1. Market research was developed when Daniel Starch was employed to see how
effective and memorable advertising was.
2. Methods considered appropriate for researching the effectiveness of radio and
television advertising differed from those used by Starch.
3. Western Wats introduced methods generally considered less efficient than those
of Starch and Gallup.
4. The rebranding of Western Wats as Opinionology resulted in the creation of the
biggest market-research company in the world.
5. There had been no interest in finding public opinion before the market-research
industries began their work in the last century.

IELTS Thanh Loan 90

Exercise 8:

Examining the placebo effect

The fact that taking a fake drug can powerfully improve some people's health - the so-called
placebo effect - was long considered an embarrassment to the serious practice of pharmacology,
but now things have changed.

Several years ago, Merck, a global pharmaceutical company, was falling behind its rivals
in sales. To make matters worse, patients on five blockbuster drugs were about to expire,

which would allow cheaper generic products to flood the market. In interviews with the

press, Edward Scolnick, Merck's Research Director, presented his plan to restore the firm

to pre-eminence. Key to his strategy was expanding the company’s reach into the anti

depressant market, where Merck had trailed behind, while competitors like Pfizer and
GlaxoSmithKline had created some of the best-selling drugs in the world. “To remain

nervous system.”
dominant in the future,” he told one media company, “we need to dominate the central

His plan hinged on the success of an experimental anti-depressant codenamed MK-869.
Still, in clinical trials, it was a new kind of medication that exploited brain chemistry in

innovative ways to promote feelings of well-being. The drug tested extremely well early on,

with minimal side effects. Behind the scenes, however, MK-869 was starting to unravel.

True, many test subjects treated with the medication felt their hopelessness and anxiety lift.
But so did nearly the same number who took a placebo, a look-alike pill made of milk sugar
or another inert substance given to groups of volunteers in subsequent clinical trials to
gauge the effectiveness of the real drug by comparison. Ultimately Merck's venture into
the anti-depressant market failed. In the jargon of the industry, the trials crossed the
“futility boundary”.

MK-869 has not been the only much-awaited medical breakthrough to be undone in recent
years by the placebo effect. And it's not only trials of new drugs that are crossing the
futility boundary. Some products that have been on the market for decades are faltering in
more recent follow-up tests. “It's not that the old medications are getting weaker”, drug
developers say. “It's as if the placebo effect is somehow getting stronger”. The fact that an
increasing number of medications are unable to beat sugar pills has thrown the industry
into crisis. The stakes could hardly be higher. To win FDA* approval, a new medication
must beat placebo in at least two authenticated trials. In today’s economy, the fate of a

IELTS Thanh Loan 91

well-established company can hang on the outcome of a handful of tests.

Why are fake pills suddenly overwhelming promising new drugs and established medicines
alike? The reasons are only just beginning to be understood. A network of independent
researchers is doggedly uncovering the inner workings and potential applications of the
placebo effect. A psychiatrist, William Potter, who knew that some patients really do seem
to get healthier for reasons that have more to do with a doctor's empathy than with the
contents of a pill, was baffled by the fact that drugs he had been prescribing for years

seemed to be struggling to prove their effectiveness. Thinking that a crucial factor may

have been overlooked, Potter combed through his company’s database of published and

unpublished trials - including those that had been kept secret because of high placebo

response. His team aggregated the findings from decades of anti-depressant trials, looking
for patterns and trying to see what was changing over time. What they found challenged

some of the industry’s basic assumptions about its drug-vetting process. Assumption
number one was that if a trial were managed correctly, a medication would perform as

well or badly in a Phoenix hospital as in a Bangalore clinic. Potter discovered, however,
that geographic location alone could determine the outcome. By the late 1990s, for

example, the anti-anxiety drug Diazepam was still beating placebo in France and Belgium.
But when the drug was tested in the U.S, it was likely to fail. Conversely, a similar drug,

Prozac, performed better in America than it did in western Europe and South Africa. It was

an unsettling prospect FDA approval could hinge on where the company chose to conduct
a trial.

Mistaken assumption number two was that the standard tests used to gauge volunteers'
improvement in trials yielded consistent results. Potter and his colleagues discovered that
ratings by trial observers varied significantly from one testing site to another. It was like
finding out that the judges in a tight race each had a different idea about the placement of
the finish line.

After some coercion by Potter and others, the National Institute of Health (NIH) focused
on the issue in 2000, hosting a three-day conference in Washington, and this conference
launched a new wave of placebo research in academic laboratories in the U.S. and Italy
that would make significant progress toward solving the mystery of what was happening in
clinical trials.

IELTS Thanh Loan 92

In one study last year, Harvard Medical School researcher Ted Kaptchuk devised a clever
strategy for testing his volunteers’ response to varying levels of therapeutic ritual. The
study focused on a common but painful medical condition that costs more than $40 billion
a year worldwide to treat. First, the volunteers were placed randomly in one of three
groups. One group was simply put on a waiting list; researchers know that some patients
get better just because they sign up for a trial. Another group received placebo treatment
from a clinician who declined to engage in small talk. Volunteers in the third group got the
same fake treatment from a clinician who asked them questions about symptoms, outlined
the causes of the illness, and displayed optimism about their condition.

Not surprisingly, the health of those in the third group improved most. In fact, just by
participating in the trial, volunteers in this high-interaction group got as much relief as did

people taking the two leading prescription drugs for the condition. And the benefits of their

“bogus” treatment persisted for weeks afterward, contrary to the belief - widespread in the

pharmaceutical industry- that the placebo response is short-lived.

Studies like this open the door to hybrid treatment strategies that exploit the placebo effect

to make real drugs safer and more effective. As Potter says. “To really do the best for your

patients, you want the best placebo response plus the best drug response”.

IE L Adapted from Wired Magazine

Source: Complete IELTS band 5-6.5

IELTS Thanh Loan 93

Question 1 – 5:
Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer?

Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in the
In boxes from 1 - 5 on the answer sheet, write

YES if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer

NO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer

NOT GIVEN if there is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

1. Merck’s experience with MK-869 was unique.

well-established drugs company.
2. These days, a small number of unsuccessful test results can ruin a

3. Some medical conditions are more easily treated by a placebo than others.
4. It was to be expected that the third group in Kaptchuk’s trial would do better

than the other two groups.
5. Kaptchuk’s research highlights the fact that combined drug and placebo

treatments should be avoided.


IELTS Thanh Loan 94

Exercise 9:

The Earth and Space Foundation

The community that focuses its efforts on the exploration of space has largely been
different from the community focused on the study and protection of the Earth's
environment, despite the fact that both fields of interest involve what might be referred to
as ‘scientific exploration'. The reason for this dichotomous existence is chiefly historical.
The exploration of the Earth has been occurring over many centuries, and the institutions
created to do it are often very different from those founded in the second part of the 20th

century to explore space. This separation is also caused by the fact that space exploration

has attracted experts from mainly non-biological disciplines - primarily engineers and

physicists - but the study of Earth and its environment is a domain heavily populated by
The separation between the two communities is often reflected in attitudes. In the

environmental community, it is not uncommon for space exploration to be regarded as a

waste of money, distracting governments from solving major environmental problems here

at home. In the space exploration community, it is not uncommon for environmentalists to

be regarded as introspective people who divert attention from the more expansive visions

of the exploration of space - the ‘new frontier’. These perceptions can also be negative in

consequence because the full potential of both communities can be realised better when

they work together to solve problems. For example, those involved in space exploration
can provide the satellites to monitor the Earth’s fragile environments, and
environmentalists can provide information on the survival of life in extreme environments.

In the sense that Earth and space exploration both stem from the same human drive to
understand our environment and our place within it, there is no reason for the split to exist.
A more accurate view of Earth and space exploration is to see them as a continuum of
exploration with many interconnected and mutually beneficial links. The Earth and Space
Foundation, a registered charity, was established for the purposes of fostering such links
through field research and by direct practical action.

Projects that have been supported by the Foundation include environmental projects using
technologies resulting from space exploration: satellite communications, GPS, remote
sensing, advanced materials and power sources. For example, in places where people are
faced with destruction of the forests on which their livelihood depends, rather than

IELTS Thanh Loan 95

rejecting economic progress and trying to save the forests on their intrinsic merit, another
approach is to enhance the value of the forests - although these schemes must be carefully
assessed to be successful. In the past, the Foundation provided a grant to a group of
expeditions that used remote sensing to plan eco-tourism routes in the forests of
Guatemala, thus providing capital to the local communities through the tourist trade. This
novel approach is now making the protection of the forests a sensible economic decision.

The Foundation funds expeditions making astronomical observations from remote,

difficult-to-access Earth locations, archaeological field projects studying the development

of early civilisations that made significant contributions to astronomy and space sciences,

and field expeditions studying the way in which views of the astronomical environment
shaped the nature of past civilisations. A part of Syria - ‘the Fertile Crescent’ - was the

birthplace of astronomy, accountancy, animal domestication and many other fundamental
developments of human civilisation. The Foundation helped fund a large archaeology

project by the Society for Syrian Archaeology at the University of California, Los Angeles,
in collaboration with the Syrian government that used GPS and satellite imagery to locate

mounds, or ‘tels’, containing artefacts and remnants of early civilisations. These
collections are being used to build a better picture of the nature of the civilisations that

gave birth to astronomy.

Field research also applies the Earth’s environmental and biological resources to the
human exploration and settlement of space. This may include the use of remote
environments on Earth, as well as physiological and psychological studies in harsh
environments. In one research project, the Foundation provided a grant to an
international caving expedition to study the psychology of explorers subjected to long-term
isolation in caves in Mexico. The psychometric tests on the cavers were used to enhance
US astronaut selection criteria by the NASA Johnson Space Center.

Space-like environments on Earth help us understand how to operate in the space

environment or help us characterise extraterrestrial environments for future scientific
research. In the Arctic, a 24-kilometre wide impact crater formed by an asteroid or comet
23 million years ago has become home to a Mars- analogue programme. The Foundation
helped fund the NASA Haughton-Mars Project to use this crater to test communications
and exploration technologies in preparation for the human exploration of Mars. The
crater, which sits in high Arctic permafrost, provides an excellent replica of the physical

IELTS Thanh Loan 96

processes occurring on Mars, a permafrosted, impact-altered planet. Geologists and
biologists can work at the site to help understand how impact craters shape the geological
characteristics and possibly biological potential of Mars.

In addition to its fieldwork and scientific activities, the Foundation has award
programmes. These include a series of awards for the future human exploration of Mars,

a location with a diverse set of exploration challenges. The awards will honour a number

of ‘firsts’ on Mars that include landing on the surface, undertaking an overland expedition

to the Martian South Pole, undertaking an overland expedition to the Martian North Pole,

climbing O lympus Mons, the highest mountain in the solar system, and descending to the

bottom of Valles Marineris, the deepest canyon on Mars. The Foundation will offer awards

for expeditions further out in the solar system once these Mars awards have been claimed.

Together, they demonstrate that the programme really has no boundary in what it could

eventually support, and they provide longevity for the objectives of the Foundation.

S T Source: Complete IELTS band 6.5-7.5


IELTS Thanh Loan 97

Question 1 – 5:
Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in the reading

Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in the

In boxes from 1 - 5 on the answer sheet, write


if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer
NO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer

NOT GIVEN if there is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

1. Activities related to environmental protection and space exploration have a
common theme.

2. It is unclear why space exploration evolved in a different way from environmental

studies on Earth.
3. Governments tend to allocate more money to environmental projects than space

4. Unfortunately, the environmental and space exploration communities have little
to offer each other in terms of resources.
5. The Earth and Space Foundation was set up later than it was originally intended.

IELTS Thanh Loan 98

Exercise 10:

Dino discoveries
When news breaks of the discovery of a new species of dinosaur, you would be forgiven for
thinking that the scientists who set out in search of the fossils are the ones who made die
find. The reality tells a different story, as Cavan Scott explains.

The BBC series Planet Dinosaur used state-of-the-art computer graphics to bring to

life the most impressive of those dinosaurs whose remains have been discovered in the

past decade. One of these is Gigantoraptor erlianensis. Discovered in 2005, it stands

more than three metres high at the hip and is the biggest bird-like dinosaur ever
unearthed. Yet its discoverer, Xu Xing of Beijing's Institute of Vertebrate

Palaeontology and Paleoanthropology, was not even looking for it at the time. He was
recording a documentary in the Gobi Desert Inner Mongolia.

‘The production team were filming me and a geologist digging out what we thought
were sauropod bones’, says Xu, ‘when I realised the fossils were something else

entirely.' Gigantoraptor, as it later became known, turned out to be an oviraptorid, a

therapod with a bird-like beak. Its size was staggering. The largest oviraptorid

previously discovered had been comparable in size to an emu: the majority were
about as big as a turkey. Here was a creature that was probably about eight metres
long, if the bone analysis was anything to go by.

Sometimes it is sheer opportunism that plays a part in the discovery of a new species.
In 1999 the National Geographic Society announced that the missing link between
dinosaurs and modern birds had finally been found. Named Archaeoraptor
lianoingensis the fossil in question appeared to have the head and body of a bird, with
the hind legs and tail of a 124-million-year-old dromaeosaur - a family of small
theropods that include the bird-like Velociraptor made famous by Jurassic Park films.

There was a good reason why the fossil looked half-bird, half-dinosaur. CT scans
almost immediately proved the specimen was bogus and had been created by an
industrious Chinese farmer who had glued two separate fossils together to create a
profitable hoax.

IELTS Thanh Loan 99

But while the palaeontologists behind the announcement were wiping egg off their faces,
others, including Xu, were taking note. The head and body of the fake composite belonged to
Yanornis martini, a primitive fish-eating bird from around 120 million years ago. The
dromaeosaur tail and hind legs, however, were covered in what looked like fine proto
feathers. That fossil turned out to be something special. In 2000, Xu named it Microraptor
and revealed that it had probably lived in the treetops. Although it couldn't fly, its curved

claws provided the first real evidence that dinosaurs could have climbed trees. Three years

later, Xu and his team discovered a closely related Microraptor species which changed

everything. ‘Microraptor had two salient features.' Xu explains, ‘long feathers were attached

not just to its forearms but to its legs and claws. Then we noticed that these long feathers had
asymmetrical vanes, a feature often associated with flight capability. This meant that we
might have found a flying dinosaur.’

Some extraordinary fossils have remained hidden in a collection and almost forgotten. For
the majority of the 20th century, the palaeontology community had ignored the frozen tundra

of north Alaska. There was no way, scientists believed, that cold-blooded dinosaurs could
survive in such bleak, frigid conditions. But according to Alaskan dinosaur expert Tony

Fiorillo, they eventually realised they were missing a trick.

The first discovery of dinosaurs in Alaska was actually made by a geologist called Robert
Liscomb in 1961, says Fiorillo. Unfortunately, Robert was killed in a rockslide the following
year, so his discoveries languished in a warehouse for the next two decades. In the
mid-1980s, managers at the warehouse stumbled upon the box containing Liscomb's fossils
during a spring clean. The bones were sent to the United States Geological Survey, where
they were identified as belonging to Edmontosaurus, a duck-billed hadrosaur. Today,
palaeontologists roam this frozen treasure trove searching for remains locked away in the

The rewards are worth the effort. While studying teeth belonging to the relatively intelligent
Troodon therapod, Fiorillo discovered the teeth of the Alaskan Troodon were double the
size of those of its southern counterpart. ‘Even though the morphology of individual teeth
resembled that of Troodon, the size was significantly larger than the Troodon found in
warmer climates. Fiorillo says that the reason lies in the Troodon's large eyes, which
allowed it to hunt at dawn and at dusk - times when other dinosaurs would have struggled

IELTS Thanh Loan 100

to see. In the polar conditions of Cretaceous Alaska, where the Sun would all but disappear
for months on end, this proved a useful talent. Troodon adapted for life in the extraordinary
light regimes of the polar world. With this advantage, it took over as Alaska's dominant
therapod,' explains Fiorillo.

Finding itself at the top of the food chain, the dinosaur evolved to giant proportions.

It is true that some of the most staggering of recent developments have come from

palaeontologists being in the right place at the right time, but this is no reflection on their

knowledge or expertise. After all, not everyone knows when they've stumbled upon something
remarkable. When Argentine sheep farmer Guillermo Heredia uncovered what he believed

was a petrified tree Irunk on his Patagonian farm in 1988, he had no way of realising that
he'd found a 1.5-metre-long tibia of the largest sauropod ever known to walk the Earth.

Argenlinosaurus was 24 metres long and weighed 75 tonnes. The titanosaur was brought to
the attention of the scientific community in 1993 by Rodolfo Coria and Jose Bonaparte of the

National Museum of Natural Sciences in Buenos Aires. Coria points out that most
breakthroughs are not made by scientists, but by ordinary folk. ‘But the real scientific

discovery is not the finding; it's what we learn from that finding.' While any one of us can

unearth a fossil, it takes dedicated scientists to see beyond the rock.

Source: Complete IELTS band 6.5 - 7.5

IELTS Thanh Loan 101

Questions 1-6:
Do the following statements agree with the information in Reading Passage?

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

1. Xu Xing went to the Gobi Desert to check fossil evidence of the existence of
Gigantoraptor erlianensis.

on false evidence.
2. The announcement made by the National Geographic Society in 1999 was based

3. Like Gigantoraptor, Yanomis martini was first discovered in China.
4. The bones originally discovered by Robert Liscomb changed the attitude of

palaeontologists towards north Alaska.
5. According to Fiorillo, the name Troodon means ‘wounding tooth’.

6. Guillermo Heredia had suspected that his find was a dinosaur fossil.


IELTS Thanh Loan 102


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yêu cầu chính:
- Dạng chọn từ vựng từ đoạn văn để hoàn thành vào chỗ trống
- Dạng chọn từ vựng từ 1 wordlist (danh sách từ) cho sẵn ở câu hỏi để hoàn thành
vào chỗ trống

IELTS Thanh Loan 104

Ví dụ của Gap filling
- Note Completion (without given wordlist)

Complete the notes below

Write ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.
The Early History of Cinnamon
Biblical times: added to 1…….
used to show 2……...between people

Ancient Rome: used for its sweet smell at 3……….

Middle Ages: added to food, especially meat

was an indication of a person’s 4………..

- Summary Completion (without given wordlist)

Complete the summary.

Write ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.

Responses to Boredom

For John Eastwood, the central feature of boredom is that people cannot 24…………. , due to

a failure in what he calls ‘the attention system’, and as a result they become frustrated and

irritable. His team suggests that those for whom 25……………. is an important aim in life may
have problems in coping with boredom, whereas those who have the characteristic of
26……………..can generally cope with it.

IELTS Thanh Loan 105

- Table Completion (without given wordlist)

Complete the table below

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.
Section of website Comments

Database of tourism easy for tourism-related businesses to get on the

services list

allowed businesses to 1....... information regularly

provided a country-wide evaluation of businesses,

including their impact on the 2.......

Special features on e.g. an interview with a former sports 3.......,

local topics and an interactive tour of various locations used

in 4.......

Information on driving varied depending on the 5.......

Travel Planner included a map showing selected places, details of

public transport and local 6.......

‘Your Words’ travellers could send a link to their 7.......

- Diagram Completion (without given wordlist)

IELTS Thanh Loan 106

- Sentence Completion (without given wordlist)

Complete the sentences below.

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.
9. After 1880, Cutty Sark carried ………….. as its main cargo during its most successful time.
10. As a captain and ……………… , Woodget was very skilled.
11. Ferreira went to Falmouth to repair damage that a ………… had caused.
12. Between 1923 and 1954, Cutty Sark was used for …………….

- Summary Completion (with given wordlist)

Complete the summary using the list of words, A-G, below:
Jeremy Bentham
In the 1790s he suggested a type of technology to improve 30
………….. for different government departments. He developed a
A. measurement

B. security
new way of printing banknotes to increase 31………..and also

C. implementation

designed a method for the 32……………… of food. He also drew D. profits

up plans for a prison which allowed the 33…………….. of E. observation

prisoners at all times, and believed the same design could be used F. communication

for other institutions as well. When researching happiness, he G. preservation

investigated possibilities for its 34…………., and suggested some
methods of doing this.

Note: Với dạng Gap filling có danh sách từ được cho, bạn phải ghi đáp án dưới
dạng letter - chữ A, B, C tương ứng với wordlist trong câu hỏi.
Ví dụ: Đáp án cho câu 30 là measurements thì bạn cần điền: 30. A

Thứ tự câu hỏi với thứ tự trong bài đọc

- Thông thường, thứ tự câu hỏi sẽ xuất hiện theo thứ tự thông tin được cung cấp
trong bài đọc. Tức thông tin liên quan đến câu 1 sẽ xuất hiện trong bài đọc trước
thông tin liên quan đến câu 2, và tương tự với các phần sau.
- Tuy nhiên, với dạng Summary Completion, Table Completion hoặc Diagram
Completion thì đôi khi có sự thay đổi thứ tự (ví dụ thông tin trả lời câu 3 lại đứng
sau thông tin cho câu 4 trong bài đọc) nhưng những câu hỏi như này thuộc vào nhóm
câu hỏi khó >> dành cho các bạn mục tiêu cao như 8.0 IELTS Reading trở lên nên
chinh phục.

IELTS Thanh Loan 107

Có giới hạn từ cần điền
Giới hạn số lượng từ cần điền thường được đề cập đến trong câu hỏi, số lượng từ
thường dao động từ 1 đến 3 từ.
Dưới đây là một số giới hạn từ phổ biến nhất của dạng Gap Filling:

Câu hỏi Yêu cầu Đúng

Write ONE WORD ONLY Chỉ duy nhất 1 từ - man

from the passage for each - liters
Write NO MORE THAN Không quá hai từ
- two

- three weeks
passage for each answer.
the -> Có thể viết 1 từ hoặc 2 từ
-> Không được sử dụng số
- speech

Write NO MORE THAN Không quá 3 từ

N H - teacher

THREE WORDS from the -> Có thể viết 1 từ, 2 từ hoặc - a teacher

passage for each answer. 3 từ - an experienced


S T -> Không được sử dụng số
Không quá hai từ và/ hoặc 1


NUMBER from the passage -> Có thể viết 1 từ và 1 số - 3 measurements
for each answer. -> Có thể viết 2 từ và 1 số - 3 main
-> Có thể viết 1 số -3
-> Có thể viết 1 từ mà không - measurements
có con số
-> Có thể viết 2 từ mà không - main
có con số measurements

Note:Từ vựng được nối bởi dấu gạch ngang, ví dụ như: “well-being, hay
well-prepared…” chỉ được tính là một từ, vì vậy bạn cần lưu ý để đảm bảo sự chính
xác về số lượng từ cần điền.

- well-being = ONE WORD

IELTS Thanh Loan 108

b. Cách làm bài
Để làm dạng bài Gap Filling/ Completion, cần thực hiện theo 3 bước như sau:

Bước 1: Analysing – Phân tích ba thông tin liên quan đến đáp án
Thông tin 1: Giới hạn từ cần điền
Trước tiên, bạn cần kiểm tra số lượng từ được phép điền vào mỗi chỗ trống. Mục đích
của nhiệm vụ này là để tránh đưa ra những đáp án nhiều so với số lượng từ được yêu
cầu dẫn đến việc mất điểm đáng tiếc.

Thông tin 2: Từ khóa

Sau khi xác định được yêu cầu của đề bài, bạn cần gạch chân câu chủ đề có trong câu

hỏi (thường chỉ có trong dạng Summary Completion và Note Completion) và 2 loại

từ khóa trong mỗi câu hỏi.

Note: Về định nghĩa 2 loại từ khóa và mục đích của việc gạch chân từ khóa đối với

từng loại đã được đề cập trong chương I - Xác định từ chìa khoá.

Thông tin 3: Từ loại cần điền
Tiếp đến, bạn cần xác định từ loại cho mỗi câu hỏi, xem chỗ trống cần điền là gì?

- Noun: Danh từ ở dạng số ít, Danh từ ở dạng số nhiều, Danh từ không đếm được,

Danh từ chỉ nghề nghiệp…

- Verb: Động từ ở dạng nguyên thể, Động từ chia số ít, Động từ ở dạng bị động, Động

từ chia ở thì quá khứ…

- Adj: Tính từ
Vì từ loại cần điền vào mỗi chỗ trống cần đảm bảo không chỉ sự chính xác về mặt nội
dung, mà còn cần sự chính xác về mặt ngữ pháp, nên việc xác định từ loại cần điền
giúp nhanh chóng tìm được đáp án đúng nhất cho mỗi câu trả lời.

IELTS Thanh Loan 109

Bước 2: Finding – Tìm kiếm và đánh dấu vị trí thông tin câu trả lời trong
- Tìm kiếm: Dựa trên từ khóa trong mỗi câu hỏi, scan và lần lượt tìm vị trí xuất hiện
thông tin câu trả lời trong đoạn văn.
- Đánh dấu: Sau khi đã tìm được vị trí chứa thông tin câu trả lời, đánh dấu vị trí đó
để dễ dàng tìm kiếm vị trí chứa câu trả lời cho những câu hỏi tiếp theo bằng cách
bạn ghi số câu hỏi ở sườn phải/ hoặc sườn trái của bài đọc, ngang hàng với từ chìa


Bước 3: Answering – Trả lời câu hỏi

Chú ý những từ vựng xung quanh vị trí trống, đối chiếu thông tin trong câu hỏi với
thông tin trong đoạn văn để tìm ra từ vựng chính xác nhất điền vào mỗi chỗ trống.

- Đối với dạng hoàn thành chỗ trống sử dụng từ vựng từ bài đọc: Cần kiểm tra lại
câu trả lời: kiểm tra lại giới hạn từ vựng, dạng từ, cách viết chính xác của từ vựng

vào đáp án (để tránh bị trừ điểm đáng tiếc về lỗi viết sai chính tả).
- Đối với dạng hoàn thành chỗ trống sử dụng các lựa chọn cho sẵn: Cần tìm đáp án

từ các lựa chọn cho sẵn sao cho đồng nghĩa với từ vựng trong đoạn văn.


IELTS Thanh Loan 110

Áp dụng vào ví dụ

Recent years have seen the end of the virtual monopoly of cork as the material for bottle
stoppers, due to concerns about the effect it may have on the contents of the bottle. This is
caused by a chemical compound called 2,4,6-trichloroanisole (TCA), which forms through
the interaction of plant phenols, chlorine and mould. The tiniest concentrations - as little as
three or four parts to a trillion - can spoil the taste of the product contained in the bottle. The
result has been a gradual yet steady move first towards plastic stoppers and, more recently,

to aluminium screw caps. These substitutes are cheaper to manufacture and, in the case of

screw caps, more convenient for the user.

The classic cork stopper does have several advantages, however. Firstly, its traditional image

is more in keeping with that of the type of high quality goods with which it has long been

associated. Secondly - and very importantly - cork is a sustainable product that can be

recycled without difficulty. Moreover, cork forests are a resource which supports local

biodiversity, and prevents desertification in the regions where they are planted. So, given the

current concerns about environmental issues, the future of this ancient material once again

looks promising.

Questions 6-13:

Complete the notes below. Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage
for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 6-13 on your answer sheet

Comparison of aluminium screw caps and cork bottle stoppers

Advantages of aluminium screw caps
• do not affect the 6.......................... of the bottle contents
• are 7.......................... to produce
• are 8.......................... to use
Advantages of cork bottle stoppers
• suit the 9.......................... of quality products
• made from a 10.......................... material
• easily 11..........................
• cork forests aid 12..........................
• cork forests stop 13.......................... happening

(Source: IELTS Cambridge 14 - Test 1 - Passage 1)

IELTS Thanh Loan 111

Bước 1: Analysing – Phân tích ba thông tin liên quan đến đáp án
- Thông tin 1: Xác định giới hạn từ cần điền
Question: “Complete the notes below. Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the
passage for each answer.” Như vậy, chúng ta chỉ được phép điền MỘT TỪ vào mỗi
câu trả lời.

- Thông tin 2: Gạch chân từ khóa

câu chủ đề của
đoạn summary

Comparison of aluminium screw caps and cork bottle stoppers
Keyword loại 2,

danh từ chính Keyword loại 1,
trong một đoạn Advantages of aluminium screw caps vì là 1 tên riêng

tóm tắt ngắn
• do not affect the 6.......................... of the bottle contents Keyword loại 2,

tân ngữ chính
Keyword loại 2,
• are 7.......................... to produce Keyword loại 2, động trong câu

động từ chính • are 8.......................... to use từ chính trong câu

trong câu
Keyword loại 1, vì

Keyword loại 2, Advantages of cork bottle stoppers là 1 tên riêng
danh từ chính

trong một đoạn • suit the 9.......................... of quality products Keyword loại 2, tân

tóm tắt ngắn • made from a 10.......................... material ngữ chính trong câu
tiếp theo

• easily 11 ..........................
Keyword loại 2,
• cork forests aid 12..........................
động từ chính
Keyword loại 2, tân
trong câu • cork forests stop 13.......................... happening
ngữ chính trong câu
Keyword loại 2,
động từ chính
Keyword loại 2, động
trong câu
từ chính trong câu
Keyword loại 2, manh Keyword loại 2, động
mối duy nhất trong câu từ chính trong câu
giúp tìm câu trả lời

IELTS Thanh Loan 112

- Thông tin 3: Từ loại cần điền

Sau mạo từ >> cần danh từ thể

hiện 1 đặc tính của bottle contents
Advantages of aluminium screw caps
sau động từ to be >> cần • do not affect the 6.......................... of the bottle contents
1 Tính từ bổ nghĩa cho
động từ "to produce", ví • are 7.......................... to produce
dụ như dễ, rẻ, nhanh .... • are 8.......................... to use Cần tính từ bổ sung
cho 'use' như tiện
lợi, dễ .... dùng
Advantages of cork bottle stoppers
• suit the 9.......................... of quality products

Cần danh từ nói về

1 đặc tính của
• made from a 10.......................... material cần 1 tính từ để nói về

quality products
đặc điểm của material
• easily 11 ..........................

cần 1 tính từ hay cần danh từ không đếm được, hoặc
động từ được bổ • cork forests aid 12..........................
đếm được số nhiều, đi cùng với từ 'aid'

sung bởi từ easily
• cork forests stop 13.......................... happening

cần danh từ, đi cùng với đồng từ 'stop'

Note: Bạn nên xác định thông tin loại 2 và loại 3 cùng một lúc, sẽ tiết kiệm thời

gian hơn


IELTS Thanh Loan 113

Bước 2: Finding – Tìm kiếm và đánh dấu vị trí thông tin câu trả lời trong passage

Recent years have seen the end of the virtual monopoly of cork as
the material for bottle stoppers, due to concerns about the effect it = affect ... the
bottle content
may have on the contents of the bottle. This is caused by a
>> Vị trí chứa
chemical compound called 2,4,6-trichloroanisole (TCA), which thông tin câu 6

forms through the interaction of plant phenols, chlorine and

mould. The tiniest concentrations - as little as three or four parts to

đoạn văn chứa
a trillion - can spoil the taste of the product contained in the bottle.
thông tin liên quan

The result has been a gradual yet steady move first towards plastic đến các advantages

của "Aluminium
= to produce stoppers and, more recently, to aluminium screw caps. These screw caps"
>> Vị trí chứa
substitutes are cheaper to manufacture and, in the case of screw

thông tin câu 7
caps, more convenient for the user . = to use >> Vị trí chứa

thông tin câu 8
đoạn văn chứa

thông tin liên
The classic cork stopper does have several advantages, however.
quan đến các

= suit >> Vị trí
advantages của Firstly, its traditional image is more in keeping with that of the
chứa thông tin

"Classic cork
type of high quality goods with which it has long been associated. Question 9

Secondly - and very importantly - cork is a sustainable product that

= cork forests aid
= easily >> Vị can be recycled without difficulty. Moreover, cork forests are a >> Vị trí chứa
trí chứa thông

tin Question 11 resource which supports local biodiversity, and prevents thông tin

Question 12
desertification in the regions where they are planted. So, given the
current concerns about environmental issues, the future of this
= cork forests stop
ancient material once again looks promising. >> Vị trí chứa thông
tin Question 13

IELTS Thanh Loan 114

Bước 3: Answering – Trả lời câu hỏi
Question 6: Lợi ích của nắp chai nhôm là không ảnh hưởng đến … nước chứa
trong chai.
Đối chiếu: ...can spoil the taste of the product contained in the bottle. ...

Vocabulary in question Vocabulary in passage

- affect - can spoil

- bottle content
- product contained in the bottle

Đáp án: taste 1 Danh từ >> đúng với dạng

từ và số lượng từ cho phép

Question 7: Lợi ích của nắp chai nhôm là … để sản xuất.

Đối chiếu: ...These substitutes are cheaper to manufacture = to produce

>> Vị trí chứa
thông tin câu 7
Vocabulary in question Vocabulary in passage

- aluminium screw caps - these substitutes

- to produce - to manufacture

Đáp án: cheaper 1 Tính từ >> đúng với dạng

từ và số lượng từ cho phép

Question 8: Lợi ích của nắp chai nhôm là … để sử dụng.

Đối chiếu: ... in the case of screw caps, more convenient for the user = to use
>> Vị trí chứa
thông tin câu 8

Vocabulary in question Vocabulary in passage

- luminium screw caps - in the case of screw caps

- to use - for the user

Đáp án: image 1 Danh từ >> đúng với dạng

từ và số lượng từ cho phép

IELTS Thanh Loan 115

Question 9: Lợi ích của nắp chai vỏ thông là phù hợp với … sản phẩm chất
Đối chiếu: ... Firstly, its traditional image is more in keeping with that of the type
of high quality goods with which it has long been associated…. = suit >> Vị trí chứa
thông tin Question 9

Vocabulary in question Vocabulary in passage

- cork bottle stoppers - it (classic bottle stopper)
- suit ST - in keeping with ST

- quality products - high quality goods

Đáp án: image 1 Danh từ >> đúng với dạng
từ và số lượng từ cho phép

Question 10: Lợi ích của nắp chai vỏ thông là được làm từ chất liệu …

Đối chiếu: …..Secondly - and very importantly - cork is a sustainable product that

can be recycled without difficulty .….

Vocabulary in question
S Vocabulary in passage

- made from
L - is

- material - product

Đáp án: sustainable 1 Tính từ >> đúng với dạng

từ và số lượng từ cho phép

Question 11: Lợi ích của nắp chai vỏ thông là … một cách dễ dàng
Đối chiếu: ….Secondly - and very importantly - cork is a sustainable product that
can be recycled without difficulty..... = easily >> Vị trí chứa
thông tin Question 11

Vocabulary in question Vocabulary in passage

- easily - without difficulty

Đáp án: recycled 1 Động từ >> đúng với dạng

từ và số lượng từ cho phép

IELTS Thanh Loan 116

Question 12: Rừng thông giúp ....
Đối chiếu: Moreover, cork forests are a resource which supports local biodiversity...
= cork forests aid
>> Vị trí chứa thông

Vocabulary in question Vocabulary in passage tin Question 12

- cork forests - cork forests

- aid - support
Đáp án: biodiversity 1 Danh từ >> đúng với dạng

từ và số lượng từ cho phép

Question 13: Rừng thông ngăn chặn .... xảy ra
Đối chiếu: … and prevents desertification in the regions where they are planted. ...

= cork forests stop

>> Vị trí chứa thông
tin Question 13

Vocabulary in question

Vocabulary in passage

- stop

Đáp án: desertification

- prevent

1 Danh từ >> đúng với dạng

từ và số lượng từ cho phép

IELTS Thanh Loan 117

Mẹo cho dạng Gap Filling

Mẹo 1: Làm câu hỏi theo thứ tự

Thứ tự câu hỏi của dạng Gap Filling đi theo đúng thứ tự với thông tin được đề cập
trong đoạn văn, vì vậy làm câu hỏi theo thứ tự giúp dễ dàng scan/ tìm kiếm thông
tin trong đoạn văn hơn.
Ví dụ:

Nocturnality is an animal behaviour characterised by activity

during the night and sleep during the day. The common

Vị trí thông tin
adjective is "nocturnal", versus its opposite “diurnal”.
Question 1 + 2

Nocturnal creatures generally have highly developed senses
Vị trí chứa

of hearing and smell , and specially adapted eyesight. Such
thông tin Vị trí chứa

Question 3 traits can help animals such as the Helicoverpa zea moth to thông tin

avoid predators . Some animals, such as cats and ferrets, have Question 4
Vị trí chứa

thông tin
eyes that can adapt to both low-level and bright day levels of

Question 5 illumination.

Question 1- 5:

Nocturnal animals sleep during the daytime, whereas 1
______ animals are awake during the day and they 2______
at night. Animals that are active at night tend to have 3______
hearing and smell, and they may have 4______ eyesight.
Nocturnality allows animals to hunt for prey without having
to 5______ with predators that are active during daylight

IELTS Thanh Loan 118

Mẹo 2: Cố gắng đoán càng nhiều thông tin liên quan đến đáp án càng tốt
- Dạng từ cần điền: Cần xác định dạng từ vựng cần điền chỗ trống, ví dụ: danh từ,
động từ, tính từ, danh từ số ít/ danh từ số nhiều, động từ chia quá khứ/ tương lai…
- Đoán nghĩa chỗ trống cần điền: Cố gắng đoán nghĩa chung cho chỗ trống cần điền,
Ví dụ như: danh từ chỉ người, danh từ chỉ nghề nghiệp…

Ví dụ:

Complete the notes below

Write ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.

The Early History of Cinnamon
Biblical times: ………….
Ancient Rome: …………..

Middle Ages: added to food, especially meat

known as a treatment for (5)…………. and other health problems


traders took it to (9)…………… and sold it to destinations around Europe

Question 5: Dựa vào các từ khóa “treatment” và “health problems” xung quanh chỗ

trống cần điền, chúng ta có thể dễ dàng đoán được chỗ trống cần điền sẽ tương đương
với “health problem”:

Là 1 danh từ chỉ một loại bệnh

Scan nhanh chóng trong đoạn văn tìm một danh từ chỉ một loại bệnh:
“In the Middle Ages, Europeans who could afford the spice used it to flavour food,
particularly meat…. Cinnamon was also reported to have health benefits, and was
thought to cure various ailments, such as indigestion (chứng khó tiêu).”
từ chỉ một
loại bệnh
Nhanh chóng tìm được ngay “indigestion” chính là đáp án của câu hỏi 5 này.

IELTS Thanh Loan 119

Question 9: Dựa vào các từ khóa “took it to” và “to destinations around Europe”,
chúng ta có thể dễ dàng đoán được chỗ trống cần điền sẽ là một Danh từ chỉ địa điểm

sự lựa chọn
Scan nhanh chóng trong đoạn văn tìm một danh từ chỉ địa điểm: thứ nhất
“They took it from India, where it was grown on camels via an overland route to the
Mediterranean. Their journey ended when they reached Alexandria. European
traders sailed there to purchase their supply of cinnamon, then brought it back to

Venice.” sự lựa chọn

thứ hai
sự lựa chọn

thứ ba

Nhanh chóng tìm được các đáp án có thể điền vào chỗ trống lần lượt là:

- the Mediterranean: không đúng vì nếu vậy thì trước chỗ trống cần điền phải

có mạo từ “the”

- Alexandria

- Venice

Tiếp tục dựa vào những thông tin tiếp theo để chọn ra từ chỉ địa điểm đúng

nhất cho chỗ trống cần điền.

Như vậy, chúng ta có thể thấy việc càng đoán được nhiều thông tin liên quan

đến chỗ trống cần điền càng giúp rút ngắn được thời gian trả lời cho mỗi câu hỏi. Đôi
khi, chúng ta thậm chí còn không cần hiểu rõ nội dung của câu hỏi đang nói về vấn
đề gì, nhưng vẫn có thể đưa ra được đáp án chính xác.

IELTS Thanh Loan 120

c. Bài tập thực hành

Exercise 1:

Table completion
The best cities in the world
In a recent internet survey, tourists and business travellers were asked to rate 50 cities around
the world, from the best to the worst. Of the top three cities, two were in Europe and one was
in Australia. In third place was London, scoring highly mainly because it was the most

famous city on the list of 50 surveyed. It was also seen as a very good place to do business,

and was an important cultural centre. However, it lost points because people believed it was
an extremely expensive place to live. Sydney was also a very popular destination, achieving

second place on the list because people believed it had the friendliest inhabitants, as well as

the best standard of living and the nicest climate. It failed to make the top spot, however,

because people thought there were very few things to see there, and many also thought it was

too far away from other business and cultural centres. At the top of the list was Paris. Despite

problems such as the large amount of traffic, it beat other cities to first place because people

considered it to be the most interesting city, with more museums, art galleries and places of

interest than anywhere else. People also thought it was the best city to take a holiday in.

IE L Source: Complete IELTS band 4-5

Now complete the table. Choose ONE word from the passage for each
City Overall Perceived advantages Perceived
position in disadvantages
London 1 .......... - Is more well-known than the other Is very 3 ..........
- Has excellent 2.......... opportunities
Sydney Second - Residents are the 4 .......... Not many things
- Has the best quality of life to see
- Has the most pleasant 5 ..........
Paris 6.......... - Is more 7..........than other cities Has a lot of 8 .....

IELTS Thanh Loan 121

Exercise 2:

Note completion

A city survey with a difference

There are many websites on the Internet which provide lists of the world's best cities
to visit, live or work in. These lists usually grade the cities in order, from ‘best' to
‘worst’, and are based on facts and figures provided by local or national

The City Brands Index (CBI) also provides a list of best and worst cities. However,
unlike other surveys, it is based on the idea that cities are similar to products in shops.

It asks ordinary people in other countries to grade cities in the same way that they

would grade a product, like a soft drink or a car. What is particularly different about

the CBI is that the people who take part in the survey may not have ever visited the

cities. Instead, they are asked to say what they think the cities are like, basing their

opinions on things like news stories, magazine articles or television programmes they

have heard or seen.

Each year, about 10,000 people in 20 countries take part in the CBI survey, and they

grade a total of 50 cities. They do this by filling in an online questionnaire. There are
several categories in the survey. These include things like the economy, education, the
environment, local culture, climate and what the city's residents are like.

The CBI list is useful because it helps people choose a good place to live, find work or
take a holiday. It also helps regional governments to understand why people and
businesses are, or are not, coming to their cities, and so shows them areas which they
could develop or improve.

Source: Complete IELTS band 4-5

IELTS Thanh Loan 122

Choose ONE WORD OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer

The City Brands Index

The CBI believes that cities are like 1.......... which people can buy when they
go shopping.
Surveys take place every 2 .......... A maximum of 3 .......... cities are included
in the survey.

A number of different 4.......... are included in the survey.

The CBI list is helpful for:

• people who are trying to decide where to 5.......... or get a job.

• people who are looking for a good 6 .......... destination.
• local 7.......... who want to make their city a better place.


IELTS Thanh Loan 123

Exercise 3:

Flow chart completion

Patrick Malone (Part 2)

The Amazon expedition, which took six months and covered a distance of almost 2,500
kilometres, was a great success. The group discovered some new plant and insect species,

as well as a forest tribe which people had never heard of. Malone enjoyed the trip so much
that he decided to become a full-time explorer. He earned money by writing travel articles

for magazines and newspapers, which he illustrated with his own photographs.

In 1996, he married Margaret Logan, an American doctor he had met while travelling

around Africa. In 1998 they had Adam, the first of three children (twins Amelia and

Jennifer were born a year later). Many families at this stage would settle down, but

Margaret and Patrick decided to keep travelling, spending two years walking around India

and another twelve months exploring the islands of Indonesia.

When they returned home, they wrote a magazine article about travelling with small

children. It was so popular that they were asked to write several more articles on the same
subject. This was followed by an offer from a television company to present a TV series
about travelling with children. The series ran for 12 years, and won several television
awards. Today they still make the most of every opportunity to travel, and have recently
returned from the South Pacific.
Source: Complete IELTS band 4-5

IELTS Thanh Loan 124

Read the next part of the passage, and complete gaps 1-6.

Travelled 2,500 (1) …………a tribe

kilometres through the that nobody knew
Amazon. existed


he met on a trip.

They had (3) …………:

Adam, Amelia and


Explored the
Indonesian islands for
(4) ………….

Made a successful
(5) …………

Still likes to (6)


IELTS Thanh Loan 125

Exercise 4:

Diagram completion

The Boeing 787

The Boeing 787 ‘Dreamliner' has been described as the airliner of the future. We look at
the technology that makes it different

Until now, airliner fuselages have been made of aluminium sheets. Large aircraft can have

1,500 of these sheets with between 40,000 and 50,000 metal fasteners. The 787 is the first

airliner to be built with a one-piece fuselage made from a special material called

‘composite’. Not only does this make the airliner quicker and easier to build, but it also

makes it a lot lighter.

The advantage of this weight reduction is that the 787 uses 20 percent less fuel than other
airliners of a similar size, which makes it much more environmentally friendly. The

reduced weight also means that the Boeing 787 can fly further than many other airliners
of a similar size, carrying 210 passengers or more up to 15,200 kilometres before

Sometimes an airliner needs to change from one type of engine to another. This is a
difficult and time-consuming process. The 787 has a revolutionary engine attachment on
the wing which means that the engines can be changed in a much shorter time. The case
containing the engine is also different from those on other airliners. It has been designed
to cut down the noise from the engine, making it less noisy for passengers in the cabin as
well as for people on the ground.

In addition to a quieter cabin, passengers will also benefit from windows which are 65
percent larger than those on other airliners, giving them a much better view of the world
passing by below them. The windows also have a unique facility which allows passengers
or cabin crew to control the amount of light that enters them. This is thanks to a liquid in
the window which reacts to an electric current. When a passenger or cabin crew member
presses a button, the current causes a chemical reaction in the window which darkens the
Source: Complete IELTS band 4-5

IELTS Thanh Loan 126

Complete labels on the diagram. NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/ OR


IELTS Thanh Loan 127

Exercise 5:

Sentence Completion

The honey badger

It looks harmless and vulnerable. But the honey badger is afraid of nothing... and will attack and
eat almost anything

The honey badger (Melivora capensis), is an African and south-Asian mammal that has a

reputation for being one of the world's most fearless animals, despite its small size. And in

spite of its gentle-sounding name, it is also one of its most aggressive. Honey badgers have

been known to attack lions, buffalo, and snakes three times their size. Even humans are not

safe from a honey badger if it thinks the human will attack or harm it. They are also
extremely tough creatures, and can recover quickly from injuries that would kill most other

At first glance, honey badgers look like the common European badger. They are usually

between 75cm and 1 metre long, although males are about twice the size of females. They

are instantly recognisable by grey and white stripes that extend from the top of the head to
the tail. Closer inspection, which is probably not a wise thing to do, reveals pointed teeth,

and sharp front claws which can be four centimetres in length.

Honey badgers are meat-eating animals with an extremely varied diet. They mainly eat a
range of small creatures like beetles, lizards and birds, but will also catch larger reptiles
like snakes and small crocodiles. Some mammals, such as foxes, antelope and wild cats
also form part of their diet.

The badgers locate their prey mainly using their excellent sense of smell, and catch most
of their prey through digging. During a 24-hour period, they may dig as many as fifty
holes, and travel more than 40 kilometres. They are also good climbers, and can easily
climb very tall trees to steal eggs from birds' nests, or catch other tree-dwelling creatures.

As their name suggests, honey badgers have always been associated with honey, although
they do not actually eat it. It is the highly nutritious bee eggs (called ‘brood') that they
prefer, and they will do anything to find it. They usually cause a lot of damage to the hive
in the process, and for this reason, humans are one of their main predators. Bee-keepers
will often set special traps for honey badgers, to protect their hives.

IELTS Thanh Loan 128

One of the most fascinating aspects of the honey badger is its working relationship with a
bird called the greater honeyguide (Indicator indicator). This bird deliberately guides
the badger to beehives, then waits while the badger breaks into the hive and extracts the
brood. The two creatures, bird and mammal, then share the brood between them.

Source: Complete IELTS band 4-5

Complete labels on the sentences. NO MORE THAN TWO WORD OR A


1. Although they are not big animals, honey badgers are fearless, ... and tough.
2. Honey badgers will attack ...... if they need to protect themselves.

3. The pattern and colours on the honey badger's back make it ................

4. The food they eat is meat based and ....................
5. ................ form the biggest part of a honey badger’s diet.

6. Honey badgers find the creatures they eat by their ................

7. ................ are often used to catch honey badgers which attack beehives.

8. For more particular type of food, the honey badger has a ................. with another

IELTS Thanh Loan 129

Exercise 6:

Flow chart completion

The way the brain buys

Supermarkets take great care over the way the goods they sell are arranged. This is because they
know a lot about how to persuade people to buy things.

When yon enter a supermarket, it takes some time for the mind to get into a shopping mode.
This is why the area immediately inside the entrance of a supermarket is known as the

‘decompression zone’. People need to slow down and take stock of the surroundings, even
if they are regulars. Supermarkets do not expect to sell much here, so it tends to be used

more for promotion. So the large items piled up here are designed to suggest that there are
bargains further inside the store, and shoppers are not necessarily expected to buy them.

Walmart, the world’s biggest retailer, famously employs ‘greeters’ at the entrance to its

stores. A friendly welcome is said to cut shoplifting. It is harder to steal from nice people.

Immediately to the left in many supermarkets is a ‘chill zone’, where customers can enjoy

browsing magazines, books and DVDs. This is intended to tempt unplanned purchases and
slow customers down. But people who just want to do their shopping quickly will keep

walking ahead, and the first thing they come to is the fresh fruit and vegetables section.

However, for shoppers, this makes no sense. Fruit and vegetables can be easily damaged,
so they should be bought at the end, not the beginning of a shopping trip. But psychology
is at work here: selecting these items makes people feel good, so they feel less guilty about
reaching for less healthy food later on.

Shoppers already know that everyday items, like milk, are invariably placed towards the
back of a store to provide more opportunity to tempt customers to buy things which are not
on their shopping list. This is why pharmacies are also generally at the back. But
supermarkets know shoppers know this, so they use other tricks, like placing popular items
halfway along a section so that people have to walk all along the aisle looking for them.
The idea is to boost ‘dwell time’: the length of time people spend in a store.

Having walked to the end of the fruit-and-vegetable aisle, shoppers arrive at counters of
prepared food, the fishmonger, the butcher and the deli. Then there is the in-store bakery,
which can be smelt before it is seen. Even small supermarkets now use in store bakeries.

IELTS Thanh Loan 130

Mostly these bake pre-prepared items and frozen ingredients which have been delivered to
the supermarket previously, and their numbers have increased, even though central
bakeries that deliver to a number of stores are much more efficient. They do it for the smell
of freshly baked bread, which arouses people’s appetites and thus encourages them to
purchase not just bread but also other food, including ready meals.

Retailers and producers talk a lot about the ‘moment of truth’. This is not a philosophical
idea, but the point when people standing in the aisle decide to buy something and reach to

get it. At the instant coffee section, for example, branded products from the big producers

are arranged at eye level while cheaper ones are lower down, along with the

supermarket’s own label products.

But shelf positioning is fiercely fought over, not just by those trying to sell goods, but also

by those arguing over how best to manipulate shoppers. While many stores reckon eye

level is the top spot, some think a little higher is better. Others think goods displayed at the

end of aisles sell the most because they have the greatest visibility. To be on the right-hand

side of an eye-level selection is often considered the very best place, because most people

are right-handed and most people’s eyes drift rightwards. Some supermarkets reserve that

for their most expensive own-label goods.

Scott Bearse, a retail expert with Deloitte Consulting in Boston, Massachusetts, has led
projects observing and questioning tens of thousands of customers about how they feel
about shopping. People say they leave shops empty-handed more often because they are
‘unable to decide’ than because prices are too high, says Mr Bearse. Getting customers to
try something is one of the best ways of getting them to buy, adds Mr Bearse. Deloitte
found that customers who use fitting rooms in order to try on clothes buy the product they
are considering at a rate of 8% compared with 58% for those that do not do so.

Often a customer struggling to decide which of two items is best ends up not buying either.
In order to avoid a situation where a customer decides not to buy either product, a third
‘decoy’ item, which is not quite as good as the other two, is placed beside them to make the
choice easier and more pleasurable. Happier customers are more likely to buy.

Source: Complete IELTS band 5-6.5

IELTS Thanh Loan 131

Questions 5-7:
Complete the flow-chart below.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

In-store bread production


The supermarket is sent

(5) …........ and other items which
have been prepared earlier.

Baking bread in-store
produces an aroma

(6)…........ are stimulated

They are then keener to buy

food, including bread and

IELTS Thanh Loan 132

Exercise 7:

Table completion

The history of Poster

The appearance of the poster has changed continuously over the past two centuries.

The first posters were known as ‘broadsides’ and were used for public and commercial

announcements. Printed on one side only using metal type, they were quickly and

crudely produced in large quantities. As they were meant to be read at a distance, they

required large lettering.

There were a number of negative aspects of large metal type. It was expensive, required

a large amount of storage space and was extremely heavy. If a printer did have a

collection of large metal type, it was likely that there were not enough letters. So

printers did their best by mixing and matching styles.

Commercial pressure for large type was answered with the invention of a system for

wood type production. In 1827, Darius Wells invented a special wood drill - the lateral

router - capable of cutting letters on wood blocks. The router was used in combination

with William Leavenworth’s pantograph (1834) to create decorative wooden letters of
all shapes and sizes. The first posters began to appear, but they had little colour and
design; often wooden type was mixed with metal type in a conglomeration of styles.

A major development in poster design was the application of lithography, invented by

Alois Senefelder in 1796, which allowed artists to hand-draw letters, opening the field
of type design to endless styles. The method involved drawing with a greasy crayon
onto finely surfaced Bavarian limestone and offsetting that image onto paper. This
direct process captured the artist's true intention; however, the final printed image was
in reverse. The images and lettering needed to be drawn backwards, often reflected in
a mirror or traced on transfer paper.

As a result of this technical difficulty, the invention of the lithographic process had
little impact on posters until the 1860s, when Jules Cheret came up with his
‘three-stone lithographic process’. This gave artists the opportunity to experiment with
a wide spectrum of colours.

IELTS Thanh Loan 133

Although the process was difficult, the result was remarkable, with nuances of colour
impossible in other media even to this day. The ability to mix words and images in such an
attractive and economical format finally made the lithographic poster a powerful innovation.
Starting in the 1870s, posters became the main vehicle for advertising prior to the magazine
era and the dominant means of mass communication in the rapidly growing cities of Europe
and America. Yet in the streets of Paris, Milan and Berlin, these artistic prints were so

popular that they were stolen off walls almost as soon as they were hung. Cheret, later known

as ‘the father of the modern poster’, organised the first exhibition of posters in 1884 and two

years later published the first book on poster art. He quickly took advantage of the public

interest by arranging for artists to create posters, at a reduced size, that were suitable for

in-home display.

Thanks to Cheret, the poster slowly took hold in other countries in the 1890s and came to
celebrate each society’s unique cultural institutions: the cafe in France, the opera and

fashion in Italy, festivals in Spain, literature in Holland and trade fairs in Germany. The first
poster shows were held in Great

Britain and Italy in 1894, Germany in 1896 and Russia in 1897. The most important poster

show ever, to many observers, was held in Reims, France, in 1896 and featured an
unbelievable 1,690 posters arranged by country.

In the early 20th century, the poster continued to play a large communication role and to go
through a range of styles. By the 1950s, however, it had begun to share the spotlight with
other media, mainly radio and print. By this time, most posters were printed using the mass
production technique of photo offset, which resulted in the familiar dot pattern seen in
newspapers and magazines. In addition, the use of photography in posters, begun in Russia
in the twenties, started to become as common as illustration.

In the late fifties, a new graphic style that had strong reliance on typographic elements in
black and white appeared. The new style came to be known as the International
Typographic Style. It made use of a mathematical grid, strict graphic rules and
black-and-white photography to provide a clear and logical structure. It became the
predominant style in the world in the 1970s and continues to exert its influence today.

It was perfectly suited to the increasingly international post-war marketplace, where there
was a strong demand for clarity. This meant that the accessibility of words and symbols had

IELTS Thanh Loan 134

to be taken into account. Corporations wanted international identification, and events such as
the Olympics called for universal solutions, which the Typographic Style could provide.

However, the International Typographic Style began to lose its energy in the late 1970s.
Many criticised it for being cold, formal and dogmatic.

A young teacher in Basel, Wolfgang Weingart, experimented with the offset printing process

to produce posters that appeared complex and chaotic, playful and spontaneous - all in stark

contrast to what had gone before. Weingart's liberation of typography was an important

foundation for several new styles. These ranged from Memphis and Retro to the advances

now being made in computer graphics.

Source: Complete IELTS band 6.5-7.5

Question 1 – 5:
Complete the table below.
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each
Early Printing Methods
Features Problems

Metal type • produced large print • cost, weight and (1)............


• mixed styles
Wood type • Darius's wood drill used in • lacked both (3) ............
connection with another • mixed type
• produced a range of letters
Lithography • letters drawn by hand • had to use a mirror or
• design tool - a (4) .... (5)............ to achieve correct

IELTS Thanh Loan 135

Exercise 8:

Diagram completion

Dino discoveries
When news breaks of the discovery of a new species of dinosaur, you would be forgiven for
thinking that the scientists who set out in search of the fossils are the ones who made die

find. The reality tells a different story, as Cavan Scott explains.

The BBC series Planet Dinosaur used state-of-the-art computer graphics to bring to life

the most impressive of those dinosaurs whose remains have been discovered in the past

decade. One of these is Gigantoraptor erlianensis. Discovered in 2005, it stands more than

three metres high at the hip and is the biggest bird-like dinosaur ever unearthed yet its

discoverer. Xu Xing of Beijing's Institute of Vertebrate Palaeontology and

Paleoanthropology, was not even looking for it at the time. He was recording a

documentary in the Gobi Desert Inner Mongolia.

‘The production team were filming me and a geologist digging out what we thought were

sauropod bones' says Xu ‘then I realised the fossils were something else entirely.’

Gigantoraptor, as it later became known, turned out to be an oviraptorid, a therapod with
a bird-like beak. Its size was staggering. The largest oviraptorid previously discovered had
been comparable in size to an emu: the majority were about as big as a turkey. Here was
a creature that was probably about eight metres long, if the bone analysis was anything to
go by.

Sometimes it is sheer opportunism that plays a part in the discovery of a new species. In
1999, the National Geographic Society announced that the missing link between dinosaurs
and modern birds had finally been found named Archaeoraptor lianoingensis. The fossil in
question appeared to have the head and body of a bird, with the hind legs and tail of a
124-million-year-old dromaeosaur - a family of small theropods that include the bird-like
Velociraptor made famous by Jurassic Park films.

There was a good reason why the fossil looked half-bird, half-dinosaur. CT scans almost
immediately proved the specimen was bogus and had been created by an industrious
Chinese farmer who had glued two separate fossils together to create a profitable hoax.

IELTS Thanh Loan 136

But while the palaeontologists behind the announcement were wiping egg off their faces,
others, including Xu, were taking note. The head and body of the fake composite belonged
to Yanornis martini, a primitive fish-eating bird from around 120 million years ago. The
dromaeosaur tail and hind legs, however, were covered in what looked like fine proto
feathers. That fossil turned out to be something special. In 2000, Xu named it Microraptor
and revealed that it had probably lived in the treetops. Although it couldn't fly, its curved

claws provided the first real evidence that dinosaurs could have climbed trees. Three years

later, Xu and his team discovered a closely related Microraptor species which changed

everything. ‘Microraptor had two salient features.' Xu explains, ‘long feathers were

attached not just to its forearms but to its legs and claws. Then we noticed that these long

feathers had asymmetrical vanes, a feature often associated with flight capability. This

meant that we might have found a flying dinosaur.’

Some extraordinary fossils have remained hidden in a collection and almost forgotten. For

the majority of the 20th century, the palaeontology community had ignored the frozen

tundra of north Alaska. There was no way, scientists believed, that cold-blooded dinosaurs

could survive in such bleak, frigid conditions. But according to Alaskan dinosaur expert

Tony Fiorillo, they eventually realised they were missing a trick.

‘The first discovery of dinosaurs in Alaska was actually made by a geologist called Robert
Liscomb in 1961', says Fiorillo. Unfortunately, Robert was killed in a rockslide the
following year, so his discoveries languished in a warehouse for the next two decades. In
the mid-1980s, managers at the warehouse stumbled upon the box containing Liscomb's
fossils during a spring clean. The bones were sent to the United States Geological Survey,
where they were identified as belonging to Edmontosaurus, a duck-billed hadrosaur.
Today, palaeontologists roam this frozen treasure trove searching for remains locked
away in the permafrost.

The rewards are worth the effort. While studying teeth belonging to the relatively
intelligent Troodon therapod, Fiorillo discovered the teeth of the Alaskan Troodon were
double the size of those of its southern counterpart. ‘Even though the morphology of
individual teeth resembled that of Troodon, the size was significantly larger than the
Troodon found in warmer climates. Fiorillo says that the reason lies in the Troodon's
large eyes, which allowed it to hunt at dawn and at dusk - times when other dinosaurs
would have struggled to see. In the polar conditions of Cretaceous Alaska, where the Sun

IELTS Thanh Loan 137

would all but disappear for months on end, this proved a useful talent. Troodon adapted
for life in the extraordinary light regimes of the polar world. With this advantage, it took
over as Alaska's dominant therapod.' explains Fiorillo.

Finding itself at the top of the food chain, the dinosaur evolved to giant proportions. It is

true that some of the most staggering of recent developments have come from

palaeontologists being in the right place at the right time, but this is no reflection on their

knowledge or expertise. After all, not everyone knows when they've stumbled upon

something remarkable. When Argentine sheep farmer Guillermo Heredia uncovered what

he believed was a petrified tree Irunk on his Patagonian farm in 1988. He had no way of
realising that he'd found a 1.5-metre- long tibia of the largest sauropod ever known to

walk the Earth. Argenlinosaurus was 24 metres long and weighed 75 tonnes. The
titanosaur was brought to the attention of the scientific community in 1993 by Rodolfo

Coria and Jose Bonaparte of the National Museum of Natural Sciences in Buenos Aires.
Coria points out that most breakthroughs are not made by scientists, but by ordinary folk.

‘But the real scientific discovery is not the finding; it's what we learn from that finding.'

While any one of us can unearth a fossil, it takes dedicated scientists to see beyond the

Source: Complete IELTS band 6.5-7.5

IELTS Thanh Loan 138

Complete the labels on the diagrams below
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS and/or A NUMBER from the
passage for each answer

over 7.............



9..........- indicated
habitat in treetops

10..........on feathers -
suggested a flying dinosaur

Alaskan Troodon
large eyes - provided better
vision at sunrise and 11.............

teeth - twice as big

as those of relatives in
body size - increased
enormously as a result
of position in the

IELTS Thanh Loan 139


Bài đọc IELTS Reading cũng xuất hiện một dạng nữa mang tên Matching Names -
Nối tên, thuộc vào nhóm câu hỏi khá dễ.

a. Thông tin dạng câu hỏi

Dạng câu hỏi Matching Names được xuất hiện chủ yếu dưới dạng nối Thông tin với

Look at the following statements and the list of people below. Match each statement

answer sheet. NB You may use any letter more than once.
with the correct person, A-G. Write the correct letter, A-G, in boxes 4-9 on your

List of people

4. Financial assistance from the government does not

always go to the farmers who most need it.

A Kanayo 5. Farmers can benefit from collaborating as a group.

B Sophia Murphy 6. Financial assistance from the government can

C Shenggen Fan improve the standard of living of farmers.

D Rokeya Kabir 7. Farmers may be helped if there is financial input

E Pat Mooney
F. Nwanze
by the same individuals who buy from them.
8. Governments can help to reduce variation in
9. Improvements to infrastructure can have a major
impact on risk for farmers.

IELTS Thanh Loan 140

Nhưng Matching Names cũng có thể xuất hiện với hình thức ngược lại - Nối tên với
Thông tin

Look at the following researchers and the list of statements below

Match each researcher with the correct statement A-H
Write the correct letter, A-H, in boxes 22-26 on your answer sheet

22. Simon Blackmore List of Findings

23. Eldert van Henten A. The use of automation might impact on the

24. Linda Calvin and development of particular animal and plant
Philip Martin species.
25. Lewis Holloway
26. Salah Sukkarieh
B. We need to consider the effect on employment
that increased automation will have.

C. We need machines of the future to be exact, not

more powerful.
D. As farming becomes more automated the

T S appearance of farmland will change.

E. New machinery may require more investment

than certain farmers can afford.
F. There is a shortage of employees in the farming
G. There are limits to the environmental benefits
of automation.
H. Economic factors are often the driving force
behind the development of machinery.

IELTS Thanh Loan 141

Đặc điểm của Matching Names đó là:
- Cung cấp một danh sách các tên riêng: Có thể là tên chỉ người, tên chỉ địa danh,
tên chỉ các thuật ngữ chuyên ngành…)
- Cung cấp một danh sách các mẩu thông tin: Có thể là điều những chuyên gia nói,
kết quả nghiên cứu của các chuyên gia, các vấn đề xảy ra ở một địa danh ….
- Nhiệm vụ: Người đọc nối tên riêng với thông tin liên quan để trùng khớp với thông
tin trong bài đọc.
- Thường số lượng tên riêng nhiều hơn số lượng thông tin hoặc ngược lại ->Một cái

tên có thể được sử dụng nhiều hơn 1 lần.

- Thường các tên riêng sẽ xuất hiện theo thứ tự trong bài đọc, từ trên xuống dưới.

Ví dụ nối tên người với điều họ nghĩ

Có 3 mẩu thông tin, 3 cái tên -> Có thể mỗi cái tên sẽ được sử dụng 1 lần

Match each of the following statements to one of the philosophers below.

1. A genius is someone who does not require A) Hume

2. We tend to regard geniuses as solitary figures.
B) Kant
C) Russell

3. A genius has the ability to make an

exceptional contribution to society.

Ví dụ nối tên quốc gia với đặc điểm quốc gia đó

Có 4 mẩu thông tin, 6 tên riêng -> Có thể chỉ có 4 tên riêng được sử dụng, mỗi tên
được sử dụng 1 lần, còn 2 tên riêng không đúng với bất kì đáp án nào

Question 1 - 4: Look at the following statements and the list of countries below.
Match each statement with the correct country A - F.

1. It helped other countries develop their own List of countries

film industry A) France
2. It was the biggest producer of films B) Germany
3. It was first to develop the ‘feature’ film C) USA
4. It was responsible for creating stars D) Denmark
E) Sweden
F) Japan

IELTS Thanh Loan 142

Ví dụ nối tên thí nghiệm với mô tả đúng về thí nghiệm đó
Có 3 thí nghiệm, nhưng 4 mẩu thông tin -> sẽ có 2 mẩu thông tin đúng cho 1 thí
nghiệm -> trong 3 đáp án A, B, C, có đáp án sẽ xuất hiện 2 lần.

Questions 1-4: Look at the following statements and the list of experiments
Match each statement with the correct experiment, A- C.
You may use any letter more than once.

1. Someone who was innocent was blamed for

List of Experiments

something. A) the gorilla

2. Those involved knew they were being filmed. experiment
3. Some objects were damaged. B) the experiment
4. Some instructions were ignored.

N H with children
C) the TV experiment

Ví dụ nối tên tổ chức với hoạt động của họ

Có 4 hoạt động, 6 tổ chức -> Có thể 2 tổ chức sẽ không đúng với đáp án nào

Question 1 - 4: Look at the following statements and the list of
organisations below. Match each statement with the correct organisation, A-

1. They have set a time for achieving an List of

objective. Organisations
2. They believe that successful small-scale A) Exploration
projects will demonstrate that larger projects Architecture
are possible. B) DESERTEC
3. They have a number of renewable energy C) ABB Power
projects under construction. Technologies
4. They are already experimenting with solar D) Aerospace Centre
energy installations in other parts of the world. E) Abengoa
F) The European
G) e-Parliament

IELTS Thanh Loan 143

b. Cách làm bài
Với dạng bài Matching Names, cần thực hiện theo 4 bước:

Bước 1: Scan toàn bộ bài đọc để tìm các tên riêng

- Cần khoanh tròn các tên riêng tìm thấy trong bài đọc để đánh dấu vị trí chứa thông
tin câu trả lời.
- Có những tên riêng sẽ được xuất hiện nhiều lần trong đoạn văn, khoanh tròn hết
tất cả vị trí chứa tên riêng đó.
- Những tên riêng thường sẽ được viết hoa.

Bước 2: Gạch chân keywords loại 2 trong tất cả statements

- Đối với dạng câu hỏi này, không cần để ý đến từ nối loại 1. Vì thực chất mục đích

của việc tìm ra từ nối loại 1 là để dễ dàng tìm vị trí chứa thông tin trong bài đọc, và

bước 1 đã giúp chúng ta tìm ra vị trí chứa thông tin câu trả lời rồi.

Note: Về định nghĩa hai loại từ nối đã được đề cập đến trong chương I - Kỹ năng

xác định từ chìa khoá.

- Trong khi gạch chân từ nối từng câu hỏi, ghi chú lại bên cạnh câu hỏi nội dung

chính (main idea) của từng câu theo cách diễn đạt của bạn. Việc chi chú lại nội dung

chính của từng câu (hay nói cách khác là paraphrase lại một cách dễ hiểu hơn) giúp

dễ dàng đối chiếu với thông tin trong đoạn văn, vì lúc này chúng ta đã hiểu và nắm

được nội dung chính của từng câu hỏi muốn nói gì rồi.

Bước 3: Bắt đầu với những câu hỏi dễ trước, những câu khó sau, đọc
thông tin được đề cập trong đoạn văn và đối chiếu với từng
statement trong câu hỏi
- Câu hỏi khó: là câu hỏi có tên được nhắc đến nhiều lần trong đoạn văn. Để làm
những câu hỏi này, phải đọc rất nhiều câu văn mới có thể đưa ra được đáp án cuối
- Câu hỏi dễ: là câu hỏi có tên chỉ được nhắc đến một lần trong đoạn văn. Và chính
vì thế nên chúng ta chỉ cần đọc 1 câu văn là có thể đưa ra được đáp án cho câu hỏi

Bắt đầu đọc thông tin xung quanh những cái tên chỉ xuất hiện duy nhất 1 lần
và tìm ra đáp án tương ứng trước
Bạn sẽ giảm bớt sự lựa chọn cho những cái tên xuất hiện nhiều lần trong bài

IELTS Thanh Loan 144

Bước 4: Đối chiếu so sánh thông tin trong câu hỏi với thông tin được đề
cập trong đoạn văn, rồi đưa ra đáp án cuối cùng
- Việc đối chiếu từ vựng giúp chúng ta chắc chắn được đáp án mình đưa ra là đúng.
Bên cạnh đó, nó cũng hữu ích trong việc cung cấp thêm nhiều cách diễn đạt tương
đồng cho phần Speaking và Writing.
- Việc đối chiếu từ vựng giúp giảm bớt sự suy luận của người đọc, vì câu hỏi chỉ yêu
cầu đối chiếu thông tin.
- Thông thường, mỗi tên riêng thường chỉ nối với một đáp án, vậy nên hãy gạch đáp
án đã được chọn để loại bớt được các sự lựa chọn cho câu hỏi tiếp theo.

Áp dụng vào ví dụ

Chores for children
Assigning new jobs for children as they mature will develop their work ethic, says

Gregg Murset, CEO of BusyKid, a chore and allowance tracking app. “The most
important thing is to challenge them,” he says. “Once they have some proficiency you

need to make them stretch to do the next job.” Mr. Murset, a father of six children ages

10 to 20, believes parents should teach children to do housework when they’re young,

no matter if it yields imperfect results. “Even though it’s easier to just clean the toilet
by yourself and be done with it, you have to take the long view and realise that these
fundamental life skills are so important,” he says.

Attaching an allowance to chores teaches children not to expect handouts, says

Michael Eisenberg, a financial advisor and member of the National Financial
Literacy Commission. “At earlier ages, it instills within children the reality that you
do something and you get paid for it,” he says. “Later on in life, they learn that the
only way we get money is if we produce stuff at our jobs.” Some 68% of U.S parents
say they pay an allowance to their children, at an average rate of $67.80 per month,
according to a 2016 survey of 1,005 adults. More than 80% of respondents who pay
an allowance say they want to teach their child the value of money and financial
responsibility, the survey found.

IELTS Thanh Loan 145

Match each of the following statements to one of the philosophers below

1) Children should learn that you don’t get A Gregg Murset

something for nothing. B Michael Eisenberg
2) Parents should give their children tasks of C most American
increasing difficulty. parents
3) Children should learn to manage their money
4) Parents should think about the future
benefits of giving chores to their children.
Bước 1: Scan toàn bộ bài đọc và khoanh tròn các tên riêng

Nối tên riêng và những ý kiến họ đưa ra. Có 3 cái tên, nhưng 4 ý kiến -> Dự đoán sẽ

có 1 cái tên sẽ được nối với 2 câu hỏi.

Assigning new jobs for children as they mature will develop their work ethic, says

A Gregg Murset, CEO of BusyKid, a chore and allowance tracking app. “The most

important thing is to challenge them,” he says. “Once they have some proficiency you
need to make them stretch to do the next job.” A Mr. Murset, a father of six children
ages 10 to 20, believes parents should teach children to do housework when they’re
young, no matter if it yields imperfect results. “Even though it’s easier to just clean the
toilet by yourself and be done with it, you have to take the long view and realise that
these fundamental life skills are so important,” he says.

Attaching an allowance to chores teaches children not to expect handouts, says B

Michael Eisenberg, a financial advisor and member of the National Financial Literacy
Commission. “At earlier ages, it instills within children the reality that you do
something and you get paid for it,” he says. “Later on in life, they learn that the only
way we get money is if we produce stuff at our jobs.” Some 68% of C U.S. parents
say they pay an allowance to their children, at an average rate of $67.80 per month,
according to a 2016 survey of 1,005 adults. More than 80% of respondents who pay an
allowance say they want to teach their child the value of money and financial
responsibility, the survey found.

IELTS Thanh Loan 146

Bước 2: Gạch chân từ khóa loại 2 trong tất cả câu hỏi

Nối tên riêng và những ý kiến họ đưa ra. Có 3 cái tên, nhưng 4 ý kiến -> có 1 cái tên
sẽ được nối với 2 câu hỏi

1) Children should learn that you don’t get something for nothing . Keyword loại 2, là
cụm động từ chính
Ý chính là: if do nothing, get nothing (không làm, không hưởng) trong câu

Keyword loại 2, là
2) Parents should give their children tasks of increasing difficulty

cụm danh từ chính
Ý chính là: tasks gradually more difficult (nhiệm vụ ngày càng khó) trong câu

3) Children should learn to manage their money carefully .

L OKeyword loại 2, là
cụm động từ chính

Ý chính là: spend money carefully (tiêu tiền cẩn thận) trong câu

4) Parents should think about the future benefits of giving chores to their children.

Ý chính là: advantages of giving chores in the future (mặt lợi của việc cho con làm

việc nhà) Keyword loại 2, là

cụm danh từ chính
trong câu

Bước 3+4: Đọc thông tin dễ trước, khó sau -> Đối chiếu thông tin tìm đáp án

- Đọc ông Michael Eisenberg trước vì xuất hiện chỉ 1 lần

Attaching an allowance to chores teaches children not to expect handouts, says B
Michael Eisenberg, a financial advisor and member of the National Financial Literacy
Commission. “At earlier ages, it instills within children the reality that you do
something and you get paid for it,” he says. “Later on in life, they learn that the only
way we get money is if we produce stuff at our jobs.”

Đối chiếu thông tin:

Vocabulary in passage Vocabulary in questions

not to expect handout not get something for nothing

(không trông chờ vào những thứ bố thí, nghĩa (sẽ không nhận được gì nếu
là phải làm việc mới nhận được tiền) không làm gì)

Đáp án câu 1: B

IELTS Thanh Loan 147

- Đọc thông tin về Most American parents vì cũng chỉ xuất hiện 1 lần

Some 68% of C U.S. parents say they pay an allowance to their children, at an
average rate of $67.80 per month, according to a 2016 survey of 1,005 adults. More
than 80% of respondents who pay an allowance say they want to teach their child the
value of money and financial responsibility, the survey found.

Đối chiếu thông tin:

Vocabulary in passage Vocabulary in questions

financial responsibility

manage money carefully

(phải có trách nhiệm với tiền của mình >> hay (biết cách quản lý tiền một cách

nói cách khác là phải biết cách tiêu tiền hợp lý) cẩn thận)

Đáp án câu 3: C

- Sau đó đọc Gregg Murset vì xuất hiện hai lần

Assigning new jobs for children as they mature will develop their work ethic, says
A Gregg Murset, CEO of BusyKid, a chore and allowance tracking app. “The most
important thing is to challenge them,” he says. “Once they have some proficiency you
need to make them stretch to do the next job.”

Đối chiếu thông tin:

Vocabulary in passage Vocabulary in questions

to challenge them/ to make them stretch to do to give tasks of increasing

the next job difficulty
(phải thử thách chúng khi làm những công việc (giao cho nhiệm vụ với độ khó
tiếp theo) tăng lên)

Đáp án câu 2: A - Gregg Murset

IELTS Thanh Loan 148

- Tiếp tục với thông tin về Gregg Murset

A Mr. Murset, a father of six children ages 10 to 20, believes parents should teach
children to do housework when they’re young, no matter if it yields imperfect results.
“Even though it’s easier to just clean the toilet by yourself and be done with it, you
have to take the long view and realise that these fundamental life skills are so
important,” he says.

Đối chiếu thông tin:

Vocabulary in passage
Vocabulary in questions

have to take the long view and realise these
fundamental life skills are so important
N H future benefits of giving chores

(những lợi ích trong tương lai
(phải có cái nhìn xa trông rộng và nhận ra rằng của việc giao việc nhà cho trẻ

những kĩ năng nền tảng này là rất quan trọng) con)

Đáp án câu 4: A - Gregg Murset

- Bạn nên làm bước 3 và bước 4 song song để tiết kiệm thời gian và giữ được mạch
bài đọc tốt hơn
- Để trả lời mỗi câu hỏi, bạn chỉ cần đọc 1 mẩu thông tin ngắn xung quanh mỗi tên
riêng -> đây là dạng câu hỏi dễ không nên mất điểm
- Bạn có thể đọc lần lượt từng cái tên xuất hiện theo thứ tự bài đọc, không nhất
thiết phải đọc tên xuất hiện 1 lần trước, tên xuất hiện nhiều lần sau.

IELTS Thanh Loan 149

Mẹo làm dạng bài Matching Names

Mẹo 1: Khi tìm tên người trong đoạn văn, có thể chỉ tìm “surname” (tên họ)

Vì bài đọc IELTS theo dạng học thuật cao (academic), nên tên được đề cập đến
thường là surnames nếu nó được lặp lại lần 2. Vậy nên, khi scan tên người trong bài
đọc, hãy scan “surnames” của họ vì bạn có thể sẽ không thấy cả họ tên đầy đủ như
trong đáp án.
Đáp án:
A) Robert Smith = Đoạn văn: Mr. Smith

Mẹo 2: Đánh dấu các câu đã trả lời

Nếu bạn đã hoàn thành 1 đáp án, hãy đánh dấu đáp án đã được dùng. Bạn sẽ loại

trừ dễ dàng và tránh gây nhầm lẫn ở các câu sau.

Mẹo 3: Có những đáp án gây nhiễu thông tin

- Phần đa những tên riêng chỉ được sử dụng duy nhất một lần

- Có những cái tên được sử dụng hai lần, nhưng cũng có những cái tên không được
sử dụng bất kì lần nào.
- Bạn cần đoán trước được tình huống và đọc kỹ hướng dẫn trong câu hỏi.

Ví dụ:

Match each of the following statements to one of the philosophers below

1) Children should learn that you don’t get A) Gregg Murset

something for nothing. B) Michael Eisenberg
2) Parents should give their children tasks of C) most American
increasing difficulty. parents
3) Children should learn to manage their money
4) Parents should think about the future
benefits of giving chores to their children.

Sẽ có tên được sử dụng hai lần vì số lượng câu hỏi nhiều hơn số lượng tên được cho

IELTS Thanh Loan 150

1. They have set a time for achieving an List of
objective. Organisations
2. They believe that successful small-scale A) Exploration
projects will demonstrate that larger Architecture
projects are possible. B) DESERTEC

3. They have a number of renewable energy C) ABB Power

projects under construction. Technologies

4. They are already experimenting with solar D) Aerospace Centre

energy installations in other parts of E) Abengoa
the world. F) The European

N H Parliament
G) e-Parliament

Sẽ có tên không được sử dụng, vì số lượng tên nhiều hơn số lượng câu hỏi


IELTS Thanh Loan 151

c. Bài tập thực hành

Exercise 1:

Holidays with a difference

Tribal tourism is becoming more popular. But at what cost to the locals?

Tribal tourism is a relatively new type of tourism. It involves travellers going to remote
destinations, staying with local people and learning about their culture and way of life. They

stay in local accommodation, share facilities with local people, and join in with meals and

celebrations. At the moment, less than one percent of holidays are tribal tourism holidays, but

this is set to change.

Tribal tourism is often compared with foreign exchange visits. However, a foreign exchange

involves staying with people who often share the same values. Tribal tourism takes visitors to
places where the lifestyle is very different from that in their home location. Those who have

been on a tribal holiday explain that experiencing this lifestyle is the main attraction. They

say that it offers them the chance to live in a way they never have before.

Not everyone is convinced that tribal tourism is a good thing, and opinions are divided. The

argument is about whether or not it helps the local population, or whether it exploits them.

The main problem is that, because tribal tourism is relatively new, the long-term effects on
local populations have not been studied in much detail. Where studies have been carried out,
the effects have been found to be negative.

Travel writer Ian Coleman recalls a recent trip to Guatemala, where he saw an example of
this. "There is a village with a statue of a man called Maximon, who has a special spiritual
meaning for the local tribe" , he explains. “The statue kept indoors, and once a year the
locals bring him out and carry him around the village. However, visitors now pay money for
them to bring the statue out and carry it around, while they take photographs. As a result,
Maximon has lost his original meaning, and is now just another tourist attraction.”

So, is it possible to experience an exotic culture without harming it in some way? "With a bit
of thought, we can maximize the positive impacts and minimize the negative," says travel
company director Hilary Waterhouse. "Remember that you are there not only to experience
a different culture, but to help it in some way. Tourists bring money to the community, which
the community can invest in local projects. However, this does not mean you can act the way
you might do back home. The most important thing is to show respect, learn about, and be
aware of, local customs and traditions. Always remember you're a guest".

IELTS Thanh Loan 152

Dawn Baker, manager of travel company Footprints, runs tours to tribal areas in Peru. ‘Good
companies specializing in tribal tours are very careful about who they allow on their tours', she
says. ‘They won’t take anyone they feel is unsuitable’. Baker offers reading recommendations so
that visitors can read about the country and its cultures. ‘The rewards of a trip to this country

are priceless, and the more you know in advance, the more priceless they are'.

Tribal tourism travelers are often surprised at how basic their facilities are when they get there.

‘It's not for everyone, but for me it was all part of the experience', says Jamie White, who has

recently returned from a trip to Borneo. ‘We stayed in the same huts that everyone was living

in, with no running water and no electricity. It was basic, but it was an ethical way to travel.

Being comfortable means you use more local resources and so have more of an environment

T H Source: Complete IELTS band 4-5

Questions 1-5:

Look at the following statements and the list of people below.
Match each statement with the correct person, A-D.
NB: You may use any letter more than once.
1. Travellers may need to change the way they behave.............
2. Some travellers would not enjoy living the way that the local people
3. Tribal tourism can have benefits for local people.............
4. Some travellers make local people do things that they would not normally
5. Learning about a place before you go there makes your trip much more

List of People
A. Ian Coleman
B. Hilary Waterhouse
C. Dawn Baker
D. Jamie White

IELTS Thanh Loan 153

Exercise 2:

What is multi-tasking?
Multi-tasting might feel productive, but it can be more dangerous than drink driving
and even make you drop IQ points. Multi-tasking is the appearance of being able to
handle more than one task at the same time. For decades, humans have grappled with

unable to do two things at once. When we talk about multi-tasking, we're really
the notion that despite the 100 million neurons in their brains, we actually remain

referring to rapidly switching between tasks. A hot topic of psychological research
around the world, particularly in the US, the study of multi-tasking is still in its

infancy. Many questions remain unanswered and will only be resolved with time.

However, research is showing that the way the human brain functions does not allow

multi-tasking to deliver longed-for efficiencies.

Is it a myth?

Many scientists believe the ability to multi-task is a myth. In fact, one psychiatrist has

gone so far as to describe it as a ‘mythical activity in which people believe they can

perform two or more tasks simultaneously as effectively as one'. Unlike computers,
which can perform tasks at lightning speed, the human brain needs to switch between
tasks, depending on which area of the brain is being used. Multi-tasking often involves
goal switching and re-evaluating, which experts say takes time. What appears to be
human multi-tasking is more akin to channel surfing between television stations.

Ernst Poppel, of the Institute for Medical Psychology at Munich's Ludwig Maximilian
University, believes humans cannot perform two or three tasks at once with the same
degree of concentration. He says seemingly simultaneous awareness and information
processing takes place in three-second windows. The human brain takes in the data
about the environment streaming in from the sensory systems; subsequent events are
then processed in the next window. For example, humans can concentrate on a
conversation for three seconds, then move their focus to a computer screen for three
seconds, and then to a crying child three seconds later. While one task is in the
foreground of human consciousness, the others remain in the background until it is
their turn to be given access to the central processor in the human brain.

IELTS Thanh Loan 154

How did the notion of multi-tasking start?

The concept came to the fore with the advent of computers, which have central processing
units and can proceed rapidly from one task to another. The notion of multi-tasking appeals
because it suggests that more can be achieved within a certain amount of time. It is of
particular appeal to employers keen to gain efficiencies. However, research shows usually
there is little to be gained by humans switching between tasks.

Does multi-tasking save time?

Research has shown, generally, it doesn't. In fact, it can have the opposite effect. It can take

longer to do multiple tasks concurrently than if the focus were on completing one task at a

time. Dr Julia Irwin, of Macquarie University's Department of Psychology in Sydney, says

the problem with multi-tasking is that the amount of attentional capacity humans have is

restricted, and it has to be shared among the several tasks being performed.

When flipping between tasks, humans must pause between switching from one part of the

brain to another. This is known as a post-refractory pause and uses precious time. Switching
back to the original task takes up more time again.

Professor David E. Meyer, a psychology professor at the University of Michigan, has shown
how time is lost when humans shuttle between tasks. People were asked to write a report and
check their email at the same time. Those who constantly jumped between the tasks took
about one and a half times as long to complete the task as those who completed one job
before turning to another.

IELTS Thanh Loan 155

Given our human limitations, can we actually improve our performance at

You can improve your multi-tasking ability, but only up to a point. For a long time, people
have known that training to perform a particular sequence of tasks can reduce the time it

demands. ‘Those tasks that benefit from practice and which we tend to do well whenN
takes if those tasks can become routine. This is because rote tasks require fewer mental

multi-tasking tend to be ones that can be automated with practice and don't require much
attention. So, for example, you can run through in your head what you have to do in the

coming day while having a shower,' says Dr Julia Irwin. However, just because a person has

improved their efficiency performing one set of tasks does not mean they have improved their

multi-tasking efficiency generally. Research has shown the time lost when switching between

tasks increases with the complexity and unfamiliarity of the tasks.

Source: IELTS advantage

Questions 1-4:
Look at the following statements and the list of people below.
Match each statement with the correct person, A-D.

1. Switching from task to task results in slower List of People

performance. A) Julia Irwin
2. Although possible, multi-tasking is time B) Ernst Poppel
consuming. C) Marcel Just
3. Multi-tasking works best with undemanding D) David E. Meyer
4. Multi-tasking is in fact the brain focusing on
different things for short sequences.

IELTS Thanh Loan 156

Exercise 3:

Out of Africa: solar energy from the Sahara

Vivienne Walt reports on how the Sahara Desert could offer a truly green solution to Europe's
energy problems

A. For years, the Sahara has been regarded by many Europeans as a terra incognita* of
little economic value or importance. But this idea may soon change completely. Politicians

and scientists on both sides of the Mediterranean are beginning to focus on the Sahara's

potential to provide power for Europe in the future. They believe the desert's true value

comes from the fact that it is dry and empty. Some areas of the Sahara reach 45 degrees

centigrade on many afternoons. It is, in other words, a gigantic natural storehouse of solar


B. A few years ago, scientists began to calculate just how much energy the Sahara holds.
They were astonished at the answer. In theory, a 90,600 square kilometre chunk of the

Sahara - smaller than Portugal and a little over 1% of its total area - could yield the same
amount of electricity as all the world's power plants combined. A smaller square of 15,500

square kilometres - about the size of Connecticut could provide electricity for Europe's

500 million people. ‘I admit I was sceptical until I did the calculations myself,' says

Michael Pawlyn, director of Exploration Architecture, one of three British environmental
companies comprising the Sahara Forest Project, which is testing solar plants in Oman
and the United Arab Emirates. Pawlyn calls the Sahara's potential ‘staggering’.

C. At the moment, no one is proposing the creation of a solar power station the size of a
small country. But a relatively well-developed technology exists, which proponents say
could turn the Sahara's heat and sunlight into a major source of electricity -
Concentrating Solar Power [CSP]. Unlike solar panels, which convert sunlight directly
into electricity, CSP utilises mirrors which focus light on water pipes or boilers to produce
very hot steam to operate the turbines of generators. Small CSP plants have produced
power in California's Mojave Desert since the 1980s. The Sahara Forest Project proposes
building CSP plants in areas below sea level [the Sahara has several such depressions] so
that sea water can flow into them. This water would then be purified and used for powering
turbines and washing dust off the mirrors. Waste water would then supply irrigation to
areas around the stations, creating lush oases - hence the ‘forest’ in the group's name.

IELTS Thanh Loan 157

D. But producing Significant quantities of electricity means building huge arrays of
mirrors and pipes across hundreds of miles of remote desert, which is expensive. Gerry
Wolff, an engineer who heads DESERTEC, an international consortium of solar-power
scientists, says they have estimated it will cost about $59 billion to begin transmitting
power from the Sahara by 2020.

E. Building plants is just part of the challenge. One of the drawbacks to CSP technology is

that it works at maximum efficiency only in sunny, hot climates-and deserts tend to be

distant from population centres. To supply Europe with 20% of its electricity needs, more

than 19,300 kilometres of cables would need to be laid under the Mediterranean, says

Gunnar Asplund, head of HVOC research at ABB Power Technologies in Ludvika,

Sweden. Indeed, to use renewable sources of power, including solar, wind and tidal,

Europe will need to build completely new electrical grids. That's because existing

infrastructures, built largely for the coal-fired plants that supply 80% of Europe's power,

would not be suitable for carrying the amount of electricity generated by the Sahara.

Germany's government-run Aerospace Centre, which researches energy, estimates that

replacing those lines could raise the cost of building solar plants in the Sahara and

sending significant amounts of power to Europe to about $465 billion over the next 40

years. Generous government subsidies will be needed. ‘Of course, it costs a lot of money,'

says Asplund. ‘It's a lot cheaper to burn coal than to make solar power in the Sahara.’

F. Meanwhile, some companies are getting started. Seville engineering company Abengoa
is building one solar-thermal plant in Algeria and another in Morocco, while a third is
being built in Egypt by a Spanish-Japanese joint venture. The next step will be to get cables
in place. Although the European Parliament has passed a law that aids investors who help
the continent reach its goal of getting 20% of its power from renewable energy by 2020, it
could take years to create the necessary infrastructure.

G. Nicholas Dunlop, secretary-general of the London-based NGO e-Parliament, thinks

companies should begin transmitting small amounts of solar power as soon as the North
African plants begin operating, by linking a few cable lines under the Med. ‘I call it the
Lego method,' he says. ‘Build it piece by piece.’ If it can be shown that power from the
Sahara can be produced profitably, he says, companies and governments will soon jump
in. If they do, perhaps airplane passengers flying across the Sahara will one day count the
mirrors and patches of green instead of staring at sand.

*terra incognita - Latin, meaning ‘an unknown land'

Source: Complete IELTS band 5-6.5

IELTS Thanh Loan 158

Question 1 - 4:
Look at the following statements and the list of
organisations below. Match each statement with the correct
organisation, A-G.

1. They have set a time for achieving an List of

objective. Organisations

2. They believe that successful small-scale A) Exploration

projects will demonstrate that larger Architecture

projects are possible. B) DESERTEC
3. They have a number of renewable energy C) ABB Power
projects under construction.

4. They are already experimenting with solar
D) Aerospace Centre

the world.
energy installations in other parts of E) Abengoa
F) The European

S T Parliament
G) e-Parliament


IELTS Thanh Loan 159

Exercise 4:

The truth about lying

Over the years Richard Wiseman has tried to unravel the truth about deception -
investigating the signs that give away a liar.

A.In the 1970s, as part of a large-scale research programme exploring the area of
interspecies communication, Dr Francine Patterson from Stanford University attempted to
teach two lowland gorillas called Michael and Koko a simplified version of Sign

Language. According to Patterson, the great apes were capable of holding meaningful

conversations, and could even reflect upon profound topics, such as love and death.

During the project, their trainers believe they uncovered instances where the two gorillas'

linguistic skills seemed to provide reliable evidence of intentional deceit. In one example,
Koko broke a toy cat, and then signed to indicate that the breakage had been caused by one

of her trainers. In another episode, Michael ripped a jacket belonging to a trainer and,
when asked who was responsible for the incident, signed ‘Koko'. When the trainer

expressed some scepticism, Michael appeared to change his mind, and indicated that Dr.
Patterson was actually responsible, before finally confessing.

B.Other researchers have explored the development of deception in children. Some of

the most interesting experiments have involved asking youngsters not to take a peek at

their favourite toys. During these studies, a child is led into a laboratory and asked to face
one of the walls. The experimenter then explains that he is going to set up an elaborate toy
a few feet behind them. After setting up the toy, the experimenter says that he has to leave
the laboratory, and asks the child not to turn around and peek at the toy. The child is
secretly filmed by hidden cameras for a few minutes, and then the experimenter returns
and asks them whether they peeked. Almost all three-year-olds do, and then half of them
lie about it to the experimenter. By the time the children have reached the age of five, all
of them peek and all of them lie. The results provide compelling evidence that lying starts
to emerge the moment we learn to speak adapted from The National Newspaper.

C.So what are the tell-tale signs that give away a lie? In 1994, the psychologist Richard
Wiseman devised a large-scale experiment on a TV programme called Tomorrow's World.
As part of the experiment, viewers watched two interviews in which Wiseman asked a
presenter in front of the cameras to describe his favourite film. In one interview, the
presenter picked Some Like It Hot and he told the truth; in the other interview, he picked
Gone with the Wind and lied. The viewers were then invited to make a choice - to telephone

IELTS Thanh Loan 160

in to say which film he was lying about. More than 30,000 calls were received, but viewers
were unable to tell the difference and the vote was a 50/50 split. In similar experiments, the
results have been remarkably consistent - when it comes to lie detection, people might as
well simply toss a coin. It doesn't matter if you are male or female, young or old; very few
people are able to detect deception.

D Why is this? Professor Charles Bond from the Texas Christian University has

conducted surveys into the sorts of behaviour people associate with lying. He has

interviewed thousands of people from more than 60 countries, asking them to describe how

they set about telling whether someone is lying. People's answers are remarkably

consistent. Almost everyone thinks liars tend to avert their gaze, nervously wave their
hands around and shift about in their seats. There is, however, one small problem.

Researchers have spent hour upon hour carefully comparing films of liars and
truth-tellers. The results are clear. Liars do not necessarily look away from you; they do

not appear nervous and move their hands around or shift about in their seats. People fail
to detect lies because they are basing their opinions on behaviours that are not actually

associated with deception.

E So what are we missing? It is obvious that the more information you give away, the
greater the chances of some of it coming back to haunt you. As a result, liars tend to say
less and provide fewer details than truth-tellers. Looking back at the transcripts of the
interviews with the presenter, his lie about Gone with the Wind contained about 40 words,
whereas the truth about Some Like It Hot was nearly twice as long. People who lie also try
psychologically to keep a distance from their falsehoods, and so tend to include fewer
references to themselves in their stories. In his entire interview about Gone with the Wind,
the presenter only once mentioned how the film made him feel, compared with the several
references to his feelings when he talked about Some Like It Hot.

F The simple fact is that the real clues to deceit are in the words that people use, not the
body language. So do people become better lie detectors when they listen to a liar, or even
just read a transcript of their comments? The interviews with the presenter were also
broadcast on radio and published in a newspaper, and although the lie-detecting abilities
of the television viewers were no better than chance, the newspaper readers were correct
64% of the time, and the radio listeners scored an impressive 73% accuracy rate.
Source: Complete IELTS band 5-6.5

IELTS Thanh Loan 161

Questions 1-4: Look at the following statements and the list of
experiments below.
Match each statement with the correct experiment, A- C.
You may use any letter more than once.

1. Someone who was innocent was blamed for List of Experiments

something. A) the gorilla

2. Those involved knew they were being filmed. experiment

3. Some objects were damaged. B) the experiment

4. Some instructions were ignored. with children

C) the TV experiment


IELTS Thanh Loan 162

Exercise 5:

Last man standing

Some 50,000 years ago, Homo sapiens beat other hominids to become the only surviving species.
Kate Ravilious reveals how we did it.

A Today, there are over seven billion people living on Earth. No other species has
exerted as much influence over the planet as us. But turn the clock back 80,000 years and
we were one of a number of species roaming the Earth. Our own species. Homo sapiens

(Latin for ‘wise man'), was most successful in Africa. In western Eurasia, the Neanderthals

dominated, while Hom erectus may have lived in Indonesia. Meanwhile, an unusual finger
bone and tooth, discovered in Denisova cave in Siberia in 2008, have led scientists to

believe that yet another human population - the Denisovans - may also have been

widespread across Asia. Somewhere along the line, these other human species died out,

leaving Homo sapiens as the sole survivor. So what made us the winners in the battle for


B Some 74.000 years ago, the Toba ‘supervolcano' on the Indonesian island of Sumatra
erupted. The scale of the event was so great that ash from the eruption was flung as far as

eastern India, more than 2,000 kilometres away. Oxford archaeologist Mike Petraglia and

his team have uncovered thousands of stone tools buried underneath the Toba ash. The mix
of hand axes and spear tips have led Petraglia to speculate that Homo sapiens and Homo
erectus were both living in eastern India prior to the Toba eruption. Based on careful
examination of the tools and dating of the sediment layers where they were found.
Petraglia and his team suggest that Homo sapiens arrived in eastern India around 78.000
years ago. migrating out of Africa and across Arabia during a favourable climate period.
After their arrival, the simple tools belonging to Homo erectus seemed to lessen in number
and eventually disappear completely. ‘We think that Homo sapiens had a more efficient
hunting technology, which could have given them the edge.’ says Petraglia. ‘Whether the
eruption of Toba also played a role in the extinction of the Homo erectus-like species is
unclear to us.'

C Some 45.000 years later, another fight for survival took place. This time, the location
was Europe and the protagonists were another species, the Neanderthals. They were a
highly successful species that dominated the European landscape for 300.000 years. Yet
within just a few thousand years of the arrival of Homo sapiens, their number

IELTS Thanh Loan 163

plummeted. They eventually disappeared from the landscape around 30.000 years ago
with their last known refuge being southern Iberia, including Gibraltar. Initially. Homo
sapiens and Neanderthals lived alongside each other and had no reason to compete. But
then Europe’s climate swung into a cold, inhospitable, dry phase. ‘Neanderthal and Homo
sapiens populations had to retreat to refugia (pockets of habitable land). This heightened
competition between the two groups,’ explains Chris Stringer, anthropologist at the

Natural History Museum in London.

D Both species were strong and stockier than the average human today, but Neanderthals
were particularly robust. ‘Their skeletons show that they had broad shoulders and thick

necks,' says Stringer. ‘Homo sapiens, on the other hand, had longer forearms, which

undoubtedly enabled them to throw a spear from some distance, with less danger and

using relatively little energy,’ explains Stringer. This long-range ability may have given
Homo sapiens an advantage in hunting. When it came to keeping warm. Homo sapiens had

another skill: weaving and sewing. Archaeologists have uncovered simple needles
fashioned from ivory and bone alongside Homo sapiens, dating as far back as 35,000

years ago. ‘Using this technology, we could use animal skins to make ourselves tents, warm

clothes and fur boots,’ says Stringer. In contrast. Neanderthals never seemed to master

sewing skills, instead relying on pinning skins together with thorns.

E A thirst for exploration provided Homo sapiens with another significant advantage
over Neanderthals. Objects such as shell beads and flint tools, discovered many miles from
their source, show that our ancestors travelled over large distances, in order to barter and
exchange useful materials, and share ideas and knowledge. By contrast. Neanderthals
tended to keep themselves to themselves, living in small groups. They misdirected their
energies by only gathering resources from their immediate surroundings and perhaps
failing to discover new technologies outside their territory.

F Some of these differences in behaviour may have emerged because the two species
thought in different ways. By comparing skull shapes, archaeologists have shown that
Homo sapiens had a more developed temporal lobe - the regions at the side of the brain,
associated with listening, language and long-term memory. ‘We think that Homo sapiens
had a significantly more complex language than Neanderthals and were able to
comprehend and discuss concepts such as the distant past and future.' says Stringer.
Penny Spikins, an archaeologist at the University of York, has recently suggested that
Homo sapiens may also have had a greater diversity of brain types than Neanderthals.

IELTS Thanh Loan 164

‘Our research indicates that high-precision tools, new hunting technologies and the
development of symbolic communication may all have come about because they were
willing to include people with “different” minds and specialised roles in their society,’ she
explains. ‘We see similar kinds of injuries on male and female Neanderthal skeletons,
implying there was no such division of labour,' says Spikins.

G Thus by around 30,000 years ago. many talents and traits were well established in

Homo sapiens societies but still absent from Neanderthal communities. Stringer thinks that

the Neanderthals were just living in the wrong place at the wrong time. ‘They had to

compete with Homo sapiens during a phase of very unstable climate across Europe.

During each rapid climate fluctuation, they may have suffered greater losses of people

than Homo sapiens, and thus were slowly worn down,’ he says. ‘If the climate had

remained stable throughout, they might still be here.’

Source: Complete IELTS band 5-6.5

Questions 1 - 4: Look at the following statements and the list of

researchers, A-C, below.

Match each statement with the correct researcher.

1. No evidence can be found to suggest that Neanderthal communities

allocated tasks to different members.
2. Homo sapiens may have been able to plan ahead.
3. Scientists cannot be sure whether a sudden natural disaster contributed
to the loss of a human species.
4. Environmental conditions restricted the areas where Homo sapiens and
Neanderthals could live.

List of Researchers
A. Mike Petraglia
B. Chris Stringer
C. Penny Spikins

IELTS Thanh Loan 165


Đây là dạng câu hỏi siêu khó, vì thay bằng việc đọc một mẩu thông tin ngắn để tìm
đáp án như các dạng Matching names, T/F/NG, …. bạn đọc phải đọc hiểu cả đoạn văn
dài để tìm đáp án chính xác.

a. Thông tin dạng câu hỏi

Dạng Matching Headings được xuất hiện như sau trong bài thi đọc

Ví dụ:

Choose the correct heading for paragraphs A - E and G-I from the list of headings

below. Write the correct number, i-vi, in boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet

List of Headings

H A 14. Paragraph A
15. Paragraph B

i A fresh and important long-term goal
ii Charging for roads and improving other
16. Paragraph C
17. Paragraph D

transport methods 18. Paragraph E

iii Changes affecting the distances goods may be
iv Taking all steps necessary to change transport
v The environmental costs of road transport
vi The rapid growth of private transport

Một vài thông tin về dạng câu hỏi Matching Headings:

Cung cấp một loạt các tiêu đề (Headings)

- Các tiêu đề được cung cấp sẽ tương ứng với nội dung chính của từng đoạn văn nhỏ
trong một bài đọc.
- Số lượng các tiêu đề được cung cấp có thể bằng, hoặc nhiều hơn so với số lượng các
đoạn văn nhỏ trong một bài đọc.
- Các tiêu đè thường là từ, cụm từ ngắn hoặc câu ngắn.

IELTS Thanh Loan 166

Các đoạn văn được đánh chữ
- Các đoạn văn sẽ lần lượt được đánh chữ A, B, C … cho đến hết
- Có những đoạn văn sẽ bao gồm hai hoặc 3 đoạn văn ngắn -> người đọc cần tìm
heading bao quát ý chính của cả 2-3 đoạn văn ngắn đó.

Viết số (chứ không viết cả một câu heading dài) trong phần đáp án
Ví dụ:

1. Paragraph A - iii -> ĐÚNG

1. Paragraph A - Changes affecting the distances goods may be transported

-> SAI

Có thể có một đoạn văn đã được làm mẫu

- Mỗi heading chỉ được sử dụng một lần duy nhất

Vì vậy, cần lưu ý đoạn văn cùng với đáp án đã được chọn cho đoạn văn này để không

mất công làm lại lần hai.

Ví dụ:

14. Paragraph A
15. Paragraph B
16. Paragraph C
Paragraph F

17. Paragraph D
18. Paragraph E
19. Paragraph G

Gạch bỏ heading vii vì nó sẽ không đúng với các đoạn văn khác

IELTS Thanh Loan 167

b. Cách làm bài
Để làm dạng bài Matching Headings, hãy áp dụng theo 3 bước như sau:

Bước 1: Đọc tất cả các headings, và gạch chân các từ khóa

- Gạch chân từ khóa trong từng heading: hãy bắt đầu bằng việc gạch chân từ khóa
chính trong từng tiêu đề để bắt được nội dung chính mà từng tiêu đề muốn đề cập
- Đoán nội dung thông tin liên quan đến từng tiêu đề: hãy dựa vào từ khóa đã gạch

chân và đoán nội dung mà từng tiêu đề có thể đề cập đến. Bước này sẽ giúp dễ dàng

đối chiếu thông tin đoạn văn với từng tiêu đề.

- Gạch bỏ tiêu đề đã được chọn cho phần ví dụ: Vì mỗi tiêu đề chỉ nối với một đoạn

văn, nên việc loại bỏ các đáp án đã được chọn giúp tiết kiệm thời gian khi đối chiếu

thông tin 1 đoạn văn với từng tiêu đề.

Bước 2: Đọc hiểu từng đoạn văn

- Đọc toàn bộ đoạn văn: đối với dạng câu hỏi này, thay vì chỉ đọc câu đầu và câu cuối

của đoạn văn, hãy đọc toàn bộ nội dung của mỗi đoạn văn để hiểu hết nội dung

chính. Vì thực tế, chúng ta không thể biết câu nào (có thể là câu đầu, câu giữa, câu

cuối, hay thậm chí toàn đoạn) chứa nội dung chính của đoạn.

- Đọc hiểu chứ không phải đọc đối chiếu từ vựng: từ ngữ được sử dụng trong heading

đã được “paraphrase” (sử dụng từ các cụm từ đồng nghĩa) khác đi so với từ vựng được
sử dụng trong đoạn văn. Vì vậy, hãy đọc hiểu (đối chiếu thông tin) chứ đừng đọc đối
chiếu từ vựng .
- Đọc theo thứ tự: hãy đọc từ trên xuống dưới, thay vì đọc đoạn văn ngắn trước rồi
đọc đoạn dài sau để giữ được mạch văn của cả bài.
- Áp dụng kĩ năng skim, không cần đọc những thông tin không quan trọng để đọc
hiểu nội dung của của từng đoạn

Note: Kĩ năng skim đã được giải thích chi tiết trong mục 2 chương I

Bước 3: Đọc headings và loại trừ đáp án

- Lần lượt đối chiếu thông tin chính của từng đoạn văn với các headings
- Dựa trên những dữ liệu đã gạch chân ở bước 1 để tìm ra đáp án đúng
- Gạch đáp án đã được chọn để loại trừ đáp án cho những câu hỏi tiếp theo

IELTS Thanh Loan 168

Áp dụng vào ví dụ

Choose the correct heading for each section from the list of headings below.
Write the correct number, i-ix, in boxes 27-34 on your answer sheet.

List of Headings
i Complaints about the impact of a certain approach 27 Section A
ii Fundamental beliefs that are in fact incorrect 28 Section B
iii Early recommendations concerning business 29 Section C
iv Organisations that put a new approach into practice
30 Section D
31 Section E
v Companies that have suffered from changing their
32 Section F - vii
33 Section G
vi What people are increasingly expected to do

vii How to achieve outcomes that are currently H 34 Section H


viii Neither approach guarantees continuous

ix Evidence that a certain approach can have more

disadvantages than advantages

IE Why companies should welcome disorder

A Organisation is big business. Whether it is of our lives - all those inboxes and
calendars - or how companies are structured, a multi-billion dollar industry helps to
meet this need.

We have more strategies for time management, project management and

self-organisation than at any other time in human history. We are told that we ought
to organise our company, our home life, our week, our day and even our sleep, all as
a means to becoming more productive. Every week, countless seminars and
workshops take place around the world to tell a paying public that they ought to
structure their lives in order to achieve this.

IELTS Thanh Loan 169

This rhetoric has also crept into the thinking of business leaders and entrepreneurs,
much to the delight of self-proclaimed perfectionists with the need to get everything
right. The number of business schools and graduates has massively increased over the
past 50 years, essentially teaching people how to organise well.

B Ironically, however, the number of businesses that fail has also steadily increased.

Work-related stress has increased. A large proportion of workers from all

demographics claim to be dissatisfied with the way their work is structured and the

way they are managed. This begs the question: what has gone wrong? Why is it that

on paper the drive for organisation seems a sure shot for increasing productivity, but
in reality falls well short of what is expected?

This has been a problem for a while now. Frederick Taylor was one of the

forefathers of scientific management. Writing in the first half of the 20th century, he

designed a number of principles to improve the efficiency of the work process, which

have since become widespread in modem companies. So the approach has been

around for a while.

New research suggests that this obsession with efficiency is misguided. The
problem is not necessarily the management theories or strategies we use to organise
our work; it's the basic assumptions we hold in approaching how we work. Here it's
the assumption that order is a necessary condition for productivity. This assumption
has also fostered the idea that disorder must be detrimental to organisational
productivity. The result is that businesses and people spend time and money
organising themselves for the sake of organising, rather than actually looking at the
end goal and usefulness of such an effort.

E What's more, recent studies show that order actually has diminishing returns.
Order does increase productivity to a certain extent, but eventually the usefulness of
the process of organisation, and the benefit it yields, reduce until the point where any
further increase in order reduces productivity. Some argue that in a business, if the
cost of formally structuring something outweighs the benefit of doing it, then that thing
ought not to be formally structured. Instead, the resources involved can be better used

IELTS Thanh Loan 170

F In fact, research shows that, when innovating, the best approach is to create an
environment devoid of structure and hierarchy and enable everyone involved to
engage as one organic group. These environments can lead to new solutions that,
under conventionally structured environments (filled with bottlenecks in terms of
information flow, power structures, rules, and routines) would never be reached.

G In recent times companies have slowly started to embrace this disorganisation.
Many of them embrace it in terms of perception (embracing the idea of disorder, as

opposed to fearing it) and in terms of process (putting mechanisms in place to reduce

For example, Oticon, a large Danish manufacturer of hearing aids, used what it
called a ‘spaghetti' structure in order to reduce the organisation's rigid hierarchies.

This involved scrapping formal job titles and giving staff huge amounts of ownership
over their own time and projects. This approach proved to be highly successful

initially, with clear improvements in worker productivity in all facets of the business.

In similar fashion, the former chairman of General Electric embraced

disorganisation, putting forward the idea of the ‘boundaryless' organisation. Again, it

involves breaking down the barriers between different parts of a company and
encouraging virtual collaboration and flexible working. Google and a number of
other tech companies have embraced (at least in part) these kinds of flexible
structures, facilitated by technology and strong company values which glue people

H A word of warning to others thinking of jumping on this bandwagon: the evidence

so far suggests disorder, much like order, also seems to have diminishing utility, and
can also have detrimental effects on performance if overused. Like order, disorder
should be embraced only so far as it is useful. But we should not fear it - nor venerate
one over the other. This research also shows that we should continually question
whether or not our existing assumptions work.
Source: IELTS Cambridge 14 - Test 2 - Passage 3

Lưu ý: Do câu chủ đề của passage là “Why companies should welcome disorder”,
nên các đoạn văn sẽ xoay quanh việc vì sao các doanh nghiệp nên áp dụng phương
pháp “disorder”. Vậy nên, trong các headings, không cần gạch chân các từ liên quan
đến các phương pháp.

IELTS Thanh Loan 171

Bước 1: Đọc tất cả các tiêu đề, gạch chân các từ khóa

- Gạch chân từ khóa của tất cả các tiêu đề

List of Headings
i Complaints about the impact of a certain approach
ii Fundamental beliefs that are in fact incorrect
iii Early recommendations concerning business activities
iv Organisations that put a new approach into practice
v Companies that have suffered from changing their approach
vi What people are increasingly expected to do

vii How to achieve outcomes that are currently impossible O
viii Neither approach guarantees continuous improvement
ix Evidence that a certain approach can have more disadvantages than


- Đoán nội dung có thể được đề cập đối với mỗi tiêu đề

List of Headings

i Complaints about the impact of a certain approach
- đưa ra những phàn nàn về ảnh hưởng xấu của một phương pháp (phương
pháp này có thể chính là phương pháp trước phương pháp disorder khiến mọi
người phàn nàn -> sau đó phương pháp disorder có thể được áp dụng)

ii Fundamental beliefs that are in fact incorrect

- đưa ra những niềm tin cơ bản (phải là nhiều niềm tin chứ không phải chỉ có
1 do từ “beliefs” có s)
- đưa ra thực tế niềm tin này không đúng (có thể sẽ có những từ trái ngược ….)

iii Early recommendations concerning business activities

- đưa ra những đề xuất trong quá khứ (nhấn mạnh từ early)
- đưa ra những hoạt động doanh nghiệp

iv Organisations that put a new approach into practice

- đưa ra ví dụ về các tổ chức đã áp dụng một phương pháp mới (sẽ không phải
là disorder)

IELTS Thanh Loan 172

v Companies that have suffered from changing their approach
- đưa ra ví dụ về các công ty đã thay đổi phương pháp, tuy nhiên vì có từ “suffer
from” nên những công ty này có thể không đạt được thành công

vi What people are increasingly expected to do

- đưa ra trào lưu mà ngày càng có nhiều người thực hiện theo

viii Neither approach guarantees continuous improvement

- đưa ra hai phương pháp (vì từ “neither” + 2 things or people)
- chứng minh những phương pháp này không đạt được sự hiệu quả trong thời
gian dài
ix Evidence that a certain approach can have more disadvantages than


- đưa ra bằng chứng

- đưa ra một phương pháp cụ thể (có thể chính là phương pháp ở heading i -

phương pháp không tốt được áp dụng trước phương pháp disorder)

- đưa ra những ưu điểm và nhược điểm của một phương pháp này và khẳng
định hại nhiều hơn lợi

Lưu ý: Việc suy đoán này chỉ thực hiện bằng suy nghĩ, không có thời gian ghi chú
Khi bạn càng thực hành bài đọc nhiều, việc suy đoán càng nhanh và dễ hơn

- Gạch heading là đáp án của ví dụ

Vì câu 32 Section F đã chọn đáp án số vii, nên gạch bỏ đáp án này

i Complaints about the impact of a certain approach

ii Fundamental beliefs that are in fact incorrect
iii Early recommendations concerning business activities
iv Organisations that put a new approach into practice
v Companies that have suffered from changing their approach
vi What people are increasingly expected to do
vii How to achieve outcomes that are currently impossible
viii Neither approach guarantees continuous improvement
ix Evidence that a certain approach can have more disadvantages than

IELTS Thanh Loan 173

Bước 2: Đọc hiểu từng đoạn văn, sử dụng kĩ năng skimming để tóm tắt nội dung
chính của từng đoạn

Đoạn A

We have more strategies for time management, project management and

self-organisation. We ought to organise our company, our home life, our week, our
day and even our sleep, to becoming more productive. Every week, countless seminars
and workshops take place to tell a paying public that they ought to structure their lives

and entrepreneurs, much to the delight of self-proclaimed perfectionists. Business

in order to achieve this. This rhetoric has crept into the thinking of business leaders

schools and graduates massively increased teaching people how to organise well.

Nội dung chính của đoạn văn: Lời khuyên rằng chúng ta nên tổ chức mọi thứ

trong cuộc sống hiệu quả -> Rất nhiều nỗ lực được thực hiện để giúp mọi người tổ

chức mọi thứ hiệu quả hơn

Bước 3: Đối chiếu với các tiêu đề và loại trừ đáp án

- Đối chiếu với các tiêu đề

i Complaints about the impact of a certain approach
- đưa ra những phàn nàn về ảnh hưởng của một phương pháp
(không chính xác) vì đoạn
A không hề đề cập gì đến
phàn nàn về những ảnh
hưởng xấu

ii Fundamental beliefs that are in fact incorrect (không chính xác) nếu phân tích vế
(fundamental beliefs) lựa chọn này có thể
- đưa ra những niềm tin cơ bản đúng (có thể là niềm tin về sự hiệu quả
và quan trọng của việc tổ chức tốt), tuy
- đưa ra thực tế những niềm tin này không đúng nhiên đoạn A không có thông tin về thực
tế niềm tin này là "incorrect"

iii Early recommendations concerning business activities (không chính xác) không
có những đề xuất trong
- đưa ra những đề xuất trong quá khứ quá khứ nào được đề cập

- đưa ra những hoạt động doanh nghiệp

iv Organisations that put a new approach into practice

- đưa ra ví dụ về các tổ chức đã áp dụng một phương pháp mới (sẽ không phải là
disorder) (không chính xác) không
có ví dụ nào được đưa ra
về những tổ chức áp dụng
một phương pháp mới

IELTS Thanh Loan 174

(không chính xác) tương
v Companies that have suffered from changing their approach tự như lựa chọn iv

- đưa ra ví dụ về các công ty đã thay đổi phương pháp, tuy nhiên vì có từ “suffer
from” nên những công ty này có thể không đạt được thành công

vi What people are increasingly expected to do (có thể là đáp án) trào lưu mà ngày
càng có nhiều người thực hiện theo
- đưa ra trào lưu mà ngày càng có nhiều người thực hiện theo đó là cách để tổ chức tốt

viii Neither approach guarantees continuous improvement (không chính xác) không có 2
approach nào được đưa ra
- đưa ra hai phương pháp (vì từ “neither” + 2 things or people)
- đưa ra phương pháp không đạt được sự hiệu quả trong thời gian dài

ix Evidence that a certain approach can have more disadvantages than advantages
- đưa ra bằng chứng

(không chính xác) không có lợi

- đưa ra một phương pháp cụ thể và hại gì được đề cập đến

- đưa ra những ưu điểm và nhược điểm của một phương pháp

Như vậy, sau khi đối chiếu nội dung đoạn A, chỉ có đáp án số vi là hợp lý nhất
vi là đáp án của câu 1

- Gạch bỏ đáp án đã lựa chọn

i Complaints about the impact of a certain approach
ii Fundamental beliefs that are in fact incorrect
iii Early recommendations concerning business activities
iv Organisations that put a new approach into practice
v Companies that have suffered from changing their approach
vi What people are increasingly expected to do
vii How to achieve outcomes that are currently impossible
viii Neither approach guarantees continuous improvement
ix Evidence that a certain approach can have more disadvantages than

IELTS Thanh Loan 175

Đoạn B

However, the number of businesses that fail has also steadily increased. Work-related
stress has increased. A large proportion of workers from all demographics claim to be
dissatisfied with the way their work is structured and the way they are managed.

Nội dung chính của đoạn B: Hầu hết các công ty không tổ chức tốt -> Căng
thẳng, sự không hài lòng của người lao động
Bước 3: Đối chiếu với các tiêu đề và loại trừ đáp án

- Đối chiếu với các tiêu đề

i Complaints about the impact of a certain approach (có thể đúng) phàn này ở đây là việc mọi

người "dissatisfied" với cách tổ chức này
- đưa ra những phàn nàn về ảnh hưởng của một phương pháp (order = a certain approach)

complaints = stress, dissatisfied with ...

ii Fundamental beliefs tha t are in fact incorrect (không chính xác) vì không có ""những

niềm tin" nào được đưa ra
- đưa ra những niềm tin cơ bản

- đưa ra thực tế những niềm tin này không đúng

iii Early recommendations concerning business activities (không chính xác) không có
đề xuất nào được đưa ra
- đưa ra những đề xuất trong quá khứ
- đưa ra những hoạt động doanh nghiệp

(không chính xác) không có tổ

iv Organisations that put a new approach into practice chức nào được đề cập cụ thể

- đưa ra ví dụ về các tổ chức đã áp dụng một phương pháp mới (sẽ không phải là
(không chính xác) tương
v Companies that have suffered from changing their approach tự như đáp án số iv

- đưa ra ví dụ về các công ty đã thay đổi phương pháp, tuy nhiên vì có từ “suffer
from” nên những công ty này có thể không đạt được thành công

viii Neither approach guarantees continuous improvement (không chính xác) vì chỉ có 1
approach được đưa ra
- đưa ra hai phương pháp (vì từ “neither” + 2 things or people)
- đưa ra phương pháp không đạt được sự hiệu quả trong thời gian dài

IELTS Thanh Loan 176

ix Evidence that a certain approach can have more disadvantages than advantages
- đưa ra bằng chứng (không chính xác) không có
- đưa ra một phương pháp cụ thể lợi nào được nhắc đến

- đưa ra những ưu điểm và nhược điểm của một phương pháp

Như vậy, sau khi phân tích chỉ thấy có đáp án số i là phù hợp >> i là đáp án
của câu 2

- Gạch bỏ đáp án đã lựa chọn

i Complaints about the impact of a certain approach
ii Fundamental beliefs that are in fact incorrect
iii Early recommendations concerning business activities
iv Organisations that put a new approach into practice

v Companies that have suffered from changing their approach
vi What people are increasingly expected to do

vii How to achieve outcomes that are currently impossible
viii Neither approach guarantees continuous improvement

ix Evidence that a certain approach can have more disadvantages than


IELTS Thanh Loan 177

Đoạn C

This has been a problem for a while now. Frederick Taylor was one of the forefathers
of scientific management. Writing in the first half of the 20th century, he designed a
number of principles to improve the efficiency of the work process, which have since
become widespread in modern companies. So the approach has been around for a

Nội dung chính của đoạn C: Vấn đề này tồn tại 1 thời gian rồi -> Đã có 1 ông

viết nhiều nguyên tắc khác nhau.

Bước 3: Đối chiếu với các tiêu đề và loại trừ đáp án

- Đối chiếu với các tiêu đề

ii Fundamental beliefs that are in fact incorrect (không chính xác) không có

niềm tin nào được đưa ra
- đưa ra những niềm tin cơ bản

- đưa ra thực tế những niềm tin này không đúng (có thể đúng)
- những "early recommendations"

chính bằng "những principles được
iii Early recommendations concerning business activities

1 nhà khoa học phát triển trong
thế kỷ XX"

- đưa ra những đề xuất trong quá khứ - "business activities' chính bằng
"work process"
- đưa ra những hoạt động doanh nghiệp

(không chính xác) vì không có tổ chức nào

iv Organisations that put a new approach into practice được đưa ra là sử dụng môt "new approach"

- đưa ra ví dụ về các tổ chức đã áp dụng một phương pháp mới (sẽ không phải là
(không chính xác) vì không có
tổ chức nào được đưa ra là sử
v Companies that have suffered from changing their approach dụng môt "new approach"

- đưa ra ví dụ về các công ty đã thay đổi phương pháp, tuy nhiên vì có từ “suffer
from” nên những công ty này có thể không đạt được thành công

ix Evidence that a certain approach can have more disadvantages than advantages
- đưa ra bằng chứng (không chính xác) không có
lợi hay hại nào được đề cập
- đưa ra một phương pháp cụ thể
- đưa ra những ưu điểm và nhược điểm của một phương pháp

Chỉ có đáp án số iii là phù hợp với đoạn C

IELTS Thanh Loan 178

- Gạch bỏ đáp án đã lựa chọn

i Complaints about the impact of a certain approach

ii Fundamental beliefs that are in fact incorrect
iii Early recommendations concerning business activities
iv Organisations that put a new approach into practice
v Companies that have suffered from changing their approach
vi What people are increasingly expected to do
vii How to achieve outcomes that are currently impossible
viii Neither approach guarantees continuous improvement

ix Evidence that a certain approach can have more disadvantages than


IELTS Thanh Loan 179

Đoạn D

Research suggests that this obsession with efficiency is misguided. The problem is not
necessarily the management theories or strategies we use to organise our work; it's
the basic assumptions we hold in approaching how we work. Here it's the assumption
that order is a necessary condition for productivity. This assumption has also fostered
the idea that disorder must be detrimental to organisational productivity. The result is
that businesses and people spend time and money organising themselves for the sake
of organising, rather than actually looking at the end goal and usefulness of such an


Nội dung chính của đoạn D: Cách tiếp cận sai -> Cứ nghĩ rằng mọi thứ phải
theo order mới tốt -> nên suốt ngày nghĩ đến cách làm thế nào để “order” cuộc sống

chứ không nghĩ về việc làm thế nào để tăng hiệu quả

Bước 3: Đối chiếu với các tiêu đề và loại trừ đáp án

- Đối chiếu với các tiêu đề

ii Fundamental beliefs that are in fact incorrect
(Chính xác) Fundamental beliefs = basic
assumptions và incorrect = misguided

- đưa ra những niềm tin cơ bản

- đưa ra thực tế những niềm tin này không đúng

iv Organisations that put a new approach into practice
- đưa ra ví dụ về các tổ chức đã áp dụng một phương pháp mới (sẽ không phải là

v Companies that have suffered from changing their approach

- đưa ra ví dụ về các công ty đã thay đổi phương pháp, tuy nhiên vì có từ “suffer
from” nên những công ty này có thể không đạt được thành công

viii Neither approach guarantees continuous improvement

- đưa ra hai phương pháp (vì từ “neither” + 2 things or people)
- chứng minh những phương pháp này không đạt được sự hiệu quả trong thời gian

IELTS Thanh Loan 180

ix Evidence that a certain approach can have more disadvantages than advantages
- đưa ra bằng chứng
- đưa ra một phương pháp cụ thể
- đưa ra những ưu điểm và nhược điểm của một phương pháp

Như vậy, ii là đáp án cho câu 4

- Tiếp tục gạch bỏ đáp án đã lựa chọn

i Complaints about the impact of a certain approach

ii Fundamental beliefs that are in fact incorrect

iii Early recommendations concerning business activities

iv Organisations that put a new approach into practice
v Companies that have suffered from changing their approach

vi What people are increasingly expected to do
vii How to achieve outcomes that are currently impossible

viii Neither approach guarantees continuous improvement

ix Evidence that a certain approach can have more disadvantages than


IELTS Thanh Loan 181

Đoạn E

Recent studies show that order actually has diminishing returns. Order does increase
productivity to a certain extent, but eventually the usefulness of the process of
organisation, and the benefit it yields, reduce until the point where any further
increase in order reduces productivity. Some argue that in a business, if the cost of
formally structuring something outweighs the benefit of doing it, then that thing ought
not to be formally structured.

Đoạn E nói về những ưu điểm (tăng productivity) và nhược điểm (càng tăng
order càng giảm productivity) của phương pháp order

Bước 3: Đối chiếu với các tiêu đề và loại trừ đáp án H
- Đối chiếu với các tiêu đề

iv Organisations that put a new approach into practice

- đưa ra ví dụ về các tổ chức đã áp dụng một phương pháp mới (sẽ không phải là


v Companies that have suffered from changing their approach

- đưa ra ví dụ về các công ty đã thay đổi phương pháp, tuy nhiên vì có từ “suffer
from” nên những công ty này có thể không đạt được thành công

viii Neither approach guarantees continuous improvement

- đưa ra hai phương pháp (vì từ “neither” + 2 things or people)
- chứng minh những phương pháp này không đạt được sự hiệu quả trong thời gian

ix Evidence that a certain approach can have more disadvantages than advantages
- đưa ra bằng chứng
chính xác: more disadvantages than
- đưa ra một phương pháp cụ thể advantages = cost outweighs benefit

- đưa ra những ưu điểm và nhược điểm của một phương pháp

IELTS Thanh Loan 182

- Tiếp tục gạch bỏ đáp án đã lựa chọn

i Complaints about the impact of a certain approach

ii Fundamental beliefs that are in fact incorrect
iii Early recommendations concerning business activities
iv Organisations that put a new approach into practice
v Companies that have suffered from changing their approach

vi What people are increasingly expected to do

vii How to achieve outcomes that are currently impossible

viii Neither approach guarantees continuous improvement

ix Evidence that a certain approach can have more disadvantages than



IELTS Thanh Loan 183

Đoạn G

Companies embrace this disorganisation. Many of them embrace it in terms of

perception and in terms of process. For example, Oticon, used a ‘spaghetti' structure
in order to reduce the organisation's rigid hierarchies. This approach proved to be
highly successful initially, with clear improvements in worker productivity in all facets
of the business. Former chairman of General Electric embraced disorganisation,
putting forward idea of 'boundaryless' organisation. Google and a number of other
tech companies embraced these kinds of flexible structures.
Nội dung chính của đoạn G nói về ví dụ những công ty (Oticon, General

Electric) áp dụng phương pháp mới là “disorder” và nhận thấy có hiệu quả.

Bước 3: Đối chiếu với các tiêu đề và loại trừ đáp án

- Đối chiếu với các tiêu đề

iv Organisations that put a new approach into practice

disorder) L
- đưa ra ví dụ về các tổ chức đã áp dụng một phương pháp mới (sẽ không phải là

đây là 2 lựa chọn có thể là đáp án
cho đoạn G này. Tuy nhiên, vì động
từ "suffer from" ở số v mang nghĩa
tiêu cực, nhưng những ví dụ được
đề cập trong đoạn đều đạt được hiệu
v Companies that have suffered from changing their approach quả >> iv sẽ là đáp án đúng

- đưa ra ví dụ về các công ty đã thay đổi phương pháp, tuy nhiên vì có từ “suffer
from” nên những công ty này có thể không đạt được thành công

viii Neither approach guarantees continuous improvement

- đưa ra hai phương pháp (vì từ “neither” + 2 things or people)
- chứng minh những phương pháp này không đạt được sự hiệu quả trong thời gian

IELTS Thanh Loan 184

- Tiếp tục gạch bỏ đáp án đã lựa chọn

i Complaints about the impact of a certain approach

ii Fundamental beliefs that are in fact incorrect
iii Early recommendations concerning business activities
iv Organisations that put a new approach into practice
v Companies that have suffered from changing their approach

vi What people are increasingly expected to do

vii How to achieve outcomes that are currently impossible

viii Neither approach guarantees continuous improvement

ix Evidence that a certain approach can have more disadvantages than



IELTS Thanh Loan 185

Đoạn H

The evidence suggests disorder, much like order, have diminishing utility, and also
have detrimental effects on performance if overused. Like order, disorder should be
embraced only so far as it is useful.

Nội dung chính nói về cả hai phương pháp “order” và “disorder” đều không

đem lại hiệu quả nếu liên tục áp dụng

Bước 3: Đối chiếu với các tiêu đề và loại trừ đáp án

- Đối chiếu với các tiêu đề

v Companies that have suffered from changing their approach
- đưa ra examples về các companies đã thay đổi phương pháp, tuy nhiên vì có từ

“suffer from” nên những công ty này có thể không đạt được thành công

viii Neither approach guarantees continuous improvement đây chính là đáp án cho đoạn
văn cuối cùng này rồi

- đưa ra hai phương pháp (vì từ “neither” + 2 things or people)

- chứng minh những phương pháp này không đạt được sự hiệu quả trong thời gian


Đáp án v không phù hợp với câu nào

IELTS Thanh Loan 186


Tip 1: Hãy làm dạng Matching Heading cùng lúc với các dạng câu hỏi khác

Một bài đọc sẽ luôn chứa ít nhất hai dạng câu hỏi, vậy nên việc làm dạng Matching
Headings cùng lúc với các dạng câu hỏi còn lại khác (như T/F/NG, Gap Filling…) sẽ
giúp tiết kiệm thời gian một cách đáng kể.

Bạn được hướng dẫn chi tiết cách làm này ở chương 3 - Thực hành 1 bài đọc hoàn

Tip 2: Đọc theo thứ tự từ đoạn đầu đến đoạn cuối

Một số lời khuyên cho rằng bạn nên đọc và tìm tiêu đề của đoạn văn ngắn trước, vì

ít thông tin nên việc tìm heading cho nó sẽ dễ hơn. Sau đó, khi đọc đoạn văn dài, bạn

có ít đáp án để lựa chọn hơn vì mỗi heading chỉ được sử dụng một lần.

Tuy nhiên, lời khuyên của mình là: Thay vì đọc những đoạn văn ngắn trước, đoạn

dài sau, hãy bắt đầu đọc theo trình tự bài đọc từ đầu đến cuối.

Đọc đoạn ngắn trước, đoạn dài sau Đọc theo thứ tự

- Phá vỡ mạch văn, khiến đoạn văn trở - Theo được mạch văn, đọc các đoạn
nên khó hiểu văn trở nên dễ hiểu hơn

- Đoạn văn ngắn chưa chắc đã là đoạn dễ - Đọc theo thứ tự, nếu đoạn văn khó
(vì điều quyết định độ khó của một đoạn hiểu, chúng ta vẫn có thể bỏ qua
văn chưa hẳn là độ dài, mà là từ vựng và chuyển sang đọc đoạn tiếp theo (tuy
ngữ pháp được sử dụng trong đó) nhiên vẫn có thể giữ được mạch văn
của toàn bài)

Tip 3: Chuyển sang đoạn văn tiếp theo nếu dành quá nhiều thời gian cho một
câu hỏi
Thời gian là yếu tố then chốt trong bài thi IELTS, đặc biệt là đối với kỹ năng
Reading, vì vậy nếu đã dành 1’30’’ - 2’ mà vẫn chưa tìm ra đáp án cho đoạn văn đó,
hãy chuyển sang làm đoạn văn tiếp theo, và quay lại nếu còn thời gian.

IELTS Thanh Loan 187

Tip 4: Loại luôn 2 đáp án có nghĩa gần giống nhau đối với bài đọc chứa nhiều
tiêu đề hơn số đoạn văn
Đối với bài đọc chứa nhiều tiêu đề hơn số đoạn văn, nếu có hai đáp án có nghĩa tương
tự nhau, sau khi đã chọn được 1 trong 2 đáp án là đúng với một đoạn văn. Thay vì
loại bỏ một mình tiêu đề đúng với đoạn văn, hãy loại bỏ luôn cả tiêu đề chứa nội

dung gần tương tự với đoạn văn đó. Vì bản chất, mục đích của tiêu đề gần nghĩa với

một đoạn văn là để bẫy thí sinh, nên nó sẽ không đúng với đoạn văn nào trong bài

đọc cả. Việc loại luôn 2 đáp án như vậy giúp tiết kiệm thời gian hơn khi đối chiếu
thông tin đoạn văn tiếp theo với các tiêu đề.
Ví dụ: Bài đọcvừa làm trong phần phân tích ví dụ
iv Organisations that put a new approach into practice

v Companies that have suffered from changing their approach

Phân tích 2 đáp án này, có thể thấy chúng có nghĩa gần giống nhau (đều là chỉ

ra những tổ chức/ công ty) áp dụng một phương pháp mới. Vậy nên, khi đã chọn được

iv là đáp án, loại bỏ luôn iv và v trước khi làm đoạn văn tiếp theo.

IELTS Thanh Loan 188

c. Bài tập thực hành
Exercise 1:

Pedestrians only
How traffic-free shopping streets developed

A The concept of traffic-free shopping areas goes back a long time. During the Middle
Ages, traffic-free shopping areas known as souks were built in Middle Eastern countries to

allow people to shop in comfort and, more importantly, safety. As far back as 2,000 years

ago, road traffic was banned from central Rome during the day to allow for the free

movement of pedestrians, and was only allowed in at night when shops and markets had

closed for the day. In most other cities, however, pedestrians were forced to share the

streets with horses, coaches and, later, with cars and other motorised vehicles.

B The modern, traffic-free shopping street was born in Europe in the 1960s, when both

city populations and car ownership increased rapidly. Dirty exhaust fumes from cars and
the risks involved in crossing the road were beginning to make shopping an unpleasant
and dangerous experience. Many believed the time was right for experimenting with
car-free streets, and shopping areas seemed the best place to start.

C At first, there was resistance from shopkeepers. They believed that such a move would
be bad for business. They argued that people would avoid streets if they were unable to get
to them in their cars. When the first streets in Europe were closed to traffic, there were
even noisy demonstrations, as many shopkeepers predicted they would lose customers.

D However, research carried out afterwards in several European cities revealed some
unexpected statistics. In Munich, Cologne and Hamburg, visitors to shopping areas
increased by 50 percent. On Copenhagen’s main shopping street, shopkeepers reported
sales increases of 25-40 percent. Shopkeepers in Minneapolis, USA, were so impressed
when they learnt this that they even offered to pay for the construction and maintenance
costs of their own traffic-free streets.

IELTS Thanh Loan 189

E With the arrival of the traffic-free shopping street, many shops, especially those selling
things like clothes, food and smaller luxury items, prospered. Unfortunately, it wasn't
good news for everyone, as shops selling furniture and larger electrical appliances
actually saw their sales drop. Many of these were forced to move elsewhere, away from the

city centre. Today they are a common feature on the outskirts of towns and cities, often

situated in out-of-town retail zones with their own car parks and other local facilities.

Source: Complete IELTS band 4-5

Now match the headings i-vii below with paragraphs A-E in the passage. There are two

headings that you do not need.

List of Headings

i. Facing local opposition 1. Paragraph A...............

ii. Some reasons for success 2. Paragraph B................

iii. Winners and losers 3. Paragraph C................
iv. A need for change 4. Paragraph D..............
v. An experiment that went wrong 5. Paragraph E.............
vi. An idea from ancient history
vii. North America learns from Europe

IELTS Thanh Loan 190

Exercise 2:

The rain makers

Science and technology work with nature to bring
rain when and where it is needed

A Wheat farmer Gang Liu is a worried man. The annual rains have not arrived, and there
is a danger that unless there is substantial rainfall soon, his annual wheat crop will fail.

As he looks anxiously at the clouds which promise rain but are failing to deliver it, there is

a sudden loud roar, and from fields for miles around, hundreds of small rockets are fired

into the clouds. Within twenty minutes, the farms around the eastern Chinese city of Luohe

are experiencing their first rain for many weeks. Gang Lius valuable wheat has been

saved, thanks to a technique known as ‘cloud seeding’, in which the chemical silver iodide

(Agl) is introduced into clouds. This causes the tiny drops of moisture in the clouds to turn

to ice. These tiny ice particles join until they become heavy enough to fall from the sky,

turning into rain as they melt.

B But did cloud seeding really cause the rain in Luohe to fall, or was just a coincidence?
Experts often question whether cloud seeding actually works. It is hard to tell how effective

cloud seeding actually is, they say, as it might have rained anyway, without human
intervention. But this has not stopped many governments and organisations from trying.
There are currently 150 weather-modifying projects taking place in more than 40
countries. Not all of them are aimed at creating rain. The Eastlund Scientific Enterprises
Corporation in the USA, for example, is experimenting with firing microwaves into clouds
to prevent the tornadoes which cause enormous damage to the country every year. In
Russia, experiments have been carried out to make sure the sun shines during important
national events.

C However, it is rainmaking that dominates the research programmes. In many of these,

researchers are using trials in which some clouds are ‘seeded' while others are not, and
both groups are monitored. Arlen Huggins of the Desert Research Institute is leading a
research project in Australia. Weather-monitoring technology is so good nowadays, he
says, that we can measure clouds mụch more effectively, even from the inside. As a result,
we now know mụch more about the effect humans can have on the weather. What Huggins'
team has discovered so far is promising. They believe that cloud seeding does work,
although there are still two years of the six-year project left to go.

IELTS Thanh Loan 191

D In China, where the majority of cloud-seeding operations take place,
weather-modification authorities use army rockets to fire silver-iodide particles into the
clouds. 59,000 staff working for the China Meteorological Administration (CMA) are
equipped with 7,115 army cannons which, in 2006, were used to fire a million silver-Iodide

rockets into the atmosphere. This costs over $100 million a year, although the CMA claims

the results are worth the expense. Between 1999 and 2006, they say, cloud seeding

produced 250 billion metric tonnes of rain and prevented thousands of farmers from losing

their crops.

‘We want to understand what makes clouds rain’, says Philip Brown of the UK

Meteorological office, explaining why so much time, effort and money are being invested.

“But there is a more powerful economic reason. A lot of countries around the world are at

risk from drought, and governments will try anything to make sure that doesn’t happen,

even if the scientific evidence is weak. The potential economic value is greater than the

scientific value. Making it rain might allow you to keep agriculture going where, without

human intervention, it might fail”.

F Some people are concerned, however, that altering the weather can have negative
consequences. Leonard Barrie, director of the research department at the World
Meteorological Organisation in Geneva, explains why. All areas of weather modification
are still very controversial. Some people think that diverting water for irrigation benefits
some people, but is a disadvantage to others. Someone in one area will get more water, but
as a result, someone somewhere else could get less. His fears may be justified. Recently,
the town of Zhoukou in China’s Henan province accused neighbouring town
Pingdingshang of ‘stealing' rain from clouds that were due to pass over its own farms,
prompting what may be the world very first documented incident of ‘rain rage’.

Source: Complete IELTS band 4-5

IELTS Thanh Loan 192

Questions 1-6: The reading passage has six paragraphs, A-F.
Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of
headings below.

i. Making peaceful use of a military weapon

ii. How modifying the weather has changed the world
iii. What is prompting this research?
iv. A period of drought comes to an end
v. An old solution to a new problem

vi. Winners and losers

vii. Tests provide encouraging results

viii. A waste of money

ix. Global attempts to change the weather

1. Paragraph A...............

2. Paragraph B................
3. Paragraph C................
4. Paragraph D..............
5. Paragraph E.............
6. Paragraph F...............

IELTS Thanh Loan 193

Exercise 3:

Whale communication
A It is only comparatively recently that we have become aware of the hauntingly
beautiful sounds made by humpback whales. The hydrophone, a microphone that can be
used in water, was developed by the British scientist Ernest Rutherford, and is particularly

good at detecting the presence of submarines underwater. During the Cold War, a

Bermudian, Frank Watlington was working for the US government, and it was his job to

use hydrophones to listen out for Russian submarines. While he was doing this, Watlington

noticed that humpback whales appeared to ‘sing'. Later, Watlington's work was taken up
by two other researchers, Roger Payne and Scott McVay, who studied the nature of these

humpback whale ‘songs'. They found that the various sounds produced by the whale
formed a song which lasts for about 30 minutes and is then repeated by the whale for hours

or even days.

B Scientists believe there are two main reasons for whales to make sounds: echolocation,
so that the whales know what objects (and perhaps food) are around them; and

communication. Whales are capable of communicating to other whales over huge

distances. Sound waves travel faster through water (around 1.5 kilometre per second) than
through air, and the sound of a whale can travel thousands of kilometres through the

C Many different species of whale are capable of making noises and some of them (as
well as dolphins and porpoises) are believed to use echolocation. Some whales look for
food, such as squid, down to a depth of 1.5 kilometres, and at that depth there is virtually
no light at all. Without being able to locate their food, the whales are going to go hungry.
The whales send out series of clicks and listen out for the echo of the sound. From this, the
whale is able to work out what is around it and can respond accordingly. The system
whales use is highly complex, but it is similar to the way that you can tell direction of
sound. You have two ears and when a sound is made, the sound reaches one ear a fraction
of a second before the other. From this information, your brain can work out the direction
of the sound.

D In addition to echolocation, some whales, most notably the humpback whale, are
capable of producing a range of notes which appear to be a form of communication.
Humpback whales in one school (as groups of whales are known) tend to sing virtually the

IELTS Thanh Loan 194

same song. Perhaps like football supporters they are demonstrating group identity,
showing that they belong to the same school. Other schools, particularly those found in
other oceans, sing songs which are quite different. It is also quite likely that the songs play
a role in courtship. It is generally the males that sing, so perhaps they are also trying to
attract females.

For millions of years, whales have swum in the great oceans of the world and only

recently have they had to contend with a predator: man. In the 18th and 19th centuries,

many countries had fleets of ships which set out to bring back whales. The 20th century

saw the development of factory ships which were capable of killing and processing

thousands of whales. In the 1930s, over 50,000 whales were killed annually. It wasn't until

1986 that a moratorium was agreed to stop whale hunting, and scientists hope that the

number of whales will recover. So can the whales of the world now cruise about without a

care in the world? Sadly not. The growth of trade in the world has meant that there are

now more ships, particularly large container ships, than ever before. In fact, the

Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) says that large numbers of northern right whales are

killed in collision with ships. But it is not only the physical danger that ships present. The

loud noises of ships' engines are very likely to disturb the whales, and the WWF have
called for shipping restrictions in certain areas.

In recent years, there have been many cases of whales dying on beaches. Could the
reason for these tragedies have something to do with the noise pollution that these majestic
creatures have to live with? There is no definite answer to the question, but it has attracted
considerable research, and findings seem to point to man's industrial activities in the
ocean. With an ever-growing need for oil, more and more drilling takes place offshore. To
assess the likelihood of the presence of oil, seismologists use sonar to work out the
underlying geology. The sounds used in such tests are believed by some people to have a
highly damaging effect on whales, either simply disrupting their method of
communication, or, some scientists believe, actually killing them. With an ever-increasing
human population and dwindling resources, whales face an uncertain future. While it is
unlikely that we will ever know exactly why whales producing their whale songs, the world
will be a much poorer place without them.

Source: IELTS Advantage - Reading skills

IELTS Thanh Loan 195

The text has six untitled paragraphs A-F. Choose the correct heading for each
paragraph from the list of headings below (i-ix).

Questions 1-6:

i. Musical futures 1. Paragraph A

ii. Sad mystery to solve 2. Paragraph B

iii. Surprising discoveries 3. Paragraph C

iv. The inventiveness of song 4. Paragraph D

v. Singing effects 5. Paragraph E

vi. Threats to survival 6. Paragraph F
vii. Singing for supper
viii. Varieties of song

ix. The significance of song


IELTS Thanh Loan 196

Exercise 4:

Organic food: why?

by Rob Lyons and Jan Bowman

A Today, many governments are promoting organic or natural farming methods that
avoid the use of pesticides and other artificial products. The aim is to show that they

Europe is now the biggest market for organic food in the world, expanding by 25N
care about the environment and about people's health. But is this the right approach?

percent a year over the past 10 years. So what is the attraction of organic food for

some people? The really important thing is that organic sounds more ‘natural'. Eating

organic is a way of defining oneself as natural, good, caring, different from the

junk-food-scoffing masses. As one journalist puts it: ‘It feels closer to the source, the

beginning, the start of things.' The real desire is to be somehow close to the soil, to

Mother Nature.

Unlike conventional farming, the organic approach means farming with natural,

rather than man-made, fertilisers and pesticides. Techniques such as crop rotation

improve soil quality and help organic farmers compensate for the absence of

man-made chemicals. As a method of food production, organic is, however, inefficient
in its use of labour and land; there are severe limits to how much food can be
produced. Also, the environmental benefits of not using artificial fertiliser are tiny
compared with the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by transporting food (a great
deal of Britain's organic produce is shipped in from other countries and transported
from shop to home by car).

C Organic farming is often claimed to be safer than conventional farming - for the
environment and for consumers. Yet studies into organic farming worldwide continue
to reject this claim. An extensive review by the UK Food Standards Agency found that
there was no statistically significant difference between organic and conventional
crops. Even where results indicated there was evidence of a difference, the reviewers
found no sign that these differences would have any noticeable effect on health.

D The simplistic claim that organic food is more nutritious than conventional food
was always likely to be misleading. Food is a natural product, and the health value of
different foods will vary for a number of reasons, including freshness, the way the

IELTS Thanh Loan 197

food is cooked, the type of soil it is grown in, the amount of sunlight and rain crops
have received, and so on. Likewise, the flavour of a carrot has less to do with whether
it was fertilised with manure or something out of a plastic sack than with the variety
of carrot and how long ago it was dug up. The differences created by these things are
likely to be greater than any differences brought about by using an organic or

nonorganic system of production. Indeed, even some ‘organic' farms are quite
different from one another.

E The notion that organic food is safer than ‘normal' food is also contradicted by the
fact that many of our most common foods are full of natural toxins. Parsnips cause

blisters on the skin of agricultural workers. Toasting bread creates carcinogens. As

one research expert says: ‘People think that the more natural something is, the better

it is for them. That is simply not the case. In fact, it is the opposite that is true: the

closer a plant is to its natural state, the more likely it is that it will poison you.

Naturally, many plants do not want to be eaten, so we have spent 10,000 years
developing agriculture and breeding out harmful traits from crops.'

F Yet educated Europeans are more scared of eating traces of a few, strictly

regulated, man-made chemicals than they are of eating the ones that nature created
directly. Surrounded by plentiful food, it's not nature they worry about, but
technology. Our obsessions with the ethics and safety of what we eat - concerns about
antibiotics in animals, additives in food, GM crops and so on - are symptomatic of a
highly technological society that has little faith in its ability to use this technology
wisely. In this context, the less something is touched by the human hand, the healthier
people assume it must be.

G Ultimately, the organic farming movement is an expensive luxury for shoppers in

well-manicured Europe. For developing parts of the world, it is irrelevant. To
European environmentalists, the fact that organic methods require more labour and
land than conventional ones to get the same yields is a good thing; to a farmer in rural
Africa, it is a disaster. Here, land tends to be so starved and crop yields so low that
there simply is not enough organic matter to put back into the soil. Perhaps the focus
should be on helping these countries to gain access to the most advanced farming
techniques, rather than going back to basics.
adapted from articles in Spiked
Source: Complete IELTS band 5 - 6.5

IELTS Thanh Loan 198

Questions 1-7: The reading passage has seven paragraphs, A-G.
Choose the correct heading for paragraphs B-G from the list of
headings below.

i. Research into whether organic food is better for us

ii. Adding up the cost of organic food
iii. The factors that can affect food quality
iv. The rich and poor see things differently
v. A description of organic farming
vi. Testing the taste of organic food

vii. Fear of science has created the organic trend

viii. The main reason for the popularity of organic food

ix. The need to remove hidden dangers from food

1. Paragraph A ... viii

2. Paragraph B ...............

3. Paragraph C ...............
4. Paragraph D ...............
5. Paragraph E ...............
6. Paragraph F ...............
7. Paragraph G ...............

IELTS Thanh Loan 199

Exercise 5:

Learning color words

Young children struggle with color concepts, and the reason for this may have something
to do with how we use the words that describe them.

A In the course of the first few years of their lives, children who are brought up in
English- speaking homes successfully master the use of hundreds of words. Words for

objects, actions, emotions, and many other aspects of the physical world quickly become

part of their infant repertoire. For some reason, however, when it comes to learning color

words, the same children perform very badly. At the age of four months, babies can

distinguish between basic color categories. Yet it turns out they do this in much the same

way as blind children. ‘Blue’ and ‘yellow’ appear in older children's expressive language

in answer to questions such as ‘What color is this?’, but their mapping of objects to

individual colors is haphazard and interchangeable. If shown a blue cup and asked about

its color, typical two-year-olds seem as likely to come up with ‘red’ as ‘blue’. Even after

hundreds of training trials, children as old as four may still end up being unable to

accurately sort objects by color.

In an effort to work out why this is, cognitive scientists at Stanford University in

California hypothesized that children's incompetence at color-word learning may be
directly linked to the way these words are used in English. While word order for color
adjectives varies, they are used overwhelmingly in pre-nominal position (e.g. ‘blue cup’);
in other words, the adjective comes before the noun it is describing. This is in contrast to
post-nominal position (e.g. ‘The cup is blue’) where the adjective comes after the noun. It
seems that the difficulty children have may not be caused by any unique property of color,
or indeed, of the world. Rather, it may simply come down to the challenge of having to
make predictions from color words to the objects they refer to, instead of being able to
make predictions from the world of objects to the color words.
To illustrate, the word ‘chair’ has a meaning that applies to the somewhat varied set of
entities in the world that people use for sitting on. Chairs have features, such as arms and
legs and backs, that are combined to some degree in a systematic way; they turn up in a
range of chairs of different shapes, sizes, and ages. It could be said that children learn to
narrow down the set of cues that make up a chair and in this way they learn the concept
associated with that word. On the other hand, color words tend to be unique and not bound

IELTS Thanh Loan 200

to other specific co-occurring features; there is nothing systematic about color words to
help cue their meaning. In the speech that adults direct at children, color adjectives occur
pre-nominally (‘blue cup’) around 70 percent of the time. This suggests that most of what
children hear from adults will, in fact, be unhelpful in learning what color words refer to.

C To explore this idea further, the research team recruited 41 English children aged
between 23 and 29 months and carried out a three-phase experiment. It consisted of a

pre-test, followed by training in the use of color words, and finally a post-test that was

identical to the pre-test. The pre- and post-test materials comprised six objects that were

novel to the children. There were three examples of each object in each of three colors -

red, yellow, and blue. The objects were presented on trays, and in both tests, the children

were asked to pick out objects in response to requests in which the color word was either

a prenominal (‘Which is the red one?’) or a post-nominal (‘Which one is red?’).

In the training, the children were introduced to a ‘magic bucket’ containing five sets of

items familiar to 26-month-olds (balls, cups, crayons, glasses, and toy bears) in each of the

three colors. The training was set up so that half the children were presented with the items
one by one and heard them labelled with color words used pre-nominally (‘This is a red
crayon’), while the other half were introduced to the same items described with a
post-nominal color word (‘This crayon is red’). After the training, the children repeated
the selection task on the unknown items in the post-test.

To assess the quality of children's understanding of the color words, and the effect of each
type of training, correct choices on items that were consistent across the pre- and
post-tests were used to measure children's color knowledge.

D Individual analysis of pre- and post-test data, which confirmed parental vocabulary
reports, showed the children had at least some knowledge of the three colour words: they
averaged two out of three correct choices in response to both pre- and post-nominal
question types, which, it has been pointed out, is better than chance. When children's
responses to the question types were assessed independently, performance was at its most
consistent when children were both trained and tested on post-nominal adjectives, and

IELTS Thanh Loan 201

worst when trained on pre-nominal adjectives and tested on post-nominal adjectives. Only
children who had been trained with post- nominal color-word presentation and then tested
with post-nominal question types were significantly more accurate than chance.
Comparing the pre- and post-test scores across each condition revealed a significant

decline in performance when children were both pre- and post-tested with questions that

placed the color words pre-nominally.

As predicted, when children are exposed to color adjectives in post-nominal position, they

learn them rapidly (after just five training trials per color); when they are presented with

them pre-nominally, as English overwhelmingly tends to do, children show no signs of


Source: Complete IELTS band 6.5-7.5

Choose the correct heading for each section from the list of headings below.

List of Headings
A possible explanation 1. Paragraph A
ii Why names of objects are unhelpful 2. Paragraph B
iii Checking out the theory 3. Paragraph C
iv A curious state of affairs 4. Paragraph D
v The need to look at how words are formed
vi How age impacts on learning colours
vii Some unsurprising data

IELTS Thanh Loan 202

Exercise 6:

Gold Dusters
They are the Earth’s pollinators and they
come in more than 200,000 shapes and sizes.

A Row upon row, tomato plants stand in formation inside a greenhouse. To reproduce,
most flowering plants depend on a third party to transfer pollen between their male and

female parts. Some require extra encouragement to give up that golden dust. The tomato

flower, for example, needs a violent shake, a vibration roughly equivalent to 30 times the

pull of Earth’s gravity, explains Arizona entomologist Stephen Buchmann. Growers have

tried numerous ways to rattle pollen from tomato blossoms. They have used shaking tables,

air blowers and blasts of sound. But natural means seem to work better.

It is no surprise that nature’s design works best. What’s astonishing is the array of

workers that do it: more than 200,000 individual animal species, by varying strategies,

help the world's 240,000 species of flowering plants make more flowers. Flies and beetles

are the original pollinators, going back to when flowering plants first appeared 130

million years ago. As for bees, scientists have identified some 20,000 distinct species so

far. Hummingbirds, butterflies, moths, wasps and ants are also up to the job. Even

non-flying mammals do their part: sugar-loving opossums, some rainforest monkeys, and
lemurs in Madagascar, all with nimble hands that tear open flower stalks and furry coats
to which pollen sticks. Most surprising, some lizards, such as geckos, lap up nectar and
pollen and then transport the stuff on their faces and feet as they forage onward.

C All that messy diversity, unfortunately, is not well suited to the monocrops and
mega-yields of modern commercial farmers. Before farms got so big, says conservation
biologist Claire Kremen of the University of California, Berkeley, ‘we didn’t have to
manage pollinators. They were all around because of the diverse landscapes. Now you
need to bring in an army to get pollination done. The European honeybee was first
imported to the US some 400 years ago.’
Now at least a hundred commercial crops rely almost entirely on managed honeybees,
which beekeepers raise and rent out to tend to big farms. And although other species of
bees are five to ten times more efficient, on a per-bee basis, at pollinating certain fruits,
honeybees have bigger colonies, cover longer distances, and tolerate management and
movement better than most insects. They're not picky - they’ll spend their time on almost
any crop. It’s tricky to calculate what their work is truly worth; some economists put it at
more than $200 billion globally a year.

IELTS Thanh Loan 203

D Industrial-scale farming, however, may be wearing down the system. Honeybees have
suffered diseases and parasite infestations for as long as they've been managed, but in
2006 came an extreme blow. Around the world, bees began to disappear over the winter in
massive numbers. Beekeepers would lift the lid of a hive and be amazed to find only the
queen and a few stragglers, the worker bees gone. In the US, a third to half of all hives
crashed; some beekeepers reported colony losses near 90 percent. The mysterious culprit
was named colony collapse disorder (CCD) and it remains an annual menace - and an
When it first hit, many people, from agronomists to the public, assumed that our

slathering of chemicals on agricultural fields was to blame for the mystery. Indeed, says

Jeff Pettis of the USDA Bee Research Laboratory, ‘we do find more disease in bees that

have been exposed to pesticides, even at low levels.’ But it is likely that CCD involves

multiple stressors. Poor nutrition and chemical exposure, for instance, might wear down a

bee's immunities before a virus finishes the insect off. It’s hard to tease apart factors and
outcomes, Pettis says. New studies reveal that fungicides - not previously thought toxic to

bees - can interfere with microbes that break down pollen in the insects’ guts, affecting

nutrient absorption and thus long-term health and longevity. Some findings pointed to
viral and fungal pathogens working together. ‘I only wish we had a single agent causing
all the declines’, Pettis says, ‘that would make our work much easier’.

F However, habitat loss and alteration, he says, are even more of a menace to pollinators
than pathogens. Claire Kremen encourages farmers to cultivate the flora surrounding
farmland to help solve habitat problems. ‘You can't move the farm,’ she says, ‘but you can
diversify what grows in its vicinity: along roads, even in tractor yards.’ Planting
hedgerows and patches of native flowers that bloom at different times and seeding fields
with multiple plant species rather than monocrops ‘not only is better for native pollinators,
but it’s just better agriculture’, she says. Pesticide-free wildflower havens, adds
Buchmann, would also bolster populations of useful insects. Fortunately, too, ‘there are
far more generalist plants than specialist plants, so there's a lot of redundancy in
pollination,’ Buchmann says. ‘Even if one pollinator drops out, there are often pretty good
surrogates left to do the job. The key to keeping our gardens growing strong, he says, is
letting that diversity thrive’.

IELTS Thanh Loan 204

G Take away that variety, and we'll lose more than honey. ‘We wouldn't starve,’ says
Kremen. ‘But what we eat, and even what we wear pollinators, after all, give us some of
our cotton and flax - would be limited to crops whose pollen travels by other means. ‘In a
sense,’ she says, ‘our lives would be dictated by the wind. It’s vital that we give pollinators
more of what they need and less of what they don't, and ease the burden on managed bees
by letting native animals do their part’, say scientists.

[Adapted from National Geographic Magazine.]

Source: Complete IELTS band 6.5-7.5

The reading passage has seven sections, A-G.

Choose the correct heading for each section from the list of headings below.

In boxes 15-21 on your answer sheet write A-G.

List of Headings
i. Looking for clues 1. Section A
ii. Blaming the beekeepers 2. Section B
iii. Solutions to a more troublesome issue 3. Section C
iv. Discovering a new bee species 4. Section D
v. An impossible task for any human 5. Section E
vi. The preferred pollinator 6. Section F
vii. Plant features designed to suit the pollinator 7. Section G
viii. Some obvious and less obvious pollen carriers
ix. The undesirable alternative
x. An unexpected setback

IELTS Thanh Loan 205


Dạng câu hỏi tiếp theo cũng là một trong những dạng câu hỏi khó, đó là dạng
Multiple Choice Questions. Dàng này vốn là khủng hoảng của phần Listening.
Vậy khi xuất hiện trong IELTS Reading, Multiple Choice Questions có thuộc nhóm
câu hỏi khó?

a. Thông tin dạng câu hỏi

Một số thông tin dạng câu hỏi Multiple Choice Questions:
Mỗi câu hỏi gồm nhiều lựa chọn khác nhau

- Thông thường có 4 sự lựa chọn

Với 1 câu hỏi, bạn được đưa 4 đáp án đánh chữ A, B, C và D. Trong 4 đáp án, chỉ có
duy nhất 1 đáp án là chính xác.
Ví dụ:

Questions 27-29:
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.
Write the correct letter in boxed 27- 29 on your answer sheet.
27. When discussing the theory developed by Louis Dollo, the writer says that
A. it was immediately referred to as Dollo’s law.
B. it supported the possibility of evolutionary throwbacks.
C. it was modified by biologists in the early twentieth century.
D. it was based on many years of research.
28. The humpback whale caught off Vancouver Island is mentioned because of
A. the exceptional size of its body.
B. the way it exemplifies Dollo’s law.
C. the amount of local controversy it caused.
D. the reason given for its unusual features.
29. What is said about ‘silent genes’?
A. Their numbers vary according to species.
B. Raff disagreed with the use of the term.
C. They could lead to the re-emergence of certain characteristics.
D. They can have an unlimited life span.

IELTS Thanh Loan 206

- Có khi xuất hiện 5-8 sự lựa chọn
Tuy nhiên, có một số câu hỏi, đề bài yêu cầu chọn 2 hoặc 3 đáp án đúng trong số list
các lựa chọn đưa ra (nhiều hơn 4 lựa chọn). Vì vậy hãy đọc kỹ đề bài để xem chúng
ta cần lựa chọn bao nhiêu đáp án đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi.
Ví dụ:

Questions 25-26:
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Write the correct letters in boxes 25 and 26 on your answer sheet.
On what points do Hunt and Lipo disagree with Diamond?
A. the period when the moai were created
B. how the moai were transported
C. the impact of the moai on Rapanui society
D. how the moai were carved
E. the origins of the people who made the moai
Bạn có 1 câu hỏi với 5 đáp án lựa chọn, lần lượt từ A đến E. Bạn chọn 2 trong

số 5 đáp án trên và tương ứng với 2 câu hỏi trong đề Reading (Câu 25 và 26)

Có hai hình thức câu hỏi khác nhau

- Hình thức 1: Complete A Sentence (Hoàn thành một câu hoàn chỉnh)
Với hình thức này, trong câu hỏi sẽ để khuyết một vế câu để các bạn điền thông tin
vào đó. Bạn chọn đáp án phù hợp để điền vào thông tin còn khuyết.
Ví dụ:

1. When discussing the theory developed by Louis Dollo, the writer says that________
A) it was immediately referred to as Dollo’s law.
B) it supported the possibility of evolutionary throwbacks.
C) it was modified by biologists in the early twentieth century.
D) it was based on many years of research.

IELTS Thanh Loan 207

- Hình thức 2: Answering A Question (Trả lời câu hỏi)
Ngược lại, với hình thức này, câu hỏi sẽ ở dưới dạng một câu hỏi, và các bạn phải đưa
ra câu trả lời cho câu hỏi đó từ thông tin trong bài đọc.
Ví dụ:

2. What is said about ‘silent genes’?

A) Their numbers vary according to species.
B) Raff disagreed with the use of the term.

C) They could lead to the re-emergence of certain characteristics.

D) They can have an unlimited life span.

Điền chữ cái (thay vì điền cả một câu dài) vào phần đáp án
Ví dụ:

Question 1: A ĐÚNG

Question 1: it was immediately referred to as Dollo’s law SAI


IELTS Thanh Loan 208

b. Cách làm bài (kèm ví dụ)
Cách làm dạng câu hỏi Multiple Choice Questions gồm 3 bước như sau:

Bước 1: Understanding - Hiểu nội dung

- Cần đọc câu hỏi và các lựa chọn trong mỗi câu hỏi để hiểu nội dung của chúng
- Gạch chân 2 loại từ khóa trong mỗi câu hỏi. Đối với các lựa chọn, chỉ cần gạch chân
từ khóa mà không cần xác định đó là từ khóa loại 1 hay loại 2. Việc phân loại từ khóa
loại 1 hay 2 chỉ để giúp scan tìm thông tin dễ dàng hơn trong bài đọc, vì vậy nếu câu

không cần phân loại từ khóa nữa.

hỏi đã giúp chúng ta định vị được vị trí thông tin câu trả lời rồi thì trong lựa chọn

Bước 2: Finding - Tìm vị trí thông tin câu trả lời

- Dựa vào từ khóa loại 1 định vị vị trí thông tin câu hỏi nằm trong đoạn văn

- Thứ tự câu hỏi theo thứ tự thông tin được đề cập trong đoạn văn. Vì vậy, với câu

hỏi không xuất hiện từ khóa loại 1, có thể dựa vào vị trí thông tin của câu hỏi trước

nó để định vị vị trí thông tin câu trả lời cho câu hỏi này.

- Sẽ có thông tin liên quan đến tất cả các đáp án xuất hiện trong bài đọc, bạn hãy

cẩn thận.

Bước 3: LAnswering - Đưa ra câu trả lời
- Sau khi đã tìm được vị trí chứa thông tin câu trả lời, phải đọc hiểu đoạn văn chứa
thông tin câu trả lời.
- Chọn đáp án với nội dung đúng với thông tin được đề cập trong đoạn văn theo
phương pháp loại trừ.

IELTS Thanh Loan 209

Áp dụng vào phân tích ví dụ :

1 The continuous and reckless use of synthetic chemicals for the control of pests which pose
a threat to agricultural crops and human health is proving to be counter-productive. Apart
from engendering widespread ecological disorders, pesticides have contributed to the
emergence of a new breed of chemical-resistant, highly lethal superbugs.

2 According to a recent study by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), more than
300 species of agricultural pests have developed resistance to a wide range of potent

chemicals. Not to be left behind are the disease-spreading pests, about 100 species of which

have become immune to a variety of insecticides now in use.

3 L
One glaring disadvantage of pesticides’ application is that, while destroying harmful

pests, they also wipe out many useful non-targeted organisms, which keep the growth of the

pest population in check. This results in what agro-ecologists call the ‘treadmill syndrome’.

Because of their tremendous breeding potential and genetic diversity, many pests are known

to withstand synthetic chemicals and bear offspring with a built-in resistance to pesticides.

4 The havoc that the ‘treadmill syndrome’ can bring about is well illustrated by what

happened to cotton farmers in Central America. In the early 1940s, basking in the glory of

chemical-based intensive agriculture, the farmers avidly took to pesticides as a sure
measure to boost crop yield. The insecticide was applied eight times a year in the mid-1940s,
rising to 28 in a season in the mid-1950s, following the sudden proliferation of three new
varieties of chemical-resistant pests.

5 By the mid-1960s, the situation took an alarming turn with the outbreak of four more new
pests, necessitating pesticide spraying to such an extent that 50% of the financial outlay on
cotton production was accounted for by pesticides. In the early 1970s, the spraying
frequently reached 70 times a season as the farmers were pushed to the wall by the invasion
of genetically stronger insect species.

6 Most of the pesticides in the market today remain inadequately tested for properties that
cause cancer and mutations as well as for other adverse effects on health, says a study by
United States environmental agencies. The United States National Resource Defense
Council has found that DDT was the most popular of a long list of dangerous chemicals in

IELTS Thanh Loan 210

Question 1-3:
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C, or D.
Write the correct letter in boxes 1-3 on your answer sheet.

1. The Food and Agriculture Organisation has counted more than 300 agricultural

pests which

A. are no longer responding to most pesticides in use.

B. can be easily controlled through the use of pesticides.
C. continue to spread disease in a wide range of crops.
D. may be used as part of bio-control’s replacement of pesticides.

2. Cotton farmers in Central America began to use pesticides

A. because of an intensive government advertising campaign.

B. in response to the appearance of new varieties of pest.

C. as a result of changes in the seasons and the climate.

D. to ensure more cotton was harvested from each crop.

3. By the mid-1960s, cotton farmers in Central America found that pesticides
A. were wiping out 50% of the pests plaguing the crops.
B. were destroying 50% of the crops they were meant to protect.
C. were causing a 50% increase in the number of new pests reported.
D. were costing 50% of the total amount they spent on their crops.

IELTS Thanh Loan 211

Bước 1: Understanding - Hiểu nội dung và gạch chân hai loại từ khóa
Loại 1,
tên riêng

1. The Food and Agriculture Dịch câu 1:

Organisation has counted more than Tổ chức Thực phẩm và Nông nghiệp đã

300 agricultural pests which Loại 1,
đếm được hơn 300 loài côn trùng và

chúng …

A. are no longer responding to most A. không còn phản ứng với hầu hết

pesticides in use. thuốc trừ sâu đang sử dụng

B. can be easily controlled through the B. có thể dễ dàng bị kiểm soát bằng

use of pesticides. việc sử dụng thuốc trừ sâu

C. continue to spread disease in a C. tiếp tục lan tràn bệnh tật khắp các

wide range of crops. vụ mùa

D. may be used as part of bio-control’s D. có thể được sử dụng như phương

replacement of pesticides. pháp thiên địch, thay thế thuốc trừ sâu

Loại 1,

tên riêng

2. Cotton farmers in Central America Dịch câu 2:

began to use pesticides Người nông dân trồng bông ở Trung Mỹ
bắt đầu dùng thuốc trừ sâu
A. because of an intensive government A. bởi vì 1 chương trình quảng cáo của
advertising campaign. chính phủ
B. in response to the appearance of B. để phản ứng lại sự xuất hiện của
new varieties of pest. nhiều loài côn trùng mới
C. as a result of changes in the C. do sự thay đổi về vụ mùa và khí hậu
seasons and the climate. D. để đảm bảo rằng mỗi vụ bông sẽ có
D. to ensure more cotton was nhiều bông được thu hoạch hơn
harvested from each crop.

IELTS Thanh Loan 212

Loại 1, mốc Loại 1,
thời gian tên riêng

3. By the mid-1960s, cotton farmers in Dịch câu 3:

Central America found that pesticides Giữa những năm 1960, người nông dân
Loại 2 trồng bông ở Trung Mỹ thấy rằng thuốc
A. were wiping out 50% of the pests trừ sâu
plaguing the crops. A. loại bỏ 50% các con côn trùng gây
B. were destroying 50% of the crops
they were meant to protect.
hại cho cây trồng

B. phá 50% vụ mùa mà nhẽ ra chúng
C. were causing a 50% increase in the
number of new pests reported.
phải bảo vệ

C. dẫn đến số lượng côn trùng mới tăng

D. were costing 50% of the total lên 50%

amount they spent on their crops. D. tốn 50% tổng lượng tiền họ chi tiêu

cho các vụ bông


IELTS Thanh Loan 213

Bước 2: Finding - Tìm vị trí thông tin câu trả lời + Bước 3: Answering - Đưa ra câu
trả lời.
Kết hợp làm luôn 2 bước để tiết kiệm thời gian.

Question 1:
- Scan trong đoạn văn tìm keywords “Food and Agriculture Organisation” và “300

agricultural pests” -> Thông tin nằm ở đoạn 2

According to a recent study by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), more
than 300 species of agricultural pests have developed resistance to a wide range of

potent chemicals. Not to be left behind are the disease-spreading pests, about 100
species of which have become immune to a variety of insecticides now in use.

- Đối chiếu các đáp án và tìm câu trả lời
Đáp án A: are no longer responding to most pesticides in use -> ĐÚNG vì

trong bài đọc nói nó đã phát triển 1 sự kháng cự với rất nhiều thuốc hoá học

Đáp án B: can be easily controlled through the use of pesticides -> SAI, ngược
hẳn với thông tin trong bài đọc
Đáp án C: continue to spread disease in a wide range of crops -> SAI, Các côn
côn trùng lây bệnh có được nhắc đến, nhưng số lượng của chúng chỉ là 100 con, chứ
không phải 300 con
Đáp án D: may be used as part of bio-control’s replacement of pesticides

- Đối chiếu từ đồng nghĩa:

Vocabulary in passage Vocabulary in questions

- 300 agricultural pests - 300 agricultural pests

- have developed resistance to - are no longer responding to
- a wide range of potent chemicals - most pesticides

IELTS Thanh Loan 214

Question 2:
- Scan trong đoạn văn tìm keyword “Cotton farmers in Central America” và nó nằm
ở đoạn 4

The havoc that the ‘treadmill syndrome’ can bring about is well illustrated by what
happened to cotton farmers in Central America. In the early 1940s, basking in the

glory of chemical-based intensive agriculture, the farmers avidly took to pesticides as
a sure measure to boost crop yield. The insecticide was applied eight times a year in

the mid-1940s, rising to 28 in a season in the mid-1950s, following the sudden
proliferation of three new varieties of chemical-resistant pests.

- Đối chiếu các đáp án và tìm câu trả lời

Đáp án A: because of an intensive government advertising campaign

-> KHÔNG CÓ THÔNG TIN vì bài đọc không đề cập đến chiến dịch quảng cáo của

chính phủ

Đáp án B: in response to the appearance of new varieties of pest -> SAI, Trong

câu hỏi nói xuất hiện nhiều loại sâu bệnh mới, trong khi trong đoạn văn nói xuất
hiện các loài sâu bọ kháng cự được với chất hóa học. Ngoài ra, không có thông tin nào
đề cập đến việc người nông dân dùng thuốc trừ sâu vì sự xuất hiện của các loài sâu
Đáp án C: as a result of changes in the seasons and the climate. -> KHÔNG
CÓ THÔNG TIN đề cập đến sự thay đổi mùa và thời tiết mà chỉ nói thuốc trừ sâu
ban đầu được sử dụng 8 lần 1 năm, sau đó tăng lên 28 lần 1 mùa.
Đáp án D: to ensure more cotton was harvested from each crop -> ĐÚNG, họ
áp dụng thuốc trừ sâu để chắc chắn họ có thể tăng năng suất

- Đối chiếu từ đồng nghĩa:

Vocabulary in passage Vocabulary in questions

- took to pesticides - began to use pesticides

- a sure measure to boost crop yield - ensure more cotton was
harvested from each crop

IELTS Thanh Loan 215

Question 3:
- Scan trong đoạn văn tìm keywords “By the mid-1960s” và “Cotton farmers in
Central America” -> Thông tin nằm ở đoạn 5 của bài đọc

By the mid-1960s, the situation took an alarming turn with the outbreak of four more
new pests, necessitating pesticide spraying to such an extent that 50% of the financial

outlay on cotton production was accounted for by pesticides. In the early 1970s, the
spraying frequently reached 70 times a season as the farmers were pushed to the wall
by the invasion of genetically stronger insect species.

- Đối chiếu các đáp án và tìm câu trả lời

Đáp án A: were wiping out 50% of the pests plaguing the crops -> SAI, không

có thông tin nào đề cập đến việc đã quét sạch được các loài sâu bệnh

Đáp án B: were destroying 50% of the crops they were meant to protect

-> SAI, không có thông tin nào đề cập đến việc bao nhiêu phần trăm trong số các

mùa vụ bị phá hủy

Đáp án C: were causing a 50% increase in the number of new pests reported.
-> SAI, có đề cập đến thông tin xuất hiện những loài sâu bệnh mới, nhưng không
nhắc đến tăng bao nhiêu phần trăm
Đáp án D: were costing 50% of the total amount they spent on their crops.
-> ĐÚNG, thông tin đúng với thông tin đề cập trong đoạn văn

- Đối chiếu từ đồng nghĩa:

Vocabulary in passage Vocabulary in questions

- By the mid-1960s - By the mid-1960s

- accounted - costing
- 50% of financial outlay on cotton production - 50% of total amount they spent
on crops

IELTS Thanh Loan 216

Mẹo cho dạng Multiple Choice Questions

Mẹo 1: “Đối đãi” với Multiple Choice Questions như True/ False/ Not Given

Việc coi dạng câu hỏi Multiple Choice Questions (hay nói cách khác là các lựa chọn
trong câu hỏi) với True/ False/ Not Given sẽ giúp bạn dễ dàng loại trừ được các lựa
chọn sai một cách nhanh chóng, và từ đó tìm ra đáp án đúng nhất.

Đáp án đúng nhất tương ứng với lựa chọn mang nội dung thông tin là True, lựa chọn

Not Given.
không phải là đáp án tương ứng với lựa chọn mang nội dung thông tin là False hoặc

Ví dụ:

Question: The Food and Agriculture Organisation has counted more than 300

agricultural pests which

A are no longer responding to most pesticides in use. TRUE

B can be easily controlled through the use of FALSE

C continue to spread disease in a wide range of crops.
D may be used as part of bio-control’s replacement of

Đáp án: A

IELTS Thanh Loan 217

Mẹo 2: Kỹ thuật loại trừ 50/50

Với những câu hỏi có hai lựa chọn trái ngược nội dung thông tin với nhau, thì thông
thường một trong số hai lựa chọn sẽ là đáp án của câu hỏi.

Ví dụ:

1. The Food and Agriculture Organisation has counted more than 300 agricultural

pests which

A. are no longer responding to most pesticides in use.

B. can be easily controlled through the use of pesticides.
C. continue to spread disease in a wide range of crops.

D. may be used as part of bio-control’s replacement of pesticides.

Câu hỏi có 2 lựa chọn trái ngược thông tin với nhau, đó là đáp A và đáp án B:
A. các loài sâu bệnh có sức đề kháng với hầu hết các loại thuốc hóa học

B. các loài sâu bệnh có thể dễ dàng bị kiểm soát qua việc sử dụng các loại thuốc hóa

Đáp án chỉ có thể là một trong hai lựa chọn


IELTS Thanh Loan 218

c. Bài tập thực hành

Exercise 1:

The ballpoint pen

Most of us have at least one, but how did this popular item evolve?

One morning in 1945, a crowd of 5,000 people jammed the entrance of Gimbels Department

Store in New York. The day before, Gimbels had placed a full-page advertisement in the New

York Times for a wonderful new invention, the ballpoint pen. The advertisement described the

pen as ‘fantastic' and ‘miraculous'. Although they were expensive, $12.50 each, all 10,000

pens in stock were sold on the first day.

In fact, this ‘new' pen was not new at all. In 1888, John Loud, a leather manufacturer, had
invented a pen with a reservoir of ink and a rolling ball. However, his pen was never

produced, and efforts by other people to produce a commercially successful one failed too.
The main problem was with the ink. If it was too thin, the ink leaked out of the pen. If it was

too thick, it didn't come out of the pen at all.

Almost fifty years later, in 1935, a newspaper editor in Hungary thought he spent too much

time filling his pens with ink. He decided to invent a better kind of pen. With the help of his
brother, who was a chemist, he produced a ballpoint pen that didn't leak when the pen wasn't
being used. The editor was called Ladislas Biro, and it was his name that people would
associate more than any other with the ballpoint pen.

By chance, Biro met Augustine Justo, the Argentinian president. Justo was so impressed with
Biro's invention that he invited him to set up a factory in Argentina. In 1943, the first Biro
pens were produced. Unfortunately, they were not popular, since the pen needed to be held
in a vertical position for the ink to come out. Biro redesigned the pen with a better ball, and
in 1944 the new product was on sale throughout Argentina.

It was a North American, Milton Reynolds, who introduced the ballpoint pen to the USA.
Copying Biro's design, he produced the version that sold so well at Gimbels. Another
American, Patrick Frawley, improved the design and in 1950 began producing a pen he
called the Papermate. It was an immediate success, and within a few years, Papermates were
selling in their millions around the world.
Source: Complete IELTS Band 4-5

IELTS Thanh Loan 219

Read each part carefully and choose the correct option, A, B, C or D.

1. People went to Gimbels to buy a ballpoint pen because

A. they couldn’t get them anywhere else
B. they had been told how good the pens were
C. they had never seen a ballpoint pen before
D. they thought the price good

2. Why were early ballpoint pens not produced commercially?

A. Nobody wanted to buy one

B. It cost too much to produce them
C. They used too much ink
D. They didn’t work properly

3. Why was Ladislas Biro's pen better than earlier models?
A. It didn’t need to be filled with ink as often

B. It was designed by a chemist
C. The ink stayed in the pen until it was needed

D. It was easier to use

4. Biro's first commercially-produced pen
A. was produced in a factory owned by the Argentinian president
B. only worked if used in a certain way
C. was a major success
D. went on sale in 1944

5. Patrick Frawley’s pen

A. was a better version of an earlier model
B. took time to become successful
C. was the USA’s first commercially successful ballpoint pen
D. was only successful in the USA

IELTS Thanh Loan 220

Exercise 2:

On the trail of the honey badger

Researchers learn more about this fearless African predator

On a recent field trip to the Kalahari Desert, a team of researchers learnt a lot more

about honey badgers. They were rewarded with a detailed insight into how these

fascinating creatures live and hunt.

The team employed a local wildlife expert, Kitso Khama, to help them locate and
follow the badgers across the desert. Their main aim was to study the badgers'

movements and behaviour as discreetly as possible, without frightening them away or
causing them to change their natural behaviour. They also planned to trap a few and

study them close up before releasing them. In view of the animal's reputation, this was
something that even Khama was reluctant to do.

‘The problem with honey badgers is they are naturally curious animals, especially

when they see something new,' he says. ‘That, combined with their unpredictable

nature, can be a dangerous mixture. If they sense you have food, for example, they
won't be shy about coming right up to you for something to eat. They're actually quite
sociable creatures around humans, but as soon as they feel they might be in danger,
they can become extremely vicious. Fortunately this is rare, but it does happen.'

The research confirmed many things that were already known. As expected, honey
badgers ate any creatures they could catch and kill. Even poisonous snakes, feared
and avoided by most other animals, were not safe from them. The researchers were
surprised, however, by the animal's fondness for local melons, probably because of
their high water content. Previously researchers thought that the animal got all of its
liquid requirements from its prey. The team also learnt that, contrary to previous
research findings, the badgers occasionally formed loose family groups. They were
also able to confirm certain results from previous research, including the fact that
female badgers never socialised with each other.

IELTS Thanh Loan 221

Following some of the male badgers was a challenge, since they can cover large
distances in a short space of time. Some hunting territories cover more than 500
square kilometres. Although they seem happy to share these territories with other
males, there are occasional fights over an important food source, and male badgers
can be as aggressive towards each other as they are towards other species.

As the badgers became accustomed to the presence of people, it gave the team the

chance to get up close to them without being the subject of the animals' curiosity - or

their sudden aggression. The badgers' eating patterns, which had been disrupted,

returned to normal. It also allowed the team to observe more closely some of the other

creatures that form working associations with the honey badger, as these seemed to

adopt the badgers' relaxed attitude when near humans.

T H Source: Complete IELTS Band 4-5


IELTS Thanh Loan 222

Read the rest of the passage and choose TWO letters, A—E, for Questions 2-5.

Questions 1-4:
1. What two things does Kitso Khama say about honey badgers?
A. They show interest in things they are not familiar with.
B. It's hard to tell how they will behave.

C. They are always looking for food.

D. They do not enjoy human company.

E. It is common for them to attack people.

2. What two things did the team find out about honey badgers?
A. There are some creatures they will not eat.
B. They were afraid of poisonous creatures.
D. They do not always live alone. A
C. They may get some of the water they need from fruit.

E. Female badgers do not mix with male badgers.

3. According to the passage, which of these two features are typical of male badgers?

A. They don't run very quickly.
B. They hunt over a very large area.
C. They defend their territory from other badgers.
D. They sometimes fight each other.
E. They are more aggressive than females.

4. What two things happened when the honey badgers got used to humans being
around them?
A. The badgers lost interest in people.
B. The badgers became less aggressive towards other creatures.
C. The badgers started eating more.
D. Other animals started working with the badgers.
E. Other animals near them became more relaxed.

IELTS Thanh Loan 223

Exercise 3:

Society and social issues

I can put my cash card into an ATM anywhere in the world and take out a fistful of local
currency, while the corresponding amount is debited from my bank account at home. I
don't even think twice: regardless of the country, I trust that the system will work. The
whole world runs on trust. We trust that people on the street won't rob us, that the bank we

deposited money in last month returns it this month, that the justice system punishes the

guilty and exonerates the innocent. We trust the food we buy won't poison us, and the

people we let in to fix our boiler won't murder us. ‘Society is an interdependent system that

requires widespread co-operation to function. People need to act in ways that are expected
of them, to be consistent and compliant, and not just individuals, but organizations and

- cheating.
systems. But in any cooperative system, there is an alternative, parasitic strategy available

A parasite obtains the benefits of widespread co-operation while at the same time taking
advantage of it. There are - and always will be - robbers, crooked banks and judges who

take bribes. So how do we ensure that the parasites are kept to a small enough minority to

not ruin everything for everyone? The paradox is that it is in our collective interest to be

trustworthy and to co-operate, while it is in our individual self-interest to be parasitic and
defect, or cheat. If too many defect, society stops functioning, the crime rate soars,
international banking collapses and judicial rulings become available for sale to the
highest bidder. No one would trust anyone because there wouldn't be enough trust to go

If we can increase the benefits of co-operation or the costs of defection, we can induce
people to act in the group interest because it is also in their self-interest. These
mechanisms have been called societal pressures. A bank's reputation in the community is
a societal pressure. So is the lock on the ATM that keeps criminals out. In reality, there is
a complex interplay of societal pressures. The most basic are moral systems regulating our
own behaviour. Most of us try not to treat others unfairly because it makes us feel bad and
we know they will treat us badly in return. Most don't steal because we feel guilty - and
there are consequences when we are caught. We recognize it is in our long-term
self-interest not to act in our immediate self-interest. Morals and reputation worked well
enough for primitive lifestyles, but these began to fail as society grew too large. Trust is
personal and intimate among people who know each other, and morals and reputation are

IELTS Thanh Loan 224

easily limited to an in-group. Institutional systems - laws – formalized reputational
systems, and security technologies allowed societal pressures to scale up as we expanded
into ever-larger groups.

This trust isn't absolute, of course. Not every societal pressure affects everyone equally.
Some care more about their reputations, others are naturally law-abiding and still others

are better at picking locks. But the goal isn't total compliance, just to limit the scope for

defection. Criminals still target ATM, and the occasional rogue bank employee steals

money from accounts. But for the most part, societal pressures keep defector damage small

enough to keep the system intact. But sometimes the scope is too great, and underlying

systems come crashing down. Overfishing has destroyed breeding stocks in many places.

Crime and corruption have devastated some countries. The international banking system

almost collapsed in 2008. But in general, societal pressures work as a delicate balance

between cooperation and defection. The balance isn't static - technological changes

disrupt it all the time. The changes can be related to defecting, so ATM-based

‘card-skimmers' make it easier for criminals to steal my codes and empty my bank account.

Or they may be related to security, with computerized auditing technology making it more

difficult for fraudulent transactions to go through the system unnoticed. Life becomes

dangerous and insecure when new technologies, innovations and ideas increase the scope
of defection. Defectors innovate. New attacks become possible. Existing attacks become
easier, cheaper, more reliable or more devastating. More people may defect, simply
because it's easier to. In response, society must also innovate, to reduce the scope of
defection and restore the balance. This dynamic is as old as civilization.

Global banking, terrorists with nuclear weapons, genetic engineering, bio-weapons,

pandemics: we now have such dangerous systems that a few defectors can wreak havoc so
great that reactive rebalancing might not be enough. Worse still, by the time that society
realizes the gravity of the situation, irreversible damage may already have been done. To
add to the complexity, not all defectors are bad. Neither co-operation nor defection relate
to any absolute standard of morality. It is defectors who are in the vanguard for change,
such as those who helped escaped slaves in the US before the civil war. It is defectors who
agitate to overthrow the repressive regimes they live under. How to achieve the balance is
at the core of many of our debates about introducing laws to police the Internet. Anonymity
is essential to freedom and liberty and saves the lives of dissidents everywhere. Yet it also
protects criminals. Copyright both protects and stifles innovation. The big challenge will

IELTS Thanh Loan 225

be to understand how to simultaneously provide both more societal pressure to deal with
the threats of technology, and less pressure to ensure an open, free and evolving society.
Source: IELTS Advantage

Questions 1-5:
Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D.

1. We tend to act in a trusting and co-operative way because

A. the collective interest is greater than our individual interest.
B. group and individual interest are generally equal.
C. the consequences of cheating are too great.
D. it is in our nature to act in a moral manner.

2. The writer says that trust is limited because

A. it does not include our opinions of the law.

B. we only trust those we are familiar with.
C. it is linked to our personal reputation.

D. it is likely that cheats do not trust anyone.

3. The examples of overfishing and the problem of the banking system show that
A. problems affect both society and the natural world.
B. the system of trust is not reliable.
C. the balance between cooperation and cheating is always at risk.
D. people who cheat the system will sometimes have an advantage.

4. According to the writer, defectors from the system

A find it increasingly easy to cheat.
B can hope to achieve positive solutions to problems.
C are generally intelligent and innovative.
D try to do as much damage as possible.

5. Which of the following is the most suitable title for the text?
A. The impossibility of cooperation in a world of cheats
B. The increased threats to a functioning society
C. How to keep criminals in check for the benefit of society
D. The importance of technology in balancing risk and reward in society
E. The complexities of a society based on trust

IELTS Thanh Loan 226

Exercise 4:

So you think humans are unique

There was a time when we thought humans were special in so many ways. Now we know
better. We are not the only species that feels emotions, empathises with others or abides by

a moral code. Neither are we the only ones with personalities, cultures and the ability to

design and use tools. Yet we have steadfastly clung to the notion that one attribute, at least,

makes us unique: we alone have the capacity for language.

Also, it turns out we are not so special in this respect either. Key to the revolutionary

reassessment of our talent for communication is the way we think about language itself.
Where once it was seen as a monolith, a discrete and singular entity, today scientists find

it is more productive to think of language as a suite of abilities. Viewed this way, it
becomes apparent that the component parts of language are not as unique as the whole.

Take gesture, arguably the starting point for language. Until recently, it was considered

uniquely human - but not any more. Mike Tomasello of the Max Planck Institute for

Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, and others have compiled a list of
gestures observed in monkeys, gibbons, gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos and orangutans,
which reveals that gesticulation plays a large role in their communication. Ape gestures
can involve touch, vocalising or eye movement, and individuals wait until they have
another ape’s attention before making visual or auditory gestures. If their gestures go
unacknowledged, they will often repeat them or touch the recipient.

In an experiment carried out in 2006 by Erica Cartmill and Richard Byrne from the
University of St Andrews in the UK, they got a person to sit on a chair with some highly
desirable food such as banana to one side of them and some bland food such as celery to
the other. The orangutans, who could see the person and the food from their enclosures,
gestured at their human partners to encourage them to push the desirable food their way.
If the person feigned incomprehension and offered the bland food, the animals would
change their gestures - just as humans would in a similar situation. If the human seemed
to understand while being somewhat confused, giving only half the preferred food, the
apes would repeat and exaggerate their gestures - again in exactly the same way a human
would. S ates are not merely innate reflexes but are learned, flexible and under voluntary
control - all characteristics that are considered prerequisites for human-like
communication. As well as its classic intonation patterns. Indeed, they lose their polymath

IELTS Thanh Loan 227

talents so effectively that they are ultimately unable to produce some sounds - think about
the difficulty some speakers have producing the English.

Dolphin calves also pass through a babbling phase, Laurance Doyle from the SETI

Institute in Mountain View, California, Brenda McCowan from the University of

California at Davis and their colleagues analysed the complexity of baby dolphin sounds

and found it looked remarkably like that of babbling infants, in that the young dolphins had

a much wider repertoire of sound than adults. This suggests that they practise the sounds

of their species, much as human babies do, before they begin to put them together in the

way characteristic of mature dolphins of their species.

Of course, language is more than mere sound - it also has meaning. While the traditional,

cartoonish version of animal communication renders it unclear, unpredictable and

involuntary, it has become clear that various species are able to give meaning to

particular sounds by connecting them with specific ideas. Dolphins use ‘signature

whistles’, so called because it appears that they name themselves. Each develops a unique

moniker within the first year of life and uses it whenever it meets another dolphin.

One of the clearest examples of animals making connections between specific sounds and
meanings was demonstrated by Klaus Zuberbuhler and Katie Slocombe of the University
of St Andrews in the UK. They noticed that chimps at Edinburgh Zoo appeared to make
rudimentary references to objects by using distinct cries when they came across different
kinds of food. Highly valued foods such as bread would elicit high-pitched grunts, less
appealing ones, such as an apple, got low-pitched grunts. Zuberbuhler and Slocombe
showed not only that chimps could make distinctions in the way they vocalised about food,
but that other chimps understood what they meant. When played recordings of grunts that
were produced for a specific food, the chimps looked in the place where that food was
usually found. They also searched longer if the cry had signalled a prized type of food.

Clearly animals do have greater talents for communication than we realised. Humans are
still special, but it is a far more graded, qualified kind of special than it used to be.

Source: Complete IELTS Band 5-6.5

IELTS Thanh Loan 228

Questions 1-5
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

1. What point does the writer make in the first paragraph?

A. We know more about language now than we used to.

B. We recognise the importance of talking about emotions.

C. We like to believe that language is a strictly human skill.

D. We have used tools for longer than some other species.

2. According to the writer, what has changed our view of communication?
A. analysing different world languages

B. understanding that language involves a range of skills

C. studying the different purposes of language

D. realising that we can communicate without language

3. The writer quotes the Cartmill and Byrne experiment because it shows

A. the similarities in the way humans and apes use gesture.

B. the abilities of apes to use gesture in different environments.
C. how food can be used to encourage ape gestures.
D. how hard humans find it to interpret ape gestures.

4. In paragraph 6, the writer says that one type of dolphin sound is

A. used only when dolphins are in danger.
B. heard only at a particular time of day.
C. heard at a range of pitch levels.
D. used as a form of personal identification.

5. Experiments at Edinburgh Zoo showed that chimps were able to

A. use grunts to ask humans for food.
B. use pitch changes to express meaning.
C. recognise human voices on a recording.
D. tell the difference between a false grunt and a real one.

IELTS Thanh Loan 229

Exercise 5:

Examining the placebo effect

The fact that taking a fake drug can powerfully improve some people's health - the so-called
placebo effect - was long considered an embarrassment to the serious practice of pharmacology,

but now things have changed.

Several years ago, Merck, a global pharmaceutical company, was falling behind its rivals

in sales. To make matters worse, patients on five blockbuster drugs were about to expire,

which would allow cheaper generic products to flood the market. In interviews with the

press, Edward Scolnick, Merck's Research Director, presented his plan to restore the firm

to pre-eminence. Key to his strategy was expanding the company’s reach into the anti

depressant market, where Merck had trailed behind, while competitors like Pfizer and

GlaxoSmithKline had created some of the best-selling drugs in the world. “To remain

dominant in the future,” he told one media company, “we need to dominate the central

nervous system.”

His plan hinged on the success of an experimental anti-depressant codenamed MK-869.
Still in clinical trials, it was a new kind of medication that exploited brain chemistry in
innovative ways to promote feelings of well-being. The drug tested extremely well early on.
with minimal side effects. Behind the scenes, however, MK-869 was starting to unravel.
True, many test subjects treated with the medication felt their hopelessness and anxiety lift.
But so did nearly the same number who took a placebo, a look-alike pill made of milk sugar
or another inert substance given to groups of volunteers in subsequent clinical trials to
gauge the effectiveness of the real drug by comparison. Ultimately Merck's venture into
the anti-depressant market failed. In the jargon of the industry, the trials crossed the
“futility boundary”.

MK-869 has not been the only much-awaited medical breakthrough to be undone in recent
years by the placebo effect. And it's not only trials of new drugs that are crossing the
futility boundary. Some products that have been on the market for decades are faltering in
more recent follow-up tests. “It's not that the old medications are getting weaker”, drug
developers say. “It's as if the placebo effect is somehow getting stronger”. The fact that an
increasing number of medications are unable to beat sugar pills has thrown the industry
into crisis. The stakes could hardly be higher. To win FDA* approval, a new medication
must beat placebo in at least two authenticated trials. In today’s economy, the fate of a

IELTS Thanh Loan 230

well-established company can hang on the outcome of a handful of tests.

Why are fake pills suddenly overwhelming promising new drugs and established medicines
alike? The reasons are only just beginning to be understood. A network of independent

researchers is doggedly uncovering the inner workings and potential applications of the

placebo effect. A psychiatrist, William Potter, who knew that some patients really do seem

to get healthier for reasons that have more to do with a doctor's empathy than with the

contents of a pill, was baffled by the fact that drugs he had been prescribing for years

seemed to be struggling to prove their effectiveness. Thinking that a crucial factor may

have been overlooked, Potter combed through his company’s database of published and

unpublished trials - including those that had been kept secret because of high placebo

response. His team aggregated the findings from decades of anti-depressant trials, looking

for patterns and trying to see what was changing over time. What they found challenged

some of the industry’s basic assumptions about its drug-vetting process. Assumption

number one was that if a trial were managed correctly, a medication would perform as

well or badly in a Phoenix hospital as in a Bangalore clinic. Potter discovered, however,

that geographic location alone could determine the outcome. By the late 1990s, for
example, the anti-anxiety drug Diazepam was still beating placebo in France and Belgium.
But when the drug was tested in the U.S, it was likely to fail. Conversely, a similar drug,
Prozac, performed better in America than it did in western Europe and South Africa. It was
an unsettling prospect FDA approval could hinge on where the company chose to conduct
a trial.

Mistaken assumption number two was that the standard tests used to gauge volunteers'
improvement in trials yielded consistent results. Potter and his colleagues discovered that
ratings by trial observers varied significantly from one testing site to another. It was like
finding out that the judges in a tight race each had a different idea about the placement of
the finish line.

After some coercion by Potter and others, the National Institute of Health (NIH) focused
on the issue in 2000, hosting a three-day conference in Washington, and this conference
launched a new wave of placebo research in academic laboratories in the U.S and Italy
that would make significant progress toward solving the mystery of what was happening in
clinical trials.

IELTS Thanh Loan 231

In one study last year, Harvard Medical School researcher Ted Kaptchuk devised a clever
strategy for testing his volunteers’ response to varying levels of therapeutic ritual. The
study focused on a common but painful medical condition that costs more than $40 billion
a year worldwide to treat. First, the volunteers were placed randomly in one of three

groups. One group was simply put on a waiting list; researchers know that some patients

get better just because they sign up for a trial. Another group received placebo treatment

from a clinician who declined to engage in small talk. Volunteers in the third group got the

same fake treatment from a clinician who asked them questions about symptoms, outlined

the causes of the illness, and displayed optimism about their condition.

Not surprisingly, the health of those in the third group improved most. In fact, just by

participating in the trial, volunteers in this high-interaction group got as much relief as did

people taking the two leading prescription drugs for the condition. And the benefits of their

“bogus” treatment persisted for weeks afterward, contrary to the belief - widespread in the

pharmaceutical industry-that the placebo response is short-lived.

Studies like this open the door to hybrid treatment strategies that exploit the placebo effect
to make real drugs safer and more effective. As Potter says. “To really do the best for your
patients, you want the best placebo response plus the best drug response”.

Adapted from Wired Magazine

Source: Complete IELTS band 5-6.5

IELTS Thanh Loan 232

Questions 1-4
Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D.

1. Which of the following is true of William Potter’s research?

A. It was based on recently developed drugs that he had recommended

B. It included trial results from a range of drugs companies

C. Some of the trial results he investigated had not been made public

D. Some of the findings were not accepted by the drugs industry

2. What did William Potter's research reveal about the location of drugs trials?

A. The placebo effect was weakest in the US

B. Results were not consistent around the world

C. Results varied depending on the type of hospital

D. The FDA preferred drugs to be tested in different countries

3. What does the tight race refer to in line 80?

A. the standard tests
B. consistent results
C. ratings by trial observers
D. testing sites

4. What significant discovery was made by Ted Kaptchuk?

A. The effects of a placebo can last longer than previously thought
B. Patients’ health can improve while waiting to undergo a trial
C. Patients respond better to a placebo if they are treated by the same clinician
throughout the trial
D. Those conducting a placebo trial need to know the subjects’ disorder well

IELTS Thanh Loan 233

Exercise 6:

The Earth and Space Foundation

The community that focuses its efforts on the exploration of space has largely been

different from the community focused on the study and protection of the Earth's

environment, despite the fact that both fields of interest involve what might be referred to

as ‘scientific exploration'. The reason for this dichotomous existence is chiefly historical.

The exploration of the Earth has been occurring over many centuries, and the institutions

created to do it are often very different from those founded in the second part of the 20th

century to explore space. This separation is also caused by the fact that space exploration

has attracted experts from mainly non-biological disciplines - primarily engineers and

physicists - but the study of Earth and its environment is a domain heavily populated by


The separation between the two communities is often reflected in attitudes. In the

environmental community, it is not uncommon for space exploration to be regarded as a

waste of money, distracting governments from solving major environmental problems here
at home. In the space exploration community, it is not uncommon for environmentalists to
be regarded as introspective people who divert attention from the more expansive visions
of the exploration of space - the ‘new frontier’. These perceptions can also be negative in
consequence because the full potential of both communities can be realised better when
they work together to solve problems. For example, those involved in space exploration
can provide the satellites to monitor the Earth’s fragile environments, and
environmentalists can provide information on the survival of life in extreme environments.

In the sense that Earth and space exploration both stem from the same human drive to
understand our environment and our place within it, there is no reason for the split to exist.
A more accurate view of Earth and space exploration is to see them as a continuum of
exploration with many interconnected and mutually beneficial links. The Earth and Space
Foundation, a registered charity, was established for the purposes of fostering such links
through field research and by direct practical action.

Projects that have been supported by the Foundation include environmental projects using
technologies resulting from space exploration: satellite communications, GPS, remote
sensing, advanced materials and power sources. For example, in places where people are
faced with destruction of the forests on which their livelihood depends, rather than

IELTS Thanh Loan 234

rejecting economic progress and trying to save the forests on their intrinsic merit, another
approach is to enhance the value of the forests - although these schemes must be carefully
assessed to be successful. In the past, the Foundation provided a grant to a group of
expeditions that used remote sensing to plan eco-tourism routes in the forests of
Guatemala, thus providing capital to the local communities through the tourist trade. This

novel approach is now making the protection of the forests a sensible economic decision.

The Foundation funds expeditions making astronomical observations from remote,
difficult-to-access Earth locations, archaeological field projects studying the development

of early civilisations that made significant contributions to astronomy and space sciences,

and field expeditions studying the way in which views of the astronomical environment

shaped the nature of past civilisations. A part of Syria - ‘the Fertile Crescent’ - was the

birthplace of astronomy, accountancy, animal domestication and many other fundamental

developments of human civilisation. The Foundation helped fund a large archaeology

project by the Society for Syrian Archaeology at the University of California, Los Angeles,

in collaboration with the Syrian government that used GPS and satellite imagery to locate

mounds, or ‘tels’, containing artefacts and remnants of early civilisations. These

collections are being used to build a better picture of the nature of the civilisations that
gave birth to astronomy.

Field research also applies the Earth’s environmental and biological resources to the
human exploration and settlement of space. This may include the use of remote
environments on Earth, as well as physiological and psychological studies in harsh
environments. In one research project, the Foundation provided a grant to an
international caving expedition to study the psychology of explorers subjected to long-term
isolation in caves in Mexico. The psychometric tests on the cavers were used to enhance
US astronaut selection criteria by the NASA Johnson Space Center.

Space-like environments on Earth help us understand how to operate in the space

environment or help us characterise extraterrestrial environments for future scientific
research. In the Arctic, a 24-kilometre wide impact crater formed by an asteroid or comet
23 million years ago has become home to a Mars- analogue programme. The Foundation
helped fund the NASA Haughton-Mars Project to use this crater to test communications
and exploration technologies in preparation for the human exploration of Mars. The
crater, which sits in high Arctic permafrost, provides an excellent replica of the physical

IELTS Thanh Loan 235

processes occurring on Mars, a permafrosted, impact-altered planet. Geologists and
biologists can work at the site to help understand how impact craters shape the geological
characteristics and possibly biological potential of Mars.

In addition to its fieldwork and scientific activities, the Foundation has award
programmes. These include a series of awards for the future human exploration of Mars,

a location with a diverse set of exploration challenges. The awards will honour a number

of ‘firsts’ on Mars that include landing on the surface, undertaking an overland expedition

to the Martian South Pole, undertaking an overland expedition to the Martian North Pole,

climbing Olympus Mons, the highest mountain in the solar system, and descending to the

bottom of Valles Marineris, the deepest canyon on Mars. The Foundation will offer awards

for expeditions further out in the solar system once these Mars awards have been claimed.

Together, they demonstrate that the programme really has no boundary in what it could

eventually support, and they provide longevity for the objectives of the Foundation.

IE L Source: Complete IELTS band 6.5-7.5

IELTS Thanh Loan 236

Questions 1-4
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

1. What was the significance of the ‘novel approach’ adopted in the Guatemala
A. It minimised the need to protect the forests.
B. It reduced the impact of tourists on the forests.
C. It showed that preserving the forests can be profitable.
D. It gave the Foundation greater control over the forests.

GPS and satellite imagery were used in the Syrian project to
help archaeologists find ancient items.
explore land that is hard to reach.
reduce the impact of archaeological activity.
evaluate some early astronomical theories.

3. One of the purposes of the Foundation’s awards is to
A. attract non-scientists to its work.
B. establish priorities for Mars exploration.
C. offer financial incentives for space exploration.
D. establish the long-term continuity of its activities.

4. What is the writer’s purpose in the passage?

A. to persuade people to support the Foundation
B. to explain the nature of the Foundation’s work
C. to show how views on the Foundation have changed
D. to reject earlier criticisms of the Foundation’s work

IELTS Thanh Loan 237


Dạng câu hỏi tiếp theo là dạng Matching Features hay còn gọi là dạng Matching
Sentence Endings. Dạng câu hỏi này nằm trong số những dạng câu hỏi có mức khó
trung bình.

a. Thông tin dạng câu hỏi

Một số đặc điểm dạng Matching Sentence Endings:

Về câu hỏi và các lựa chọn:

- Câu hỏi là một chuỗi các câu nhưng bị khuyết mất một vế thông tin (thường là cụm

động từ, tân ngữ trong câu, hay thậm chí là cả một mệnh đề...)

Ví dụ 1: Câu hỏi bị khuyết cụm động từ
31. Employees whose values match those of their employers are more likely to
32. At times of change, people tend to
A) take chances.

B) share their ideas.

C) become competitive.

Ví dụ 2: Câu hỏi bị khuyết tân ngữ (danh từ)

32. Disapene scale insects feed on

33. Neodumetia sangawani ate
A) forage grass.
B) rice fields.
C) coconut trees.

Ví dụ 3: Câu hỏi bị khuyết một mệnh đề

32. Simon Colton says it is important to consider the long-term view when
33. The participants in David Moffat’s study had to assess music without
A) knowing whether it was the work of humans or software.
B) discovering that it was the product of a computer program.
C) generating work that was virtually indistinguishable from that of humans.

IELTS Thanh Loan 238

- Đáp án là các vế bị thiếu của câu hỏi (một cụm động từ, một cụm danh từ, hay một
mệnh đề) và thường các đáp án này sẽ cùng nhóm từ loại với nhau, để người đọc phải
tìm đáp án bằng cách đọc hiểu chứ không phải chỉ dựa vào ngữ pháp.

Thứ tự câu hỏi sắp xếp theo trình tự trong đoạn văn
- Các câu hỏi thuộc dạng này được sắp xếp lần lượt theo trình tự đoạn văn.
- Lưu ý là các câu hỏi được sắp xếp theo trình tự từ trên xuống dưới, chứ không phải
các đáp án

Thường có nhiều lựa chọn hơn số câu hỏi

- Các lựa chọn được đưa ra trong dạng Matching Sentence Endings này thườngN
nhiều hơn với số lượng câu hỏi.

Ví dụ: Số lượng câu hỏi là 5; trong khi đó số lượng lựa chọn là 7

31. Employees whose values match those of their employers are more likely to

32. At times of change, people tend to

33. If people are aware of what they might lose, they will lose

34. People working under a dominant boss are liable to

35. Employees working in organisations with few rules are more likely to

take chances.
share their ideas.
become competitive.
D) get promotion.
E) avoid risk.
F) ignore their duties.
G) remain in their jobs.

- Sẽ có nhiều lựa chọn không đúng với đáp án nào cả, chúng được đưa ra với mục đích
khiến người đọc bị nhiễu thông tin. Nội dung thông tin của các lựa chọn này thông
thường có được đề cập đến trong đoạn văn, nhưng không phải là thông tin liên quan
đến nội dung câu hỏi.
- Mỗi đáp án chỉ sử dụng 1 lần duy nhất

Trả lời bằng chữ cái (thay vì cả câu dài) vào phần đáp án
Ví dụ: Question 1: B ĐÚNG
Question 1: share their ideas SAI

IELTS Thanh Loan 239

b. Cách làm bài (kèm ví dụ)
Nếu bạn để ý những đặc điểm của Matching Features, nó khá giống với dạng
Multiple Choice nên cách làm cũng có phần giống với multiple choice
Để làm dạng bài Matching Features (hay là Matching Sentence Endings), cần áp
dụng lần lượt 3 bước như sau:

Bước 1: Đọc hiểu các đáp án lựa chọn

- Đặc điểm của các đáp án là chúng sẽ cùng từ loại (cùng là To Verb, cùng là Verb
quá khứ ….) nên bạn không thể lựa chọn đáp án mà chỉ dựa vào ngữ pháp.

- Hãy gạch chân từ khóa cho tất cả các lựa chọn và đặc biệt cần phải hiểu nghĩa của
các đáp án lựa chọn này.

Bước 2: Đọc hiểu câu hỏi

- Tương tự như dạng Matching Information, dạng Matching Features này thông

thường cũng sẽ không xuất hiện các từ khóa loại 1 (từ vựng giúp dễ dàng scan thông

tin trong bài đọc) trong các lựa chọn. Vì vậy, hãy gạch chân các từ khóa giúp hiểu nội

dung chính của mỗi lựa chọn (từ khóa loại hai).

- Nếu trong các câu hỏi mà có từ chìa khoá loại 1 (tên riêng, số, thuật ngữ chuyên

Bước 3:
ngành) thì như thường lệ, bạn hãy nhanh chóng scan để tìm vị trí thông tin ở bài đọc

Bắt đầu làm các câu hỏi theo thứ tự

- Cách làm mỗi câu hỏi giống như Multiple Choice, đọc câu hỏi và loại trừ lần lượt
các đáp án. Nếu câu hỏi này có đáp án là A, bạn sẽ cần chứng minh A là True trong
khi các đáp án khác là False hoặc Not given.
- Mỗi đáp án chỉ được sử dụng 1 lần, vậy nên những câu hỏi càng về sau, càng có ít
đáp án lựa chọn hơn. Nếu một câu hỏi bạn chưa chắc chắn về đáp án lựa chọn, bạn
có thể bỏ qua và quay lại khi đã làm xong các câu hỏi khác.

IELTS Thanh Loan 240

Áp dụng vào ví dụ

Saving the soil

A More than a third of the world’s soil is endangered, according to a recent UN report.
If we don’t slow the decline, all farmable soil could be gone in 60 years. Since soil grows
95% of our food, and sustains human life in other more surprising ways, that is a huge

B Peter Groffman, from the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in New York, points out
that soil scientists have been warning about the degradation of the world’s soil for

decades. At the same time, our understanding of its importance to humans has grown. A
single gram of healthy soil might contain 100 million bacteria, as well as other

microorganisms such as viruses and fungi, living amid decomposing plants and various

That means soils do not just grow our food, but are the source of nearly all our existing
antibiotics, and could be our best hope in the fight against antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Soil is also an ally against climate change: as microorganisms within soil digest dead

animals and plants, they lock in their carbon content, holding three times the amount of

carbon as does the entire atmosphere. Soils also store water, preventing flood damage:
in the UK, damage to buildings, roads and bridges from floods caused by soil
degradation costs £233 million every year.

C If the soil loses its ability to perform these functions, the human race could be in big
trouble. The danger is not that the soil will disappear completely, but that the
microorganisms that give it its special properties will be lost. And once this has
happened, it may take the soil thousands of years to recover.

Agriculture is by far the biggest problem. In the wild, when plants grow they remove
nutrients from the soil, but then when the plants die and decay these nutrients are
returned directly to the soil, Humans tend not to return unused parts of harvested crops
directly to the soil to enrich it, meaning that the soil gradually becomes less fertile. In the
past we developed strategies to get around the problem, such as regularly varying the
types of crops grown, or leaving fields uncultivated for a season.

IELTS Thanh Loan 241

D But these practices became inconvenient as populations grew and agriculture had to be
run on more commercial lines. A solution came in the early 20th century with the
Haber-Bosch process for manufacturing ammonium nitrate. Farmers have been putting this
synthetic fertiliser on their fields ever since.

But over the past few decades, it has become clear this was not such a bright idea. Chemical

fertilisers can release polluting nitrous oxide into the atmosphere and excess is often washed

away with the rain, releasing nitrogen into rivers. More recently, we have found that

indiscriminate use of fertilisers hurts the soil itself, turning it acidic and salty, and degrading

the soil they are supposed to nourish.

E One of the people looking for a solution to this problem is Pius Floris, who started out
running a tree-care business in the Netherlands and now advises some of the world’s top soil

scientists. He came to realise that the best way to ensure his trees flourished was to take care

of the soil, and has developed a cocktail of beneficial bacteria, fungi and humus to do this.

Researchers at the University of Valladolid in Spain recently used this cocktail on soils

destroyed by years of fertiliser overuse. When they applied Floris's mix to the desert-like test

plots, a good crop of plants emerged that were not just healthy at the surface, but had roots

strong enough to pierce dirt as hard as rock. The few plants that grew in the control plots,
fed with traditional fertilisers, were small and weak.

However, measures like this are not enough to solve the global soil degradation problem.
To assess our options on a global scale we first need an accurate picture of what types of
soil are out there, and the problems they face. That’s not easy. For one thing, there is no
agreed international system for classifying soil. In an attempt to unify the different
approaches, the UN has created the Global Soil Map project. Researchers from nine
countries are working together to create a map linked to a database that can be fed
measurements from field surveys, drone surveys, satellite imagery, lab analyses and so on
to provide real-time data on the state of the soil. Within the next four years, they aim to have
mapped soils worldwide to a depth of 100 metres, with the results freely accessible to all.

IELTS Thanh Loan 242

G But this is only a first step. We need ways of presenting the problem that bring it home to
governments and the wider public, says Pamela Chasek at the International Institute for
Sustainable Development, in Winnipeg, Canada. “Most scientists don’t speak language that
policy-makers can understand and vice versa.” Chasek and her colleagues have proposed a
goal of “zero net land degradation”. Like the idea of carbon neutrality it is an easily
understood target that can help shape expectations and encourage action.

For soils on the brink, that may be too late. Several researchers are agitating for the

immediate creation of protected zones for endangered soils. One difficulty here is defining
what these areas should conserve: areas where the greatest soil diversity is present? Or

areas of unspoilt soils that could act as a future benchmark of quality?

Whatever, we do, if we want our soils to survive, we need to take action now.

H A Source: IELTS Cambridge 13

Question 18-21:

Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-F, below.

Write the correct letter, A-F, in boxes 18-21 on your answer sheet.

18. Nutrients contained in the unused parts of harvested crops

19. Synthetic fertilisers produced with the Haber-Bosch process
20. Addition of a mixture developed by Pius Floris to the soil
21. The idea of zero net soil degradation

A. may improve the number and quality of plants growing there.

B. may contain data from up to nine countries.
C. may not be put back into the soil.
D. may help governments to be more aware of soil-related issues.
E. may cause damage to different aspects of the environment.
F. may be better for use at a global level.

IELTS Thanh Loan 243

Áp dụng 3 bước vào làm 4 câu hỏi này:
Bước 1: Đọc hiểu và gạch chân từ khóa ở mỗi lựa chọn

A. may improve the number and quality of plants growing there.

Cải thiện chất lượng, số lượng cây trồng
B. may contain data from up to nine countries
Chứa số liệu từ 9 quốc gia khác nhau
C. may not be put back into the soil

Có thể không được đưa trở lại đất

D. may help governments to be more aware of soil-related issues.

Giúp chính phủ nhận thấy những vấn đề liên quan đến đất

E. may cause damage to different aspects of the environment.

Có thể phá huỷ một số yếu tố khác nhau của môi trường

F. may be better for use at a global level.

Có thể tốt hơn khi sử dụng ở cấp độ toàn cầu

Bước 2: Đọc và tìm vị trí của các câu hỏi + Bước 3: Đọc đối chiếu thông tin từ đoạn

văn để tìm ra đáp án đúng

Hãy ghi nhớ câu hỏi số 18 và 19 cùng lúc, vì nếu bạn chưa tìm được thông tin liên
quan đến câu 18 mà đã bắt gặp thông tin của câu số 19, TỨC LÀ bạn đã đọc sót
thông tin về câu số 18 và chúng phải nằm trước thông tin của câu số 19.

IELTS Thanh Loan 244

Câu hỏi 18: Nutrients contained in the unused parts of harvested crops ____
(Các chất dinh dưỡng có trong các phần chưa sử dụng của vụ mùa đã được thu
- Lần lượt skim từ đoạn A đến các đoạn văn sau, cho đến khi bạn tìm thấy thông tin
về câu số 18

C Agriculture is by far the biggest problem. In the wild, when plants grow they remove
nutrients from the soil, but then when the plants die and decay these nutrients are returned

directly to the soil, Humans tend not to return unused parts of harvested crops directly to

the soil to enrich it, meaning that the soil gradually becomes less fertile. In the past we

developed strategies to get around the problem, such as regularly varying the types of

crops grown, or leaving fields uncultivated for a season.

- Đọc dịch đoạn văn liên quan đến thông tin vừa tìm: Con người thường có xu hướng
không trả lại những phần chưa sử dụng của cây trồng được thu hoạch trực tiếp vào

đất để làm giàu nó -> Những chất dinh dưỡng trong các phần chưa sử dụng của cây
trồng không được trả lại vào đất.

- Đối chiếu với các sự lựa chọn lần lượt từ A đến đáp án đúng

A. may improve the number and quality of plants growing Không nhắc đến số
lượng chất lượng
there. câu

B. may contain data from up to nine countries. không có data và

không có 9 quốc gia

C. may not be put back into the soil. chính xác

D. may help governments to be more aware of soil-related


E. may cause damage to different aspects of the


F. may be better for use at a global level.

IELTS Thanh Loan 245

Vocabulary in passage Vocabulary in questions

- These nutrients - Nutrients contained in unused

parts of harvested crops
- not to return directly to the soil - not be put back in the soil

Đáp án: 18 - C

- Loại đi một lựa chọn:

A. may improve the number and quality of plants growing there.

B. may contain data from up to nine countries.

C. may not be put back into the soil.

D. may help governments to be more aware of soil-related issues.

E. may cause damage to different aspects of the environment.

F. may be better for use at a global level.


IELTS Thanh Loan 246

Câu hỏi 19: Synthetic fertilisers produced with the Haber-Bosch process ___
(Phân bón tổng hợp được sản xuất theo quy trình Haber-Bosch...)

- Hãy ghi nhớ câu hỏi số 19 và câu 20 cùng lúc
- Câu 19 có 1 từ chìa khoá loại 1 (Haber-Bosch), bạn có thể scanning để tìm thông
tin liên quan nhanh hơn, thay vì đọc chi tiết.

- Scan từ Haber-Bosch từ thông tin câu 18 trở đi

D But these practices became inconvenient as populations grew and agriculture had to
be run on more commercial lines. A solution came in the early 20th century with the 19

Haber-Bosch process for manufacturing ammonium nitrate. Farmers have been putting

this synthetic fertiliser on their fields ever since.

But over the past few decades, it has become clear this was not such a bright idea.

Chemical fertilisers can release polluting nitrous oxide into the atmosphere and excess is

often washed away with the rain, releasing nitrogen into rivers. More recently, we have

found that indiscriminate use of fertilisers hurts the soil itself, turning it acidic and salty,

and degrading the soil they are supposed to nourish.

- Đọc dịch đoạn văn liên quan đến thông tin vừa tìm: Phân bón hóa học có thể giải
phóng khí N2O gây ô nhiễm vào không khí và lượng dư thừa thường bị cuốn trôi theo
mưa rồi giải phóng nitơ ra sông. Gần đây, chúng tôi đã phát hiện ra rằng việc sử
dụng phân bón bừa bãi cũng gây hại cho đất >> Phân bón hóa học này làm ô nhiễm
không khí, sông suối và đất.

- Đối chiếu với các sự lựa chọn lần lượt từ A đến đáp án đúng

A. may improve the number and quality of plants growing

B. may contain data from up to nine countries.
C. may not be put back into the soil.
D. may help governments to be more aware of soil-related
E. may cause damage to different aspects of the environment. chính xác

F. may be better for use at a global level.

IELTS Thanh Loan 247

Vocabulary in passage Vocabulary in questions

- synthetic fertilisers/ chemical fertilisers - synthetic fertilisers

- release polluting nitrous oxide into the - damage to different aspects of
atmosphere, releasing nitrogen into river, the environment (gây hại nhiều

hurts the soil khía cạnh môi trường khác

Đáp án: 19 - E
- Loại đi một lựa chọn:

A. may improve the number and quality of plants growing there.

B. may contain data from up to nine countries.
C. may not be put back into the soil.

D. may help governments to be more aware of soil-related issues.

E. may cause damage to different aspects of the environment.
F. may be better for use at a global level.

IELTS Thanh Loan 248

Câu hỏi 20: Addition of a mixture developed by Pius Floris to the soil ___
(Bổ sung hỗn hợp vào đất do Pius Floris phát triển…)

- Đã xong câu 19, bạn cần đọc câu 21 và ghi nhớ thông tin câu 20 + 21
- Từ chìa khoá loại 1 là Pius Floris có thể giúp bạn scan nhanh hơn

- Tiếp tục đọc xuống thông tin bên dưới để tìm câu 20 (scan từ Pius Floris)

E One of the people looking for a solution to this problem is 20 Pius Floris, who started
out running a tree-care business in the Netherlands and now advises some of the world’s

top soil scientists. He came to realise that the best way to ensure his trees flourished was
to take care of the soil, and has developed a cocktail of beneficial bacteria, fungi and

humus to do this. Researchers at the University of Valladolid in Spain recently used this
cocktail on soils destroyed by years of fertiliser overuse. When they applied Floris's mix

to the desert-like test plots, a good crop of plants emerged that were not just healthy at the
surface, but had roots strong enough to pierce dirt as hard as rock. The few plants that

grew in the control plots, fed with traditional fertilisers, were small and weak.

- Đọc dịch đoạn văn liên quan đến thông tin vừa tìm: Khi họ áp dụng hỗn hợp của
Floris vào các ô thử nghiệm giống như sa mạc, thì đã xuất hiện một vụ mùa có nhiều
cây trồng tốt, không chỉ khỏe mạnh ở bề mặt mà còn có rễ đủ mạnh để xuyên qua bụi
cứng như đá -> Hỗn hợp này rất có lợi cho các cây trồng.

- Đối chiếu với các sự lựa chọn lần lượt từ A đến đáp án đúng

A. may improve the number and quality of plants growing có thể

chính xác
B. may contain data from up to nine countrie s. không
chính xác
C. may not be put back into the soil.
D. may help governments to be more aware of soil-related không
chính xác
E. may cause damage to different aspects of the
environment. không
chính xác
F. may be better for use at a global level.

IELTS Thanh Loan 249

Vocabulary in passage Vocabulary in questions

- apply mix to the desert-like test plots - addition of a mixture to the

- a good crop of plants emerged that not just soil
healthy at the surface, but had roots strong - improve the number and
enough to pierce dirt as hard as rock quality of plants growing there

(cải thiện cả số lượng và chất

Đáp án: 20 - A

lượng của cây trồng ở đó)

- Loại đi một lựa chọn:

A. may improve the number and quality of plants growing there.

B. may contain data from up to nine countries.

C. may not be put back into the soil.
D. may help governments to be more aware of soil-related issues.

E. may cause damage to different aspects of the environment.
F. may be better for use at a global level.


IELTS Thanh Loan 250

Câu hỏi 21: The idea of zero net soil degradation ____ (Ý tưởng về suy thoái đất
bằng không…)

Câu 21 có từ zero - một con số có thể áp dụng để scan thông tin nhanh hơn

- Đọc hiểu đoạn tiếp theo đoạn E để tìm kiếm thông tin câu hỏi 21

G But this is only a first step. We need ways of presenting the problem that bring it home
to governments and the wider public, says Pamela Chasek at the International Institute for

Sustainable Development, in Winnipeg, Canada. “Most scientists don’t speak language

that policy-makers can understand and vice versa.” Chasek and her colleagues have

proposed a goal of 21 “zero net land degradation”. Like the idea of carbon neutrality it

is an easily understood target that can help shape expectations and encourage action.

For soils on the brink, that may be too late. Several researchers are agitating for the

immediate creation of protected zones for endangered soils. One difficulty here is defining

what these areas should conserve: areas where the greatest soil diversity is present? Or

areas of unspoilt soils that could act as a future benchmark of quality?
Whatever, we do, if we want our soils to survive, we need to take action now.

- Đọc dịch đoạn văn liên quan đến thông tin vừa tìm: Chúng ta cần cách trình bày
vấn đề sao cho dễ hiểu với cả chính phủ và người dân. Hầu hết các nhà khoa học
không nói ngôn ngữ mà các nhà làm chính sách có thể hiểu và ngược lại. Chasek và
đồng nghiệp của cô ấy đã đề xuất một mục tiêu là “suy thoái đất bằng không”. Nó
giống như ý tưởng trung lập carbon, cái mà dễ hiểu để có thể giúp hình thành mong
đợi và khuyến khích hành động -> Ý tưởng này giúp chính phủ và cộng đồng dễ hiểu
hơn về các vấn đề liên quan đến đất để từ đó dẫn đến các hành động.

- Đối chiếu với các sự lựa chọn lần lượt từ A đến đáp án đúng.

IELTS Thanh Loan 251

A. may improve the number and quality of plants growing
B. may contain data from up to nine countrie s. không
chính xác
C. may not be put back into the soil.
D. may help governments to be more aware of soil-related có thể
chính xác

E. may cause damage to different aspects of the

environment. chính xác

F. may be better for use at a global level.

tìm đáp án chính xác càng dễ dàng hơn.
Càng về những câu sau, bạn sẽ thấy số lượng đáp án lựa chọn sẽ càng ít đi, nên việc

Chính vì thế, nếu những câu hỏi phía trên (câu 18, 19 hoặc 20) có những câu hỏi khó,

ít đáp án lựa chọn hơn.

bạn có thể bỏ qua, làm những câu hỏi dễ trước và quay lại với câu khó sau, bạn sẽ có

Vocabulary in passage Vocabulary in questions

- a goal of “zero net land degradation” - idea
of zero net soil

- bring it home to governments, an easily - help governments to be more

understood target aware of soil-related issues
(giúp chính phủ có nhiều kiến
thức hơn về các vấn đề liên quan
Đáp án: 21 - D

IELTS Thanh Loan 252

c. Bài tập thực hành
Exercise 1:

The man who tried to destroy Paris

Le Corbusier was one of the most influential architects of the 20th century. But many may wish he
had never built anything.

Born Charles-Edouard Jeanneret in Switzerland in 1887, the architect Le Corbusier used his

grandfather's name when he went to Paris at the age of 29. As Jeanneret, he had been a fairly

successful small-town architect; as Le Corbusier, he had bigger ideas. He disliked the

architectural styles that were popular at the time, and considered them to be out of date in an

industrial age. He believed that the 20th century deserved a brand-new style of architecture.

“We must start again from zero,” he said.

The new style of architecture was called the International Style, and it attracted many
followers in the architectural world. However, nobody was as enthusiastic about it as Le

Corbusier at the beginning. He worked hard to promote his ideas at exhibitions, at talks, in
books and in his own magazine. He loved machines, and believed that, like a machine, a

building should have a function. He is famous for saying: “A house is a machine for living


The machines he admired the most were ships, and his early buildings tried to capture the
spirit of the sea with their white walls, exposed rooms, shining glass and flat roofs. He called
this style of architecture ‘purism'. The first building to embrace this style was the Villa
Savoye in France. Le Corbusier believed that it was one of the best, most functional houses
ever built. Unfortunately, this turned out to be an exaggeration. The flat roof was a
particular problem, as water poured in every time it rained, and it needed constant repairs.
Nevertheless, its design was revolutionary, and it should be considered a significant piece of
early 20th-century architecture.

In 1935, Le Corbusier visited New York City. He loved the city, and especially its tall
buildings. He had only one reservation, which he explained to a journalist for the Herald
Tribune newspaper. American skyscrapers were the biggest, tallest buildings in the world at
that time, but Le Corbusier was a man who always thought big, and as far as he was
concerned, they were “just too small”. Le Corbusier had always admired tall buildings.
Now, inspired by his visit, he abandoned purism. It is doubtful that he could have created
anything as grand as the skyscrapers he had seen in the city, but from now on Le Corbusier
started designing buildings that sent out a more powerful message.

IELTS Thanh Loan 253

He first started using bright colours, and then experimented with concrete. Le Corbusier
loved the look and flexibility of concrete, and found it hard to hide it behind brick or paint,
preferring to leave it on full view. At a time when concrete was seen as modern and exciting,
his designs made him world famous, and he was asked to design several important buildings
around the world. Altogether, he designed about 60 major buildings worldwide, in a style that
became known as ‘modernism'.

However, while many admired and copied his new style of architecture, many more hated it.
They turned against him, and tried to block his plans. Buildings should inspire people and

make them feel good, they said, and Le Corbusier's ugly, depressing buildings often had the

opposite effect. In this respect, the people of Paris had a lucky escape. Early in his career, Le

Corbusier had wanted to knock down the centre of Paris and replace the old buildings with

huge towers. Fortunately, his plan was rejected. Justifiably, in view of his plans to transform

one of the world's most beautiful cities into a hideous concrete jungle, Le Corbusier is still

known as ‘the man who tried to destroy Paris'.

Despite the criticism, he had an enormous effect on the world of architecture, and attracted

a large number of followers. As a result, many places were subjected to his style. In the Paris

suburbs of Bobigny, for example, huge towers were built to house some of the city's poorer

inhabitants. Other European cities such as London, Berlin and Dublin also felt his influence.

Apart from the buildings that were directly influenced by Le Corbusier, something else

happened that the architect never planned: there was a return to older styles of architecture.
Today, many people live in modern houses that look like they are much older. This look may
represent a return to traditional tastes and values. More likely, however, it represents a
reaction against modernist architecture.
Source: IELTS Complete Band 4-5

Questions 5-8:
Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-F below

5. Le Corbusier’s Villa Savoye A. copied the style that he had invented

6. The concrete in Le Corbusier’s B. is a classic example of modernist
later buildings architecture
7. Le Corbusier’s style of C. made him friends and enemies
architecture D. was not as good as he claimed
8. Le Corbusier had a large E. was covered in bright colours
following which F. was left exposed so that people could see it

IELTS Thanh Loan 254

Exercise 2:

Fashion and Design

An astonishingly intricate project is being undertaken to restore a legendary theatrical dress,
Angela Wintle explains.

On December 28th, 1888, the curtain rose on a daring new stage revival of
Shakespeare's Macbeth at the Lyceum Theatre in London. Topping the bill, playing
Lady Macbeth, a main character in the play, was Ellen Terry. She was the greatest and

most adored English actress of the age. But she didn't achieve this devotion through her

acting ability alone. She knew the power of presentation and carefully cultivated her
image. That first night was no exception. When she walked on stage for the famous

banqueting scene, her appearance drew a collective gasp from the audience.

She was dressed in the most extraordinary clothes ever to have graced a British stage:

a long, emerald and sea-green gown with tapering sleeves, surmounted by a velvet

cloak, which glistened and sparkled eerily in the limelight. Yet this was no mere stage

trickery. The effect had been achieved using hundreds of wings from beetles. The gown

- later named the ‘Beetlewing dress' - became one of the most iconic and celebrated

costumes of the age.

Terry was every bit as remarkable as her costumes. At 31, she became a leading lady at
the Lyceum Theatre and for two decades, she set about bringing culture to the masses.
The productions she worked on were extravagant and daring. Shakespeare's plays were
staged alongside blood-and-thunder melodramas and their texts were ruthlessly cut.
Some people were critical, but they missed the point. The innovations sold tickets and
brought new audiences to see masterpieces that they would never otherwise have seen.

However, it was a painter who immortalised her. John Singer Sargent had been so
struck by Terry's appearance at that first performance that he asked her to model for
him, and his famous portrait of 1889, now at the Tate Gallery in London, showed her
with a glint in her eye, holding a crown over her flame-red hair. But while the painting
remains almost as fresh as the day it was painted, the years have not been so kind to the
dress. Its delicate structure, combined with the cumulative effects of time, has meant it
is now in an extremely fragile condition. Thus, two years ago, a fundraising project was
launched by Britain's National Trust (1) to pay for its conservation.

IELTS Thanh Loan 255

It turned to textile conservator Zenzie Tinker to do the job. Zenzie loves historical dress because
of the link with the past. ‘Working on costumes like the Beetlewing dress gives you a real sense
of the people who wore them; you can see the sweat stains and wear marks. But it's quite
unusual to know who actually wore a garment. That's the thing that makes the Beetlewing
project so special.'

Before any of Zenzie's conservation work can begin, she and her team will conduct a thorough

investigation to help determine what changes have been made to the dress and when. This will

involve close examination of the dress for signs of damage and wear, and will be aided by

comparing it with John Singer Sargent's painting and contemporary photographs. Then Zenzie

and the National Trust will decide how far back to take the reconstruction, as some members

feel that even the most recent changes are now part of the history of the dress.

The first stages in the actual restoration will involve delicate surface cleaning, using a small
vacuum suction device. Once the level of reconstruction has been determined, the original

crocheted (2) overdress will be stitched onto a dyed net support before repairs begin. ‘It's going
to be extraordinarily difficult, because the original cloth is quite stretchy, so we've deliberately

chosen net because that has a certain amount of flexibility in it too,' says Zenzie. When the

dress is displayed, none of our work will be noticeable, but we'll retain all the evidence on the

reverse so that future experts will be able to see exactly what we've done - and I'll produce a
detailed report.'

Zenzie has estimated that the project, costing about £30,000, will require more than 700 hours'
work. ‘It will be a huge undertaking and I don't think the Trust has ever spent quite as much on
a costume before,’ she says. ‘But this dress is unique. It's very unusual to see this level of
workmanship on a theatrical costume, and it must have looked spectacular on stage.' If Terry
was alive today, there's no doubt she would be delighted. Unlike many other actresses, she
valued her costumes because she kept and reused them time and time again. ‘I'd like to think
she'd see our contribution as part of the ongoing history of the dress,' says Zenzie.

1. A conservation organisation whose work includes the funding of projects designed to protect and
preserve Britain's cultural heritage
2. Produced using wool and a special needle with a hook at the end

Source: IELTS Complete Band 5-6.5

IELTS Thanh Loan 256

Questions 1-4
Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-F, below.

1. Pictures will be used A. to show how the team did the repairs on
2. A special machine will be used the dress.
3. A net material has been selected B. to reduce the time taken to repair the
4. Work will be visible on one side dress.

C. to remove the dirt from the top layer of

the dress.

D. to demonstrate the quality of the team's
work on the dress.
E. to match a quality of the original fabric

used in the dress.

F. to help show where the dress needs repair



IELTS Thanh Loan 257

Exercise 3:

Scientific Management in the workplace

The car and computer manufacturing plants, the work environments we go to every day;
the hospitals we are treated in, and even some of the restaurants we might at in all function
more efficiently due to the application of methods that come from Scientific Management.
In fact, these methods of working seem so commonplace and so logical to a citizen of the

modem world that it is almost impossible to accept that they were revolutionary only 100

years ago.

Scientific Management was developed in the first quarter of the 20th century; its father is
commonly accepted to be F.W. Taylor. Taylor recognized labor productivity was largely

inefficient due to a workforce that functioned by “rules of thumb.” Taylor carried out
studies to ensure that factual scientific knowledge would replace these traditional “rules

of thumb.” The backbone of this activity was his “time-and-motion study.” This involved

analyzing all the operations and the motions performed in a factory, and timing them with
a stopwatch. By knowing how long it took to perform each of the elements of each job, he

believed it would be possible to determine a fair day's work.

Work, he contended, was more efficient when broken down into its constituent parts, and
the management, planning, and decision-making functions had been developed elsewhere.
As this implies, Taylor viewed the majority of workers as ill-educated and unfit to make
important decisions about their work.

Taylor's system ensured the most efficient way would be used by all workers, therefore
making the work process standard. Intariably, managers found that maximal efficiency
was achieved by a subdivision of labor. This subdivision entailed breaking the workers'
tasks into smaller and smaller parts. In short, he specified not only what was to be done,
but also how it was to be done and the exact time allowed for doing it.

One theory based on the Scientific Management model is Fordism. This theory refers to the
application of Henry Ford's faith in mass production-in his case, of cars- and combined
the idea of the moving assembly line with Taylor's systems of division of labor and
piece-rate payment. With Fordism, jobs are automated or broken down into unskilled or
semi-skilled tasks. The pace of the continuous-flow assembly line dictated work. But
Ford's theory retained the faults of Taylor's. Autocratic management ensured a high

IELTS Thanh Loan 258

division of labor in order to effectively run mass production; this led to little workplace
democracy, and alienation. Equally, with emphasis on the continuous flow of the assembly
line, machinery was given more importance than workers.

The benefits of Scientific Management lie within its ability provide a company with the
focus to organize its structure in order to meet the objectives of both the employer and

employee. Taylor found that the firms that introduced Scientific Management became the

world's most carefully organized corporations.

Scientific Management, however, has been criticized for “deskilling” labor. As jobs are

broken down into their constituent elements, humans become little more than “machines”

in the chain. Their cognitive input is not required: it is best if they do not have to think

about their tasks. Yet the average intelligence of employees has risen sharply; people have
been made aware of their value as human beings. They are no longer content to receive

only financial reward for their tasks. It has been recognized that productivity and success
are not just obtained by controlling all factors in the workplace, but by contributing to the

social well-being and development of the individual employee.

Higher levels of access to technology and information, as well as increased competition,
present another difficulty to theory of Scientific Management in the 21st century. Modern
organizations process huge amounts of input, and employees no longer work in isolated
units cut off from the organization at large. Managers recognize they are unable to control
all aspects of employees' functions, as the number layers of information factored into
everyday decisions is so high that it is imperative employees use their own initiative. High
competition between organizations also means that companies must react fast to maintain
market positions. All this forces modem companies to maintain high levels of flexibility.

In the era during which Scientific Management was developed, each worker had a specific
task that he or she had to perform, with little or no real explanation of why, or what part it
played in the organization as a whole. In this day and age, it is virtually impossible to find
an employee in the developed world who is not aware of nhat his or her organization
stands for, what their business strategy is, how well the company is performing, and what
their job means to the company as a whole. Organizations actively encourage employees,
know about their company and to work across departments, ensuring that communication
at all levels is mixed and informal.

IELTS Thanh Loan 259

Another weakness in Scientific Management theory is that it can lead to workers becoming
too highly specialized, therefore hindering their adaptability to new situations. Nowadays,
employers not only want workers to be efficient, they must also exhibit flexibility. In
conclusion, it can be seen that Scientific Management is still very much part of
organizations today. Its strengths in creating a divide between management functions and
work functions have been employed widely at all levels and in all industries.

In addition, its strengths in making organizations efficient through replacement of “rules of
thumb” with scientific fact ensured its widespread application.

adapted [ram]

Source: IELTS Advantage – Reading Skills

Questions 1-6

Complete each sentence with the correct ending A-H.

According to the article:

1. Productivity

2. Time-and-motion analysis
3. Decision-making
A. meant a job was reduced to a number of basic
B. was considered undesirable in the role of the
4. Subdivision of labour workers.
5. Fordism C. became specialized in certain unchanging work
6. A worker routines.
D. measured the exact time it took to do each part
of a job.
E. carefully calculated what was required for the
success of a business.
F. was an application of a theory to mass
G. took a critical view of the style of management.
H. suffered as a result of established inefficient

IELTS Thanh Loan 260

Exercise 4:

The new way to be a fifth grader

I peer over his shoulder at his laptop screen to see the math problem the fifth-grader is
pondering. It's a trigonometry problem. Carpenter, a serious-feced ten-year-old, pauses
for a second, fidgets, then clicks on “0 degrees.” The computer tells him that he's correct.
“It took a while for me to work it out,” he admits sheepishly. The software then generates
another problem, followed by another, until eventually he's done ten in a row.

Last November, his teacher, Kami Thordarson, began using Khan Academy in her class. It

is an educational website on which students can watch some 2,400 videos. The videos are
anything but sophisticated. At seven to 14 minutes long, they consist of a voiceover by the

site's founder, Salman Khan, chattily describing a mathematical concept or explaining

how to solve a problem, while his hand-scribbled formulas and diagrams appear

on-screen. As a student, you can review a video as many times as you want, scrolling back

several times over puzzling parts and fast-forwarding through the boring bits you already

know. Once you've mastered a video, you can move on to the next one.

Initially, Thordarson thought Khan Academy would merely be a helpful supplement to her

normal instruction. But it quickly became far more than that. She is now on her way to
“flipping” the way her class works. This involves replacing some of her lectures with
Khan's videos, which students can watch at home. Then in class, they focus on working on
the problem areas together. The idea is to invert the normal rhythms of school, so that
lectures are viewed in the children's own time and homework is done at school. It sounds
weird, Thordarson admits, but this reversal makes sense when you think about it. It is when
they are doing homework that students are really grappling with a subject and are most
likely to want someone to talk to. And Khan Academy provides teachers with a dashboard
application that lets them see the instant a student gets stuck.

For years, teachers like Thordarson have complained about the frustrations of teaching to
the “middle” of the class. They stand at the whiteboard trying to get 25 or more students
to learn at the same pace. Advanced students get bored and tune out, lagging ones get lost
and tune out, and pretty soon half the class is not paying attention. Since the rise of
personal computers in the 1980s, educators have hoped that technology could save the day
by offering lessons tailored to each child. Schools have spent millions of dollars on
sophisticated classroom technology, but the effort has been in vain. The one-to-one

IELTS Thanh Loan 261

instruction it requires is, after all, prohibitively expensive. What country can afford such a

Khan never intended to overhaul the school curricula and he doesn't have a consistent,
comprehensive plan for doing so. Nevertheless, some of his fans believe that he has
stumbled onto the solution to education's middle-of-the-class mediocrity. Most notable
among them is Bill Gates, whose foundation has invested $1.5 million in Khan's site.

Students have pointed out that Khan is particularly good at explaining all the hidden,

small steps in math problems—steps that teachers often gloss over. He has an uncanny

ability to inhabit the mind of someone who doesn't already understand something.

However, not all educators are enamoured with Khan and his site. Gary Stager, a

long-time educational consultant and advocate of laptops in classrooms, thinks Khan

Academy is not innovative at all. The videos and software modules, he contends, are just a

high-tech version of the outdated teaching techniques—lecturing and drilling. Schools

have become “joyless test-prep factories,” he says, and Khan Academy caters to this

dismal trend.

As Sylvia Martinez, president of an organization focusing on technology in the classroom,

puts it, “The things they're doing are really just rote.” Flipping the classroom isn't an
entirely new idea, Martinez says, and she doubts that it would work for the majority of
pupils: “I'm sorry, but if they can't understand the lecture in a classroom, they're not
going to grasp it better when it's done through a video at home.”

Another limitation of Khan's site is that the drilling software can only handle questions
where the answers are unambiguously right or wrong, like math or chemistry; Khan has
relatively few videos on messier, grey-area subjects like history. Khan and Gates admit
there is no easy way to automate the teaching of writing—even though it is just as critical
as math.

Even if Khan is truly liberating students to advance at their own pace, it is not clear that
schools will be able to cope. The very concept of grade levels implies groups of students
moving along together at an even pace. So what happens when, using Khan Academy, you
wind up with a ten-year-old who has already mastered high-school physics? Khan's
programmer, Ben Kamens, has heard from teachers who have seen Khan Academy
presentations and loved the idea but wondered whether they could modify it “to stop
students from becoming this advanced.”

IELTS Thanh Loan 262

Khan's success has injected him into the heated wars over school reform. Reformers today,
by and large, believe student success should be carefully tested, with teachers and
principals receiving better pay if their students advance more quickly. In essence, Khan
doesn't want to change the way institutions teach; he wants to change how people learn,
whether they're in a private school or a public school—or for that matter, whether they're
a student or an adult trying to self-educate in Ohio, Brazil, Russia, or India. One member

of Khan's staff is spearheading a drive to translate the videos into ten major languages.

It's classic start-up logic: do something novel, do it with speed, and the people who love it

will find you.

Adapted from Wired Magazine
Source: IELTS Complete Band 6.5-7.5

Questions 1-4:

1. Bill Gates thinks Khan
S T A. is only suited to subjects where questions have
exact answers.

2. According to Gary B. can teach both the strongest and the weakest

Stager, Khan Academy pupils in a class.
3. Sylvia Martinez regrets C. means the teaching of other school subjects will
that Khan Academy have to be changed.
4. Ben Kamens has been D. only prepares students to pass exams.
told that Khan Academy E. could cause student achievement to improve too
F. requires all students to own the necessary
G. is unlikely to have a successful outcome for most

IELTS Thanh Loan 263

Exercise 5:

Mind readers
It may one day be possible to eavesdrop on another person’s inner voice.

As you begin to read this article and your eyes follow the words across the page, you may
be aware of a voice in your head silently muttering along. The very same thing happens
when we write: a private, internal narrative shapes the words before we commit them to

What if it were possible to tap into this inner voice? Thinking of words does, after all.

create characteristic electrical signals in our brains, and decoding them could make it

possible to piece together someone’s thoughts. Such an ability would have phenomenal

prospects, not least for people unable to communicate as a result of brain damage. But it

would also carry profoundly worrisome implications for the future of privacy.

The first scribbled records of electrical activity in the human brain were made in 1924 by

a German doctor called Hans Berger using his new invention - the electroencephalogram

(EEG). This uses electrodes placed on the skull to read the output of the brain's billions of

nerve cells or neurons. By the mid-1990s, the ability to translate the brain's activity into
readable signals had advanced so far that people could move computer cursors using only

the electrical fields created by their thoughts.

The electrical impulses such innovations tap into are produced in a part of the brain called
the motor cortex, which is responsible for muscle movement. To move a cursor on a screen,
you do not think ‘move left’ in natural language. Instead, you imagine a specific motion
like hitting a ball with a tennis racket. Training the machine to realise which electrical
signals correspond to your imagined movements, however, is time consuming and difficult.
And while this method works well for directing objects on a screen, its drawbacks become
apparent when you try using it to communicate. At best, you can use the cursor to select
letters displayed on an on-screen keyboard. Even a practised mind would be lucky to write
15 words per minute with that approach. Speaking, we can manage 150.

Matching the speed at which we can think and talk would lead to devices that could
instantly translate the electrical signals of someone’s inner voice into sound produced by
a speech synthesiser. To do this, it is necessary to focus only on the signals coming from
the brain areas that govern speech. However, real mind reading requires some way to
intercept those signals before they hit the motor cortex.

IELTS Thanh Loan 264

The translation of thoughts to language in the brain is an incredibly complex and largely
mysterious process, but this much is known: before they end up in the motor cortex,
thoughts destined to become spoken words pass through two ‘staging areas’ associated
with the perception and expression of speech.

The first is called Wernicke’s area, which deals with semantics - in this case, ideas based
in meaning, which can include images, smells or emotional memories. Damage to
Wernicke’s area can result in the loss of semantic associations: words can’t make sense

when they are decoupled from their meaning. Suffer a stroke in that region, for example,

and you will have trouble understanding not just what others are telling you, but what you

yourself are thinking.

The second is called Broca’s area, agreed to be the brain’s speech-processing centre.
Here, semantics are translated into phonetics and ultimately, word components. From

here, the assembled sentences take a quick trip to the motor cortex, which activates the
muscles that will turn the desired words into speech.

Injure Broca’s area, and though you might know what you want to say you just can’t send

those impulses.
When you listen to your inner voice, two things are happening. You ‘hear’ yourself
producing language in Wernicke’s area as you construct it in Broca’s area. The key to
mind reading seems to lie in these two areas.

The work of Bradley Greger in 2010 broke new ground by marking the first-ever excursion
beyond the motor cortex into the brain’s language centres. His team used electrodes
placed inside the skull to detect the electrical signatures of whole words, such as ‘yes’,
‘no’, ‘hot’, ‘cold’, ‘thirsty', ‘hungry’, etc. Promising as it is. this approach requires a new
signal to be learned for each new word. English contains a quarter of a million distinct
words. And though this was the first instance of monitoring Wernicke’s area, it still relied
largely on the facial motor cortex.

Greger decided there might be another way. The building blocks of language are called
phonemes, and the English language has about 40 of them - the ‘kuh’ sound in ‘school’, for
example the ‘$h' in ‘shy’. Every English word contains some subset of these components.
Decode the brain signals that correspond to the phonemes, and you would have a system
to unlock any word at the moment someone thinks it.

IELTS Thanh Loan 265

In 2011, Eric Leuthardt and his colleague Gerwin Schalk positioned electrodes over the
language regions of four fully conscious people and were able to detect the phonemes ‘oo’,
‘ah’, ‘eh’ and ‘ee’. What they also discovered was that spoken phonemes activated both the
language areas and the motor cortex, while imagined speech - that inner voice - boosted
the activity of neurons in Wernike’s area. Leuthardt had effectively read his subjects'
minds. ‘I would call it brain reading,’ he says. To arrive at whole words. Leuthardt’s next
step is to expand his library of sounds and to find out how the production of phonemes

translates across different languages.

For now, the research is primarily aimed at improving the lives of people with locked-in

syndrome, but the ability to explore the brain’s language centres could revolutionise other

fields. The consequences of these findings could ripple out to more general audiences who

might like to use extreme hands-free mobile communication technologies that can be

manipulated by inner voice alone. For linguists, it could provide previously unobtainable

insight into the neural origins and structures of language. Knowing what someone is

thinking without needing words at all would be functionally indistinguishable from


L T Source: IELTS Complete Band 6.5-7.5

Questions 1-4:
Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-G.

1. In Wernicke’s area, our A. receive impulses from the motor cortex.

thoughts B. pass directly to the motor cortex.
2. It is only in Broca’s area that C. are processed into language.
ideas we wish to express D. require a listener.
3. The muscles that articulate our E. consist of decoded phonemes.
sentences F. are largely non-verbal.
4. The words and sentences that G. match the sounds that they make.
we speak

IELTS Thanh Loan 266


Là dạng câu hỏi trả lời ngắn, với tỉ lệ xuất hiện trong IELTS Reading không quá cao,
nhưng nếu xuất hiện thì cũng không quá khó.
Bạn nên tìm hiểu dạng câu hỏi này, để làm tốt Short Answer Questions?

a. Thông tin dạng câu hỏi

Một số đặc điểm của dạng câu hỏi Short-Answer Questions:
Thứ tự câu hỏi đi theo trình tự của bài đọc
- Vị trí thông tin các câu hỏi đi theo trình tự của đoạn văn

Ví dụ: Vị trí thông tin câu hỏi 1 nằm ở đoạn A, vị trí thông tin câu hỏi 2 nằm ở đoạn

B, vị trí thông tin câu hỏi 3 nằm ở đoạn C.

Có giới hạn từ cần điền cho mỗi câu trả lời

- Số lượng từ vựng được phép điền vào mỗi câu hỏi thường dao động từ 1 đến 3 từ

hoặc/ và thêm số.

- Ví dụ chi tiết về giới hạn từ vựng đã được giải thích cụ thể trong dạng Gap Filling/

Câu trả lời không nhất thiết phải đúng ngữ pháp, nhưng phải đảm bảo đúng
với giới hạn từ vựng cần điền.
Ví dụ: In what country did Perkin’s newly invented colour first become fashionable?
Câu trả lời: Có thể có giới từ hoặc không (in) France, nhưng phải phù hợp với giới
hạn từ

IELTS Thanh Loan 267

b. Cách làm bài (kèm ví dụ)
Dạng câu hỏi Short Answer Questions này gần tương tự với dạng Sentence
Ví dụ:
- Sentence completion: ….. are frequent visitors to stepwells nowadays.
- Short answer question: Who are frequent visitors to stepwells nowadays? - Từ who
được dùng để hỏi thông tin cần điền vào vị trí trống.

3 bước:
Cách làm cho dạng câu hỏi này cũng khá giống với dạng Completion, bao gồm

Bước 1: Analysing - Phân tích 3 thông tin quan trọng

- Thông tin 1: Xác định giới hạn số lượng từ vựng

- Thông tin 2: Gạch chân 2 loại keywords trong mỗi câu hỏi

- Thông tin 3: Xác định loại thông tin cần tìm dựa vào các từ để hỏi

Ví dụ 1: Who are frequent visitors to stepwells nowadays?

Từ vựng cần điền sẽ phải là: Một Danh từ chỉ người số nhiều

Đó có thể là: rich people, scientists...

Ví dụ 2: Which animals might ichthyosaurs have resembled?
Từ vựng cần điền sẽ phải là: Tên một con vật số nhiều
Đó có thể là: whales, fish

Ví dụ 3: How many stars are the world’s most powerful radio telescopes searching?
Từ vựng cần điền sẽ phải là một con số liên quan đến số lượng các ngôi sao

Bước 2: Finding - Định vị vị trí chứa thông tin câu hỏi trong passage
dựa vào một trong 3 dữ liệu

- Dữ liệu 1: Dựa vào từ khóa loại 1 (là tên riêng, số đếm, thuật ngữ chuyên ngành)
- Dữ liệu 2: Dựa vào vị trí chứa thông tin câu hỏi trước đó (vì thứ tự câu hỏi đi theo
trật tự bài đọc nên sẽ dễ dàng hơn để định vị vị trí của câu trả lời cho các câu hỏi)
- Dữ liệu 3: Dựa vào loại thông tin cần điền vào mỗi câu hỏi (ví dụ: tên một quốc gia,
tên người, tên một loại bệnh…)

IELTS Thanh Loan 268

Bước 3: Answering - Đưa ra câu trả lời
- Dựa vào thông tin về loại từ cần điền, tìm từ vựng chính xác trong đoạn văn để điền
vào mỗi câu hỏi
- Chú ý đưa ra đáp án với số lượng từ vựng cho phép

Áp dụng vào ví dụ

William Henry Perkin

The man who invented synthetic dyes

William Henry Perkin was born on March 12, 1838, in London, England. As a boy,

Perkin’s curiosity prompted early interests in the arts, sciences, photography, and

engineering. But it was a chance stumbling upon a run-down, yet functional,

laboratory in his late grandfather’s home that solidified the young man’s enthusiasm

for chemistry.

As a student at the City of London School, Perkin became immersed in the study of

chemistry. His talent and devotion to the subject were perceived by his teacher,

Thomas Hall, who encouraged him to attend a series of lectures given by the eminent
scientist Michael Faraday at the Royal Institution. Those speeches fired the young
chemist’s enthusiasm further, and he later went on to attend the Royal College of
Chemistry, which he succeeded in entering in 1853, at the age of 15.

At the time of Perkin’s enrolment, the Royal College of Chemistry was headed by the
noted German chemist August Wilhelm Hofmann. Perkin’s scientific gifts soon caught
Hofmann’s attention and, within two years, he became Hofmann’s youngest assistant.
Not long after that, Perkin made the scientific breakthrough that would bring him both
fame and fortune.

At the time, quinine was the only viable medical treatment for malaria. The drug is
derived from the bark of the cinchona tree, native to South America, and by 1856
demand for the drug was surpassing the available supply. Thus, when Hofmann made
some passing comments about the desirability of a synthetic substitute for quinine, it
was unsurprising that his star pupil was moved to take up the challenge.

IELTS Thanh Loan 269

During his vacation in 1856, Perkin spent his time in the laboratory on the top floor
of his family’s house. He was attempting to manufacture quinine from aniline, an
inexpensive and readily available coal tar waste product. Despite his best efforts,
however, he did not end up with quinine. Instead, he produced a mysterious dark
sludge. Luckily, Perkin’s scientific training and nature prompted him to investigate
the substance further. Incorporating potassium dichromate and alcohol into the

aniline at various stages of the experimental process, he finally produced a deep

purple solution. And, proving the truth of the famous scientist Louis Pasteur’s words

‘chance favours only the prepared mind’, Perkin saw the potential of his unexpected
Historically, textile dyes were made from such natural sources as plants and animal

excretions. Some of these, such as the glandular mucus of snails, were difficult to

obtain and outrageously expensive. Indeed, the purple colour extracted from a snail

was once so costly that in society at the time only the rich could afford it. Further,

natural dyes tended to be muddy in hue and fade quickly. It was against this backdrop

that Perkin’s discovery was made.

Perkin quickly grasped that his purple solution could be used to colour fabric, thus
making it the world’s first synthetic dye. Realising the importance of this
breakthrough, he lost no time in patenting it. But perhaps the most fascinating of all
Perkin’s reactions to his find was his nearly instant recognition that the new dye had
commercial possibilities.

Perkin originally named his dye Tyrian Purple, but it later became commonly known
as mauve (from the French for the plant used to make the colour violet). He asked
advice of Scottish dye works owner Robert Pullar, who assured him that
manufacturing the dye would be well worth it if the colour remained fast (i.e. would
not fade) and the cost was relatively low. So, over the fierce objections of his mentor
Hofmann, he left college to give birth to the modern chemical industry.

With the help of his father and brother, Perkin set up a factory not far from London.
Utilising the cheap and plentiful coal tar that was an almost unlimited by-product of
London’s gas street lighting, the dye works began producing the world’s first

IELTS Thanh Loan 270

synthetically dyed material in 1857. The company received a commercial boost from
the Empress Eugenie of France, when she decided the new colour flattered her. Very
soon, mauve was the necessary shade for all the fashionable ladies in that country.

Not to be outdone, England’s Queen Victoria also appeared in public wearing a

mauve gown, thus making it all the rage in England as well. The dye was bold and fast,
and the public clamoured for more. Perkin went back to the drawing board.

Although Perkin’s fame was achieved and fortune assured by his first discovery, the
chemist continued his research. Among other dyes he developed and introduced were

aniline red (1859) and aniline black (1863) and, in the late 1860s, Perkin’s green. It
is important to note that Perkin’s synthetic dye discoveries had outcomes far beyond

the merely decorative. The dyes also became vital to medical research in many ways.
For instance, they were used to stain previously invisible microbes and bacteria,

allowing researchers to identify such bacilli as tuberculosis, cholera, and anthrax.

Artificial dyes continue to play a crucial role today. And, in what would have been

particularly pleasing to Perkin, their current use is in the search for a vaccine against


Questions 8-13:
Answer the questions below.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 8-13 on your answer sheet.

8. Before Perkin’s discovery, with what group in society was the colour purple
9. What potential did Perkin immediately understand that his new dye had?
10. What was the name finally used to refer to the first colour Perkin invented?
11. What was the name of the person Perkin consulted before setting up his own dye
12. In what country did Perkin’s newly invented colour first become fashionable?
13. According to the passage, which disease is now being targeted by researchers
using synthetic dyes?
Source: IELTS Cambridge 9 - Test 1

IELTS Thanh Loan 271

Áp dụng 3 bước làm bài vào ví dụ
Bước 1: Phân tích 3 thông tin quan trọng

- Giới hạn từ vựng cho mỗi câu hỏi:

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Không quá HAI TỪ số lượng từ vựng có thể điền cho mỗi câu hỏi là một từ hoặc

hai từ.

- Gạch chân keywords:

Loại 1,
Loại 2
tên riêng

8. Before Perkin’s discovery , with what group in society was the colour purple

Dịch: Trước khám phá của Perkin, nhóm người nào trong xã hội được gắn với màu

Loại 2 Loại 2

9. What potential did Perkin immediately understand that his new dye had?

Dịch: Perkin ngay lập tức hiểu rằng thuốc nhuộm mới của ông ý có tiềm năng gì?

Loại 2 Loại 2

10. What was the name finally used to refer to the first colour Perkin invented?
Dịch: Tên cuối cùng mà được sử dụng để gọi màu sắc đầu tiên và Perkin tạo ra là gì?
Loại 2 Loại 2 Loại 2

11. What was the name of the person Perkin consulted before setting up his own
dye works?
Dịch: Ai là người mà Perken đã tham khảo ý kiến trước khi tạo nên mô hình kinh
doanh thuốc nhuộm riêng của ông ý.
Loại 2 Loại 1 Loại 2

12. In what country did Perkin’s newly invented colour first become fashionable ?
Dịch: Màu thuốc nhuộm mới tạo ra của Perkin trở nên phổ biến đầu tiên ở quốc gia
Loại 2 Loại 2

13. According to the passage, which disease is now being targeted by researchers
using synthetic dyes ? Loại 2

Dịch: Theo đoạn văn, các nhà khoa học sử dụng thuốc nhuộm thường bị bệnh nào
tấn công?

IELTS Thanh Loan 272

- Xác định loại thông tin cần điền

8. Before Perkin’s discovery, with what group in society was the colour purple
Từ chỉ nhóm người trong xã hội: có thể là nhóm người giàu, người nghèo, người
thất nghiệp, người già, người trẻ…

9. What potential did Perkin immediately understand that his new dye had?N
hiện trong đoạn văn.
Từ chỉ tiềm năng của loại thuốc nhuộm: khó đoán được từ vựng có thể xuất

10. What was the name finally used to refer to the first colour Perkin invented?

Tên của loại thuốc nhuộm

11. What was the name of the person Perkin consulted before setting up his own

dye works?

Tên người

12.In what country did Perkin’s newly invented colour first become fashionable ?
Tên một quốc gia

13. According to the passage, which disease is now being targeted by researchers
using synthetic dyes ?
Tên một loại bệnh

IELTS Thanh Loan 273

Bước 2: Định vị vị trí chứa thông tin câu hỏi

William Henry Perkin

The man who invented synthetic dyes

William Henry Perkin was born on March 12, 1838, in London, England. As a boy,
Perkin’s curiosity prompted early interests in the arts, sciences, photography, and
engineering. But it was a chance stumbling upon a run-down, yet functional,

laboratory in his late grandfather’s home that solidified the young man’s enthusiasm
for chemistry.

As a student at the City of London School, Perkin became immersed in the study of

chemistry. His talent and devotion to the subject were perceived by his teacher,

Thomas Hall, who encouraged him to attend a series of lectures given by the eminent

scientist Michael Faraday at the Royal Institution. Those speeches fired the young

chemist’s enthusiasm further, and he later went on to attend the Royal College of
Chemistry, which he succeeded in entering in 1853, at the age of 15.

At the time of Perkin’s enrolment, the Royal College of Chemistry was headed by the
noted German chemist August Wilhelm Hofmann. Perkin’s scientific gifts soon caught
Hofmann’s attention and, within two years, he became Hofmann’s youngest assistant.
Not long after that, Perkin made the scientific breakthrough that would bring him both
fame and fortune.

At the time, quinine was the only viable medical treatment for malaria. The drug is
derived from the bark of the cinchona tree, native to South America, and by 1856
demand for the drug was surpassing the available supply. Thus, when Hofmann made
some passing comments about the desirability of a synthetic substitute for quinine, it
was unsurprising that his star pupil was moved to take up the challenge.

During his vacation in 1856, Perkin spent his time in the laboratory on the top floor
of his family’s house. He was attempting to manufacture quinine from aniline, an
inexpensive and readily available coal tar waste product. Despite his best efforts,
however, he did not end up with quinine. Instead, he produced a mysterious dark

IELTS Thanh Loan 274

sludge. Luckily, Perkin’s scientific training and nature prompted him to investigate
the substance further. Incorporating potassium dichromate and alcohol into the
aniline at various stages of the experimental process, he finally produced a deep
8 purple solution. And, proving the truth of the famous scientist Louis Pasteur’s
words ‘chance favours only the prepared mind’, Perkin saw the potential of his
unexpected find.

Historically, textile dyes were made from such natural sources as plants and animal

excretions. Some of these, such as the glandular mucus of snails, were difficult to
obtain and outrageously expensive. Indeed, the 8 purple colour extracted from a

snail was once so costly that in society at the time only the rich could afford it.
Further, natural dyes tended to be muddy in hue and fade quickly. It was against this

backdrop that Perkin’s discovery was made.

Perkin quickly grasped that his purple solution could be used to colour fabric, thus

making it 10 the world’s first synthetic dye. Realising the importance of this

breakthrough, he lost no time in patenting it. But perhaps the most fascinating of all

Perkin’s reactions to his find was his nearly instant recognition that the new dye had
commercial possibilities.

Perkin originally named his dye Tyrian Purple, but it later became commonly known
as mauve (from the French for the plant used to make the colour violet). He asked
advice of Scottish dye works owner 11 Robert Pullar, who assured him that
manufacturing the dye would be well worth it if the colour remained fast (i.e. would
not fade) and the cost was relatively low. So, over the fierce objections of his mentor
Hofmann, he left college to give birth to the modern chemical industry.

With the help of his father and brother, Perkin set up a factory not far from London.
Utilising the cheap and plentiful coal tar that was an almost unlimited by product of
London’s gas street lighting, the dye works began producing the world’s first
synthetically dyed material in 1857. The company received 12 a commercial boost
from the Empress Eugenie of France, when she decided the new colour flattered her.
Very soon, mauve was the necessary shade for all the fashionable ladies in that

IELTS Thanh Loan 275

Not to be outdone, England’s Queen Victoria also appeared in public wearing a
mauve gown, thus making it all the rage in England as well. The dye was bold and fast,
and the public clamoured for more. Perkin went back to the drawing board.

Although Perkin’s fame was achieved and fortune assured by his first discovery, the
chemist continued his research. Among other dyes he developed and introduced were

aniline red (1859) and aniline black (1863) and, in the late 1860s, Perkin’s green. It

is important to note that Perkin’s synthetic dye discoveries had outcomes far beyond

the merely decorative. The dyes also became vital to medical research in many ways.

For instance, they were used to stain previously invisible microbes and bacteria,

allowing researchers to identify 13 such bacilli as tuberculosis, cholera, and anthrax.

Artificial dyes continue to play a crucial role today. And, in what would have been

particularly pleasing to Perkin, their current use is 13 in the search for a vaccine

against malaria.

Bước 3: Định vị vị trí chứa thông tin câu hỏi trong đoạn văn và đưa ra đáp án

Câu hỏi 8:
- Câu hỏi: Before Perkin’s discovery, with what group in society was the colour
purple associated?
- Thông tin trong đoạn văn: “Indeed, the purple colour extracted from a snail was
once so costly that in society at the time only the rich could afford it.” (Màu tím chiết
xuất từ con ốc đã từng rất đắt đến nỗi mà chỉ có người giàu mới có khả năng mua.)

- Đối chiếu thông tin đáp án cần điền: là từ loại chỉ nhóm người, không quá 2 từ
Đáp án: the rich (người giàu)

IELTS Thanh Loan 276

Câu hỏi 9:
- Câu hỏi: What potential did Perkin immediately understand that his new dye had?
- Thông tin trong đoạn văn: “But perhaps the most fascinating of all Perkin’s
reactions to his find was his nearly instant recognition that the new dye had
commercial possibilities.” (Phản ứng thú vị nhất của Perkin đó là nhận định ngay
lập tức rằng loại thuốc nhuộm mới này có tiềm năng về thương mại)
- Đối chiếu thông tin đáp án cần điền: từ chỉ tiềm năng, và không quá 2 từ

Đáp án: commercial hoặc commercial possibilities (tiềm năng thương mại)

- Đối chiếu từ vựng

Vocabulary in passage Vocabulary in questions

- possibilities

A N - potential

- nearly instant recognition - immediately understand
Câu hỏi 10:

- Câu hỏi: What was the name finally used to refer to the first colour Perkin


- Thông tin trong đoạn văn: “but it later became commonly known as mauve (from
the French for the plant used to make the colour violet).” (nhưng sau đó được biết với
cái tên “mauve” từ tiếng Pháp cho loại cây dùng để tạo ra màu tím)
- Đối chiếu lại thông tin đáp án cần điền: tên gọi, không quá 2 từ
Đáp án: mauve

- Đối chiếu từ vựng:

Vocabulary in passage Vocabulary in questions

- later became commonly known as - the name finally used

IELTS Thanh Loan 277

Câu hỏi 11:
- Câu hỏi: What was the name of the person Perkin consulted before setting up his
own dye works?
- Thông tin trong đoạn văn: “He asked advice of Scottish dye works owner Robert
Pullar, who assured him that manufacturing the dye would be well worth it if the
colour remained fast (i.e. would not fade) and the cost was relatively low.” (Ông ấy
xin lời khuyên của ông chủ tiệm nhuộm Scotland tên là Robert Pullar, người mà đảm

phai) và chi phí tương đối thấp)

bảo rằng sản xuất thuốc nhuộm sẽ có giá trị nếu màu vẫn còn nhanh (nghĩa là không

Đáp án: Robert Pullar

- Đối chiếu lại thông tin đáp án cần điền: tên người, không quá 2 từ

- Đối chiếu từ vựng:

Vocabulary in passage

H A Vocabulary in questions

- asked advice

S T - consulted

- give birth to the modern chemical industry - set up his own dye works

Câu hỏi 12:
- Câu hỏi: In what country did Perkin’s newly invented colour first become
- Thông tin trong đoạn văn: “The company received a commercial boost from the
Empress Eugenie of France, when she decided the new colour flattered her. Very
soon, mauve was the necessary shade for all the fashionable ladies in that country.”
(Công ty đã nhận được sự thúc đẩy thương mại từ Hoàng hậu Eugenie của Pháp khi
cô quyết định màu sắc mới này rất hợp với cô. Rất nhanh sau đó, mauve trở thành
món đồ hợp thời trang đối với tất cả các quý cô ở quốc gia đó)

- Đối chiếu lại thông tin đáp án cần điền: tên một quốc gia, không quá 2 từ
Đáp án: France hoặc in France

IELTS Thanh Loan 278

Câu hỏi 13:
- Câu hỏi: According to the passage, which disease is now being targeted by
researchers using synthetic dyes?
- Thông tin trong đoạn văn: “their current use is in the search for a vaccine against
malaria.” (việc sử dụng hiện tại của những màu nhuộm nhân tạo này là để nghiên
cứu tìm ra loại vắc xin cho bệnh sốt rét)
- Đối chiếu lại thông tin đáp án cần điền: tên một loại bệnh, không quá 2 từ

Đáp án: malaria

- Đối chiếu từ vựng:

Vocabulary in passage
Vocabulary in questions

- their current use is in the search for

N H - now being targeted by

H A researchers using synthetic



Không có những mẹo làm bài riêng cho dạng Short Answer Question, bạn đọc áp
dụng những mẹo của dạng Sentence Completion vào bài làm.

IELTS Thanh Loan 279

c. Bài tập thực hành
Exercise 1:

Sylvia Earle, underwater hero

She has spent her working life studying the world's oceans

Sylvia Earle is an underwater explorer and marine biologist who was born in the USA in
1935. She became interested in the world’s oceans from an early age. As a child, she liked to
stand on the beach for hours and - look at the sea, wondering what it must be like under the


When she was 16, she finally got a chance to make her first dive. It was this dive that inspired

her to become an underwater explorer. Since then, she has spent more than 6,500 hours

under water, and hạs led more than seventy expeditions worldwide. She has also made the

deepest dive ever, reaching a record-breaking depth of 381 metres.

In 1970, she became famous around the world when she became the captain of the first
all-female team to live under water. The team spent two weeks in an underwater house. The

research they carried out showed the damage that pollution was causing to marine life, and

especially to coral reefs. Her team also studied the problem of overfishing. Fishing methods
meant that people were catching too many fish, Earle warned, and many species were in

danger of becoming extinct.

Since then she has written several books and magazine - articles in which she suggests ways

of reducing the damage that is being done to the world's oceans. One way, she believes, is to
rely on fish farms for seafood, and reduce the amount of fishing that is done out at sea.
Although she no longer eats seafood herself, she realises the importance it plays in our diets.
It would be wrong to tell people they should stop eating fish from the sea, she says. However,
they need to reduce the impact they are having on the ocean's supplies.

Source: Complete IELTS Band 4-5


PASSAGE for each answer.
1. What career did Sylvia decide to follow after her first dive?
2. How far underwater did she go in order to break a world record?
3. What was causing harm to everything living in the sea?
4. Where does Sylvia think we should get our fish from?

IELTS Thanh Loan 280

Exercise 2:

Read this passage, then answer the questions below. Choose NO MORE THAN
TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Not just a lot of hot air

There is a revolution going on in Africa; not a political one, but an economic one. The

driving force behind this revolution is the humble mobile phone. Once the preserve of
the elite (which was also the case in Europe and America not so long ago), the mobile

phone is now ubiquitous, as there are over 600 million African subscribers, from
Morocco and Tunisia in the north to south Africa, with 93 million in Nigeria alone,

putting it at the top of the list. However, others, like Egypt, are not far behind, and

changes in sales taxes in Kenya, for example, resulted in a 200% increase of sales in

one year. Even this figure does not truly reflect the number of users, as in rural areas

it is common for many people to share a single phone, which explains why researchers

claim that around 80% of Africans use mobile phones regularly. Although many

associate the continent principally with areas of business such as farming and mining,

both of which do have a long and successful history there, we should not make the

mistake of assuming that there is less business innovation in Africa than in the
industrialized nations. The banking industry has been quick to see the potential of
increased phone use, and many Africans, notably in Kenya with 8.5 million users, now
do their banking via a mobile phone.
Source: IELTS Advantage – Reading skills

Question 1 – 5:
1. What is the cause of the great change that is taking place throughout Africa?
2. Which social class has lost its monopoly of mobile phone use?
3. Where do most African mobile-phone users live?
4. Where are phones most likely to be co-owned?
5. Which area of business has taken most advantage of mobile phone usage?

IELTS Thanh Loan 281

Exercise 3:

Whale communication
A It is only comparatively recently that we have become aware of the hauntingly beautiful
sounds made by humpback whales. The hydrophone, a microphone that can be used in
water, was developed by the British scientist Ernest Rutherford, and is particularly good at

detecting the presence of submarines underwater. During the Cold War, a Bermudian,

Frank Watlington was working for the US government, and it was his job to use

hydrophones to listen out for Russian submarines. While he was doing this, Watlington

noticed that humpback whales appeared to ‘sing'. Later, Watlington's work was taken up by

two other researchers, Roger Payne and Scott McVay, who studied the nature of these

humpback whale ‘songs’. They found that the various sounds produced by the whale formed

a song which lasts for about 30 minutes and is then repeated by the whale for hours or even


B Scientists believe there are two main reasons for whales to make sounds: echolocation,

so that the whales know what objects (and perhaps food) are around them; and

communication. Whales are capable of communicating to other whales over huge distances.

Sound waves travel faster through water (around 1.5 kilometre per second) than through
air, and the sound of a whale can travel thousands of kilometres through the oceans.

C Many different species of whale are capable of making noises and some of them (as well
as dolphins and porpoises) are believed to use echolocation. Some whales look for food,
such as squid, down to a depth of 1.5 kilometres, and at that depth there is virtually no light
at all. Without being able to locate their food, the whales are going to go hungry. The whales
send out series of clicks and listen out for the echo of the sound. From this, the whale is able
to work out what is around it and can respond accordingly. The system whales use is highly
complex, but it is similar to the way that you can tell direction of sound. You have two ears
and when a sound is made, the sound reaches one ear a fraction of a second before the
other. From this information, your brain can work out the direction of the sound.

D In addition to echolocation, some whales, most notably the humpback whale, are capable
of producing a range of notes which appear to be a form of communication. Humpback
whales in one school (as groups of whales are known) tend to sing virtually the same song.

IELTS Thanh Loan 282

E Perhaps like football supporters they are demonstrating group identity, showing that
they belong to the same school. Other schools, particularly those found in other oceans,
sing songs which are quite different. It is also quite likely that the songs play a role in
courtship. It is generally the males that sing, so perhaps they are also trying to attract

F For millions of years, whales have swum in the great oceans of the world and only

recently have they had to contend with a predator: man. In the 18th and 19th centuries,
many countries had fleets of ships which set out to bring back whales. The 20th century

saw the development of factory ships which were capable of killing and processing
thousands of whales. In the 1930s, over 50,000 whales were killed annually. It wasn't until

1986 that a moratorium was agreed to stop whale hunting, and scientists hope that the

number of whales will recover. So can the whales of the world now cruise about without a

care in the world? Sadly not. The growth of trade in the world has meant that there are

now more ships, particularly large container ships, than ever before. In fact, the

Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) says that large numbers of northern right whales are
killed in collision with ships. But it is not only the physical danger that ships present. The

loud noises of ships' engines are very likely to disturb the whales, and the WWF have

called for shipping restrictions in certain areas.

G In recent years, there have been many cases of whales dying on beaches. Could the
reason for these tragedies have something to do with the noise pollution that these majestic
creatures have to live with? There is no definite answer to the question, but it has attracted
considerable research, and findings seem to point to man's industrial activities in the
ocean. With an ever-growing need for oil, more and more drilling takes place offshore. To
assess the likelihood of the presence of oil, seismologists use sonar to work out the
underlying geology. The sounds used in such tests are believed by some people to have a
highly damaging effect on whales, either simply disrupting their method of
communication, or, some scientists believe, actually killing them. With an ever-increasing
human population and dwindling resources, whales face an uncertain future. While it is
unlikely that we will ever know exactly why whales producing their whale songs, the world
will be a much poorer place without them.

Source: IELTS Advantage – Reading Skills

IELTS Thanh Loan 283

for each answer.

Questions 1- 6:
1. What is the length of an individual whale song?
2. How far does a whale song carry?

3. What sound do whales emit in an effort to locate food?

4. What are whales in the same school believed to display through song?

5. What innovation enabled whales to be hunted in dramatically larger numbers?
6. What measures have been suggested to protect whales?

IELTS Thanh Loan 284

Exercise 4:

Domestic robots
Machines that look after your home are getting cleverer, but they still need care and
attention if they are to perform as intended

Floor-cleaning machines capable of responding to their environment were among the first
commercially available domestic products worthy of being called robots. The best known
is the Roomba, made by iRobot, an American company which has sold more than three

million of the disc-shaped, frisbee-sized vacuuming robots. The latest model, the fifth

version of the Roomba, has more sensors and cleverer software than its predecessors.

Press the ‘Clean' button and the robot glides out of its docking station and sets off across

the floor. Domestic robots are supposed to free up time so that you can do other things, but

watching how the Roomba deals with obstacles is strangely compelling. It is capable of

sensing its surroundings, and does not simply try to adhere to a pre-planned route, so it is

not upset if furniture is moved, or if it is picked up and taken to clean another room. Its

infra-red sensors enable it to slow down before reaching an obstacle - such as a dozy cat-

changing direction and setting off again.

It steadily works its way around the room, figuring out how to get out from under the

television stand or untangle itself from a stray Game Boy recharging lead. Watch it for

long enough, and you can sometimes predict its next move. The machine has a dirt ‘sensor’
and flashes a blue light when it finds things to clean up. Only when it detects no more dirt
does it stop going over the same area and, eventually, conclude that the whole room is
clean. It then trundles back to dock at its recharging station.

So the first observation of life with a domestic robot is that you will keep watching it before
you trust it completely. Perhaps that is not surprising: after all, when automatic washing
machines first appeared, people used to draw up a chair and sit and watch them complete
their wash, rinse and spin cycles. Now they just load them, switch them on and leave them
to it. The second observation is that, despite their current level of intelligence, certain
allowances must be made to get the best out of a domestic robot. The Roomba can be set
up to clean at particular times, and to clean more than one room (small infra-red
‘lighthouses' can be positioned in doorways, creating an invisible barrier between one
room and the next that is only removed when the first room has been cleaned). A ‘drop-off'
sensor underneath the robot prevents it from falling down stairs. All very clever, but what
the Roomba will not do is pick up toys, shoes and other items left lying around. Rooms

IELTS Thanh Loan 285

cared for by robots must be kept tidy. To start with, children will happily put things away
in order to watch the robot set off, but unfortunately the novelty soon wears off.

Similar allowances must be made for other domestic robots. Sweden's Husqvarna recently
launched a new version of its Automower lawn mowing robot. Before it can be used, a wire
must be placed around the perimeter of the lawn to define the part to be cut. If toys and
other obstacles are not cleared from the lawn before it starts work, the robot will steer

around them, leaving uncut areas. However, the latest version can top up its batteries with

solar power, or send its owner a text message if it gets into trouble trying to climb a


But there is still only a limited range of domestic robots. Machines that mop the floor,

clean a swimming pool and clear muck from guttering are made by iRobot Several
surveillance robots are also on offer. The Rovio, made by WowWee of Hong Kong, is a

wi-fi-enabled webcam, mounted on an extending arm, which rides along smoothly on a
nimble set of three wheels. Its movement can be remotely operated over the Internet via a

laptop or mobile phone. The idea is that Rovio can patrol the home when its owner is away,
either automatically or under manual control: in the latter case, two-way communication

allows the operator to see and talk via the machine. So you could, for instance, shout at the

cat if it is sleeping on your best sofa.

Some machines are called robots even though they cannot move around. There is an
ironing robot, for instance, that resembles an inflatable dummy: put a damp shirt on it, and
it puffs up to remove the creases. Similarly, there are elaborate trouser presses that aspire
to be robots. But do these devices really count as robots. If so, then surely dishwashers and
washing machines do, too.

Yet whatever shape or size robots come in, many will be adored. Another important
observation from living with a robot is that it tends to become part of the family. ‘People
give them names, and if they have to be sent back for repair, they carefully add a mark to
them to ensure they get the same machine back,' says Nancy Dussault Smith of iRobot.

Source: IELTS Complete Band 5-6.5

IELTS Thanh Loan 286

Questions 1-4:

Answer the questions below.

Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.
1. What is used to mark out the mowing area for the Automower?
2. What form of renewable energy can some Automowers use?
3. What does the ironing robot look like?

4. What do people often put on a robot when it is going to be repaired?


IELTS Thanh Loan 287

Exercise 5:

The Wide Web from its origins

Science inspired the World Wide Web, and the Web has responded by changing science.

‘Information Management: A Proposal'. That was the bland title of a document written in
March 1989 by a then little known computer scientist called Tim Berners-Lee, who was

working at CERN, Europe's particle physics laboratory, near Geneva. His proposal,

modestly called the World Wide Web, has achieved far more than anyone expected at the


In fact, the Web was invented to deal with a specific problem. In the late 1980s, CERN was

planning one of the most ambitious scientific projects ever, the Large Hadron Collider*, or

LHC. As the first few lines of the original proposal put it, ‘Many of the discussions of the

future at CERN and the LHC end with the question “Yes, but how will we ever keep track of

such a large project?” This proposal provides an answer to such questions.’

The Web, as everyone now knows, has many more uses than the original idea of linking

electronic documents about particle physics in laboratories around the world. But among all

the changes it has brought about, from personal social networks to political campaigning, it
has also transformed the business of doing science itself, as the man who invented it hoped
it would.

It allows journals to be published online and links to be made from one paper to another. It
also permits professional scientists to recruit thousands of amateurs to give them a hand.
One project of this type, called Galaxy Zoo, used these unpaid workers to classify one
million images of galaxies into various types (spiral, elliptical and irregular). This project,
which was intended to help astronomers understand how galaxies evolve, was so successful
that a successor has now been launched, to classify the brightest quarter of a million of them
in finer detail. People working for a more modest project called Herbaria@home examine
scanned images of handwritten notes about old plants stored in British museums. This will
allow them to track the changes in the distribution of species in response to climate change.

Another new scientific application of the Web is to use it as an experimental laboratory. It is

allowing social scientists, in particular, to do things that were previously impossible. In one
project, scientists made observations about the sizes of human social networks using data
from Facebook. A second investigation of these networks, produced by Bernardo Huberman

IELTS Thanh Loan 288

of HP Labs, Hewlett-Packard's research arm in Palo Alto, California, looked at Twitter, a
social networking website that allows people to post short messages to long lists of friends.

At first glance, the networks seemed enormous - the 300,000 Twitterers sampled had 80
friends each, on average (those on Facebook had 120), but some listed up to 1,000. Closer
statistical inspection, however, revealed that the majority of the messages were directed at a
few specific friends. This showed that an individual's active social network is far smaller

than his ‘clan'. Dr Huberman has also helped uncover several laws of web surfing, including

the number of times an average person will go from web page to web page on a given site

before giving up, and the details of the ‘winner takes all' phenomenon, whereby a few sites
on a given subject attract most of the attention, and the rest get very little.
Scientists have been good at using the Web to carry out research. However, they have not

been so effective at employing the latest web-based social-networking tools to open up

scientific discussion and encourage more effective collaboration. Journalists are now used

to having their articles commented on by dozens of readers. Indeed, many bloggers develop

and refine their essays as a result of these comments.

Yet although people have tried to have scientific research reviewed in the same way, most

researchers only accept reviews from a few anonymous experts. When Nature, one of the
world's most respected scientific journals, experimented with open peer review in 2006, the
results were disappointing. Only 5% of the authors it spoke to agreed to have their article
posted for review on the Web - and their instinct turned out to be right, because almost half
of the papers attracted no comments. Michael Nielsen, an expert on quantum computers,
belongs to a new wave of scientist bloggers who want to change this. He thinks the reason
for the lack of comments is that potential reviewers lack incentive.

*The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world's largest particle accelerator and collides particle beams. It
provides information on fundamental questions of physics.
Source: Complete IELTS Band 5-6.5

Questions 1-3:
Answer the questions below. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the
passage for each answer.
1. Whose writing improves as a result of feedback received from readers?
2. What type of writing is not reviewed extensively on the Web?
3. Which publication invited authors to publish their articles on the World Wide

IELTS Thanh Loan 289

Exercise 6:

The Mit factor: celebrating 150 years

of maverick genius
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has led the world into the future for 150 years
with scientific innovations.

The musician Yo-Yo Ma’s cello may not be the obvious starting point for a journey

into one of the world’s great universities. But, as you quickly realise when you step

inside the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, there’s precious little going on that

you would normally see on a university campus. The cello, resting in a corner of MIT’s

celebrated media laboratory — a hub of creativity — looks like any other electric

classical instrument. But it is much more. Machover, the composer, teacher and

inventor responsible for its creation, calls it a ‘hyperinstrument’, a sort of thinking

machine that allows Ma and his cello to interact with one another and make music

together. ‘The aim is to build an instrument worthy of a great musician like Yo-Yo Ma

that can understand what he is trying to do and respond to it,’ Machover says. The

cello has numerous sensors across its body and by measuring the pressure, speed and

angle of the virtuoso’s performance it can interpret his mood and engage with it,

producing extraordinary new sounds. The virtuoso cellist frequently performs on the
instrument as he tours around the world.

Machover’s passion for pushing at the boundaries of the existing world to extend and
unleash human potential is not a bad description of MIT as a whole. This unusual
community brings highly gifted, highly motivated individuals together from a vast
range of disciplines, united by a common desire: to leap into the dark and reach for
the unknown.

The result of that single unifying ambition is visible all around. For the past 150 years,
MIT has been leading the world into the future. The discoveries of its teachers and
students have become the common everyday objects that we now all take for granted.
The telephone, electromagnets, radars, high-speed photography, office photocopiers,
cancer treatments, pocket calculators, computers, the Internet, the decoding of the
human genome, lasers, space travel ... the list of innovations that involved essential
contributions from MIT and its faculty goes on and on.

IELTS Thanh Loan 290

From the moment MIT was founded by William Barton Rogers in 1861, it was clear what it
was not. While Harvard stuck to the English model of a classical education, with its emphasis
on Latin and Greek, MIT looked to the German system of learning based on research and
hands-on experimentation. Knowledge was at a premium, but it had to be useful.

This down-to-earth quality is enshrined in the school motto, Mens et manus - Mind and hand

- as well as its logo, which shows a gowned scholar standing beside an ironmonger bearing

a hammer and anvil. That symbiosis of intellect and craftsmanship still suffuses the institute’s

classrooms, where students are not so much taught as engaged and inspired.

Take Christopher Merrill, 21, a third-year undergraduate in computer science. He is
spending most of his time on a competition set in his robotics class. The contest is to see

which student can most effectively program a robot to build a house out of blocks in under
ten minutes. Merrill says he could have gone for the easiest route - designing a simple robot

that would build the house quickly. But he wanted to try to master an area of robotics that
remains unconquered — adaptability, the ability of the robot to rethink its plans as the

environment around it changes, as would a human.

‘I like to take on things that have never been done before rather than to work in an iterative
way just making small steps forward,’ he explains. Merrill is already planning the start-up
he wants to set up when he graduates in a year’s time. He has an idea for an original version
of a contact lens that would augment reality by allowing consumers to see additional visual
information. He is fearful that he might be just too late in taking his concept to market, as he
has heard that a Silicon Valley firm is already developing something similar. As such, he
might become one of many MIT graduates who go on to form companies that fail.
Alternatively, he might become one of those who go on to succeed in spectacular fashion.
And there are many of them. A survey of living MIT alumni* found that they have formed
25,800 companies, employing more than three million people, including about a quarter of
the workforce of Silicon Valley. What MIT delights in is taking brilliant minds from around
the world in vastly diverse disciplines and putting them together. You can see that in its
sparkling new David Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, which brings
scientists, engineers and clinicians under one roof.

IELTS Thanh Loan 291

Or in its Energy Initiative, which acts as a bridge for MIT’s combined work across all its five
schools, channelling huge resources into the search for a solution to global warming. It works
to improve the efficiency of existing energy sources, including nuclear power. It is also
forging ahead with alternative energies from solar to wind and geothermal, and has recently

developed the use of viruses to synthesise batteries that could prove crucial in the

advancement of electric cars.

In the words of Tim Berners-Lee, the Briton who invented the World Wide Web, ‘It’s not just

another university. Even though I spend my time with my head buried in the details of web

technology, the nice thing is that when I do walk the corridors, I bump into people who are
working in other fields with their students that are fascinating, and that keeps me
intellectually alive.’

adapted from the Guardian

* people who have left a university or college after completing their studies there

Source: Complete IELTS Band 6.5-7.5

Questions 1–4

Answer the questions below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

1. What proportion of workers at Silicon Valley are employed in companies set up by

MIT graduates?
2. What problem does MIT’s Energy Initiative aim to solve?
3. Which ‘green’ innovation might MIT’s work with viruses help improve?
4. In which part of the university does Tim Berners-L?

IELTS Thanh Loan 292


Khi học IELTS, các bạn đều sợ Matching Headings, nhưng thực tế có 1 dạng câu hỏi
khó chẳng kém Matching Headings. Đó chính là Matching Information to

a. Thông tin dạng câu hỏi

Dạng Matching Information to Paragraph xuất hiện như sau trong bài thi đọc

Ví dụ:

Reading Passage 3 has eight paragraph A-H

Which paragraph contains the following information?

Write the correct letter, A-H, in boxes 27-29 on your answer sheet.

27. mention of a geo-engineering project based on an earlier natural phenomenon

28. an example of a successful use of geo-engineering

29. a common definition of geo-engineering

Một vài thông tin về dạng câu hỏi Matching Information to Paragraph

Các đoạn văn được đánh chữ

- Bài đọc chia thành nhiều đoạn văn, ít thì 5 đoạn, nhiều thì 8 -10 đoạn văn
- Các đoạn văn sẽ lần lượt được đánh chữ A, B, C … cho đến hết

Cung cấp một loại các thông tin (Information)

- Các thông tin (Information) được đánh số tương ứng với số thứ tự của câu hỏi, đã
được paraphrase khác so với thông tin trong đoạn văn
Ví dụ:

Thông tin trong câu hỏi: How early mammals avoided dying out
Thông tin tương ứng trong bài đọc: “Our mammalian ancestors probably only
managed to survive at all because they found ways of scraping a living at night”

IELTS Thanh Loan 293

- Có thể có đoạn văn chứa nhiều thông tin (nhiều đáp án)
Ví dụ:

Reading Passage 1 has five paragraphs, A - E

Which paragraph contains the following information? Write the correct letter, A-E, in
boxes 1 - 5 on your answer sheet.

NB You may use any letter more than once

1. examples of wildlife other than bats which do not rely on vision to navigate by

2. how early mammals avoided dying out

3. why bats hunt in the dark
4. how a particular discovery has helped our understanding of bats
5. early military uses of echolocation

Đáp án:

1. E 3. A 5. D

2. A 4. E

Đoạn A chứa tới 2 thông tin, tương ứng với đáp án của hai câu hỏi

- Có bài chứa nhiều đoạn văn hơn số lượng thông tin cần tìm, nên sẽ có những
đoạn văn không chứa thông tin (hay đáp án) nào.
Ví dụ:

Reading Passage 3 has eight paragraph A-H Đáp án:

Which paragraph contains the following information? 27. D
Write the correct letter, A-H, in boxes 27-29 on your answer 28. B
sheet. 29. A

27. mention of a geo-engineering project based on an earlier

natural phenomenon
28. an example of a successful use of geo-engineering
29. a common definition of geo-engineering

Trong passage này có chứa tới 8 đoạn văn nhỏ, nhưng chỉ có 3 câu hỏi, nên có
tới 5 đoạn văn không chứa một thông tin (hay đáp án) nào.

IELTS Thanh Loan 294

Phải tìm thông tin cụ thể để đưa ra câu trả lời, và câu hỏi không theo trật tự
bài đọc
- Với Matching Headings, bạn tìm nội dung chính của một đoạn văn. Nhưng với
Matching Information to Paragraph, bạn cần tìm 1 nội dung nhỏ (1 mẩu thông tin
cụ thể) được nhắc đến ở đoạn văn nào trong bài đọc

- Các câu hỏi không theo trật tự: Mẩu thông tin ở câu hỏi 1 có thể nằm ở vị trí đoạn

văn gần cuối. Trong khi đó, mẩu thông tin ở câu hỏi 2 lại nằm ở vị trí ngay đầu.

Viết chữ cái in hoa trong phần đáp án

- Bạn cần viết chữ in hoa tương ứng với chữ cái ở đầu đoạn văn vào đáp án

- Ví dụ: Mẩu thông tin của câu số 1 được đề cập ở đoạn D, vậy bạn cần viết: 1.D


IELTS Thanh Loan 295

b. Cách làm bài (kèm ví dụ)

Bước 1: Gạch chân keyword chính của từng câu hỏi

- Dạng câu hỏi này thường sẽ không có từ khóa loại 1 (từ giúp scan vị trí thông tin
câu hỏi dễ dàng trong bài đọc). Vì vậy, hãy gạch chân các từ khóa mang nội dung
chính của mỗi câu hỏi.
- Có một số loại từ khóa giúp người đọc định hướng thông tin sẽ được đề cập đến
trong đoạn văn, đó là:

Ví dụ:

Examples (of ST) (Những ví dụ về cái

Câu hỏi: “Examples of clothing”
(Những ví dụ về trang phục)

Nếu trong câu hỏi có đề cập đến loại Bài đọc có thể xuất hiện thông tin:
keyword này, thì trong đoạn văn sẽ đề cập

đến một loạt CÁC VÍ DỤ liên quan đến N
“shirts, trousers, jeans, shorts” (áo
sơ mi, quần, quần bò, quần đùi)
“Something” đó.

Description (of ST) (Miêu tả về một Câu hỏi: “Description of his father”
vật gì):

Nếu trong câu hỏi có đề cập đến loại
keyword này, thì trong đoạn văn sẽ cung
(Miêu tả về bố của anh ấy)
Bài đọc có thể xuất hiện thông tin:
“he is tall, has dark hair” (ông ý cao
cấp những MIÊU TẢ ĐẶC ĐIỂM của một và có mái tóc đen)
cái gì/ vật gì (có thể về hình dáng bên
ngoài, tính cách…).

Definition (of ST) (Định nghĩa về cái Câu hỏi: “Definition of mammals”
gì): (Định nghĩa về động vật có vú)
trong bài đọc sẽ cung cấp ĐỊNH NGHĨA về
“something” đó. Bài đọc có thể xuất hiện thông tin:
“any animal that gives birth to live
babies, not eggs, and feeds its
young on milk.” (loài vật sinh con,
chứ không đẻ trứng, và cho con bú

IELTS Thanh Loan 296

Why (Chủ ngữ + động từ): Câu hỏi: “Why Lan took the IELTS
trong bài đọc sẽ cung cấp LÝ DO vì sao cái exam” (Tại sao Lan thi IELTS)
gì làm gì/ hay cái gì dẫn đến điều gì. Một
số từ nối có thể mong đợi xuất hiện trong Bài đọc có thể xuất hiện thông tin:
bài đọc đó là “because/ since/ as/ as a “because she wanted to study
result…” abroad.” (vì cô ấy muốn học ở nước

How (Chủ ngữ + động từ): Câu hỏi: “How she got a 100%

trong bài đọc chắc chắn sẽ cung cấp CÁCH scholarship” (Cách mà cô ấy nhận

THỨC để ai đó làm một việc gì. được học bổng 100%)

Bài đọc có thể xuất hiện thông tin:

“By achieving 8.0 in the IELTS

T H exam, and
got the

T S scholarship of Seoul National

University.” (Bằng việc đạt được

8.0 trong kỳ thi IELTS, và kết quả
học tập xuất sắc cô ấy đã đạt được
học bổng của trường Đại học Quốc
Gia Seoul)

Reference (to + danh từ): Câu hỏi: “a reference to difficulties

trong bài đọc sẽ cung cấp DẪN CHỨNG in preparing for the IELTS exam”
cho cái gì đó (dẫn chứng về những khó khăn
trong việc chuẩn bị cho kỳ thi
Bài đọc có thể xuất hiện thông tin:
“lack of time, unsuitable materials,
no instructor” (thiếu thời gian, tài
liệu không phù hợp, không có người
hướng dẫn)

IELTS Thanh Loan 297

Bước 2: Đọc hiểu lần lượt từng đoạn văn và nối với câu hỏi phù hợp
- Cần đọc hiểu từng đoạn văn theo thứ tự cho đến khi tìm được thông tin chính xác
với một trong số các câu hỏi.
- Sẽ có đoạn văn không chứa thông tin câu hỏi nào, và sẽ có những đoạn văn chứa
thông tin cho nhiều câu hỏi. Người đọc cần cẩn thận.

Áp dụng vào ví dụ

Let’s go bats
A. Bats have a problem: how to find their way around in the dark. They hunt at night,

and cannot use light to help them find prey and avoid obstacles. You might say that this is

a problem of their own making, one that they could avoid simply by changing their habits

and hunting by day. But the daytime economy is already heavily exploited by other

creatures such as birds. Given that there is a living to be made at night, and given that

alternative daytime trades are thoroughly occupied, natural selection has favoured bats

that make a go of the night-hunting trade. It is probable that the nocturnal trades go way

back in the ancestry of all mammals. In the time when the dinosaurs dominated the daytime

economy, our mammalian ancestors probably only managed to survive at all because they
found ways of scraping a living at night. Only after the mysterious mass extinction of the
dinosaurs about 65 million years ago were our ancestors able to emerge into the daylight
in any substantial numbers.

B. Bats have an engineering problem: how to find their way and find their prey in the
absence of light. Bats are not the only creatures to face this difficulty today. Obviously the
night-flying insects that they prey on must find their way about somehow. Deep-sea fish
and whales have little or no light by day or by night. Fish and dolphins that live in
extremely muddy water cannot see because, although there is light, it is obstructed and
scattered by the dirt in the water. Plenty of other modern animals make their living in
conditions where seeing is difficult or impossible.

C. Given the questions of how to manoeuvre in the dark, what solutions might an
engineer consider? The first one that might occur to him is to manufacture light, to use a
lantern or a searchlight. Fireflies and some fish (usually with the help of bacteria) have the
power to manufacture their own light, but the process seems to consume a large amount of
energy Fireflies use their light for attracting mates. This doesn't require a prohibitive
amount of

IELTS Thanh Loan 298

energy: a male’s tiny pinprick of light can be seen by a female from some distance on a
dark night, since her eyes are exposed directly to the light source itself. However using
light to find one's own way around requires vastly more energy, since the eyes have to
detect the tiny fraction of the light that bounces off each part of the scene. The light source
must therefore be immensely brighter if it is to be used as a headlight to illuminate the
path, than if it is to be used as a signal to others. In any event, whether or not the reason is

the energy expense, it seems to be the case that, with the possible exception of some weird

deep-sea fish, no animal apart from man uses manufactured light to find its way about.

D. What else might the engineer think of? Well, blind humans sometimes seem to have
an uncanny sense of obstacles in their path. It has been given the name ‘facial vision’,

because blind people have reported that it feels a bit like the sense of touch, on the face.
One report tells of a totally blind boy who could ride his tricycle at good speed round the

block near his home, using facial vision. Experiments showed that, in fact, facial vision is

nothing to do with touch or the front of the face, although the sensation may be referred to
the front of the face, like the referred pain in a phantom limb. The sensation of facial

vision, it turns out, really goes in through the ears.

Blind people, without even being aware of the fact, are actually using echoes of their own
footsteps and of other sounds, to sense the presence of obstacles. Before this was
discovered, engineers had already built instruments to exploit the principle, for example to
measure the depth of the sea under a ship. After this technique had been invented, it was
only a matter of time before weapons designers adapted it for the detection of submarines.
Both sides in the Second World War relied heavily on these devices, under such codenames
as Asdic (British) and Sonar (American), as well as Radar (American) or RDF (British),
which uses radio echoes rather than sound echoes.

E. The Sonar and Radar pioneers didn't know it then, but all the world now knows that
bats, or rather natural selection working on bats, had perfected the system tens of millions
of years earlier; and their radar' achieves feats of detection and navigation that would
strike an engineer dumb with admiration. It is technically incorrect to talk about bat
‘radar', since they do not use radio waves. It is sonar. But the underlying mathematical
theories of radar and sonar are very similar; and much of our scientific understanding of
the details of what bats are doing has come from applying radar theory to them. The
American zoologist Donald Griffin, who was largely responsible for the discovery of sonar
in bats, coined the term ‘écholocation' to cover both sonar and radar, whether used by
animals or by human instruments.

IELTS Thanh Loan 299

Question 1 - 5:
Reading Passage 1 has five paragraphs, A - E
Which paragraph contains the following information? Write the correct letter, A-E,
in boxes 1 - 5 on your answer sheet.
NB You may use any letter more than once

1. examples of wildlife other than bats which do not rely on vision to navigate


2. how early mammals avoided dying out

3. why bats hunt in the dark

4. how a particular discovery has helped our understanding of bats

5. early military uses of echolocation

H A (Source: Cambridge 7 - Test 1 - Passage 1)


IELTS Thanh Loan 300

Áp dụng làm dạng bài Matching Information này với 2 bước:

Bước 1: Gạch chân từ khóa chính của từng câu hỏi và đoán thông tin sẽ được đề cập
trong đoạn văn dựa vào loại từ khóa.

Đoạn văn sẽ xuất 1. examples of wildlife other than bats which do

hiên tên nhiều loại
động vật hoang dã not rely on vision to navigate by Nội dung chính

có thể xuất hiện

thông tin có thể xuất
hiện thông tin cách
2. how early mammals avoided dying out Nội dung chính

loài động vật có vú
tránh tuyệt chủng

3. why bats hunt in the dark Nội dung chính
why = lý do loài

dơi săn vào ban

đêm (because, as,
4. how a particular discovery has helped our Nội dung chính

understanding of bats
how = cách thức

một khám phá giúp

hiểu về loài dơi
5. early military uses of echolocation

Không có từ xác
định dạng thông
tin. Đây là nội
dung chính của
câu hỏi số 5 luôn

IELTS Thanh Loan 301

Bước 2: Đọc hiểu lần lượt từng đoạn văn và nối với câu hỏi phù hợp
Bắt đầu từ đoạn A:

A. Bats have a problem: how to find their way around in the

dark. They hunt at night, and cannot use light to help them find
prey and avoid obstacles. You might say that this is a problem of Lý do con rơi đi tìm

mồi vào ban đêm:
their own making, one that they could avoid simply by changing
Ban ngày đã có loài

their habits and hunting by day. But the daytime economy is khác, ví dụ chim, rồi

nên cần có con đi
already heavily exploited by other creatures such as birds. Given kiếm ăn vào ban

đêm, và rơi là loài
that there is a living to be made at night, and given that alternative được chọn

daytime trades are thoroughly occupied, natural selection has

favoured bats that make a go of the night-hunting trade. It is

probable that the nocturnal trades go way back in the ancestry of
Cách các loài có vú

all mammals. In the time when the dinosaurs dominated the tránh tuyệt chủng: tổ
tiên loài động vật có

daytime economy, our mammalian ancestors probably only vú của chúng ta chỉ có
thể sống sót nhờ việc

managed to survive at all because they found ways of scraping a họ tìm được cách đi

living at night. Only after the mysterious mass extinction of the săn vào ban đêm

dinosaurs about 65 million years ago were our ancestors able to

emerge into the daylight in any substantial numbers.

Đối chiếu từ đồng nghĩa với câu 3:

Vocabulary in passage Vocabulary in questions

- natural selection - why

- the night-hunting trade - hunt in the dark

Câu 3: A

Đối chiếu từ đồng nghĩa với câu 2:

Vocabulary in passage Vocabulary in questions

- found ways of scraping a living at night - how

- ancestors - early mammals
- managed to survive - avoided dying out
Câu 2: A

IELTS Thanh Loan 302

Tiếp tục với đoạn B:

B. Bats have an engineering problem: how to find their way and

find their prey in the absence of light. Bats are not the only
creatures to face this difficulty today. Obviously the night-flying
insects that they prey on must find their way about somehow.
những loài động vật

Deep-sea fish and whales have little or no light by day or by night. không cần ánh sáng để

đi săn là deep-sea fish
Fish and dolphins that live in extremely muddy water cannot see và whales, dolphins

because, although there is light, it is obstructed and scattered by

the dirt in the water. Plenty of other modern animals make their
living in conditions where seeing is difficult or impossible.

Đối chiếu từ đồng nghĩa với câu 1:
Vocabulary in passage
H A Vocabulary in questions

- fish/ dolphins/ whales - examples of wildlife

- little or no light by day or by night/ cannot - not rely on vision to navigate

Câu 1: B

Tiếp tục đọc đoạn C, nhưng không có thông tin nào phù hợp với nội dung của câu hỏi
còn lại -> bỏ qua đoạn C

Di chuyển đến đoạn D thứ 2

IELTS Thanh Loan 303

Blind people, without even being aware of the fact, are actually
using echoes of their own footsteps and of other sounds, to sense
the presence of obstacles. Before this was discovered, engineers
had already built instruments to exploit the principle, for example Nhà thiết kế vũ khí
to measure the depth of the sea under a ship. After this technique dùng tiếng vang để
phát hiện tàu ngầm.
had been invented, it was only a matter of time before weapons Chiến tranh thế giới
thứ II phụ thuộc rất
designers adapted it for the detection of submarines. Both sides in nhiều vào các thiết bị
này ... --> đang nói về
the Second World War relied heavily on these devices, under such

việc tiếng vang được sử
codenames as Asdic (British) and Sonar (American), as well as dụng trong chiến tranh

như thế nào
Radar (American) or RDF (British), which uses radio echoes

rather than sound echoes.

Đối chiếu từ đồng nghĩa với câu 5:

Vocabulary in passage Vocabulary in questions

- weapon designers

T H - early military

- use radio echoes rather than sound echoes - uses of echolocation

Câu 5: D
Tiếp tục với đoạn E:

E. The Sonar and Radar pioneers didn't know it then, but all the
world now knows that bats, or rather natural selection working on
bats, had perfected the system tens of millions of years earlier; and
their radar' achieves feats of detection and navigation that would
strike an engineer dumb with admiration. It is technically incorrect
to talk about bat ‘radar', since they do not use radio waves. It is
sonar. But the underlying mathematical theories of radar and
Chúng ta có thể tìm
sonar are very similar; and much of our scientific understanding of hiểu về loài rơi là nhà
có radar theory.
the details of what bats are doing has come from applying radar
theory to them. The American zoologist Donald Griffin, who was
largely responsible for the discovery of sonar in bats, coined the
term ‘écholocation' to cover both sonar and radar, whether used by
animals or by human instruments.

IELTS Thanh Loan 304

Đối chiếu từ đồng nghĩa với câu 4:
Vocabulary in passage Vocabulary in questions

- radar theory - a particular discovery

- applying radar theory to them - how
- our scientific understanding of the details of - help our understanding of bats
what bats are doing

Câu 4: E
Đáp án cho bài thực hành:
1. B Đáp án không xuất hiện

2. A theo thứ tự trong bài đọc

3. A

4. E

5. D


IELTS Thanh Loan 305

Mẹo cho dạng Matching Information

Tip 1: Hãy làm dạng Matching Information cùng hoặc sau các dạng câu hỏi

Matching Information to Paragraph là một dạng bài khó, đòi hỏi phải đọc chi tiết hết
các đoạn văn thì mới có thể đưa ra được đáp án đúng.

Vì vậy, lời khuyên đó là hãy làm dạng câu hỏi này cùng hoặc sau khi làm xong các

dạng câu hỏi khác (như True/ False/ NG hay Gap Filling…) trong cùng một passage.

Việc làm các dạng bài khác trước hoặc song song với Matching information to

paragraph giúp chúng ta chỉ cần đọc 1 lần duy nhất và có thể trả lời các thông tin
liên quan -> tiết kiệm được thời gian.

Ví dụ:
Let’s go bats

A. Bats have a problem: how to find their way around in the dark. They hunt at night, and

cannot use light to help them find prey and avoid obstacles. You might say that this is a

problem of their own making, one that they could avoid simply by changing their habits and
hunting by day. But the daytime economy is already heavily exploited by other creatures such
as birds. Given that there is a living to be made at night, and given that alternative daytime
trades are thoroughly occupied, natural selection has favoured bats that make a go of the
night-hunting trade. It is probable that the nocturnal trades go way back in the ancestry of all
mammals. In the time when the dinosaurs dominated the daytime economy, our mammalian
ancestors probably only managed to survive at all because they found ways of scraping a
living at night. Only after the mysterious mass extinction of the dinosaurs about 65 million
years ago were our ancestors able to emerge into the daylight in any substantial numbers.

B. Bats have an engineering problem: how to find their way and find their prey in the
absence of light. Bats are not the only creatures to face this difficulty today. Obviously the
night-flying insects that they prey on must find their way about somehow. Deep-sea fish and
whales have little or no light by day or by night. Fish and dolphins that live in extremely
muddy water cannot see because, although there is light, it is obstructed and scattered by the
dirt in the water. Plenty of other modern animals make their living in conditions where
seeing is difficult or impossible.

IELTS Thanh Loan 306

C. Given the questions of how to manoeuvre in the dark, what solutions might an engineer
consider? The first one that might occur to him is to manufacture light, to use a lantern or a
searchlight. Fireflies and some fish (usually with the help of bacteria) have the power to
manufacture their own light, but the process seems to consume a large amount of energy
Fireflies use their light for attracting mates. This doesn't require a prohibitive amount of
energy: a male’s tiny pinprick of light can be seen by a female from some distance on a dark

night, since her eyes are exposed directly to the light source itself. However using light to find

one's own way around requires vastly more energy, since the eyes have to detect the tiny

fraction of the light that bounces off each part of the scene. The light source must therefore

be immensely brighter if it is to be used as a headlight to illuminate the path, than if it is to be

used as a signal to others. In any event, whether or not the reason is the energy expense, it

seems to be the case that, with the possible exception of some weird deep-sea fish, no animal

apart from man uses manufactured light to find its way about.

D. What else might the engineer think of? Well, blind humans sometimes seem to have an

uncanny sense of obstacles in their path. It has been given the name ‘facial vision’, because

blind people have reported that it feels a bit like the sense of touch, on the face. One report

tells of a totally blind boy who could ride his tricycle at good speed round the block near his

home, using facial vision. Experiments showed that, in fact, facial vision is nothing to do with
touch or the front of the face, although the sensation may be referred to the front of the face,
like the referred pain in a phantom limb. The sensation of facial vision, it turns out, really
goes in through the ears.

Blind people, without even being aware of the fact, are actually using echoes of their own
footsteps and of other sounds, to sense the presence of obstacles. Before this was discovered,
engineers had already built instruments to exploit the principle, for example to measure the
depth of the sea under a ship. After this technique had been invented, it was only a matter of
time before weapons designers adapted it for the detection of submarines. Both sides in the
Second World War relied heavily on these devices, under such codenames as Asdic (British)
and Sonar (American), as well as Radar (American) or RDF (British), which uses radio
echoes rather than sound echoes.

E. The Sonar and Radar pioneers didn't know it then, but all the world now knows that
bats, or rather natural selection working on bats, had perfected the system tens of millions
of years earlier; and their radar' achieves feats of detection and navigation that would

IELTS Thanh Loan 307

an engineer dumb with admiration. It is technically incorrect to talk about bat ‘radar', since
they do not use radio waves. It is sonar. But the underlying mathematical theories of radar
and sonar are very similar; and much of our scientific understanding of the details of what
bats are doing has come from applying radar theory to them. The American zoologist
Donald Griffin, who was largely responsible for the discovery of sonar in bats, coined the
term ‘écholocation’ to cover both sonar and radar, whether used by animals or by human

Questions 1-5:
Reading Passage 1 has five paragraphs, A - E
Which paragraph contains the following information? Write the
correct letter, A-E, in boxes 1 - 5 on your answer sheet.

NB You may use any letter more than once

1. examples of wildlife other than bats which do not rely on vision to navigate

2. how early mammals avoided dying out
3. why bats hunt in the dark
4. how a particular discovery has helped our understanding of bats
5. early military’s uses of echolocation

IELTS Thanh Loan 308

Question 6-9:
Complete the summary below. Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each
Write your answers in boxes 6-9 on your answer sheet

Facial Vision

Blind people report that so-called ‘facial vision' is comparable to the sensation of
touch on the face. In fact, the sensation is more similar to the way in which pain from

a 6 ____ arm or leg might be felt. The ability actually comes from perceiving 7 ___
through the ears. However, even before this was understood, the principle had been

applied in the design of instruments which calculated the 8 ____ of the seabed. This

was followed by a wartime application in devices for finding 9 ___

Question 10-13:

Complete the sentences below. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the

passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 10-13 on your answer sheet.

10. Long before the invention of radar,___ had resulted in a sophisticated radar-like
system in bats.

11. Radar is an inaccurate term when referring to bats because ___ are not used in
their navigation system.

12. Radar and sonar are based on similar ___

13. The word ‘echolocation’ was first used by someone working as a ___

(Source: Cambridge 7 - Test 1 - Passage 1)

IELTS Thanh Loan 309

Áp dụng Tip 1:
Khi gặp một passage như vậy, hãy bắt đầu làm từ câu hỏi 6-9:

Facial Vision
Blind people report that so-called ‘facial vision' is comparable to the sensation of
touch on the face. In fact, the sensation is more similar to the way in which pain from
a 6 ____ arm or leg might be felt. The ability actually comes from perceiving 7 ___

through the ears. However, even before this was understood, the principle had been

applied in the design of instruments which calculated the 8 ____ of the seabed. This

was followed by a wartime application in devices for finding 9 ___

Từ khóa chính trong đoạn tóm tắt trên là ‘blind people’ và ‘facial vision’ và scan giúp

bạn biết thông tin trả lời câu 6-9 nằm ở đoạn D.

Đọc đoạn D xong, chúng ta biết được thông tin về cuộc chiến tranh thế giới thứ hai

có áp dụng “wave echoes” để tạo ra những vũ khí phục vụ cho chiến tranh (trùng

khớp với thông tin của câu 5: “early military uses of echolocation”

Chỉ cần 1 lần đọc đoạn D, bạn vừa tìm đáp án cho câu 6-9 và vừa trả lời được

câu 5 (5.D)

Tiếp tục làm câu hỏi 10-13:

10. Long before the invention of radar,___ had resulted in a sophisticated radar-like
Keyword "radar" giúp định vị được thông
system in bats.
tin Question 10 sẽ nằm trong đoạn E

11. Radar is an inaccurate term when referring to bats because ___ are not used in
their navigation system. Tiếp tục nằm ở đoạn E

12. Radar and sonar are based on similar ___ Tiếp tục nằm ở
đoạn E

13. The word ‘echolocation’ was first used by someone working as a ___
Tiếp tục nằm ở
đoạn E

IELTS Thanh Loan 310

Nhờ có các keywords này, chúng ta thấy toàn bộ câu hỏi từ 10-13 nằm trong đoạn E
Đọc xong đoạn E, chúng ta biết được thông tin phần lớn hiểu biết về loài dơi đến từ
việc áp dụng các giả thuyết ‘radar theory’ >> Trùng khớp với câu 4: how a particular
discovery has helped our understanding of bats.
Chỉ cần 1 lần đọc đoạn E, bạn vừa tìm được đáp án cho câu 10-13 và vừa trả
lời câu 4.

Tip 2:

Thông thường sẽ có 1 đoạn văn chứa 2 thông tin (đáp án) nếu câu hỏi có chứa câu
“NB You may use any letter more than once”

Với dạng câu hỏi này, nếu trong đề bài có chứa câu “You may use any letter more

than once” (Bạn có thể sử dụng bất cứ chữ cái nào nhiều hơn một lần), thì thông

thường sẽ có một đoạn văn chứa 2 thông tin (2 đáp án), cho dù một vài đoạn có thể

không chứa thông tin (đáp án) nào.

Ví dụ:
Question 1 - 5:

Reading Passage 1 has five paragraphs, A - E

Which paragraph contains the following information? Write the correct letter, A-E,
in boxes 1 - 5 on your answer sheet.
NB You may use any letter more than once

1. examples of wildlife other than bats which do not rely

on vision to navigate by Đáp án:
2. how early mammals avoided dying out 1. B
3. why bats hunt in the dark 2. A
4. how a particular discovery has helped our 3. A
understanding of bats 4. E
5. early military uses of echolocation 5. D

Đoạn A có tới hai thông tin (hai đáp án), trong khi
đoạn C thì không chứa thông tin (đáp án nào cả)

IELTS Thanh Loan 311

c. Bài tập thực hành

Exercise 1:

Graphic novels
People who think graphic novels are just
comics with a different name should think again

A Graphic novels, as the name suggests, are books written and illustrated in the style of

a comic book. The term graphic novel was first used in 1978 by author and artist Will

Eisner to distinguish a comic novel he had written and illustrated from newspaper comic

trips. He described graphic novel as consisting of “sequential art” – a series of
illustrations which, when viewed in order, tell a story.

B Although today's graphic novels are a recent phenomenon, this basic way of telling

stories has been used in various forms for centuries. Early cave drawings, hieroglyphics
and medieval tapestries are examples of this. The term graphic novel is now generally used

to describe any book in a comic format that resembles a novel in length and narrative

C Many adults feel that graphic novels are not the type of reading material that will help
young people become good readers. They believe that graphic novels are somehow a bad
influence that prevent “real” reading. In other words, they think that they are not “real”

D However, many quality graphic novels are now being seen as a method of storytelling
on the same level as novels, films or audio books. From originally appealing to small
following of enthusiasts, they are now being accepted by librarians and teacher as proper
literature for children and young adults. The main advantages are that they promote
literacy, and attract and motivate young people to read.

E How do we know this? In the past few years, teachers and school libraries have
reported outstanding success getting children to read with graphics novels. Many have
mentioned the motivational factor of the graphic novel. This has been especially true with
children who are usually reluctant to read, especially boys. The colourful pictures attract
them, and then encourage them to find out what story is about. Providing young people of

IELTS Thanh Loan 312

all abilities with a wide range of reading materials, including graphic novels, can help
them become lifelong readers.

F Furthermore, one of the main benefits of graphic novel is that it can help students who
are learning a foreign language, and who are having problems improving their reading
skills. This is because the pictures provide clues to the meaning of the words. Language

more quickly.
learners are therefore more motivated by graphic novels, and will acquire new vocabulary

G Many teachers have reported great success when they have used graphic novels with

their students, especially in the areas of English, social study and arts. They have

discovered that, just like traditional forms of literature, they can be useful tools for helping

students examine aspects of history, science, literature and art.

H The idea that graphic novels are too simple to be regarded as serious reading is no

longer valid. The excellent graphic novels available today demand many of the same skills

that are needed to understand traditional works of fiction. Often they actually contain

more sophisticated vocabulary than traditional books. Reading them can help students
develop the skills that are necessary to read more challenging works.

Source: Complete IELTS band 4-5

Question 1 - 7:
The reading passage has eight paragraphs, A-H.
Which paragraph contains the following information? Write the correct letter, A-H
NB You may use any letter more than once

1. people with negative attitudes towards graphic novels

2. a variety of school subjects where graphic novels can play an important role
3. why a graphic novel’s visual element speeds up learning
4. a modern definition of graphic novels
5. graphic novels are as good as any other method of telling a story
6. graphic novels sometimes use advanced words
7. the historical use of pictures as a method of storytelling

IELTS Thanh Loan 313

Question 8-13:
Complete the table below
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer

The advantages of graphic novels

Advantages Who benefits? How it works

They provide Reluctant readers They are attracted by

motivation to 8....................This encourages them to

read. find out what happens in the

They help
improve a
The pictures act as visual

H A The student develops a larger

10............... 13....................


IELTS Thanh Loan 314

Exercise 2:
Diagram completion

Out of Africa: solar energy from the Sahara

Vivienne Walt reports on how the Sahara Desert could offer a
truly green solution to Europe's energy problems

A. For years, the Sahara has been regarded by many Europeans as a terra incognita of
little economic value or importance. But this idea may soon change completely. Politicians

and scientists on both sides of the Mediterranean are beginning to focus on the Sahara's

potential to provide power for Europe in the future. They believe the desert's true value

comes from the fact that it is dry and empty. Some areas of the Sahara reach 45 degrees

centigrade on many afternoons. It is, in other words, a gigantic natural storehouse of solar


B. A few years ago, scientists began to calculate just how much energy the Sahara holds.
They were astonished at the answer. In theory, a 90,600 square kilometre chunk of the

Sahara- smaller than Portugal and a little over 1% of its total area - could yield the same
amount of electricity as all the world's power plants combined. A smaller square of 15,500

square kilometres - about the size of Connecticut could provide electricity for Europe's

500 million people.

‘I admit I was sceptical until I did the calculations myself,' says Michael Pawlyn, director
of Exploration Architecture, one of three British environmental companies comprising the
Sahara Forest Project, which is testing solar plants in Oman and the United Arab
Emirates. Pawlyn calls the Sahara's potential ‘staggering'.

C. At the moment, no one is proposing the creation of a solar power station the size of a
small country. But a relatively well-developed technology exists, which proponents say
could turn the Sahara's heat and sunlight into a major source of electricity -
Concentrating Solar Power [CSP]. Unlike solar panels, which convert sunlight directly
into electricity, CSP utilises mirrors which focus light on water pipes or boilers to produce
very hot steam to operate the turbines of generators. Small CSP plants have produced
power in California's Mojave Desert since the 1980s. The Sahara Forest Project proposes
building CSP plants in areas below sea level [the Sahara has several such depressions] so
that sea water can flow into them. This water would then be purified and used for powering
turbines and washing dust off the mirrors. Waste water would then supply irrigation to
areas around the stations, creating lush oases - hence the ‘forest’ in the group's name.

IELTS Thanh Loan 315

D. But producing significant quantities of electricity means building huge arrays of
mirrors and pipes across hundreds of miles of remote desert, which is expensive. Gerry
Wolff, an engineer who heads DESERTEC, an international consortium of solar-power
scientists, says they have estimated it will cost about $59 billion to begin transmitting
power from the Sahara by 2020.

E. Building plants is just part of the challenge. One of the drawbacks to CSP technology

is that it works at maximum efficiency only in sunny, hot climates - and deserts tend to be

distant from population centres. To supply Europe with 20% of its electricity needs, more

than 19,300 kilometres of cables would need to be laid under the Mediterranean, says

Gunnar Asplund, head of HVDC research at ABB Power Technologies in Ludvika,

Sweden. Indeed, to use renewable sources of power, including solar, wind and tidal,

Europe will need to build completely new electrical grids. That's because existing

infrastructures, built largely for the coal fired plants that supply 80% of Europe's power,

would not be suitable for carrying the amount of electricity generated by the Sahara.

Germany's government-run Aerospace Centre, which researches energy, estimates that

replacing those lines could raise the cost of building solar plants in the Sahara and

sending significant amounts of power to Europe to about $465 billion over the next 40

years. Generous government subsidies will be needed. ‘Of course it costs a lot of money,'

says Asplund. ‘It's a lot cheaper to burn coal than to make solar power in the Sahara.’

F. Meanwhile, some companies are getting started. Seville engineering company

Abengoa is building one solar thermal plant in Algeria and another in Morocco, while a
third is being built in Egypt by a Spanish-Japanese joint venture. The next step will be to
get cables in place. Although the European Parliament has passed a law that aids
investors who help the continent reach its goal of getting 20% of its power from renewable
energy by 2020, it could take years to create the necessary infrastructure.

G. Nicholas Dunlop, secretary-general of the London-based NGO e-Parliament, thinks

companies should begin transmitting small amounts of solar power as soon as the North
African plants begin operating, by linking a few cable lines under the Med. ‘I call it the
Lego method,' he says. ‘Build it piece by piece.’ If it can be shown that power from the
Sahara can be produced profitably, he says, companies and governments will soon jump
in. If they do, perhaps airplane passengers flying across the Sahara will one day count the
mirrors and patches of green instead of staring at sand.
*terra incognita - Latin, meaning ‘an unknown land’
Source: Complete IELTS Band 5-6.5

IELTS Thanh Loan 316

Question 1-5:
The reading passage has seven paragraphs, A-G. Which paragraph contains the
following information? Write the correct letter, A-G.
NB You may use any letter more than once.

1. a mention of systems which could not be used

2. estimates of the quantity of power the Sahara could produce
3. a suggestion for how to convince organisations about the Sahara's potential
4. a short description of the Sahara at present
5. a comparison of the costs of two different energy sources

Question 6-9:
Look at the following statements (Questions 6-9) and the list of organisations below.
Match each statement with the correct organisation, A-G.

6. They have set a time for achieving an objective. List of Organisations

7. They believe that successful small-scale A) Exploration Architecture
projects will demonstrate that larger projects are B) DESERTEC
possible. C) ABB Power Technologies
8. They have a number of renewable energy D) Aerospace Centre
projects under construction. E) Abengoa
9. They are already experimenting with solar- F) The European Parliament
energy installations in other parts of the world. G) e-Parliament

Question 10-13:
Complete the summary below.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Concentrating Solar Power (CSP)

Unlike solar panels, CSP concentrates the sun's rays on boilers by using 10 ___The
resulting heat produces high-temperature 11___,which in turn moves the turbines
which generate electricity. CSP plants will be situated in 12___to allow sea water to
run in. This, when purified, can be used to wash the equipment. The resulting dirty
water will be used for 13___ around the power plant, and in this way oases will be

IELTS Thanh Loan 317

Exercise 3:

Deforestation in the 21st century

When it comes to cutting down trees, satellite
data reveals a shift from the patterns of the past

A Globally, roughly 13 million hectares of forest are destroyed each year. Such

deforestation has long been driven by farmers desperate to earn a living or by loggers

building new roads into pristine forest. But now new data appears to show that big, block

clearings that reflect industrial deforestation have come to dominate, rather than these

smaller-scale efforts that leave behind long, narrow swaths of cleared land. Geographer

Ruth DeFries of Columbia University and her colleagues used satellite images to analyse

tree-clearing in countries ringing the tropics, representing 98 per cent of all remaining

tropical forest. Instead of the usual ‘fish bone' signature of deforestation from small-scale
operations, large, chunky blocks of cleared land reveal a new motive for cutting down

In fact, a statistical analysis of 41 countries showed that forest loss rates were most

closely linked with urban population growth and agricultural exports in the early part of the

21st century - even overall population growth was not as strong an influence. ‘In previous
decades, deforestation was associated with planned colonisation, resettlement schemes in
local areas and farmers clearing land to grow food for subsistence,' DeFries says. ‘What
we’re seeing now is a shift from small-scale farmers driving deforestation to distant
demands from urban growth, agricultural trade and exports being more important drivers.’

C In other words, the increasing urbanisation of the developing world, as populations

leave rural areas to concentrate in booming cities, is driving deforestation, rather than
containing it. Coupled with this there is an ongoing increase in consumption in the
developed world of products that have an impact on forests, whether furniture, shoe leather
or chicken feed. ‘One of the really striking characteristics of this century is urbanisation
and rapid urban growth in the developing world,’ DeFries says, ‘People in cities need to
eat.’ ‘There’s no surprise there,’ observes Scott Poynton, executive director of the Tropical
Forest Trust, a Switzerland-based organisation that helps businesses implement and
manage sustainable forestry in countries such as Brazil, Congo and Indonesia. ‘It’s not
about people chopping down trees. It's all the people in New York, Europe and elsewhere
who want cheap products, primarily food.’

IELTS Thanh Loan 318

D Dearies argues that in order to help sustain this increasing urban and global demand,
agricultural productivity will need to be increased on lands that have already been cleared.
This means that better crop varieties or better management techniques will need to be used
on the many degraded and abandoned lands in the tropics. And the Tropical Forest Trust is

building management systems to keep illegally harvested wood from ending up in, for

example, deck chairs, as well as expanding its efforts to look at how to reduce the ‘forest

footprint’ of agricultural products such as palm oil. Poynton says, ‘The point is to give

forests value as forests, to keep them as forests and give them a use as forests. They’re not
going to be locked away as national parks. That’s not going to happen.’

E But it is not all bad news. Halts in tropical deforestation have resulted in forest regrowth

in some areas where tropical lands were previously cleared. And forest clearing in the
Amazon, the world’s largest tropical forest, dropped from roughly 1.9 million hectares a

year in the 1990s to 1.6 million hectares a year over the last decade, according to the
Brazilian government. ‘We know that deforestation has slowed down in at least the

Brazilian Amazon,’ DeFries says. ‘Every place is different. Every country has its own

particular situation, circumstances and driving forces.’

F Regardless of this, deforestation continues, and cutting down forests is one of the
largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions from human activity - a double blow that both
eliminates a biological system to suck up C02 and creates a new source of greenhouse
gases in the form of decaying plants. The United Nations Environment Programme
estimates that slowing such deforestation could reduce some 50 billion metric tons of C02,
or more than a year of global emissions. Indeed, international climate negotiations
continue to attempt to set up a system to encourage this, known as the UN Development
Programme’s fund for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in
developing countries (REDD). If policies [like REDD] are to be effective, we need to
understand what the driving forces are behind deforestation, DeFries argues. This is
particularly important in the light of new pressures that are on the horizon: the need to
reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and find alternative power sources, particularly for
private cars, is forcing governments to make products such as biofuels more readily
accessible. This will only exacerbate the pressures on tropical forests.

IELTS Thanh Loan 319

G But millions of hectares of pristine forest remain to protect, according to this new
analysis from Columbia University. Approximately 60 percent of the remaining tropical
forests are in countries or areas that currently have little agricultural trade or urban growth.
The amount of forest area in places like central Africa, Guyana and Suriname, DeFries
notes, is huge. ‘There’s a lot of forest that has not yet faced these pressures.’

Source: Complete IELTS Band 5-6.5

Question 1-6:
Reading Passage 2 has seven paragraphs, A-G.
Which paragraph contains the following information?
NB You may use any letter more than once.

1. two ways that farming activity might be improved in the future

2. reference to a fall in the rate of deforestation in one area
3. the amount of forest cut down annually
4. how future transport requirements may increase deforestation levels
5. a reference to the typical shape of early deforested areas
6. key reasons why forests in some areas have not been cut down

Questions 7-8:
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO of these reasons do experts give for current patterns of deforestation?
A) to provide jobs
B) to create transport routes
C) to feed city dwellers
D) to manufacture low-budget consumer items
E) to meet government targets

IELTS Thanh Loan 320

Questions 9-10:
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
The list below gives some of the impacts of tropical deforestation.
Which TWO of these results are mentioned by the writer of the text?

A) local food supplies fall

B) soil becomes less fertile

C) some areas have new forest growth

D) some regions become uninhabitable

E) local economies suffer

Questions 11-13:
Complete the sentences below.
each answer.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for

11 The expression ‘a____’ is used to assess the amount of wood used in certain types

of production.

12 Greenhouse gases result from the____ that remain after trees have been cut
13 About _____ of the world’s tropical forests have not experienced deforestation yet.

IELTS Thanh Loan 321

Exercise 4:

Last man standing

Some 50,000 years ago, Homo sapiens beat other hominids to become the only
surviving species. Kate Ravilious reveals how we did it.

A Today, there are over seven billion people living on Earth. No other species has

exerted as much influence over the planet as us. But turn the clock back 80,000 years

and we were one of a number of species roaming the Earth. Our own species, Homo

sapiens (Latin for ‘wise man'), was most successful in Africa. In western Eurasia, the

Neanderthals dominated, while Homo erectus may have lived in Indonesia.
Meanwhile, an unusual finger bone and tooth, discovered in Denisova cave in Siberia

in 2008, have led scientists to believe that yet another human population - the
Denisovans - may also have been widespread across Asia. Somewhere along the line,

these other human species died out, leaving Homo sapiens as the sole survivor. So
what made us the winners in the battle for survival?

Some 74.000 years ago, the Toba ‘supervolcano' on the Indonesian island of

Sumatra erupted. The scale of the event was so great that ash from the eruption was

flung as far as eastern India, more than 2,000 kilometres away. Oxford archaeologist
Mike Petraglia and his team have uncovered thousands of stone tools buried
underneath the Toba ash. The mix of hand axes and spear tips have led Petraglia to
speculate that Homo sapiens and Homo erectus were both living in eastern India prior
to the Toba eruption. Based on careful examination of the tools and dating of the
sediment layers where they were found. Petraglia and his team suggest that Homo
sapiens arrived in eastern India around 78.000 years ago, migrating out of Africa and
across Arabia during a favourable climate period. After their arrival, the simple tools
belonging to Homo erectus seemed to lessen in number and eventually disappear
completely. ‘We think that Homo sapiens had a more efficient hunting technology,
which could have given them the edge,’ says Petraglia. ‘Whether the eruption of Toba
also played a role in the extinction of the Homo erectus-like species is unclear to us.'

C Some 45.000 years later, another fight for survival took place. This time, the
location was Europe and the protagonists were another species, the Neanderthals.
They were a highly successful species that dominated the European landscape for
300.000 years. Yet within just a few thousand years of the arrival of Homo sapiens,

IELTS Thanh Loan 322

their numbers plummeted. They eventually disappeared from the landscape around
30.000 years ago with their last known refuge being southern Iberia, including
Gibraltar. Initially, Homo sapiens and Neanderthals lived alongside each other and
had no reason to compete. But then Europe’s climate swung into a cold, inhospitable,
dry phase. ‘Neanderthal and Homo sapiens populations had to retreat to refugia
(pockets of habitable land). This heightened competition between the two groups,’

explains Chris Stringer, anthropologist at the Natural History Museum in London.

D Both species were strong and stockier than the average human today, but

Neanderthals were particularly robust. ‘Their skeletons show that they had broad
shoulders and thick necks,' says Stringer. ‘Homo sapiens, on the other hand, had

longer forearms, which undoubtedly enabled them to throw a spear from some
distance, with less danger and using relatively little energy,’ explains Stringer. This

long-range ability may have given Homo sapiens an advantage in hunting. When it

came to keeping warm, Homo sapiens had another skill: weaving and sewing.

Archaeologists have uncovered simple needles fashioned from ivory and bone
alongside Homo sapiens, dating as far back as 35,000 years ago. ‘Using this

technology, we could use animal skins to make ourselves tents, warm clothes and fur

boots,’ says Stringer. In contrast, Neanderthals never seemed to master sewing skills,
instead relying on pinning skins together with thorns.

A thirst for exploration provided Homo sapiens with another significant advantage
over Neanderthals. Objects such as shell beads and flint tools, discovered many miles
from their source, show that our ancestors travelled over large distances, in order to
barter and exchange useful materials, and share ideas and knowledge. By contrast.
Neanderthals tended to keep themselves to themselves, living in small groups. They
misdirected their energies by only gathering resources from their immediate
surroundings and perhaps failing to discover new technologies outside their territory.

F Some of these differences in behaviour may have emerged because the two species
thought in different ways. By comparing skull shapes, archaeologists have shown that
Homo sapiens had a more developed temporal lobe - the regions at the side of the
brain, associated with listening, language and long-term memory. ‘We think that
Homo sapiens had a significantly more complex language than Neanderthals and were
able to comprehend and discuss concepts such as the distant past and future.'

IELTS Thanh Loan 323

says Stringer. Penny Spikins, an archaeologist at the University of York, has recently
suggested that Homo sapiens may also have had a greater diversity of brain types than
‘Our research indicates that high-precision tools, new hunting technologies and the

development of symbolic communication may all have come about because they were

willing to include people with “different” minds and specialised roles in their society,’
she explains. ‘We see similar kinds of injuries on male and female Neanderthal

skeletons, implying there was no such division of labour,' says Spikins.

G Thus by around 30,000 years ago, many talents and traits were well established in
Homo sapiens societies but still absent from Neanderthal communities. Stringer thinks

that the Neanderthals were just living in the wrong place at the wrong time. ‘They had

to compete with Homo sapiens during a phase of very unstable climate across Europe.

During each rapid climate fluctuation, they may have suffered greater losses of people
than Homo sapiens, and thus were slowly worn down,’ he says. ‘If the climate had

remained stable throughout, they might still be here.’

Source: Complete IELTS Band 6.5-7.5

Question 1-5:
The reading passage has seven paragraphs, A-G.
Which paragraph contains the following information?

1. a comparison of a range of physical features of Neanderthals and Homo sapiens

2. reference to items that were once used for trade
3. mention of evidence for the existence of a previously unknown human species
4. mention of the part played by i.l fortune in the downfall of Neanderthal society
5. reference to the final geographical location of Nediidei tlials

IELTS Thanh Loan 324

Question 6-9:
Complete the sentences below.
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.

6. Analysis of stone tools and _____ has enabled Petraglia’s team to put forward an
arrival date for Homo sapiens in eastern India.
7. Homo sapiens used both _____ to make sewing implements.

resources and _____

8. The territorial nature of Neanderthals may have limited their ability to acquire

Homo sapiens' capacity for language and thought.

9. Archaeologists examined _____ in order to get an insight into Neanderthal and

Question 10-13:

Look at the following statements and the list of researchers, A-C, below.

Match each statement with the correct researcher.

10. No evidence can be found to suggest that List of Researchers

Neanderthal communities allocated tasks to A) Mike Petraglia

different members. B) Chris Stringer

11. Homo sapiens may have been able to plan C) Penny Spikins
12. Scientists cannot be sure whether a sudden
natural disaster contributed to the loss of a
human species.
13. Environmental conditions restricted the
areas where Homo sapiens and Neanderthals
could live.

IELTS Thanh Loan 325

Exercise 5:

Art to the aid of technology

What caricatures can teach us about facial recognition

A Our brains are incredibly agile machines, and it is hard to think of anything they do
more efficiently than recognize faces. Just hours after birth, the eyes of newborns are
drawn to face like patterns. An adult brain knows it is seeing a face within 100

milliseconds, and it takes just over a second to realize that two different pictures of a face,

even if they are lit or rotated in very different ways, belong to the same person.

Perhaps the most vivid illustration of our gift for recognition is the magic of
caricature-the fact that the sparest cartoon of a familiar face, even a single line dashed off

in two seconds, can be identified by our brains in an instant. It is often said that a good
caricature looks more like a person than the person themselves. As it happens, this notion,

counterintuitive though it may sound, is actually supported by research. In the field of
vision science, there is even a term for this seeming paradox-the caricature effect-a phrase

that hints at how our brains misperceive faces as much as perceive them.

C Human faces are all built pretty much the same: two eyes above a nose that’s above a
mouth, the features varying from person to person generally by mere millimetres. So what
our brains look for, according to vision scientists, are the outlying features-those
characteristics that deviate most from the ideal face we carry around in our heads, the
running average of every “visage” we have ever seen. We code each new face we
encounter not in absolute terms but in the several ways it differs markedly from the mean.
In other words, we accentuate what is most important for recognition and largely ignore
what is not. Our perception fixates on the upturned nose, the sunken eyes or the fleshy
cheeks, making them loom larger. To better identify and remember people, we turn them
into caricatures.

D Ten years ago, we all imagined that as soon as surveillance cameras had been
equipped with the appropriate software, the face of a crime suspect would stand out in a
crowd. Like a thumbprint, its unique features and configuration would offer a biometric
key that could be immediately checked against any database of suspects. But now a decade
has passed, and face-recognition systems still perform miserably in real-world conditions.
Just recently, a couple who accidentally swapped passports at an airport in England sailed
through electronic gates that were supposed to match their faces to file photos.

IELTS Thanh Loan 326

E All this leads to an interesting question. What if, to secure our airports and national
landmarks, we need to learn more about caricature? After all, it's the skill of the
caricaturist-the uncanny ability to quickly distill faces down to their most salient
features-that our computers most desperately need to acquire. Clearly, better cameras and
faster computers simply aren't going to be enough.

F At the University of Central Lancashire in England, Charlie Frowd, a senior lecturer in

psychology, has used insights from caricature to develop a better police-composite
generator. His system, called EvoFIT, produces animated caricatures, with each
successive frame showing facial features that are more exaggerated than the last. Frowd's

research supports the idea that we all store memories as caricatures, but with our own

personal degree of amplification. So, as an animated composite depicts faces at varying

stages of caricature, viewers respond to the stage that is most recognizable to them. In

tests, Frowd's technique has increased positive identifications from as low as 3 percent to

upwards of 30 percent.

G To achieve similar results in computer face recognition, scientists would need to model
the artist’s genius even more closely - a feat that might seem impossible if you listen to

some of the artists describe their nearly mystical acquisition of skills. Jason Seiler

recounts how he trained his mind for years, beginning in middle school, until he gained
what he regards as nothing less than a second sight. ‘A lot of people think that caricature
is about picking out someone’s worst feature and exaggerating it as far as you can,' Seiler
says. ‘That’s wrong. Caricature is basically finding the truth. And then you push the truth.'
Capturing a likeness, it seems, has less to do with the depiction of individual features than
with their placement in relationship to one another. ‘It's how the human brain recognizes
a face. When the ratios between the features are correct, you see that face instantly.’

H Pawan Sinha, director of MIT's Sinha Laboratory for Vision Research, and one of the
nation's most innovative computer-vision researchers, contends that these simple,
exaggerated drawings can be objectively and systematically studied and that such work
will lead to breakthroughs in our understanding of both human and machine-based vision.
His lab at MIT is preparing to computationally analyze hundreds of caricatures this year,
from dozens of different artists, with the hope of tapping their intuitive knowledge of what
is and isn’t crucial for recognition. He has named this endeavor the Hirschfeld Project,
after the famous New York Times caricaturist Al Hirschfeld.

IELTS Thanh Loan 327

I Quite simply, by analyzing sketches, Sinha lopes to pinpoint the recurring exaggerations
in the caricatures that most strongly correlate to particular ways that the original faces
deviate from the norm. The results, he believes, will ultimately produce a rank-ordered list
of the 20 or so facial attributes that are most important for recognition: ‘It’s a recipe for
how to encode the face,' he says. In preliminary tests, the lab has already isolated

important areas-for example, the ratio of the height of the forehead to the distance between

the top of the nose and the mouth.

J On a given face, four of 20 such Hirschfeld attributes, as Sinha plans to call them, will
be several standard deviations greater than the mean; on another face, a different handful

of attributes might exceed the norm. But in all cases, it's the exaggerated areas of the face

that hold the key. As matters stand today, an automated system must compare its target

faces against the millions of continually altering faces it encounters. But so far, the

software doesn't know what to look for amid this onslaught of variables. Armed with the

Hirschfeld attributes, Sinha hopes that computers can be trained to focus on the features
most salient for recognition, tuning out the others. ‘Then.’ Sinha says, ‘the sky is the limit’.

Question 1-6:
Reading Passage has ten paragraphs, A-J.
Which paragraph contains the following information?
You may use any letter more than once.

1. why we have mental images of faces that are essentially caricatures

2. mention of the length of time it can take to become a good caricaturist
3. an example of how unreliable current security systems can be
4. reference to the fact that we can match even a hastily drawn caricature to the
person it represents
5. a summary of how the use of multiple caricatures has improved recognition rates
in a particular field
6. a comparison between facial recognition and another well-established form of

IELTS Thanh Loan 328

Question 7-10:
Look at the following statements and the list of people, A-C, below.
Match each statement with the correct person.

7. A single caricature can be recognised straight List of People

away if the parts of the face are appropriately A) Charlie Frowd
positioned. B) Jason Seiler
8. An evaluation of the work of different
caricaturists will provide new information about
C) Pawan Sinha

how we see faces.
9. People misunderstand what is involved in the
design of a caricature.
10. When given a choice, people will have
different views regarding which caricature best

represents a particular person’s face.

Question 11-13:
Complete the summary below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Sinha’s Project
Sinha's aim in the project is to come up with a specific number of what he terms 11
_____ that are key to identification purposes. He hopes these can be used to enable an
12 _____ to identify faces more quickly and more accurately. In order to do this, his
team must examine the most frequently 13 _____ features in a large number of
cartoon faces.
Source: Complete IELTS Band 6.5-7.5

IELTS Thanh Loan 329


Chào các bạn!

Mình xin giới thiệu về các sản phẩm giáo dục IELTS Thanh Loan đang cung cấp

như sau:

1. Khoá

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và người học, tạo môi trường học vui vẻ, thân thiện và tập trung.

2. Khoá

học IELTS online để tăng tính linh hoạt về thời gian, không gian học.

3. Sản

phẩm sách ebook IELTS do IELTS Thanh Loan biên soạn hỗ trợ bạn

học IELTS tại nhà.


4. Dịch vụ chữa bài IELTS Writing online có phí cho các bạn đang luyện đề.

Chúc bạn học tập tốt!

IELTS Thanh Loan 330


Lộ trình luyện
IELTS Reading
cho người mới bắt đầu

Nếu bạn là người bắt đầu học IELTS Reading, vấn đề của bạn là gì?

“Nên bắt đầu học IELTS từ đâu?”

Ở chương III của cuốn sách này, bạn sẽ được hướng dẫn chi tiết các bước để chinh
phục IELTS với band điểm cao nhất có thể.

Hãy bắt đầu!

IELTS Thanh Loan 331

Bước 1: Tìm hiểu thông tin cơ bản về bài thi IELTS Reading
Thường thì, các bạn học IELTS Reading đôi khi nóng vội chạy ngay vào quá trình
luyện đề -> SAI

Hãy bắt đầu bằng việc: Tìm hiểu kỹ phần thi này với những thông tin như cấu trúc
bài thi ra sao? Các dạng câu hỏi như thế nào? Tính điểm bài thi …..

Bạn chẳng cần tìm đâu ra, chỉ cần quay lại chương I của cuốn sách này, bạn sẽ được
hướng dẫn đầy đủ, chi tiết thông tin về bài thi IELTS (Chỉ 10 phút)

Bước 2: Tìm hiểu các dạng câu hỏi và thực hành theo dạng câu hỏi
Ở bước số 2 này, bạn cần:

Luyện Reading theo Bạn biết đấy, Reading không phải chỉ có đọc sau đó trả
dạng câu hỏi lời vài câu hỏi là xong. Nó còn có các dạng bài nữa. Mình
dành thời gian để làm quen và giải quyết từng dạng câu
hỏi như: matching heading, gap fill, short answer,
yes/no/not given question.... trước khi bắt đầu vào làm đề
đầy đủ

Học bí quyết cho Học những cách tiếp cận thông minh nhất, một số mẹo và
từng dạng câu hỏi lưu ý cho từng dạng câu hỏi … mà thường những người
học IELTS Reading phải mất cực kì nhiều thời gian mới
có thể hoàn thiện.

IELTS Thanh Loan 332

Bước 3: Luyện tập chuyên sâu với đề thi sát thật
Giai đoạn
Giai đoạn 1: Thực hành từng bài đọc (Reading passage)
Đồng thời thực hiện nhiều dạng câu hỏi
- Một bài Reading Test có 3 bài đọc, 1 bài đọc thường chứa 2-3 dạng câu hỏi khác
- Mục đích của việc luyện tập một bài đọc hoàn chỉnh là để người đọc có thể đồng thời
thực hiện 2-3 dạng câu hỏi khác nhau liên quan đến bài đọc.

Kiểm soát thời gian tốt

- Việc kiểm soát thời gian cũng trở nên tốt hơn khi bạn chỉ kiểm soát thời gian cho 1
bài đọc, thay bằng một bài kiểm tra đầy đủ với 3 bài đọc.
- Bạn cũng có thể dần dần phát triển khả năng tập trung trong khoảng thời gian dài,
từ 20 phút đến 40 phút và sau đó là 60 phút.

Chữa bệnh ‘ngại’

- Khi làm cả 3 bài đọc cùng 1 lúc, bạn bị choáng ngợp vì có quá nhiều từ mới, bài đọc
quá dài, câu hỏi lắm …
- Việc chia nhỏ quá trình thực hành giúp bạn dần làm quen với IELTS Reading,
đồng thời giúp bạn luyện hiệu quả hơn.

Giai đoạn 2: Thực hành 1 bài thi đầy đủ (3 Reading passages)

Tăng thời gian tập trung
- Việc đọc hiểu liên tục trong 60 phút khá ‘đau đầu’. Nhiều bạn không thể tập trung
trong thời gian dài như vậy.
- Khi luyện tập 1 bài thi đầy đủ, bạn dần dần tăng concentration span (khoảng thời
gian tập trung) của mình.

Ước tính điểm số hiện tại

- Làm bài trong thời gian quy định, với những yêu cầu như trong phòng thi (không
sử dụng từ điển, làm bài và đồng thời viết đáp án vào tờ Answer sheet, check đáp án
đúng theo Key được cung cấp ở cuốn sách.)
- Sau đó, bạn so sánh với bảng mô tả điểm đã được nhắc đến ở chương I, quy sang
điểm số IELTS tương ứng để đánh giá mình đã sẵn sàng đi thi hay chưa.

IELTS Thanh Loan 333

Cách thức

Định vị đặc điểm của từng passage trong bài đọc

- Bài đọc số 1:
Chủ đề thường gặp nhất là lịch sử của 1 người nào đó, sự kiện lịch sử hoặc mô tả đời
sống của 1 loài động vật …
Bài đọc thường chứa rất nhiều từ khoá loại 1 (tên riêng, ngày tháng, số, thuật ngữ
chuyên ngành) nên người đọc rất dễ tìm kiếm các thông tin liên quan đến câu hỏi
nằm ở đâu trong bài đọc.
Có thể có 2-3 dạng câu hỏi khác nhau, nhưng thứ tự thông tin liên quan đến các câu
hỏi xuất hiện lần lượt từ trên xuống dưới trong bài đọc

- Bài đọc số 2:
Độ khó ở mức vừa phải
Nhóm câu hỏi số 1 có thể dàn trải từ đầu đến cuối bài đọc, và tương tự nhóm câu hỏi
số 2 cũng có thể dàn trải từ đầu bài đọc đến cuối bài đọc
Chỉ có khoảng 50% câu hỏi có từ chìa khoá loại 1 để giúp bạn đọc scan thông tin liên
quan đến câu hỏi, 50% còn lại không có từ chìa khóa loại 1.

- Bài đọc số 3:
Có thể xuất hiện một số dạng câu hỏi khó: Matching Information to Paragraph,
Matching headings …
Bài đọc khá không phải vì nhiều từ vựng mới, ngữ pháp khó, mà chủ yếu ở bài đọc
này, tác giả hay sử dụng các cách diễn đạt như so sánh, ẩn dụ, hoán dụ … -> khó cho
người đọc để hiểu dụng ý của tác giả.

Đọc title và subtitle

- Title là phần in đậm, cỡ chữ to hơn ở ngay đầu bài đọc
- Subtitle là phần in nghiêng nằm ngay bên dưới title chính, làm cụ thể hoá thêm
title chính.
- Đọc title và subtitle để định hướng cơ bản nội dung sẽ đề cập đến ở bài đọc là gì.

IELTS Thanh Loan 334

Định vị các nhóm câu hỏi và đặc điểm của từng nhóm
- Một bài đọc thường đi kèm với 2-3 dạng câu hỏi khác nhau. Bạn nên biết đặc điểm
của các dạng câu hỏi này trước khi bắt đầu -> Định vị thông tin liên quan tốt hơn.

- Ví dụ 1:

Câu 1 >> 6: Note CÓ đi theo thứ tự của bài đọc

Câu 7 >> 13: T/F/NG CÓ đi theo thứ tự của bài đọc

- Ví dụ 2:

Câu 14 >> 18: Summary CHỈ tập trung vào 1-2 đoạn văn ngắn
Câu 19 >> 22: Matching KHÔNG đi theo thứ tự của bài đọc, lấy names để
names định vị thông tin liên quan
Câu 23 >> 26: Matching KHÔNG đi theo thứ tự của bài đọc, chỉ tìm kiếm 1
information to mẩu thông tin nhỏ xuất hiện trong 1 đoạn văn

- Ví dụ 3:

Câu 27 >> 31: Multiple CÓ đi theo thứ tự của bài đọc

Câu 32 >> 36: Matching CÓ đi theo thứ tự của bài đọc
Câu 37 >> 40: Y/ N/ NG CÓ đi theo thứ tự của bài đọc

IELTS Thanh Loan 335

Đọc câu hỏi và xác định từ chìa khoá
- Bạn đọc lần lượt từng câu hỏi, xác định từ chìa khoá loại 1 và loại 2 ở mỗi câu hỏi
- Với mỗi nhóm câu hỏi, hãy ghi nhớ thông tin 2 câu hỏi đầu tiên. Lý do vì sao sẽ được
giải thích ở phía sau phần ‘Áp dụng vào ví dụ’.

- Ví dụ 1:

Câu 1 >> 6: Note completion GHI NHỚ câu hỏi số 1 và 2

Câu 7 >> 13: T/F/NG GHI NHỚ câu hỏi số 7 và 8

Scan nhằm mục đích xác định từ chìa khoá

- Bám theo các từ chìa khoá loại 1, bạn scan thông tin liên quan đến mỗi câu hỏi
- Đánh dấu toạ độ của câu hỏi, bằng cách khoanh tròn từ chìa khoá loại 1, ghi dọc
bên phải hoặc bên trái từ chìa khoá này một số tương ứng với số thứ tự của câu hỏi
- Bạn nên làm bước 3 và bước 4 cùng lúc. Đọc hiểu và scan thông tin câu 1 -> Đọc
hiểu và scan thông tin câu 2 >> đọc hiểu và scan thông tin câu 3 … lần lượt cho đến

Đọc chi tiết, so sánh đối chiếu thông tin để tìm đáp án
- Bạn nên đọc kỹ từng đoạn 1 thay vì đọc tất cả bài đọc ngay từ đầu vì:
Nhiều bạn đọc khá chậm, cộng thêm vốn từ vựng kém nên khi cố gắng đọc lướt để
hiểu bài đọc thì tốc độ đọc lại chậm quá -> Không đủ thời gian làm bài
Dành thời gian đọc từng đoạn, ta sẽ có thể tập trung vào những thông tin quan trọng
(liên quan đến câu hỏi) và bỏ qua những thông tin không liên quan đến câu hỏi.
- Chúng ta nên làm tất cả các dạng câu hỏi cùng 1 lúc
Nếu làm từng dạng câu hỏi, bạn sẽ mất thời gian đọc 1 lượt từ trên xuống dưới để
trả lời nhóm câu hỏi số 1, lại mất thêm 1 lần đọc nữa từ trên xuống dưới để trả lừoi
dạng câu hỏi số 2.
- Đọc 1 đoạn nên trả lời luôn các câu hỏi liên quan
Với bước scan ở trên bạn đã biết mỗi đoạn văn sẽ giúp mình trả lời câu hỏi nào rồi
-> Cứ đọc 1 đoạn -> Dừng lại trả lời các câu hỏi liên quan với đoạn đó -> Đọc đoạn thứ
2 -> Dừng lại trả lời các câu hỏi liên quan đến đoạn 2.
- Nên viết đáp án thẳng vào tờ answer sheet (phiếu câu trả lời) tránh lãng phí thời
gian/ không đủ thời gian chuyển đáp án.

IELTS Thanh Loan 336

Lập bảng Keyword Table
- Đọc dịch lại bài đọc cẩn thận và giải thích lại các câu bạn bị sai.
- Keyword Table là bảng đối chiếu thông tin từ đồng nghĩa, cách diễn đạt tương ứng
giữa câu hỏi và bài đọc.
- Việc lập bảng Keyword Table giúp bạn phát triển vốn từ vựng đồng nghĩa, rất hữu
ích cho kỹ năng Speaking và Writing, và đồng thời cũng nhấn mạnh những từ vựng
phổ biến trong IELTS Reading mà bạn nên học thuộc.

- Ví dụ:

Câu hỏi Từ vựng trong câu hỏi Từ vựng tương ứng trong bài đọc

1 ................... ...................

IELTS Thanh Loan 337

Thời gian luyện tập

- Giai đoạn đầu, bạn dành 25 phút cho 1 bài đọc để có tính làm quen với bài đọc dài
- Dần dần rút ngắn thời gian làm bài đọc xuống 20 phút/ bài
- Tuyệt đối không sử dụng từ điển trong quá trình làm bài. Chỉ sử dụng từ điển ở
bước 6 khi bạn đọc dịch lại bài đọc và lập bảng Keyword Table
- Có thể chia thời gian cho 3 bài đọc như sau:

Reading passage 1 25 phút Phù hợp với các bạn aim

Reading passage 2 25 phút 5.0-5.5 và chủ yếu các bạn
Reading passage 3 10 phút đoán bừa cho bài đọc số 3

Reading passage 1 20 phút Phù hợp với

Reading passage 2 20 phút các bạn aim 6.0-7.0
Reading passage 3 20 phút

Reading passage 1 15 phút Phù hợp với

Reading passage 2 20 phút các bạn aim 7.5 trở lên
Reading passage 3 25 phút

Nguồn luyện tập

Dưới đây là một số nguồn luyện tập sát thật

1. The official guide to IELTS của nhà xuất bản Cambridge (Có 8 bài practice test ở
cuối cuốn sách)
2. Cambridge IELTS practice test từ cuốn số 7 trở về sau. Mỗi cuốn có 04 bài luyện
tập học thuật và 02 bài luyện General Training
3. Nếu bạn luyện tập theo các cuốn sách khác, hãy nên tìm những cuốn của nhà xuất
bản Cambridge để đề thi có độ chính xác và sát thật nhất
Lời khuyên: Bạn có thể sở hữu cuốn Giải
Đề Reading Trong Bộ IELTS
Cambridge từ 07 đến 15 của mình. Cuốn sách này có phân tích bài đọc, dịch
bài đọc, phân tích đáp án và lưu ý các từ vựng hay (bằng tiếng Việt) nên dù cho
bạn đang ở mức band 4.5 hay 8.0 thì cuốn sách đều cực kỳ hữu ích.

IELTS Thanh Loan 338

Ví dụ cụ thể về cách làm 01 bài đọc

The life and work of Marie Curie

Marie Curie is probably the most famous woman scientist who has ever lived. Born Maria
Sklodowska in Poland in 1867, she is famous for her work on radioactivity, and was twice a
winner of the Nobel Prize. With her husband, Pierre Curie, and Henri Becquerel, she was
awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize for Physics, and was then sole winner of the 1911 Nobel Prize
for Chemistry. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize.

From childhood, Marie was remarkable for her prodigious memory, and at the age of 16 won
a gold medal on completion of her secondary education. Because her father lost his savings
through bad investment, she then had to take work as a teacher. From her earnings she was
able to finance her sister Bronia's medical studies in Paris, on the understanding that Bronia
would, in turn, later help her to get an education.

In 1891 this promise was fulfilled and Marie went to Paris and began to study at the Sorbonne
(the University of Paris). She often worked far into the night and lived on little more than
bread and butter and tea. She came first in the examination in the physical sciences in 1893,
and in 1894 was placed second in the examination in mathematical sciences. It was not until
the spring of that year that she was introduced to Pierre Curie.

Their marriage in 1895 marked the start of a partnership that was soon to achieve results of
world significance. Following Henri Becquerel's discovery in 1896 of a new phenomenon,
which Marie later called ‘radioactivity', Marie Curie decided to find out if the radioactivity
discovered in uranium was to be found in other elements. She discovered that this was true for

Turning her attention to minerals, she found her interest drawn to pitchblende, a mineral
whose radioactivity, superior to that of pure uranium, could be explained only by the
presence in the ore of small quantities of an unknown substance of very high activity. Pierre
Curie joined her in the work that she had undertaken to resolve this problem, and that led to
the discovery of the new elements, polonium and radium. While Pierre Curie devoted himself
chiefly to the physical study of the new radiations, Marie Curie struggled to obtain pure
radium in the metallic state. This was achieved with the help of the chemist André-Louis

IELTS Thanh Loan 339

Debierne, one of Pierre Curie's pupils. Based on the results of this research, Marie Curie
received her Doctorate of Science, and in 1903 Marie and Pierre shared with Becquerel the
Nobel Prize for Physics for the discovery of radioactivity.

The births of Marie's two daughters, Irène and Eve, in 1897 and 1904 failed to interrupt her
scientific work. She was appointed lecturer in physics at the École Normale Supérieure for
girls in Sèvres, France (1900), and introduced a method of teaching based on experimental
demonstrations. In December 1904 she was appointed chief assistant in the laboratory
directed by Pierre Curie.

The sudden death of her husband in 1906 was a bitter blow to Marie Curie, but was also a
turning point in her career: henceforth she was to devote all her energy to completing alone
the scientific work that they had undertaken. On May 13, 1906, she was appointed to the
professorship that had been left vacant on her husband's death, becoming the first woman to
teach at the Sorbonne. In 1911 she was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for the
isolation of a pure form of radium.

During World War I, Marie Curie, with the help of her daughter Irène, devoted herself to the
development of the use of X-radiography, including the mobile units which came to be known
as ‘Little Curies', used for the treatment of wounded soldiers. In 1918 the Radium Institute,
whose staff Irène had joined, began to operate in earnest, and became a centre for nuclear
physics and chemistry. Marie Curie, now at the highest point of her fame and, from 1922, a
member of the Academy of Medicine, researched the chemistry of radioactive substances
and their medical applications.

In 1921, accompanied by her two daughters, Marie Curie made a triumphant journey to the
United States to raise funds for research on radium. Women there presented her with a gram
of radium for her campaign. Marie also gave lectures in Belgium, Brazil, Spain and
Czechoslovakia and, in addition, had the satisfaction of seeing the development of the Curie
Foundation in Paris, and the inauguration in 1932 in Warsaw of the Radium Institute,
where her sister Bronia became director.

One of Marie Curie's outstanding achievements was to have understood the need to
accumulate intense radioactive sources, not only to treat illness but also to maintain an
abundant supply for research. The existence in Paris at the Radium Institute of a stock of

IELTS Thanh Loan 340

1.5 grams of radium made a decisive contribution to the success of the experiments
undertaken in the years around 1930. This work prepared the way for the discovery of the
neutron by Sir James Chadwick and, above all, for the discovery in 1934 by Irène and
Frédéric Joliot-Curie of artificial radioactivity. A few months after this discovery, Marie
Curie died as a result of leukaemia caused by exposure to radiation. She had often carried
test tubes containing radioactive isotopes in her pocket, remarking on the pretty blue-green
light they gave off.

Her contribution to physics had been immense, not only in her own work, the importance of
which had been demonstrated by her two Nobel Prizes, but because of her influence on
subsequent generations of nuclear physicists and chemists.

Question 1 – 6:
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading
In boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this
1. Marie Curie’s husband was a joint winner of both Marie’s Nobel Prizes.
2. Marie became interested in science when she was a child.
3. Marie was able to attend the Sorbonne because of her sister’s financial
4. Marie stopped doing research for several years when her children were born.
5. Marie took over the teaching position her husband had held.
6. Marie’s sister Bronia studied the medical uses of radioactivity.

IELTS Thanh Loan 341

Question 7-13:
Complete the notes below.
Choose ONE WORD from the passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 7-13 on your answer sheet.

Marie Curie’s research on radioactivity

• When uranium was discovered to be radioactive, Marie Curie found that the
element called (7)........ had the same property.
• Marie and Pierre Curie’s research into the radioactivity of the mineral known as
(8) ........ led to the discovery of two new elements.
• In 1911, Marie Curie received recognition for her work on the element (9)........
• Marie and Irene Curie developed X-radiography which was used as a medical
technique for (10) ........
• Marie Curie saw the importance of collecting radioactive material both for
research and for cases of (11)........
• The radioactive material stocked in Paris contributed to the discoveries in the
1930s of the (12)........ and of what was known as artificial radioactivity.
• During her research, Marie Curie was exposed to radiation and as a result she
suffered from (13)........

Thinking steps:
- Bài đọc số 1 nên chắc có nhiều từ khoá loại 1 lắm.
- Title ‘The life and work of Marie Curie’
-> À bài này nói về công việc, cuộc sống
của bà Marie, chắc là các thành tựu, đóng
góp, các mốc quan trọng trong cuộc đời
của bà
- Dở sang phần câu hỏi: True/ False/ Not
given cũng là dạng câu hỏi theo thứ tự,
Note Completion cũng là dạng câu hỏi
theo thứ tự
-> Chắc là nửa đầu bài đọc sẽ là để trả lời
True/ False/ Not given còn nửa sau bài đọc
là cho Completion
- Bắt đầu đọc câu hỏi và tìm kiếm từ chìa
khoá trong bài đọc đồng lúc thôi

IELTS Thanh Loan 342

Question 1-6:
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading
In boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet, write
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

1. Marie Curie’s husband was a joint winner of both Marie’s Nobel Prizes.
- Chồng và vợ cùng nhận giải 2 lần
- Scan từ Nobel Prizes trong bài đọc (chắc ở phần đầu bài đọc) và khoanh tròn, ghi
bên cạnh số 1

2. Marie became interested in science when she was a child.

- Bà này từ bé đã thích khoa học
- Chẳng có từ chìa khoá loại 1, tạm bỏ qua

3. Marie was able to attend the Sorbonne because of her sister’s financial
- Bà này có thể đi học ở Sorbonne là nhờ có chị/em hỗ trợ tiền
- Scan từ Sorbonne (ở dưới từ Nobel Prizes) và khoanh tròn, ghi bên cạnh số 2
- À câu 2 sẽ ở giữa câu 1 và câu 3 thôi

4. Marie stopped doing research for several years when her children were
- Bà này không làm nghiên cứu 1 vài năm khi sinh con
- Chẳng có từ chìa khoá loại 1, tạm bỏ qua

5. Marie took over the teaching position her husband had held.
- Bà này kế vào vị trí dạy học của chồng đảm nhận trước đó
- Chẳng có từ chìa khoá loại 1, tạm bỏ qua

6. Marie’s sister Bronia studied the medical uses of radioactivity.

- Chị của bà này, tên Bronia, học về cách sử dụng chất phóng xạ
- Scan từ Bronia và radioactivity và ghi bên cạnh số 3

IELTS Thanh Loan 343

Question 1-7:
Complete the notes below.
Choose ONE WORD from the passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 7-13 on your answer sheet.

Phần note này liên quan đến

việc bà ý nghiên cứu phóng xạ
nên tìm ngay từ radioactivity
Marie Curie’s research on radioactivity trong bài và khoanh tròn

tên riêng này,

scan ngay và ghi chắc sẽ là 1 danh từ
• When uranium was discovered to be radioactive, Marie
bên cạnh số 7 gọi tên 1 chất hoá học
Curie found that the element called 7........ had the same nào đó, chung đặc tính
với uranium
• Marie and Pierre Curie’s research into the radioactivity of chắc sẽ là 1 chất khoảng
thuật ngữ chuyên nào đó, khiến ông bà này
the mineral known as 8 ........ led to the discovery of two new khi nghiên cứu đã tìm ra
ngành này, scan và
khoanh tròn, ghi bên elements. hai chất hoá học mới
cạnh số 8
• In 1911, Marie Curie received recognition for her work on chắc sẽ là 1 danh từ,
chỉ 1 chất hoá học nào
thời gian này, scan và the element 9........ đó bà này nghiên cứu
ghi bên cạnh số 9
• Marie and Irene Curie developed X-radiography which was và được ghi nhận

used as a medical technique for 10........ chắc sẽ là 1 danh từ,

2 tên riêng liền, scan
mô tả việc dùng cho ai
và ghi bên cạnh số 10
• Marie Curie saw the importance of collecting radioactive đó, hoặc cho việc gì đó

material both for research and for cases of 11........

• The radioactive material stocked in Paris contributed to the chẳng có từ gì để
scan câu số 11,

gạch chân cả từ
discoveries in the 1930s of the 12........ and of what was nhưng nó sẽ ở dưới
câu số 10. Chắc sẽ là
Paris nữa known as artificial radioactivity. 1 danh từ, song song
Vừa tên riêng, vừa
với tư research
số này, scan và ghi • During her research, Marie Curie was exposed to radiation
bên cạnh số 12
and as a result she suffered from 13........

Chắc sẽ là danh từ mô chẳng có từ scan.

tả 1 thứ gì đó bà này Chắc là 1 danh từ, chỉ
tìm ra, song song với loại bệnh nào đó hoặc
từ artificial vấn đề nào đó vì suffer
radioactivity có tính tiêu cực

IELTS Thanh Loan 344

Bạn có kết quả là 1 bài đọc đã được định vị như sau:

The life and work of Marie Curie

Marie Curie is probably the most famous woman scientist who has ever lived.
Born Maria Sklodowska in Poland in 1867, she is famous for her work on
radioactivity, and was twice a winner of the Nobel Prize. With her husband,
Pierre Curie, and Henri Becquerel, she was awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize for 1
Physics, and was then sole winner of the 1911 Nobel Prize for Chemistry. She
was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize.

From childhood, Marie was remarkable for her prodigious memory, and at the
age of 16 won a gold medal on completion of her secondary education. Because
her father lost his savings through bad investment, she then had to take work as 2
a teacher. From her earnings she was able to finance her sister Bronia's medical
studies in Paris, on the understanding that Bronia would, in turn, later help her
to get an education.

In 1891 this promise was fulfilled and Marie went to Paris and began to study at
the Sorbonne (the University of Paris). She often worked far into the night and 3
lived on little more than bread and butter and tea. She came first in the
examination in the physical sciences in 1893, and in 1894 was placed second in
the examination in mathematical sciences. It was not until the spring of that year
that she was introduced to Pierre Curie.

Their marriage in 1895 marked the start of a partnership that was soon to
achieve results of world significance. Following Henri Becquerel's discovery in
1896 of a new phenomenon, which Marie later called ‘radioactivity', Marie
Curie decided to find out if the radioactivity discovered in uranium was to be 7
found in other elements. She discovered that this was true for thorium.

Turning her attention to minerals, she found her interest drawn to pitchblende, a 8
mineral whose radioactivity, superior to that of pure uranium, could be
explained only by the presence in the ore of small quantities of an unknown

IELTS Thanh Loan 345

substance of very high activity. Pierre Curie joined her in the work that she had
undertaken to resolve this problem, and that led to the discovery of the new
elements, polonium and radium. While Pierre Curie devoted himself chiefly to
the physical study of the new radiations, Marie Curie struggled to obtain pure
radium in the metallic state. This was achieved with the help of the chemist
André-Louis Debierne, one of Pierre Curie's pupils. Based on the results of this
research, Marie Curie received her Doctorate of Science, and in 1903 Marie and
Pierre shared with Becquerel the Nobel Prize for Physics for the discovery of
radioactivity. 4
The births of Marie's two daughters, Irène and Eve, in 1897 and 1904 failed to
interrupt her scientific work. She was appointed lecturer in physics at the École
Normale Supérieure for girls in Sèvres, France (1900), and introduced a method
of teaching based on experimental demonstrations. In December 1904 she was
appointed chief assistant in the laboratory directed by Pierre Curie.

The sudden death of her husband in 1906 was a bitter blow to Marie Curie, but
was also a turning point in her career: henceforth she was to devote all her
energy to completing alone the scientific work that they had undertaken. On May
13, 1906, she was appointed to the professorship that had been left vacant on her
husband's death, becoming the first woman to teach at the Sorbonne. In 1911 9
she was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for the isolation of a pure form
of radium.

During World War I, Marie Curie, with the help of her daughter Irène, devoted
herself to the development of the use of X-radiography, including the mobile 10
units which came to be known as ‘Little Curies', used for the treatment of
wounded soldiers. In 1918 the Radium Institute, whose staff Irène had joined,
began to operate in earnest, and became a centre for nuclear physics and
chemistry. Marie Curie, now at the highest point of her fame and, from 1922, a
member of the Academy of Medicine, researched the chemistry of radioactive 11
substances and their medical applications.

IELTS Thanh Loan 346

In 1921, accompanied by her two daughters, Marie Curie made a triumphant
journey to the United States to raise funds for research on radium. Women there 11
presented her with a gram of radium for her campaign. Marie also gave lectures
in Belgium, Brazil, Spain and Czechoslovakia and, in addition, had the
satisfaction of seeing the development of the Curie Foundation in Paris, and the 12
inauguration in 1932 in Warsaw of the Radium Institute, where her sister Bronia 6
became director.

One of Marie Curie's outstanding achievements was to have understood the need
to accumulate intense radioactive sources, not only to treat illness but also to
maintain an abundant supply for research. The existence in Paris at the Radium
Institute of a stock of 1.5 grams of radium made a decisive contribution to the
success of the experiments undertaken in the years around 1930. This work
prepared the way for the discovery of the neutron by Sir James Chadwick and,
above all, for the discovery in 1934 by Irène and Frédéric Joliot-Curie of
artificial radioactivity. A few months after this discovery, Marie Curie died as a
result of leukaemia caused by exposure to radiation. She had often carried test 13
tubes containing radioactive isotopes in her pocket, remarking on the pretty
blue-green light they gave off.

Her contribution to physics had been immense, not only in her own work, the
importance of which had been demonstrated by her two Nobel Prizes, but
because of her influence on subsequent generations of nuclear physicists and

IELTS Thanh Loan 347

Đọc đoạn 1, ta chỉ cần đối chiếu thông tin để trả lời câu số 1. Ta nhận thấy 2 ông bà
này với 1 ông nữa nhận giải năm 1903 (joint winner) nhưng sau đó 1 mình bà này
(sole) nhận giải năm 1911 -> hai ông bà chỉ nhận giải chung có 1 lần thôi
Đáp án False cho câu số 1

Đọc đoạn 2, ta sẽ cần trả lời câu số 2. Đoạn này không nói đến việc bà ý có hứng thú
với khoa học từ bé không, chỉ nó bà ý có trí nhớ tốt, thắng giải vàng, làm giáo viên,
Đáp án Not given cho câu số 2

Đọc đoạn 3, ta sẽ trả lời tiếp cho câu số 3. Cuối đoạn 2 có nói rằng bà này cho chị/em
Bronia tiền đi học, mong rằng sau đó Bronia sẽ quay lại nuôi mình để mình đi học.
Đoạn 3 nói lời hứa trở thành hiện thực, bà đến Paris học ở Sorbonne -> Đúng là
Bronia đã quay lại nuôi bà ý học
Đáp án True cho câu số 3

Sau đó, bạn làm tương tự với các đoạn văn tiếp theo. Nếu một câu hỏi nào đó bạn
không tìm được đáp án trả lời, hãy căn cứ theo các dấu hiệu đã scan ở trên để định
vị lại thông tin, đọc lại 1 đoạn nào đó và tìm đáp án.

Đáp án cuối cùng của bài đọc này là:

1. FALSE 8. pitchblende
2. NOT GIVEN 9. radium
3. TRUE 10. soldiers
4. FALSE 11. illness
5. TRUE 12. neutron
6. NOT GIVEN 13. leukaemia/leukemia
7. thorium

Nếu đang thực hành ở nhà, bạn nên đọc dịch lại bài đọc và giải thích các đáp án sai,
cũng như lập bảng Keyword Table cùng với cuốn sách
IELTS Cambridge 07 - 15 mà mình đã giới thiệu ở trên.

IELTS Thanh Loan 348

Một số lưu ý

Đối với bất cứ một bài thi nào, khi bạn luyện tập đủ nhiều và tìm hiểu đủ sâu, bạn
có thể rút ra một số lưu ý cho bản thân mình.
Dưới đây là 6 lưu ý các bạn cần biết trong bài thi IELTS Reading.

Lưu ý 1: Phân bổ thời gian cho từng bài đọc

Thời gian luôn là một trong những trở ngại lớn nhất đối với các bạn thí sinh trong
bài thi IELTS Reading, và có rất nhiều bạn thí sinh cảm thấy bối rối trong việc phân
bổ thời gian sao cho hợp lý.

Thực tế thì, việc phân bổ thời gian cho từng bài đọc sao cho hợp lý phụ thuộc hoàn
toàn vào năng lực cũng như mục tiêu band điểm của mỗi bạn. Có 3 cách phân bổ thời
gian phù hợp với từng mục tiêu band điểm như sau:

Nếu mục tiêu band điểm Reading của bạn là 5.0-5.5

Bạn phải đạt được từ 16-22 câu trả lời đúng, hãy áp dụng chiến lược phân bổ
thời gian 25 - 25 - 10 (đó là, tập trung tối đa vào 2 bài đọc đầu tiên và bỏ qua
bài đọc thứ 3):
- Dành 25 phút cho bài đọc thứ nhất, 25 phút tiếp theo cho bài đọc thứ
hai, và 10 phút còn lại cho bài đọc thứ 3.
- Với số lượng câu trả lời cần đúng nằm trong khoảng (16-22), bạn chỉ
cần dành nhiều thời gian hơn cho 2 bài đọc đầu để đảm bảo đúng được khoảng
90% trong tổng số 26 câu hỏi.
- Còn đối với bài đọc thứ 3, do độ khó và thời gian ngắn như vậy, bạn có
thể tập trung vào làm 1 số câu dễ, các câu còn lại cố gắng đoán đáp án cho
chúng (chọn bừa).

IELTS Thanh Loan 349

Nếu mục tiêu band điểm Reading cao hơn một chút 6.0 - 7.0
Bạn phải đạt được từ 23-32 câu trả lời đúng, hãy áp dụng chiến lược phân bổ
thời gian 20 - 20 - 20 (đó là, dành khoảng thời gian bằng nhau cho mỗi bài
- Dành 20 phút cho bài đọc thứ 1, 20 phút tiếp theo cho bài đọc thứ 2,
và 20 phút còn lại cho bài đọc thứ 3.
- Với số lượng câu trả lời cần đúng nằm trong khoảng (23-32), nghĩa là
bạn cần từ 8 11 câu trả lời đúng trong mỗi bài đọc, thì việc bỏ qua bài đọc
thứ 3 là không hợp lý.
- Hãy tận dụng 20 phút đầu để đạt được số câu trả lời đúng tối đa cho
bài đọc thứ 1, 20 tiếp theo để đạt được khoảng 70% số câu trả lời đúng cho bài
đọc thứ 2, và 20 phút cuối cùng để đạt được khoảng 50% số câu trả lời đúng
cho bài đọc thứ 3 bạn sẽ đạt mục tiêu

Nếu mục tiêu band điểm Reading cao 7.5+

Đồng nghĩa với việc bạn phải đúng 32 câu trở lên, hãy áp dụng chiến thuật 15
- 20 - 25
- Thông thường, độ khó của các bài đọc đi từ dễ, trung bình đến khó.
Nghĩa là: Bài đọc thứ 1 (từ câu hỏi 1 đến 13) thường là bài đọc dễ nhất, bài đọc
2 (từ câu hỏi 14 đến 26) có độ khó trung bình, và bài đọc thứ 3 (từ câu hỏi 27
đến 40) là bài đọc thứ khó nhất Bạn phải xử lý ngon nghẻ cả 3 bài đọc nếu
muốn đạt điểm cao
- Bên cạnh đó, não bộ thường tập trung hơn trong khoảng thời gian 20
đến 30 phút đầu, sau đó nó sẽ hoạt động chậm hơn trong những khoảng thời
gian tiếp theo. Vì vậy, phải dành nhiều thời gian hơn cho bài đọc cuối.
Đó là hai lý do vì sao việc dành 15 phút cho bài đọc 1, 20 phút cho bài
đọc 2 và 25 phút còn lại cho bài đọc 3 là rất hợp lý cho những bạn có mục tiêu
band điểm Reading từ 7.5 trở lên.

IELTS Thanh Loan 350

Lưu ý 2: Đừng có đọc và dịch từng từ một

Trong một bài thi đọc, rất nhiều bạn mắc phải các sai lầm như:
- Cố gắng đọc và dịch từng từ một trong các đoạn văn với mong muốn sẽ hiểu hết
được nội dung của chúng.
- Khi xuất hiện các từ mới, cố gắng đoán nghĩa bằng được các từ vựng đó mặc dù
chúng không liên quan hay giúp ích gì cho các câu hỏi trong bài.
- Tập trung đọc và dịch đoạn văn hơn là tập trung vào trả lời các câu hỏi.

Nhưng thực tế, các bạn lại không biết rằng, mỗi đề thi IELTS Reading chứa rất
nhiều từ mới, thậm chí là những từ vựng chuyên ngành khó hiểu. Vì vậy, việc cố
gắng đọc để hiểu từng từ là điều không thể, thậm chí vốn từ của bạn có phong phú
đến đâu đi chăng nữa.

Cụ thể hơn, việc cố gắng đọc và dịch để hiểu từng từ dẫn đến nhiều kết quả không
- Không thể hiểu hết nội dung trong một bài đọc vì chứa rất nhiều từ mới
- Giảm tốc độ đọc, dẫn đến thiếu thời gian trầm trọng để trả lời các câu hỏi
- Sử dụng thời gian một cách không hợp lý (thay vì tập trung vào trả lời các câu hỏi,
lại tập trung vào đọc hiểu đoạn văn)
- Không có được nhiều câu trả lời đúng

Vì vậy, hãy chỉ đọc những thông tin đoạn văn giúp trả lời cho các câu hỏi. Và
bỏ qua những mẩu thông tin không cần thiết cho các câu hỏi.

IELTS Thanh Loan 351

Lưu ý 3: Học cách bỏ qua những câu hỏi khó

Thời gian nhiều nhất có thể dành cho mỗi câu hỏi là 1 phút 30 giây. Vì vậy, khi gặp
phải 1 câu hỏi khó và bạn đã phải dành đến thời gian tối đa rồi mã vẫn chưa tìm ra
đáp án, hãy bỏ qua để chuyển sang làm câu hỏi tiếp theo, và quay lại với câu hỏi khó
này nếu còn thời gian.

Vì độ khó của các câu hỏi không đc sắp xếp theo trình tự. Có thể câu 17 lại khó hơn
rất nhiều so với câu 34. Vì vậy, khi dành quá nhiều thời gian cho những câu hỏi khó
bạn có thể sẽ bỏ qua những câu hỏi dễ ăn điểm hơn.

Nếu bạn đã dành 1 phút rưỡi đến 2 phút cho 1 câu hỏi mà không tìm ra đáp án
Hãy bỏ qua. Bạn có thể quay lại khi đã làm xong hết các câu hỏi còn lại và bạn
vẫn còn thời gian.

Lưu ý 4: Thời gian chuyển đáp án

Một số lưu ý về thời gian chuyển đáp án vào tờ Answer Sheet (tờ ghi đáp án) đó là:

- Tổng cả thời gian làm bài thi đọc và thời gian chuyển đáp án là 60 phút
- Phải phân bổ cả thời gian cho phần chuyển đáp án để tránh tình trạng làm xong 3
bài đọc thì hết giờ nhưng lại chưa kịp chuyển đáp án vào tờ Answer Sheet.
- Bất kể là chiến thuật phân chia thời gian nào, hãy đảm bảo dành ra ít nhất 1 phút
sau khi hoàn thành một bài đọc để chuyển đáp án vào tờ Answer Sheet của mình.

IELTS Thanh Loan 352

Lưu ý 5: Làm câu hỏi lần lượt theo thứ tự với những dạng câu hỏi
xuất hiện theo trật tự trong đoạn văn.
Chúng ta đã biết có những dạng câu hỏi theo order (theo trật tự thông tin trong đoạn
văn), đó là các dạng:
- Gap Filling
- True/ False/ Not Given hay Yes/ No/ Not Given
- Multiple Choice
- Short-Answer Questions
- Matching Sentence Endings (Matching features)

Còn các dạng câu hỏi còn lại là không theo order:
- Matching Headings
- Matching Information to Paragraph
- Matching Names

Để tiết kiệm thời gian tìm kiếm vị trí thông tin câu hỏi trong bài đọc, hãy làm
lần lượt các câu hỏi thuộc dạng theo order.

Lưu ý 6: Kiểm tra lại đáp án sau khi hoàn thành vào tờ Answer Sheet

Đừng để mất điểm đáng tiếc chỉ vì một số lỗi sai cơ bản như:
- Lỗi sai thứ nhất: Lỗi spelling (lỗi sai chính tả), cụ thể là trong dạng câu hỏi Gap
Filling hay Short-Answer Questions.
Ví dụ: từ vựng trong bài đọc là desertification, nhưng lại điền là: dessertification
- Lỗi sai thứ hai: Lỗi sai do không đọc kĩ yêu cầu đề bài
Ví dụ: Đề bài yêu cầu điền Yes/ No thì lại điền trong đáp án là True/ False
- Viết sai đáp án vào vị trí câu hỏi

Ví dụ: Vì vậy, để tránh mất điểm một

Question 10: B cách đáng tiếc vì những lỗi này, hãy
Question 11: C dành một chút thời gian đọc thật kỹ đề
Question 12: A bài, viết chính xác các từ vựng từ đoạn
thì lại điền trong tờ Answer Sheet là: văn, và điền đáp án tương ứng vào
Question 10: C đúng ô đáp án của chúng sau khi hoàn
Question 11: B thành đáp án vào tờ Answer Sheet.
Question 12: A

IELTS Thanh Loan 353


Chào các bạn!

Mình xin giới thiệu về các sản phẩm giáo dục IELTS Thanh Loan đang cung cấp

như sau:

1. Khoá

học offline tại Hà Nội để đảm bảo sự tương tác tốt nhất giữa giáo viên

và người học, tạo môi trường học vui vẻ, thân thiện và tập trung.

2. Khoá
học IELTS online để tăng tính linh hoạt về thời gian, không gian học.

3. Sản

phẩm sách ebook IELTS do IELTS Thanh Loan biên soạn hỗ trợ bạn

học IELTS tại nhà.

4. Dịch vụ chữa bài IELTS Writing online có phí cho các bạn đang luyện đề.

Chúc bạn học tập tốt!

IELTS Thanh Loan 354


Thông tin cơ bản
về bài thi
IELTS Reading

3. Các kỹ năng quan trọng trong IELTS Reading

Kỹ năng 1: Skimming – Scanning – Close reading

Exercise 1:


1 - economic output 5 - sense of well-being

2 - the past decade 6 - significantly gloomier

3 - criticized 7 - cultural values

4 - massive increases 8 - traffic

Exercise 2:
a. 1 - B, E, G
2 - A, B, E
c. 1 - (using) articles
2 - (convicted) criminals
3 - B, D, E, F, G 3 - (paid) work/employment
4-E 4 - relatives/family
5 - C, G, H 5 - naturalized
b. 1 - speedy professional service (extract F) 6 - removal
2 - then quickly followed in (extract Cl
3 - source of considerable confusion (extract B)
4 - entering a European country (extract A)
5 - all persons belonging to (extract H)
6 - have the legal right to (extract D)
7 - university degree course (extract E)
8 - hardly understand anything (extract G)

IELTS Thanh Loan 355

Kỹ năng 2: Đoán nghĩa từ mới
Exercise 2:
1. Some vegetarians believe that killing animals is wrong. Others are vegetarian
because they think meat is bad for people.
A vegetarian is probably a person that does not eat meat. (người ăn kiêng)

2. The driver swerved to miss the little boy who stepped out into the road.
To swerve is probably moved out of the way (lái lệch ra ngoài)

3. The podiatrist told the woman to take the medicine for 5 days and call him if she
didn’t feel better.
A podiatrist is probably a doctor. (bác sĩ)

4. She picked the irises and arranged them in a vase to put on the coffee table.
An iris is probably a flower. (hoa)

5. Her tea was tepid, so she put it in the microwave.

Tepid probably means a lukewarm, a cool temperature. (nguội tanh nguội ngắt)

6. The deluge, a flood of rain, threatened to drown the little town.

A deluge is a flood of rain. (mưa bão)

7. Sleet (half rain and half snow) can be very difficult to drive in due to poor
Sleet is half rain and half snow. (nửa mưa nửa tuyết)

8. Freezing rain – rain which freezes when it hits the earth – also causes many
accidents. Freezing rain is rain which freezes when it hits the Earth. (mưa đá)

9. A great part of Canada’s economy is based on its natural resources, for instance
coal, oil and wood.
A natural resource is a substance that comes from nature. (tài nguyên thiên nhiên)

10. Despite the risks, new businesses are expanding everywhere, from natural
resources, manufacturing, construction, real estate, retail trade and – especially –
service industries such as consulting and tourism.
A service industry is business that provides a service. (công nghiệp dịch vụ)

IELTS Thanh Loan 356

11. The reporter talked to many auto-industry executives, e.g. company presidents
and vice-presidents.
An executive is one of the people in charge of a company. (người điều hành)

12. The research company said that less-established car makers such as Subaru
and Isuzu could be forced out of North America.
Less-established is newer and not as popular. (mới thành lập và chưa phổ biến)

13. The Big Three are designing radical new cars including vehicles that use radar

and advanced computers.

Radical is new and different. (mới và khác biệt)

14. Many of the elderly who go to programs at Centennial House are highly
stimulated. On the other hand, old people who stay home all the time are usually


To be stimulated means entertained. (vui)

15. Alzheimer’s disease is a common problem in old age, but many old people

continue to have healthy minds.

Alzheimer’s disease is an unhealthy mind. (mất trí nhớ)

16. While many people live in rest homes, others still live on their own or with their

families. A rest home is a place for old people to live with people who are not their
families. (viện dưỡng lão)

17. Many old people stay home in inclement weather, yet they go out walking on
nice days. Inclement weather is bad weather. (thời tiết xấu)

18. Instead of vegetating at home, lots of old people are very active in the
To vegetate is an inactive person. (người lười hoạt động)

19. Yesterday some shysters came to my door. Those dishonest men pretended they
were doing a survey and then tried to convince me to buy a magazine.
A shyster is a dishonest person. (người thiếu trung thực)

20. My neighbours have a beautifully landscaped yard. It is well arranged with

beautiful shrubs, lush looking trees and bright flowers.
Landscaped means well arranged land and plants. (cảnh trí được bố trí gọn gàng)

IELTS Thanh Loan 357


Các dạng câu hỏi
trong IELTS Reading
và thực hành


Key Exercise 1:

Question 1: Answer - NOT GIVEN

- Câu hỏi đưa ra thông tin Sylvia sống tại USA.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 “Sylvia Earle is an underwater explorer and marine biologist who
was born in the USA in 1935.”

- Bài viết chỉ đề cập đến nơi sinh (born), không đề cập về nơi sống (live)

Question 2: Answer – NOT GIVEN

- Câu hỏi đưa ra thông tin cho tới 1970, chưa có ai sống dưới nước.

- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn 3: “In 1970,... she became the captain of the first all-female
team to live under water.”
- Năm 1970 là đoàn toàn nữ (all-female) đầu tiên, còn không nhắc đến có phải là
người đầu tiên không

Question 3: Answer – TRUE

- Câu hỏi: Syliva lo lắng về số cá đang bị bắt.
- Trích dẫn: Hai câu cuối của đoạn 3: “Her team also studied the problem of
over-fishing...Earle warned, and many species were in danger of becoming extinct.”
- Dịch: Nhóm cô ấy cũng nghiên cứu về các vấn đề nạn đánh bắt cá quá nhiều.

Question 4: Answer – TRUE

- Câu hỏi: Các cuốn sách của Sylvia đưa ra một số giải pháp cho vấn đề của biển.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn 4: “Since then she has written several books and magazine
- articles in which she suggests ways of reducing the damage that is being done to
the world's oceans.”
- Dịch: Cô đã viết một vài cuốn sách đề xuất những cách làm giảm ảnh hưởng xấu
đến đại dương của thế giới

IELTS Thanh Loan 358

Question 5: Answer – FALSE
- Câu hỏi: Sylvia nghĩ mọi người nên tránh ăn hải sản.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 3, 4 đoạn cuối: “Although she no longer eats seafood herself, she
realises the importance it plays in our diets. It would be wrong to tell people they
should stop eating fish from the sea, she says.”
- Sẽ là sai nếu nói rằng mọi người nên dừng ăn cá

Keyword Table

Number Keywords in Questions
Similar words in the passage

- Worried about
N H- Warn


4 - Offer solutions - Suggest ways to

- Marine problem - Damage to the ocean

5 - she thinks people should - it would be wrong

- Avoid eating - Stop eating


IELTS Thanh Loan 359

Key Exercise 2:

Question 1: Answer - NOT GIVEN

- Câu hỏi: Chúng ta thường phát triển những thói quen xấu khi còn rất nhỏ.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn 2: “Many early habits, like sucking our thumb, are broken
when we are very young.”
- Đoạn văn chỉ đề cập đến việc chúng ta phá vỡ những thói quen hồi nhỏ, chứ không

có thông tin nào đề cập đến việc phát triển những thói quen xấu khi “we are very


Question 2: Answer – NO
- Câu hỏi: Chúng ta chỉ có thể phá vỡ những thói quen xấu nếu người khác yêu cầu.

- Trích dẫn: Câu 2,3 đoạn 2: “We are either told to stop doing it by our parents, or we

consciously or subconsciously observe that others do not have the same habit, and

we gradually grow out of it.”

- có thể phá vỡ những thói quen xấu hoặc là khi bố mẹ nói phải dừng lại, hoặc là khi

thấy những người khác không có những thói quen xấu đó, chứ không phải chỉ khi

“people tell us to do”.

Question 3: Answer – YES
- Câu hỏi: Những thói quen xấu có thể quay trở lại khi chúng ta chịu áp lực.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn 3: “A recent study of human memory suggests that no
matter how hard we try to change our habits, it is the old ways that tend to win,
especially in situations where we are rushed, stressed or overworked.”
- những thói quen xấu sẽ thắng khi chúng ta căng thẳng, làm việc quá sức hay vội

Question 4: Answer – NO
- Câu hỏi: Các nhà nghiên cứu đã bất ngờ bởi câu trả lời của tình nguyện viên trong
bài test đầu tiên.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 3 đoạn 4. “It came as no surprise that their answers were split
between the first set of words and the second.”
- không có gì ngạc nhiên cho những câu trả lời của họ trong lần thi đầu tiên

IELTS Thanh Loan 360

Question 5: Answer – NOT GIVEN
- Câu hỏi: Các tình nguyện viên thấy bài kiểm tra khó hơn khi họ thực hiện lại lần
- Trích dẫn: Trong đoạn 4, “Two weeks later, they were given the same test again.
This time, most of them only gave the first set of words. They appeared to have
completely forgotten the second set.”

- Đoạn văn có đề cập đến bài kiểm tra lần 2, nhưng không nói về việc các volunteers

cảm nhận về mức độ khó dễ của bài thi lần này.

Question 6: Answer - NO

- Câu hỏi: Người ta thấy khó nhớ những thứ họ học khi còn trẻ.

- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn 6, “The study confirms that the responses we learn first are

those that remain strongest over time. We may try to change our ways, but after a

while, the response that comes to mind first is usually the first one we learned”.

- Nghiên cứu khẳng định những gì ta học đầu tiên sẽ lưu giữ được lâu nhất qua thời

gian, chứ không phải “more difficult to remember”.

Question 7: Answer – YES

- Câu hỏi: Nếu ta phát triển những thói quen xấu sớm trong đời, chúng sẽ khó bỏ
- Trích dẫn: Câu 2,3 đoạn 6: “This is not good news for people who picked up bad
habits early in life and now want to change or break them. Even when we try to put
new, good intentions into practice, those previously learned habits remain stronger
in more automatic, unconscious forms of memory.”
- … Những người phát triển những thói quen xấu sớm trong đời….Kể cả khi chúng ta
cố gắng tạo lập và luyện tập những ý thức mới, tốt, những thói quen được học từ
trước vẫn ở lại mạnh mẽ hơn ở các dạng trí nhớ tự động, vô thức. Đúng với thông tin
trong câu hỏi.

IELTS Thanh Loan 361

Keyword Table

Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

2 - break habits - stop doing it (it = habit)

3 - bad habits - old ways

- return - win

- are under pressure - situations we are stressed
4 - were surprised
>< came as no surprise

- more difficult >< remain strongest

5 - they learnt when they - pick up bad habit early in life
were young

6 - develop bad habits early in - those previously learnt


- harder to get rid of - remain stronger


IELTS Thanh Loan 362

Key Exercise 3:

Question 8: Answer – NOT GIVEN

- Câu hỏi: Hệ thống giao thông của Trung Quốc không phù hợp cho nền công nghiệp
vào thế kỷ thứ 18.
- Mặc dù ‘China’ và ‘18 th century’ được nhắc đến trong cả đoạn B, nhưng không hề
nhắc đến việc hệ thống giao thông ở quốc gia này. Vì thế câu này chính là Not Given.

Question 9: Answer – TRUE

- Câu hỏi: Trà và bia đều giúp ích trong việc ngăn chặn căn bệnh kiết lị ở Anh

- Trích dẫn: Đoạn C, câu 2: “The antiseptic properties of tannin, the active

ingredient in tea, and of hops in beer – plus the fact that both are made with boiled

water – allowed urban communities to flourish at close quarters without

succumbing to water-borne diseases such as dysentery”.

- Trong bài, tác giả viết rằng nhờ có chất sát trùng có trong trà và bia giúp cho các

cộng đồng dân cư đô thị và các miền cạnh đó sống khỏe mạnh mà không bị nhiễm

dịch bệnh từ nguồn nước như bệnh dịch kiết lỵ.

Question 10: Answer – FALSE

- Câu hỏi: Roy Porter không đồng tình với kết quả nghiên cứu của Giáo sư
- Trích dẫn: Đoạn C, câu 4: “Macfarlane’s case has been strengthened by support
from notable quarters – Roy Porter, the distinguished medical historian, recently
wrote a favourable appraisal of his research”.
- Trong bài tác giả viết rằng những nhận định của ông Macfarlane đã được ủng hộ
và củng cố (tác giả dùng từ ‘be strengthened’) bởi ông Roy Porter và còn giải thích
thêm rằng đây là một nhà sử học đã viết một vài lời tán dương về những nghiên cứu
của ông (ở đây ‘his’ tác giả đang dùng để ám chỉ Macfarlane’s). Vì thế, nó hoàn toàn
trái ngược với câu hỏi. Như vậy, đáp án phải là False.

IELTS Thanh Loan 363

Question 11: Answer – FALSE
- Câu hỏi: Sau năm 1740, dân số ở Anh giảm.
- Trích dẫn: Đoạn D, câu 3+4: “Between about 1650 and 1740,the population in
Britain was static. But then there was a burst in population growth.”
- Bài viết nói rằng từ 1650 đến 1740 dân số ở Anh ổn định, nhưng sau đó dân số lại
bùng nổ.
+ reduction in population >< population growth

Question 12: Answer – NOT GIVEN
- Câu hỏi: Người Anh từng làm bia tại nhà
- Tuy rằng được đề cập trong hai đoạn C và E, nhưng cả đoạn không đề cập đến
việc liệu người Anh có làm bia ở nhà hay không. Vì thế đáp án là Not Given.

Question 13: Answer – TRUE

- Câu hỏi: Thuế lúa mạch đã gián tiếp làm gia tăng tỉ lệ tử vong.
- Trích dẫn: Đoạn E, 3 câu cuối: “But in the late 17th century a tax was introduced

on malt, the basic ingredient of beer. The poor turned to water and gin and in the

1720s the mortality rate began to rise again.”
- Trong bài tác giả viết rằng do thuế lúa mạch này mà người nghèo đã không được
uống bia nữa và phải chuyển sang uống nước và rượu gin và sau đó tỉ lệ tử vong bắt
đầu gia tăng.

IELTS Thanh Loan 364

Key Exercise 4:

Question 1: Answer – TRUE

- Câu hỏi: Các giáo viên Úc sẽ gợi ý các lựa chọn cho học sinh thay vì cung cấp một
đáp án.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 3 đoạn 2. “This means that a teacher or course tutor will not tell
students what to do, but will give them a number of options and suggest they work
out which one is the best in their circumstances.”

- Dịch: Giáo viên hoặc trợ giảng của khóa học sẽ không nói cho học viên phải làm gì,
nhưng sẽ đưa ra nhiều sự lựa chọn và hướng dẫn họ thực hiện điều phù hợp nhất với
hoàn cảnh của mình.

Question 2: Answer – NOT GIVEN

- Câu hỏi: Tại Úc, giáo viên sẽ thấy tò mò về hoàn cảnh cá nhân của học viên.

- Câu cuối đoạn văn số 2: “They are expected to take actions if something goes wrong

and seek out resources and support for themselves.”

>> Học sinh sẽ tự tìm ra vấn đề của mình là gì và tìm cách giải quyết chứ không

nhắc đến việc giáo viên có quan tâm đến hoàn cảnh của học sinh hay không.

Question 3: Answer – TRUE

- Câu hỏi: Người Úc sử dụng tên riêng để mọi người cảm thấy địa vị của họ tương tự
- Trích dẫn: câu 1 và 2, đoạn 3: “…Australians are uncomfortable with differences in
status and hence idealise the idea of treating everyone equally. An illustration of
this is that most adult Australians call each other by their first names.”
- …Người Úc không thoải mái với sự khác biệt địa vị, và do đó lý tưởng hóa ý tưởng
về việc đối đãi với mọi người như nhau. Một ví dụ là hầu hết người Úc trưởng thành
gọi nhau bằng tên riêng.” Đúng với thông tin trong câu hỏi.

Question 4: Answer – FALSE

- Câu hỏi: Học sinh lúc nào cũng học có thể nhận được những lời bình luận tích cực
từ bạn bè.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 2 đoạn 4: “…some students may be critical of others who they
perceive as doing nothing but study.”
- Một vài học sinh có thể chỉ trích bạn của mình, người họ nghĩ rằng không làm gì
ngoài học.

IELTS Thanh Loan 365

Question 5: Answer – FALSE.
- Câu hỏi: Việc thảo luận vấn đề tài chính với người bạn không biết rõ là chấp nhận
- Trích dẫn: Câu 3, 4 đoạn 6: “While people may volunteer such information, they
may resent someone actually asking them unless the friendship is firmly

established. Even then, it is considered very impolite to ask someone what they
- Việc hỏi người khác về vấn đề tài chính là bất lịch sự.

Question 6: Answer – NOT GIVEN
- Câu hỏi: Người Úc trẻ thường thân thiện hơn người Úc cao tuổi.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 7 đoạn 4: “With older people, it is also rude to ask how old they are,

...” Trong đoạn văn chỉ đề cập đến việc hỏi người già bao nhiêu tuổi là thô lỗ thôi, chứ
không hề đề cập gì đến sự so sánh giữa mức độ thân thiện của người già và người trẻ.

Keyword Table


Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

1 - suggest alternatives - give a number of options

- offer one solution - tell students what to do
3 - use people’s first names - call each other by their first
- feel their status is similar - uncomfortable with difference
in status
4 - study all the time - do nothing but study
- positive comments - >< be critical of
5 - acceptable - >< impolite
- financial issues - what they earn
- people you do not know - unless friendship is firmly
well established

IELTS Thanh Loan 366

Key Exercise 5:

Question 26: Answer – YES

- Câu hỏi: Mọi người vô cùng thích thú khi thấy em bé nói chuyện như người lớn.
- Trích dẫn: Đoạn 1, câu 5: “few things are as funny as a baby who talks like
an adult.”
- Theo như đoan văn thì có rất ít thứ mà thú vị như chuyện một đứa trẻ có thể nói

khiến mọi người thích thú.

chuyện như một người lớn. Điều đó nghĩa là việc đứa trẻ nói chuyện như người lớn

Question 27: Answer – YES

- Câu hỏi: Các nhà hành vi học đầu thế kỷ 20 cho rằng trẻ em học nói bằng cách bắt

chước người lớn.

- Trích dẫn: Đoạn 2: ‘‘Many people assume children learn to talk by copying what

they hear. In other words, they listen to the words adults use and the situations in

which they use them and imitate accordingly. Behaviourism, the scientific approach

that dominated American cognitive science for the first half of the 20th century,

made exactly this argument.”

- Theo như đoạn văn thì rất nhiều người cho rằng trẻ em học nói bằng cách bắt chước

cách người lớn nói. Và các nhà hành vi học hoàn toàn đồng ý với quan điểm này. Điều
đó chứng tỏ là các nhà hành vi học cho rằng trẻ em học nói bằng cách bắt chước người

Question 28: Answer – NOT GIVEN

- Câu hỏi: Trẻ em có nhiều cuộc trò chuyện với người lớn hơn là với những đứa trẻ
- Không có thông tin nào đề cập đến sự so sánh giữa số lượng cuộc trò chuyện của trẻ
với người lớn và của trẻ với những đứa trẻ khác. Nên thông tin câu hỏi không được
đề cập đến trong đoạn văn.

Question 29: Answer – NO

- Câu hỏi: Các nhà khoa học đã tìm ra lý do dễ dàng để tìm ra lý do tại sao trẻ sơ sinh
sử dụng câu một từ.
- Trích dẫn: Đoạn 3, dòng 4: “What is hard for them to do is to explain these first
words, and how they fit into the language acquisition pattern.”
- Theo như đoạn văn thì điều khó đối với các nhà khoa học là giải thích những từ đầu
tiên này và cách trẻ biến chúng thành ngôn ngữ. Điều đó chứng tỏ việc tìm ra lý do
tại sao trẻ sử dụng câu một từ là không dễ dàng cho các nhà khoa học.

IELTS Thanh Loan 367

Keyword Table

Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

26 - extremely amused - funny

- see a baby talk like - talks like an adult

an adult
- argued that children learn
- made exactly this argument

27 to speak by copying adults

29 - easy
- >< hard

- work out why babies use - explain these first words

one-word sentences


IELTS Thanh Loan 368

Key Exercise 6:

Question 10: Answer – FALSE

- Câu hỏi: Cho tới năm 1950, ảnh được nhìn rộng rãi hơn mô phỏng của họa sĩ trên
các posters.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 4 đoạn 8: “In addition, the use of photography in posters, begun in
Russia in the twenties, started to become as common as illustration”.

- Việc sử dụng nhiếp ảnh trong poster, bắt đầu từ Nga vào những năm 20, đã trở nên

phổ biến như mô phỏng. Nghĩa là 2 đối tượng được so sánh với mức độ bằng nhau,

chứ không phải “photograph” rộng rãi hơn “illustrations on posters”.

Question 11: Answer – TRUE

- Câu hỏi: Các đặc điểm của Typographic Style vẫn có thể được nhìn thấy trong

posters hiện đại.

- Trích dẫn: Câu 5, 6 đoạn 8: “known as the International Typographic Style. …. It

became the predominant style in the world in the 1970s and continues to exert its

influence today.”

- Dịch: Được biết là Typo Style quốc tế….Nó trở thành style chủ đạo trên thế giới

những năm 1970, và tiếp tục ảnh hưởng đến ngày nay.

Question 12: Answer – TRUE
- Câu hỏi: Typo Style phù hợp với nhu cầu toàn cầu tại một thời điểm trong lịch sử.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn 9 có nói: “It is perfectly suited to the increasingly
international post-war marketplace.”
- Các công ty muốn có nhận diện toàn cầu, và những sự kiện như Olympics đã cần
đến các giải pháp toàn cầu, mà Typo Style có thể cung cấp.

Question 13: Answer – NOT GIVEN

- Câu hỏi: Weingart có nhiều ý tưởng từ học sinh của mình tại Basel.
- Không có thông tin nào được đề cập đến trong đoạn văn về việc Weingart lấy ý
tưởng từ học sinh của mình cả.

IELTS Thanh Loan 369

Keyword Table

Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

10 - photographs were more - >< the use of photographic

widely seen than artists'
become as common as
11 - be seen in modern-day

- continues to exert its influence

posters today

12 - meet the need - could provide

- global - international/ universal


IELTS Thanh Loan 370

Key Exercise 7:

Question 1: Answer - NOT GIVEN

- Câu hỏi: Nghiên cứu thị trường đã được phát triển khi Daniel Starch được thuê để
thấy tính hiệu quả và ghi nhớ của quảng cáo ra sao.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn 2: “During the early 1930s, Daniel Starch developed the

theory that in order to be effective, advertising must be seen, read, believed,

remembered and then acted upon. He went on to develop a research company.”

- Bài viết chỉ nêu thời gian và theory (lý thuyết) do Daniel Starch phát triển, và sau

đó là sự kiện ông thành lập công ty, chứ không đề cập đến cụm ông được thuê.

Question 2: Answer – TRUE

- Câu hỏi: Các phương pháp được coi là phù hợp cho việc nghiên cứu tính hiệu quả

của quảng cáo radio và TV khác so với những phương pháp của Starch.

- Trích dẫn:
1. Câu 2 và 3 đoạn 2: “He … asking them if they read certain publications. If they

did, his researchers would show them the magazines and ask if they recognized or

remembered any of the ads found in them”.

2. Câu 2 và 3 đoạn 3: “George Gallup...known as ‘aided recall’, which prompted those
interviewed to recall the ads seen in a publication, without actually showing them
the ads. This rival system was later adopted by companies to measure the
effectiveness of radio and television advertising.”
- Starch: cho đáp viên xem báo và hỏi họ có nhớ quảng cáo nào trong đó; còn phương
pháp kia: không cho xem ấn phẩm nào, mà chỉ gợi nhớ quảng cáo
>> Các phương pháp khác nhau.

Question 3: Answer – FALSE

- Câu hỏi: Western Wats đã giới thiệu các phương pháp kém hiệu quả hơn các
phương pháp của Starch và Gallup.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1,2 và câu 6 đoạn 4: “In the late 1980s, Ronald Lindorf founded
what would be one of the largest market-research companies in the United States,
Western Wats...improved the market-research model ten-fold”
- Mặc dù trong đoạn văn không hề đưa ra sự so sánh trực tiếp giữa các đối tượng,
nhưng có đề cập đến Western Wats là một trong những market-research companies
largest và đã cải thiện được chất lượng lên đến 10 lần
>> Như vậy nghĩa là nó không hề less effecient hơn hai đối tượng còn lại.

IELTS Thanh Loan 371

Question 4: Answer – NOT GIVEN
- Câu hỏi: Sự thay đổi của Western Wats thành Opinionology đã tạo nên kết quả nó
là công ty nghiên cứu thị trường lớn nhất thế giới.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 3,4 đoạn 5: “Western Wats (recently renamed as Opinionology) is
still the largest market- research company in the US”
- Có đề cập đến việc “Western Wats renamed lại thành Opinionology”, nhưng không

có thông tin nào nói rằng vì việc “renamed” này nên mới dẫn đến trở thành công ty

lớn nhất.

Question 5: Answer – FALSE

- Câu hỏi: Trước khi có ngành công nghiệp nghiên cứu thị trường, người ta không có

hứng thú với việc tìm hiểu ý kiến đám đông.

- Việc tìm hiểu ý kiến đám đông đã có từ 1820s, trong khi ngành nghiên cứu ra đời

năm 1930s, cụ thể bài đọc có nói: “everyone ... wants to see which way the wind of

public opinion is blowing.”

Keyword Table

Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

2 - methods appropriate for … - ask them if they read certain

differed from those... publications...without showing
them the ads
3 - considered less efficient - >< largest company, improve
4 - rebranding - rename
5 - no interest in finding - >< everyone ... wants to see

IELTS Thanh Loan 372

Key Exercise 8:

Question 1: Answer – NO
- Câu hỏi: Trải nghiệm của Merck với MK-869 là độc nhất.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn 3: “MK-869 has not been the only much-awaited medical
breakthrough to be undone in recent years by the placebo effect.”

- Dịch: MK-869 không phải là sáng kiến y học duy nhất không được hoàn thành

trong những năm gần đây …”

Question 2: Answer- YES

- Câu hỏi: Ngày nay, một số lượng nhỏ những kết quả thử nghiệm không thành công
có thể phá hủy cả một công ty dược thành công.

- Trích dẫn: Câu 8 đoạn 4: “In today’s economy, the fate of a well-established

company can hang on the outcome of a handful of tests.”

- Trong nền kinh tế ngày nay, số phận của một công ty thành công có thể nằm trên
kết quả của một vài thí nghiệm.

Question 3: Answer – NOT GIVEN

- Câu hỏi: Một vài trường hợp y khoa dễ dàng chữa trị bằng placebo hơn các trường
hợp khác.
- Không có thông tin nào chỉ ra sự so sánh này.

Question 4: Answer – YES

- Câu hỏi: Nhóm thứ ba trong thử nghiệm Kaptchuk được cho là sẽ làm tốt hơn hai
nhóm còn lại.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn 8: “Not surprisingly, the health of those in the third group
improved most.”
- Không bất ngờ, sức khỏe của những người trong nhóm thứ ba đã cải thiện nhiều

IELTS Thanh Loan 373

Question 5: Answer - NO
- Câu hỏi: Nghiên cứu của Kaptchuk đã nhấn mạnh sự thật rằng nên tránh kết hợp
thuốc và placebo.
- Trích dẫn: Câu cuối cùng của bài đọc: “As Potter says. “To really do the best for your
patients, you want the best placebo response plus the best drug response”.”

- Dịch: Để thực sự làm điều tốt nhất cho bệnh nhân của mình, bạn muốn placebo tốt

nhất cộng thêm với thuốc tốt nhất, chứ không phải tránh sự kết hợp này như trong
câu hỏi.

Keyword Table
Number Keywords in Questions
Similar words in the passage

1 - unique - the only much-awaited

2 - these days - in today’s economy

- a small number of - the fate of a well-established

IE L unsuccessful test results

can ruin a well-established
drug company
company can hang on
outcome of a handful of tests

4 - it is expected that - not surprisingly

- do better - improved most
5 - combine drug and placebo - the best placebo plus the best
- should be avoided - to do the best

IELTS Thanh Loan 374

Key Exercise 9:

Question 1: Answer – YES

- Câu hỏi: Các hoạt động liên quan đến bảo vệ môi trường và khám phá vũ trụ có một
chủ đề chung.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn 1: “… the fact that both fields of interest involve what might
be referred to as “scientific exploration.”

- Dịch: Sự thực là cả hai lĩnh vực đều liên quan đến “khám phá khoa học”.

>> Đúng là “a common theme”.

Question 2: Answer – NO

- Câu hỏi: Lý do khám phá vũ trụ phát triển khác với nghiên cứu môi trường trên

trái đất là không rõ ràng.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 2,3,4 của đoạn 1: “The reason for this dichotomous existence is
chiefly historical...”

- Lý do có được đề cập đến là vì lịch sử chứ không phải là không rõ ràng như trong
câu hỏi.

Question 3: Answer – NOT GIVEN

- Câu hỏi: các chính phủ thường trao nhiều tiền cho các dự án môi trường hơn là
khám phá vũ trụ.
- Không có thông tin nào chỉ ra việc chính phủ đầu tư tiền vào 2 đối tượng này.

Question 4: Answer – NO
- Câu hỏi: Không may là, cộng đồng môi trường và khám phá vũ trụ không có thứ gì
để trao cho nhau về mặt tài nguyên.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 5 đoạn 2: “For example, those involved in space exploration can
provide the satellites to monitor the Earth’s fragile environments, and
environmentalists can provide information on the survival of life in extreme
- Những người khám phá vũ trụ có thể cung cấp tàu vũ trụ để giám sát môi trường
trái đất, và nhà môi trường học có thể cung cấp thông tin về sự sống trên các môi
trường khắc nghiệt >> Cả hai đối tượng đều có thứ cung cấp cho đối tượng còn lại.

IELTS Thanh Loan 375

Question 5: Answer – NOT GIVEN
- Câu hỏi: The Earth and Space Foundation được thành lập muộn hơn dự định ban
- Không có thông tin nào đề cập đến việc Earth and Space Foundation được thành
lập muộn hơn dự định.

Keyword Table


Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

1 - activities related to - community focuses its effort

environmental protection on study and protection of

- activities related to space
earth’s environment
- community focuses its efforts

exploration on exploration of space

- have a common theme - both referred to as scientific


2 - unclear why - >< the reason chiefly
4 - have little to offer - >< those involved in space
exploration can provide … can
provide information on survival
of life in extreme environments

IELTS Thanh Loan 376

Key Exercise 10:

Question 1: Answer – FALSE

- Câu hỏi: Xu Xing đã đến sa mạc Gobi để kiểm tra chứng cứ hóa thạch về sự tồn tại
của Gigantoraptor.
- Trích dẫn: Đoạn 2: “One of these is Gigantoraptor … was not even looking for it at
the time. He was recording a documentary in the Gobi Desert Inner Mongolia.”
- Xu Xing, lúc phát hiện ra Gigantoraptor, đến Gobi không để tìm hóa thạch này vào

lúc đó mà để quay một phim tài liệu khác. Như vậy là ngược với thông tin trong câu


Question 2: Answer – TRUE

- Câu hỏi: Thông báo của National Geographic Society năm 1999 được dựa trên
chứng cứ sai.

- Trích dẫn: Đoạn 4 + 5: “In 1999 the National ... CT scans almost immediately
proved the specimen was bogus ...”

- CT scans đó đã chứng minh mẫu là sai

Question 3: Answer- NOT GIVEN

- Câu hỏi: Giống Gigantoraptor, Yanomi martini được phát hiện đầu tiên ở Trung

- Có đề cập đến 2 giống Gigantoraptor và Yanomi nhưng không có thông tin về việc
được phát hiện đầu tiên ở Trung Quốc.

Question 4: Answer – TRUE

- Câu hỏi: Các chiếc xương được khám phá bởi Robert Liscomb đã thay đổi thái độ
của các nhà cổ sinh vật học với bắc Alaska.
- Trích dẫn: Đoạn 7 và đầu đoạn 8: “For the majority of the 20th century, the
palaeontology community had ignored the frozen tundra of north
Alaska...eventually realised they were missing a trick”
- Từ việc phớt lờ cho đến nhận ra là mình đã bỏ lỡ một điều gì đó
>> đã thay đổi thái độ.

Question 5: Answer – NOT GIVEN

- Câu hỏi: Theo Fiorillo, cái tên Troodon có nghĩa là “cái răng bị đau”
- Đoạn 9, Florillo có đề cập đến những đặc điểm của Troodon nhưng không đề cập
đến nghĩa của nó là gì.

IELTS Thanh Loan 377

Question 6: Answer - FALSE
- Câu hỏi: Guillermo Heredia đã nghi ngờ rằng phát hiện của anh ta là hóa thạch
khủng long.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 5 đoạn 10: “he had no way of realising that he'd found a
1.5-metre- long tibia of the largest sauropod ever known to walk the Earth.”
- Anh ta không đời nào nhận ra rằng anh đã tìm thấy….”

Keyword Table
Keywords in Questions
Similar words in the passage


- to check fossil evidence of
- >< not looking for it (fossil

existence of Gigantoraptor evidence of existence of


2 - base on false evidence - proved was bogus

L T - announcement made by - NGS announced

the NGS
4 - bones originally discovered - the first discovery...actually
by Robert Liscomb made by Robert Liscomb
- change attitude - ignored ...eventually realised
they were missing a trick
6 - suspected that his find - >< no way of realising that he
was... had found...

IELTS Thanh Loan 378

Dạng 2. Gap filling / Completion (with or without given words)

Key Exercise 1:

Question 1: Answer –Third

- Từ loại cần điền là một từ chỉ số thứ tự

- Trích dẫn: Câu 3 “In third place was London…”

- Vị trí của London trong survey là xếp “thứ ba” “third”

Question 2: Answer - business

- Từ loại cần điền là một Noun đứng sau adj “excellent”

important cultural centre.”

- Trích dẫn: Câu 4 “It was also seen as a very good place to do business, and was an

- London có “excellent business opportunities”

Question 3: Answer - expensive

- Câu hỏi yêu cầu xác định một disadvantage của London >> Từ loại cần điền là một
Adj đứng sau adv “very”
- Trích dẫn: Câu 5-6 “However, it lost points because people believed it was an
extremely expensive place to live.”
- London là một nơi rất “expensive”

Question 4: Answer - friendliest

- Câu hỏi yêu cầu xác định một trong ba advantage của Sydney >> Từ loại cần điền
là một Adj hoặc Noun đứng sau mạo từ “the”
- Trích dẫn: Câu 6-7 “Sydney was also a very popular destination, achieving second
place on the list because people believed it had the friendliest inhabitants...”
- Sydney được đánh giá là một nơi “friendliest” trong số các thành phố được nghiên

IELTS Thanh Loan 379

Question 5: Answer - climate
- Câu hỏi yêu cầu xác định một advantage còn lại của Sydney > Từ loại cần điền là
một Noun đứng sau adj “pleasant”
- Trích dẫn: Câu 7-8 “…as well as the best standard of living and the nicest climate.”
- Sydney được đánh giá là một nơi có “climate” dễ chịu nhất trong số các thành phố
được nghiên cứu.

Question 6: Answer - First/ Top

- Từ loại cần điền là một số thứ tự

- Trích dẫn: Câu 11 “…it beat other cities to first place because people considered it

to be the most interesting city...”

- Sydney được xếp vị trí “First” trong số các thành phố được nghiên cứu.

Question 7: Answer - interesting

- Từ loại cần điền là một adj

- Trích dẫn: Câu 10-11 “…it beat other cities to first place because people considered

it to be the most interesting city, with more museums, art galleries and places of

interest than anywhere else.”

- Sydney được đánh giá là một nơi “interesting” nhất trong số các thành phố được
nghiên cứu.

Question 8: Answer - traffic

- Từ loại cần điền là một Noun
- Trích dẫn: Câu 10-11 “Despite problems such as the large amount of traffic…”
- Sydney là một nơi có rất nhiều vấn đề về “traffic”.

IELTS Thanh Loan 380

Keyword Table
Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

2 - Excellent - Very good

3 - Disadvantage - Lose points

- Very
- Residents
- Extremely
- Inhabitants
- The most pleasant
- More interesting than
- The nicest

- The most interesting city
other cities

8 - A lot of - The large amount of


IELTS Thanh Loan 381

Key Exercise 2:

Question 1: Answer – products

- Từ cần điền là danh từ.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 2 đoạn 2: “However, unlike other surveys, it is based on the idea
that cities are similar to products in shops.”
- Các thành phố giống “products” mà người ta có thể mua.

Question 2: Answer – year

- Từ cần điền là danh từ chỉ thời gian.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn 3: “Each year, about 10,000 people in 20 countries take part
in the CBI survey, and they grade a total of 50 cities.”
- Khảo sát diễn ra hàng năm (year)

Question 3: Answer – fifty/ 50

- Từ điền vào là một số

- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn 3: “Each year, about 10,000 people in 20 countries take part

in the CBI survey, and they grade a total of 50 cities.”

- Tổng có 50 cities tham gia.

Question 4: Answer – categories
- Từ cần điền là một danh từ
- Trích dẫn: Câu 3 đoạn 3: “There are several categories in the survey.”
- Nhiều “categories” (đề mục) được bao gồm trong khảo sát.

Question 5: Answer – live

- Từ cần điền là một động từ
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn 4: “The CBI list is useful because it helps people choose a
good place to live, find work or take a holiday.”
- Để “live” (sinh sống) hoặc tìm việc.

Question 6: Answer – holiday

- Từ cần điền là một danh từ để tạo thành một cụm danh từ
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn 4: “The CBI list is useful because it helps people choose a
good place to live, find work or take a holiday.”
- người ta tìm một nơi nghỉ dưỡng tốt (good holiday destination)

IELTS Thanh Loan 382

Question 7: Answer – governments
- Từ cần điền là danh từ chỉ người/ trung tâm/ tổ chức
- Trích dẫn: Câu 2 đoạn 4: “It also helps regional governments to understand why
people and businesses are, or are not, coming to their cities, and so shows them
areas which they could develop or improve.”
- Chính quyền địa phương (local government)

Keyword Table

Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

1 - Like

- Similar to

- products in shops - people can buy when they go


2 - Every year - Each year

3 - A maximum of cities - A total of cities

L T - A number of different ST - there are several categories in

are included in the survey the survey
5 - Helpful - Useful
- to decide where to live - to choose a good place to live
- to get a job - to find work
6 - a good holiday destination - a good place to take a holiday
7 - Local - Regional
- to make their city a better - show them areas which they
place could develop or improve

IELTS Thanh Loan 383

Key Exercise 3:

Question 1: Answer – Discovered

- Từ cần điền là một động từ
- Trích dẫn: Câu 2 đoạn 1: “The group discovered some new plant and insect species,
as well as a forest tribe which people had never heard of.”
- Đã khám phá ra (discovered) một bộ lạc chưa ai biết.

Question 2: Answer – Married

- Từ cần điền là một động từ

- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn 2: “In 1996, he married Margaret Logan, an American

doctor he had met while travelling around Africa.”

- Anh Cưới Margaret, một bác sĩ Hoa Kì anh đã gặp khi du lịch quanh châu Phi.

Question 3: Answer – Three children/ 3 children

- Từ cần điền là danh từ
- Trích dẫn: Câu 2 đoạn 2: “In 1998 they had Adam, the first of three children (twins

Amelia and Jennifer were born a year later).”

- Adam, Amelia và Jennifer là tên ba người con >> three children

Question 4: Answer – Twelve months/12 months
- Từ cần điền là danh từ chỉ thời gian
- Trich dẫn: Câu 3 đoạn 2: “Many families at this stage would settle down, but
Margaret and Patrick decided to keep travelling, spending two years walking
around India and another twelve months exploring the islands of Indonesia.”
- Hai vợ chồng đã dành tiếp 2 năm đi quanh Ấn độ và thêm 12 tháng khám phá các
đảo của Indonesia. >> Điền từ “twelve months” hoặc “12 months”

Question 5: Answer – TV/television series

- Từ cần điền là một danh từ
- Trích dẫn: Câu 3, 4 đoạn 3: “This was followed by an offer from a television
company to present a TV series about travelling with children. The series ran for 12
years, and won several television awards.”
- Chương trình truyền hình của đôi vợ chồng (TV series) đã thắng nhiều giải thưởng.

IELTS Thanh Loan 384

Question 6: Answer – travel
- Từ cần điền là một động từ
- Trích dẫn: Câu 5 đoạn 3: “Today they still make the most of every opportunity to
travel, and have recently returned from the South Pacific.”
- Hôm nay, họ vẫn cố gắng dùng mọi cơ hội để du lịch (travel), và gần đây vừa trở về
từ Nam Thái Bình Dương.

Keyword Table

Keywords in Questions
Similar words in the passage

- a tribe that nobody knew

N H - a forest tribe people had never

existed heard of

- someone he met on a trip - an American doctor he had

met while travelling

- had three children: Adam, - had Adam, the first of three

IE L Amelia and Jennifer

- explored Indonesian
children (twins Amelia and
Jennifer were born a year later)
- another twelve months
islands for twelve months exploring the islands of
- made a successful TV - the series (a TV series) won
series several television awards
- still like to travel - still make the most of every
whenever possible opportunity to travel

IELTS Thanh Loan 385

Key Exercise 4:

Question 1: Answer – lighter

- Từ cần điền là tính từ so sánh
- Trích dẫn: Câu 4 đoạn 1 : “Not only does this make the airliner quicker and easier
to build, but it also makes it a lot lighter.”
- Không chỉ làm máy bay nhanh hơn và dễ sản xuất, mà cũng làm nó nhẹ hơn
(lighter) rất nhiều.

Question 2: Answer – fuel
- Từ cần điền là danh từ chỉ nguyên liệu
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn 2: “The advantage of this weight reduction is that the 787

uses 20 percent less fuel than other airliners of a similar size, which makes it much

more environmentally friendly.”

- Máy bay 787 sử dụng ít hơn 20% lượng xăng (fuel) so với máy bay khác cùng loại.

Question 3: Answer – 210 passengers

- Từ cần điền là danh từ, chỉ số vật, số người, hoặc cân nặng.

- Trích dẫn: Câu 2 đoạn 2: “The reduced weight also means that the Boeing 787 can
fly further than many other airliners of a similar size, carrying 210 passengers or
more up to 15,200 kilometres before refuelling.”
- Máy bay có thể mang 210 người (210 passengers) hoặc hơn lên độ cao 15,200 mét
trước khi đổ lại xăng.

Question 4: Answer – shorter time

- Từ cần điền là cụm danh từ chứa tính từ so sánh vì có từ “than”
- Trich dẫn: Câu 2 đoạn 3: “The 787 has a revolutionary engine attachment on the
wing which means that the engines can be changed in a much shorter time.”
- Động cơ có thể thay được trong một khoảng thời gian ngắn hơn rất nhiều.

Question 5: Answer – (engine) noise

- Từ cần điền là một danh từ
- Trích dẫn: Câu 5 đoạn 3: “...It has been designed to cut down the noise from the
engine, ...”:
- Nó được thiết kế để giảm tiếng ồn (noise) từ động cơ.

IELTS Thanh Loan 386

Question 6: Answer – 65 percent
- Từ cần điền là từ chỉ số lượng “tăng lên bao nhiêu”
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn 4: “ which are 65 percent larger than those on
other airliners.”
- Cửa sổ rộng hơn 65% các hãng khác.

Question 7: Answer – Electric current

- Từ cần điền là danh từ, chú ý danh từ kết hợp với mạo từ “an”

- Trích dẫn: Câu 3, 4 đoạn 4: “This is thanks to a liquid in the window which reacts

to an electric current. When a passenger or cabin crew member presses a button,
the current causes a chemical reaction in the window which darkens the liquid.”

- Một dung dịch phản ứng với dòng điện. Khi một hành khách hoặc thành viên đoàn
bay ấn một nút, dòng điện gây ra phản ứng hóa học với cửa sổ, làm tối đi dung dịch.


IELTS Thanh Loan 387

Keyword Table

Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

- composite fuselage makes - composite fuselage material is

it a lot lighter much lighter
- reduce the amount of fuel - reduction is that ...fuel than


that airliner needs other airliners of a similar size

- accommodate at least 210 - carry 210 passengers


- can fit a new engine in a - can be changed in a much

shorter time than it takes on shorter time

other airliners

- special engine case reduces - been designed to cut down
noise from engine


size of windows has - windows which are 65 percent

increased by 65 percent larger than those on other

- window glass can be made - window … control amount ò
darker by passing an light that enter them. This is
electric current through thanks to a liquid in window
them which reacts to an electric

IELTS Thanh Loan 388

Key Exercise 5:

Question 1: Answer – aggressive

- Từ cần điền là tính từ tương đương với các adj như fearless và tough, chỉ tính cách
của con “honey badger”.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 2 đoạn 1: “And in spite of its gentle-sounding name, it is also one of
its most aggressive.”
- Mật lửng fearless, aggressive and tough.

Question 2: Answer – humans

- Từ cần điền là một danh từ, là đối tượng bị honey badger tấn công (attack)

- Trích dẫn: Câu 4 đoạn 1: “Even humans are not safe from a honey badger if it

thinks the human will attack or harm it.” (kể cả con người cũng không an toàn...)

- Honey badger sẽ tấn công human (con người) nếu chúng cần tự bảo vệ.

Question 3: Answer – instantly recognisable

- Câu hỏi yêu cầu điền tính từ, kết quả của màu sắc và hoa văn trên thân của mật


- Trích dẫn: Câu 3 đoạn 2: “They are instantly recognisable by grey and white

stripes that extend from the top of the head to the tail.”

- Màu sắc và hoa văn trên thân của mật lửng làm nó dễ được nhận ra ngay lập tức
(instantly recognisable)

Question 4: Answer – extremely varied

- Từ cần điền là một tính từ
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn 3: “Honey badgers are meat-eating animals with an
extremely varied diet.”
- Thức ăn của chúng đều là từ thịt và cực kì đa dạng (extremely varied)

Question 5: Answer – small creatures

- Từ cần điền danh từ- chỉ loài là đồ ăn của honey badger.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 2 đoạn 3: “They mainly eat a range of small creatures like beetles,
lizards and birds, ....”
- Small creatures (những sinh vật nhỏ) chiếm phần lớn trong thực đơn của honey

IELTS Thanh Loan 389

Question 6: Answer – smell
- Từ cần điền là một danh từ, chỉ khả năng của honey badger
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn 4: “The badgers locate their prey mainly using their
excellent sense of smell, ....”
- Honey badger tìm thức ăn bằng khứu giác (smell).

Question 7: Answer – special traps

- Từ cần điền là một danh từ, chỉ thứ được dùng để bắt honey badger

badgers, to protect their hives.”

- Trích dẫn: Câu 4 đoạn 5: “Bee-keepers will often set special traps for honey

- Người ta dùng các loại bẫy đặc biệt (special traps) để bắt honey badger.

Question 8: Answer – working relationship

- Từ cần điền là một danh từ đi với mạo từ “a”

- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn 6: “One of the most fascinating aspects of the honey badger

is its working relationship with a bird called the greater honeyguide (Indicator

- Chúng tạo lập mối quan hệ làm việc (working relationship).


IELTS Thanh Loan 390

Keyword Table
Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

1 - not big - small size

2 - they need to protect themselves - it thinks the human will
attack or harm it

3 - pattern and colours on back - grey and white stripes that

extend from the top of the head

4 - food they eat is meat based

to the nail

- meat-eating animals
5 - form the biggest part of diet
- mainly eat a range of


- find the creatures they eat by - locate their prey mainly using

their smell their excellent sense of smell

7 - often used to catch honey - often set … for honey badgers,

badgers which attack beehives to protect their hives

8 L- has a working relationship with
another creature
- its working relationship with a

IELTS Thanh Loan 391

Key Exercise 6:

Question 5: Answer – frozen ingredients

- Câu hỏi yêu cầu điền danh từ, những thứ cần được gửi đến siêu thị
- Trích dẫn: Câu 4 đoạn 4 : “Mostly these bake pre-prepared items and frozen
ingredients which have been delivered to the supermarket previously, ....”
- Siêu thị được gửi nguyên liệu đông lạnh (frozen ingredients) và các thứ khác.

Question 6: Answer – appetites

- Câu hỏi yêu cầu điền danh từ, chỉ khả năng thuộc về con người.

- Trích dẫn: Câu 5 đoạn 4: “They do it for the smell of freshly baked bread, which

arouses people’s appetites....”
- Sự ngon miệng (appetites) của khách hàng được tăng lên.

Question 7: Answer – ready meals

- Câu hỏi yêu cầu một danh từ, tương đương với bánh mì (bread and...)
- Trích dẫn: Câu 5 đoạn 4: “They do it for the smell of freshly baked bread, which

arouses people’s appetites and thus encourages them to purchase not just bread but
also other food, including ready meals.”

- Họ từ đó muốn mua thức ăn, bao gồm bánh mì và bữa ăn sẵn (ready meals).

Keyword Table

Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

1 - supermarket is sent frozen - frozen ingredients which have

ingredients been delivered to the
2 - Shoppers’ appetites are - to arouses people’s appetites
3 - keener to buy food - encourage them to purchase

IELTS Thanh Loan 392

Key Exercise 7:

Question 1: Answer – storage space

- Từ loại cần điền là một danh từ chỉ những khó khăn của “metal type”
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1, 2 đoạn 2 : “There were a number of negative aspects of large
metal type. It was expensive, required a large amount of storage space and was
extremely heavy.”
- Vấn đề với kim loại là storage space (không gian lưu trữ)

Question 2: Answer – pantograph

- Từ loại cần điền là một danh từ số ít vì nó đứng sau từ another
Leavenworth’s pantograpn ..............”
- Trích dẫn: Câu 3 đoạn 3: “The router was used in combination with William

- in combination with chính bằng in connection with và danh từ cần điền là


Question 3: Answer – colour and design

- Câu hỏi yêu cầu điền danh từ, là thứ mà loại in bằng gỗ bị thiếu

- Trích dẫn: Câu 4 đoạn 3: “The first posters began to appear, but they had little

colour and design; often wooden type was mixed with metal type in a

conglomeration of styles.”

- Thiếu color and design (màu và thiết kế).

Question 4: Answer – greasy crayon

- Câu hỏi yêu cầu điền một danh từ- là một loại công cụ thiết kế
- Trich dẫn: Câu 2 đoạn 4: “The method involved drawing with a greasy crayon onto
finely surfaced Bavarian limestone and offsetting that image onto paper.”
- Công cụ thiết kế- một màu sáp dính ( greasy crayon).

Question 5: Answer – transfer paper

- Câu hỏi yêu cầu điền một danh từ, là một công cụ (tương đương với mirror- gương)
để cho ra ảnh đúng trong phương pháp Lithography.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 4 đoạn 4: “The images and lettering needed to be drawn backwards,
often reflected in a mirror or traced on transfer paper.”
- Lithography phải sử dụng gương và giấy chuyển đổi (transfer paper) để có được
ảnh đúng.

IELTS Thanh Loan 393

Keyword Table
Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

1 - Cost - Expensive
- weight - Extremely heavy
- Lack
- Design tool
- Had little
- drawing with ST
4 - use a mirror
- to achieve correct image
- reflect in a mirror
- images needed to be drawn


IELTS Thanh Loan 394

Key Exercise 8:

Question 7: Answer – three metres/ 3 metres

- Câu hỏi: hơn... (mũi tên chỉ độ cao từ hông của khủng long tới mặt đất)
>> từ cần điền là một từ chỉ chiều cao.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 3 đoạn 2: “Discovered in 2005, it stands more than three metres
high at the hip”
- Gigantoraptor cao hơn 3 metres tính từ hông xuống mặt đất. Chiều cao của con
khủng long từ hông là “3 metres”.

Question 8: Answer – bird-like beak

- Câu hỏi yêu cầu mô tả mỏ của khủng long

- Trích dẫn: Câu 2 đoạn 3: “Gigantoraptor, as it later became known, turned out to

- Mỏ khủng long giống mỏ chim (bird-like beak).

be an oviraptorid, a therapod with a bird-like beak.”

Question 9: Answer – curved claws

- Câu hỏi yêu cầu mô tả phần chân - thể hiện được thói quen sống trên cây của

- Trích dẫn: Câu 6 đoạn 6: “Although it couldn't fly, its curved claws provided the

first real evidence that dinosaurs could have climbed trees.”
- Móng cong (curved claws) giúp chúng sống trên cây.”

Question 10: Answer – asymmetrical vanes

- Câu hỏi yêu cầu mô tả đặc điểm của lông- giúp Microraptor bay được.
- Trich dẫn: Câu 10 đoạn 6: “Then we noticed that these long feathers had
asymmetrical vanes, a feature often associated with flight capability.”
- Những chiếc lông dài có Asymmetrical vanes (ven bất đối xứng).

Question 11: Answer – dusk

- Câu hỏi yêu cầu điền danh từ tương đương với sunrise (chỉ thời gian/ không gian)
mà Troodon có thể nhìn thấy được.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 5 đoạn 9: “Fiorillo says that the reason lies in the Troodon's large
eyes, which allowed it to hunt at dawn and at dusk - times when other dinosaurs
would have struggled to see.”
- Mắt to giúp chúng nhìn tốt hơn khi mặt trời mọc (sunrise) và lặn (dusk).

IELTS Thanh Loan 395

Question 12: Answer – warmer
- Câu hỏi yêu cầu mô tả vùng khí hậu mà răng của Troodon ở đó nhỏ hơn.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 4 đoạn 9: “'Even though the morphology of individual teeth
resembled that of Troodon. the size was significantly larger than the Troodon found
in warmer climates.”
- Răng của Troodon ở vùng ấm (warmer climates) sẽ nhỏ hơn.

Question 13: Answer – food chain

- Câu hỏi yêu cầu nêu nguyên nhân của kích cỡ của Troodon.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn 10: “Finding itself at the top of the food chain, the dinosaur
evolved to giant proportions.”
- Kích cỡ cơ thể tăng rất lớn là kết quả của vị trí trong chuỗi thức ăn (food chain)

Keyword Table

Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

9 - indicated habitat in - provide the first real evidence

treetops that dinosaurs could have
climbed trees
10 - suggest a flying dinosaur - associated with flight capacity
11 - large eye provide better - large eye allow it to hunt at
vision at sunrise and dusk dawn and dusk
12 - teeth twice as big as those - size was significantly larger
of relatives than the Troodon
13 - body size increased - the dinosaur evolved to
- position in the food chain - at the top of the food chain

IELTS Thanh Loan 396

Dạng 3. Matching names

Key Exercise 1:

Question 1: Answer – B

- Câu hỏi: Người du lịch có thể cần phải thay đổi cách họ cư xử
- Trích dẫn: Câu 5, 6, 7 đoạn 5 : “However, this does not mean you can act the way

you might do back home. The most important thing is to show respect, learn about,
and be aware of, local customs and traditions. Always remember you're a guest”.”

nhớ họ là khách. Câu của Hilary.

- Họ cần phải nhớ lễ nghi, học hỏi, và chú ý phong tục tập quán địa phương, luôn cần

Question 2: Answer – D
- Câu hỏi: Một số người du lịch không tận hưởng việc sống theo cách dân địa phương.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1, 2 đoạn 7: “Tribal tourism travelers are often surprised at how

basic their facilities are when they get there. It's not for everyone, but for me it was

all part of the experience’, says Jamie White, who has recently returned from a trip
to Borneo.”
- Điều này không dành cho tất cả mọi người... Câu của Jamie

Question 3: Answer – B
- Câu hỏi: Du lịch bản địa có thể có lợi ích cho người bản địa
- Trích dẫn: Câu 3, 4 đoạn 5: “...says travel company director Hilary Waterhouse.
Remember that you are there not only to experience a difference culture, but to help
it in some way. Tourists bring money to the community, which the community can
invest in local projects.”
- Chọn B. Đây là câu nói của Hilary.

IELTS Thanh Loan 397

Question 4: Answer – A
- Câu hỏi: Một vài du khách làm người dân bản địa thực hiện những thứ họ không
thường làm.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 3, 4 đoạn 4: “Travel writer Ian Coleman...The statue kept indoors,
and once a year the locals bring him out and carry him around the village. However,
visitors now pay money for them to bring the statue out and carry it around, while
they take photographs.”

- Ý kiến của Ian Coleman.

Question 5: Answer – C

- Câu hỏi: Tìm hiểu về một nơi trước khi bạn đến sẽ làm chuyến đi của bạn có cảm
giác hài lòng hơn.

- Trích dẫn: Câu 4, 5 đoạn 6: “Dawn Baker offers reading recommendations so that
visitors can read about the country and its cultures. The rewards of a trip to this

country are priceless, and the more you know in advance, the more priceless they

- Ý kiến của Dawn Baker.

Keyword Table


L T Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage


1 - need to change the way - not mean you can act the way
they behave you might do back home
2 - not enjoy living the way - often surprised at how basic
local people do their facilities are/ it’s not for
3 - have benefits for local - bring money to the community
4 - travellers make local - visitors now pay money for
people do things not them to bring the statue out and
normally do carry it around
5 - learning about a place - the more you know in advance,
before you go there makes the more priceless they are
your trip much more

IELTS Thanh Loan 398

Key Exercise 2:

Question 1: Answer – D
- Câu hỏi: Việc chuyển từ nhiệm vụ này qua nhiệm vụ khác làm hiệu suất chung
giảm đi.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn 8 : “Professor David E. Meyer, a psychology professor at the
University of Michigan, has shown how time is lost when humans shuttle between
- David Meyer,.. đã chỉ ra cách thời gian bị mất khi người ta chuyển qua các nhiệm
vụ khác nhau.

Question 2: Answer – C

- Câu hỏi: Mặc dù khả thi, việc làm nhiều việc cùng lúc tốn thời gian.

- Trích dẫn: Câu cuối đoạn 7: “Research done in 2004 by Marcel Just...It was found

that while people were able to perform both tasks at the same time, it took them

twice as long as it did if they focused on each task individually, one after the other.”

- Dù là có thể làm nhiều việc cùng lúc, nhưng nó mất gấp đôi thời gian nếu họ tập

trung vào làm từng việc một.

Question 3: Answer – A
- Câu hỏi: Việc làm nhiều việc cùng lúc hiệu quả nhất với những nhiệm vụ không đòi

hỏi lớn.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 4 đoạn 9: “... which we tend to do well when multi-tasking tend to
be ones that can be automated with practice and don't require much attention...says
Dr Julia Irwin.”
- Và chúng ta thường làm tốt khi việc đa nhiệm xử lý với những nhiệm vụ có thể tự
động hóa và không cần nhiều tập trung. Ý kiến của Irwin.

Question 4: Answer – B
- Câu hỏi: Việc làm nhiều việc cùng lúc thực tế là bộ não tập trung vào những thứ
khác nhau trong thời lượng ngắn.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1,2 đoạn 3: “Ernst Poppel, of the Institute for Medical Psychology
at Munich's Ludwig Maximilian University, believes humans cannot perform two or
three tasks at once with the same degree of concentration. He says seemingly
simultaneous awareness and information processing takes place in three-second
windows. ”
- Ý kiến của Ernst

IELTS Thanh Loan 399

Keyword Table
Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

1 - switch from task to task - shuttle between tasks

- slower performance - how time is lost

2 - possible - able to

- time consuming - took twice as long as it did
3 - work best
undemanding activities

- do well with practice and not
require much attention
4 - focus on different things
for short sequences H
- simultaneous awareness and

information takes place in

H A three-second windows


IELTS Thanh Loan 400

Key Exercise 3:

Question 1: Answer – F
- Câu hỏi: Họ đã đặt thời gian để đạt được một mục tiêu.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 4 đoạn F : “Although the European Parliament has passed a law
that aids investors who help the continent reach its goal of getting 20% of its power
from renewable energy by 2020, it could take years to create the necessary

- European Parliament đã có mục tiêu 20% năng lượng đến từ năng lượng tái tạo vào

năm 2020.

Question 2: Answer – G

- Câu hỏi: Họ tin rằng những dự án nhỏ thành công sẽ thể hiện rằng những dự án

lớn hơn là khả thi.

- Trích dẫn: Câu 4, 5 đoạn G: “If it can be shown that power from the Sahara can be

produced profitably, he says, companies and governments will soon jump in......”

- Ý kiến của e-Parliament: Nếu nó có thể cho thấy rằng năng lượng từ Sahara có thể

được sản xuất một cách có lợi nhuận, các công ty và chính phủ sẽ sớm nhảy vào...”

Question 3: Answer – E

- Câu hỏi: Họ có nhiều dự án năng lượng tái tạo đang trong giai đoạn xây dựng.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 2 đoạn F: “... Abengoa is building one solar thermal plant in Algeria
and another in Morocco, while a third is being built in Egypt by a Spanish-Japanese
joint venture.”
- Abengoa đang xây dựng một trạm xử lý năng lượng mặt trời-nhiệt lượng tại
Algeria và tại Morocco, Ai cập,...”

Question 4: Answer – A
- Câu hỏi: Họ đang thử nghiệm lắp đặt năng lượng mặt trời tại các vùng khác của thế
- Trích dẫn: Câu 5 đoạn B: “... Exploration Architecture, one of three British
environmental companies ... is testing solar plants in Oman and the United Arab
Emirates. ”
- Exploration Architecture, một trong ba công ty thiên nhiên British ... đang thử
nghiệm các trạm năng lượng mặt trời tại Oman và UAE.

IELTS Thanh Loan 401

Keyword Table
Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

1 - set a time - by 2020

- achieving an objective - reach its goal of getting 20% of

its power from renewable energy

2 - successful small-scale
- power from the Sahara can be
produced profitably
- demonstrate that larger
projects are possible
N H - companies and governments
will soon jump in

- a number of renewable - one solar thermal plant in

energy projects Algeria and another in Morocco,

while a third is being built in


IE4 L - under construction

- already experimenting
with solar energy
- is building/ being built
- is testing solar plants

- in other parts of the world - in Oman and the United Arab

IELTS Thanh Loan 402

Key Exercise 4:

Question 1: Answer – A
- Câu hỏi: Một người vô tội bị đổ lỗi cho điều gì đó
- Trích dẫn: 3 câu cuối đoạn A : “Dr Francine Patterson from Stanford University
attempted to teach two lowland gorillas called Michael and Koko a simplified
version...When the trainer expressed some scepticism, Michael appeared to change
his mind, and indicated that Dr Patterson was actually responsible, before finally
- Dr.Patterson bị Michael đổ lỗi cho việc làm rách chiếc áo của chính ông.

Question 2: Answer – C
- Câu hỏi: Những thành phần liên quan biết họ đang được quay phim.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 5 đoạn C: “experiment on a TV programme...The viewers were then
invited to make a choice - to telephone in to say which film he was lying about.”
- Biên tập viên chương trình truyền hình và người xem đều biết về chương trình phát

Question 3: Answer – A
- Câu hỏi: Một vài vật đã bị phá hủy.
- Trích dẫn: Đoạn A: “In one example, Koko broke a toy cat, and then signed to
indicate that the breakage had been caused by one of her trainers. In another
episode, Michael ripped a jacket belonging to a trainer”
- Koko đã làm vỡ một con mèo đồ chơi, và Michael xé áo của một huấn luyện viên.

Question 4: Answer – B
- Câu hỏi: Một vài lời hướng dẫn đã bị bỏ qua.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 5 đoạn B: “experiments have involved asking youngsters...After
setting up the toy, the experimenter says that he has to leave the laboratory, and
asks the child not to turn around and peek at the toy. Almost all three-year-olds do,
and then half of them lie about it to the experimenter.”
- Lời hướng dẫn của người làm thí nghiệm dành cho các cháu là không quay lại và
lén nhìn đồ chơi. Nhưng các cháu đã quay lại, và nói dối với người làm thí nghiệm.

IELTS Thanh Loan 403

Keyword Table
Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

1 - innocent - before finally confessing

- was blamed for - actually responsible
2 - those involved knew they

- viewers were invited to make a

were being filmed choice

3 - objects were damaged - broke a toy cat/ ripped a jacket

4 - instructions were ignored - ask the child not to turn

around and peek at the toy,

almost all three-year-olds do


IELTS Thanh Loan 404

Key Exercise 5:

Question 1: Answer – C
- Câu hỏi: Không có dấu hiệu nào tìm thấy được cho thấy cộng đồng Neanderthal đã
giao việc cho từng thành viên của họ.

- Trích dẫn: Đoạn F: “... similar kinds of injuries on male and female Neanderthal

skeletons, implying there was no such division of labour, says Spikins.”

- Có những vết thương tương tự ở sọ của người nam và nữ thuộc Neanderthal, cho

thấy rằng không có sự phân biệt lao động.

Question 2: Answer – B

- Câu hỏi: Người vượn tinh khôn có thể đã biết lên kế hoạch trước.

- Trích dẫn: Đoạn F: “We think that Homo sapiens had a significantly more complex
language than Neanderthals and were able to comprehend and discuss concepts

such as the distant past and future, says Stringer.”
- Người vượn tinh khôn có ngôn ngữ phức tạp hơn Neanderthal rất nhiều, và có thể

hiểu và bàn luận những nội dung như quá khứ và tương lai xa. Ý kiến của Chris.

Question 3: Answer – A
- Câu hỏi: Các nhà khoa học không chắc chắn một thảm họa tự nhiên đột ngột đã
đóng góp vào sự mất tích của một loài người.
- Trích dẫn: Câu cuối đoạn B: “Whether the eruption of Toba also played a role in the
extinction of the Homo erectus-like species is unclear to us.”
- Liệu sự phun trào của Toba cũng là một nguyên nhân trong sự tuyệt chủng của loài
là không rõ ràng với chúng tôi. Ý kiến của Mike.

IELTS Thanh Loan 405

Question 4: Answer – B
- Câu hỏi: Điều kiện thời tiết đã giới hạn vùng nơi mà người Vượn tinh khôn và
Neanderthals có thể sống.
- Trích dẫn: Đoạn C: “But then Europe’s climate swung into a cold, inhospitable, dry
phase. Neanderthal and Homo sapiens populations had to retreat to refugia

(pockets of habitable land). This heightened competition between the two groups,

explains Chris Stringer, anthropologist at the Natural History Museum in London”

- Nhưng rồi khí hậu của châu Âu chuyển sang lạnh, khô, khó sống. Neanderthals và

Homo sapien phải ở lại một khoảng khu vực riêng. Ý kiến của Chris Stringer.

Keyword Table


Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

1 -

no T evidence suggest - implying there was no such

L T communities allocated tasks division of labour

to different members
2 - be able to plan ahead - be able to comprehend and
discuss the distant future
3 - cannot be sure - unclear
- a sudden natural disaster - the eruption of Toba
- contribute to - play a role in
- loss of a human species - extinction of Homo
erectus-like species
4 - environmental conditions - a cold, inhospitable, dry phase
- Restricted areas - refugia (pockets of habitable

IELTS Thanh Loan 406

Dạng 4. Matching headings

Key Exercise 1:

Question 1: Answer – vi
- Trích dẫn: câu 1: “The concept of traffic-free shopping areas goes back a long time.”
(Ý tưởng của các khu mua sắm không có giao thông bắt đầu từ rất lâu trong quá

khứ). Sau đó, tác giả đưa ra dẫn chứng cho câu nói này, đó là: Câu 2 “During the
Middle Ages,..”- (Trong thời Trung Cổ thì như thế nào…) Câu 3: “As far back as 2,000
years ago,...” – (2.000 năm trước đây thì ra sao).
- Phù hợp với vi. Một ý tưởng có từ lịch sử cổ đại.
Question 2: Answer- iv
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1-2: “when both city populations and car ownership increased

rapidly ... an unpleasant and dangerous experience.” (Tác giả liệt kê khó khăn khi

tăng dân số và tăng giao thông). Sau đó, Câu 3: “Many believed the time was right
for experimenting with car-free streets, and shopping areas seemed the best place

không xe cộ) T
to start.” (Nhiều người tin rằng đây là thời điểm để thí nghiệm với khu mua sắm

- Chọn iv. Nhu cầu cho sự thay đổi

Question 3: Answer – i
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1: “there was resistance from shopkeepers” (những người bán hàng
không đồng ý). Sau đó, tác giả đưa ra những lập luận của các shopkeepers “they
argued that…”
- Phù hợp với i. Đối mặt với sự phản đối địa phương.

Question 4: Answer – vii

- Trích dẫn: Câu 1: “However, research carried out afterwards in several European
cities revealed some unexpected statistics.”(Nghiên cứu chỉ ra những thành công
khi triển khai tại các thành phố của châu Âu). Sau đó, Câu 4: “Shopkeepers in
Minneapolis, USA, were so impressed when they learnt this that …” (những
shopkeepers ở Mỹ rất ấn tượng khi học được điều này từ “European cities”)
- Phù hợp với vii. Bắc Mỹ học tập từ châu Âu.

IELTS Thanh Loan 407

Question 5: Answer – iii
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 và 2: “With the arrival of the traffic-free shopping street ...
prospered. Unfortunately, it wasn't good news for everyone, as shops selling
furniture and larger electrical appliances actually saw their sales drop.” (Với sự
xuất hiện của đường phố mua sắm không giao thông, nhiều cửa hàng đã phát triển.
Nhưng đây không phải tin tốt lành cho tất cả mọi người, vì những cửa hàng bán nội

thất và những thiết bị điện lớn hơn thật sự đã giảm doanh số)

- Phù hợp với iii. Người thắng và kẻ thua cuộc.

Keyword Table
Number Keywords in Questions
Similar words in the passage

1 - an idea - The concept of traffic-free

shopping areas

- ancient history - during the Middle Ages/ As far

2 L - need for change
back as 2,000 years ago
- the time
right for
streets, and shopping areas
seemed the best place to start
3 - local opposition - resistance from shopkeepers
4 - North America learns from - shopkeepers in USA were so
Europe impressed when they learnt
that … from European cities

IELTS Thanh Loan 408

Key Exercise 2:

Question 1: Answer – iv
- Trích dẫn: Câu 2,3: “... and there is a danger that unless there is substantial
rainfall soon, his annual wheat crop will fail ... Within twenty minutes, the farms
around the eastern Chinese city of Luohe are experiencing their first rain for many
weeks.” (Mối nguy là nếu không có đủ mưa, thì vụ mùa hàng năm của ông sẽ bị

hỏng... Trong vòng 20 phút, các trang trại xung quanh thành phố Luohe của Trung

Quốc trải nghiệm trận mưa đầu tiên trong nhiều tuần.)

- Phù hợp iv. Thời kỳ hạn hán chấm dứt.

Question 2: Answer – ix

- Trích dẫn: Câu 5: “There are currently 150 weather-modifying projects taking

place in more than 40 countries” (Hiện tại có 150 dự án thay đổi thời tiết diễn ra trên

hơn 40 nước) rồi sau đó tác giả đưa ra các ví dụ về các dự án ở “the USA” và “Russia”

- Phù hợp với ix. Sự nỗ lực toàn cầu để thay đổi thời tiết.

Question 3: Answer- vii
- Trích dẫn: Câu 2: “. ... researchers are using trials”- các nhà nghiên cứu đang thử

nghiệm. Sau đó, đưa ra kết quả tốt “Weather-monitoring technology is so good
nowadays, he says, that we can measure clouds mụch more effectively, even from
the inside.”- (Công nghệ điều khiển thời tiết hiện nay quá tốt, nên chúng ta đo được
mây hiệu quả hơn rất nhiều, kể cả từ bên trong.)
- Phù hợp với vii. Các thử nghiệm cung cấp kết quả tốt.

Question 4. Answer – i
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1: “In China, weather-modification authorities use army rockets to
fire silver-iodide particles into the clouds.” (Tại Trung Quốc, đơn vị thay đổi thời tiết
sử dụng rocket quân đội để bắn lên các phân tử bạc-iot vào mây.) Sau đó, tác giả đưa
ra kết quả tốt của việc sử dụng vũ khí đó “prevented thousands of farmers from
losing their crops.”
- Phù hợp với i. Dùng vũ khí quân đội cho mục đích hòa bình

IELTS Thanh Loan 409

Question 5. Answer – iii
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1: “ˆWe want to understand what makes clouds rain,“- Chúng tôi
muốn hiểu điều gì làm mây mưa. Và Câu 2: “But there is a more powerful economic
reason.” – Nhưng có một lý do về kinh tế mạnh mẽ hơn.
- Phù hợp với iii. Điều gì dẫn tới nghiên cứu này.

Question 6. Answer – vi

- Trích dẫn: Câu 1: “Some people are concerned, however, that altering the weather

can have negative consequences”. Tuy vậy, một vài người lo lắng, rằng việc thay đổi

thời tiết có thể dẫn đến hậu quả xấu. Sau đó, Câu 3,4 - giải thích kĩ hơn cho câu 1:

“Some people think that diverting water for irrigation benefits some people, but is a

disadvantage to others...” (Việc thay đổi thủy lợi có thể làm lợi cho một số người,

nhưng gây bất lợi cho người khác.)

- Chọn vi. Người thắng và kẻ thua.

S T Keyword Table


Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

IE1 - drought comes to an end - are experiencing their first

rain for many weeks
2 - global attempt - 150 weather-modifying
projects taking place in more
than 40 countries
- change the weather - weather-modifying
3 - Tests - Trials
- Encouraging result - measure clouds mụch more
4 - a million weapon - army rockets
- make peaceful use - prevented thousands of
farmers from losing their crops
6 - Winner - Benefit somebody
- Loser - Get disadvantage

IELTS Thanh Loan 410

Key Exercise 3:

Question 1: Answer – iii

- Trích dẫn: Câu 3, 4 đoạn A: “... While he was doing this, Watlington noticed that
humpback whales appeared to 'sing'” (Trong khi Frank được giao nhiệm vụ nghe
tiếng tàu ngầm của Nga, anh nhận ra cá voi có thể “hát”)
- Phù hợp với iii. Những khám phá bất ngờ.

Question 2: Answer – ix

- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn B : “Scientists believe there are two main reasons for whales

to make sounds: so that the whales know what objects (and perhaps food) are
around them; and communication”. (Các nhà khoa học tin rằng có hai lý do chính để

- Phù hợp với ix. Tầm quan trọng của bài hát.
cá voi tạo ra tiếng: để chúng biết vật nào đang ở quanh chúng, và giao tiếp.)

Question 3: Answer – vii

- Trích dẫn: Câu 2, 3 đoạn C: “Some whales look for food... Without being able to
locate their food, the whales are going to go hungry. The whales send out series of

clicks and listen out for the echo of the sound.”
- Phù hợp với vii. Hát cho bữa ăn.

Question 4: Answer – viii
- Câu 4 đoạn D: “Other schools, particularly those found in other oceans, sing songs
which are quite different.” (Những đàn cá khác nhau hát những bài hát khá khác
- Phù hợp với viii. Sự đa dạng của bài hát

Question 5: Answer – vi
- Trích dẫn: Câu 8, 9 đoạn E : “In fact, the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) says
that large numbers of northern right whales are killed in collision with ships” (Trên
thực tế, WWF nói rằng số lượng lớn cá voi bị giết hại theo tàu.)
- Phù hợp với vi. Mối nguy hiểm đe dọa sự tồn tại.

IELTS Thanh Loan 411

Question 6: Answer – ii
- Trích dẫn: Câu 2, 3: “Could the reason for these tragedies have something to do
with the noise pollution that these majestic creatures have to live with? ..., but it
has attracted considerable research, and findings seem to point to man's industrial
activities in the ocean”. (Những lý do cho các thảm họa này có liên quan đến ô nhiễm
tiếng ồn? Không có câu trả lời thích đáng cho câu hỏi ấy, nhưng nó đã thu hút nhiều

loài người trên đại dương.)

nghiên cứu và sự tìm kiếm dường như chỉ đến những hành động công nghiệp của

- Phù hợp với ii. Bí ẩn buồn cần được giải quyết.

Keyword Table


Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

- surprising discoveries - Watlington noticed that

humpback whales appeared to

IE2 L - significance of song

- two main reasons for whales to
make sounds
3 - singing - send out series of clicks and
listen out for the echo of the
- super - food
4 - varieties of song - sing songs which are quite
5 - threats to survival - whales are killed in collision
with ships
6 - mystery - no definite answer
- sad (mystery) - tragedies
- solve - answer to the question

IELTS Thanh Loan 412

Key Exercise 4:

Question 2: Answer – v
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1: “Unlike conventional farming, the organic approach means
farming with natural, rather than man-made, fertilisers and pesticides.”(Không
giống như làm đồng thông thường, phương pháp organic có nghĩa là làm đồng với các
phân bón, thuốc sâu tự nhiên, thay vì nhân tạo) Tác giả đang miêu tả đặc điểm của

“organic farming”

- Phù hợp với v. Mô tả organic farming.

Question 3: Answer – i

- Trích dẫn: Câu 2: “Yet studies into organic farming worldwide continue to reject

this claim.” – (các nghiên cứu trên toàn thế giới tiếp tục phản đối ý kiến này (ý kiến

organic farming là an toàn hơn so với loại thường - ý kiến đã được đề cập đến trước

- Phù hợp với i. Nghiên cứu liệu thức ăn organic có tốt hơn cho chúng ta hay không.

Question 4: Answer – iii

- Trích dẫn: Câu 2: “Food is a natural product, and the health value of different foods

will vary for a number of reasons, including freshness, the way the food is cooked,
the type of soil it is grown in, the amount of sunlight and rain crops have received,
and so on” (Thức ăn là một sản phẩm tự nhiên, và giá trị sức khỏe của các loại thức
ăn khác nhau sẽ khác bởi nhiều yếu tố, có tươi mới, cách nấu, loại đất trồng, lượng
ánh sáng và mùa mưa, vân vân) Tác giả đưa ra một loại các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến
chất lượng của món ăn.
- Phù hợp với iii. Các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến chất lượng thức ăn.

Question 5: Answer – ix
- Trích dẫn: Câu 6,7: “the closer a plant is to its natural state, the more likely it is
that it will poison you. Naturally, many plants do not want to be eaten, so we have
spent 10,000 years developing agriculture and breeding out harmful traits from
crops.” (Cây cỏ càng gần tự nhiên, càng dễ gây độc cho bạn. Tự nhiên, nhiều loại cây
không muốn bị ăn, do vậy chúng ta đã dành 10,000 năm phát triển nông nghiệp và
loại bỏ những tính chất xấu khỏi mùa vụ.)
- Phù hợp với ix. Nhu cầu loại bỏ những chất độc từ thức ăn

IELTS Thanh Loan 413

Question 6: Answer – vii
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1: “Yet educated Europeans are more scared of eating traces of a
few, strictly regulated, man-made chemicals than they are of eating the ones that
nature created directly.” (Tuy vậy những người châu Âu sợ bị ăn phải chỉ một vài
những thành phần hóa học nhân tạo được kiểm duyệt nghiêm ngặt còn sót lại hơn
việc ăn những thứ do tự nhiên tạo ra trực tiếp.)

- Phù hợp với vii. Nỗi sợ khoa học đã tạo ra xu hướng organic.

Question 7: Answer – iv

- Trích dẫn: Câu 1: “..the organic farming movement is an expensive luxury for
shoppers in well-manicured Europe.”(organic farming là thứ xa xỉ đắt đỏ cho những

người mua hàng ở châu Âu.) Và Câu 2: “For developing parts of the world, it is
irrelevant” – Với những phần đang phát triển của thế giới, nó là không phù hợp.

- Phù hợp với iv. Người giàu và nghèo nhìn mọi thứ khác nhau.


IELTS Thanh Loan 414

Keyword Table
Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

2 - description of organic food - organic approach means

farming with natural, rather
than man-made, fertilisers and
3 - research into whether - Yet

O into organic

organic food is better for us farming worldwide continue to

reject this claim (Organic

farming is often claimed to be

safer than conventional

- factors
- freshness, the way the food is

L T cooked, the type of soil it is

grown in, the amount of
sunlight and rain crops
- affect food quality - health value
5 - remove hidden dangers - breeding out harmful traits
from food from crops
6 - fear of science - educated Europeans are more
scared of
- organic food - Nature created
7 - the rich - well-manicured Europe
- the poor - developing parts of the world
- see things differently - an expensive luxury ><

IELTS Thanh Loan 415

Key Exercise 5:

Question 1: Answer – iv
- Trích dẫn: Câu 3: “...For some reason, however, when it comes to learning color
words, the same children perform very badly.” (...Tuy vậy, khi nói tới việc học từ chỉ
màu, những em nhỏ ấy lại thể hiện rất kém.
- Phù hợp với iv. Một tình trạng đáng tò mò.

Question 2: Answer – i

- Trích dẫn: Câu 1: “In an effort to work out why this is, cognitive scientists at

Stanford University in California hypothesized that children's incompetence at

color-word learning may be directly linked to the way these words are used in

English” (Trong một nỗ lực giải thích tại sao, nhà khoa học nhận thức tại Stanford

đã kiểm định giải thích rằng sự kém phát triển trong việc học từ về màu có thể liên

kết trực tiếp tới các từ đó được dùng trong tiếng Anh.)

- Phù hợp với i. Một sự giải thích chấp nhận được.

Question 3: Answer – iii

- Trích dẫn: Câu 1: “To explore this idea further, the research team recruited 41

English children aged between 23 and 29 months and carried out a three- phase
experiment” (Để nghiên cứu ý tưởng này sâu hơn, đội nghiên cứu đã....)
- Phù hợp với iii. Kiểm tra lại giả thuyết.

Question 4: Answer – vii

- Trích dẫn: Câu cuối đoạn D : “As predicted, when children are exposed to color
adjectives .., they learn them rapidly ....” (Giống như dự kiến, khi trẻ em được tiếp
cận với tính từ chỉ màu.., chúng học rất nhanh…)
- Phù hợp với vii. Một vài dữ liệu không bất ngờ.

IELTS Thanh Loan 416

Keyword Table
Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

1 - curious state of affairs - however, when it comes to

learning color words, the same

children perform very badly
(đây là 1 tình trạng gây tò mò)
2 - explanation

- work out why/ hypothesize


3 - Check out - Explore further

- Theory - idea

4 - Unsurprising - As predicted


IELTS Thanh Loan 417

Key Exercise 6:

Question 1: Answer – v
- Đoạn A nói về những cách sử dụng để thụ phấn cho cây cà chua.
- Câu cuối đoạn A: “They have used shaking tables, air blowers and blasts of sound.
But natural means seem to work better.”(Họ đã sử dụng bàn rung, máy thổi hơi và
khí. Nhưng cách tự nhiên vẫn có vẻ tốt hơn.)
- Chọn v. Một nhiệm vụ bất khả thi cho con người.

Question 2: Answer – viii

- Trích dẫn: Hai câu cuối: “Even non-flying mammals do their part: ..., all with

nimble hands that tear open flower stalks and furry coats to which pollen sticks.

Most surprising, some lizards, such as geckos, lap up nectar and pollen and then

transport the stuff on their faces and feet as they forage onward.” (Một số loài mang

trên pollen stick. Một số loài mang hẳn trên mặt và chân của chúng.)

- Chọn viii. Một vài thứ mang phấn hoa dễ thấy và khó thấy hơn.

Question 3: Answer – vi
- Trích dẫn: Câu 7,8: “honeybees have bigger colonies, cover longer distances, and

tolerate management and movement better than most insects...” (Honey-bees có

khu vực hoạt động lớn, dài, và chịu đựng tốt hơn nhiều loại côn trùng khác. Sau đó
giải thích vì sao lại tốt hơn)
- Chọn vi. Vật thụ phấn được ưa chuộng.

Question 4: Answer – x
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1: “Industrial-scale farming, however, may be wearing down the
system” (Việc làm nông theo công nghiệp, tuy vậy, có lẽ đang làm tổn hại đến hệ
thống ấy.)
- Câu x. Một bất lợi không ngờ trước

Question 5: Answer – i
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1: “... many people, ..., assumed that our slathering of chemicals on
agricultural fields was to blame for the mystery” (Nhiều người.,. đã giả định rằng
việc đổ bừa chất hóa học lên các cánh đồng đã gây nên kết quả sự bí ẩn ấy.) Trong
các câu tiếp theo, đoạn E tập trung nói về việc tìm kiếm nguyên nhân qua các nghiên
cứu và khảo sát.
- Chọn i. Tìm kiếm dấu hiệu.

IELTS Thanh Loan 418

Question 6: Answer – iii
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 và 2: “However, habitat loss and alteration, he says, are even
more of a menace to pollinators than pathogens. Claire Kremen encourages farmers
to ..... to help solve habitat problems.” (Tuy vậy, việc mất và thay đổi môi trường
sống, mới là mối đe dọa tới loài thụ phấn hơn mầm bệnh. Claire ủng hộ nông dân ...
để giúp giải quyết vấn đề môi trường sống.
- Chọn iii. Các giải pháp cho một vấn đề khó hơn

Question 7: Answer – ix

- Trích dẫn: Câu cuối: “It’s vital that we give pollinators more of what they need and

less of what they don't, and ease the burden on managed bees by letting native

animals do their part, say scientists.” (Điều quan trọng là chúng ta cho những loài

thụ phấn nhiều thứ chúng cần hơn và ít đi những thứ chúng không cần, và giảm đi

gánh nặng quản lý ong bằng cách để động vật làm phần của chúng.)
- Chọn ix. Sự thay thế không mong muốn


IELTS Thanh Loan 419

Keyword Table
Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

1 - an impossible task - But natural means seem to

work better
2 - some obvious pollen - ...pollen sticks


- some less obvious pollen - Most surprising... transport

carriers the stuff on their faces and feet
3 - Preferred
- Not picky/ better than

4 - Unexpected setback - Maybe wearing down

5 - looking for clues - many people, ..., assumed that
6 - Troublesome issue

H A - menace

7 - undesirable alternative - ease the burden on managed

bees by letting native animals

do their part


IELTS Thanh Loan 420

Dạng 5. Multiple choice

Key Exercise 1:

Question 1: Answer – B
- Câu hỏi: Người ta đến Gimbels để mua bút bi bởi vì....
- Trích dẫn: đoạn 1: “The day before, Gimbels had placed a full-page advertisement

in the New York Times for a wonderful new invention, the ballpoint pen. The

advertisement described the pen as ‘fantastic’ and ‘miraculous’.”

(Người ta đến mua vì quảng cáo trên tạp chí New York Times nói về một phát kiến

mới, nói rằng bút bi “tuyệt vời” và “kì diệu”)

Question 2: Answer – D

- Câu hỏi: Tại sao những chiếc bút bi đầu tiên không được sản xuất thương mại

- Trích dẫn: đoạn 2: “The main problem was with the ink. If it was too thin, the ink

leaked out of the pen. If it was too thick, it didn't come out of the pen at all.”

(Vấn đề chính là với mực. Nếu bút quá mỏng, mực sẽ chảy khỏi bút. Nếu bút dày,

mực không chảy ra chút nào. = not work properly)

Question 3: Answer – C
- Câu hỏi: Tại sao bút của Ladislas Biro lại tốt hơn những phiên bản trước
- Trích dẫn: đoạn 4: “he produced a ballpoint pen that didn't leak when the pen
wasn't being used.”
(Vì bút bi của Biro không bị chảy mực khi không sử dụng.)

Question 4. Answer – B
- Câu hỏi: Bút được thương mại hóa đầu tiên của Biro...
- Trích dẫn: đoạn 5: “Unfortunately, they were not popular, since the pen needed to
be held in a vertical position for the ink to come out.”
(Bút đầu tiên được bán ra lại không phổ biến, vì cần phải cầm thẳng đứng thì mực
mới ra.)

IELTS Thanh Loan 421

Question 5. Answer – A
- Câu hỏi: Bút của Patrick Frawley...
- Trích dẫn: đoạn 6: “Another American, Patrick Frawley, improved the design and
in 1950 began producing a pen he called the Papermate.”
(Một người Mỹ khác, Patrick Frawley, đã cải thiện thiết kế và năm 1950, bắt đầu sản
xuất một chiếc bút tên Papermate.)

Keyword Table

Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

1 - How good the pen is - Fantastic, miraculous

2 - not work properly - if it was too thin, the ink
leaked out of the pen. If it was
too thick, it didn't come out of
the pen at all
3 - ink stayed in the pen until - not leak when the pen wasn't
it was needed being used
4 - only worked if used in a - be held in a vertical position
certain way for the ink to come out
5 - Better model - Improved design

IELTS Thanh Loan 422

Key Exercise 2:

Question 1: Answer – A; B
- Câu hỏi: Hai điều mà Kitso Khama nói về lửng mật
- Trích dẫn: đoạn 3: “they are naturally curious animals, especially when they see
something new” (chúng là những con vật tò mò tự nhiên, đặc biệt khi thấy thứ gì đó
mới) -> A. Chúng hứng thú với những thứ không quen thuộc
- Tiếp tục đoạn 3: “That, combined with their unpredictable nature, can be a

dangerous mixture.” -> ...cộng thêm với tính chất khó đoán... -> B. Khó thể nói được

về cách chúng sẽ hành động.

Question 2: Answer – C; D
- Câu hỏi: Hai điều mà đội đã tìm ra về lửng mật?

- Trích dẫn: Câu 4 đoạn 4: “The researchers were surprised, however, by the

animal's fondness for local melons, probably because of their high water content.”

-> Lửng mật có thể lấy nước từ trái cây -> Chọn C.

- Tiếp tục, câu 6 đoạn 4: “The team also learnt that, contrary to previous research

findings, the badgers occasionally formed loose family groups.” -> Đôi lúc, chúng

sống thành gia đình. -> Chọn D.

Question 3: Answer – B; D
- Câu hỏi: Theo bài viết, hai đặc điểm nào là điển hình của lửng mật đực
- Trích dẫn: Câu 2 đoạn 4: “Some hunting territories cover more than 500 square
kilometres.” -> Một số lãnh thổ săn rộng hơn 500 kilomet vuông -> Chọn B (Chúng
săn trên một vùng rất rộng.)
- Tiếp tục, câu 3 đoạn 4: “there are occasional fights over an important food source”
-> đôi lúc có đánh nhau -> chọn D

Question 4: Answer – A; E
- Câu hỏi: Hai điều nào đã xảy ra khi lửng mật quen với người ở xung quanh chúng?
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn 6: “without being the subject of the animals' curiosity”
-> Chọn A. Chúng đã không còn hứng thú ở con người.
- Tiếp tục, câu 3 đoạn 6: “It also allowed the team to observe more closely some of the
other creatures that form working associations with the honey badger, as these
seemed to adopt the badgers' relaxed attitude when near humans.” -> các loài động
vật khác cũng có thái độ thoải mái như lửng mật khi ở gần con người -> Chọn E.

IELTS Thanh Loan 423

Keyword Table
Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

1 - show interest in things not - naturally curious, especially

familiar with when they see something new

- hard to tell how they will - unpredictable nature


2 - get some of the water they - fondness for local melons,
need from fruit
because of their high water

- occasionally formed loose
family groups
- not always live alone

- hunt over a very large area - hunting territories cover more

than 500 square kilometres

- sometimes fight - occasional fights

IE L- lost interest in people

- animals near them became

- people...without being the
subject of the animals' curiosity
- badgers' relaxed attitude
more relaxed when near humans

IELTS Thanh Loan 424

Key Exercise 3:

Question 1: Answer – A
- Câu hỏi: Chúng ta có xu hướng hành động theo hướng tin tưởng và hợp tác bởi vì?
- Trích dẫn: Câu 5, 6 đoạn 2: “collective interest to be trustworthy and to co-operate,
while it is in our individual self-interest to be parasitic and defect, or cheat. If too
many defect, society stops functioning , the crime rate soars, international banking

would trust anyone because there wouldn't be enough trust to go around.”

collapses and judicial rulings become available for sale to the highest bidder. No one

(Lợi ích cộng đồng: tin tưởng và hợp tác, trong khi lợi ích cá nhân: ký sinh và gian
lận. Nếu có quá nhiều sai phạm, xã hội ngừng hoạt động,... Sẽ không ai tin tưởng ai

nữa vì không còn đủ niềm tin.)

Question 2: Answer – B

- Câu hỏi: Người viết nói rằng niềm tin là giới hạn bởi vì?

- Trích dẫn: Câu 10 đoạn 3: “Trust is personal and intimate among people who know

each other, and morals and reputation are easily limited to an in-group.”

(Niềm tin là cá nhân và thân mật giữa những người biết lẫn nhau, và đạo đức cũng

như danh tiếng dễ dàng giới hạn bên trong nhóm.)

Question 3: Answer – C
- Câu hỏi: Ví dụ của việc đánh bắt quá nhiều và vấn đề với hệ thống ngân hàng cho
thấy gì?
- Trích dẫn: Câu 6-8 đoạn 4: “Overfishing has destroyed breeding stocks in many
places. Crime and corruption have devastated some countries. The international
banking system almost collapsed in 2008. But in general, societal pressures work as
a delicate balance between cooperation and defection.” (Đánh bắt quá nhiều đã phá
hủy giống loài ở nhiều nơi. Tội phạm và tham nhũng đã phá hủy vài đất nước. Hệ
thống ngân hàng quốc tế hầu như đã sụp đổ vào năm 2008. Nhưng nói chung, áp lực
xã hội giữ lấy trách nhiệm làm cán cân giữa hợp tác và phá hủy.)

IELTS Thanh Loan 425

Question 4: Answer- B
- Câu hỏi: Theo người viết, những sự sai lệch trong hệ thống...
- Trích dẫn: Câu 3-5 đoạn 5: “not all defectors are bad. Neither co-operation nor
defection relate to any absolute standard of morality. It is defectors who are in the
vanguard for change, such as those who helped escaped slaves in the US before the

civil war...”

(Không phải tất cả defectors đều xấu. Cả hợp tác và defection đều không phải là

hình mẫu của đạo đức. Đó là những người đào thoát đang tiên phong cho sự thay đổi,

chẳng hạn như những người đã giúp thoát khỏi nô lệ ở Mỹ trước cuộc nội chiến. Có
những defectors muốn lật đổ chế độ đàn áp mà họ đang sống.)

Question 5: Answer – E
- Câu hỏi: Điều nào dưới đây là tiêu đề phù hợp cho bài viết?
- Chọn E. Sự phức tạp của một xã hội dựa vào niềm tin.

Keyword Table


Number L Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

2 - are familiar with - know each other

3 - the balance between - delicate balance between
cooperation and cheating cooperation and defection
- always at risk - pressures
4 - hope to achieve positive - are in the vanguard for change
solutions to problems

IELTS Thanh Loan 426

Key Exercise 4:

Question 1: Answer - C
- Câu hỏi: Ý mà tác giả đưa ra ở đoạn đầu tiên là gì?
- Trích dẫn: Câu 5 đoạn 1: “Yet we have steadfastly clung to the notion that one
attribute, at least, makes us unique: we alone have the capacity for language.”
(Mặc dù chúng ta hiểu mình không phải là loài vật được đặc quyền duy nhất ở nhiều
khía cạnh, nhưng vẫn có xu hướng tin rằng có khả năng ngôn ngữ làm chúng ta đặc

Question 2: Answer – B

- Câu hỏi: Theo tác giả, điều gì đã thay đổi cách nhìn của ta về việc giao tiếp?

- Trích dẫn: Câu 3 đoạn 2: “ scientists find it is more productive to think of

language as a suite of abilities”

(Ngày nay các nhà khoa học đã thấy hiệu quả hơn khi nghĩ về ngôn ngữ là một chuỗi

khả năng.)

Question 3. Answer – A

- Câu hỏi: Tác giả nói về thí nghiệm của Cartmill và Byrne vì nó cho thấy...

- Trích dẫn: Câu 5 đoạn 4: “Such findings highlight the fact that the gestures of
nonhuman primates are not merely innate reflexes but are learned, flexible and
under voluntary control - all characteristics that are considered prerequisites for
human-like communication.”
(Những nghiên cứu ấy nhấn mạnh thực tế rằng những cử chỉ của các loài linh trưởng
không phải người không chỉ đơn thuần là phản xạ tự nhiên, mà là hành động tự chủ
được học, linh hoạt – tất cả những tính cách như trong giao tiếp con người.)

Question 4: Answer – D
- Câu hỏi: Trong đoạn 6, tác giả nói rằng một loại âm thanh cá heo.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 4, 5 đoạn 6: “Dolphins use ‘signature whistles’, so called because it
appears that they name themselves. Each develops a unique moniker within the
first year of life and uses it whenever it meets another dolphin.”
(Cá heo sử dụng “chữ ký huýt sáo” gọi như vậy vì nó hóa ra để tự đặt tên cho chúng.
Mỗi con lại phát triển một biệt hiệu riêng trong một năm đầu đời và sử dụng nó bất
kỳ khi nào gặp cá voi khác.)

IELTS Thanh Loan 427

Question 5: Answer – B
- Câu hỏi: các thí nghiệm tại Vườn thú Edinburgh đã cho thấy rằng tinh tinh...
- Trích dẫn: Câu 2 đoạn 8: “They noticed that chimps at Edinburgh Zoo appeared to
make rudimentary references to objects by using distinct cries when they came
across different kinds of food.”
(Họ nhận thấy rằng tinh tinh tại Vườn thú Edinburgh tạo ra những sự liên hệ
nguyên thủy tới các đồ vật bằng cách sử dụng những tiếng kêu riêng biệt khi chúng

đi qua những loại thức ăn khác nhau.)

Keyword Table

Number Keywords in Questions

Similar words in the passage

1 - Likely to believe

H A - Have clung to the notion

- Strictly human skill - Make us unique capacity

2 - A range of skills - A suit of abilities

3 - similarities in the way use - human-like communication

4 L gestures
- Personal identification - Signature
whistle/ name

5 - use pitch change to express - make references to objects by

meaning using distinct cries

IELTS Thanh Loan 428

Key Exercise 5:

Question 1: Answer – C
- Câu hỏi: Điều nào dưới đây là đúng về nghiên cứu của William Potter?
- Trích dẫn: đoạn 4 “Potter combed through his company’s database of published and
unpublished trials—including those that had been kept secret because of high
placebo response.”

Question 2: Answer – B

- Câu hỏi: Nghiên cứu của William Potter đã chỉ ra điều gì về vị trí của những thử

nghiệm thuốc?

- Trích dẫn: Câu 7 đoạn 4: “Potter discovered, however, that geographic location
alone could determine the outcome” -> vị trí địa lý cũng quyết định kết quả

>> chọn B. kết quả khác nhau tùy từng nơi trên thế giới.

Question 3: Answer – A

- Câu hỏi: Cụm từ “tight race” ở dòng 80 có ý nghĩa gì?

- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn 5: “Mistaken assumption number two was that the standard
tests used to gauge volunteers' improvement in trials yielded consistent results… It

was like finding out that the judges in a tight race each had a different idea about

the placement of the finish line.”
- Tight race = the standard tests -> mỗi nhà khoa học trong bài kiểm tra tiêu chuẩn
lại có ý tưởng khác về vạch đích.

Question 4: Answer – A
- Câu hỏi: Khám phá quan trọng nào đã được thực hiện bởi Ted Kaptchuk?
- Trích dẫn: Câu 2 đoạn 8: “And the benefits of their “bogus” treatment persisted for
weeks afterward, contrary to the belief-widespread in the pharmaceutical industry-
that the placebo response is short-lived.”
(Lợi ích của sự chữa trị “giả” này kéo dài nhiều tuần sau đó, đối ngược với niềm tin
phổ biến trong nền công nghiệp dược phẩm là tác dụng của placebo chỉ ngắn hạn.)

IELTS Thanh Loan 429

Keyword Table
Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

1 - trial results not been made - database of unpublished trials


2 - results not consistent - geographic location determine
around the world outcome
4 - Last longer
- previously thought
N H - persist for weeks afterwards
- short-lived


IELTS Thanh Loan 430

Key Exercise 6:

Question 1: Answer – C
- Câu hỏi: Tầm quan trọng của “novel approach” trong dự án Guatemala?
- Trích dẫn: Câu 4 đoạn 4: “This novel approach is now making the protection of the
forests a sensible economic decision.”
(“Novel approach” giờ đây đang làm việc bảo vệ rừng trở thành một quyết định kinh
tế khôn ngoan.)

Question 2: Answer – A

- Câu hỏi: GPS và hình ảnh vệ tinh được sử dụng trong dự án Syrian để?

- Trích dẫn: Câu 3 đoạn 5: “in collaboration with the Syrian government that used
GPS and satellite imagery to locate mounds, or ‘tels’, containing artefacts and

remnants of early civilisations.”

(Hợp tác với chính phủ Syria, sử dụng GPS và hình ảnh vệ tinh để định vị các mô

đất, hoặc ‘tels’, chứa các cổ vật và tàn dư của nền văn minh sơ khai.)

Question 3: Answer – D
- Câu hỏi: Một trong những mục đích của giải thưởng Tổ chức là gì?

- Trích dẫn: Câu cuối cùng của bài viết: ... “they demonstrate that the programme
really has no boundary in what it could eventually support, and they provide
longevity for the objectives of the Foundation.”
(Chúng thể hiện rằng chương trình thực sự không có giới hạn trong những thứ nó có
thể hỗ trợ, và chúng cho thấy sự lâu dài về mục tiêu của Tổ chức.)

Question 4: Answer – B
- Câu hỏi: Mục tiêu của tác giả trong bài viết này?
- Trích dẫn:
Đoạn 1-3: history of the Foundation
Đoạn 4-7: projects
Đoạn 8: purposes and awards

IELTS Thanh Loan 431

Keyword Table
Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

1 - preserving the forests - the protection of the forests

- profitable - A sensible economic decision
2 - find ancient items
and remnants of
- locate...containing artefacts

3 - Long-term continuity of
- Longevity for the objectives

4 - nature of Foundation’s - history of Foundation + its

work projects + its purposes and

S T awards


IELTS Thanh Loan 432

Dạng 6. Matching features

Key Exercise 1:

Question 1: Answer – D
- Câu hỏi yêu cầu tìm thông tin liên quan tới Le Corbusier’s Villa Savoye
- Trích dẫn: Câu 4-6 đoạn 3: “Le Corbusier believed that it was one of the best, most

functional houses ever built. Unfortunately, this turned out to be an exaggeration.
The flat roof was a particular problem, as water poured in every time it rained, and
it needed constant repairs.”

(Le Corbusier đã tin rằng đây là một trong những ngôi nhà tốt nhất, hoạt động hiệu

quả nhất từng được xây. Tuy vậy, đây lại là một sự phóng đại. Chiếc mái phẳng là

một vấn đề đặc biệt, vì mỗi lần mưa thì nước lại chảy xuống, và nó thường xuyên cần

sửa chữa.)

Question 2: Answer – F
- Câu hỏi: Tìm thông tin về “concrete” (xi măng) của những tòa nhà sau nhà của Le


- Trích dẫn: Câu 2 đoạn 5: “Le Corbusier loved the look and flexibility of concrete,
and found it hard to hide it behind brick or paint, preferring to leave it on full view.”
(Le Corbusier yêu hình ảnh và sự linh hoạt của xi măng, và thấy rất khó để giấu nó
đằng sau gạch hoặc sơn, nên đã muốn để nó lộ hẳn ra để mọi người đều có thể nhìn

Question 3: Answer - C
- Câu hỏi: Tìm thông tin về phong cách kiến trúc của Le Corbusier.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn 6: “However, while many admired and copied his new style
of architecture, many more hated it.”
(Tuy vậy, trong khi nhiều người ngưỡng mộ và bắt chước phong cách kiến trúc mới
này của ông, nhiều người hơn lại ghét nó.)

IELTS Thanh Loan 433

Question 4: Answer – A
- Câu hỏi: Le Corbusier có một lượng lớn người theo dõi….
- Trích dẫn: Câu 2 đoạn 7: “..many places were subjected to his style.”
(Nhiều nơi chịu ảnh hưởng theo phong cách của ông)

Keyword Table


Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

1 - not as good as claimed

- believed it was one of the best

... Unfortunately, this turned

out to be an exaggeration

- Leave exposed
A N - hard to hide it


- people could see - Leave on full view

3 - Many (people) admire - Friend

- Many hate - enemies

L - copy the style that he had
- were subjected to his style

IELTS Thanh Loan 434

Key Exercise 2:

Question 1: Answer – F
- Câu hỏi: Các bức tranh sẽ được sử dụng….
- Trích dẫn: Câu 2 đoạn 6: “This will involve close examination of the dress for signs
of damage and wear, and will be aided by comparing it with John Singer Sargent's
painting and contemporary photographs.” (Họ đã sử dụng các bức vẽ của John
Singer Sargent và các bức ảnh đương đại để so sánh và tìm ra dấu vết bị hỏng của

Question 2: Answer – C
- Câu hỏi: Một chiếc máy đặc biệt sẽ được sử dụng
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn 7: “The first stages in the actual restoration will involve

delicate surface cleaning, using a small vacuum suction device.” (Phần đầu tiên

trong việc cải tạo thực sự sẽ bao gồm việc làm sạch bề mặt, sử dụng một dụng cụ hút

bụi nhỏ.)

Question 3: Answer – E

- Câu hỏi: Một nguyên liệu dạng lưới đã được chọn

- Trích dẫn: Câu 3 đoạn 7: “… because the original cloth is quite stretchy, so we've

deliberately chosen net because that has a certain amount of flexibility in it too” (vì
loại vải gốc khá là dãn, do đó chúng tôi chọn lưới vì nó cũng có độ linh hoạt.)

Question 4: Answer – A
- Câu hỏi: Công trình sẽ có thể được nhìn thấy từ một phía
- Trích dẫn: Câu cuối đoạn 7: ‘When the dress is displayed, none of our work will be
noticeable, but we'll retain all the evidence on the reverse so that future experts will
be able to see exactly what we've done - and I'll produce a detailed report.'” (Khi
chiếc váy được trình diện, không một công trình nào của chúng tôi có thể nhận ra,
nhưng chúng tôi sẽ để lại tất cả các dấu hiệu trên mặt còn lại để những nhà chuyên
gia tương lai sẽ có thể thấy chính xác việc chúng tôi đã làm…)

IELTS Thanh Loan 435

Keyword Table
Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

1 - Pictures - Painting/photographs
- show where needs repair - signs of damage and wear

work (wear = loss of quality)

- machine - device

- remove dirt from top layer - delicate surface cleaning

3 - Fabric - Cloth

- match a quality of original - has flexibility


4 - how team did repairs - be able to see exactly what

S T we’ve done


IELTS Thanh Loan 436

Key Exercise 3:

Question 1: Answer – H
- Câu hỏi: Productivity – Hiệu suất
- Trích dẫn: Câu 2 đoạn 2: “Taylor recognized labor productivity was largely
inefficient due to a workforce that functioned by “rules of thumb” (Taylor đã nhận ra
rằng hiệu suất lao động không hiệu quả do nguồn nhân lực hoạt động bởi quy luật
của ngón tay cái).

Question 2: Answer – D
- Câu hỏi: Phân tích thời gian-và-chuyển động

- Trích dẫn: Câu 6 đoạn 2: “By knowing how long it took to perform each of the

elements of each job,….” (Bằng việc biết được bao lâu để thực hiện mỗi phần của từng

công việc….)

Question 3: Answer – B

- Câu hỏi: Việc ra quyết định

- Trích dẫn: Câu 2 đoạn 3: “… Taylor viewed the majority of workers as ill-educated

and unfit to make important decisions about their work” (Taylor coi phần lớn những

người lao động là học thức kém và không phù hợp để ra những quyết định quan

trọng về công việc của mình.)

Question 4: Answer – A
- Câu hỏi: Sự phân công công việc
- Trích dẫn: Câu 3 đoạn 4: “This subdivision entailed breaking the workers' tasks
into smaller and smaller parts.” (Phân công công việc là chia các nhiệm vụ của công
nhân thành những phần nhỏ hơn và nhỏ hơn.)

Question 5: Answer – F
- Câu hỏi: Chủ nghĩa Ford
- Trích dẫn: Câu 2 đoạn 5: “This theory refers to the application of Henry Ford's faith
in mass production” (Lý thuyết này đề cập đến việc áp dụng niềm tin của Henry
Ford vào việc sản xuất đại trà.)

IELTS Thanh Loan 437

Question 6: Answer – C
- Câu hỏi: Một người lao động…
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn 10: “Another weakness in Scientific Management theory is
that it can lead to workers becoming too highly specialized, therefore hindering
their adaptability to new situations.” (Một điểm yếu trong lý thuyết này là nó có thể
dẫn đến công nhân trở nên chuyên môn hóa quá cao, từ đó cản trở khả năng thích
ứng với tình huống mới.)

Keyword Table


Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

1 - As a result of

- Due to

- inefficient practices - largely inefficient

2 - Time - How long
- Do

- Part of a job
- Perform
- elements of each job

L T - considered undesirable - viewed as ill-educated and

- in the role of workers - to make important decisions
about their work
4 - subdivision of labour - this subdivision
- reduce to a number of basic - breaking tasks into smaller
elements and smaller parts
5 - an application of a theory - the application of Ford’s faith
to mass production in mass production
- become specialized - become too highly specialized
6 - certain unchanging work - hindering adaptability to new
routines situations

IELTS Thanh Loan 438

Key Exercise 4:

Question 1: Answer – B
- Câu hỏi: Bill Gates nghĩ rằng Học viện Khan…..
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1-3 đoạn 4: “For years, teachers like Thordarson have complained
about the frustrations of teaching to the "middle" of the class...” (Nêu vấn đề khi
giảng dạy ở “phần giữa” của lớp học. Họ (giáo viên) đứng ở bảng trắng, cố gắng để 25
học sinh hay hơn thế học ở cùng một nhịp. Những học sinh giỏi bị chán và không
muốn học, những học sinh yếu hơn bị lạc lối và chán, và sớm thôi, nửa lớp học không

còn chú ý nữa.)
- Tiếp tục: Câu 2,3 đoạn 5: “Nevertheless, some of his fans believe that he has

stumbled onto the solution to education's middle-of-the-class mediocrity. Most

notable among them is Bill Gates, whose foundation has invested $1.5 million in
Khan's site.” (Một số fan của anh ta (Khan) tin rằng anh ta đã đi giải quyết được vấn

đề của việc giáo dục của phần giữa của lớp. Đáng chú ý nhất trong số họ là Bill

Question 2: Answer – D
- Câu hỏi: Theo Gary Stagger, học viện Khan….
- Trích dẫn: Câu 3 đoạn 6: “Schools have become "joyless test-prep factories," he

says, and Khan Academy caters to this dismal trend.” (Trường học trở thành “nhà

máy chuẩn bị bài thi không niềm vui”…và Học viện Khan đi theo xu hướng đáng
buồn này.)

Question 3: Answer – G
- Câu hỏi: Sylvia Martinez hối hận rằng Học viện Khan…
- Trích dẫn: Câu 2 đoạn 7: “…and she doubts that it would work for the majority of
pupils” (và cô ấy nghi ngờ rằng nó có thể hiệu quả cho phần lớn học sinh.)

Question 4: Answer – E
- Câu hỏi: Ben Kamen đã được bảo rằng Học viện Khan…
- Trích dẫn: Câu 4 đoạn 9: “Khan's programmer, Ben Kamens,... whether they could
modify it "to stop students from becoming this advanced." (Nhà lập trình của Khan,
Ben Kamens, đã nghe từ những giáo viên được xem bài thuyết trình của học viện
Khan và yêu thích ý tưởng, nhưng tự hỏi rằng họ có thể chỉnh sửa nó để “ngăn học
sinh trở nên xuất sắc đến thế này.”)

IELTS Thanh Loan 439

Keyword Table
Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

1 - can teach both the - stumbled onto solution to

strongest and the weakest education’s middle of the class
2 - Only prepares to pass - Test-prep factories


3 - unlikely - doubt

- a successful outcome - work

- most students - the majority of pupils

4 - Has been told - Has heard

- cause students - stop students from become

achievement improve too
this advanced


IELTS Thanh Loan 440

Key Exercise 5:

Question 1: Answer – F
- Câu hỏi: Trong vùng Wernicke, suy nghĩ của chúng ta….
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn 7: “The first is called Wernicke’s area, which deals with
semantics - in this case, ideas based in meaning, which can include images, smells
or emotional memories” (Phần Wernicke làm việc với semantics, bao gồm hình ảnh,
mùi hương và kí ức cảm xúc.)

Question 2: Answer – C

- Câu hỏi: Chỉ ở trong vùng Broca thì các ý tưởng chúng ta muốn thể hiện….

- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn 8: “The second is called Broca’s area, agreed to be the brain’s
speech-processing centre.” (Vùng Broca là trung tâm sản xuất bài nói chuyện (ngôn
ngữ) của bộ não)

Question 3: Answer – A

- Câu hỏi: Những cơ liên kết các câu của chúng ta

- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn 4: “The electrical impulses such innovations tap into are
produced in a part of the brain called the motor cortex, which is responsible for

muscle movement” (Những xung lực được sản xuất tại motor cortex, phụ trách cho

các chuyển động cơ bắp.)

Question 4: Answer – E
- Câu hỏi: Những từ và câu mà chúng ta nói
- Trích dẫn: Câu 4 đoạn 12: “Decode the brain signals that correspond to the
phonemes, and you would have a system to unlock any word at the moment
someone thinks it.” (Giải mã các tín hiệu bộ não liên quan tới đơn âm, và bạn sẽ có
một hệ thống để mở khóa bất kì từ nào ngay khi người nào nghĩ về nó.)

IELTS Thanh Loan 441

Keyword Table
Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

1 - largely non-verbal - images, smells or emotional


- are processed into - speech-processing centre


3 - receive impulses from - impulses are produced in a

motor cortex part of the brain called the

motor cortex

4 - decoded phonemes - decode signals that

correspond to phonemes/

T H unlock any word at the moment

someone thinks it


IELTS Thanh Loan 442

Dạng 7. Short-answer Questions

Key Exercise 1:

Question 1: Answer – underwater explorer

- Câu hỏi: Sau lần lặn đầu tiên, Syliva đã quyết định theo đuổi nghề nghiệp gì?
- Trích dẫn: Câu 2 đoạn 2: “It was this dive that inspired her to become an

dưới nước.)
underwater explorer.” (Lần lặn này đã thôi thúc cô trở thành một nhà thám hiểm

Question 2: Answer – 381 metres

- Câu hỏi: Cô đã lặn bao xa để phá vỡ kỷ lục thế giới?
- Trích dẫn: Câu 4 đoạn 2: “deepest dive ever, reaching a record-breaking depth of

381 metres.” (Độ sâu nhất, đạt tới 381 mét, độ sâu phá vỡ kỷ lục)

Question 3: Answer – pollution
- Câu hỏi: Điều gì đang gây hại tới mọi vật sống dưới biển?

- Trích dẫn: Câu 3 đoạn 3: “the damage that pollution was causing to marine life,
and especially to coral reefs.” (Sự phá hủy mà ô nhiễm gây ra cho đời sống dưới biển,

đặc biệt là rặng san hô.)

Question 4: Answer – fish farms

- Câu hỏi: Sylvia nghĩ rằng chúng ta nên lấy cá từ đâu?
- Trích dẫn: Câu 2 đoạn 4: ‘One way, she believes, is to rely on fish farms for seafood”
(Một cách (để bảo vệ động vật), cô ấy tin rằng, là dựa vào các trang trại cá để lấy đồ
hải sản.)

IELTS Thanh Loan 443

Keyword Table
Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

2 - Break a record - Reach a record-breaking


- Harm - Damage

- Everything living in the sea - Marine life


IELTS Thanh Loan 444

Key Exercise 2:

Question 1: Answer - mobile phone

- Câu hỏi: Đâu là nguyên nhân của sự thay đổi lớn đang diễn ra trên khắp châu Phi?
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1,2: “There is a revolution going on in Africa; not a political one, but
an economic one. The driving force behind this revolution is the humble mobile
phone.” (Sự thay đổi lớn: cách mạng kinh tế. Nguồn lực đứng sau nó là chiếc điện
thoại di động khiêm nhường.)

Question 2: Answer – the elite

- Câu hỏi: Tầng lớp xã hội nào đã mất vị thế thống trị điện thoại di động?

- Trích dẫn: Câu 3: “Once the preserve of the elite (which was also the case in Europe

and America not so long ago), the mobile phone is now ubiquitous”
(Từng thuộc về tầng lớp thượng lưu (the elite), điện thoại di động giờ đây đã phổ

Question 3: Answer - Nigeria/ in Nigeria
- Câu hỏi: Phần lớn những người châu phi sử dụng điện thoại di động sống ở đâu?

- Trích dẫn: Câu 3: “with 93 million in Nigeria alone, putting it at the top of the list.”
(Nigeria có 93 triệu người dùng, đứng đầu danh sách.)

Question 4: Answer- rural areas
- Câu hỏi: Ở đâu thì điện thoại có xu hướng được sở hữu chung?
Trích dẫn: Câu 6: “as in rural areas it is common for many people to share a single
phone” (ở vùng nông thôn (rural areas), điều phổ biến là nhiều người chia sẻ một
chiếc điện thoại.)

Question 5: Answer – banking industry/ banking

- Câu hỏi: Mảng kinh tế nào được lợi nhất từ việc sử dụng điện thoại di động?
- Trích dẫn: Câu 8: “The banking industry has been quick to see the potential of
increased phone use, and many Africans, notably in Kenya with 8.5 million users,
now do their banking via a mobile phone.” (Ngành công nghiệp ngân hàng đã thấy
tiềm năng tăng trưởng sử dụng điện thoại, và nhiều người châu Phi, dễ nhận thấy
nhất ở Kenya với 8.5 triệu người sử dụng, giờ đây sử dụng ngân hàng qua điện
- Ngành công nghiệp ngân hàng được lợi nhất.

IELTS Thanh Loan 445

Keyword Table
Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

1 - The cause - The driving force behind

- Great change - revolution

2 - monopoly - the preserve of

4 - Co-own - share


IELTS Thanh Loan 446

Key Exercise 3:

Question 1: Answer – 30 minutes

- Câu hỏi: Một bài hát của cá voi dài bao lâu?
- Trích dẫn: Câu 6 đoạn A: “They found that the various sounds produced by the
whale formed a song which lasts for about 30 minutes and is then repeated by the
whale for hours or even days.” (Họ phát hiện nhiều bài hát do cá voi tạo nên kéo dài
khoảng 30 phút và rồi được lặp lại hàng giờ hoặc thậm chí là ngày.)

Question 2: Answer – thousands of kilometres

- Câu hỏi: Một bài hát của cá voi sẽ vang đi bao xa?

- Trích dẫn: Câu 3 đoạn B: “Sound waves travel faster through water (around 1.5
kilometre per second) than through air, and the sound of a whale can travel

thousands of kilometres through the oceans.” (Sóng âm thanh đi nhanh hơn khi ở
dưới nước (khoảng 1.5 km/h) hơn trong không khí, và âm thanh của cá voi có thể đi

hàng ngàn kilomet (thousands of kilometres) qua biển.)

Question 3: Answer - (series of) clicks
- Câu hỏi: Cá voi phát ra âm thanh gì trong khi nỗ lực tìm kiếm thức ăn?

- Trích dẫn: Câu 4 đoạn C: “The whales send out series of clicks ....”

Question 4: Answer – Group identity
- Câu hỏi: Những con cá voi trong cùng đàn hát chung một bài hát để làm gì?
- Trích dẫn: Câu 3 đoạn D: “Perhaps like football supporters they are demonstrating
group identity, showing that they belong to the same school.”
(Có lẽ, như những cổ động viên bóng đá, chúng cũng thể hiện tinh thần đội nhóm
(group identity), cho thấy rằng chúng thuộc về chung một đàn.)

Question 5: Answer – Factory ships

- Câu hỏi: Sự đổi mới nào đã cho phép cá voi bị bắt với số lượng lớn đáng kể?
- Trích dẫn: Câu 3 đoạn F: “The 20th century saw the development of factory ships
which were capable of killing and processing thousands of whales.”
(Thế kỷ 20 đã chứng kiến sự phát triển của các tàu sản xuất (factory ships), có khả
năng giết và xử lý hàng ngàn cá voi.)

IELTS Thanh Loan 447

Question 6: Answer – Shipping restrictions
- Câu hỏi: Những biện pháp nào đã được đề xuất để bảo vệ cá voi?
- Trích dẫn: Câu 10 đoạn F: “The loud noises of ships' engines are very likely to
disturb the whales, and the WWF have called for shipping restrictions in certain
areas.” (Những tiếng ồn lớn của động cơ tàu có lẽ đã làm ảnh hưởng đến cá voi, và
WWF đã đề xuất việc hạn chế tàu bè trong một số vùng nhất định.)

Keyword Table

Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

1 - The length (of the song) - A song lasts

3 - Emit - Send out
4 - Display - demonstrate
5 - Innovation - development
6 - Suggest - Call for

IELTS Thanh Loan 448

Key Exercise 4:

Question 1: Answer - Wire

- Câu hỏi: Thứ gì đã được sử dụng để đánh dấu khu vực cắt cho máy cắt tự động?
- Trích dẫn: Câu 2 đoạn 4: “Before it can be used, a wire must be placed around the
perimeter of the lawn to define the part to be cut.”
(Trước khi dùng máy, một cái “wire” (dây thép) phải được đặc quanh các mốc của bãi

cỏ để xác định phần được cắt.)

Question 2: Answer – Solar power

- Câu hỏi: Một số máy cắt tự động có thể sử dụng dạng năng lượng nào?
- Trích dẫn: Câu 5 đoạn 4: “However, the latest version can top up its batteries with
solar power,....”

(Tuy vậy, phiên bản gần nhất có thể nạp pin cho chính nó với năng lượng mặt trời.)

Question 3: Answer – Inflatable dummy

- Câu hỏi: Robot ủi trông như thế nào?
- Trích dẫn: Câu 2 đoạn 6: “There is an ironing robot, for instance, that resembles an

inflatable dummy: put a damp shirt on it, and it puffs up to remove the creases.”

(Có một robot ủi, ví dụ, trông giống một “inflatable dummy” (tên ngốc phình to): đặt
một chiếc áo ẩm lên nó, và nó phồng lên để giảm bớt nếp nhăn.)

Question 4: Answer – A mark

- Câu hỏi: Mọi người thường vẽ ký hiệu gì lên robot khi nó sắp được sửa chữa?
- Trích dẫn: Câu 3 đoạn 7: “People give them names, and if they have to be sent back
for repair, they carefully add a mark to them to ensure they get the same machine
back,' says Nancy Dussault Smith of iRobot.”
(Người ta đặt tên cho chúng, và nếu chúng phải được gửi lại để sửa chữa, họ cẩn thận
thêm dấu hiệu để chắc chắn họ lấy lại được chiếc máy của mình.)

IELTS Thanh Loan 449

Keyword Table
Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

1 - Mark out - Define

- Mowing area - The part to be cut
2 - Energy - power

3 - Look like - resemble

4 - Put on - Add


IELTS Thanh Loan 450

Key Exercise 5:

Question 1: Answer – Bloggers

- Câu hỏi: Bài viết của ai đã được cải thiện do kết quả phản hồi của những độc giả?
- Trích dẫn: Câu cuối đoạn 7: “Indeed, many bloggers develop and refine their essays
as a result of these comments. ” (..nhiều blogger phát triển và cải thiện bài viết của
mình từ những bình luận đó)

Question 2: Answer – Scientific research

- Câu hỏi: Loại văn bản nào không được xem xét rộng rãi trên web?

- Trích dẫn: Câu 1, 2 đoạn 8: “Yet although people have tried to have scientific

anonymous experts.”
research reviewed in the same way, most researchers only accept reviews from a few

(Mặc dù mọi người đã cố gắng để có những bài báo cáo được review như nhau, hầu

hết các nhà nghiên cứu chỉ nhận được review từ một vài chuyên gia ẩn danh.)

Question 3: Answer – Nature

- Câu hỏi: Ấn phẩm nào mời các tác giả xuất bản bài viết của họ trên World Wide


- Trích dẫn: Câu 2, 3 đoạn 8: “When Nature, one of the world's most respected

scientific journals,....Only 5% of the authors it spoke to agreed to have their article

posted for review on the Web - and their instinct turned out to be right, because
almost half of the papers attracted no comments.”
(Nature đã nói chuyện với các tác giả để có bài viết của họ review trên Web.)

Keyword Table
Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

1 - Improve - Refine
- Feedback - Comment
- writing - essay
2 - reviewed extensively - reviews from a few experts
3 - invite authors to publish - have articles posted for review

IELTS Thanh Loan 451

Key Exercise 6:

Question 1: Answer - a quarter

- Câu hỏi: Tỷ lệ làm việc tại Thung Lũng Silicon được tuyển dụng trong các công ty
được thành lập bởi sinh viên tốt nghiệp MIT là bao nhiêu?
- Trích dẫn: Câu 7 đoạn 7: “A survey of living MIT alumni found that they have
formed 25,800 companies, employing more than three million people, including
about a quarter of the workforce of Silicon Valley.”

(Một khảo sát của cựu sinh viên MIT đã phát hiện ra rằng họ đã thành lập 25,800

công ty, thuê hơn 3 triệu người, bao gồm ¼ lao động tại Thung lũng Silicon.)

Question 2: Answer – Global warming

- Câu hỏi: Energy Initiative của MIT nhằm để giải quyết vấn đề gì?

- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn 8: “...Energy Initiative, which acts as a bridge for MIT’s
combined work across all its five schools, channelling huge resources into the search
for a solution to global warming.”

(Energy Initiative, là cầu nối cho các công trình liên kết giữa 5 trường nội bộ, dẫn

truyền nguồn tài nguyên khổng lồ cho việc tìm kiếm giải pháp cho sự nóng lên toàn

Question 3: Answer – Electric cars
- Câu hỏi: Cải tiến “xanh” nào mà nghiên cứu MIT thực hiện với virus có thể giúp cải
- Trích dẫn: Câu 3 đoạn 8: “..and has recently developed the use of viruses to
synthesise batteries that could prove crucial in the advancement of electric cars.”
(Nghiên cứu của MIT đã phát triển virus để đồng hóa pin, giúp cải thiện ô tô điện)

Question 4: Answer – corridors

- Câu hỏi: Tim Berners - L hay trò chuyện với các nhân viên MIT tại nơi nào của
trường đại học?
- Trích dẫn: Câu 2 đoạn 9: “...the nice thing is that when I do walk the corridors, I
bump into people who are working in other fields with their students ...’.”
(Tim đi dạo quanh hành lang, gặp gỡ những người đang làm việc ở các mảng khác
cùng với sinh viên của họ)

IELTS Thanh Loan 452

Keyword Table
Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

1 - Worker - Workforce

- Set up - form

2 - Aim to solve - In search for a solution

3 - Innovation - advancement
4 - Enjoy conversation - Bump into

IELTS Thanh Loan 453

Dạng 8. Matching information to paragraph

Key Exercise 1:

Question 1: Answer – C
- Câu hỏi: người có thái độ tiêu cực với tiểu thuyết đồ họa.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn C: “Many adults feel that graphic novels are not the type of

reading material that will help young people become good readers.” (Nhiều người
trưởng thành cảm thấy rằng tiểu thuyết đồ họa không giúp người trẻ trở thành độc

giả tốt.)

Question 2: Answer – G

- Câu hỏi: nhiều môn học trong trường, nơi truyện tranh đóng vai trò quan trọng

- Trích dẫn: Câu 2 đoạn G : “They have discovered that, just like traditional forms

of literature, they can be useful tools for helping students examine aspects of

history, science, literature and art.” (Cũng như một dạng văn học, graphic novel có

thể là công cụ hữu hiệu giúp học sinh kiểm tra các mặt của lịch sử, khoa học, văn học

và nghệ thuật.)

Question 3: Answer – F
- Câu hỏi: tại sao yếu tố hình ảnh của graphic novel làm tăng khả năng học hỏi
- Trích dẫn: Câu 2 đoạn F: “ This is because the pictures provide clues to the
meaning of the words.” (Vì tranh ảnh cung cấp dấu hiệu cho nghĩa của từ.)

Question 4: Answer – B
- Câu hỏi: một định nghĩa hiện đại của graphic novel.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 3 đoạn B: “The term graphic novel is now generally used to
describe any book in a comic format that resembles a novel in length and narrative
development.” (Cụm từ graphic novel giờ đây thường được sử dụng để mô tả bất kỳ
cuốn sách nào ở dạng truyện tranh tương tự như một cuốn tiểu thuyết về độ dài và
sự phát triển cốt truyện.)

IELTS Thanh Loan 454

Question 5: Answer – D
- Câu hỏi: graphic novel cũng kể chuyện tốt như bất kì phương pháp nào khác
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1 đoạn D: “However, many quality graphic novels are now being
seen as a method of storytelling on the same level as novels, films or audio books.”
(Thể loại này cũng được coi cùng mức độ với tiểu thuyết, phim hoặc sách nói về

phương pháp kể chuyện.)

Question 6: Answer – H

- Câu hỏi: graphic novel đôi khi sử dụng những từ bậc cao.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 3 đoạn H: “Often they actually contain more sophisticated

sách thông thường)

vocabulary than traditional books.” (Đôi lúc chúng thường có những từ sâu sắc hơn

Question 7: Answer – B
- Câu hỏi: Việc sử dụng tranh ảnh trong lịch sử như một phương pháp kể chuyện
- Trích dẫn: Câu 1, 2 đoạn B: “Although today's graphic novels are a recent

phenomenon, this basic way of telling stories has been used in various forms for

centuries. Early cave drawings, hieroglyphics and medieval tapestries are examples
of this.” (Ngày trước, người ta đã vẽ vào hang, dùng chữ tượng hình và thảm thời
trung cổ. Đó là những ví dụ chứng tỏ việc sử dụng tranh vào kể chuyện.)

IELTS Thanh Loan 455

Keyword Table
Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

1 - People - Many adults

- negative attitudes towards - graphic novel are not the type

graphic novel of reading material that will

help young people become good
2 - a variety of school subjects - history, science, literature and


3 A
- play an important role

- useful tools

- why a graphic novel’s - because the pictures provide

visual element speeds up clues to the meaning of the

learning words

4 - modern - now

- definition - term is used to describe any
5 - As good as - On the same level
- any other method of telling - a method of storytelling
a story
6 - advanced words - sophisticated vocabulary
- sometimes - often
7 - historical use of pictures - early cave drawings,
hieroglyphics and medieval
- a method of storytelling - the way of telling stories

Question 8: colourful pictures Question 11: language

Question 9: story Question 12: clues
Question 10: reading skills Question 13: vocabulary

IELTS Thanh Loan 456

Key Exercise 2:

Question 1: Answer – E
- Câu hỏi: Đề cập đến những hệ thống không thể được sử dụng
- Trích dẫn: Đoạn E: “That's because existing infrastructures, built largely for the
coal fired plants that supply 80% of Europe's power, would not be suitable for

carrying the amount of electricity generated by the Sahara.”
(Đề cập đến những lò than cung cấp 80% năng lượng của châu Âu, nhưng không phù
hợp để mang lượng điện tỏa ra từ Sahara.)

Question 2: Answer – B
- Câu hỏi: ước lượng lượng điện Sahara có thể sản xuất
- Trích dẫn: Đoạn B: “In theory, a 90,600 square kilometre … could yield the same

amount of electricity as all the world's power plants combined. A smaller square of
15,500 square kilometres - about the size of Connecticut could provide electricity for

Europe's 500 million people.”
(Lượng điện Sahara có thể sản ra trên 90,600 kilomet vuông tương đương với tất cả

trạm điện trên thế giới cộng lại. Khoảng 15,500 kilomet vuông có thể cung cấp điện

cho 500 triệu người châu Âu.)

Question 3: Answer – G
- Câu hỏi: gợi ý cách thuyết phục các tổ chức về tiềm năng của Sahara
- Trích dẫn: Đoạn G : “I call it the Lego method,' he says. Build it piece by piece. If it
can be shown that power from the Sahara can be produced profitably, he says,
companies and governments will soon jump in.”
(Người ta gợi ý dùng những thí nghiệm thử nhỏ trước, và nếu có lợi, các tổ chức và
chính phủ sẽ sớm tham gia.)

Question 4: Answer – A
- Câu hỏi: mô tả ngắn về Sahara hiện tại
- Trích dẫn: Câu cuối đoạn: “Some areas of the Sahara reach 45 degrees centigrade
on many afternoons. It is, in other words, a gigantic natural storehouse of solar
energy.” (một chút thông tin về Sahara)

IELTS Thanh Loan 457

Question 5: Answer – E
- Câu hỏi: một sự so sánh về chi phí của hai nguồn năng lượng khác nhau
- Trích dẫn: Câu cuối đoạn E : “It's a lot cheaper to burn coal than to make solar
power in the Sahara.”
(Đốt than thì rẻ hơn rất nhiều so với tạo ra năng lượng mặt trời tại Sahara.)

Keyword Table

Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage


1 - could not be used

- not suitable
- system - existing infrastructure

2 - quantity of power could - could yield the same amount of

produce electricity as all the world’s

power plants
- a suggestion

- built it piece by piece/ it can be

shown that power from Sahara

can be produced profitably

- to convince organisations - companies and governments
about potential will soon jump in
4 - a short description - some areas of the Sahara
reach 45 degrees centigrade on
many afternoons
5 - a comparison of costs - a lot cheaper
- two different energy - burn coal vs make solar power

Question 6: F Question 10: mirrors

Question 7: G Question 11: steam
Question 8: E Question 12: depressions
Question 9: A Question 13: irrigation

IELTS Thanh Loan 458

Key Exercise 3:

Question 1: Answer – D
- Câu hỏi: Hai cách có thể cải thiện hoạt động làm đồng trong tương lai
- Trích dẫn: đoạn D: “… This means that better crop varieties or better management
techniques will need to be used on the many degraded and abandoned lands in the

(Có hai cách để cải thiện: đa canh hoặc sử dụng các kĩ thuật kiểm soát tốt hơn.)

Question 2: Answer – E

- Câu hỏi: liên hệ tới sự giảm tỷ lệ phá rừng ở một vùng.
- Trích dẫn: đoạn E: “Halts in tropical deforestation have resulted in forest regrowth

in some areas where tropical lands were previously cleared.”
(Việc giảm phá rừng nhiệt đới đã dẫn đến việc rừng được mọc lại ở một số vùng trước
đây đã bị dọn sạch.)

Question 3: Answer – A

- Câu hỏi: lượng rừng giảm đi mỗi năm.

- Trích dẫn: đoạn A: “Globally, roughly 13 million hectares of forest are destroyed

each year.”
(Trên toàn thế giới, khoảng 13 triệu hecta rừng bị phá hủy mỗi năm.)

Question 4: Answer – F
- Câu hỏi: cách những yêu cầu vận chuyển tương lai có thể làm tăng tỷ lệ phá rừng.
- Trích dẫn: đoạn F: “…. the need to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and find
alternative power sources, particularly for private cars, is forcing governments to
make products such as biofuels more readily accessible. This will only exacerbate
the pressures on tropical forests.
(Nhu cầu giảm sự phụ thuộc vào dầu hỏa và tìm các nguồn năng lượng thay thế, đặc
biệt cho ô tô riêng, gây áp lực cho các chính phủ tạo ra những sản phẩm như nguyên
liệu sinh học. Điều này sẽ chỉ làm tăng áp lực lên những cánh rừng nhiệt đới.)

IELTS Thanh Loan 459

Question 5: Answer – A
- Câu hỏi: một sự liên hệ tới hình dạng đặc trưng của những vùng mới bị phá rừng.
- Trích dẫn: Câu 5 đoạn A: “Instead of the usual ‘fish bone’ signature of deforestation
from small-scale operations, large, chunky blocks of cleared land reveal a new
motive for cutting down woods.”
(Nêu hình dáng theo dạng “block” của những vùng rừng mới bị phá.)

Question 6: Answer – G

- Câu hỏi: những lý do chính tại sao rừng ở một số vùng chưa bị chặt đi.

- Trích dẫn: Câu 2 đoạn G: “Approximately 60 percent of the remaining tropical

forests are in countries or areas that currently have little agricultural trade or

urban growth.”

(Lý do vì ở đó họ có ít giao thương nông nghiệp và phát triển đô thị.)


IELTS Thanh Loan 460

Keyword Table
Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

1 - two ways of farming - better crop varieties or better

activity might be improved management techniques

- in the future - will

2 - A fall in rate of - Halts in tropical deforestation

3 - cut down annually
- are destroyed each year

4 - how future transport - the need to reduce ...
- increase
deforestation N particularly for private cars
- exacerbate the pressures on

T H tropical forests

5 - typical shape - small-scale operations, large,

chunky blocks

6 L - early deforested areas
- key reasons why
- cleared land
- have little agricultural trade
or urban growth

Question 7: C Question 11: forest footprint

Question 8: D Question 12: decaying plants
Question 9: B Question 13: 60 percent
Question 10: C

IELTS Thanh Loan 461

Key Exercise 4:

Question 1: Answer – D
- Câu hỏi: một sự so sánh những đặc điểm sinh học của Neanderthals và Homo
- Trích dẫn: đoạn D : “Their skeletons show that they had broad shoulders and thick
necks,' says Stringer.” ‘Homo sapiens, on the other hand, had longer forearms,

which undoubtedly enabled them to throw a spear from some distance, with less

danger and using relatively little energy,”

(Các đặc điểm được so sánh: shoulders/ forearms.)

Question 2: Answer – E
- Câu hỏi: liên hệ tới những thứ từng được sử dụng để giao thương
- Trích dẫn: đoạn E: “Objects such as shell beads and flint tools, discovered many

miles from their source, show that our ancestors travelled over large distances, in
order to barter and exchange useful materials, and share ideas and knowledge.”

(Những thứ như vỏ sò và đá lửa, được tìm ra hàng dặm cách nguồn của chúng, cho
thấy rằng tổ tiên của ta đã đi rất ra, để giao thương và trao đổi những nguyên liệu

cần thiết, và chia sẻ ý tưởng và kiến thức.)

Question 3: Answer – A
- Câu hỏi: đề cập đến dấu hiệu sự tồn tại của một loài người trước đó chưa được biết
- Trích dẫn: đoạn A: “Meanwhile, an unusual finger bone and tooth, discovered in
Denisova cave in Siberia in 2008, have led scientists to believe that yet another
human population - the Denisovans - may also have been widespread across Asia.”
(Khám phá trong hang Denisova ở Siberia năm 2008 đã dẫn các nhà khoa học tới
một loài người mới – Denisovans.)

Question 4: Answer – G
- Câu hỏi: đề cập đến sự sụp đổ chóng vánh của xã hội Neanderthal do thiếu may
- Trích dẫn: Câu đoạn G: “During each rapid climate fluctuation, they may have
suffered greater losses of people than Homo sapiens, and thus were slowly worn
down,’ he says. ‘If the climate had remained stable throughout, they might still be
(Sự không may này do khí hậu gây nên.)

IELTS Thanh Loan 462

Question 5: Answer – C
- Câu hỏi: liên hệ tới vị trí địa lý cuối cùng của Neanderthals
- Trích dẫn: đoạn C : “Some 45.000 years later, another fight for survival took place.
This time, the location was Europe and the protagonists were another species, the
Neanderthals. … They eventually disappeared from the landscape around 30.000
years ago with their last known refuge being southern Iberia, including Gibraltar.”
(Vị trí cuối cùng của Neanderthals ở nam Iberia, bao gồm Gibraltar.)

Keyword Table


Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

1 - a comparison of a range of

- their skeletons show that they

physical feature had broad shoulders and thick

necks >< longer forearms
- items that were used

- Objects such as shell beads

and flint tools

- for trade - to barter and exchange

3 - a previously unknown - an unusual finger bone and
human species tooth
4 - ill fortune - rapid climate fluctuation
- downfall of Neanderthal - slowly worn down
5 - final geographical location - last known refuge being
southern Iberia, including

Question 6: sediment layers Question 10: C

Question 7: ivory and bone Question 11: B
Question 8: new technologies Question 12: A
Question 9: skull shapes Question 13: B

IELTS Thanh Loan 463

Key Exercise 5:

Question 1: Answer – C
- Câu hỏi: Tại sao chúng ta có những hình ảnh biếm họa về khuôn mặt trong tâm trí
- Trích dẫn: đoạn C : “We code each new face we encounter not in absolute terms but
in the several ways it differs markedly from the mean.”
(Chúng ta ghi lại mỗi khuôn mặt mới ta gặp không chính xác mà theo nhiều cách,

nó khác so với nguyên bản.)

Question 2: Answer – G

- Câu hỏi: đề cập đến thời gian cần thiết để trở thành một nhà biếm họa tốt

- Trích dẫn: đoạn G: “Jason Seiler recounts how he trained his mind for years,

beginning in middle school, until he gained what he regards as nothing less than a

second sight.”

(Kinh nghiệm của Jason Seiler về việc trở thành nhà biếm họa: tự huấn luyện trong

đầu nhiều năm, từ trung học.)

Question 3: Answer – D
- Câu hỏi: một ví dụ về sự không đáng tin tưởng của hệ thống bảo vệ hiện tại

- Trích dẫn: đoạn D: “Just recently, a couple who accidentally swapped passports at
an airport in England sailed through electronic gates that were supposed to match
their faces to file photos.”
(Ví dụ về một cặp đôi đổi hộ chiếu tại sân bay nhưng vẫn vượt qua được cửa an ninh.)

Question 4: Answer – B
- Câu hỏi: liên hệ tới một sự thật là chúng ta có thể ghép thậm chí một biếm họa
nguệch ngoạc với người mà nó đại diện.
- Trích dẫn: đoạn B: “Perhaps the most vivid illustration of our gift for recognition is
the magic of caricature-the fact that the sparest cartoon of a familiar face, even a
single line dashed off in two seconds, can be identified by our brains in an instant.”
(Kể cả một dòng vẽ trong hai giây, cũng có thể được bộ não của ta nhận ra ngay đó
là khuôn mặt của người quen thuộc nào.)

IELTS Thanh Loan 464

Question 5: Answer – F
- Câu hỏi: tổng hợp các cách những biếm họa đã cải thiện tỉ lệ nhận biết trong một
lĩnh vực đặc biệt
- Trích dẫn: Câu cuối đoạn F: “In tests, Frowd's technique has increased positive
identifications from as low as 3 percent to upwards of 30 percent.”

(Kỹ thuật của Frowd đã cải thiện tỷ lệ nhận biết từ 3% lên tới 30%.)

Question 6: Answer – D

- Câu hỏi: so sánh giữa nhận biết khuôn mặt và một thể loại nhận biết được thiết kế
tốt khác

- Trích dẫn: đoạn D: “Like a thumbprint, its unique features and configuration
would offer a biometric key that could be immediately checked against any database

of suspects. But now a decade has passed, and face-recognition systems still per-
form miserably in real-world conditions.”

(So sánh nhận biết khuôn mặt với vân tay.)


IELTS Thanh Loan 465

Keyword Table
Number Keywords in Questions Similar words in the passage

1 - why - code each new face we

encounter not in absolute terms
- Caricature - differs markedly from the


2 - length of time it can take - how he trained his mind for

years, beginning in middle

school, until he gained

3 - example - a couple who accidentally

swapped passports at an airport

S T in England sailed through

electronic gates

- current - recently

4 - Hastily drawn - dashed off
5 - use of multiple caricatures - Frowd's technique
- improved recognition rates - increased positive
in a particular field identifications
6 - a comparison - Like
- another well-established - a thumbprint
form of identification

Question 7: B Question 11: Hirschfeld attributes

Question 8: C Question 12: automated system
Question 9: B Question 13: exaggerated
Question 10: A

IELTS Thanh Loan 466


Lộ trình luyện
IELTS Reading
cho người mới bắt đầu

Bước 1: Tìm hiểu thông tin cơ bản về bài thi IELTS Reading

Bước 2:
Tìm hiểu các dạng câu hỏi và thực hành theo dạng câu hỏi

Bước 3: Luyện tập chuyên sâu với đề thi sát thật

Giai đoạn

Cách thức
Nguồn luyện tập
Thời gian luyện tập

Ví dụ cụ thể về cách làm 01 bài đọc

Một số lưu ý
Lưu ý 1: Phân bổ thời gian cho từng bài đọc
Lưu ý 2: Đừng có đọc và dịch từng từ một
Lưu ý 3: Học cách bỏ qua những câu hỏi khó
Lưu ý 4: Thời gian chuyển đáp án
Lưu ý 5: Làm câu hỏi lần lượt theo thứ tự với những dạng câu hỏi
xuất hiện theo trật tự trong đoạn văn.
Lưu ý 6: Kiểm tra lại đáp án sau khi hoàn thành vào tờ answer sheet


IELTS Thanh Loan 467

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