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Lưu ý: Đề thi yêu cầu chọn một trong các chủ đề được cho để viết. Nếu bài
thi viết tất cả các chủ đề thì bài thi sẽ nhận điểm 1.
Check these three features of the essay before marking. If the paper does not
satisfy one of them, it will receive one mark.
1. Does it have a correct format of an essay? (The essay is clearly divided into
an introduction, a body, and a conclusion)
2. Does the writer write on the topic that is given?
3. Is it a complete essay?
Thesis statement and Does the writer write a Thesis statement on the
the introduction (1m) topic that is given?
Is the introduction interesting and pertinent to the
Unity (0.5m) Are all the sentences in the essay clearly related?

Coherence (0.5m) : Do the paragraphs and sentences follow each

Organization of ideas other in an orderly way (in the logical way of each
& Cohesion kind of the essay)? Are transitions used to connect
paragraphs and sentences?
Support (4m) Process Analysis essays:
Do the body paragraphs present logical steps with
detailed information about the actions within each
steps? Are these steps presented in time order?
Do the body paragraphs use facts, examples, key
terms, and definitions? Are all the materials
needed in the process mentioned?
Cause and Effect essays:
Does the writer give causes or effects that match
the requirements of the topic?
Does the body paragraphs use facts, examples,
reasons, descriptions, and explanation to help the
reader understand the relationship between the
causes and the effects?
Classification essays:
Is the information organized into meaningful
categories or groups, and each follows a single,
unifying principle?
Is one category or group described in each body
paragraph? Is the information in each paragraph
ordered logically?
Does the body paragraphs use descriptions,
examples, definitions, anecdotes, statistics,
quotations and explanation in forming the
supporting details?
Argumentative essays:
Does the writer give meaningful and logical
reasons that support his or her opinion?
Does the writer include a counterargument and
Does the writer use facts, examples, and
experience to support his or her ideas?
Language skills (4m): - Are there frequent grammatical mistakes? Do the
Grammar, mechanics, mistakes make it difficult to understand the
word choice, sentence writer’s thoughts?
structures - Does the writer use sentences involving different
structures and of different lengths?
- Does the writer use sophisticated language?
- Are there many misspelled words? Is it
sometimes difficult to understand which word the
writer intended?
- Are there frequent mistakes in capitalization and
punctuation? Are the paragraphs indented?

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