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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office No. VIII
Schools Division of Maasin City
Maasin City National High School
Senior High School

English for Academic and Professional Purposes


I. Objectives
a. Content Standard
The learner understands the principles and uses of a reaction paper/review/critique
b. Performance Standard
The learner produces an objective assessment of an event, a person, a place, or a thing. writes a comprehensive
review /reaction paper
 Performance Arts, Play, Dance, Sports, etc.
 Film
 Participation in a religious or community festival
 Art Exhibit critiques designs such as industrial design objects or craft objects, furniture, fashion designs
based on a set criteria critiques graphic design communication material such as posters, billboards,
commercials, digital
c. Learning Competencies
Uses appropriate critical writing a critique such as formalism, feminism, etc.

II. Subject Matter

Title: Approaches in Literary Criticism: Gender Criticism
References: Barrot, J. (2016). Communicate Today: English for Academic and Professional Purposes
for Senior High School. Quezon City, Philippines: C & E Publishing Inc.,
Materials: Self-Learning Module, Pen, Paper

III. Procedure
A. Motivation
The teacher asks the learners what comes to their mind when they hear the word “criticism”.

B. Presentation of the Lesson

The teacher discusses the lesson of the day on Literary Criticism.

Literary criticism is the comparison, analysis, interpretation, and/or evaluation of works of literature.
Literary criticism is essentially an opinion, supported by evidence, relating to theme, style, setting or historical or
political context.
 Activity
The teacher lets the learners read a sample critique “What Does Gender Truly Mean?”

 Analysis
The teacher asks the learners
1. On what you have read, what is it about?
2. How is gender inequality being addressed in the critique?
3. What is the struggle of being a woman and a man in the society?
4. Is your gender matter on how you are going to be treated? Why and how?

 Abstraction
CSE Integration
The teacher connects the topic on peer pressure in engaging sexual behavior based on the gender.
Typical adolescents begin engaging in sexual intercourse by 16 or 17 years of age, but
approximately 20% of students have had sexual intercourse by 15 years of age. During the senior year of
high school, 65% of students report having engaged in sexual intercourse. “Adolescents who think that
their peers engage in sex are more likely to engage in sex themselves.” Although many adults might
consider peer pressure to be the biggest risk, our analysis found that peer pressure had the smallest effect
on sexual behavior. Age and gender were also important, the study team found. Overall, the impact of
peer sexual behaviors was strongest during middle adolescence, and it was more important for girls than
boys. The decision to engage in sexual activity with others is very personal and is usually influenced by
many social factors such as personal values, cultural beliefs, and self-esteem. There are many reasons
why people have sex. Sometimes it's a conscious choice and sometimes things happen in the moment.

Let learners watch a video on “Are You Ready to Have Sex?” (
1. What is the video all about?
2. How can the people around you affect your engagement in sexual behavior?
3. What are the factors that made you feel pressured?
4. Looking on the different perspective if the abused was male, will he receive the same treatment?
5. Are your peers pressure you in engaging sexual behavior? Is it because of your gender? Why?

 Application
The teacher shows a digital art on gender inequality and let the learners write a criticism/reaction paper
about it. A rubric will be used in grading the learners’ works.

Criteria Poor (2 pts) Fair (3 pts) Good (4pts) Excellent (5 pts)
Content is not
comprehensive and /or Content is comprehensive,
Content is accurate and
persuasive. Major points are accurate, and persuasive. Major
Content is incomplete. persuasive. Major points are
addressed, but not well points are stated clearly and are
Major points are not stated. Responses are
Content & supported. Responses are well supported. Responses are
clear and /or persuasive. adequate and address
Development inadequate or do not address excellent, timely and address
Questions were not assignment. Content and
assignment. Content is assignment including course
adequately answered. purpose of the writing are
inconsistent regarding concepts. Content and purpose of
purpose and clarity of the writing are clear.
Structure of the paper is not
Organization and Structure of the paper is clear and
easy to follow. Paragraph
structure detract from the Structure is mostly clear and easy to follow. Paragraph
transitions need
Organization & message of the writer. easy to follow. Paragraph transitions are logical and maintain
improvement. Conclusion is
Structure Paragraphs are disjointed transitions are present. the flow of thought throughout the
missing, or if provided, does
and lack transition of Conclusion is logical. paper. Conclusion is logical and
not flow from the body of
thoughts. flows from the body of the paper.
the paper.
Paper lacks many
Paper follows designated Paper follows all designated
elements of correct
Paper follows most guidelines. Paper is the guidelines. Paper is the appropriate
formatting. Paper is
Format guidelines. Paper is over/ appropriate length as length as described for the
inadequate/ excessive in
under word length. described for the assignment. assignment. Format enhances
length. Paper is not
Format is good. readability of paper.
double spaced
Paper contains few
Paper contains numerous Rules of grammar, usage, and
grammatical, punctuation
grammatical, Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling
Grammar, and spelling errors.
punctuation, and spelling punctuation are followed with is correct. Language is clear and
Punctuation & Language lacks clarity or
errors. Language uses minor errors. Spelling is precise; sentences display
Spelling includes the use of some
jargon or conversational correct. consistently strong, varied
jargon or conversational
tone. structure.

IV. Evaluation
The teacher gives a reflective question for learners to answer.
1. Are we still facing gender inequality today? How and why?

Prepared by:

Sara Sarene Grace A. Abaa

Special Science Teacher I
Checked by:

Ian R. Maglines
Master Teacher II
Noted by:

Elvera C. Salapi
Principal II

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