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People who know each other sometimes like to give each other
hugs. Sometimes I like to give hugs to other people too.

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I should only hug people I know.

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If I want to give someone a hug, then I first need to ask, “Can I give
you a hug?” It’s important to ask for consent or permission first to
make sure the person wants to be hugged.

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If the person says yes, then that means I can give them a hug. If the
person says no and doesn’t want a hug, then that’s okay. Maybe they
will want a hug from me next time.

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To give someone a hug, I can put my arms around the person’s
waist, arms, or shoulders. If the person is taller than me, then they
might kneel to make it easier for me to hug them.

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When I am giving a hug, it’s important to remember to be gentle. I
want to put my arms around the person loosely. If I squeeze too
hard, then I might hurt the other person and that will make them

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There are a few ways to tell that the hug is ending. The person may
start to slowly pull their body away from me, give me a gentle pat on
the back, or say, “Thanks.” I can also do any of these three things
when someone is hugging me to tell them I am done with the hug.

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When I need a hug myself, I can ask someone to give me a hug. I can
ask a friend or family member to hug me by saying, “I need a hug” or
“Can I have a hug please?”

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Hugs don’t always have to come from people. I can also hug a
stuffed toy or pillow when I need a hug.

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I can also hug a pet such as a dog or a cat. I need to remember to be
gentle with animals. If I hug too tight, then the animal could bite or
scratch me and I could get hurt.

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Hugs can help me feel better. I can make people feel better with my
hugs too! It’s nice to be able to give and receive hugs.

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