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Dear Team,

Our Avon family is going through a challenging phase. I am fully aware that the
organizational restructuring process we are going through is extremely difficult for all of
you. These must feel like uncertain times and filled with a lot of fear, confusion, and
apprehensions. In the past few days, we had to witness our co-workers and close friends
making a transition out of the organization. Moreover, the current evaluation process of
each department underway is bound to create a lot of doubt and resentment for our own
future with Avon. I want you all to know that I feel your fear and pain, and fully understand
the difficulty these circumstances bring forth both emotionally and in terms of maintaining
our focus and productivity.

We are in challenging times, and it is paramount that we recreate and innovate the way we
work. In the last few quarters, we saw the competition grow significantly and creep into our
market shares. Additionally, we observed a disconnect between Avon and its consumers.
The situation demanded us to take extreme steps to maintain our organizational
effectiveness and re-establish our connection with our customers. I want to assure you that
after evaluating all the possible options we concluded that the organizational restructuring
underway is the only possible way to maintain effective business continuity and ensure a
future for Avon.

Change is not easy, it's painful and sometimes necessary. Just like you, this phase has been
extremely difficult for me. I had to let go of a few of my closest friends and team member
with whom I have worked for years. They are all wonderful individuals and it was extremely
difficult to let them go. However, this was necessary for the survival and relevance of Avon. I
want to assure you that I am with you in this phase of our transition and take full ownership
and responsibility for the procedures we are employing for the evaluation. To ensure
fairness of the process we must be thorough. This also means the transition process is slow
and tests our patience.

Just as a mythical phoenix rises back from its ashes and soars to the high skies. I have firm
faith in the Avon family to overcome this difficult phase and recreate itself. I urge you all to
keep your faith in me and trust the process of the organizational restructure while
remaining focused and committed to your goals.

Again, I want to reiterate that I am fully committed to the well-being and growth of the
Avon family and look for your support through this phase. In case of any concerns please
don’t hesitate to reach out to your HR manager or me.

Yours sincerely,


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