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Brief guidance on self-mastery of visual perception extrasensory

instrumentation (with comment)

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 © Copyright Viktor Georgiev Ustsinovich LingvoAnalyse

 Posted: 25/12/2009, modified:
11/04/2013. 261k. Statistics.
 Monograph : Esoterica
 Illustration / applications: 21 pcs.

 Abstract: 
Extra-vision? It's simple. Read and possess, use!
Georgiev V.
Tech EPZV. Brief guidance on self-mastery
extrasensory instrumental visual perception (with commentaries). 2nd ed.
- JSC "Privolzhskoye publishing house", 2007. - 100 s.: Il.

In the author's edition

ISBN 5-7633-1131-0

© Viktor Georgiev, 2007





Regain lost due to non-innate ability to

supersensible visual perception can be almost anyone -
gender, age, religion principle irrelevant.
Tech EPZV combines rules and techniques of conscious control
operator functions of the organism, which allow the use of
normal visual apparatus in another capacity - ultrasensitive
energy-visor is not currently available technical
Term of development EPZV technology - from a few seconds to a few
months, depending on individual state of consciousness and the "energy"
someone who decides to learn EPZV.
Subject to the recommendations contained in this manual
development EPZV guaranteed to be 100%.
The book focuses on readers, free from oppression as a scientific
atheistic and religious-dogmatic worldview capable of
independent analysis of reality, longing to know
Genesis laws for their mental, spiritual, physical self-perfection-
tion and for the good of society.




ON "automatically" Mastering EPZV 4



___________________________________ 9

UNDERSTANDING WHY turn to the Lord GOD IN EPZV ________________


The possible existence of our relationship with God and actions

Lord God - his Creator _________________________________________ 12

*** About the possible existence of our relationship with God ____________ 12

*** On the actions necessary to precisely FOR TARGETING

Turning to the Lord GOD
____________________________________________ 13
*** A few words about a "dialogue" with God
___________________________________________ 18

About the "phenomenon" of ritual CANDLES

____________________________________________ 19

CREATING A plasma generator for mastering EPZV

___________________________________________ 28

____________________________________________ 30

SOME mechanisms of visual perception

And his "universal" _________________________________________________


_______________________________________ 37


__________________________ 39

*** The general aspects of visual perception IMAGES

__________________________________________________ 41

*** About individual aspects of the image


About what you can not see EI-LEVELS EIT USED

Learning EPZV
_______________________________________________________ 47


_______________________ 51
Watch Psychic ______________________________________________ 52

Simulation method psychic IMAGE ____________________________ 52

The significance and importance "minor", at first glance,

PICTURES FROM EIT OBSERVED BY EPZV ___________________________

Physiologic principles in mastering the technique EPZV

______________________ 58

THE ROLE AND self-programming self-hypnosis

In mastering the technique EPZV
_______________________________________________ 58

About psychophysical mood before the occupations on the mastery EPZV

_____________ 60

Siting, TIME AND LIGHT FOR DEVELOPMENT EPZV ________________ 61

Of the radiation, the operators used to EPZV _________________________ 62

*** ON EI-radiation from OPERATOR ____________________________ 63

About external radiation *** USED FOR EPZV - About candle flame _______ 70

About conscious control and operator control OWN

EI-radiation at EPZV _________________________________________________

About the focus and concentration LOOK AT EPZV __________________ 74


_________________________________________________ 77

O Viewing EI-levels in "miniature" ____________________________________


IMAGES OF EPZV EI-LEVELS IN REAL ____________________ 82

__________________________________ 86

On the "self-deception" AT EPZV

_________________________________________________ 87

About Prevention and Recovery

STANDARD color perception extrasensory ___________________________ 89

Errors and lock which prevents DEVELOPMENT EPZV _____________ 92



THE PROBLEM "inconsistencies" in communication

(Communication, data transmission)
__________________________________________ 95

On mental status "Adept" esoteric knowledge ____________________ 96



Offered to your attention manual techniques extrasensory

instrument of visual perception (EPZV) (* 1 *) contains the necessary
and sufficient information for self-mastery of this type
visual perception.
Involved in the art EPZV "mechanisms" are already sufficiently
studied modern academic science - mathematics, physics, biophysics,
psychophysics, Bio-Psycho-Cybernetics and etc. And even the existence of the
Mind or the Creator, to whom treatment is the cornerstone of
effective techniques to achieve any level of Energy and EPZV
Field (EIT) (* 2 *), long considered a "revelation" for modern physics
and recognized by many leading scientists, which included the provision
model in unified field theory, while not based on dogmas of blind faith,
and of the availability of reliable irrefutable, indisputable facts.
Self-mastery of technique EPZV using instructions slightly
harder and harder than training with the direct transfer of knowledge
from teacher to student, which in practice, in most cases, it takes
no more than five minutes.
A fundamental element of the methodology is conscious mastery EPZV
and precise handling to the first source of human life - the Lord God, that
is 100% safe and success in mastering EPZV. (Do not
to doubt the reality of this event - subject to
a few simple guidelines, it does not constitute any
In addition, one of the main elements of the proposed methodology is
use in the initial stages of learning a candle flame, which, having
a number of unique physical properties, allows anyone, regardless
Depending on whether or not it natural "instincts" or
-established them the skills to master EPZV in seconds.
Motivation to study EPZV must be crystal clear, this is:
- Knowledge of the truth of God (Genesis laws);
- Mental, spiritual, physical self-improvement;
- To achieve or restore psychophysical health;
- To achieve or restore prosperity and harmony in society,
family and personal life.
Idle curiosity, searching for strong sensations, by greed
(Fame, power, power, "big" and "easy" money, etc.) - this is a direct
road leading to AD. And "moved down the roof" or "broken neck" - quite
natural result of these and similar motivations.


1. See page 9.
2. See page 9 39.

In view of this the reader is fully personally liable for

negative consequences for his health, and the fate of life as a result of his own
own misconduct, ie does not meet the Highest Spiritual
Laws, claims for possession and use EPZV.
Believe me, dear readers, is not a set of pompous and nothing
meaningful phrases and sentences. Unfortunately, for some recognition
this fact will be very painful and very bitter.
Well, what happens to men who carefully follow all instructions and
recommendations, learn and EPZV? Oh, nothing much, perhaps, to live
becomes a little easier and easier, and maybe ... maybe will find a man
what even could not dream before ...

Victor Georgiev
Saratov, 01.05.05.

ON "automatically" Mastering EPZV

Dear readers, not to torment you too long uncertainty and

not clog your head once the data necessary for a meticulous
researchers or for those who have problems with the development of the subject
"Since the summer," let's try to immediately take the bull by the horns. No, well, of
not this the bull, and of sayings. In actual fact, we just try to
master the art of psychic vision instrument at
This is not particularly going into all sorts of different "conventions" and other
read about which you can already "taking credit". But readers who
miss "deaf ear" recommendations not only in this section, but recommended
provide recommendations and warnings of all benefits as a whole, have pretty
"warm up"
and "sweat" in a long time, the thrust-mastery preupornom EPZV.
The whole "trick" with automatic mastery EPZV is that
the absolute majority of people who want to master this kind of visual
perception, any training on control and management structures and EI-
EI-functions of the organism (* 1 *) does not need!
Therefore, before proceeding to the thorough theoretical study
Exercises and techniques EPZV you, dear readers, should
first try to "just see" EI-heterogeneity (* 2 *) on any of
EIT levels - information, tonkoenergeticheskom, of subtle (* 3 *).


1. See page 73 - "On the conscious control and management of the operator
their EI-radiation at EPZV. "
2. See page 9.
3. See page 39 - "The fact that you can see in the EIT EI-levels, use
Globalized EPZV for training, and their brief description. "


So, let's not waste time and get down to business. A case
as is known, the master afraid.
In order to see the heterogeneity of the EIT on any EI-level
please do the following.

1. Light a candle for their health (* 1 *) - light a candle, and then, when
burning candle, say a prayer for the health of his soul, spirit and body -
enough with all the force and sincerity, without any doubt,
say, "Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner (th) (* 2 *), Lord, save and
save! And this candle for the health of the soul, spirit and body servant (s) of God
(s) _____
(Name) (* 3 *). "
(After reciting the prayer "for health" candle comes into operation on
Energy and cleaning structures of the person whose name was called.)

2. Ask the Lord to grant vision EI-recording of their sins or

defilement (stress, damage, curses, etc.).
To do this, go to the Lord God in prayer:
"My God, to Thee who created my immortal soul, my spirit and my body;
who gave me life and destiny, I turn your (i) a slave (a) _____ (name) - Hear
my prayer!
Lord! Have mercy on me, a sinner (w), for they run or ignorance (ie
consciously or not) in thought, word, deed sinned (a) You.
Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner (w)!
Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy!
Lord, IMPERIAL, let me unworthy (oops) servant (e) Your
(S) to see (* 4 *) ________.
Lord, have mercy on me! Lord, save and save!
Glory to Thee, our God, Glory to Thee! Forever and ever! Amen! "

3. Look through the body of the candle (zone ("volume"), you selected for
defocused, "wandering" eye (Fig. 1 and 2).
Focus view (maximum guidance on the subject) while
must be configured to observe a "point", located behind a candle (* 5 *), and
not directly over the "volume" scanning. Additionally,
focus in visual perception should be focused
not on the perception of the visual image candles, ie not on the perception of the
object (s)
World crude material, and to the vision of objects "invisible" heterogeneity
EIT is present in the same volume.


1. See page 28 - "Creating a plasma generator ...", page 30 -

"Fire recommendations"; page 66 - "Caution Caution!"
2. Sinner ... - Church Slavonic.
3. Ie to name, in this case his own.
4. For example: "... record of sins (filth, etc.) in my book
Life (or energy field) ", or" energy channels ", or ...
"EI-parasites." (See also page 83.)
5. See page 74 - "About the focus and concentration glance at


FIGURE 1 (* 1 *).
Focusing look at EPZV heterogeneity EIT: 1) in the body of the candle 2) in
candle flame, and 3) in the air.

Here, in principle, all that is required in order to see

heterogeneity EIT any EI-level (information, tonkoenergeticheskogo,
subtle) by EPZV.
If you look closely, you will notice the heterogeneity of color
"Body" of the candle. Inside the candle in her transparent composition can be seen
dark fog light dirty gray, green swamp, blue-black, etc.
colors (these colors are "unpleasant" sin and filth posts (stress
corruption, curse)), which is slightly swaying or floating up to the flame
is drawn into it, and "burns". This "tumanchik" may extend beyond the boundaries
candle body. Furthermore, the candle body, and around its flame candles can also
see different "film", "filament", "spheres", "helix", "funnel", etc. -
options "paintings" very much (* 2 *).
All these tumanchiki and other configurations are reduced holographic
Graphical (* 3 *) copies of your EI-EI-heterogeneity structures.

"Mirages", which are observed using EPZV at the information level,

and there are those most notorious "root causes" that radically
affect our health and our destiny.

Very hard to believe this, but it is an actual fact

is the justification for the use in rites of the Orthodox Church of the flame
candles, lamps (* 4 *).


1. Dear readers, please note that all the figures contained

in the manual, conventional and sketchy.
2. See page 39 - "The fact that you can see in the EIT EI-levels ...".
3. Hologram - volume "ghost" image with all aspects of
"Presence effect" of the visual image, which can be considered
from any point (front, side, rear, top, bottom).
4. See page 19 - "On the" phenomenon "of ritual candles."


Observation aura palm: 1) the line of sight, and 2) the region of maximum
Focus 3) scheme deconcentration glance: the camera to focus on remote
object <-> the camera to focus on the hand, and 4) the zone of vision of

Plasma (fire, flame), EI-modulated standing wave arising

as a result of prayer "for health", erases (burns) "negative" for us EI-
record ("root cause"). And this process is just something is "chudodeystven-
nym "ozdoravlivayuschim factor.
Now there is still a small one, but in the end the right bar
"Portrait" of your EPZV - do yourself a psychic prevention
standard (reference) of color (* 1 *).
Oh, and I almost forgot - "magnetic gaze" EPZV when not needed.
So staring at a candle, straining his visual apparatus beyond all
measures, there is no need. Adhering to this rule, you can
avoid highly undesirable consequences - loss of eyeballs
orbits, epileptic seizures, etc. (* 2 *).
Relaxed contemplation - the best option for EPZV heterogeneity

Oh, and for those scientists who successfully "on one, two, three"
mastered the "vision" of heterogeneity EIT on a candle as a prize now very
More short and very simple way to mastering the so-called "auric
vision "(or about EPZV EI structures on human tonkoenergeticheskom EI-level
EIT). To begin learning this very, very elementary, but
for most "ordinary people" are very, very mysterious (u-u-u!!) and
mystical (u-u-u!!), the type of visual perception with vision aura brush
their own hands. You can use the following very simple and
effective method.


1. See page 89 - "On the prevention and restoration of the standard extra-
touch of color. "
2. Oh this is such a joke, what are you really in actual fact so alarmed?


Select to close observation of yourself (at a distance of 3 - 4 meters)

some object (preferably in the shade). Raise your hand (s)
pull it forward and turn the palms upward. Palm should be
slightly below the line of sight (from the line of sight to the palm or tips
Finger 1.5 - 2 cm), aimed at the object. Concentrate your mind on
the hand, and then again on the subject, while trying not to lose sight of
hand. Refocusing when looking from the hand to the object at some
moment, if this tune in perception "subtle matter" above
palm of the hand (up to 10 - 15 cm), you will see a ghost
mirage - light colored tumanchiki different configurations. Top
easily-observable tumanchik is blue (blue, purple) color -
it can be easily detected at the time of "reading" prayers (prayers) or meditation.
His vision is the visual perception of a range of emissions
(Normal) cells of the physical body. "Pictures" can change very fast on
color and shape. Watching these "pictures" just is nothing like
"Auric vision" brush your hand.

"And where is the mystic, but where is the Secret?" - May have wondered now
question some of the readers, those who are still in captivity of
favorite fantasies and can not bear the thought of phenomenal
simplicity offered them to the theory of extrasensory vision. The answer is:
"About" Secret "you just read. As for mysticism, so it never
and not, were only "stories" to the uninformed dilettantes, which you
Unfortunately, at one time been listening beyond measure. And followed although
would sometimes make prevention their ears, shaking them abundantly hinged
noodles. "
If after multiple attempts "just to see" anything
will not work (although most "blindness" is subjective and due to the fact that
not aware, does not realize that he had already "sees"), have to master the
EPZV step by step. That's what the rest of the written part of the
methodological guidance.
In "particularly complex" where the mastery of technique of the difficult-EPZV
the lack of ability to govern themselves, you must first learn
effective methods of self-hypnosis for self-regulation and self-
its energy-physiology. You can do this on the books,
tells about autogenic training (AT), and in which libraries and
bookshops abound now, we can only choose
most sensible and appropriate for you.
And now, after the "corrida", move to a longer but more
Reliable and proven old-fashioned way - we chew, chew and
chew theory to state semolina porridge to better
digest and absorb, and thereby guaranteed realized in
Bottom line ... No, no, no (!) that you are, this is not at all
Now what you might think - meant mastering EPZV.



The concept of "psychic vision instrumentation" (EPZV)

stands as follows:
"ESP" (* 1 *) - extrasensory, ie beyond the boundary
particles ordinary feeling;
"Instrumentation" - the registration mode of objective reality, ie at
desired results of observations can be confirmed (directly or indirectly)
through the instrument base, designed to study Energoinform-
gravitational field (EIT) (eg, film, photography, etc. in the "invisible" part
electromagnetic spectrum), of course, if the energy-(EI)
level lies within the "reach" and "sensitivity" of a particular
"Visual" - through the visual apparatus;
"Perception" - obtaining information as sensations.

EPZV allows vision "invisible" (with the usual visual

perception) energy-informational field inhomogeneity.
(In the context of this manual under the EIP will be assumed that
is beyond real, Peace and crude material lies in
"Dark" (hidden, "undeveloped") matter and energy.
Under heterogeneity EIT should understand the difference "something" on
properties, or characteristics, or parameters for characteristics).
EPZV - is another channel of the visual perception of the environment
Actually, that helps "navigate" in other frequency
the electromagnetic spectrum in addition to the light, as well as other
fields and radiations known as modern academia,
and it is not yet open (this is possible thanks to the vision
"Projections" ("fingerprint", "trace") and emissions of every kind and
the so-called informational level EIT, which is accessible
for EPZV range).
Apart from the direct vision of EI-study heterogeneity of the object
tion, and in real time using EPZV can also
receive visual information and a copy of the EI-object heterogeneity
study, regardless of its size or (macro-, micro-) or its
density, or at a distance to it, or by time slots (blocked

1. The term "psychic" ("extrasensory") in the abbreviation EPZV

to refer to this type of visual perception does not fit (and if there
approach, it is very bad due to the fact it does not reflect the true
status quo) as it is not "over", but rather "other", "other" vision
or further more particularly "variant" ordinary visual perception, which is
one reason or another (objective or subjective) is not used
conscious mode - this energy-vision. But because of the wide
Distribution term "ESP" in respect of the in
manual type of visual perception, used to avoid confusion
this term, although there is nothing "super" (extra) in this type of visual
no perception.
See page 95 - "On the problem of" inconsistencies "in communication ..."



duration or their position in relation to this, ie from the past

or future) that is fully consistent with the physical concepts
modern official science (* 1 *).
EPZV EI-heterogeneity of the EIT is to holographic vision
"Mirage", which are "painted" in a static configuration
and dynamic (changing position in space, changing the geometry (shape,
size), discoloration, etc.). Configuration, in turn, are
in "painted" (* 2 *) space.
Tech EPZV combines rules and techniques of conscious control
operator functions of the organism, which allow the use of
normal visual apparatus in another capacity - ultrasensitive
energy-visor is not currently available technical
EPZV due to:
1) non-standard, or rather unusual, but objectively existing in
"Nature" of the scheme implementation mechanisms conventional view, which is:
a) changing the modes of processing visual information;
b) changes in methods "read" visual information -
concentration in visual perception and focus sight;
2) Including the "hidden" features of the organism to generate
"Illuminating" and "translucent" emissions, as well as joint
using these radiations with similar emissions from external sources.

Contained in this manual, information about technique and observed EPZV

with this type of visual perception phenomena and events are
nothing more than a "translation" rather "onauchennye" interpretation, a small
but a very important part of the theory of spiritual vision that is sufficiently
stated (on aggregate) in the pages of scripture Tract:
- Path to the Light (The Egyptian Book of the "dead");
- The Great Liberation (Tibetan Book of the "dead");
- The Bible.


Before you go directly to the description of the actions required

to establish personal contact with God (see next section)
a few words about why you need this contact.


1. Nonlocality theory of micro-and macro-objects, the holographic principle

2. The word "colored" in these cases involves not only the color,
but the difference in the visual sense of the inhomogeneity of the EIT, for example:
spaciousness, clarity, power density, texture, etc.


In practice, a person who chooses to "look" the heterogeneity of the EIT
any EI-level, fairly simple desire to do it -
wanted to see, well, look at what your heart desires to see.
(Of course, this applies to those "willing" who have no EI-blocks
impeding scan EI-inhomogeneity at energoinformatsionnogo-
structures "intelligence" and the outer shells. All other categories
"Willing" to implement the "vision" must be pre-
"Energy-cleansing" through spiritual practices.)
Well, if some of you, dear readers, to excite
imagination or emotional lift when you open the Gate in Energoinform-
gravitational field requires imitation "magic", then you can say
some uncomplicated phrase, something like: "Fuck-tibedoh-proffer!"
or "Krieble-Crabble-bums!" or "Sim-Sim, open up!" - And there is no problem
- Take treasure as much as carry away (in this case you will understand). Problems
start later, when there are "thieves", "guards", "Home"
(In different "fairy-theories" his characters), and here is very, very
desirable that appeared near someone who can help would-be researchers
out of trouble.
The fact that not all the stories are just fairy tales, ie
entertainment stories. Among them there are special folk tales from
folklore, which in whole or in part (due to the later-corrected
tions, written by other narrators) are initiated into the Secret Knowledge
and treatises which are memoir-confession of those and Five
Seas went, and was the kingdom of Far Far Away-State and visited Underground
Kingdom, and climbed to dizzying heights (mountains), and was able to return
unharmed, or broken-broken (but with one broken in those
locations and hundreds of unbeaten will be a little). And makes no such tales from
do not from boredom, and to transmit secret knowledge to future generations.
As you know, ask for help from Humpbacked Horse, or at Pike
or goldfish, or anyone else from the fairy-tale characters in our
case is somewhat irrelevant and illogical. However, as well as the dream
catch the tail of Firebird or meet with tortilla for Turtle
acquisition of Golden Key of the Door in the EIT, which avoid
Intrusion prazdnolyubopytstvuyuschih travelers masked canvas
daubed it with a boiler, fire, devils, and other sinners
"Biblical" stories - yet, after all, we develop extrasensory
Instrument visual perception, and not any there or gallyutsinativnoe
shaped in the style of "fantasy."
So leave obscurantism chudizm and mysticism aside as
unfit "tools" to harness the ability to supersensible
visual perception. And turned his attention to a more realistic,
and most importantly, guaranteeing health psychophysical method



who is returning to the Lord God, their Creator for help

protection and the advancement along the path of knowledge.
But in order to turn to the Lord God, and most importantly, exactly
ie it to him, and not to someone else, you need to know how to do it.
Those who "do not know" how it's done, you need to learn it, and then
you can "get stuck", that will not find!

The possible existence of our relationship with God and the actions
the Lord God - his Creator

In our situation with you, there is one small such problem,

rather the problem, and if more precise PROBLEMISCHA - nobody knows for
what the Lord God, and where He is!?
No, theories and hypotheses on this subject abound, as theological,
scientific and academic and "gag-fiction," but none of them
does not give only vague descriptions of "who and what is the Lord God" and His
location, but also convincing evidence unequivocally treated
His presence. Readers who doubt such a point of view website
this manual to this perspective and believe in their naivete that
books have answers to all the questions is, we can advise to do
The search for such literature.
On the controversy over the above-named issues, unfortunately, has no place.
Therefore confine ourselves to a brief description of the theory of the possibility
existence of a connection between us and our Creator and necessary and
sufficient practical steps that need to be produced to
establish his personal contact with God.

*** About the possible existence of our relationship with God

At this time, the religious and scientific views on the availability of

the relation of man with God agree on one thing - the inextricable link
man with God exists. But nevertheless remains open
question on the characteristics and parameters of this connection. The question is
qualitative and quantitative nature of the relationship, as well as its temporary
parameters (Past, Present) and "reciprocity."
Perhaps for readers priemlyushchikh only the language of mathematics and
more clear and "true" is the explanation "about having our inextricable
communication with God, and the possibility of communication with him "through
scientific workers "hypothesis." But their full review would take too much space,
therefore confine ourselves to Bell's theorem.



The essence of this theorem, published in 1965 by John Bell and

confirmed experimentally (!), is as follows:
In the universe does not exist isolated from each other systems, each
particle is in "instant connection" with all the other particles
Universe, with the "instant connection" does not require energy.
Even if part of any system or multiple systems are
great distances between them and no mechanical forces
"Energy" fields, etc., they function as a single system.
So, if God and man represented in the form of even two
different systems, by Bell's theorem, these systems can not be completely
isolated from each other, i.e. between them always (!) there is a connection! And
is this instant connection!
Especially, based on the same Bell's theorem, which states also
that between two particles ever come into contact, there is
some kind of non-local communication, it follows that the relationship between our
And we have the original, and it can not be interrupted ever!
And so, on the basis of these scientific "fables", it turns out that we, at least
theoretically, have the ability to communicate with his Creator.
People are also believers to realize their contact with God
rather esoteric and "fables". In addition, for the common man
Biblical views on the creation of man by the Lord God and the possibility of
fellowship with Him more "clear" than abstruse theorems pundits. Yes
Laws interpretation of Genesis (Universe and World Order) contained in
Treatises sacred, sometimes much closer to the truth than "strictly scientific" (!)
interpretation, as scientists just do not have at their disposal
tools mathematical apparatus and availability of working hypotheses to explain
or that phenomenon. A "invent" something new every dare not, for fear of
for his scientific credibility.

*** On the actions necessary to precisely FOR TARGETING

Turning to the Lord GOD

For beginners, the spiritual life, as well as for those who unsuccessfully led
their search for truth (as opposed to those who on a whim, "instincts"
found empirically real, effective state of consciousness in which
possible to communicate with his Creator), you should learn a little "theory" and
implement its nemudrenyh principles into practice.
As shown by many centuries, even millennial experience spiritual schools
term development and improvement, as well as a much more modest in
terms of practical experience of the author's observations of this manual (VG)


man, first turned to their Creator and Benefactor - Lord

God with a pure heart with Faith, Hope, Love (due to the fact that without
the presence of spiritual practice to do so difficult, in this case more important
sincere desire, the intention to do so), He never leaves without
response in spite of all the shortcomings and errors that "sin" first
prayer treatment (eg, presence of doubts of the possibility of such
Person for the first time consciously turned to the Lord God,
given as to advance - it equated with those long, heavy,
incessant spiritual writings reaches the possibilities are virtually
instant "audience" the Lord God (* 1 *).
Later, however, a person (especially in adulthood), who received
Over such unconscious they advance, it is difficult to refrain from all kinds of
temptations, and it quickly dissipates "credibility" - this priceless gift
Grace bestowed by the Lord God. I hope that you are not from this
categories of citizens, as subsequently to "reach", "dokrichatsya" to
Lord God is immeasurably more difficult, although not impossible (* 2 *).
Prerequisites for communication with God - is sincere
desire for contact with him, the desire for contact with him and no creepy
fear of Him.

Contact with God predetermined the following criteria:

1) Unconditional recognition of Him as their ultimate beginning.
2) Repentance (repentance for sins committed).
3) Praise and thanksgiving for everything that happens in life (including
and tests).
4) (* 3 *) A wish or request.

I draw your attention, dear readers, a very important aspect of your

attempts to direct contact with God - all wordings in
appeal to God petitions God, praise God - He did not want, and
required of you, in order to better understand (realize) meaning (essence)
treatment, requests, or the degree of respect and love for their Creator, for
He knows everything in advance, before your treatment to him: and your attitude
Him, and the power of your faith, and the sincerity of repentance, and the degree of
sincerity requests, thoughts, intentions, and the extent and causes of errors
these errors, and what you are going to ask Him, etc. Overall,
He knows everything about you-all-all. And "uboltat" verbosity from evil
heart with great success can only themselves, but not God.
It should be remembered that, referring to the Lord God, it is not necessarily
Consequently hysterically screaming, resembling the screaming, the offended ass.


1. The Parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard and the payment for their labor.
Matt. 20,1-16.
2. The parable of the prodigal son, his father and brother. Lk. 15,11-32.
3. If contact is made with the purpose of the petition anything from the Lord



Your personal "blindness," "deafness" and ignorance is no excuse to act

as do many supposedly wise prayer.
No false tears, no false words, no false promises the Lord God
does not accept - because he knows that they are false.
Behave when communicating with God properly, in a dignified manner
- Open your heart to Him and your soul, for it is the only real
path to the ability to communicate with his Creator. Believers state opening
heart and soul before God achieved through sincere
repent of their sins and trust in His mercy.
Now consider the actions needed to achieve
our personal contact with God (draw your attention, dear
readers, the word "our"), ie achieving feedback because straight
communication - from God to us - is not interrupted for a moment! Another thing
quality and quantity of the flow of "vital energy" ("daily bread" in one
of its meanings) coming to us from God, are not
held constant.
To your appeal to the Lord God was the most
effectively, you need to feel your presence and come to a maximum
clearer perception of himself.

And for this you should use the following simple guidelines.
Initially bring their psychophysical condition to normal. Then
maximum focus your attention and look at the brush of his hand;
fingers - folds of skin texture, pattern on the palm and fingertips.
After that squeeze the brush with power fist and unclench her fingers straightening
as much as possible. Repeat this exercise several
times, increasing efforts to the maximum possible (load should be increased
gradually to avoid injuries of muscles and ligaments). After reaching the maximum
control the coordination of muscles in the hand work (compression-
decompression) play,
move the fingers, watching and feeling the work of the individual ligaments and
joints (* 1 *).
And here you need to ask a small question: "And who created
my physical body and mind which I speak? "Of course, it goes without
Of course, your parents, mum and dad, at one time made a number of
simple physiological and energy-action for your
incarnation and conception, but it is unlikely they owned with full documentation
an exclusive model of your "bio-robot software." As
know, even the sex of the child to predetermine at 100% rather
problematic, not to mention the "small" nuances of his character - it turns
always the "what God has given."


1. Perhaps for some readers this exercise is redundant

because they have a constant exercise ensures stable communication
consciousness with the physical body. But that's for the people "mental" labor
the knowledge that "the hand they have somewhere" in some cases it is


I'm sure most readers will truly recognized (at least to themselves)
that never even seriously, deeply and thoroughly thought about
issue its creation and existence and use of the fact that they
"Has always been."
All of the above psychological "tricks" needed to open or
recovery "channels" (bonds), providing our contact with his
Creator - The root cause of our existence (* 1 *).

When "reinforced" his initial thoughts on people automatically

enters the "original position", with which it is possible to communicate with the
implementation of
their Creator (* 2 *).
After realizing the presence of his ultimate beginning and the sharpest
self-awareness, you can turn to the Lord God (* 3 *).

Your verbal treatment (even mental) enough to

you "heard" and "given" to you what you asked for, but, of course,
according to the degree of your faith, and with the presence of your secret
intentions (and perhaps unconscious) on the use of "claimed".
Fully admit that many readers of the number beginners or more precisely
introducing the basics of spiritual practice, literally stunned, shocked
that it is possible so "easily", "in my own way" to communicate Himself (!) Lord
God. Confused elementary actions and plainness of speech in
conversation with his Creator? "What's so prosaic and mundane??" Well,
how would you like? Something extraordinary? Alas! Which craves some
unprecedented feelings when communicating with God, should be very good
ponder over the question: "Do you deserve them?"


1. Atheism "explain" the origin of the human race randomly

set of circumstances in accordance with the "laws of nature". If Nature
seen as a tool in the hands of the Creator in creation They "human
reasonable ", then partially with this provision can agree, but
agree that this event happened quite by accident well
does not work - find the answer to children's question: "What was the first:
rooster, chicken or the egg? "confound any sage-atheist
evolutionist, as "one" prejudge "other" and self-
peoples, or can not be fertilized. And if you do not resort to the "hypothesis"
preliminary design and then create these one-time
Objects, i.e. incarnation "plans" (plans) in the matter, the explanation of this
"Puzzle" can be searched endlessly long. But who was planning something?
2. When thinking "about the eternal" should not be too overwork, and then
You can easily "fly off the rails" - a measure of self-control and are never
redundant, and especially during the development of spiritual practices.
3. The following prayer list is very, very, very desirable
"Read" (ie pray using prayer) before development EPZV. For
Christians is this: "Our Father ...", "Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice ...", "Creed"
"Psalm 50", "Let God arise ...", "Psalm 90," "Glory to Thee, our God,
Glory to Thee ... ". For other religions is prayer or prayer,
match the meaning, the essence of the content with the above prayers, also
can replace them in your own words without changing the meaning of circulation,
contained in these prayers, as important is the meaning and not phraseology
logical shell, ie words. But if you are not able to
determine the nature and purpose of the above prayers, and without corresponds
appropriate experiment and knowledge to make it quite difficult, then, to avoid
any excesses, it is better to pray, just using them.



No "sverhoschuscheny" when referring to the God expect

should not be, because their "manifestations" or need a great spiritual
practice, or extreme situations in which the possibility of instantaneous
"Thawing ice from the sinful heart" - and comparable clinical death
with her on the psychological aspect of the situation.
Besides, consider the following.
First, turning to the Lord God without "fear" (respect, reverence,
love) in any case is not permissible!
"Familiarity" is possible!
Secondly, elementary actions to establish contact with the Lord
God does not mean that this contact "elementary" and comes
"Easily". This is only an illusion of "simplicity", as all the major
Processes involved in a "conversation", hidden from view and understand
researcher. And though the Lord God is able to catch the slightest whisper of our
mental "talk" with him long before we meet it
do, it does not mean that God will be "responsible."

Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord! " will enter the Kingdom
Heaven, but he that doeth the will of my Father in heaven.
Enter by the narrow gate: for wide is the gate and broad is the way,
leads to destruction, and many enter through it because strait is the gate, and
narrow is the way,
leads to life, and few there be that find it. (Matt. 7.21; 7.13 - 14.)

In our lives, there is a kind of "in itself" and occurs as

to "self." In fact, there are events, phenomena and processes
unknowable complexity that modern science is trying to arrange at least
some semblance of working hypotheses and theories.
Well, for example, you are now reading, breathing, you are living in the end!
Are you attach to this Herculean efforts - puff like a locomotive, with sweat
you hail nerves as strings hum heart would be smashed to pieces by
Surge? And not all going to somehow "self"?
And is not a miracle and a sign of your very unproblematic on
"Autopilot", the existence of "here and now"? After all, there is a set
unconscious processes or uncontrolled you at the moment -
blood, blood circulation, respiration, digestion, brain activity
The fact that you have not used the opportunity of his conscious
contact with God, does not mean the absence of such a possibility
before, now and in the future. Only your ignorance, inability or unwillingness, or
fear to use this feature is an obstacle in the implementation of this
I hope you now resolved once and for all (theoretically)
problem of your communication with God.


With that hard to believe? Well, you know, in the end no one is to blame for
that your internal expectations and fantasies that drew you to your
imagination, fueled from various unreliable to some extent
sources that do not coincide with the real state of things.
However, whatever it was, let's summarize.
Those of you, dear readers, who are sufficiently studied
"Theory" of this section, may now know what should be done to
jewelry settings on a channel of communication with his Creator - the Lord God.
Remind - "channel" means transmission of a pulse from you to God -
other "line" - from God to you - ALWAYS (!) at work.

*** A few words about a "dialogue" with God


I draw your attention, dear readers, that the expression "communication

with God "means your appeal to the Lord God, your monologue
and the answer of the Lord God, who is occurring or not occurring
more events, phenomena in accordance with the comments made by you "wishes"
or "no" answer because of your wrong actions, or
invalid, illegal or premature (* 1 *) requests.

Any "intimate" conversations should not be expected!

And if suddenly you "speak" the Lord God, that begin a "dialogue"
that the "principle" (theoretically) possible, but in reality, it and
extremely rare and it occurs in exceptional circumstances, and then only
With a decent ascetics leading tremendous spiritual work, then
most likely it's "charm".
On this occasion, there is a fairly apt saying: "If you
talk to God - this is a prayer, and if God speaks to you - it's schizophrenia. "
While it is somewhat simplified method and its diagnosis
mental state, but, undoubtedly, having under a base (* 2 *).

1. To the Lord God no matter how best to know what you most
necessary in any of the moments of your existence!?
2. Dear readers, we run the risk of "charm" (with all
ensuing negative consequences for the psychophysical
health), drawn into the "dialog" communication should not be! And even if this
will present a voice from heaven, your waiver of such communication will be
(From the standpoint of your vigilance) but positive. How do you know it
not "match"??
Of course, if anyone wants to take a chance, then who will stop him? Fate
Know this.
To get rid of "glamor" experienced believers practiced 50 waist
bows with the cross and prayer. From evil and not a trace remains.



About the "phenomenon" of ritual CANDLES

Methodology for Technology EPZV set forth in the manual for

ensure success, learning efficiency and safety
practitioner (in terms of mental and physical health) - more significantly,
provides for the use of the "phenomenon", which for centuries
used by the Orthodox Church for the purification of the soul, spirit and body of
filth and sin and is a prayer to the Lord God in combination with
burning candle or lamps, ie using candlelight or lamps.
"Open" information on the "phenomenon" in the open literature, as
says, "the day the fire could not be found." Therefore, for the development of
EPZV technology familiarization with the essence of this phenomenon will be very
useful for
very many.
Those of you, dear readers, who have experience in the use of candles
prayer time at home or in the Church may have noticed that the candles of the
a production of one and the same batch "set" by the same
while believers "for health" several people (* 1 *), or for
various "things" (thanksgiving, repentance, petition assistance), or in different
icons, burn sometimes quite differently.
One candle is lit normally, easy, and the other smokes and flames she
"Jumps", or vice versa, the candle flame can barely warm, and the candle can
even die out, is that the candle suddenly begins to rapidly "pop"
and "clicking" even "slamming" ("shoot"). All of these types of combustion
spark can jump from one to another over a fairly short
time intervals.
The molten composition of the candle (wax, paraffin, etc.) can also lead
themselves differently - can burn without residue, can "leak" (the candle with
often formed nodules and all sorts of bizarre growths) direction
(Orientation) in which the molten composition flows too
can be very specific.
In addition, the wick may form a kind of (in terms of
form) "Nagar" (soot).
Too many people carry all these phenomena quality candles, humidity
air drafts etc. - That de all "effects".
Without a doubt, the environment (air composition (percentage of gases and
vapors), the pressure, the movement of air masses), there is a process in which
burning candles, as well as the chemical composition of the substance candles,
impurities etc. - In some cases play a significant role.
But not so simple as it may seem at first glance.
Besides all this, there are still a number of important aspects of the combustion
candles that and put a candle in the church category of "miraculous" sacraments
Orthodox Church.


1. Individually for each (one person - one candle), for example, its
and other members of his family or relatives, and acquaintances.


What remains "behind the scenes" when burning candles for most people
and listed in the category of miracles, mystics, and something beyond the mind
incomprehensible? That "it" and you can easily find, utilizing EPZV.
In relation to the candle, set "for health" of the soul, spirit and body,
EPZV allows us to observe the process of "burning" (erase) completely objective
Energy and holographic images:
- Event records
- Tonkoenergeticheskih "formations"
- Subtle ("immaterial") objects
which are the actual size and location in space (in the region
about candle flame in the "body" candles), and are completely
objective influence on the burning candles, and that manifests itself in a number of
accompanying the process of burning effects that can not be explained in terms
of "conventional" natural phenomena and properties of physical and chemical
In order to understand and present the essence of the processes occurring in
the realization of this "mysterious", "mystical" phenomena in the most sufficient
general know what the tape and how it works.
If you go to the analogies and comparisons, then everything that happens in
namolennoe programmed or candles is not much different from the process
recording, playback, erasing, and phonograms, provided the following

1) the soul, the spirit, the body - magnetic tape;

2) the text of the Book of Life - the soundtrack (recording) tape;

3) electromagnetic - Universal (recording, reproducing,

gravity, torsion erasing) the magnetic head;
and other fields and radiation

4) prayer to the Lord God - pressing keys (buttons) recorder

which comprise either the recording operation, and
EI-programming erasing head (optional - one of them
(Any) or both together (in the studio magneto-
backgrounds and provides the opportunity));

5) candle flame - amplifier and "extension" (in duration

completely) prayer or programming
momentum, as well as an additional source
and power "energy" to erase and write;

6) events - vibrations of the membrane dynamics (loud-

happen in life erator), ie playback, sound
Human phonogram (tape recordings).



Could well be limited and this brief shemkoy, but

better understanding of these correspondences some explanation would be

1) The soul, the spirit, the body - magnetic tape.

In considering the first point, because of greater clarity, let

only on a comparison of the "body - magnetic tape."
Physical human body has many functions and missions.
Some of them clearly expressed and well know by all without exception -
the ability to perform "mechanical" movement or the ability to process
and digest food, etc., etc., while others - hidden, and one of them is
function of the carrier and storage of information about the events, and
not only as bruises, scarring, slagging of the organism etc., but also in the form of
"Record", which causes radiation pattern of cells of the physical body.
Throughout a person's life on the physical body is
permanent record of all the multilevel energy-occurring
events with him as "outside" and in the "inner" worlds. This entry
do not stop even for a moment, for a moment, even in a dream. "Technology"
information on the physical body provides several ways - Electrical
magnetic, gravity, torsion, etc. According to the compactness of the recording,
number of simultaneously recorded on it channels (tracks) and settings
physical body is superior to any magnetic media.
Depending on the "character" she delayed entry to a greater or
lesser extent on a particular organ, on those or other liquid media
(Blood, lymph, ...), on various cells, molecules, atoms ...
Recorded information serves as a "fingerprint" (trace) field inhomogeneity or
radiation on the record object.

2) The text of the Book of Life - the soundtrack (recording) tape.

Comparison of "Book of Life lyrics - soundtrack" for most readers,

likely difficult because the concept of "Book of Life", so it
and stop.
Under the Book of Life means a person an array of information,
located at the information level EIT containing all the information about this
man, his past, present, future, both in terms of event
life level (fate) and in respect of its physiology, anatomy, and so forth.
Book of human life consists of two main sections:
a) "script" of life (future);
b) a "diary" of life (past).
("Real" drops out "list" due to the fact that it is only
"Instantly between past and future.")



As to the "script" in the event the level of respect of human life

I note the following: I (VG) have not met a single person aged
after 30 years, that would never in my life seen at least one "prophetic"
Sleep, i.e. sleep, which is then repeated events in the life of "tee"
whether on the next day, week, month, year ... five years ...
Probability theory of "random" coincidences can not explain
state, since the chance of execution "prophetic" Sleep is practically zero, but
a dream come true after all! There are many people who are "prophetic" dreams, or
rather, their
future, "dream" is very, very often. And if you, dear readers,
Try to make sure you remember (maybe not immediately) any
event of your life that you have dreamed about in advance may
only a few "frames", but still ...
About the "diary" explanation is much simpler - just compare it
with a "normal" human memory, but at the same time take into account that the
amount of records
"Diary" on dozens of orders of magnitude greater.
If the extension is to talk about the Book of Life of man, it should be
noted that "script" future lives for all characteristics
(Fate, physiology, anatomy, etc.) "automatically" depends on "diary"
past, but other than that, "corrected" even the Lord God, so that
otmalivat sins and try not to make them a very large
practical sense.

3) The electromagnetic, gravitational, torsion and other fields and

radiation - Universal (recording, reproducing, erasing)
magnetic head.

Person resides in the electromagnetic, gravitational,

torsion and other fields, it is also affected by radiation and
of all kinds, ie at any time a person experiences the
different impacts of "ambient" (external) and "internal" Worlds
which alter the "vibration" and "charge" his (human) "Elements"
influence on the formation of his mental,
spiritual and physical levels.
This phenomenon is, in fact, no different from the effect of the magnetic
field recording (erasing) the tape head on the magnetic particles
in the magnetic layer of the tape.
As for the "playback", then all of the above fields and
radiation can "exercise" or "pull" of record "data bank"
Book of Life. When creating the appropriate conditions is a "playback
maintaining "the previously recorded information. example, exacerbation of
disease often depends on the magnetic storms (electromagnetic field), from
effects of moon phases (the gravitational field), from "remembering" stressful
(Torsion box), etc., etc.
"Playback" negative record (evil eye, damage, curse,
own sins person) in a physical body leads to a change in regime
radiation cells of the physical body, and it is no longer able to provide them



normal functioning and development that at long "sound"

negative entry leads to various diseases, including hard
amenable or completely treatable.
If you delete all "manifestations" negative information, ie reestablish
reference radiation (radiation healthy) cells of the physical body,
there is a "miracle cure." Prayer - the only sure way to make
this. Independent attempts, without reference to God, can lead to
opposite result (see paragraph 4). Well who does not like the Creator best
Know our device? And in whose hand are our life and our destiny?

4) to the Lord's Prayer or EI-programming - keystrokes

(Buttons) tape which includes a recording and erasing operation

Should be clearly distinguished prayer to God and self-sufficient-

tion EI-programming or, more precisely, energy-management
Prayer - an appeal to the Lord God, his Creator.
Prayers are repentant, pleading and laudatory (and thank-
governmental). In person praying with the right attitude, ie inlet
prayerful state (* 1 *) individual consciousness (relatively autonomous)
out on contact with the superconscious, and management of individual processes
proceeds to SverhUroven. (But do not forget about the possibility of entering
"The wrong step" and the possibility of parasitic "podklyuchek" outside due
wrong actions praying.)
Turning to the Lord God must be sincere, from the heart,
with boundless faith and hope in His mercy, with boundless
Love for Him, without the slightest shadow of a doubt that will certainly get
ask for, because both believe and receive (* 2 *).
Dear readers, always been aware that to whom you
applying what you ask and what you ask for. Some religious people,
falling into a charm (delusion, deception), cease to adequately assess the real
situation and try to take the role of the Lord God "Gold Fish on
the premises. "What ended the tale of Alexander Pushkin, is well known, and in
that the Lord God - this is not "Goldfish", in real life
consequences of such attempts are much more pitiable and tragic than those that
in a fairy tale come upon an old woman insatiable.


1. The man from this state, devices fixed

a fourth rate (addition of alpha, beta, gamma) of the brain,
which belongs to the state of consciousness at the time of prayer and meditation.
Readers who are interested in, what, when and how to pray, advise
refer to the book of St. John of Kronstadt, "My Life in
Christ "(in two volumes), it can find the answer to any question on this
2. "And whatever you ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." Matt. 21.22.



I want to draw your, dear readers, a special attention to the following.

In our life there are "things" that need to do yourself
every man, as for us, no one will do - it's breath, reception
food, water, departure natural needs.
Disclaimer person from any of the foregoing "events" leads
to the inevitable physical death.
But beyond the physical "responsibilities" and the person has a mental
(Spiritual) duties - this is a mandatory personal appeal to his
Creator asking for clemency for protection of health, etc., to emphasize -
with sincere sincerity request with faith, hope and love.
Disclaimer person from a personal appeal to the Lord God leads to more
serious consequences than just physical death.
The exception to this is the inability of the human
turn to the Lord (loss of consciousness or stupor).
Prayer for the other person (if the inactivity, ie
the absence of any involvement) is akin to providing emergency assistance to him:
artificial respiration, artificial circulation, artificial
nutrition, artificial conclusion "waste." Such assistance is justified,
efficiency and effectiveness only for a limited time
In the case when a person is able to self-refer to the Lord
God (to say "Lord, have mercy Lord, save and
forbid! "from the penitential (repentant), pure and loving heart
does not require any extraordinary effort or supernatural abilities), but
trying to completely shift their responsibilities to their spiritual and
spiritual purification anyone, at best, only a postponement occurs
"Payments on account", but the day of reckoning (retribution) inevitably comes
or later, not in this life then in the next.
God does not so "naive" and "blind" not to see parasite.
However, this provision applies as well and those who "helps" and
"Condone" spiritual dependency. This is not a "scarecrow", not a "horror story" -
it is a fact arising from objective Spiritual Laws of our Being.
The man who has mastered EPZV, able itself to verify the validity of these
words. (Phenomenon existence of causal relationships in the eastern
exercise is called the Law of Karma.)

EI-programming - independent management processes affecting

events in and around "internal" macro-and microcosm through
information level of the EIT.
For example, to achieve the right (healthy) cell radiation
physical body as possible through prayer and "own"
efforts. But in the first case there is a 100% guarantee that everything was
"Done" is absolutely correct and no side effects will not be as


Lord who made us perfectly knows our system and all

relationship specific event (disease) in the second case,
getting rid of "self" from the disease of the physical body can be negative
"Record" translate (without knowing it) on event-level life -
ie there is a "black" strip (failure, misery, tragedy ...).
So before you do something yourself, you should very well
Know what you are doing and what consequences this may cause.
(For example, the plots in the best case - a mixture of prayer with self-
programming. In other cases - a mixture of self-programming with
appeal to the forces of "not of the divine nature.")
Options "on" Candle in the work, in addition to "spetsvozdeystvy"
(EI namalivaniya and programming), so many, including "random" and
"Solo". For example, a common household candle lit to illuminate
(From the word "light") rooms can "join" on the energy-
Clean the person who lit due to the fact that he was at this moment
remembered how light candles "for health" in the Church.
Or candle, due to unconscious EI-programming "to
It was light, "" to make it cozy, "" to create a sex "and so begins
"Own" clean, energy-burn "trash", which
accumulated in the room.
Burning candle "programmed" thought and emotion, and in some cases
it happens unconsciously or subconsciously.
One and the same candle can "clean" a few people at a time -
all family members gathered for a family dinner by candlelight and the concept of
this "cleansing" is not available, but the reason may serve someone a casual look
a candle flame during a toast "to the health of all those present."
The candle can be performed in parallel and "opposite" function of energy
Information brushing one person and at the same time imposing "damage" on
another. This can happen if a person puts a candle for
their health (in the church or at home), was angry at this point, offended, etc. on
his "brother" or "sister." For such "things" even for crimes they
ignorance, you will need to answer. So be careful while progress
"Their" thoughts and especially when working with candles.

"... Everyone who is angry with his brother shall be liable to judgment; who
say to his brother: "cancer" (empty man), answerable to the Sanhedrin
(Supreme Judgment Seat) but whosoever shall say, "mad", subject to Gehenna. "
(Matt. 5.22).
"Judge not, and will not be judged: condemn not, and will not be condemned;
forgive and you will be forgiven ... "(Luke 6.37).

When namalivanii or EI-programming candles importance

have the "amplitude" and "frequency" pulse originating from human



producing rite of whether he "tolerance" and the ability to tune in

desired "wave".
We should pay particular attention to one more thing on that - not only
conscious "black" EI-programming (black magic), but neosozna-
Vai "black" EI programming using candles leads to
increasing responsibility for their actions, ie the severity of punishment, in the
ratio (ie, the amplification effect) - sooner or later, will have to answer.
Use candles in spiritual practices (including during the development
EPZV) should be meaningful and only with reference to the Lord God. If
someone thinks that this warning does not apply to it - your business, but
Do not cry then do not say you about this was not warned.

5) Candle Flame - amplifier and "extension" (duration)

prayer or program pulse, as well as an additional source
and power "energy" to erase and write.
Candle flame due to its unique physical properties repeatedly
strengthens prayer (programming) pulse. It serves as a EI-
"Mouthpiece", more precisely, an amplifier, which allows even the most minimal
input characteristics to achieve the necessary force "sound" on the way out.
Furthermore, it "remembers" (near a standing flame energy
Information wave) and repeatedly plays in prayer space
(Programming) pulse mode EI-undamped oscillations (undamped
When, after the prayer "comes" The answer of the Lord, in the area of the flame
candle stand having energy-waves that are programmed and
control the operation of the flame to clean energy-structures of EI-
"Garbage" (in the form of scaled holographic wave "copies"
EPZV heterogeneity observed in EIT), ie erase "negative" records
events (filth, sin, etc.).
Sometimes it is enough to say, "Lord, have mercy!" - Candle and starts
"Work" in the most favorable mode for asking, because Lord knows
not only all our requests before we formulate them in words, but
and what we are to meet future circumstances are most needed at the moment.
In addition to the effects of EI-horn and EI-undamped oscillations
"Foundation" which is the flame of the candle, it is destroyed by the fire
for "erasable" negative EI record, the same as for the flames of a bonfire
Tosses it sticks. Let me remind you that the fire can destroy
crude material of any object in the short term (with the appropriate
temperature are all flammable materials). In the "natural" conditions, the same
This crude material object can exist without any changes
tens, hundreds, thousands and even millions of years.



Regarding EI-recording that can be stored indefinitely,

fire behaves much the same as with the crude material,
real objects.
Regarding the process of "writing" - a candle flame is the source
"Building material", by which ideas come to life and
plans "architect."
But you should know and remember that burning candles (lamps, etc.)
used in rituals by themselves do not mean anything, ie they can
"Work" only mode fixture. (Probably many of
readers already "have noticed" that the candles (including the church)
Is it not written, for whom or for what, or what they should be put, ie
itself candle as its flame during combustion of objects and phenomena
relatively neutral.)
If you do not love the Lord God, if you do not open your heart to Him, if
not repent of their sins and try to live according to His commandments, then the
cleaning will not help and thousands of candles, thousands of lamps - in vain will
Only under certain conditions, the candle can be a tool for
changes in the relevant heterogeneity EIT bands and levels.

6) The events in human life, - vibrations of the membrane

Speaker (Speaker), ie playback, sound phonograms
(Recording tape).

What is apparent is the relationship between magnetic particles in a magnetic

layer of tape and the sound that we hear from the speaker during playback
phonogram by tape? Yes, absolutely no! But reproducible
sound depends entirely on the soundtrack, which is a total field
appropriately magnetized particles.
If you insert the cassette in and turn on the "play", then
magnetic head "thinks" and the speaker (speaker) announce that
recorded on the tape.
But on the magnetic tape can be recorded not only "sounds", but eg
management program by the robot. And then microscopic magnetized
particles will manage dozens of multi-ton mechanisms, ie that
and the eye is not visible, can really influence the processes in the macro-scale.
And, like, everyone here everything is clear, but when it comes to at least
only the possibility (not to mention reality) the impact of "negative" EI-recording
(Stress, evil eye, damage, curse, sin, etc., etc.) and health
the destiny of man, many people conceptual apparatus somehow "go crazy" ... (?)
But everything is quite simple: there is a "record" - is "sound", no
"Writing" - not "sound."


If advance to take measures to erase the "record" of the disease before

it "sound", the disease (specifically because of this "record") will not
ever. The same applies to what is happening in a person's life events -
if you delete a record in advance, leading with "playing" negative
events, then these negative events will not.
Erasing negative entries from the Book of Life in the time of their human
"Voicing" and write positive "phonogram" very clearly
confirms and proves the objectivity of this phenomenon - the miraculous healings
interruption of "black" bands on life, etc., etc.
But there is a problem, which is that to get rid
all negative records incredibly difficult, because a "data bank" of each
person they are very, very much, and some of these negative records
"Voiced", whether we like it or not.
Yes and rewrite his book of life, we can only to the extent
provided and designated by the Lord God.

CREATING A plasma generator


This procedure does not represent any problems.

NOTE. During all of the following actions should be measured,

slowly "read" prayer (* 1 *) that positively impact not only on
create a "device", but, basically, be the provisional
mental and spiritual preparation for the development of technology EPZV, if you
immediately after the creation of the device, proceed to its development.

To create a plasma generator optimally suitable for

EPZV development (from the perspective of visual "settings"), you need to take
household candles (d - 20 mm), "structure" which should be translucent
matt white (light) (* 2 *), with a sharp knife to cut off part of her length of 7 -
At 9 cm longer spark attention will be too scattered. Length
wick "adjust" to 5 - 7 mm.
Now, to complete the fabrication of the device remains firmly fasten
candle in a candlestick or, if not, then on the stand.
As a stand for candles can use white ceramic
dishes - a saucer or small plate. Of course, the options supports
very much the same basic requirement to support - that it was fireproof
and clean (both externally and "energy"). When using metallic
FIR stands under them should enclose insulation for thermal protection to
not mar the surface of the base under the stand.


1. See page 16.

2. See page 72, 74 - 75.


Fabrication of a plasma generator on a support.

Support for the manufacture of plates (saucer) turn it up

bottom (in order to not interfere with the protruding edges of visual perception
heterogeneity in the lower part of the EIT and candles around it), and light a
bent, hold it parallel to the "horizon" over the center of the bottom plate
(Saucer) at a height of 1 - 2 cm should wait for the moment when the molten
flame composition flows onto the plate (saucer).
Then slowly rotate the candle to the edges evenly
melted circumferentially. When the molten composition to drain on a saucer
about 1/3 or 1/2 teaspoon, put it on the end face of the candle and wait,
without moving it, 5 seconds - 7, in order to structure a little frozen. Remove
hand from the candle.
After 2 - 3 minutes, the molten composition hardens completely and securely
"Glued" to the candle stand, and she did not fall in the subsequent
moving the stand, if you need it. (10 cm long Candles
"Fix" in this way is dangerous because "Fixation" can not withstand
loads arising when moving the unit from place to place.)
For fire safety stand with a candle placed in the best
center of the metal tray or tray (from oven cooker). (What
As for the candlestick, see "Fireproof recommendations", paragraph 2.)
Now that we have available to the plasma generator in working condition,
You can go directly to the master technique EPZV.
But if you decide to move the training at a later date, the candle
better put out that its dimensions were optimal for learning.




I want to remind readers of the strict observance of the art fire

security since burned room, apartment or even a house - very
undesirable "appendage" to acquire, or rather re-develop the skills
EPZV. Here are a few recommendations of fire (please do not confuse with
1) Do not leave burning candles unattended or under the "supervision" of
or domestic animals, birds, etc., which can knock a candle candlestick
2) The candle should be well secured on a stand (stand)
need to candlestick (support) were on a fireproof
"Foundation" (metal, stone, etc.), which should cover the
(Be more) radius possible "landing" Candle in the case of a fall,
ensure that the non-proliferation of fire;
3) next to a burning candle should not be flammable
"Objects" - curtains, curtains, paper (newspapers, magazines, etc.), flammable
and explosive substances - we should not forget about the possibility of falling as
most candle and candlestick holders because of their accidental mechanical
tremors, movement, the sudden opening and closing of windows, doors
in space, etc.; possible powerful movements of indoor air
due to drafts, etc.;
4) long hair should be gathered together and tied, as
random, unplanned "fireworks" on the head as a result of negligent-
tion treatment with open fire is very undesirable, etc., etc.

In short, you should try to make sure that there was not a single
practical (actual) possibility of "fire" or accident
when dealing with open fire.
But if suddenly due to unforeseen circumstances all happens
fire, then, just in case, phone the fire service 01 (or 112).
It is also necessary to think in advance as possible than to extinguish the
because of an oversight or a combination of circumstances of the fire - the veil,
water, etc.
and not get lost in case anything happens.

Besides fire recommendations, another tip that should not be

neglect - classes EI-cleansing using candles should
carried out in a specially designated room (good
kitchen), because with frequent use of candles (large number) for 2 -
3 months from the soot of burnt candles, settled on the curtains, wallpaper (walls)
ceiling, it becomes easily visible. And it should be noted - this is the soot
very difficult to handle. But when we are talking only about the development of
EPZV technology, worrying about the state of the room is not necessary, because
for this
require at most a few candles, are not capable of much soot



SOME mechanisms of visual perception and his "universal"

Thanks to human's vision has the ability to quickly navigate

in its surrounding space. Visual Analyzer helps him to distinguish
the shape of objects, their value removal, location, movement, and
their illumination surface structure, coloring, etc.
When a light wave from a source, or reflected from the object or
Broken them enters the eye, the light causes irritation (excitation)
retinal photoreceptors, which are transmitted from the optic nerve
to the visual area of the cerebral cortex and then to the BCS (biocomputers
consciousness), and where there is a final distinction irritation and formation
tion of the image.
Numerous scientific experiments revealed complex mechanisms
visual perception related to reading and processing svetoinfor-
tion, turning it into a visual sensations and images.
It turned out that the visual perception of the environment
depends not only on what affects the organs of sight (eyes), but also
how processes visual "picture" and the brain interprets the BCS.
On the individual work of all parts of the chain and depends ultimately
final overall result of visual perception, which can
completely unrelated to the objective representation of reality.
Inadequacy of representation of reality in visual perception
may be due to many reasons, for example:
- Lack of (limited) 'technical' capabilities;
- Underutilization of existing 'technical' capabilities;
- Malfunction due to overload, fatigue, "failure" of any of the
links in the chain of visual perception, and the impact of external factors on
Any of these links.
People used to trust the visual information, ie he
does not distinguish between the object and its visual image. But the thing
and its visual image - is a completely different concept.
Man sees only images of objects (phenomena, events). Objects same
(Phenomena, events) exist in nature in itself, irrespective of the knowledge
about them or their possible perception senses.
Realism of visual images is achieved by the aggregate number of
aspects of the visual perception in its various stages.


When reading svetoinformatsii - this accommodation, parallax-disparant
particular, convergence, looking around (* 1 *), which create a "presence effect"
persuader observer that in front of him really real items.
But the formation of the observer visual sensations and images of large
influenced not only the quantitative and qualitative characteristics
optical image appearing on the retina, but the "solutions" that
man takes to understand what he sees. (The word "solutions"
should be understood as absolutely reflex and conditioned reflex
mechanisms of visual perception.)
One such mechanism is to integrate svetoinformatsii
information received from the other senses.
Experimentally proven - a man perceives the external world through
the combined effect of excitations coming into the brain (more BCS) of all
Another mechanism of visual perception is the integration
svetoinformatsii information previously received as a result of cognitive
Operation of this mechanism is extremely important and at the same time it is
because it happen "failures", affecting the degree of adequacy of the visual
display reality.
If the image is perceived repeatedly (or permanently) and one
in the same way, other embodiments are possible perception unsubstituted
chennymi or do not arise in the minds of all.
Sometimes it is very difficult to see a visual image, most
untrue and it adequately displays than what
suggests casual "habit."
To make clearer the affected theme "making mechanisms
solutions ", will focus on issues of" concentration "and" algorithms
perception and recognition of visual information. "


1. Accommodation - change refractive power of the eye by

change in the curvature of the lens to focus images on the retina.
Provides the ability to obtain sharp images of objects that are
at various distances.
Parallax - the apparent change in position of the object due to the movement
eyes (change the point of observation).
Disparity - a slight difference between the image on the retina
left and right eyes. Provides depth perception and stereoscopic
Convergence - the direction of the eye at one point. Helps to assess the
distance to the object.
Looking - inspection of the subject from different angles to "detailing"
image, i.e. changing perspectives, plans, lighting, chiaroscuro,
provisions glare.



Attention in visual perception - is focusing on

priority (important required) information that is spectator-selectivity
tion perception.
Without concentration can not do, for example, when reading this
text in the search for a familiar face on a common (group) pictures at
locating chirping in the dense tree crown Ptakha at
"Pass" look under the scheme of the maze, etc.
"The ability to" driver notice road signs, markings and participants
Traffic is also impossible without focusing on these
objects in visual perception.
There is even a saying based on a person's ability to
regulation of attention in visual perception - when they want to express
contempt for the opponent, saying: "I do not see a point blank". A situation where
"Are blind," in life are quite common.
Those novice drivers ("kettles") often do not see any on the road
signs, no markings, no traffic participants. Hence, the increased
accidents involving them.
Graphical explanation of the concept of "algorithm perception" (to the order of
optical information).



Translation svetoinformatsii (optical images) in the visual sensations and

images also occurs using perception algorithms (of the order
reading) and recognition (guessing).
Please briefly about the perception algorithm.
There are many examples where the same image can
taken two, three or more significant number of ways.
The simplest example of such visual images, see Fig. 4 (A):
1) hexagon drawn from three segments of its vertices to the center;
2) three Congreve. rhombus, contiguous two parties;
3) axonometric cube (one of the peaks is directed to the observer);
4) axonometric "box" without the two front wall;
5) the projection of the top (bottom) three-sided pyramid "on legs"
each face of which - a diamond.
This example shows that an effort can be directed eye
machine perception "required" (desired) image.
However, for readers who are not yet familiar with the drawing, need additional
explanations (see Fig. 4 (B)), as only "specialist" conditional
drawing or sketch carries information about the object, the same as
visual image when considering the "nature", because apart from the algorithm
perception is activated and visual recognition algorithm
Now briefly about the recognition algorithm.
Artists are able to void the number of strokes to convey accurately collared
character traits, moods and individual image rights. These
deliberately enhanced features in cartoons and caricatures.
The combination of these strokes has nothing to do with the optical picture
of the original, which is displayed on the retina. These touches only
direct visual analyzer at finding correspondences (which is on
recognition algorithm) to an already existing database, where visual images
correlated with the concepts.

Do you think that what is depicted in the figure? (See Fig. 5.)
I am sure most readers responded - "faces": a) smiling;
b) a grinning c) surprised or screaming d) upset (sorrowful).



No doubt, at first glance, it is.

But in actual fact, it is nothing more than a combination of geometric
figures - 13 ellipses, 8 straight and curved segments 3, is-
tion in a specific sequence, which in visual perception
consciousness is interpreted in a holistic visual image - "faces".
Formation of the observer of the visual image, "faces", occurs in
due to the fact that when interpreting visual information lens
picture combination of geometric shapes and lines with well-integrated
familiar concepts of "face" -> "facial", "mood", "emotion" - "mouth" ->
"Group of objects".

Little understood with some of the algorithms of visual perception

human reality surrounding him, go to the unification algorithm
and standardization of visual images that optimize
optical information processing when it is read.
As already mentioned, the visual image of the object, phenomena, events and
object, the phenomenon itself, the event - this is not the same thing.
And here's an example, convincingly proving this assertion, as well as
it amply explaining and talking about the real possibility
qualitative, quantitative, spatial (location, size)
inconsistencies "nature" visual image.
On (a) the projection movie screen, TV screen or mirror
observer can see all sorts of media - plasma (fire, flame), water,
air (haze), metal (solid, liquid), land, etc., etc. But this does
does not mean that these environments are at (c) screen or a mirror.
Identity of visual images based on the fact that the wave front
light sregenerirovanny (TV) or reflected (movie) screen, mirror,
creates an almost identical irritation photoreceptors of the retina,
is the same as the wavefront of light generated by the actual nature
existing or reflected therefrom. Visual Analyzer svetoinformatsii,
"Hunted", "posed" in such conditions, automatically equates to
significance of these images.
However, that's all well aware of the practical experience, although visual
images of water, fire, etc., formed "directly" and generated
or mirrored screen, mirror, almost identical or similar in
visual sensations, but the internal contents of the "nature" is quite different
from one another. Neither you scoop up some water to drink, no fire
you bask (etc., etc.) will not work, if the front
observer screen or mirror "nature" of the reservoir or the fire and stuff.

Now consider the examples of quality internal inconsistencies

content externally identical (or almost completely) visual images.
"Water," "acetone", "vinegar essence", "alcohol" - the visual image
"Clear liquid".



Distinguish these same fluid from each other visually, ie external

mind without resorting to "tricks" or not including the work of other analyzers
for example, smell, very, very difficult.
Well, in determining whether sweetened, salty or acidified
water, i.e. containing a small amount of sugar, salt, acid, if
samples are located at some distance, the smell and not sprites
becomes. Or take, for example, electrical wire - under "stress" he
or not, appearance is impossible to understand, and the difference in terms of
safety of life can be very significant.
Examples of talking about the content of external internal inconsistency
identical or nearly identical visual images, can lead to very
a lot. And all these "inconsistencies" are the result of imperfections
mechanisms of visual perception of the surrounding reality.
When processing of visual information (starting with distinction and classified
ing stimuli (signals) coming from the photoreceptors of the retina
and ending discrimination, and the classification of optical imaging and
visual images) due to the limited technical capabilities as a spectator-
tion unit, reader heterogeneity wavefront and analysis-
torus of visual information to improve the efficiency of the system of visual
applies provided "nature" unification and standardization as
individual signals (stimuli) or elements of the optical image, so
and "whole" visual images, ie going to bring them to a single
system uniformity on a number of external features and physical parameters.
Actuators unification and standardization depend not only
the design features of visual perception, but also from
used structural diagram of its operation, i.e. perception algorithms and
discrimination in the processing of optical information.
Due to huge, almost infinite variety of events
phenomena, objects that exist in reality, and unification
standardization in the processing of visual information inevitably leads to
"Failures" in the judgment in the classification of events, phenomena, objects (their
governmental, quantitative, spatial characteristics), producing
on the basis of their visual images. However, the existing constructive solution
visual analyzer device (meaning the whole system) for
obvious tactical blunders that arise in the evaluation of visual information
in difficult conditions, or evaluation of visual information about anything, paid
for the first time, gives a huge strategic advantage, comprising of a fast
Vii when processing and analyzing visual (optical) information and that
not least - the universality of visual perception.



As for tactical blunders, they are in the evaluation of visual

information can be greatly minimized or completely eliminated
through more careful reading or analyzing the incoming visual
information, or in the course of the study "situation" with other bodies
feelings intended for human orientation in the world.
Output of information unification and standardization of visual images
next. When EPZV "operator" sees the same as in the normal visual
perception - namely, only visual images, which are formed in
Basically, on the basis of information coming from the "outside perceives
device "- the eye.

On visual images of the EIT should not be completely transfer properties

and the values of "nature" of World crude material even if the absolute
identity of its visual image visual image of the EIT.
As often than similarities in the perception of visual sensations
visual images of the EIT and the crude material World nothing in common
between them
It is possible that many readers thought it was "profound" Remark
of redundant, as they say, and then "post" all clear. That's it,
Of course, so - who can argue? - But the practice of training EPZV shows that
tried and tested and fixed "causal" connection between the visual
way of nature and its properties as well as its value - a "thing" rather
resistant and, for example, when EPZV "subtle" level in particularly
researchers and impressionable eyes from five kopecks, and goosebumps
size of a fist, and the hair on end, as after 10,000 volts, and even to the
and also begins sea trench (bearish) disease.
So in order to avoid any inadequate mental
reactions of the individual particularly susceptible individuals and consumers
valos this explanation.


Due to lack of vernacular terminology to describe

visual images of the EIT, giving a one-time understanding what was going on
it means when describing her visual sensations configurational,
quality and dynamics of heterogeneity of the EIT will be used well know
all (or almost all) readers visual images of crude material
World that with varying degrees of accuracy and allow able to pass
information about the external (optical) image as perceived with EI-
EIT levels, ie will be used associative visual analogy



Visual associative analogy - a holistic visual image

any event, phenomenon, object, which is used as
illustrative example to describe the perceived visual observer
data, i.e. other visual image because of their close resemblance to
some respect (shape, size, structure, etc.), i.e. WEA in susceptibility
Nima observer visual image is compared with the other (s), externally
Similar (s) on any grounds.
Visual associative analogy often used by masters words
(Poets, writers) to give a special flavor to his works,
for example: "Over the gray plain of the sea breeze clouds gathering ..." (M.
"Song of the Stormy Petrel")
In the "translation" it will be something like this: over the water surface
sea covered with the waves on the crests of which the "breakers" white (or
partially covered with white foam) ...
Or, here's another: "Tuchke heavenly, eternal wanderers, Steppe azure,
pearl chain ... "(Lermontov)
Or "translation": the sky azure, like white, huge
River (irregular shaped) pearls strung on invisible thread ...
As this last example - do not WEA difficult to
some cases, virtually impossible - in the "translation" to describe
spatial arrangement of clouds, their shapes and colors applied over
detailed visual associative analogy.
Here are a few simple comparative examples of visual images
World crude material for a better understanding of the WEA:
- Fixed clear water can be compared with the glass;
- Can be compared with glass transparent ice;
- Low-flying clouds discharged - with clubs raised high smoke
from a large fire;
- Floating air (haze) - from oozing out of the ground and current up to
sky, water flows (this correspondence becomes evident when watching
carried out by an "optics" - binoculars or a telescope, etc.).
Examples of associative visual analogies could go on and continue
harvesting, as their number is huge.

When using the WEA can occur "equalization" completely

various interconnected events or physical phenomena, visual objects
images are involved in this comparison.

I hope that, despite the possibility of "inconsistencies" or

"Nedosostykovok" when communicating with this simple enough, but in
some cases very important problem (see "Appendix") we are
sorted out.




Before managing funds ("mechanisms") and methods of making the spectator-

tive information from the EIT, let's deal with the fact it looks like
this information and EI-levels EIT, with which this visual information
EPZV used for training three EI-level - the "information"
"Tonkoenergetichesky", "the subtle" - in those parts of them (intervals)
which are belonging to the sphere of life-support or life
These levels, or rather their intervals considered to be the most
safe (compared to other areas of the EIT) for psychophysical
health of the operator and have in many ways very large
practical value, in what will be an opportunity not just to make sure those
Readers who are not limited only to their "contemplation." Although the manual
and given only the most general characteristics of these EI-levels, but this is quite
enough for a successful and confident "Settings" on their frequency ranges with
heterogeneity when scanning EIT EPZV.
So what can be seen on most of these EI-levels?
Yes anything "supernatural", ie no more than what is real,
objectively exist in nature regardless of our knowledge or ignorance about
these objects, phenomena and events. However, in practice, any
people, despite the level of education, whether student or academician,
first confronted with the "picture" of the EIT, looks at them (sorry for
The following comparison is not very flattering, but it is precisely and optimally
vividly captures the essence of the emerging situation), "like a sheep at a new gate"
what does and does not surprising, since what can be seen in the EIT, looks
sometimes completely incomprehensible and quite unusual because the "bank
matching visual images of their destiny "regarding received
EPZV by visual information for novice practice EPZV
simply absent.
The man who saw the first astral hologram mirages inhomogeneous
completely EIT, very difficult to understand, "What does this mean? Why? How
this should be treated? Can it be used for practical purposes?
How it all works internally? "
Unambiguous and terse response to a "children's issue" and there can
can not, but, unfortunately, understand this is not all. Much depends
EI-off as the level at which the vision, and by the fact that it
"Sees" in a given situation.
In addition, the multiplicity of meanings of the same configurations are very
great, and even at the same level, these EI-values vary in a very



For example, the crude material in the shape of the World "ball" approach: Sun,
Earth, Moon, balloon, bubble, soccer ball, tennis ball,
billiard ball, steel ball (with bearing), pearl, watermelon, orange,
apple, grain millet, etc.
Well, how can you give monosyllabic and unambiguous answer to the question
observed means "ball"? Or the origin and destination of all
above "balls"? Or all of the methods and their possible application
use? The situation is similar with the "picture" of the EIT - see something
can, and often without any problems, but "what is it?" understand sometimes very
difficult, and sometimes impossible.
Here is a simple example from EPZV.
Observer through EPZV saw another man around the body
blue-black fog, and as he read somewhere or heard from someone that
so is the color of aura is very bad people, with a disgusting character,
with "baser" instincts and their lack of any moral
principles, therefore, this means that before him very bad
people, downright monster, and should stay away from him as far as possible.
Treatment options such as visual information in this case, the set:
1) in the operator itself, leading supervision, improper extra-
sensory color perception (easily removable item, see page 89), or when
spectral analysis of heterogeneity they used simultaneously EIT
those parts of the spectrum, the combination of which gives inharmonious,
staining, causing negative perception, ie "Error" in the perception;
2) have observed a person really "heavy" character;
3) A good man just "driven to distraction" and he
is in a state of anger;
4) the man energetically "pumped" and instead of light energy
"Pumped" their "slop" - it is often the case with "intimate" conversations
when share their problems and try to cause me to pity and
sympathy, as they say, "rolled over with the blame on others," and
this person is not yet time to recover;
5) a person is sick or ARI other diseases;
6) on the strong man defacing or curse;
7) on the person someone shortcut (hex), not having him is
no relationship (items 6, 7 - error in scanning EI-levels
observed "pictures" already belong to a "range" of information
level and not tonkoenergeticheskogo where "is" aura and other
"Energy" things);
etc. etc.
Therefore, never jump to conclusions about what you see
- For fast, error-free rapid diagnosis is needed extensive experience in
structural analysis of visual information from the EIT. But even the presence of
experience can not be a 100% accurate "diagnosis" because diversity
possible situations and their combinations is enormous.



*** The general aspects of visual perception IMAGES


So, start to deal with the "pictures" from the position of the inhomogeneity of
the EIT
visual perception of the image, with those aspects which are
common to all levels of EI-EIT - visual sensation quality (structure,
texture, transparency, density, etc.) and visual sense of dynamics,
ie apparent change in qualitative and quantitative, spatial
characteristics of the image. "Understand," with pictures of heterogeneity we EIT
will be using associative visual analogies (WEA).
First, consider the visual sensation of image quality EI-
inhomogeneity in relation to "background" area (volume), wherein
vision occurs. Depending on the "frequency range" test
EI-level visual feeling of quality of the background (density, flow, ...) can
resemble or match the visual sensation of the following well-
familiar to all media (events, objects):
1) of the gas (air);
2) liquid: easy fluid (water) and viscous (liquid vegetable
3) gel (resin, honey, jelly, slime);
4) solid (ice crystal - glass, solidified resin - amber);
5) plasma (fire: fire flame, candles, gas burner).
The quality of the background (density, fluidity, transparency, color (dye) ...)
can vary widely.

Now that the character "configurations", i.e. those "forms"

"Objects", "things" that are in the area or volume
the observed heterogeneity of the EIT.
Visual sensation inhomogeneity image EIT against
quality "configuration" can be related (correlated) with visual
sensations arising in the visual perception of these phenomena and
1) "gaseous" configuration - clouds or "spot", "divorce" fog
smoke, dust;
2) "liquid" configuration - water, mercury;
3) "gel" configuration - resin, honey, jelly, slime;
4) "solid" configuration - clay (earth), ice, metal, etc.;
5) "glowing" or "fluorescent" configuration (the difference as to
luminescence intensity and the nature of light) - solar, lunar,
Molten metal or coal, candles, gas burners, electric arcs,
electrical discharge (spark, lightning), and so on
Configurations can be both clearly defined boundaries
geometric shapes, and with "fuzzy" or "sputtered."


In this brief overview of the generic quality of visual sensations

Image EI-heterogeneity will be considered complete and pass to the general
Review of visual sensations dynamics, ie Apparently quality,
quantitative, spatial change characteristics of the image

The rate of change of parameters and characteristics of the image, visually

perceived in the visual perception of the observed phenomena (processes) on
EI-levels, lies in the same range as in the perception of the dynamics in
World crude material, ie from "zero" to the border with the inability
visual fixation phenomenon (process) because of its immediacy.

The main difference of visual images dynamics phenomena, objects of

Visual images from the EIT phenomena dynamics, World crude material objects
- Unaccustomed, increased speed modes observed in the EI-levels
phenomena (processes), the "analog" or similar crude material on them, or
transition from one speed limit to another;
- The lack of "inertia";
- The possibility of the return of "development" (run) "analog" processes
which are irreversible in crude material world;
- Despite the visual sensation of density "background" space, whether
that "air", "water", "ice" ("Glass"), "fire" ("light"), in absolute
most cases there is a visual sensation of the dynamics that
inherent in weightlessness. And this is one of the reasons due to which perceived at
EPZV heterogeneity in the esoteric language of the EIT received symbol (name)
"Sea", because "Water" most accurately reflects the dynamics of the "floating"
ie move them in suspension.

When visual perception heterogeneity EIT is possible not only

"Know" or conceivable dynamics parameters and characteristics of the image, but
absolutely inconceivable that, based on the "normal" conditions grubomaterial-
tion of the World, ie of perception formed during its visual images
events, phenomena, objects, even hard to imagine, imagine or
think of.

To somehow fill this gap in knowledge, we can

use textbooks in psychiatry, where describes in detail
vision of people with mental disabilities (* 1 *).


1. For those who do not understand - this is a very bad joke or not a joke ...



*** About individual aspects of the image


We now consider the "pictures" from the position of the inhomogeneity of the
characterization of visual images, which can be observed in EI-levels
- A configurational aspects (shape), i.e. appearance and that is very
important value.

Let's start with the analysis of EI-level information.

EPZV heterogeneity observed in the EIT in the form of a volume holographic
Who mirage on the "information" is the level of the visual image:
- Existing independently of the observer samosformirovannogo, samoog-
straints ...;
- Consciously or unconsciously selected observer ...
data volume of the total body of information at the EIT,
containing a certain amount of data (information) about what (they) or
Event (s), a phenomenon (s), object (s) irrespective of their nature
origin of existence, physical characteristics and parameters
dimensions and "distance" from the distance and time (in
past, in the future), as well as the time frame (the timing of processes) and
In terms of physical volume of information or an information block
is a package of "standing" waves that carry (contain) a
"Encrypted" information about an event, a phenomenon facility. (Now
furthermore, to avoid confusion with the image distinguishing EI-levels,
"Pictures" with the level of information will be called SP-s (information
Size and appearance of SP-s can be anything.
If you go to the analogies and comparisons (in this case very far)
then the total SP (video and audio) of an event that the observer
visually perceives as "frilly" holographic three-dimensional
mirage - is painted with packaging (box) with videotape, film
which made video and audio recordings of the event.
When decoding IP-and "consciousness beam" can get video
with "acoustic" accompaniment as well as videotapes and decoding
through the VCR and TV with its "view." Summary
problem when decrypting IP s is correct and their unerring
decoding. Without the knowledge or presence of certain spetsmetodik skills
the operator needed to tune to a well-defined IF, e.g.,
only IP optical image decode it very, very difficult.
Of course, if desired, and the patience of any of you, dear readers,
able to make significant progress in this direction, say, 5 - 7 years
training; "perfected" in a shorter period of time - unreal.



However, in practice, the detailed decoding methods and techniques

energy-recording of any kind of interest, perhaps,
Only for professionals of the highest level, leading the study of the EIT.
In addition to hard-to-decipher techniques SP-s, there
"Primitive", easily and publicly accessible, but no less effective and
effective that in achieving the outcome, the end result a little
what inferior sophisticated techniques decoding IP-s, because are
"Integral" part of the mechanism (process) "remembering" anything but
You can only use them to decrypt your personal IP-s.
When in the "memory" man "pops" an event that occurred
to him earlier, then there is nothing but the process of "restoration"
SP-encrypted record of the event and stored in the EIT.
When decoding the observed PI-operator and, if this CID
belongs to the "memory bank" of the operator, with its special difficulties
decoding does not occur - well, no more than the usual problems with the rapid
remembering anything. Operator, hover "ray of consciousness" on the holographic
mirage with the desire to know "what is it?" ("What does that mean?") Just
If the decoded SP refers to the bank information on future events
his life, or to the bank details of life (past, future) of another person,
or to some unknown event (phenomenon, object), then the
Decoding SP-and there is a great probability of error, which
these cases increases fantastic - simply unthinkable because
number (with mathematical certainty) false (incorrect) keys
(Codes) is enormous. Under such conditions, the decoding of IP-s only by
knowing and owning people decryption mechanisms, or "natural"
clairvoyant (yasnoznayuschim etc.).
Come on, dear readers, to confine until these very common,
but it is sufficient to start the information on "how to" and "problems" on
decoding IP-s, because for more detailed coverage of these topics
require much more extensive information "scale", ie individual
book. Yes and agree before something "decipher", you should at least
to start to learn to "see" it.

The very same "picture" on the heterogeneity of the EIT "information" EI-level
The following is a "thing" that can be observed separately,
or together:
- Quality of space (field) structure, density, and background color
- Configuration of all shapes, sizes, colors, textures, etc. and
- The emission of various kinds, as space (field) and
All of the above may be the most incredible way converters
vatsya: change the color, shape, size, structure, developing one in



another, merge, split up, and the like, as well as appearing from "nowhere" and
disappear "nowhere."
In the case of the observed information level "picture" means -
"Fixed event record", "recording the occurrence of events", "Erasing
event recording "," view ("scroll") to capture events. "

Now let's talk about tonkoenergeticheskom level EIT.

Observed "Pictures" at EPZV ranges tonkoenergeticheskogo level
EIT differ little from the appearance of the "pictures" with a range of information
EI-level. However, to the styles of writing these phantasmagoric "paintings"
in addition to the express directions "abstraction" and "Cubism" inherent
"Pictures" EI-level information, organically created realistic
That is very, very abstract subjects supplemented or replaced by a more
understandable and to some extent ambiguous images tonkoenergetiches-
FIR human bodies (suits, cocoons, eggs ...) and energy systems and
centers, which have more or less unambiguous interpretation of its forms (their
the role and purpose), can not be said about the SP-s, where seemingly
identical (similar) information, but with different "points" of view, can
look completely different and radically different -
practically the same.
Thus, the observed heterogeneity in EPZV EIT on tonkoenergeticheskom
EI-level in the form of three-dimensional holographic "mirage" is "vision":
1) or independent tonkoenergeticheskih events, phenomena and objects;
2) or tonkoenergeticheskoy "anatomy" and "physiology" grubomaterial-
tion of the observed object;
3) or "picture" composed of "pictures" § § 1 and 2.

For example, if we consider EPZV tonkoenergeticheskogo level EIT

against a person, then there is his vision:
- Tonkoenergeticheskih bodies (physical analogues);
- Energy systems (similar circulatory, lymphatic, nervous);
- Structures and energy centers (by analogy with the bony skeleton,
skeleton muscle and internal organs (heart, liver, kidney, ...));
- As well as "production", "redistribution" and the current "energy";
etc. etc.
Besides tonkoenergeticheskoy human anatomy and physiology, you can
watch it in the form of energy-destruction tonkoenergeticheskih
consequences of negative information - so-called evil eye in common
(From "thoughts"), damage, curses, confusion (zombies), as well as processes
tonkoenergeticheskogo vampirism sglaza (from the eye) and the like which are
consequence of the impacts of Energy, or the interactions and
represent analogs:



- Physical injuries (bruises, wounds, fractures, amputations, etc.);

- Lesions (fungal, septic, etc.) implementations foreign objects
- Parasitic connections (* 1 *) "biting" etc.
which are violations: anatomical integrity EI structures;
EI-physiological processes.
Understanding and appreciation of the relationship observed "images" on thin-
EI-energy level with the actual state of human health
comes in practical use EPZV quickly enough, but
This requires a good memory, attention and ability to the structural

Now that used in regard to the development of a range EPZV

(Interval) of the subtle level EIT.
In the "crude material" World "to" and "in" human physical body can
parasitic worms (helminths), etc. "Nastiness" of all kinds and
in size from microscopic to meter. The same "history" has
place in tonkoenergomaterialnom World.
EI-parasites can be in the manifested and unmanifested form
normal or "anabioznom" (temporary caretaker) state.
Unmanifested form is that EI-parasites are like
in another dimension, or the time interval, i.e. in a latent form. EI-parasites
living in energy fields of human unmanifested form, with
creating favorable conditions for them "manifest" and begin actively
sucking juices from their "host". The reason for this may serve different
phenomena and events: a long stay in the heat, hypothermia, state
depression, anger, etc., etc., as well as the influence of gravitational torques,
arising from the cumulative effects of the sun, moon, other planets
Ground. Particularly influenced in this respect to the earth her companion moon,
that's why
in the lunar month, there are days that are characterized as satanic.
How are these "lovely creatures"? Exhaustively answer this question
rather difficult because class of energy-parasites IMPLIED
mined according to the families, genera, species, subspecies, etc.
Their appearance resembles reptiles, amphibians, and other cephalopods
creatures. This is all kinds of similarity and analogues tadpoles, round and tape
worms, snakes, lizards, jellyfish, etc. osminozhok
Also EI-"life" exists and EI-"flora", which also has a similarity and
counterparts in the visible world crude material.
Energy-parasites - this is a different form of life, representatives
which feed on our "energy" or tonkoenergeticheskimi bodies
as well as we, the people who ate the fauna and
flora. Some representatives of this form of life fit


1. Look how energy cords (sucker), black holes, stains



physical bodies of animals and people under home or shelter from their fellows.
Many, including "incurable" diseases have their origin
just from contact with this form of life.
Universal cure for EI-parasites - prayer and fasting.
Prevention - compliance with the Higher Spiritual Laws.
EI-parasites (in the manifested or unmanifested form), as well as
microbes with viruses, present in all individuals without exception.
Ways of getting these creatures in our energy-body (field)
a lot - from a purely mechanical (it's dirty mud) to causes
spiritual and emotional plan (sins curse). Or one of us
becomes another "trophy" in their hunt, as they say: "Do not miss your chance, so
not eaten! "
Yes, anything you say no, "rainbow kartinochka" turned out, though, honestly
speaking, these are the "little things" in comparison with other "realities", to be
then they are not worth it.
Well, here is the characterization of some "visual images" obtained
by other species EZV or conventional visual perception,
avoid further confusion with their classification - exactly need.

About what you can not see EI-LEVELS EIT,

used for training EPZV

Neither Angels of Light or Dark angels, nor Thrones (access) nor Kings on
sits or Wands, neither staves, nor Knížek (scrolls), etc., etc.,
no dragons or goblins or gnomes, no devils, no dummy, nor clawed
hairy hands; nor fanged teddy bears or even flying squadrons
pink elephants (!) - no EI-level EIT used for training EPZV.
And if you suddenly find them during his EZV that can be
consequence of your thoughtless and uncontrollable actions, you know - you
not got there or something happens to you "is not the" very, very precisely
"Wrong"! Jokes aside, of course, but it is, on the "just in case".
What ...?! Yes, how could you think such a thing!! Even in my thoughts close
was not to offend any of the advanced people in this regard.
In this case it is about something else, namely that when EPZV
(Instrument EZV) takes the visual perception of the environment
much more "objective" (or rather more approximate to the usual realities
our World crude material) than the implementation EOZV, EIZV and EGZV
(Figurative, illusory gallyutsinativnogo EZV). EPZV only expands the range
use of the visual apparatus, ie lets see what "see"
devices in other frequency bands of the electromagnetic spectrum in addition to
light, and the skillful use and more.



There can be no doubt what the fact - telepathy, clairvoyance,

clairaudience and clairgnosis exist (!), none of their "undo" can not,
no matter how hard, because the holographic principle, which is based
above phenomenon - it is not some "abstract psychology" and
physics of "pure water". Yes, and encroach on the holy people can just, well, very
minded or sverhzainteresovannye (for various reasons) to discredit
Secret Knowledge. As far as the ability of a particular individual to
telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairvoyance, if in relation
vision (hearing, knowledge) prophets, the saints, the predictions of which came
despite all the pessimistic assessments of contemporaries (whether their vision
(Hearing, knowledge) consequence of imaginative thinking (encoding information
in a readable form), or the result of their direct
dialogue with representatives of the Highest Hierarchy) is more or less clear
as well as with high-seers other orientation (sorcerers
witches, etc. - telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairvoyance
does not happen in only one color, "white" or "black" - they just have)
then the ratio of vision (hearing, knowledge) "infants" (beginners)
Travelers who embarked on the path of knowledge, there are many "NO", as
surrounding reality is not so simple and obvious exhaustively,
as explained in the pre-primer or the Big Bang theory, or
Evolution theory - will be a little!
And now a few words about the "just in case" or about a few "BUT". About
candles at EPZV EI-levels used for training, can not see any
glowing, burning labels (letters, numbers), or "screens" with "cartoons" nor
etc. nonsense - if it all to you "haunt", in these cases, you
feel free to share their "achievements" with a psychiatrist and (or) the priesthood
nosluzhitelem - and it would be right! Also, as quickly
begin to repent the Lord God in all their mortal (serious) sins, and the
happen faster your sincere remorse and repentance, the better for you
themselves. Since these "kartinochki" may be not only a consequence of
your creative thinking (imagination), ie consequence of your
consciousness mode VEIK and OMO ("virtual" EI-design and operate-
tion mental images), but also a consequence of accountability
(Whom (?), Yes, you never know who, at least the same "worm" (EI-parasites),
master in such cases) your consciousness because of "parasitic"
podklyuchek to the channels of perception, or whether you have "another sleeping"
When EPZV also can not be observed alone flat geometric
shapes (arrows, circles, etc.) or other flat images only. If
after several tassel perception channels (see Fig. 19, not to be confused
with color vision) from the "two-dimensionality" will not be able to get rid of, it is
speaks of a "podklyuchki." But fear this particularly strongly is not:
prayer and fasting will help to solve any problem.


Eye "effect": (A) - interference (the usual "halo" - similar halo
around the sun or moon in the cold), (B) - diffraction. Visual image of the rough-
Material World (penetration of visible light from a flame - circled area
oval and is designated by an arrow) - (B).

EZV it svoebrazny test "illumination" of the operator - if

"Buggy", it follows that there are problems that need to be addressed. But
"Radical solution" in the form of rejection of any spiritual practice was
in such cases, it is certainly not an option.
A few words about the "dimensions" of the image, ie visual images.
Ambience is a consequence of the perceived image of the BCS. Themselves
judge, for example, the image on film or television flat also
as in a mirror, and we see the volume! At what expense? After the optical



image on the retina as flat! Where volume? And he, even if

look with one eye, does not disappear, despite the very authoritative statements
and assurances of some figures from science. Although, maybe they have a
"volume" and
disappears along with the remnants of common understanding of the objective
visual perception of the reality, but it is so,
Some Reflections "aloud" about ...
In addition to all kinds as described above can "pictures" from the field
figurative and gallyutsinativnogo EZV unrelated to the instrument EZV,
there are quite "objective" picture of "crude material" World
arising from the different visual effects that also do not have to EPZV
EIT heterogeneity is irrelevant.
At the initial training technique EPZV some people habitually
concentrated their attention on the World "visible" and trying to "see" at least
some "ball" at EPZV, stumble on the interference pattern,
arising from the candle flame (which it can be assumed for the "point"
light source). This interference pattern to the World "invisible" attitude
has not - it's a visual effect that occurs when certain
conditions. To ensure that you see the "picture", shown in Figure
6 (A), it is necessary that a candle burned in a dark room and the distance between
observer and it was 1.5 - 2 meters.
Even more interesting visual effects can be observed if the cover
eyelids and look through a partially overlap lashes narrow gap between
them. Under these conditions, you can see all kinds of rays extending from
flame (Fig. 6 (B)), rainbow pictures, etc., etc. In this case,
rays extending from the candle flame, and vision are not "required"
we are interested heterogeneity EIT. Check "authenticity" can tilt
head left and right, if the rays are rotated relative to the point of their
radiation mirror tilt of the head, then there is a visual effect,
relation to normal vision.

Pictures related to the heterogeneity of the EIT, tilt

turning your head is not spinning, and even extinguish a candle if they do not

The bright zone at the top of the candle (Figure 6 (B)) - consequence
"Penetration" of the visible light of a candle flame. This phenomenon
refers to the World "seems", and also it should not be attributed to the vision
heterogeneity of the EIT.
In this section an overview of the subject and complete. Of course, that such
little information about what can not be seen on
EI-level EIT used for training EPZV not able to cover all
"Sides" of the issue. But if the amount of information in this section
increase even dozens of times, and then it does not make lighting
aforesaid issues definitively exhaustive.



So you, dear readers, in your further studies

Reality Environment and Development will be guided EPZV
guiding purposes only, which was mentioned in passing here. Thus,
we assume that a "picture" of heterogeneity EIT on all relevant
We EI-level EIT we got. No, of course, what matters now
arose more than was, well, just so we will assume that
understood, and otherwise we just will not move on from a place in the


In order to clarify the possible aforesaid subject and make it

clearer, let's consider a few illustrative in the literal sense
Examples of keywords that will quite tolerable notion
What is the heterogeneity of the EIT, and as visually in
terms of "realness" and "quality", it is perceived in the instrument EZV.
Initially, a small landscape sketches.
Summer sunny day - heat, heat, haze, the air "floats". Red hot-
tion asphalt highway. The road ahead clearly visible reflections of sunlight
from the huge puddles track yesterday shower. And what was the rainbow after the
rain! ..
In the sky! .. How nice! But when approaching a puddle begins suddenly disappear
right before your eyes!! But this is a mirage!
If you are faced with a similar situation, then you know that determine
quickly from a distance, where the puddle mirage that looks quite
reliably, and where the real pool - quite difficult - only minor
give details of "who is who". In this case, the mirage is not cheating
vision, eye has nothing to do with it - it's the wrong treatment of visual
Information - A pre-installed on most possible,
frequently occurring situation.
Notice and floating air, and the rainbow, and a puddle mirage are
transparent, at first glance, the environment - the atmosphere (ocean of air), and
aforementioned observation "effects" is nothing like the perception of its
By the way, the color of the sky, changing throughout the day in a very
wide range, too, can take as an example the perception
"Invisible". Well, then, how beautiful, awe-inspiring are
paint majestic sunrise or sunset, the abysmal depth of the sky, can not
Describe any master of words ...
Realism and objectivity of the above image (in
case with rainbow colors of the sky and completely "ephemeral"), familiar
almost everyone, no one no doubts -
is sunlight reflected at a certain angle from the "boundary"
various characteristics of the parameters (humidity, temperature, density,



ionization, etc.) layers of air, resulting in various kinds and there are
visual effects.
This example of visual perception in varying degrees of "ephemeral"
heterogeneity or things other than visual perception analogy
heterogeneity in the EIT, as "more or less" explains one of the
existing mechanisms for realizing the vision of heterogeneity in EIT EPZV
with the eyes.
Now that you understand a little bit with the way around, in terms of
"Realness" of visual images, there is heterogeneity in EIT
EPZV, proceed to consider the question: how is seen or looks "picture"
World of "invisible".


"PICTURE" observed psychic

When visual perception heterogeneity EIT "operator" sees

volume holographic mirages, which seemed to pervade the visible
World crude material.
Preview "mirages", observed in EPZV, or rather superimposed
embedded (embedded) in the perceived image of crude material
World - the "picture" on the (in) "image."
The expression "picture" on the (in) "picture" became clearer
Referring to the cinema.
In the film quite often use this technique -
taken separately plots combined with projections together in one
"Screen." By changing the contrast, sharpness, color, "transparency"
achieve the effect of greater significance of one or another image, or
equality. For example, the scene - a man sleeps (the first "picture"), and on its
background "show" a dream that he was dreaming (the second "picture").
Approximately the same composition-overlay images (conventional
and ESP), but the volume occurs at levels EPZV EI
crude material objects.

Simulation method psychic IMAGES

To you, dear readers, was formed more

a clear idea of what to expect in the visual, optical
terms of psychic vision using technology EPZV,
let's not big and easily implemented (due to availability
initial "device" and "collection", and the elementary actions)
practical experiment, which allows you to simultaneously watch



and analog "realness" psychic pictures and analog "sdvoennosti"

and extra-ordinary images.
If desired, any of you can easily create the necessary
conditions for visual illusion capable quite passable (for
except for certain moments (some of them at the end of this paragraph))
convey the degree of "realness" psychic image produced
operator at EPZV, as well as his "sdvoennost" featuring
World crude material.
All that it would require - a normal window, glazed most
ordinary glass, preferably with a single frame in the case of double
(Triple) should open the inner frames (s) frame (s) or satisfaction-
vatsya that is, but the quality will suffer analogue
extrasensory image because of its multiplicity, although fundamentally
it is not so important.
Suitable for this "venture" and glass shop windows, cars,
glass doors "walls" (cabinets), etc., etc. Word that would
"At hand" and within reach, and then use.
Now that should make for visual illusion
necessary quality that will simulate psychic "picture".

Option A.
On a sunny day, indoors, at a distance of 5-50 cm from the window
(Window glass) to simulate:
a) holographic three-dimensional configurational EI-mirage, ie
geometric shapes, place any object (in the absence
suitable object, you can use a brush of his hand, and the like);
b) the background color of EI-"space" (to a limited extent) need
put or hang monochromatic colored cloth (tablecloth, curtain, shirt
etc.) should look from the side, so that the object is not blocked the image.
Viewer when viewing conditions vysheogovorennyh sees "for" in glass
the same volume of space at the same time:
and "glass-" (mirro glass) phantom
translucent image projected (s) of the object (s) (in the case of "a"), or
"Color" (in the case "b"), with all the aspects of its visual image
"Telepresence", which seemed to hang in the air ("a"), "colors"
background space ("b") - ie image objects, mirrored
glass (but actually are front glass (window), i.e. ibid
where the viewer);
crude material and image objects of the material world,
beyond the glass (window).



On visual sensation "realness" observed "picture"

glass-image is close enough to be psychic
image perceived by the operator when EPZV heterogeneity EIT.
Besides, sdvoennost arising due to visual illusions
glass-and "real" ("real") images, which
spectator sees the glass also quite acceptable transfers "sdvoennost"
extra-ordinary images and the operator sees when EPZV.

Option B.
On a cloudy day or in the evening (morning) at the beginning (end) twilight (ie
cases of insufficient lighting) for a more successful experiment should
slightly change its conditions - as a source of illumination
use lamps, table lamps, etc.

Option B.
Besides (var. B) you can put another simple experience
using a lighting fixture as the main equipment -
direct lighting fixture on the glass and glass-get
Preview fixture (bulbs), hanging in the air behind the glass
or being within the image of the external object (sill, wood
etc.) belonging to the real World crude material.
Also, experimenting with light intensity (closer (removing)
the glass (from glass) light fixture), with the position of objects in
space (as reflected by the mirror glass and repositories
reality behind the glass), with viewing angles and distance
"Zastekolnyh" (glass-and zaokonnogo) images, etc., etc.,
You can achieve all kinds of visual effects, illusions. For example, in
observed twin "zastekolnom" image to achieve full
"Failure" of the visual image of the external, zaokonnogo (crude material)
object behind the window (wood sill, etc.) in the area
glass-image of the object (ie the surface of the table, books,
magazine, etc.) located in front of the glass (window) and the illuminated "spot"
light from a desk lamp.
In view of a smooth displacement axis to the right or left from the center of
glass-image of the object illuminated by "spot" of light (for example,
surface of the table), which absorbed "crude material" image of the object,
located behind the glass (outside) (eg, the window sill), it can be observed
initially as "crude material" image (sill) will gradually
"Manifest", then its value will be equal to the glass-
image (of the table), and then it will be the only and does,
as glass-gone, well, or will be barely noticeable.



Roughly the same can look (look) scanned portion coarsely

material object in EPZV (ie loss "piece" of crude material
image) and its transition from a psychic to normal, grubomaterial-
Nome image when "local", the local viewing area "body" candles
wrist, etc.
However, for the novice to practice coping EPZV
considered the best situation in which there is a significant operator
crude material priority over image psychic.

Flaws "zastekolnogo" image used as

ESP analogue images, are the following:
- Configurational (shape) of objects in most cases
not correspond to the observed configurations EI-levels at EPZV;
- Clarity and excessive bad ghostly images (in some
- Bad color rendering (worse lit object designed to
"Glass-projection", the worse the quality of color);
- With a lack of lighting glass-image "does not penetrate"
crude material through the image, and an excess of light completely
obscures it.

To simulate the most truthful psychic images required

selection of special conditions, which is a difficult and even impossible task
for people who have no idea about EPZV EIT. But even the most
"Seedy" glass-imitation extrasensory better image
than a very, very personal.
So, now those of you, dear readers, who are not lazy and
experiment with "zastekolnoy" visual illusion, have maximum
complete picture of the image as a psychic (his
ephemerality, illusory and at the same time his "realness" and
"Naturalness"), resulting in heterogeneity EPZV EIT.
The above method for simulating psychic image, in addition to
bearable "visibility" of visual perception operator inhomogeneous
EIT at EPZV completely, explains one of the existing "mechanisms" (channels)
EZV when the operator using the "normal eye" to see "through" the
crude material is inside the opaque object, he clearly sees some
"Colored" shape, glow, etc., etc. Similar "history" with
optical image occurs when viewing screen-projection or
television image formed wave fronts - his
true position, in front of screen, not seen, and seen alleged "inside"
opaque (!) screen.


This kind of "focus" when the optical image (formed from

external "pulse", that is located on the outside surface of the opaque
object - reflected either "passed" through the surface of the inside)
automatically placed inside the object on its "legitimate" (or not at all
legal) place - a consequence of the BCS (biocomputer consciousness).

NOTE. Ensure "arbitrariness" of the BCS while processing them

optical information is quite easy. To do this, twist
a sheet of A4 paper "tube" in diameter about 3 cm and attaching it
"Mean" to the edge of the palm, to bring all the "structure" to the eyes. One
eye should look through the hole "tube" to any object,
Remote 7 - 15 meters, and the other trying to see the same object through
palm, ie eye before which is a palm, from the lens,
It should not be focused on. Palm should be from the eye
a distance of 10 - 15 cm If done correctly, the center of the palm
can be seen through the hole! (Perhaps it before you just
did not notice, eh?) The closer observer examines the subject, the closer
edge to the palm hole.

The significance and importance "minor", at first glance,


Continuous training practice EPZV showed - most people

not able to appreciate the importance and value of the visual
information that they receive from the EIT through EPZV - many people
"Picture" of the EIT presented sheer "trifle," Well, perhaps, is
other than visual information with subtle level - with a vision
Energy and parasites - when in the minds of "operator" is though
any "analogs" of the crude material world.
In other words, there is a partial or complete lack of understanding
significance and importance of the observed "operator" of pictures, due to the
that their appearance often far from "presentable" and completely
bezassotsiativen. So let's understand more thoroughly with this
Most often, "insignificance" of visual information observed
operator at EPZV, is only a misunderstanding of what he sees
and not in the real uselessness and worthlessness of this information.
"We see bad, barely (in terms of quality), and quite a bit (in
terms of volume, scale) - and is "here is" can be a significant
and very important? "- it is about or heard almost
from anyone who first encountered "visualization" heterogeneity of the EIT,
using this technique EPZV.



It turns out, can be, and how can!

To deal with this situation, let's focus on a particular
practical example.
Take a ballpoint pen and a sheet of paper. Fold the paper in half and
write forcefully (to "print" a success, the surface on which to
lie sheet must be relatively "soft" as the "substrate"
suitable stack of sheets of paper) something on one of its sides
(Surfaces), for example: "I'm writing in order to understand the significance of
and the importance of visual information received from EIT by EPZV. "
Now cut (tear) sheet along the fold line.
You got two media - one is
ink inscription and the other "push" or "ottiskovaya" inscription.
Try with a distance of 1.5 - 2 meters read the first (ink)
and then the second ("push").
The second ("push") is unlikely to be well and comfortably readable, since it
poor visibility. Well, is not she carries the same information as the first one?
There is nothing to argue about, since it is the first imprint.
The problem is the inaccessibility of its visual perception.
To read "ottiskovuyu" inscription in the absence of the original,
should either podnapryachsya in terms of concentration in visual
reading the information, or some work to create
conditions for the less problematic reading of the information.
There are two easily implementable method of reading the "print" or "print"
(Trace), which represents the heterogeneity of the leaf surface
paper - to "glow" and "a process of developing."
Footprint (track) can be read:
- On the "glow", ie changing the position of the surface (plane) sheet
relative to the source (s) of light and (or) the angle of incidence of sight of the
- Pre-"showing" the place where the paper pushed through due
pressure on it when writing (for "developing" have to fill
surface of the sheet in pencil, while barely touching the paper and holding
Pencil "flat," at a small angle to the sheet surface, resulting in
obtain a "negative" of the original, ie inscription itself is lighter than the
background on
wherein it is located).
These simple techniques make it much easier to read (perception)
"Inhomogeneity" paper surface, i.e. identification of depressions that
carry the same information as the original recording.
So what if the visual information perceived bad, then
it does not matter? You still insist on its original opinion?



I agree, I agree, of course - "not all yogurts are created equal!"

more precisely, not every information is important in terms of its usefulness for
percipient (recipient), but that's another aspect of its importance. For instance,
if this manual was published in a foreign language, it is
unfamiliar to you, then its usefulness to you would be strongly reduced. And
Information from EIT - can be very important, but at the same time, it
useless for the uninitiated.
But whatever it was, we assume that the problem of significance
and the importance of visual information, even when its bad visibility, we
sorted out.
Physiologic principles in mastering the technique EPZV

This section is designed specifically for readers of Naturalists

that without the "big science" and turn fear to tread, and to give them
additional impetus to move forward (like "pendalya ass") to
Knowledge of the realities of life, consider the mechanism of mastering the
technique EPZV with position
suffering "Pavlov's dog", ie from the standpoint of the physiology of the process.
"Pulse" was a success, the impact should be sharp and strong. Therefore it is very
short and
concentrated on physiological principles of mastering the technique EPZV.

If involved in the behavioral act of unconditioned reflexes

same time, the connection is established between them - indicative
reflex, on the basis of which begins to form a conditioned reflex.
Complete mastery of technique EPZV (conscious or unconscious)
should be considered finished process involved combining multiple
when implementing EPZV unconditioned reflexes in a single block and conversion
this block in one conditioned reflex, with the production of it under tight control
consciousness (like the "look" - see, I do not want to "look" - do not see).

Well, towards the desired goal of accelerated?

And let's add another!

THE ROLE AND Autosuggestion in mastering the technique of self-

programming EPZV

Tech EPZV, ie himself a "mechanism" and the implementation uses EPZV

combines the rules and methods of self-regulation and self-energoin
formational features of the organism.



EPZV becomes possible as a result of self-programming (i.e.,

Programming your BCS) followed epitome preset programs,
what do you want as a means ("energy" enforcement mechanisms (reflexes))
and conditions (internal and external).
Self-programming + (means + conditions) = self-hypnosis.
Self-hypnosis - it is welcome volitional influence on himself, it is a way
control their mental activity through thoughts and words, it
one of the main methods of psychic self-regulation.
Self-hypnosis - the path to self-government and self-regulation.
Learning to manage their mental activities through
self-hypnosis, you can manage the entire organism as a whole, including its
energy-structures and functions.

Mastery of technique EPZV (subject to availability of "tolerance") is based on

certain formulas of self-hypnosis, ie to conscious control
"Mechanisms" involved in implementing EPZV.
Text formulations can vary within wide limits.
Everyone who decides to learn EPZV can choose or even design your
individual variant of self-hypnosis, the most he can understand and use,
because here there are no strict limits and constraints.
One just look at the picture and "do what is pictured"
requires more firmly, "in the army" to order himself: "Do
just ... do ... do two three ... "(one account - one action) as well
some have to beg their "I" as a petulant child, immediately
say - the case is not the best (not putting their "I" under strict control,
spiritual practices should not be, because there are so
high probability of severe mental disorders).
But with all the external differences in wording for
mastering the art of self-government EPZV their essence must be one and
the same - control visual apparatus, as well as functions and EI-EI-
structures of the human body for EPZV heterogeneity EIT.

Of course, that question (especially unbelief (!)) In the implementation of

conceived should be absent, as a doubt - this is self-hypnosis
with a "minus" to the desired result.

What overpower in a particular situation - "large" or a desire to see

"Small-premalenkoe" doubt a positive outcome measures, it is
not yet known (most recently, in fact in doubt no doubt).



Doubts surrounding can influence the outcome of the case as well as their
own, so mastering the technique EPZV better deal alone
(Not devoting their studies in other people), or in the company of like-minded
firmly confident in achieving the goal - the development EPZV.
And is it possible to achieve something significant, using self-hypnosis?
Completely. For example, followers of Hatha Yoga can by means of thought
control in
very wide range functions of the organism - the rhythm of the heart, breathing,
body temperature, etc., etc. However, for the development of technology EPZV
become a yogi is entirely optional.

About psychophysical mood before the occupations on the mastery EPZV

Before classes on practical development techniques EPZV for guaranteed

vannogo achieve a positive result must bring all their
feelings and emotions in order to try and enter into a state of peace
appeasement. If this is problematic, at least, to the best of
circumstances and environment, just calm down a little.
In the fast recovery of psychophysical "form" good help:
"Read" prayers; breathing exercises, meditation.
Before the lesson on the development of technology should be possible EPZV
normalize their psychophysical condition. To do this, log in as
reference condition called when there is no negative emotions and
consciousness is not crush-care chores and disconnect "from all" on 20 - 30
is always possible.
Better to sit or lie down (to make it easier to relax), make slow
several complete (with participation in the process of respiration the top, middle
and bottom
parts of the lungs) breaths, with pauses between them (apnea
from 3 to 20 seconds (or shock pulse) or more, depending on your

Close your eyes and think of how you can more clearly imagine
a state in which you were extremely good, calm, joyful ...
Try to keep it "recollection" 5 minutes - 10.
It is desirable to recall previously experienced you a sense of calm
peace, bliss. Most often, this condition is associated with staying on
nature: sun, sea (lake, river), beach, sand, wood - green,
translucent in the sun the trees, ocean thick sweet grass
the glade and flowers, flowers, flowers ... work-worn buzz bees blue
boundless skies and clean, clean air to breathe is impossible ...



Body position (standing, sitting, lying down), in which the technique is

EPZV, of fundamental importance to the achievement of positive end-
result has not, but the body should be relaxed, without undue
voltage. Muscles are not responsible for the maintenance of the spatial position
the body must be in a fully relaxed state. Should not be given
force to compress the brush into fists, draw his shoulders, clench your teeth
etc. etc.
Monitoring the state of the body's muscles and relaxing them is best done
consistently - from the bottom up, starting with the muscles of the feet and ending
under the scalp, i.e. Skin covering the upper part of the skull. It should be noted
particular attention to the muscles of the shoulder and neck. Usually 3 - 4 leisurely
"Pass" all clamps and locks are released.
Emotional, spiritual tranquility and physical relaxation - this is the most
acceptable condition for the development of psychophysical EPZV. But not
stvuyte, dear readers, to achieve this state, because you can
unwind and relax so that instead of the actual observation
"Pictures" heterogeneity EIT see only sweet dreams (although it also does
not worthless pastime).
When developing EPZV consciousness should be as clear and
clear mind "cold" (prudent, pragmatic), action -


Things to master technique EPZV must take place in a relatively

comfortable environment, both in terms of choice of occupation, and time
and, importantly, in terms of optimal lighting.
"Somewhere", "somehow", "on the run, at full gallop, on the fly" - it is also,
of course, an option, but it is acceptable only for sverhdeyatelnyh, super-
energetic and sverhtalantlivyh personalities. If you are from their cohorts, the
I wish you that you do not accidentally "ran", not "rode" and
not "passed" by the target.
For lessons on the practical development of technology must take EPZV
this amount of time, after bringing to all the senses and emotions in
order and if you do not achieve mental peace, then at least the inner
calm, it was still at least 15 minutes - 20.
The best time for the first experiments on EPZV - it's the end of evening
twilight and the beginning of the dark time of day, and not only from the
standpoint of light,
but most importantly - from the position of features in the physiological processes
the brain at this time of day. However, this time interval is not
only acceptable.


When developing EPZV first embodiment (Fig. 12 (A) (* 1 *)) is desirable

that training took place in a fairly well lit by daylight
indoors because with poor or no coverage (besides flame
candles) at the top of the candle stands out strongly light zone
(Fig. 6 (B)), which diverts attention from the vision of heterogeneity Energy
Information Fields. Bright area at the top of the candle - a consequence
"Penetration" of the visible light of a candle flame. This phenomenon
refers to the World "seems", and should not be attributed to the vision
heterogeneity of the EIT.
When developing EPZV the second embodiment (Fig. 12 (B) (* 2 *)) or
lack of lighting in the room (in addition to a candle flame) special influence on
perception heterogeneity EIT directly in the flame of a candle,
does not have, but is still desirable. Because if you stare fixedly
a candle flame in the dark, then the habit may start various
visual effects - double vision, MAKING, chetverenie flame image ...
candles, the disappearance of the image sharpness and all sorts of other effects.
May also develop severe fatigue and even occur falling into
hypnotic trance, whereas EPZV consciousness must be completely
clear and crisp.
Conventional fluorescent lighting and familiar environment
contribute to a more comfortable psychological state during development
EPZV technology. In some particularly susceptible individuals in the dark can
lock vision heterogeneity EIT in connection with the stresses due to
"Horror stories" that scared them as a child.
When developing EPZV third embodiment (Fig. 9 (A) and 9 (B) (* 3 *))
room should be dimly lit dim light or daylight
(Curtained windows sufficiently thick curtains) or artificial
(Night light, table lamp).
Observing the above, seemingly insignificant recommended
mendations, you will avoid many problems. This will save not only your
time and reduce labor costs, but also save your "nerves" and
give confidence (in the case of fast and trouble mastering
Of the radiation, the operators used to EPZV

What is shown in the figures explaining the hidden "mechanisms"

EPZV technology, ie reflecting the appearance of EI-radiation used
operator to scan the heterogeneity of the EIT, the readers, even already
mastered EPZV hardly be able to see, as this vision occurs


1. Optimal distance to the object scan from 0.3 to 0.5 m

2. Optimal distance to the object scan 0.3 - 0.5 m
3. When an object is deleted from the scan operator at a distance of 1.2 -
1.5 m



on other channels (in other "bands") EPZV than those on which

learning takes place.
The way to achieve these "bands" is only through moral
improvement, spiritual and mental cleansing.
Now more or less detailed (but ample) explanation
regarding radiation used by the operator for EPZV both own
and external.

*** ON EI-radiation from OPERATOR

From everyone in the surrounding area on a certain "frequency"

a certain level of the electromagnetic field radiation occurs,
which is as it is "limited" shell and usually (normal) form of this
"Structure" resembles an egg. The central axis of symmetry of the egg-
"Structure" is held in the area of the spinal column.
One of the two main species used for scanning radiation EPZV. In
"Idle" state of the outer boundaries of this type of radiation resemble the shape
eggs. In the "active" state is "radiation" can be transformed into
any form.



Color (* 1 *), the shape and size of the "egg" may vary depending on
psychophysical condition of the person.
All kinds of energy-egg-shaped structures responsible
for various functions, a person has more than a dozen.
In humans, the true believers and practicing religious rites duration
extended period, the size of the EI structure exceeds the usual several times,
even hundreds, thousands ... And its color, which depends on the mental
and spiritual level at which a person - it's all colors of the rainbow
(Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet) and
gold, dazzling white, dark pink - colors "glowing", bright,
saturated. But, unfortunately, it rarely occurs. In "worldly"
Human color of this EI-structure mostly dull gray-green (from light
to dark, dirty tones).
The possibility of mastering techniques EPZV "color" of the EI-structure (in
student) is not affected. Color speaks only of what levels of potentially
can "own" the practitioner EPZV.
Figures 8.1 and 8.2 shows the output options Energoinform-
tional flow involved in the process EPZV from the navel.
The second type of radiation for scanning EPZV. This type of radiation coming out
navel area.


1. Dye Easter bird eggs - for many believers blind, unthinking,

mechanical imitation of symbolic ritual without understanding its true
essence, and should not forget about their spiritual (energy-)


Spontaneous recovery of "radiation" can be seen quite often
people who have no idea about extrasensory or spiritual vision.
But, as some of them themselves admit they "feel very good
people. "
Perhaps some of the readers, looking at pictures, remembered the energy
iCal suckers and vampirism. There is not one EI-level in which
this phenomenon occurs. At this level of EI-going process of "feeling"
"Seeing the", "feeling", ie energy-scan
object of study.
Try to bite and chew on a piece of bread no teeth, and using
eye, and even chewed and swallowed them all the same - it is unlikely to succeed.
So here - the "hand" - this hand, "eyes" - a blind eye, "teeth" - it's teeth
"Esophagus" - is the esophagus, and should not be confused with one another.
It should, however, be noted that the "Scan" derived
a rigid embodiment can be sensitive enough to the object
scanning and it is not always pleasant.
Of course, not exclude the possibility of simultaneous and parallel
EI-vampirism observation object on other frequencies or "channels."
As, however, not ruled out the possibility of energy "feeding"
diagnostic object from the operator.
FIGURE 8.2 (* 1 *).
Varieties used for scanning EPZV radiation emanating
area of the navel. The type of radiation depends on the volume-prosmatri
Vai space and from scanned level EIT - regulated


1. Approximate "FAS" EI-radiation area of navel Fig. 8.2 (B), see

Fig. 9 (B).


To avoid these unpleasant and undesirable side should be "read"
prayer - and vampirism "lapane" immediately cease, of course, if prayer
Prayer - is turning to God. "My God!" - It is a prayer. Namely
therefore the use of God's name in vain - a grievous sin (third commandment of the
God (ST)). After development of resistant "conditioned reflex" EI-vampirism
excluded. EI-vampirism - a grave sin! ("Thou shalt not steal" - 8th commandment
ST and
also 10th commandment ST (in its esoteric sense)).


In any case should not be used for training vision EI-

"Records" or EI structures of another person, as may occur
"Spontaneous" connection and copying records or negative
"Reveiw" negative energy, and you will not even see
or will not be able to own "data bank" that could later
lead to a "black" bands in life and serious illness. Such
connection and often comes up "self" as a result
"Simple" communication - not for nothing that there is a proverb: "Who lead -
fleas. "If one person can relatively freely carry your
karmic "goods", it does not mean that his "goods" can hold
the other person and not "break" in the process. Therefore, the "do not put your
nose" in
Book of Life of another person (!), Even if you will be asking about it
he "own" it. Without the appropriate knowledge and experience can pick up
all kinds of EI-"stuff" on a catastrophic scale (* 1 *). Do you need it?
Do not rely on random, and can not carry!
Explain how the "look" Book of Life or "power" of another
Rights without further incident, of course, possible, but this topic
manuals devoted to another, ie EPZV technique. Even after you
EPZV master without knowing how to protect themselves from the negative
and "energy" of another person, you should not give in to anyone's entreaties,
including those who would tearfully beg "to see" if they have
damage or not. There at all! And what's the use in looking? Without practical
matters -
Prayer, fasting, confession, communion, it will not disappear by itself.
If someone is very interesting, and that he "out there" - and let himself
looks. Whom the Lord will not allow unbelief or pride yourself
master EPZV and see his book of life, let corrected. The only
what is required of them - a sincere prayerful appeal to his Creator,
God and the corresponding motivation.

Color radiated "energy" from the navel people and believers

practicing religious rites for a long time - from bright yellow,
orange (copper) or until golden dazzling white.


1. "Unexpected" strongest disease beginners "spiritual" healers

psychics or just out of this series.



In "worldly" person listed above muddy and dull colors.

Color talks about EI-level, which uses people for vision
Currently. Opportunity to be in the consciousness of the operator or temporary stay
on this or that EI-level directly related to the number of outputs astral soul
of the body, i.e. with the number of complete abandonment of the physical body
together with full energy-person component. Never
case can not confuse it with the "astral travel", where
used completely different "mechanisms".
Artificial dying with the initiation of the "deep" (as far as possible
duration without irreversible biochemical reactions in the physical
body) clinical death more than once are not able to raise energoin-
formational level of consciousness, ie consciousness translate to lower
EI-level to a higher one.
The depth and number of exit of the soul from the body is controlled only from
the outside and only
Lord God.
Primary role in raising the level plays only perfect moral-
existence of spiritual and mental cleansing, which is impossible without the cost
efforts by some psycho practitioner. Procedure "tolerance"
to a certain level of EI-EIT can be compared to pre-procedure
inspection at the airport when passing through a metal detector. If there
energy-"dirty", ie violation of the supreme law, which
do not miss out on - you will not pass, no matter how tortured. What whatsoever
bribes, subterfuge in this case meaningless.
Figure 9 shows two variants of "backlight" and "prosvetki" at
EPZV. Describe the "mechanisms" all options EPZV scan, and this
many more than two, it makes no sense, because after practice
development of any of the two mentioned in the manual remaining accustom
automatically. A prerequisite of this process is only
moral perfection, spiritual and mental cleansing (of filth and
And now, "Freeze!" Repetition of the phrase "moral sovershenst-
Vovan, spiritual and mental cleansing "- a kind of test readiness
perception of the person to the Real World without distortions and imbalances.
If someone from the readers greatly jarred repetition
this phrase in the pages of this manual, or the phrase has absolutely no
a positive response in their hearts (minds), or completely incomprehensible, then
so readers are advised to stop the further study of this book,
if they are, of course, not in a hurry to go to hell, which is not only possible in
afterlife, but in the earth - as a punishment (more reward)
lesson or a test of strength.
After this very important retreat continue to explain the art EPZV
for those of you, dear readers, who consider themselves worthy to own EPZV
EIT. (Who is worthy and who is not worthy to be seen.)


Possible combination of EI-emission scanning EIT: (A) - at
Local scan, (B) - with panoramic scan.
EIT vision zone heterogeneity. Local (A) panoramic (B).

From Figure 9 shows that the egg-shaped "structure" around the body during
vision increases in size (due to the "bulge") and "captures"
object or area in which the supposed vision.



EI-flow area of the navel also "captures" the object or zone, wherein
supposed vision.
In the area of sharing a "highlight", "radiographic" ("capture") these
two types of radiation energy-color space (at
visual perception extrasensory bystander) becomes
dark blue (purple).
"Blue Fog is similar to the hype ..." - sung in the famous hits,
executable VG Dobrynin. Here "blue fog" - this is the entrance to the EIT,
precisely the window and without any deception (!) and has this "fog" near
unique properties.
Window to the EIT or the area of vision - is "shown" the volume of the EIT. Its
can be anything - from a millet seed to a scaled
the size of the globe (in determining the nature of their EI-radiation) and more.
Saturation, brightness, color quality (clean - dirty), as well as
density and structure of the "fog" Depends on the types of radiation and their
combinations and, of course, on the individual parameters, characteristics
EPZV radiation practitioner. For example, a combination of white "energy" EI-
area of the navel and blue (dark blue) "energy" egg-shaped "structure"
gives blue (dark blue) color "fog." The combination of light bright yellow
"Energy" EI-flow area of the navel and the green-gray "energy" egg-
"Structure" has the same blue or dark blue (purple) color "fog"
(* 1 *). Blue, dark blue (purple) color "fog" speaks of "the high-
quency "(* 2 *) character of the radiation.
This "blue (purple) Fog" - the zone of vision - any information about
anything becomes available to our perception through language astral forms
In the area of "vision" time ceases to exist in the ordinary sense of
words. "Window" in the EIT allows you to watch not only current, but also
look into the past and future of the observed object (Research), the distance
to the object, its size (micro, macro) also cease to be significant for
possibility of its research through EPZV, but as the density and
the flow rate of any processes, etc.
But what, exactly, can be seen in the area of "vision"? Absolutely nothing
supernatural. Provided already well mastered the art
EPZV EI-level EIT can observe the following "things" (* 3 *) - ...


1. Laws mixing "colors" in the perception of visual images of the EIT

somewhat different than in the perception of visual images of the visible world.
2. By "high" in this case means that the
in the same octave (rainbow) Red - Low frequency, purple
color - high frequency. Nothing to drink in physics
marking wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum that word has
ie the definition of "high frequency" (HF) ("ultra high frequency" (UHF)
"Superhigh" (EHF), etc.).
3. See page 39 - "The fact that you can see in the EIT EI-levels ...".



About external radiation *** USED FOR EPZV (* 1 *) - About a candle flame

As noted earlier, for guaranteed, successful mastery

EPZV EIT technique of mastering techniques involves the use EPZV
candle flame. This is the easiest and most effective training option
EPZV. In addition, you can use a candle flame with a match flame, or gas
lighters, or even fire.
Briefly about why it took the candle at training technique

1. In the flame of a candle in a unique way at the same time "manifest" and
combined (merged) many physical phenomena and laws, the use of
which at elementary knowledges and skills allows minimal
costs spiritual, mental energy to achieve a truly stunning
real results in the visible and "invisible" reality.

2. Candle flame "produces" the missing frequencies in the spectra of radiation

or (i) radiation in general who are "developer" and heterogeneity of the EIT
that in the initial stages of development EPZV some people either do
not "produced" or "produced", but not in those amounts, or (v) with
large faults, and (or) low quality:
a) a candle flame - the "source" of low-temperature plasma (plasma - the fourth
Toe state of matter in addition to solid, liquid, gas);
b) a candle flame - and the wave generator static torsion fields;
c) a candle flame - forced ionizer gaseous medium (air).
3. Candle flame (shape, size, changes in shape and size and
etc.) serves as a visual indicator for a "discovery" heterogeneity of the EIT.

4. Zone candle flame color standards are emissions that

"Emanate" from the operator at EPZV to "scan" the inhomogeneity of the EIT, its
"Backlight" and (or) "prosvetki" using the third stage (level)
extrasensory perception (* 2 *).

If you give a "detailed" candle under the name "corner" or in the

"Cut" that will be used for training, it will be about
so - plasma generator fields and radiations (combining function
visual display nonuniformity EIT) that can be operated
(Adjust, adjusted) through "mental desire" operator.


1. In addition to the candle flame EPZV heterogeneity EIT we can use

smiling EI-radiation scanning another operator.
2. See Fig. 11.


Match color scanning EI radiation third level (stage) extra-
sensory areas of color flame candles. 1) green-gray (translucent
tion) - the color of the radiation from the body ("structure" in the form of an egg)
and the color of the flame in
area around the wick. 2) Bright light yellow - the color of EI-flow area of the navel
and the color of the flame in the brightest area. 3) Blue (purple, translucent) -
color "zone of vision" at the confluence of two co-radiation emanating from
operator, and the numbers in the lower part of the flame.

Shown in Figure 11 is a schematic line (color) zones

candle flame and radiation used in EPZV on the third level (stage)
ESP (spiritual) perception (draw your attention, dear
readers, that perception may be not only visual). Needless to
saying that "color" are in different "octaves" electromagnetic
spectrum. Standard color (candle flame) is the visible part of the electromagnetic
spectrum and the radiation used in EPZV in its invisible (for
normal visual perception process) part.
Candle flame in this case acts as a kind of tuning fork for
settings on radiation operator desired frequencies EI-radiation.



The best options for the EIT scan to detect its inhomogeneous
homogeneity in mastering EPZV.

For "setting" is mentally correlate color zones with a candle flame

radiation used in EPZV operator.
But sometimes, due to mental and physical condition, or "chronic" availability
Energy and "dirt" color radiations used observer
Lemma are dull, muddy, dirty hue. But it does not affect the visual
perception of form "objects" (astral configurations), and is recognized only
on the perception of the color palette "pictures", which may be reduced even
black and white. For the prevention or recovery functions extrasensory
of color should be in practice to take the recommendations set forth
governmental in the notes to Figure 19.
In cases where a third layer (stage) of ESP
not yet "mastered" or clogged "mud", or not suitable for active surveillance
moment, BCS (biocomputer consciousness) automatically uses the other levels
perception, ie "Color" for the combination of radiation EPZV. Therefore we should
especially sharpen its focus on the question: "And if the color of the light from me
coming from? "Basically what you have to do in this situation - it is your desire
"See" and all the rest - the will of God.
Figure 12 shows two versions of the initial development EPZV
using candlelight.
For the first option (A) requires household candle composition
which must be translucent light (preferably white), d = 2 - 2.5
In a second embodiment, see (B) candle can be any church or home,
because in this case for the development EPZV only used a candle flame. If
safety training EPZV made to the first embodiment, the development EPZV
somewhat simplified (* 1 *).


1. See pages 74 - 75.



Candle flame is in the first (A) and second (B) variant complement
ditional "frequency generator" for extrasensory perception that
summed visual apparatus with radiation own "illumination" and
"Prosvetki" that in the initial moments of development helps to better EPZV notice
heterogeneity of the EIT.

About conscious control and management


Those readers who are not able to help with "autopilot" to master the technique
EPZV must learn to take under conscious control and management of EI-
radiation used to scan EIT - EI ovoid structure
around the body and EI-flow area of the navel.
How to consciously control these two types of EI-emissions and control
them? Similarly, how do you control and manage the currently
process of reading these words.
Namely, first a thought, then it is "saturated" the desire to
required level and then a process of reading or text, or
heterogeneity EIT scan "gone".
To ensure the effectiveness of your "mental" manipulation of energy
emissions information can first try to feel the output of EI-
flow from the area of the navel.
To do this you need to put in front of the navel in 15 - 20 cm hand "working"
hand (right for right-handers, left-handers left as "brain subtle connection"
with it better than with "auxiliary" hand) and tune in to the perception
(Feeling) EI-stream. If you do not, you will not have in hand
"Vibration" that can trace it, and it will slip through the palm like small
fry through a large fishing net. In other words, your hand should
"Grant" is shielding the radiation which is able to react
that you are trying to "catch", returning to the previous analogy - "cells
network "must fit" fish ", aka" network "will be empty.
After that, send a "mentally" EI-flow area of the navel palm.
If done confidently, without the slightest doubt, the palm can
feel the heat or cold, or tingling, or pressure, etc., all these
feeling very light, barely noticeable. So do not expect the same
effect as from touching a hot iron, a piece of ice, two injection
dozens of sewing needles or punch in the palm.
Once you feel the presence of this flow, you can learn
manage it.
Bend your elbows (90 degrees), turn the palms so that
they "looked" at each other (the distance between your hands should be 30 - 50


Aim mentally EI-flow area of the navel in one of the palms. After
you feel it, "otdernite" him from his hand and send it to another
palm. And so a few times. Having mastered this simple exercise, you can
consciously manage and control the flow of EI-navel area.
After this, control and monitoring EI-radiation (as ovoid
structure) of the "body" of work for you will not make. But with his discovery in
themselves with his own hands have problems, as its boundary (in
norm) are almost always much farther from the body than the distance
arm. For his "feelings" can resort to the help of another
man. "Time" the same, this radiation can be independently using
EPZV after mastering it. And in principle should not pay much attention
problem of detection of this EI-radiation, since it is always present and
have without exception (in contrast to the "outgoing" and "hiding" ee-
flow from the area of the navel), the only question is in its correct form
ie in the possible presence of his "strain". So you need to go directly
in practice, i.e. mind's management of this radiation.
At the moment of conscious control currents of "energy" as you can clearly
visualize their movement - by focusing "imagine" this
the process is simple. How will it happen in reality, ie in
real space-time scale, it is not important, important final
goal - "light" or "prosvetka" the object of observation.
Just before classes on mastering the technique can EPZV
make a few sketches current "energy" of the body on a sheet of paper to
do not have to wonder "what on what and where" must fall.

About the focus and concentration LOOK AT EPZV

With focus and concentration glance at EPZV heterogeneity

EIT business is much easier than with the control and management of EI-
emissions, as even "represent" do not need anything, but merely to
correctly restore-breed "sharpness" and barely concentrate its
attention to the visual perception of the "psychic" pictures.
If safety training EPZV made to the first embodiment, ie in
transparent candle composition (Figure 12 (A) or 13 (A)), the development of
EPZV somewhat easier. This is due to the fact that the human eye is accustomed
"Cling" for crude material objects, but also because each
people are drawn there is a conditioned reflex to vision
semitransparent media (for example, colored glass, resin trees, slightly
colored or turbid liquid (tea, juice, river water during the "bloom")
weak light fog or smoke) when the observer is forced to look closely
and rebuild their visual system to a selective vision



ie when he has to "tune out" from the background environment in which the
object so that the background does not interfere with the perception of the object of
Translucent composition with candles EPZV is something like the screen -
type screen in a movie theater (* 1 *). While viewing the film
try to see the image directly in the "ray", which comes from
film projector, then it will not work, and it turns on the screen
without any problems.
"Screen" for visual perception extrasensory instrument can
and also serve as a candle flame, and even air (Fig. 13 (B), (C)) water,
a quartz crystal, etc. Image on a "screen" for EPZV can significantly
to go beyond it.
FIGURE 13 (* 2 *).
Varieties of "screens" for local viewing heterogeneity EIT - body
Candles (composition) (A); candle flame (B), and the air around the candle (B).

Once the student begins to see EPZV heterogeneity EIT

in a transparent part of the candle, he quickly formed a conditional
reflex, and it further has "automatically" starts to use his
visual apparatus in a different mode, which has not previously involved.
And then there is not much difficulty in extrasensory vision, as in
completely "transparent" media (clean water, clean air, etc.) for
ordinary visual perception, and in absolutely "opaque" for him
media (wood, metal, earth, concrete, etc.).
Sight should not stay on the surface of the candle (object), ie
opinion should not "balk" at the surface of the candle (object) in the wall.
To better understand this point, consider the example of his home with
aquarium tolerably transmitting basic provisions concentration attention
of focus and look at EPZV.

1. In fact, the process in question is not as "simple" as it

explained below.
2. About superstitious fears about the number "13" - Jesus and his
12 disciples-apostles (when counting the total number of members of the group
amount =
13), can hardly be attributed to the true believers "Baker's Dozen."



Focusing method look at EPZV.
Assume that the aquarium heavily overgrown "greens", and if during
surveillance for its inhabitants to focus the mind and concentrate
attention only on the walls of the tank, its inhabitants can be seen almost
will not. But if you look inside an aquarium, not noticing the "toned"
glass, trying to discern anything, that "something" or "someone" to see
still be able to.
See "inside" candle (object) is much easier, as for "radar"
extrasensory perception instrument no barriers do not exist, except
barriers erected by their own consciousness, or when consciousness
limit or control from the outside (* 1 *).
Besides, look at the center of the observation zone (in the candle (object))
be defocused ("blurry") and raskontsentrirovannym ("wandering").
Look as though you need through a candle (object) to sighting point
"Maximum" of field look ordinary visual perception was "behind"
selected area scan observations (per candle).
Distance between the "maximum" of field and the center of the zone observed
tion heterogeneity EIT - Delta L (Fig. 14), depends on the individual
device of the visual apparatus EPZV practitioner. This distance depends
also from the "frequency" range scanned EI-level EIT, ie from which
want to see the level of "low frequency" and "high" (* 2 *) and in which

Here plays the role of gaze focusing on the desired setting "wave".


1. On their own doubts and doubts surrounding see page 59 - 60,

about psychological settings (locks) page 93.
2. See page 69.


To "view" the spark that distance (delta L) is approximately
5 - A 15 cm to "view", for example, a building (house), depending on the
sizes - single-storey cottage or skyscraper skyscraper - from tens to hundreds
Defocus look (or rather its deconcentration on objects gruboma-
the material world) can be simplified somewhat if not look right,
"In focus" and "sideways" (ie, when the object of observation is close to the border
FOV in normal visual perception). In this case, in addition to Rasfokus
Rovki view will scale mechanism involved twilight vision, ie
come into work, "sticks", which is significantly greater in the peripheral retina
eyes and that is several times more sensitive "cones." Therefore, the chance
notice heterogeneity EIT will be several times higher. To achieve the neces-
sary settings visual apparatus should be looking at a candle, turn
head until (left or right does not matter, and not to be confused,
just turn and not tilt to the shoulder), while her image will
"Blurred", and then, in order to achieve greater image clarity, turn
head back slightly, ie in the opposite direction.
Relaxed contemplation - the best option for EPZV heterogeneity EIT
EI any level.
Well, all you need to know about the focus and concentration glance
EPZV attention when you, dear readers, now know precisely read.
So you can move on to the next section.


Before you go directly to the execution EPZV technology, after-

blowing pray (* 1 *), putting a candle "for health" (or church or
household consecrated) for at least 20 - 25 minutes, and then turn to
Lord God with a specific request - for the vision of EI-inhomogeneity
(* 2 *). Only after this treatment-requests can begin performing technical
cal techniques. (See Fig. 15).

1. "Cover" radiation from the "body" of the object of observation (candle) -

so that it was within the zone of your energy-
"Ovoid" radiation, ie "Highlight" EI-space around the object
or observation (s) "educate" through to this kind of observation

2. Point EI-flow area of the navel, in the estimated area of vision and
make this radiation on the object of a similar action (1).


1. A list of recommended prayers, see page 16.

2. See page 5 in the "About" automatic "EPZV mastery."



EI-action sequence and focus look at EPZV (* 1 *).

3. Inhale a deep breath, hold your breath, slightly

compress the air in the lungs through the respiratory muscles of the chest
and play it very slowly, with a little exertion exhale through slightly
parted lips, folded "tube."
Customize your BCS (biocomputer consciousness) to "preview" the desired
"Pictures." (Without setting "question" vision will not!)
Look through the area (ie, the object "volume"), you selected for EPZV,
defocused, "wandering" eye - focus "normal" view
(Maximum guidance on the subject) should be set to the observation
"Point", located behind the object (candle).
Focus all your attention in visual perception than
crude material scanned objects (candles), and the "ghost" objects
EIT heterogeneity present in the nearby and occupied by this object
(Candle) volume.

Here, in principle, all the equipment EPZV. If you did everything correctly,
guarantee "vision" heterogeneity EIT 100%.
See, as they say, to your health!

Before the start of workshops on mastering EPZV carefully

reread the places related to the execution EPZV art, as many times
as is necessary to understand all the good and the right to remember.
If any of you, dear readers, will fail when
mastering the art EPZV even after 5 - 7 trial attempts, you should not
niskolechko upset about this, and need to refer to sections:


1. Sequence may be changed in any order, but

is this the most successful, because no need to wait "manifestations" Pictures
completely EIT, as is the case with the primary focus sight.



Tech EPZV - (A) zone vision heterogeneity EIT - (B).

"Oh," self-deception "when EPZV," "On the prevention and restoration of ...",
Errors and lock that prevent the development EPZV "and apply information from
these partitions accordingly. After the elimination of "misunderstanding" or
(I) technical errors, psychological locks (all about all required
no more than 5 minutes (excluding the time to read)) EPZV guaranteed. But
Of course, there are rare exceptions.
If it happened and what you were one of those "exceptions
tions ", even in this case should not despair:" slow and steady wins - more
will. "Extracted" sweat and blood "Knowledge is valued much higher than the
which got the gift - it's the use of in this case much more so
as in "difficult cases" for mastering EPZV need tentative efforts
in its EI-cleaning from "negative" and revise their worldview (and it already
a tangible positive result). Besides, as known, "without
Labour - not take out the fish from the pond ", well," patience and hard work - a
little effort. "

O Viewing EI-levels in "miniature"

As mentioned earlier, a burning candle under certain conditions

can become an instrument or amplifier to change the heterogeneity of the EIT.
Standing waves, programmers work candles EI-cleaning, you
unlikely to see, although it is possible that some of you, dear readers,



it will fail. But then, because of what smokes, pops, clicks, hisses, etc.
church candle posed "for health" can see using EPZV
literally everything from the first time.
Soot, crackle, clicks, hiss and other deviations from the combustion process
"Standard" and indicate in some cases, to "mechanical" impurity in
composition of candles, and also say that "something" objectively "burn out" or
"Blows" during heating (* 1 *).
When the candle starts with a hiss pop (duration of "chatter" sometimes
up to several seconds), if the time to tune in, you will notice
dark "flows" and "clumps" of various shapes, which burst into flames and
because of which, in fact, there is an active hiss and pops. Sometimes it
hiss ends with candle extinguished. However, extinguish the candle (without
hissing and cod) and can "ball", which compresses the flame to "zero" and
In this case the combustion is also stopped, while oxygen in the air and the like
there ... (?).
If watching the candle is in a long EPZV
time, before you click, you can see how to fire "flies" what-
any astral "body" ("blot", "ball" and the like) is compressed to the point
and explodes, ie clicks. But can explode and "speck" emerging from the
"Nowhere." Of course, that without setting on clicks and pops around the flame
can be seen much more interesting. Some astral "body" melt
before our eyes, while others are trying to "escape" from the flame away and
there are "stubborn" with flame-and it is not a problem.
But in addition to all sorts of "balls", "spiral", "hoppers", "blot"
"Grids", "root", etc., and the like, i.e. information recording sins, damage,
curses or their consequences on tonkoenergeticheskom level, which burn
on the flame of a candle, set "for health", there are a number of "stuff" with
"Diapazonchika" subtle level, which is also observed even
in the initial stage of training and development EPZV. And "stuff" of this "range-
chica "also" shoot "and" explode "in the flame of a candle.
It is an energy-parasites (* 2 *).
To look at these "beauties" in their fields, you need to tune
this range, saying "energy-parasites" or "lower
astral plane "and observe the space around the flame of a candle, set
"For health." Can be seen as individual members of this class
parasites, and the whole "balls" or "flocks" of these "lovely creatures."
Their sizes vary quite widely.
Using EPZV can be very effective in combating this unpleasant
phenomenon in our lives. Disgust and fear are not appropriate.


1. Household paraffin-stearic candles pop very rare, but

aptly and "Nagar" on the wick when EI-cleaning are much "cooler" than
on the church - the size of a small butterfly.
2. See page 46.


To expedite the process of getting rid of them (ie "help candle"), it is necessary
with the strength and faith to say a prayer, "Lord, save and protect Lord,
mercy! "and cross that you noticed. If done correctly, the
immediate effect ... What? See for yourself.
Well in the fight against "lower astral" Prayer helps Precious Cross
("Let God ...") and Psalm 90 ("He that dwelleth in the aid of the Most High ...").
And before
EI-cleaning is highly desirable to read Psalm 50 (penitential), as "without
repentance there is no forgiveness. "
Transitioning to vision EI-parasites in real ambient
space, but not in "miniature", i.e. not about a small flame
candles, should be only after you learn them effectively
fight. Otherwise, you may experience strong negative psycho-
logical character, until the trauma, which will be very happy
medical professionals of mental hospital. Oh, they are very good to you then
and thoroughly explain how your vision is called EI-parasites (* 1 *).
Dear readers, you should consider the fact that if the pro-
under consideration EI-record "pulled" from your "data bank" Book of Life,
then for its possible "activation" may arise psychological states
experienced similar, previous stressful situation (if looks-
smiling record this stress), or you can feel the sharp decline of forces, headaches,
pain in the joints, spine, ie may have negative feelings in
physical body (more precisely in the subtle bodies and tonkoenergeticheskih)
if the damage looks, evil eye, etc. Therefore we should not focus much
(Focus) their attention on what you see, and to help spark
in erasing "pulled out" your energy-recording of "data bank
EIT. "To do this, praying (" Lord have mercy, Lord, save and protect! ")
need not hurry, solid, confident hand to cross several times that
you'll see. If this entry is from the category of "small" sins, stress or
damage, then it will be enough to make it completely erased for
a few fractions of a second or a few seconds. If the entry of the discharge,
for example, the serious sins, without a deep, quality of repentance
can not do. Neither candle unable to remove a record, and even
sign of the cross will not help. But it is worth sincerely, with Love, Faith and
Hope (* 2 *) say: "Lord, have mercy!" As any EI-record instantly
EPZV is a kind of original quality of your video control
approaching the Lord.

1. I apologize, I understand you and so 'Get "with psychologists
cal adaptation to this unpleasant, no, let's call all their
names - vile, ugly and scary nightmare natural phenomenon, and here
yet these stupid (!) jokes. Although it should be noted - a joke "in the context" in
good that place.
2. The problem arises precisely the achievement of this state of mind,
because blocks entry of sin consciousness, and in some cases required
incredible, Herculean efforts to overcome such blockage.



But do not confuse "erasing" EI-record with her "disappearance" of

zone of vision, ie when the record can "drive off" from the candle to the side or
"Hide" - shrink to the point and wait for the right moment to "forth-
tion "or restructure its frequency and go to another" wave ", etc, etc.
Therefore, the most important thing in the EI-cleaning - it is a sincere prayer, on
which, due to
your request, the Lord God "would get" EI-record anywhere, "erase" it.
It may also happen that you, dear readers, when you try to intermediaries
stvom EPZV see "negative" can not see it EI-record (ie dirty
color, etc.), and see a very nice, bright blue, pink, red,
orange, purple, etc. glow around a burning candle.
It is likely that even after requests and prayers nothing but this, and
it is a consequence of action grace of the Holy Spirit, you will not be able to see.
And it may happen that this vision will take a few lessons
Streak. (No need to worry, because nothing else can be seen as
how to watch this blissful glow much nicer than all but the
EI-trash.) Enjoy this gorgeous, clean, bright light, "read"
prayer. From this glow will become even more intense, and his
spatial dimensions increase, of course, if you will turn
the Lord with earnest prayers, filled with boundless love for him,
Faith and Hope.
This phenomenon provides a good visual proof that "reads"
prayers, praying - it's not a whim "shifted" the people, and the greatest mystery
communion with his Creator, one of the realities of our Being, which
modern "materialistic" science can not understand, since it is in
infancy with respect to the knowledge that the Creator has given to people and
which are recorded in the Holy Books.


After mastering EPZV "pictures" with EI levels in miniature "the candle"

You can move on to their vision in the "natural" value, ie at 1:1,
and not as "the candle" in M 1:20 - 1:35.
Daylight-real "astral pictures" best implementation-
vlyat the information recording (for SP-ah), ie while watching "beads"
"Funnels", "helix", "mesh", and other types of configurations which
"Burn out" the candle in real time, after starting to work on it
your prayer "for health."
So, if there's a flame to detect small "ball" size
with the flame itself, in real, this will mean that the amount of "bead"
comparable to the size of the trunk.



But do not be afraid of the size, whatever they may be - meters, kilometers,
thousands of miles, millions ... The laws that occurs Energoinform-
Zion entry and cleaning, differ from "crude material" - enough
one click at a candle flame to erased many kilometers (diameter)
record, although the same can erase and click mikrozapis that and
a microscope can not see.
Approximate scaling relation EI-size configurations in proportion
"Reduced" to a candle to their "real" size.
Transition "unit interval" from one coordinate system to another
(As "miniature" to "actual") serve on the one hand, the flame height
candles, on the other - the distance from the coccyx to the crown.

Accustomed to the vision of a "natural" value of EI-inhomogeneities on the EIT

EI-level information, and you can move on to the vision of a "natural"
value "pictures" with tonkoenergeticheskogo level, for example: radiation
own physical body cells; currents of "energy" (energy-
flows); aura; chakras (energy centers) of Energy's time-
expansions (effects of the evil eye, damage, curses).
Simply start the study of heterogeneity EPZV EIT in "natural" value
and from nature (rather than "small" scale, and as EI-copies) with the vision of the
brush of his hand. Initially, it is easier to "look" surrounding the nearby simple-
space over the palm (Fig. 2 (* 1 *), 18). And after the development vision
"In the air" to move "through" vision, ie inner vision
Energy wrist.


1. See page 7 - 8, "On" automatically "learn EPZV."



Mechanisms vision aura palm: EI-ray scanning and defocusing
sight. (1) - boundary scan EI-radiation having an egg
form (2) - Scanning EI-flow area of the navel (3) - the line of sight;
(4) - defocus diagram view: Focus on a subject <-> Focus
on the hand, (5) - Zone Vision heterogeneity EIT.

For the development of the "through" vision can use the following
method. (Figure 18 illustrates the vision "in the air".)
In the "sitting" need to focus your eyes (normal) to
fingers of his foot (feet). Then, substituting the line sight palm of the hand
(At a distance of 40 - 60 cm from the eye), i.e. blocking her sock feet, you need to
diligently to try to see the sock feet, ie it is not necessary to refocus
conventional view of the vision of the palm. (It is possible, as a variant of the
look at the fingers of feet across (through) splayed fingers of the hand,
do not concern yourself with on-seed fingers - do it
considerably easier. After mastering this technique, ie inner vision
"Power" of the fingers, you can already see "through" the palm.)
If at the moment when the hand reaches the sight line, aimed at
viewing fingers feet, present radiation necessary for EPZV
(In any form (A) or (B) Fig. 9) and the view is not very fast re-
Recessed viewing on palm (it happens "automatically"
accumulated by the algorithm of visual perception, which in this case
we are trying to overcome and to develop another, intended for EPZV)
at least for a short time you will notice that the palm
inside is painted in blue or blue color (if preset the
vision of "healthy" (normal) cells of the physical body radiation), this
blue (blue) "background" you can see streams of bright white, glowing
fog that move along the outside of the hand bones (the bones themselves as
and other tissues of the physical body, of course, is not visible (!)).
But instead of blue or blue color can be seen dirty gray or
green marsh, blue-black, etc. instead of white and dazzling streams -



dirty and dark. (The flow of energy can not be due to the temporary
lack of circulation of energy (which is quite possible), or the presence of EI-caps
channels due to EI-lesions.) This shows the deviation from the norms of radiation
physical body and violations of energy, or about setting when "browsing"
to another frequency "range".
If the energy-loss is not too strong (for example,
transferred on the eve of stress), then with the right prayer ("reading" prayers)
radiation starts to bounce back quickly. Otherwise, i.e. at
severe cases, to restore "power" requires a duration
Consequently EI-cleaning.

After a workout at the wrist can move on to EPZV "power"

its body at any point, even within the head. This requires
"Look" like inside.
But this transition was more comfortable psychologically,
should first use for these purposes mirror.
And although the mirror changes left to the right, and the right to the left, as
well as
and another has a number of unique "properties", any value for the development of
EPZV "power" of his own body it has not.
Reflected in the mirror must "treat" EI-radiation for
EPZV and set the goal to his BCS (ie, asking him a program of "search" of
that you want to see), slightly defocused and "wandering" eye
see themselves as "mirroring (th)" through.
Afraid, afraid of what he saw should never, as if it is unpleasant or
nor even looked scary - it's only "a painted" BCS inhomogeneous
EIT completely, you are able to "repaint" themselves or "redraw" it
on their own (ie, change the radiation of the body, clean energy
lock, etc. and the like, "reading" Prayer for this).
With proper and decisive attitude and actions even in dark
"Ocean" can be done quickly "drop", and even that evaporates literally
your eyes (* 1 *).

Visual inspection of their actions in the EIT, which becomes

possible using EPZV, increases the efficiency of these actions many times.

EPZV - this is only the first step in the development of conscious vast,

1. "Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall say
this mountain, 'Be taken up and cast into the sea, "and does not doubt in his heart,
believe that fulfilled according to him - he will have whatever he says. "Mk. 11.23.
Semantic meaning of esoteric terms "mountain" and "sea" of read
New Testament quotations in the present case, I hope you, dear
readers are now able to define themselves.




Briefly about what you need to know when estimating parameters of its extra-
sensory instrument of visual perception heterogeneity EIT.
1. "Quality" (drawing, brightness, color, etc.) of the image
something is not constant and invariable and is dependent on the parameters
and characteristics of the EIT scan heterogeneity and quality "backlight"
and "prosvetki" heterogeneity of the EIT by the operator and used by external
radiation, and the parameters and characteristics of ambient light from the World
visible. Picture can be as "rich", "juicy", "subject" -
almost like from a real, World crude material (* 1 *) and barely noticeable
tion, subtle, ghostly (but there should distinguish "fading"
(Bad quality) image and its visual sensation ephemerality).
2. Volume (size) of the scanned (viewing) space
identify heterogeneity EIT duration "hold" psychic
Pictures, in principle, depend on the willingness of the operator, though, and
especially at first mastering the technique EPZV perception heterogeneity EIT
may be short fragments - "flash-frames" and "window"
(Zone of vision), ie volume (size) of the image EPZV heterogeneity EIT
be limited low.
3. Satisfactory reasons for the low "quality" small "volumes"
and short duration of follow extrasensory image exists
many, but the main is: "downtrodden" channels extrasensory perception;
deficiency or excess "energy" for viewing; poorly developed
"Technical" methods EPZV.

Perhaps some of you, dear readers, in order to achieve

satisfactory or suiting you, "quality", "quantity" (volumes
and duration of follow-up) EI-image when EPZV heterogeneity EIT,
require daily 15 - 20-minute workout for 2 - 3
weeks to six months (depending on your personal "power" and power
"Oppression" channels of perception). That is, you need some time to
In order to pump up a little "muscle power", "rub my eyes"
improve coordination management EI-structures involved in
EIT scanning.
After fixing the appropriate skills and a set of "energy
potential "(or curb its" unpredictability ") extrasensory
image can not only "hold" indefinitely "without leaping"
with selected "channel" and "off", but also to regulate the quality of
images, and view any amount of heterogeneity of the EIT,
almost at the same time tiring.


1. See page 51 - "On analogues of EIT heterogeneity of the World" visible "."



The absolute majority of the number of students who possessed

EPZV appliances, while strictly adhering to the recommendations contained
in the manual, just watching heterogeneity EI-levels acceptable for them
research as: quality, volume (amount) and duration.

On the "self-deception" AT EPZV

Very often when EPZV practical training in response to the question: "What are
Now you see anything? "(at the level of visual perception extrasensory
moment of extrasensory perception heterogeneity EIT another person very
clearly visible), I (VG) have heard about the following: "No,
does not "see" ... though ... and there seems to be "something", but I probably
he (a) itself inspired (a) (coined (a)). "
Trained (aq) already "see" through the EIT EPZV heterogeneity, but has
place misunderstanding them (her) that the goal has been reached - (s) he is afraid
admit to yourself that the technique EPZV them (it) has already been mastered (as
"All too easy"), and withdraws the 'vision' for the role of heterogeneity of the EIT

Self-deception - that belief in yourself completely detached from the real

reality position, ie non-existent or, in other words, it is
approval in the opinion itself, whose base is a misconception that
wrong conclusions from an event or phenomenon.

To further misinterpretations were not observed against

"Pictures" in EPZV like: "I myself (a) itself inspired (a) (coined (a))" or
"I myself (a) deceive ourselves," let us look at this "problem" more

FIRST, using EPZV "see" materialized until coarsely

material, "real" state "glitches" will not work. This is possible
a different method of extrasensory vision - "clinical"
Holographic mirages visible at EPZV, especially in the initial period
EPZV development, may be mild, sometimes barely noticeable "shadows" or
"Color tumanchikom" (* 1 *).
If you notice even small differences in the images
before and after the desire to "see", ie before and after the application of the
technique EPZV,
then this is it - extrasensory vision instrumentation
heterogeneity of the EIT.

Second, the main confusion is due to ignorance of the law


1. See page 86 - "On the estimation of parameters EPZV own."



For example, the operator during EPZV EIT "just thinking" about the
possibility of
observation of blue (red, orange, yellow, etc.) colors around
candle flame and "suddenly" saw it, or wanted to "see" this color and
"Saw." (This provision applies to the monitoring configurations.)
Implementation mechanisms in this phenomenon a few:
a) generation "color" by the operator directly in the observed
they range EI-level (* 1 *);
b) setting the desired color on the perception of a "wave" (existing
in EIT), scanning range operator EI levels.
So that self-deception in this situation is nothing to do with - what
that "seen" really exists in the EIT.
Therefore should not be tormented with doubts: "I see actually or
fooling myself? ". If" something flashed "- means already" see. "

Third, the differences of appearance "pictures" of an event,

phenomenon, the object observed by EPZV (* 2 *) at the same time different
operators may be due to the difference in the "points of view", ie
- The observed levels of EI-EIT;
- They observed bands (frequencies) EI-level;
- Used their BCS (biocomputers consciousness) "tools" for
decoding heterogeneity EIT:
a) the individual strategies (unique to a particular individual,
as the "fingerprints" of the fingers or "pattern" on the iris of the eye);
b) an individual one hand and the standard algorithm ("hard"
fixed and common to all), on the other.
When activated (sometimes with a few tries) "points of view" to the general
denominator (regardless of the number of operators) through their mental
like watching a completely identical images in terms of configuration
porate (of reducing to a common denominator of color see notes
Fig. 19).

Fourth, what at first glance is considered "worthless" and "empty"

consciousness and discarded as useless (because of ignorance), with more
thorough "examination" (analysis) may be exactly what was happening and
researcher seeks. The truth is sometimes so simple and "insane"
obvious that it does not believe - do not believe because of its inconsistency
fantasy expectations.

Fifth, to minimize the maximum insinuations against

nepridumannosti (objectivity, reality) "pictures" perceived


1. Modern physical devices now able to clearly

fix phantom formations, which result
concentration on mental images in a particular point in space, the usual
people that do not have abilities. At the subsequent "erasing"
fancies devices also record no phantom.
2. The difference may also be a consequence of the use by operators
EZV different types (instrument, shaped, illusory gallyutsinativnogo ...).



observer viewing EI-levels - intentionally not described in

Details of any shape or color, or size, or location in
space, etc. that, in principle, possible to see, using EPZV,
and provides only a general, an approximate description of configurations (* 1 *).
Of course, as mentioned in paragraph "second", the observer
can "think of anything," and then see "it" (or see "invented"
or imposed, inspired in the visual image of someone), but if the EPZV
EIT is in the simple observation, not expecting to see, or rather
not "generate" any specific forms of luminescence, color or background
configurations, the "invented" is virtually eliminated.
Also, do not forget about who and "what" (* 2 *) is
safe and success in mastering the art EPZV. However, if
mastering the art EPZV someone trusts only his "I" and his pride,
what about all sorts of safeguards can be forgotten, and what is "development" can
end, as they say, "God knows."

On the prevention and rehabilitation

of color psychic STANDARD

The explanations in this section we are with you, dear readers, will not
delve into the theory of color perception extrasensory, a statement which
Takes more than a dozen pages, and confine ourselves to some of the most
comments and then proceed directly to the recovery procedure
ESP standard of color.
ESP standard color perception can be described as
visual perception of quality "invisible" electromagnetic waves, gravitational
insulating, torsion and other fields (or rather - their projections on information
level EIT) as a sensation of color, in accordance with the reference "color
scale "BCS (biocomputer consciousness), which is available at all and
is constant and unchanging.
Color perception - it is perhaps one of the most important and highlights
when EPZV as thanks tsvetoanalizu at express-analysis of observed
give an image in most cases and is the final conclusion
the "nature" of the investigated phenomenon.
Reference "color bar" helps a person to the "right" target-
smiling (and, above all, on a subconscious level) in the EI-space (as
in the outer and inner). Tsvetoanaliz, the accumulation corre-
sponding experience allows almost instant diagnostics.


1. I recall all the drawings are schematic and conventional.

2. See "motivation" on page 3.


Without giving psychic of color in accordance with the

reference "color chart" can not speak of an objective assessment
phenomena observed that in some cases a very negative fraught
effects, e.g., when used for medical diagnosis EPZV.
When you enable the operator as an antenna for receiving signals from
EIT and its subtle tonkoenergeticheskih EI-structures can be
falsification of the received signal his mind because of the presence on the
levels of EI-structures "color filters", "distorting mirrors" or solid
"Curtains" that either distort the real situation or completely
do not miss the part of the interest of researchers signal. Besides may
not function properly and in the "color analyzer", ie the presence of "fault"
levels processing information directly into the BCS, which lead to
transcoding wrong signal received in the sensation of color.
Violation of the standard (reference) color perception extrasensory
may be due to various reasons (and their totality), including
which - brought a lot of stress, evil eye, damage, curse, as well as
sins of the operator. All of the above can be worn as an intravital
nature and karmic, ie pertaining to the past (future)
lives. Energy-lock with the standard ESP
of color when referring to the Lord removed in seconds or

NOTE. To remove the lock of any kind of energy-

(Including a standard is the same for all channels EPZV) always
should refer to their Creator - the Lord God, as He is the best of all
knows our "device" and how our "repair."
Release from any species EI-locking occurs only when the
sincere Faith in the Lord's help and sincere repentance to the crime
sins, which can be as slaves (or know pomnimymi) and
unknown (unknowing or nepomnimymi). Indispensable condition - sincere
repentance (in some cases, there are tears of repentance, but should not be
confused with the tears of another kind - self-pity beloved (oops)).
For the prevention or reduction (in the case of violation) reference
extrasensory color vision in practice, do the following:
Enter into a prayerful state, ie state boundless Faith
Hope and Love to his Creator, and a few times to say:
"Lord have mercy, Lord, save and protect!"
Middle finger of the right hand need to "test" (without the strong pressure)
area delineated in Figure 19 "circle," and try to find in this
zone point (or place) where a mild sensation when pressing on it (him)
has an unpleasant or even painful character.



Area (outlined circle) for EI-cleaning when removing EI-lock with extra-
Touch the standard (reference) of color. Detection method
"Pathogenic" points.

If such a point is found, it should be lightly pressed her finger (for

better contact), and leave your finger on this point, "read" or prayer
prayer as long as unpleasant or painful sensation disappear altogether.
At the same time it is imperative to remember who to call and why (in our
case - to remove locks with ESP standard (reference)
color perception).
It should be "read" prayer: "Our Father ...", "Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice ..."
"Let God arise ...", "He that dwelleth in the aid of the Most High ..." or in the case
of ignorance
these prayers to repeat many times: "Lord, have mercy Lord, save and
forbid! "Learn the aforementioned texts Christian prayers can be acquiring
Prayer (a collection of prayers) in the Church of the icon or the bench. Readers
veduyuschim other religions - Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, etc., should be "read"
prayer appropriate to their "charter", but having the same meaning.
At the time of removal of the lock can be observed headaches, "sparks" of
Eye etc. etc. After removing all pathogens and pain points in
designated area in the figure your color perception and color analyzer will
order. For the results achieved should be a few more
times to repeat this "procedure", just before you want
EPZV use. From time to time should be EI-"prevention"
standard color vision. The following considerations of
Laws of Energy - unlock files with color vision chakras
(Energy centers) does not mean that lock automatically weighed,
for example, with visual perception (not to be confused with color vision)
energy losses or programming or vision emissions from
any object, etc., etc.


Errors and lock which prevents DEVELOPMENT EPZV

Errors and lock that prevent the development EPZV can be conditionally
divided into two main groups:
"TECHNICAL" - because of unsuitable, unfavorable external conditions
tions, the current energy status of the operator; improper execution
operator techniques;
"PSYCHOLOGICAL" - because of "self-restraint" operator of their actions,
management structures and EI-EI-physiology of the organism.

"Technical" error:
a) selected the wrong place, time, lighting;
b) too great a distance to the object under study - scanning
radiation do not reach, do not reach to the object under study;
c) lack of mental energy to see if properly executed,
nology, "the picture is not shown" due to lack of power for radiation
"Illumination" and "prosvetki";
g) a surplus of mental energy to see if the correct execu-
tion carried out technique, the image literally "blows" - configuration
"Evaporate" (* 1 *) before an operator has time to tune to their
observation, and in this case, to be content with watching only
EI-background color volume (if it is opaque);
e) improper technique performed:
- Misses a prospective, scheduled scanning zone vision EI-
radiation (or one of them);
- Wrong focus when EPZV or focusing glance

Remedy "technical" errors:

a) select the most appropriate setting, time, lighting -
quiet, private setting, the time interval of the evening twilight;
"Muffled" (curtains) daylight or artificial light nightlight
table lamp;
b) reduce the distance to the object being scanned to 0.30 - 1.50 m;
c) to establish a session to restore AT forces or postpone a lesson to the "best
times "- is that the Moon is not the best day for spiritual practices
or personal biorhythm virtually zero - should wait a day or two, and all
succeed without "straining" on your part;
g) to establish a session on AT relaxation, try to see the color of energy
'Doing'; wait to lay down energy "storm";


1. This is precisely the essence energoterapii, ie operator

is more in the mode of "doing" rather than "watching."



d) to adjust their actions in accordance with the instruction

Technology EPZV (* 1 *), and exercise in the management of their scanning
In all cases, the correction of "technical" errors, you should
"Incidentally" prayers to help avoid a repeat of "overlays".

"PSYCHOLOGICAL" errors and lock (settings):

a) lack of faith in the possibility of personal extrasensory perception;
b) lack of faith in the possibility EPZV, which is based on prejudice and
disinformation and that is a consequence of inadequate informed-
ness of scientific achievements in the field of research EI-fields, etc., etc.;
c) indecision;
g) the fear of the unknown, the unknown;
d) fear of being deceived, fooled, "seduction" (believers);
e) the state of irritation, anger, resentment, ie experienced strong
negative emotions on "home" soil;
etc., etc., etc..

Way to relieve any blockage (settings) "PSYCHOLOGICAL" plan

In all these, as well as virtually no cases listed
one and the same - a sincere prayerful appeal to God for help
and protection, as well as independent efforts to bring themselves into "order"
by AT methods. Plus, especially in cases of superstitious fears,
- Education, education and education again. Enough to rethink
attitudes and sincerely pray heartily as visual
perception of EIT when properly executed technique "opens".


Dear readers, those of you who have carefully read this manual,
not to mention those who thoroughly studied, without a doubt,
subject to the rules of "tolerance" (motivation) and perform simple
mental manipulation to manage their EI-EI-structures and physiology,
as well as the implementation of appropriate concentration in visual
perception and focusing eyes are now 100% guaranteed opportunity
completely observed heterogeneity by EPZV EIT.
However, there is a category of 'scientists' that make
anything using trapped into their hands instructions without thinking
on what they are doing and why, and also do not do so,


1. See summary on page 77 - 78.



how to do it. And then, do not get the desired results, accused of
insolvency authors who write cheesy, worthless
instructions. Although in such cases for situational assessment of what is
happening with
this kind of "doers" very good fit "story" described in the fable
Ivan Krylov "Monkey and Glasses." And let the "judges" who
there "wild" this desire to blame in the manual methods and techniques EPZV
in absolute unfitness for some aspects, do not be lazy and above
familiarize or refresh the memory mentioned above epochal work
greatest Russian fabulist.
Unfortunately, in the pages of this brief methodological
benefits, due to its very limited scope, it was not possible widely
EPZV uncover themes and "compete" in the art of polemical
juggling with "blind" representatives from science or religion
issues of scientific validity, mental normality or
divine orientation considered in manual form of visual
man's perception of reality, ie EPZV.
But no doubt about the fact that any person
number of sane people, after a comprehensive in-depth study
EPZV subject of other literature (* 1 *), and also practical use
transformations EPZV will doubt the objectivity and usefulness of this type of
visual perception. Well, offended by a small part of the information content
benefits somewhat unfair, because "okolotehnicheskih" comments in it
and contains so much more than is necessary for mastering EPZV.
Besides nothing but information on mastering techniques for EPZV
heterogeneity of the EIT, was not promised, so I do not blame me.
Those of you, dear readers, who first came into contact with the subject,
which is devoted to this manual, I want to inform - you even
just by reading this guide, if you wanted to or not, stood on
Path Experience Spiritual World. On this Path you already impossible to get off, so
Law, way back to you anymore. But, as the sages say far
antiquity: "The Way submits going." That this benefit was delivered to you in
hands, is no coincidence, as the highest law. Perhaps the essence and
truth of this statement, you will discover only after many years,
but anyway, sooner or later, but this "discovery" is still going to happen. And
I would like to wish you, that it did not happen in minutes woeful reckoning
for their ignorance, and joyful moment of your understanding and awareness of
purpose in this world.

And God help you! Forever and ever! AMEN!


1. On the scientific directions for "in-depth study of subjects EPZV" see

on page 3 of the esoteric - on page 10.



THE PROBLEM "inconsistencies" in the communication

(communication, data transmission)

By "inconsistencies" in the communication can lead completely objective,

ie taking place in the "nature" of reasons, which are as follows:
1) the difference, mismatched life, practical experience of individuals,
participating in the communication;
2) the use of means of communication that are not common to the parties,
participating in the communication;
3) the use of means of communication, similar in name only, ie
by external characteristics of these funds - an gestures, facial expressions, identical
sound or writing characters (letters), and so, in fact its quite the same
4) improper or inadequate, inaccurate, erroneous nomination
(Use of names, titles, designations) the volume of transmitted information;
5) misunderstandings (decoding, decoding) of information per-
tsipientom (recipient).

While the print media (books, in this case) the transmission of information
something (events, phenomena, objects) and comes with a very
reliable means, namely, visual (written) reflection sound
symbols (speech), but the means of communication (communication) - the
language for all
its merits and has a number of drawbacks.
In use, development and learning environment with people
intraspecific and group communication have been forced in any way,
When you enable the audio channel of communication (speech), one way or
otherwise designate certain events, phenomena, objects.
In the development of language, due to the complexity of information transfer
stvom "primitive" words, there was a clear loss or adequate
(Commonly understood) display the word reality and called them
for more accurate nomination (naming) was necessary
combine existing words in the phrase (s) or administered
use new words, or give new meaning old said. New Words
(Concepts) are introduced into circulation through their description of a set of old
(Concepts), well known to all involved in the communication process
individuals (* 1 *).
Historically, that are completely different words may display
one and the same event, a phenomenon object (1), and at the same time, the same
word can mean very different events, phenomena, objects (2).
At one and the same word can "push" (or "extract" of it) as a near-,
and dalekorodstvennye meanings and concepts (3).

Examples: (1) a bird - the eagle and the machine - auto;


1. Readers who wish to understand the essence of this issue is deeper can form
consult a literature semantics semasiology.



(2) "pipe" - a musical instrument,

- A water pipe
- Mobile phone;

"Tree" - a plant
- Building material
- Designation of the lack of mental
"Sex" - flooring in the room
- Male or Female (species
reproductive accessory);

(3) the word primitive - a pool, river, lake, sea, ie

"Water" may "pond";
denoted by (* 1 *): - rain, ie "Precipitation";
- Alcohol ("fire water"), ie
"Clear liquids".

It is quite obvious, and it is undeniable that there has been no calling

no doubt about the fact - not all events, phenomena, objects surrounding
Actually nominated (named or described), or nominated
unique (ambiguity nomination due to both variability
"Names" in one language and the existence of the world a huge
the number of languages that have their own, individual marking objects
events, phenomena surrounding reality and display (sound,
From the foregoing it can be concluded - any observer in the process
communication in your message in the description or characterization of them
visual images of events, phenomena, objects, willingly or unwillingly, or may
must use the language and terminology that which will correspond
be interpreted not only his vocabulary or his level of knowledge, or opportunities,
tyam language used to describe them or visual characterization
image, but also language, vocabulary and "level" of those with whom he interacts.
Otherwise start "neponyatki" like those in the saying
about Thomas and about Eremu.

On mental status "Adept" esoteric knowledge

To you, dear readers, after study and development

and mastering the art EPZV EPZV leave no serious "ambiguities"
with its "normal-abnormal", just dot the "i".
The following information is very, very serious and important, however,
and it is interesting, especially for those readers who first encountered

1. If the primitive word "water" is used in the sense that

involves esoteric language, it will mean EI-level EIT,
"Lying" in the submillimeter range of the electromagnetic spectrum, visual
feeling that in the perception resembles (see "Spotting associative
analogy, "p.37) water column - density, opacity, viscosity, fluidity
etc., that is there is a vision, as if in water (in the official medicine
is one of the hallmarks of schizophrenia availability).



with "extrasensory" back to back, standing in the path of its practical development.
It is hoped that this information will help many beginners followers
avoid unnecessary mistakes. For example, the assimilation of "pseudo-teachers",
with foam
at the mouth defending "their" truth of life and stunning Sacred Books
like a banner, with, by and large, nothing at all in the sense of them.
Discrediting of secret knowledge (* 1 *), and so there is someone to do without
You be the wise and farsighted - and you will be rewarded.

The fact that not all so clear as it seems

many readers, if we talk about the "extrasensory perception" as a whole, in terms
adequacy of mental sanity and its adherents (as ascetics-first-
prohodtsev and their followers), so you need to know and consider
the following circumstances:
1. All "free talk" in the media (including the state) on
Topics parapsychology, bioenergy, extrasensory perception, a huge amount
No. esoteric literature orientation, etc., as well as lighting
Media visits by senior officials of the state cult centers
(Buddhist temples, churches, mosques) during services and ceremonies, as well as
presence on TV and radio, educational, religious missionary programs
orientation - is no argument in favor of acceptance of any species was
extrasensory perception (including EZV) official medicine
Issuance of state licensing authorities for the provision of evidence
advice to the public on bioenergy, etc. -
Nor is the argument "for" or supersede existing double
standards in the approach to the assessment of mental status as themselves
and those who turn to them for help in solving their problems
health, "destiny", etc., which are powerless to solve the official medicine
or psychology.
Admittedly - someone once took downright "Solomonic"
decision: "As long as there are people in the community to put it mildly,"
perception of reality "(with mental deviations from the norm, but
sane, that is capable to realize the significance of their actions, and manage
them), they let each other and engaged in - one "treat type" other "type
are treated. "And besides, and taxes will be collected, and that all past and past
treasury. Again, if you suddenly need to protect the "mental health"
part of the society of "not very healthy" part of it, the addresses "leaders" (* 2 *)
You can take a tax. And look for their clients - it's a matter of technology.
Convenient - all "under control and given the". "
Perhaps one of the reasons "binge esotericism" in the country is that
someone from the "magicians craftsmen" thoroughly helped someone from the
"elite", the power
powers that be in a critical, desperate situation, and in gratitude for this
"Descended mercy" on all his companions. How do I know?


1. "Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the
the Spirit shall not be forgiven unto men whosoever speaketh a word against the
Son of Man
forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven
him, neither in this
century, nor in the future. "Matt. 12,31-32.
2. "... This little violent, so no leaders!" (VS Vysotskiy.
"Dear sending ...")


It is hoped that historians, "digging" in the intricacies

what happened, ever tell us "what" and "how" was
really. In the meantime, we remain in blissful ignorance.
2. "Minzdravovskih" instructions that existed in the Soviet Union, the diagnosis
mental illness, no one does not significantly revised and canceled, and
its strength they have not lost nor "one iota." That the lack of "Sens-
sequences "in the perception of any type (touch, smell, sight, etc.)
a particular person is not a consequence of his physical "disability"
but of the inability, lack of knowledge of certain methods and techniques, or
reluctance to use the "extrasensory" perception of the environment Indeed
completely - does not mean mental adequacy (normality) of a
that kind of extrasensory perception ... (??) Surprised? Judge for yourself, well,
same can not be a condition of alcoholic delirium ("delirium tremens"), part-
differentiable as "gallyutsinativny" type EZV, considered mentally adequate
(Here, as they say, no comment), but the methods and techniques, ie
"Achieving" this condition is very well known. However, with self-
relative yield of this "stage" drunk some
"Adepts" there are significant problems, and they often need
Emergency "men in white coats."
Please be aware that the ability to EZV considered medicine mental
deviation from the norm - a form of schizophrenia. This provision
extends to EPZV because Psychiatry does not go much into the intricacies
case, and you will officially be considered "outside the law". Your newfound
superpowers in the future when trying to attach them to the benefit of society
(In addition to advice the public) officials of any State
public institutions, due to the existing authority officials
instructions will be considered only as a deviation your outlook
and worldview of mental norm, ie will be debited for the presence of you
mental illness. Well, or at best, you become "khalyavnyy"
guinea pig in some "Brain Research Lab" or
"Psychology Center", etc.
3. Using the appropriate instructions for diagnosing mental
diseases can not only question the sanity of any
psychic or a follower of the esoteric teachings (world
religion, by the way, is no exception), but also to begin to treat him from what he
"Suffering" that in the recent past, especially widely practiced (including
including for the treatment of political dissent) "punitive" psychiatry.
Currently, however, limiting, at least slightly, by a factor
arbitrariness "well-wishers" are articles of the Constitution of the Russian
Federation on freedom of religion
Denmark (Article 28) and words (v. 29), as well as numerous recent scientific
official academic achievements of science in the field of research and EIT
EI-human capabilities.

Dear readers, if you are not afraid of all the things that you have learned (or
to refresh your memory), read this section of the mental status of the adepts
esoteric knowledge, then you can quite happily apply the
EPZV knowledge in practice for personal purposes.

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