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Design of Hydraulic structure

Lecture 3
Regulator Hydraulic Structure

Regulator types and components

• Regulator across :
River  called barrage.
Canal  called Cross regulator.
• Regulator at head of :
Main canal called main regulator
Other canal  head regulator ,
Head work components:
1- weir or barrage, 2-under sluices, 3-divder wall,
4-fish ladder, 5- silt excluder, 6- head regulator
7- guide bank, 8- marginal bunds


The following data must be given for design of regulator

A. River data: B. Main canal data:

1- Low discharge • Peak discharge
• Water level in the river • Water level at main canal at the head regulator
• Bed level in the river • Bed level in the main canal
• Depth of water in river • Depth of water in main canal (Y)
2- High discharge or flood discharge • Side slope of main canal (z)
• Depth of flow in river • Bed width of main canal (B)
• Maximum water level • Longitudinal slope om main canal (So)
• Minim roughness of canal ( n)
manning equation
Q= × / × / ×

R= A/P

Design of Regulator
Design of hydraulic structure involves :
1-Hydraulic design
• Determine location and design of water way and approaches
• Protect against uplift
• Energy dissipation
2- structural design

Note: for efficient hydraulic performance:

1. Head loss to be kept as minimum ( energy loss )
2. Hydraulic jump to be maintain with in structure
3. The flow pattern must be as uniform as possible


Hydraulics of regulator :
Steps of hydraulic design of regulator
1. Design of approach channel, fix the water level just upstream of gate of regulator
2. Using Peak discharge for maximum demand calculated form D/S requirements
3. Water way of the regulator ( Sw), considering the gate fully opened for maximum discharge and flow is
subcritical with free surface flow Fr < 1 , using the following equation
Q= × × × 2 or u/s WL ha

Q= × × 2 h d/s WL
va yt

Where : = discharge coefficient

A= × = area of water way = 0.82 ( for square entrance )
Q=design discharge =0.92 ( for rounded entrance )
= Net width of rectangular opening ( width of = 0.6 + 0.08 ≤ 0.92
gate ) H=h+ha
= tail water depth above the sill level ha = approaching velocity =
= D/S water level-bed level under gate
h = U/S water level – D/S water level

Example; given the following information for regulator

U/S canal bed level = 10.0 m Sw

U/S canal water level = 12.2 m

D/S canal bed level = 10.0 m 12.2m
D/S canal water level = 12.0 m 12.0m

Side slope ( z) of the canal =1:1 trapezoidal canal 10.0m

U/S canal bed width (b)= 6.0m
Supply design discharge (Q)= 15 m3/sec
1- approach velocity head ( ha) due to approach velocity ?
2- required regulator width ( Sw ) at full open?
Solution :


u/s WL ha
h d/s WL
va yt

Depending on structure size and operation capacity the width will select, for too large length of opening the
gates will subdivided into two or more

4. Water way of the regulator ( Sw), considering the gate partially opened.
Considering the vertical gate are partially opened and water freely flow out of the gate , the tail of water (Yt) is
sufficiently low that allow the hydraulic jump to occurs far away from the gate at downstream.
This is used for low discharge requirement and head of water is relatively high ( flood discharge in river ), ha
very low can be neglected. The submerged orifice formula can be used
Q= × ×*× 2 1

Q= Design discharge
Sw= gate width ,
Flood level
W= vertical gate opening
Y1 = upstream water depth
Cd= discharge coefficient = 0.62 or

,../ Y3
= 3
1 Bed level
/0,../ W= Y2


Example; upstream water level in pervious example increase to 12.5m due to moving down the gate
, if the water way is 3.90m, calculate the gate opening (W), the other data shown in fig below:

12.5m 11.92m

Max. discharge 15m3/sec

10.0m W 10.0m

5. Water way of the regulator ( Sw), considering the gate partially opened and submerged .
When the tail water (yt) raises and water surface is above gate opening level , the hydraulic jump drowned and the
flow through gate is submerged as shown in fig below, this case will affect on discharge coefficient in discharge
equation Q = × ×*× 2 1

This discharge coefficient will be function of water depth

Flood level
Just downstream of the gate( controlling the discharge ) and
Vertical opening of the gate with head of water.

Applying energy conservative equation between section 1 and 2 Y1

And apply momentum equation between section 2 and 3, the y Yt

Cd equation become W
Bed level
(/0 )
= 0.61 1
/8 ,../×

this equation is not easy to solve as the ( y and w ) are not usually known, therefore Graphical solution method will be
used as shown in figure below , which is derived form energy and momentum principle,
: = >@
find q= then find , calculate
;< >/? >
from the curve find then calculate W




Example: calculate gate opening for the following head regulator, discharge is 12 m3/sec, us water
level is 12.5m, DS water level is 12.0 m, all bed level is 10.0m, water way length is 3.90 m
Solution :



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