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1. The designated Bumbero sa Barangay accompanied by other team members from the BFP and
the Barangay Council shall conduct the field survey using the Risk-Vulnerability Checklist
2. The survey shall be performed in every sitio/purok using one RVC for each of the sitio/purok
surveyed. Other members of the surveying team can be given a copy of the checklist and
individually fill-out the forms, but the results should be consolidated after the survey.
3. The surveyor have to fill up first the Name of the Barangay and the date of the survey followed
by the name of the Purok/Sitio and the Number of Households, Families, Individuals and
estimated land area of that specific sitio being surveyed.

Barangay: _______________________________ Date: _____________________

Number of Household Number of Families
Number of Individuals Estimated Land Area

4. Under the General Profile, the surveyor has to check what type of community the sitio/purok is
being surveyed out of the presented categories.

Type of Community: [Check one]
[___] Metropolitan/City Center [___] Suburban Subdivision [___] Town Center
[___] Exclusive Village [___] Rural Community

*For Metropolitan/City Centers identify whether,

[______] Condominium Complexes
[______] Urban Centers/Business District (Limited to no Residential Areas Mostly Businesses)
[______] Slums/Informal Settlements

a. Metropolitan/City Center – pertains to highly urbanized communities categorized by a

high concentration of individuals in a relatively small area used for either residential
or business. Areas within this category can either be a Condominium Complexes,
Urban Centers/Business District and slums/informal settlements.
b. Exclusive Village – pertains to sitio/purok with high-end subdivision developments
and residential areas.
c. Suburban Subdivision – pertains to mixed-use or residential area, existing either as
part of a city or urban area or as a separate residential community within commuting
distance of a city.
d. Rural Communities – pertains to farmlands, grass plains, forested areas and similar
locations with minimal human habitation or development.
e. Town Centers – pertains to the center of business, government, service and even
residential areas within the center of a municipality. (eg. Publacion, Sentro ng bayan)
5. Under the Geography, the surveyor has to indicate the percentage of a certain geographical
setting present within the sitio/purok. Use the quadrant method in estimating the percentage.

Geography: [Indicate percentage in each variable]

[ 10% ] Thick Forest [ 15% ] Grassy fields/ Rice Fields [______] Mountains and Hills
[ --- ] River Flood Plains [ 75% ] Developed Lands [______]Others ____________________

*For Developed Lands: [Indicate percentage in each variable]

[ 55% ] Residential Zones [ 25% ] Commercial Complex
[ 10% ] Educational Compounds [_____] Industrial Park/Factories
[ 10% ] Parks and Recreation, Open Spaces [______] Others ____________________

6. Under the PARAMETERS, the surveyor are to answer the questions presented with a YES or a
NO or NA if not applicable.


Purok/sitio highly dense in terms of buildings
(eg. Squatters Area, Row housing, subdivisions)
Is the sitio/purok have a high density of buildings regardless of type compared to its relative
size/surface area. Examples, informal settlers, row houses and socialized housing projects.

b Buildings closely clustered to each other? (9 meters + Check NO; 0-8 Check YES)
9 meters + 4-8 meters 0-3 meters
Are the majority of buildings in that sitio/purok closely clustered to each other? If majority of the
houses are spaced from 0-8 meters answer YES, and NO if 9 meters above.

c Limited accessibility to rescue vehicles?

Primary Route During
Distance from the Fire Station Estimated Time Actual Tested
of Travel Travel Time
Secondary Route During
Distance from the Fire Station Estimated Time Actual Tested
of Travel Travel Time
Is the accessibility through basic transportation to the sitio limited for rescue vehicles such as
fire trucks? Answer yes if indeed the travel from the fire station towards the area will be meet
with difficulty due to heavy traffic, long distance and road conditions. Be it YES or NO, indicate
the travel route from the station to the site in details indicating the name of the streets, left turns
and right turns towards the site. Then what is the distance of the site from the station based on
the declared route, the estimated travel time and actual travel time as tested.

A secondary route should always be identified, should the site has no other accessibility route,
answer this question with a NO.

d Limited access to remote areas of the community.

Within these limited access areas identify the following:
Entry Point for Responding Trucks
Entry Point for Refilling Trucks
Are there remote areas within the sitio/purok that are inaccessible or firefighting units would find
difficult to penetrate during fire emergencies? Be it YES or NO, surveyor has to declare where
would be the most strategic location as an entry point for responding fire trucks and entry point
for refilling fire trucks. Always assume that during fire incidents, due to the areas inaccessibility
the operation would be impaired, hence support engines are necessary.

e Access areas are obstructed or not easily navigable.

Within the remote access areas again, identify which type of access is present.
Road Width Pavement
Narrow Alleys Width Pavement
Access Passable for
Additional Entry Alleys
Number of Hoses Needed to Cover Farthest Area
Are the same access (for the remote areas in question “d”) obstructed or no easily navigable?
Obstructions may be in the form of road obstructions, low electrical wires, high and successive
road humps, double parking/improper parking amongst others. Then, surveyor should identify
what type of access is available writing YES or NO whether it’s a “Road” or “Alleys”.

Roads being more than 3 meters in width with either one way or two way traffic and regularly
used by transport vehicles, while alleys are access-ways less than 3 meters and used only for
human access. Then, the actual width of the road or alleys and the type of pavement should be

The surveyor then identify to what type of responding vehicle it is passable to. E.g. Mini
Pumpers, Regular Engine, Rousenbauer, JIANGTE 4000 or 1000.

Then, identify whether there are additional access alleys and measure the number of hoses
needed to be laid together in order to reach the farthest point in the area.

f Limited proper markings or way-finding (eg. Street names, markers, etc)

Are the streets not properly named and the markings not easily visible? It is the responsibility of
the LGU to ensure that all streets are properly marked with street signage and names.
g Limited accessible/operational fire hydrants and other water sources?

Is the sitio/purok with limited access to operational hydrants and other water sources? Limited
access pertains to NO available hydrant within the sitio/purok itself and nearest operational
hydrant is located in another sitio or other area in the barangay. The locations of these hydrants
should be identified as well as the distance from the area, the rate of discharge and status of

h Limited evacuation areas or safe areas of refuge.

Is the barangay with or with no properly designated evacuation area? The LGU’s should
endeavour the establishments of evacuation areas in their areas.

7. For the Population and Sociology parameters, the surveyor should look at the matter on general
sense of the sitio/purok. Majority rule applies in this assessment.


a Highly dense population for the land area (eg. Squatters Area)
Is the sitio/purok higly populated compared to its land area. E.g. Informal settlers and socialized

b Poor housekeeping practice in general sense.

The residents do not observe proper housekeeping in general sense visible in the way the
residents behave towards housekeeping. The surveyor can ask their counterpart from the
barangay if the residents observe proper housekeeping or not.

c Improper disposal of flammable domestic waste.

The residents don’t have proper waste disposal practice and easily ignitable wastes and
materials not properly segregated and or disposed.

d Poor housing conditions.

The residences do not observe proper housing practices visible in the way their houses are built
and sprouting in any direction.

e Improper electrification practice.

The residences do not observe the fundamental principles of proper electrification visible in the
way their drop wires and other electrical connections to the residences are connected.

f Uncooperative populace and indifference to warnings

The residents are not cooperative with authorities and are indifferent to warnings, do not
participate during assemblies, lectures, drills and other activities concerning their safety.

8. For the Set-up of Structure and Material Composition parameters, the surveyor should look at
the matter on general sense of the sitio/purok. Majority rule applies in this assessment.

a Majority of buildings/structures made of light and easily combustible materials.
Are the houses made of light and easily combustible materials such as wood and in the case of
informal settler, alternative housing materials such as tarpaulins, plywood, etc.

b Improper building/structural separation.

(No Firewalls for Row houses, or houses adjacent with each other)
Are the houses properly separated? In the case of row houses and duplexes, does it have
proper separation by means of a fire wall?

c With/or adjacent to mercantile facilities.

d With/or adjacent to industrial facilities.
e With/or adjacent to warehouse or large storage facilities.
Are the majority of the residences adjacent to either mercantile, industrial or storage facilities?

f Limited adherence to building laws and regulations.

In general sense, does the buildings and residences observes basic building and construction
laws and regulations in their construction?

9. Under Environmental Factors parameters, both visual and historical records of the area are to
be assessed.


a Dominant winds in the direction of the greater part of the residences.
Is there a constantly blowing dominant wind pattern in the area? The surveyor must note that
not all parts of a certain community is subjected to equal wind load exposure, there are areas
that due to wind obstructions such as tree covers, buildings, hilld and or mountains may not be
exposed to sustained winds.

b With/or adjacent to grasslands with history of grass fires.

c With/or adjacent to forested lands with history of forest fires.
Is the sitio/purok with an adjacent grassland or forestland with a history of grass or forest fires?

Unreachable area due to high elevation.

(eg. Cliffside, mountainous, ragged terrain)
Is the sitio/purok located in high elecation rendering it unreachable.

e Limited natural bodies of water close to the area.

Is the sitio/purok with or in proximity to natural bodies of water that can be used during
firefighting operations such as accessible rivers, lakes, ponds and streams? Sea water is not
useable during operations.

f Relatively high heat index during summer/dry moths.

g Area prone to or listed with history of Urban Heat Island (UHI) Effect
Does the sitio/purok have a history or had been listed with High Heat Index during summer
months or prone to Urban Heat Island effect? Urban Heat Island effects happens when the
relative temperature in a certain area is magnified and continuously rises contributed by
developed lands, roads, reflected sunlight from buildings and other structures.

10. After the survey, the results will be computed by the surveyor to determine the vulnerability level
of the sitio/purok. Each set of parameters has its own score multiplier, for Land and Surface
Srea Parameters one check is equal to three (3) points; Population and Sociology as well as
Set-Up of structure and Material Composition Parameters, one check is equal to Two (2) points,
while for Environmental Faactors one check is equal to One (1) point.

11. The results shall be interpreted through this table.

36-55 YES’s 5 Highly Vulnerable
20-35 YES’s 4 Moderately Vulnerable
0-19 YES’s 3 Mildly Vulnerable

12. After the survey, the RVC should be acknowledged by the Barangay Captain, signed by the
Surveyor and Noted by the Fire Marshal.

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