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RPMS SY 2021-2022



TEACHER:_______________________ ________ DATE SUBMITTED: _________________________

RATER: _______________________________________ SUBJECT & GRADE LEVEL: ________________

DIRECTIONS: Reflect on your attainment of the RPMS objective by answering the

questions/prompts provided. Use any local or official language that you are comfortable
with. Use extra sheets if needed. Please limit your response to 500 words.


Designed, adapted and implemented teaching strategies

that are responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents


Context: Ana is often unfocused in class. She also has difficulty in reading and

Action Taken: Home visit was done to Ana and found out that Ana’s parents is in abroad
and she is under the care of her grandmother. Ana needs to be assess with an expert to
know what remedy will done to her.


Parents unconditional love and guidance is important to a child. In most cases,

you can always count on them to be there through the good times and the bad. Maybe is
the reason why Ana has a behavior problem. She needs more attention by her parents.

I chose to make my classroom more adaptive and engage in an in order to avoid

losing her attention. To help Ana listen and learn successfully, I seat her in front of the
classroom to reduce interference with my voice and maximize access to my visual cues,
making it as simple as possible for her to tune into what I’m saying when offer directions
and other vital information. Use visual tools presentable to make her looking at me all
the time. I also utilize tone and speak more slowly yet clearly to emphasize essential

To help Ana’s difficulty in reading and comprehension. I will provide reading

materials that are readable and fit with Ana’s needs. I will spend 30 mins. Reading
session weekdays and I will also suggest to her grandmother to conduct a reading at
home. Constant communication was also done to their parents abroad to update Ana’s
condition. Regular feedbacks were also done to know her improvement.
RPMS SY 2021-2022

TEACHER: ___________________________________ DATE SUBMITTED: _________________________

RATER: ______________________________________ SUBJECT & GRADE LEVEL: _________________

DIRECTIONS: Reflect on your attainment of the RPMS objective by answering the

questions/prompts provided. Use any local or official language that you are comfortable
with. Use extra sheets if needed. Please limit your response to 500 words.


Adapted and used culturally appropriate teaching strategies to address the needs of
learners from indigenous groups.

Below is an assessment activity for a class of 53 learners, seven which belong to an
indigenous peoples (IP) group.
Evaluate the appropriateness of the activity to your learners. Write your response in this

Directions: For your assessment, research on the following roles in your community by
asking your parents or anyone with knowledge on these roles. Choose from Set A and Set
B. Explain why these are important roles

Set A Set B
1. Mayor 1. Datu/chieftain
2. Councilors 2. Community elders
3. Medical officers 3. healers


The Indigenous People or the Indigenous Cultural communities are classified as the
group of people or homogenous societies identified by self- ascription by others, who
have continuously lived as organized community. They need equal education that reflects
their shared values, feeling, principles and ideas. Education that not only common
students can access but also IP’s students.

I will consider my seven students in preparing my lesson. I will provide

differentiated activities and differentiated instructions that will cater their needs. I will
promote a student-centered teaching strategy to encourage them to participate in the
class. I believe that through this assessment there was equality education for all students.

The scenario taught me to be more compassionate and caring, to reflect on our ideas
about people from other cultures, to reflect on our own cultural frames of reference, and
to be knowledgeable about other cultures of our students. As a teacher, we must be
aware of our student’s background. We should recognize the importance of including
students’ culture references in all aspects of learning. We should promote that all student
should be equally involved in classroom activities.

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