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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
New Ibajay, El Nido, Palawan

Purok Santan, New Ibajay, El Nido Palawan School ID: 301713


NAME: _____________________________ DATE: ______

GRADE AND SECTION: ______________ SCORE:_____

Directions: Read the questions carefully and write the letter of the best answer on the space provided
before each number.

_____1. These are set of degrees of latitude and longitude that helps you locate a place on a map or globe.
A. Coordinates B.Coordinate system C. Latitudes D. Longitudes

_____2. It is an arrangement of reference lines or imaginary lines on the globe. Imaginary lines the
globe are the following: latitude, longitude, equator and prime meridian.
A. Coordinates B.Coordinate system C. Latitudes D. Longitudes

_____ 3. These are imaginary horizontal lines running from east to west on the Earth’s surface.
A. Coordinates B.Coordinate system C. Latitudes D. Longitudes

_____4. These are imaginary vertical lines running from the North Pole to the South Pole.
A. Coordinates B.Coordinate system C. Latitudes D. Longitudes

_____5. It is an imaginary line dividing the earth’s surface into two hemispheres; Northern Hemisphere
and Southern Hemisphere. It represents 0° latitude.
A. Coordinates B.Equator C. Latitudes D. Prime Meridian

_____6. An imaginary line dividing the earth’s surface into two hemispheres; Western Hemisphere and
Eastern Hemisphere. It is drawn from North Pole to South Pole passing to Greenwich, England. It
represents 0° longitude.
A. Coordinates B.Equator C. Latitudes D. Prime Meridian

_____ 7. The air we breathe, the freshwater we drink, the light from the sun, the plants and animals that
we use as food are all examples of_______________.
A. Renewable resources B. Nonrenewable resources C. Conservation D. Resources

_____8. Fossil fuels – coals, oil and natural gas and minerals from the soil are examples of ________.
A. Renewable resources B. Nonrenewable resources C. Conservation D. Resources

_____ 9. The ________ means preserving and protecting our natural resources.
A. Renewable resources B. Nonrenewable resources C. Conservation D. Resources

_____10.It is the layer which contains over half of all the air in the atmosphere. The height varies from
about 20 km at the equator to 8 km at the poles. The temperature decreases with height. Almost all
weather occurs here. Most pollution also remains here. All lives live in here.
A. Troposphere B. Stratosphere C. Mesosphere D. Thermosphere

_____11. It is characterized by a slight temperature increase with altitude. It contains most of the ozone.
Very high clouds and large, but weather generally does not occur here.
A. Troposphere B. Stratosphere C. Mesosphere D. Thermosphere

_____12. There is temperature decrease with height. The layer is useful for radio transmission with the
A. Troposphere B. Stratosphere C. Mesosphere D. Thermosphere

_____ 13. Its temperature increases rapidly with height reaching 1,200ºC. The air here is not very dense. It
is greatly affected by sun’s radiation.
A. Troposphere B. Stratosphere C. Mesosphere D. Thermosphere
______14. It is a layer of air within the upper mesosphere and the thermosphere. It is not a distinct
atmosphere layer itself. The ions here reflect radio waves. It increases in height at night.
A. Mesosphere B. Thermosphere C. Ionosphere D. Exosphere

______ 15. It is the outermost layer of the atmosphere. Light gases escape here to outer space.
A. Mesosphere B. Thermosphere C. Ionosphere D. Exosphere
______16. This type of heat transfer takes place between objects that are in contact with each other.
A. Convection B. Conduction C. Radiation D. Heat
______17. This type of heat transfer happens when particles move from a hot region to a cold region.
A. Convection B. Conduction C. Radiation D. Heat

______18. this type of heat transfer happen when heat travels through empty spaces.
A. Convection B. Conduction C. Radiation D. Heat

For numbers 19-23 use the illustration below to answer the following questions.

___________________19. In which month is the North Pole tilted away from the Sun?

___________________20. In which month is the North Pole toward the Sun?

___________________21 In which hemisphere the Earth receives direct rays from the Sun during the
month of June?

___________________22. . In which hemisphere the Earth receives direct rays of the Sun during the
month of December?

___________________23. When a hemisphere leans toward the sun by 23 ½ degrees, just like the
Northern Hemisphere, does it receive more than half of the sun’s rays?

For numbers 24 and 25 : Identify what methods of heat transfer is taking place in the illustrations.

24. 25.

. . . .STAY SAFE AND GOD BLESS . . . .

Prepared by: M. Sabenacio

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