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Hi Lydia, I’m hoping to use projection either on a cyk or on back flats throughout the show.

I saw on RB website pics of their production of ‘Before (Again)’ and it looked absolutely
fantastic so I am trying to progress with the college some backgrounds to use.

In the same boat – I am projecting Sky & seabirds, but if we get a fantastic imaginative
creative bod on it we may end up with flying fish and dancing dolphins. And it would be
great to go to town on it if I get the right person.
Tim O’Donnell has agreed to build the boat. It is in 2 halves and brought together during
that number and will hopefully have at least 2 levels. In addition to what you can see in this
picture I am also sending down from the balcony circle 2 lengths of nautical bunting which
will come from either side and held in the centre front by someone.
I have also asked Shelagh to source the sea.
See below my thoughts on personnel/cast to operate this.

So you’ve got Coiffe who is building the scene directing where people go.
Geogia starts off slow.
Coiffe “three pals padding up the rapids!” Bobby Randy & Harv now they are backed up
by Aaron Oscar & Terry who I think don’t need to be part of the dance they could be
behind a mic close harmony group in the USR entrance.
Cioffe “heading down the river three damsels in distress” Georgia Niki & Bambi. These
three are backed up by Bea (Lyn) Jubilee (Julie) & Di (Sue) who could balance the others
by singing behind a mic close harmony group in the USL entrance.
& then we are joined by the Mermaids & Riverboat men …. Cioffe “third song now”
So this is the rest of the dancers – Emma Jennie Michele & Gail
Backstagers – Ivor (ChrisR) Justine (Lucy) Goldie (Ginny) Esther (Debbie)
Mary (Caroline) Rusty (Mel) who can all be involed in
 Setting and shaking the blue cloth
 Catching and holding the bunting – need to describe to you verbally how I see that
working on this set up.
 Bringing the 2 sides of the boat together .
Carmen and Belling will be singing from DSL & Officer O’Farrel from DSR which is also
a good place for Cioffi to sink back to while the number gathers pace. Although Bobby calls
him in to join the number at the end. He could take up to be the figure head at the front
holding the bunting!
Don’t forget Joany, Jessica and Sydney are dead & we can’t use PaulH as he will shortly be
coming in as Grady.

Does that make any sense at all?

Tough Act To Follow

Secondly, if we do get a scenic (CGI-esk) backgrounds this could be amazing for Tough Act
to Follow. Again being a dream scene the artist can go full on fantasia creating something
more Busby Berkeley with kaleidoscopic effects.
Additionally, the boat that Tim is building for In the same boat could be used the other way
round for Coiffe and Niki to use in Tough Act. I wouldn’t promise they can be wheeled
around on the 2 halves but they can certainly be bought together so they can walk up the
couple of steps and meet at a
higher level while the dancers
dance around them. We can use
Ivor and Lucy to help push the
boat into position.

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