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TO: The members of Investigative committee on biometric of students chapel attendance result

FROM: The President, Casor Evangel University

DATE: December 16th, 2021


I, Humbly write to bring to your notice the feedbacks I got from the students after my investigation on
the chapel attendance result.

Firstly, the biometric machine is not accurate and this is why I said so, The date and time that I see when
ever I check in or out is not accurate, sometimes it says 1987,1999,2020 when we are in 2021 and I have
never seen the time of the machine read 12pm or 1pm which is our time of daily prayers. So if the
biometric machine is not accurate on what basis is the calculation done.

Secondly, those in charge of the biometric machine and the calculation of chapel attendance result are
not diligently doing their work. We do have days when the biometric workers does not come to chapel,
some other days the biometric machines are not properly charged which causes the machine to ruin
down when in use, sometimes they come late to chapel when service is already in progress.

That of chapel attendance result, we have had students who were scored zero(0) even when they have
been faithfully checking in and out. One of the cases we had last semester was that of the students In
the department of mass communication. It was discovered that most of them scored zero(0) and others
did not score up to 75℅, so their Head of department took them to the person in charge of the
calculation who is by name Mr. Emmanuel. According to the students, he just asked the students with
zero score to put their registered fingers in the biometric machine, then he obtained their registration
numbers from the machine and without checking or calculating he scored the students. Meanwhile, we
had a student in the same department that resumed late because she could not pay her fees on time
scoring 85℅ which proves that the calculation are not sincerely done.

Many students attends the chapel services because of the chapel attendance result which the chapel
committee could attest to. I think some necessary measures should be taken to help control this case.
many students are not happy with the biometric workers.

Here are my own suggestions;

1. Buying of new biometric machines: At least, each department should have one biometric machine
which will help reduce the level of data a biometric machine takes as I suspect that the machine is not
accurately taken records because of too much data load.
2. The old biometric machines should be formatted.

3. The biometric machines should be properly charged and maintained.

4. The students and the biometric workers should be given orientation on how the machine works.

Thank you for the privilege of being part of this. I am indeed grateful.

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