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Department of Education

Region VIII
Division of Northern Samar
Bobon District
Brgy.Acerda, Bobon N. Samar
S.Y. 2021- 2022



NAME: __________________________________________
DATE: ________________________

I. Identify the terms being asked. Options are given inside the box. Write the correct answer on the space
before the number.

Supporting details Alliteration Listening Conflict Prose Character Epic

Stanzas Linear Text Non-linear text Paraphrasing Character vs. character

Figures of Speech Assonance Plot Analogy

______1. It may be done for the process of simplifying the original work.
______2. It is the repetition of initial sounds on the same line or stanza.
_____3. They are used in a figurative language or statement to build imagery, to give power, and to
accomplish a unique constellation of communicative goals.
_____4. It involves the struggle between two people or things in a short story from which the character
try to overcome.
_____5. They refer to the series of lines grouped together and are equivalent to a paragraph in an essay.
_____6. It is the ability to receive and interpret messages.
_____7. It refers to a person or sometimes even an animal, who takes part in the action of a short story
or other literary work.
_____8. It refers to traditional text that needs to be read from beginning to the end.
_____9. It is a form of literature which refers to the different types of writing you read daily from blogs
to articles to novels.
_____10. It is mentioning only the main points of any work.
_____11. They provide the information that supports the main idea.
_____12. This is a common type of conflict in which one character’s needs or wants are at odds with
_____13. It is a long narrative poem in elevated style recounting the deeds of a legendary or historical
_____14. Use visuals to assist the reader to capture their meaning.
_____15. It is the repetition of vowel sounds.

II. A. Supply the missing ideas in the paragraph below.

(1)_____________means exactly what it says .It is a conventional meaning or (2)._______meaning of
a word or statement. It is used to point directly on your thought without using words with deep meaning.
Simpler words are more preferred to use in a literal kind of language.
Meanwhile (3).__________uses (4)____,(5)_____(6)_____,and (7)______to describe something
often through comparison with something different.
(8)._________are usually used in a figurative language or statement to build (9)______,to give
more(10)_______,and to accomplish a unique constellation of communicative goals.
B. Classify the following sentences as Simile, Metaphor, Personification or Hyperbole.
_______1. During the lockdown, health authorities advised us to observe health protocols a million
_______2. The firefighter was as strong as an ox.
_______3. The fire swallowed the house before the firefighters arrived.
_______4. She was fragrant like morning when papayas are in bloom.
_______5. The leaves are listening to the gossips of insects.
_______6. The stars winked at me as I searched for the constellations.
_______7. He’s running faster than the wind.
_______8. The snow is a white blanket.
_______9. They fought like cats and dogs.
_______10. The grass looks like a spiky green hair.

III. Put a (✓) check mark if the statement is true and (x) cross mark if the statement is false.

_______1. Non – linear text includes printed texts.

_______2. Linear text refers to traditional text that needs to be read from beginning to the end.
_______3. Non-linear text has only one reading path which is decided by the author.
_______4. In linear text, readers may take time to find information they are searching for.
_______5. Non-linear text allows readers to find information more efficiently.
_______6. Listening is the ability to receive and interpret messages in the communication process.
_______7. A pie graph is an example of a linear text.
_______8. A plot is a series of events and character actions that relate.
_______9. Non-fictional prose is factual accounts of events.
_______10. Listening for the main idea is a type of listening wherein you need to identify and remember
a series of words, which are usually easily categorized, like types of food, sports, and animals.
_______11. Summarizing is reading over a text and interpreting it in one’s own words without changing
the meaning of the original text.
_______12. The key idea of a paragraph is the author’s message.
_______13. External conflict is when a character struggles with his own opposing desires or beliefs.
_______14. Elegy is a lyric poem that mourns the dead.
_______15. Sonnet is a lyrical poetry with 12 lines.

Prepared by:

Hezl Valerie A. Arzadon,JD

Subject Teacher

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