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Grade : XII MIPA 2

Group’s members :

1. Ainurrahma Dewi Kusuma (2) as Receptionist

2. Muhammad Faiz Bukhori (20) as Narrator and a Restaurant Worker
3. Noor Syifa Aini (28) as Hana
4. Septya Ardina Rahmasari (34) as Ana

Theme : Hotel

At a hotel around 9 pm, two friends entered a hotel and went straight to the reception area.

Receptionist : “Good night, what can I do for you?”

Ana : “My friend and I will be having a night here. We already reserved a
Receptionist : “Okay, wait a minute let me check. A single room for one night under
the name Hana correct?”
Hana : “Yes, that is correct Ma’am.”
Receptionist : “Can I check the evidence that you are the one who reserved it?”
Ana : “No problem, Hana it's on your phone right ?”
Hana : “Yes it is, but I can’t find my phone anywhere. I swear it was in my bag
just a moment ago.”
Ana : “Are you for real? When was the last time you used it?”
Hana : “I remember we used it to order a car, then we had a break at a
Ana : “Do you think you left it there?”
Receptionist : “Do you want me to call the restaurant for you? Can I have the restaurant
Hana : “Yes please, the name is Aruanda Restaurant. It is a famous place.”
Receptionist : “Alright just wait a minute.”
Hana : “Thanks.”
Receptionist : “Hello, this is The Sun Flower Hotel. Do you happen to have a lost
phone in the restaurant ?”
A Restaurant Worker : “Yes, we have a phone with a pink case here. Do you know the owner?”
Receptionist : “Please wait a moment, excuse me Miss this for you.”
Hana : “ Thank you. Excuse me, is there a phone with a pink case there?”
A Restaurant Worker : “Yes, we have it here. Do you want me to deliver it to you?”
Hana : “Can you do that? Much appreciated “
A Restaurant Worker : “No problem.”

After around half an hour later.

A Restaurant Worker : “Excuse me, It seems that someone left it at our restaurant.”
Ana : “Oh yes Sir, it is us.”
A Restaurant Worker : “Alright, this is yours.”
Hana : “Thank you very much sir.”
Hana : “Here it is Ma’am. The reservation proof.”
Receptionist : “Okay, that will be room 217 and Rp.500.000,00."
Ana and Hana : “Thank you very much Ma'am.”


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