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Research Title: Mere Marie Micheau Scholarship of SPUD: Its Impact to Life and Career to its





Year Graduated:


 College of Arts and Education

 College of Business and Information Technology


1. In what way does this scholarship program help you achieve what you have right now?

2. How did the scholarship and training help you change your life?

3. Does the training in your respective office where you were assigned help you on your
career right now?

4. Throughout the years of being a student assistant at St. Paul University Dumaguete
under MMMS, what are some factors that help you grow and change your lives that
makes you become successful today?

5. What is that one thing that you’ve learned from being a student assistant that is still in
you until now?

Statement of the Problem:

1. How important is the scholarship program for the graduates?

2. What is the impact of the scholarship program in the present life, career and identity as
Paulinians of the graduates?

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