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Term 3 June 2020

End of Year Report

Year Group:

Student’s name Rahman, Syeda Sara

Class 03H

Teacher Miss Jodie

Attendance % 94.400000000000006

Number of Lates 14

Term 3 June 2020

New Group Reading Test (NGRT) Standard Age Score
NGRT was standardised against a UK sample of over 11,700 students. The national benchmarks
within NGRT are verified every year based on analysis from almost half a million students. From
this test, we will accurately assess the reading ages and the Standard Age Scores. The Standard Age
Score (SAS) takes into account their age and applies a scale to adjust for that. A score of 99-103 is
in the score range for children working at the expected level for their age.

Teacher Assessment
The attainment is a level of how your child is achieving against National Curriculum objectives
(these objectives can be found here). These assessment judgments are made using Teacher
Assessment; this process is a measured approach assessing your child during the entire school year,
not in a one-off assessment.

We measure these in 3 ways: Below Expected, Expected and Above Expected

General comment
Sara has been a quiet but friendly member of the class. She is polite to others and follows the
rules of the school well. With support and reminders, Sara usually turns in her work on time and
logs into meetings. It is important that Sara remembers the class teacher is online during the
whole lesson to support her and to ask for help when needed. It has been a lovely to see Sara grow
this year and I’m sure she will continue to do so in year 4.
Maths Attainment: Expected
Sara has made steady progress in Mathematics this year. She quietly gets on with tasks and shows
good understanding of most concepts. Sara needs to work on her times table knowledge and recall
of multiplication and division facts. She can confidently use column method to solve addition,
subtraction and multiplication problems involving large numbers. Sara’s target is to use a variety of
methods to solve division problems (e.g. cookie method, Bus Stop).
English Attainment: Expected
This year we have developed our use of fronted adverbials, paragraphs, inverted commas for
speech and using interesting and descriptive language for different purposes. Sara can recognise
different text types and their features with some support. She has used ambitious vocabulary and
should start to recognise and include fronted adverbials in her work. Sara’s target is to use
compound sentences and complex sentences consistently in her writing.
Science Attainment: Expected
In Science, we have enjoyed learning a variety of scientific topics from magnets, plants and light as
well as developing our working scientifically skills. Sara’s confidence in Science has grown through
the year. Sara can recall and use some key vocabulary but still needs to practice using it more
frequently in her writing. Sara needs to work on confidently showing her results in a variety of
ways (e.g. tables, graphs etc.).
Islamic Attainment: Expected
In terms 1 and 2, Sara proved to be a very resilient learning in Islamic B. During this time she made
good progress and was able to confidently shares her Islamic knowledge. Unfortunately, no
comment can be made for Term 3 due to the lack of engagement in online Learning.

Arabic Attainment: Above Expected

Applicable for Arab students only
Sara is making excellent progress in Arabic. She can understand short texts and responds to short
passages made up of familiar language. She is also able to identify and note main points and
personal responses as likes, dislikes and feelings. She can read independently, selecting simple
texts using a pictured dictionary or glossary to look up new words. In order to improve further, she
should read Arabic stories and apply new vocabulary She has learnt in her writing.
PE Attainment: Expected
During this academic year, 3H have participated in a number of different activities including
Gymnastics, Netball, Swimming, Handball and virtual learning.
During our virtual learning, students have focused on developing their health and skill related
fitness. The students have shown fantastic resilience during Term 3. We have been very impressed
with the videos and pictures they have submitted and we have enjoyed sharing these with the
MTS community through the School’s social media pages. We would also like to thank you as
parents for supporting your child with their PE lessons.
Sara is currently working at Expected in PE for Year 3.
Sara can throw and catch the ball in a variety of ways in Netball, therefore to further her progress
Sara should focus on her footwork when landing with the ball.

UAE Social Studies Attainment: Expected

Over the year we have learnt about the History, Geography, and Economics of the UAE. We have
also used our skills to research and evaluate information. Sara has enjoyed learning about the
geographical side of Social Studies including reading maps and graphs and identifying. To improve
her learning, Sara would benefit from practicing their research skills, making sure she understands
what she has read and summarize it in her own words.
Teachers Name: Miss Jodie

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