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Drying Technology: An International Journal

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An Overview of Recent Developments and Some R&D

Challenges Related to Drying of Foods
Sachin V. Jangam
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Version of record first published: 22 Jul 2011.

To cite this article: Sachin V. Jangam (2011): An Overview of Recent Developments and Some R&D Challenges Related to
Drying of Foods, Drying Technology: An International Journal, 29:12, 1343-1357

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Drying Technology, 29: 1343–1357, 2011
Copyright # 2011 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0737-3937 print=1532-2300 online
DOI: 10.1080/07373937.2011.594378

An Overview of Recent Developments and Some R&D

Challenges Related to Drying of Foods
Sachin V. Jangam
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore

physical, chemical, or microbial damage. Among these,

Thermal dehydration is the most common and cost-effective chemical and microbial damage are the most frequent.
technique for preservation of foods and for the production of tra- Several chemical and enzymatic reactions can occur during
ditional as well as innovative processed products such as snacks with processing and storage of foods. There are various ways of
desired functionalities. The basic intent of this article is to provide a food preservation employed, which include drying, can-
global overview of emerging and innovative thermal drying tech-
nologies that are already commercialized or show potential of indus- ning, freezing, salting, vacuum packing, preserving in a
Downloaded by [Universite Laval] at 07:25 18 March 2013

trial exploitation upon successful R&D to sort out some limitations. syrup form, food irradiation, etc. However, dehydration
New drying technologies are needed to enhance quality, reduce by thermal means is one of the oldest, least expensive,
energy consumption, improve safety, and reduce environmental and most commonly used methods of food preservation.
impact. Mathematical modeling can be used for cost-effective devel- Some loss of quality occurs during dehydration; the goal
opment of untested novel designs to reduce the cost and time
required for innovation. As examples of emerging drying technolo- is to minimize it.[1–4]
gies we consider selected dehydration techniques with imminent Numerous food products are routinely preserved using
commercialization potential. These include heat pump–assisted dry- dehydration, which include grains, marine products, meat
ing, microwave-assisted drying, low-pressure superheated steam products, as well as fruits and vegetables. Raw food pro-
drying, pulse combustion spray drying, pulsed and ultrasound- ducts have a wide range of moisture content, as low as
assisted osmotic dehydration, as well as novel gas–particle contac-
tors such as impinging streams and pulsed fluidized beds. Multistage 25–35% in grains to as high as 90% or more in some fruits,
drying, intermittent drying, and the use of hybrid drying technolo- which needs to be reduced to a low enough value to avoid
gies—which combine advantages of different dryers without some microbial growth. This limit is generally defined in terms of
of their limitations—will be outlined. This article also discusses water activity. These limits differ for various micro-
various methods of energy minimization, and the potential for use organisms in terms of water activity; the reader can find
of renewable energy will also be discussed briefly. Although this
overview emphasizes food dehydration, the themes covered are these values elsewhere.[1] In addition, each food product
applicable to other materials as well. may need to be dried in a different way using a suitable
dryer type and by use of appropriate pre- and postproces-
Keywords Advances in drying; Energy efficiency; Hybrid sing to gain a satisfactory value addition to the dried pro-
drying techniques; Pretreatment; Renewable energy; duct.[1–4] The choice of dryer varies for different reasons as
Sustainability discussed in the literature[1,2] and will be discussed in short
later under the section ‘‘Conventional Dryers for Foods.’’
INTRODUCTION The pre- and=or postprocessing steps are very important
Almost all types of foods in our day-to-day use require to reduce the drying load as well as to make a better quality
some form of preservation to minimize or, if possible, product. Commonly used methods for pretreatment are
completely stop microbial spoilage. It is also necessary to osmotic dehydration, blanching, salting, and soaking.
maintain desired levels of nutritional properties for the Postprocessing techniques such as coating, blending,
longest possible time and to make value-added products. packaging, etc., are also important subsequent to drying
The spoilage or deterioration of food products occurs at of some foods.
different stages; for example, during harvesting, storage, A number of articles have been published by Mujumdar
transport, or processing. The reason for this spoilage can and coworkers[5–10] that have successfully led to a large
be attributed to the method of handling and mechanical, number of R&D projects in innovative drying techniques
ranging from impinging and opposing jets to superheated
Correspondence: Dr. Sachin V. Jangam, Department of
steam drying, pulse combustion drying, and adsorbent
Mechanical Engineering, Blk-EA, #06-15, 9 Engineering Drive drying. Few radically new ideas for dehydration have
1, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117576; E-mail: appeared in recent years. However, it is necessary to carry


out a significant amount of R&D to evaluate and establish

confidence in new concepts. Readers should read this
overview along with one or more of some earlier references
to get a broader picture. The book by Kudra and
Mujumdar[11] and several chapters in the latest Handbook
of Industrial Drying by Mujumdar[12] are also suggested
as complementary references.
Selecting the right drying method for a food product is a
complex yet important step by itself. Traditionally, food
products were dehydrated using an open sun-drying
method. Even though the method is still commonly practi-
ced for noncommercial purposes, it is necessary to develop
improved techniques of dehydration to make products of FIG. 1. Various pretreatment processes.
high commercial value. Hygiene is another important issue
in conventional solar drying techniques that also needs
attention. Improvement in drying equipment such as solar food material to an osmotic solution. The removed water
cabinet dryers, tray dryers, fluid bed dryers, vacuum freeze is further replaced by a solute from the osmotic sol-
dryers, etc., has resulted in much better product quality ution.[1,3,4] It is a combination of dehydration and impreg-
Downloaded by [Universite Laval] at 07:25 18 March 2013

compared to traditional dryers.[1,3,4,11–13] nation processes resulting in modified functional properties

The environmental impact of large-scale drying opera- of food that are favorable for drying and result in better
tions has become a critical issue in recent years, with a product quality. In recent years there have been numerous
focus on developing sustainable technologies. Drying sys- reports on the enhancement of osmotic dehydration. The
tems consume large amounts of energy—both thermal use of microwaves, pulsed electric fields, ultrasound,
and electrical—and hence result in high emission of green- blanching, and high hydrostatic pressure has resulted in
house gases as a result of fossil fuel consumption. This has enhanced osmotic dehydration rates. There are also other
triggered the development of new sustainable technologies physical and chemical treatments used to enhance the
with the use of renewable energies to eliminate harmful drying rate, which include freezing, thawing, pinning,
emissions. Ratti[14] and Mujumdar[7] have discussed vari- extrusion, abrasion or drilling holes on the food surface,
ous advances in drying of foods with respect to quality, steam=hot water blanching, SO2 treatment, and the use
rehydration, and energy minimization. This article will of high electric fields. Figure 1 summarizes the advances
start with a brief review of some of the conventional drying in such pretreatment methods. Each one of these routes
techniques used for food drying, their advantages and lim- has been used for selected food material depending on
itations, and the scope for improvements in these existing the purpose of the pretreatment.
dryers. The latter part of this article will focus on recent
advances in pretreatment and drying of food products over CONVENTIONAL DRYERS FOR FOODS
the last decade. This overview will emphasize more recent Selecting the right drying system is crucial for food
developments (i.e., in the past 5 years) that typically extend products for many reasons, as discussed previously; heat
the understanding of earlier efforts with incremental sensitivity is one of them. A poor choice of drying system
improvements. This section will also discuss some of the and=or drying conditions can have an adverse effect on
new ideas for possible R&D in drying of foods. It should physical and nutritional properties of the dried product.
be noted that improved energy efficiency also enhances The selection of a dryer for a particular food product
sustainability and reduces the carbon footprint of drying depends mainly on the type of feed, amount and type of
processes.[9,12] moisture, drying kinetics, heat sensitivity, physical struc-
ture of the material to be dried, quality requirements of a
PRETREATMENT PROCESSES dried food, and many other factors.[1,13] Dryers are
Food products generally undergo some pretreatment commonly classified based on the mode of heat transfer
before drying to effect some beneficial changes—either (e.g., conduction, convection, or radiation) and mode of
physical or chemical—that help enhance mass transport operation (batch vs. continuous).
and=or product quality. There are several pretreatment Figure 2 lists various conventional drying methods used
methods employed, which include physical or chemical for food applications. This is a very basic categorization of
methods as well as application of various energy fields to dryers based on the physical nature of the wet material to
achieve the expected changes in the dried product. Osmotic be dried. For liquid feed, spray drying is still the most
dehydration, a commonly used pretreatment technique for common drying method, although rotary drum dryers are
fruits and vegetables, involves diffusion of water from the also popular. Drying of liquids by spraying on beds of inert
Downloaded by [Universite Laval] at 07:25 18 March 2013

FIG. 2. Conventional dryers for foods.

particles using some variant of the fluidized bed has drum dryers and, recently, using beds of inert particles with
recently been used due to various advantages it offers. some variant of the fluidized bed dryer as discussed pre-
Spray drying is a very expensive technique to use for low- viously for liquid suspensions. The more expensive techni-
value products, mainly because of its low energy efficiency. ques such as freeze drying are employed mainly to produce
Therefore, a method such as inert bed drying has been high-quality dried products that are ultra-heat-sensitive.
proposed and recently lot of work has been devoted to this However, the cost of low-temperature vacuum processing
technique.[15–18] However, the spray-drying technique does is many times higher than that of other convection dryers,
offer the capability to produce highly functional products which makes it less attractive for most products. The heat
through encapsulation processes and controlling the par- pump dryer (HPD) is a technique that combines a heat
ticle size without milling or attrition, which might damage pump system with any convective dryer to accomplish dry-
the product. ing at a faster rate with very high energy efficiency, variable
For drying of particulates, there are a number of dryers drying conditions, and highly improved product quality
available and the choice depends on the size, size distri- compared to conventionally used convective dryers. Details
bution, and shape of the wet feed material; the feed on a heat pump drying system are discussed in the
moisture; drying kinetics; etc. Commonly used dryers for following section.
particulate materials are listed in Fig. 2. Variants of the There always exists a scope for improvement in almost
fluidized bed dryer are preferred over other drying systems all conventional dryers in practice. This may involve mech-
for particulate drying because fluidized beds provide very anical changes, drying media, gas distribution system, time
high heat and mass transport between gas and particles cycles for drying, combining different heat transfer modes,
and have better thermal efficiency than, say, rotary dryers. multistage operation, etc. Table 1 identifies some key areas
However, a few constraints need to be addressed, such as for further development of frequently used dryers.
the physical nature of the feed (particle size and particle
size distribution), which has resulted in several innovations
in fluidized bed dryers for better gas–particle contact, ADVANCES IN DRYING SYSTEMS
including mechanical agitation, vibrations, pulsating effect, Conventional dryers often have several limitations, such
and more.[12] as nonuniform product quality due to overdrying=
For sheet forms or extruded food products, drying can underdrying caused by long, inadequate, or nonuniform
be achieved on a belt conveyor or in a batch process by exposure of the product to the drying medium; long drying
use of either conductive or radiative heat transfer along times due to low contact efficiency between the drying
with convection and vacuum. However, pasty materials medium and solids being dried; harder texture due to case
are conventionally dried using indirect rotary, paddle, or hardening of the product surface caused by overdrying; etc.

Key areas of improvement in conventional dryers
Dryer type Scope for improvement
Tray Design of better air distribution system to achieve flow uniformity
Uniform moisture distribution
Use of intermittent techniques; combined mode of heat transport
Use of heat pump to dehumidify drying air
Fluidized bed Poor fluidization quality for Geldart’s class C and class D particles; improve the quality by mechanical
dryers means such as agitation, vibration, pulsation, etc.
Improve gas distribution system, better design of gas chamber and distribution plate
Use of internal heat exchangers for internal heat transfer
Use of combined heat transfer modes
Combining fluidized beds with heat pump system
Superheated steam drying, low-pressure drying, vacuum drying
Variants of spouted bed dryers
Spray dryers Improvements in drying chamber design for minimization of wall deposition
Improvements in atomization method for uniform particle size and size distribution, minimize
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agglomeration wherever necessary

Use of ultrasonic atomizers
Use of superheated steam
Application of computational fluid dynamics for efficient design of spray dryer chambers
Injection of supplementary air to reduce wall deposits
Rotary dryers New designs of flights and use of internal heat exchangers
Precise control of final moisture content by controlling residence time distribution
Improvement in hot air injection system
Model-based control
Drum dryers Heat transfer enhancement by radiant heat or impinging streams
Increase energy efficiency
Vacuum dryers Use of combined heating modes such as microwave
Use of radiative heaters
Freeze dryers Use of magnetic and electric fields to control crystal size
Reducing the cycle time
Atmospheric pressure operation

This gives rise to poor drying performance and higher innovative—one must evaluate both the energetic perform-
operating costs. Several studies have been reported over ance as well as quality attributes of the final product. It
the years to overcome the operational difficulties encoun- should be remembered that a dryer successfully used for
tered in conventional dryers and to improve the quality one product can provide totally different performance for
of the dried products.[3,4,12] Most conventional dryers used another product.
in food processing are of direct or convection type and uti- New developments in dryers and emerging drying
lize fossil fuels as an energy source. Typically such dryers technologies can be classified in different categories.
have low thermal efficiency, because it is not cost-effective These categories represent areas in drying technology
to recover heat from the low-temperature exhaust. In that require improvement. However, all new developments
addition, the combustion of fossil fuels leads to greenhouse and emerging drying technologies must be cost-effective.
gas (GHG) emissions. The long-term effect of GHGs has This is needed to ensure market acceptance, because
been a major concern in recent years. Use of biomass industry will not accept a new dryer for its novelty.[7,9]
and renewable energy may mitigate the problems, but New technologies are needed principally due to the
much remains to be done to ensure wide acceptance of bet- following reasons:
ter drying and preservation practices. The drying technique
and operating conditions selected for a particular product  Drying of new products and=or processes
affect the quality of the dried product as well as its  To improve thermal efficiency and capacities than
cost. When selecting a dryer—whether conventional or current technology permits

 Better quality and quality control than existing on product quality; for example, convection
dryer capabilities followed by or simultaneously with conduction,
 Reduced fire, explosion, toxic hazards; safer radiation, or microwave heat input
operation  Time-dependent heat input for batch drying to
 Better overall efficiency (cost optimization) match drying kinetics with heat input
 Reduced environmental impact, use of renewable  Superheated steam as a drying medium at high,
energy (to make dryers sustainable) atmospheric, or subatmospheric pressure
 Minimizing the capital, operating, and mainte-  Low-temperature dehumidified air as drying
nance costs medium at modified atmosphere, which eliminates
 Shorter processing time while maintaining high the existence of oxygen
product quality  Multistage drying and hybrid drying that combine
 Better sustainability and lower carbon footprint different types of dryers or different types of heat
input; for example, microwave (MW)–vacuum
Some of the areas (including limitations) that require
drying or spray drying followed by fluid bed=
R&D have been addressed by researchers in recent
vibrated bed as the second and=or third stage
years.[5–10] Table 2 briefly summarizes a number of inno-
 Use of absorbents to remove water vapor as it is
vative modifications of conventional dryers adopted for
generated to maintain a high driving force for mass
better performance. Significant improvements as well as
transfer even at lower temperatures. Adsorbents
advancements have been made over the past few years that
Downloaded by [Universite Laval] at 07:25 18 March 2013

must be edible for food applications for human as

have led to new developments in drying that are briefly dis-
well as animal consumption.
cussed in the following sections. Some general attributes of
the recently developed dryers include[7,9] the following:
 Multimode heat input concurrently or sequentially Heat Pump–Assisted Drying
to match instantaneous (for batch) or local (for The heat pump–assisted drying system incorporates a
continuous) drying kinetics without adverse effect refrigeration cycle, where condensation of moisture from
dryer exhaust air—in the evaporator of refrigeration cycle—
provides a dehumidification effect and the condenser pro-
TABLE 2 vides a heating effect of the process air for circulation back
Some selected innovative changes in conventional dryers to the dryer. An auxiliary heater is generally used for better
control of the temperature of the process air at the dryer
Type Variants inlet.[19–21] Therefore, the heat pump recovers the sensible
and latent heat of evaporated moisture in the dryer. The
Rotary Internal heat exchanger coils
recovered heat is recycled back to the dryer by reheating
Axial flow replaced by jets of hot air
of the dehumidified air and hence the energy efficiency is
injection into rolling bed
increased substantially as a result of heat recovery that
Nauta dryers Planetary mixer; vacuum; heated
otherwise is lost to the atmosphere in conventional dryers.
jacket þ microwave heating
The HPD has been intentionally used for heat recovery
Spray dryer Horizontal spray dryer
during the initial life of this technique. However, this
Various spray chambers=atomizer
drying technique has become popular for other added
Cylinder-on-parabolic cone chamber
advantages such as the possibility of a wide range of oper-
to minimize wall deposits
ating conditions (air temperature, humidity), which pro-
Nanospray dryer; use of ink-jet
vide options to make a better quality product. Because
technology to generate uniform
HPDs use low-temperature dehumidified air as the convec-
tive drying medium, drying in an HPD can be carried out
Fluid bed=spouted Pulsed flows; intermittent pulsing
at relative low temperature compared to conventional hot
bed dryers Intermittent, local fluidization=
air dryers. This is very useful for food products, which
are highly heat sensitive. The closed system of a heat pump
Mechanical agitation; variable
is very useful for retention of volatile components of the
vibration acceleration
foods to be dried, which otherwise are lost using the com-
Conductive heat transfer (internal
mon convective dryers.[20,21]
heat exchangers), jacket heating
Although HPDs have numerous advantages, they also
Improved gas distribution system
have some limitations, which include maintenance, high
Gas for fluidization=spouting (air,
capital cost, and current use of environmentally unfriendly
superheated steam, combustion gas)
refrigerants. The heat pump system offers a simple way of

increasing the energy efficiency of drying systems. There infrared, radio frequency, and solar energy individually
exists much scope for improvement in the performance to or simultaneously. This enhances the drying rates, parti-
reduce environmental impact. Figure 3 shows different cularly during the final stages of drying. The solar-assisted
ways to potentially enhance the performance of HPDs. HPD has a lot of potential to make the system sustainable.
One must always examine the total cost of drying, because Solar energy can be used for auxiliary heating either by
some improvements add to the capital cost and footprint of direct heat transfer to the dehumidified air or using the
the dryer. stored solar energy in a phase-change material.[24] Daghigh
The mechanical compression heat pump system is the et al.[24] have reviewed the application of solar-assisted heat
most common and suffers from lower coefficient of per- pump drying for agricultural and marine products. Hawla-
formance (COP), a measure of the efficiency of heat pump der et al.[27] have reported a complex solar-assisted heat
system. The performance of heat pumps can be enhanced pump drying system that uses the solar energy for both
in various ways, such as use of multistage heat pumps, cas- heating of the refrigerant in an evaporator and heating of
cade of heat pumps, heat pipes, absorption refrigeration, the drying air. Mujumdar[28] proposed application of inter-
chemical heat pump, etc. Among these, the chemical heat mittent drying using HPD some 20 years ago to save oper-
pump (CHP) system has some undiscovered potential ating costs and capital costs because it requires the use of a
for high-temperature applications but considerable R&D lower capacity heat pump or use of a single heat pump to
will be required to determine its sustainability.[22] The supply drying air to several drying chambers. This strategy
chemical heat pump stores or absorbs thermal energy is currently under active research and development at
Downloaded by [Universite Laval] at 07:25 18 March 2013

from the exhaust of convective dryers, solar energy, or several laboratories. The different drying chambers used
geothermal energy in the form of chemical energy via in such a system can be used to dry the same or different
endothermic reactions in specially designed reactors products in different chambers.[7,29]
and rejects heat at a desired level through exothermic Islam et al.[30] have presented the effect of different tem-
reactions.[23] CHPs operate using thermal energy either perature–time profiles on the quality of agricultural pro-
from waste heat or a renewable energy source and do not ducts in a tunnel HPD. Various profiles are possible; for
release any gases that may have environmental impact. example, cyclic temperature, step-down temperature, cyclic
The advances in chemical heat pumps involve mainly pressure, variable gas flow, etc.[31] Atmospheric freeze dry-
developing new chemical reactions for wider temperature ing (AFD) is another recently developed application of
range applications and less environmental impact. The heat pumps. A lot of research was carried out in the field
chemical heat pump system has also been used along with of atmospheric freeze drying of food, pharmaceutical,
solar energy for drying.[24] Interested readers can refer to and biological products. Claussen et al.[32] have critically
that latest reviews and a recently published guest editorial reviewed the concept of atmospheric freeze drying and
in this journal.[23,25,26] recent developments in this technology. A heat pump sys-
Several heating modes have been used along with con- tem can be efficiently used to carry out AFD using air at
vective heating in heat pump drying. These include MW, very low temperature, below the freezing point (generally

FIG. 3. Potential strategies for improvements of heat pump dryer performance.


between 3 to 10 C). The process is very similar to com-

mon heat pump drying except that the air is cooled to a
very low temperature before using it for drying. A continu-
ous production line is a key in the development of such a
technique, and the first continuous plant for drying of
vegetables was started in 2005 in Hungary, designed by a
Norwegian company. This technique has been successfully
applied for various food products such as green peas, red
chilli, sweet corn, and others.[32–36]
Other possibilities for using heat pump drying include
the use of an inert atmosphere using a closed-loop heat
pump system.[37–41] This allows drying using various inert FIG. 4. Freeze drying—classification of new developments.
drying media such as CO2 and N2 in order to avoid
unwanted reactions due to oxygen resulting in undesirable
product properties. The option of a closed system allows strong can reduce freeze drying time and maintain quality.
the use of a minimum amount of drying gas that otherwise They concluded that microwave-based finish drying is an
could be very expensive. There have been few reports on excellent option but it requires optimization for various
heat pump drying using an inert atmosphere; however, products. This is an excellent area for future R&D because
Downloaded by [Universite Laval] at 07:25 18 March 2013

detailed research needs to be carried out for cost minimiza- not much has been published on hybrid processes utilizing
tion and to prove its applicability at a larger scale. freeze drying as the first stage or different drying techni-
ques as finish drying stages. Structural collapse must be
Freeze Drying avoided in finish drying.
It is known that freeze drying (FD) provides the best Woo and Mujumdar[43] have reviewed the use of electric
quality of a product in general. However, considering the and magnetic fields during freezing and their application to
fact that the technique is very costly—in terms of both freeze drying. Such an approach provides an opportunity
capital and operating costs—commercial applications of to control the ice crystals, which will subsequently affect
this technique in the food sector are limited. FD is unsuit- product quality. Zhang et al.[44,45] have carried out an
able for low-value food products; it is essentially used for extensive review of microwave freeze drying (MWFD)
some very high-value products to meet the quality demand. and its applications for various food products, including
There has been significant effort to replace freeze drying fruits, vegetables, as well as aquatic products. It has been
with other methods—for example, heat pump drying as reported that MWFD provides very high drying rates with
discussed earlier—in order to obtain quality closer to FD excellent rehydration and other properties. Cost remains an
products (if not the same) at comparatively low operating issue of concern. Figure 5 shows the concept of microwave-
costs. However, it is difficult to meet some of the character- assisted freeze drying used by Zhang et al.[44] They listed
istics that only freeze drying can provide, such as rehydra- some of the key advantages of MWFD, which include
tion properties, texture, and color. This has resulted in automatic adjustment of microwave energy absorption
some innovative research to improve the performance of
FD, especially to reduce both fixed and operating costs.
This is essentially done by including some external heat
source to enhance the drying rates without melting the fro-
zen product during drying. Figure 4 shows improvement
possibilities for freeze drying. Note that freeze dryers must
be operated under optimal conditions to obtain the quality
Freeze drying provides top-quality dried products, but
the long drying times make it uneconomical. Hybrid drying
can possibly be combined with FD as a pre- or postdrying
stage to reduce drying times. Rother et al.[42] tested pre-
and finish freeze drying of diced carrots. Predrying with
hot air or vacuum drying reduces the water content but
destroys the porous structure as water is removed due to
surface tension effects. On the other hand, they showed
that postdrying using vacuum or MW–vacuum immedi-
ately upon freeze drying when the cellular structure is still FIG. 5. Typical microwave freeze-drying system.

level by different moisture contents; possible selective heat- drying kinetics. However, because the rate of drying is
ing of the interior portions (microwave focusing effect); finite during the passive period, the overall drying time is
rapid energy dissipation throughout the material; more increased somewhat, but this is compensated for by the
efficient drying in the falling rate period; and total energy reduction in energy consumption and better product
savings. However, the main limitation of using microwave quality due to lower product temperature. Islam and
freeze-drying techniques on an industrial scale is the poten- Mujumdar[19,20] and Islam et al.[30] have carried out a
tial of plasma discharge, which occurs when the electric numerical study of the time-varying heat input in convec-
field intensity in the vacuum chamber is above a threshold tive dryers and suggested various routes to enhance the
value. drying rates and quality. The system suggested by Islam
et al.[30] is shown in Fig. 6.
Intermittent Drying The second intermittent drying strategy is to apply step-
Time-varying air flow, temperature, humidity, or oper- wise changes of operating conditions in order to minimize
ating pressure individually and=or by varying cycle of the the energy consumption. This is due to the fact that drying
operating condition of a drying process can be utilized to toward the end of the process is controlled by internal dif-
reduce the operating cost (e.g., thermal input and power fusion where the external factors have a limited effect on
input). The objective is to achieve high energy efficiency the drying kinetics. Intuitively, one possible way to reduce
without exposing the product above its permissible tem- the energy loss is to gradually reduce the heat input to the
perature limit. There are two ways to apply intermittent material as drying proceeds. One can also vary the mode of
Downloaded by [Universite Laval] at 07:25 18 March 2013

heat input. The first is to subject the drying materials to heat input (e.g., convection, conduction, radiation, or
intermittent heat input, time-varying flow of drying microwave=radio frequency heating). Multiple heat inputs
medium, or cyclically varying the operating pressure in can be used to remove both surface and internal moisture
the drying chamber. The main purpose is to allow internal simultaneously. Figure 7 summarizes the various possibili-
moisture to migrate to the material surface during a non- ties discussed in this section.
active phase of drying, often called the tempering period. Intermittent drying can be applied to any direct dryer,
Intermittent drying consists of two distinctive drying peri- batch dryer such as a tray dryer, convective dryer, con-
ods, namely, active drying and nonactive drying. During veyor dryer, fluidized bed dryer, spouted bed dryer, etc.
active drying, heat is applied by the selected heat transfer Mujumdar[28] identified and proposed for the first time
mode, whereas during the nonactive drying period, heat the use of multiple modes of variable levels of heat input,
input or flow of the drying medium is stopped. The two dis- simultaneous or consecutive, as well as cyclical variations
tinctive periods are carried out in an intermittent mode. in velocity or operating pressure as technologies of the
Because water content on the surface is increased during future for batch and continuous heat pump–drying pro-
the tempering period, the drying rate during the subsequent cesses. Using multiple modes of heat input, it is possible
active drying is increased, which helps to enhance the to speed up drying kinetics without adversely affecting

FIG. 6. Time-varying cycle in drying.


various feed properties. For drying of particulate material,

either some variants of a fluid bed or fluid bed with some
other technique are most commonly used in series to speed
up drying. However, for liquid feedstock, spray drying is
generally followed by the fluid bed dryer to reduce moist-
ure content to an acceptable level, which is not possible
by spray drying alone.[11] Note that the cost of drying
may increase exponentially for smaller throughputs due
to higher capital costs.
Microwave drying offers numerous advantages; for
example, enhanced drying rates, precise control, fast
startup and shutdown times, better quality of dried pro-
FIG. 7. Variations during intermittent drying.
duct, smaller footprint of the equipment, etc. Infrared
drying is also useful to remove final traces of moisture at
the quality of dried products. Dryers such as the rotary, a faster rate. These techniques are typically combined with
spouted bed, and multicylinder paper dryer are all inher- other drying methods to overcome the limitations of
ently intermittent because heat is supplied intermittently uneven heating resulted from focusing, corner and edge
due to the inherent operational mode of the dryer, heating, an inhomogeneous electromagnetic field, irregular
Downloaded by [Universite Laval] at 07:25 18 March 2013

although none of the operating variables such as flow rate, shape, and=or nonuniform composition of the material.
temperature, or pressure are altered with time. They are However, the capital cost for these techniques is relatively
still not called intermittent because the on and off times high and they require sophisticated mechanical and elec-
of heat input cannot be altered independent of the other tronic components.[44,45] Microwave vacuum drying has
operating variables. In addition to intermittent drying, been shown to produce dried products with improved tex-
the flipping of the product—which may not be possible ture and color. A microwave field allows volumetric heat-
with all dryers—can enhance the drying rate considerably ing whereby heat is transferred to the inner core of the
if used together. Note that intermittently applying high material without the need of a temperature gradient even
pressure and low pressure can also augment drying rates during the initial stages of drying.
and yield products that are more porous. Recently, Zhang et al.[44–46] have dried various food
products with a combination of microwave and vacuum
Hybrid Drying Techniques drying, resulting in improved color and texture of dried
products compared to air-dried products. Reduction of
Hybrid drying techniques have become popular recently
drying times in microwave is beneficial for color, porosity,
because of flexibility of the drying operation. Hybrid dry-
aroma, shrinkage, and rehydration. Microwave-assisted
ing techniques may include either the use of more than
freeze drying is another recently used hybrid technique
one dryer for drying of a particular product (multistage
for various food products. The use of MW–freeze drying
drying), use of more than one mode of heat transfer, or
results in much faster rates with very high product quality.
multiprocessing dryers. The multistage drying is a com-
Recent reviews by Zhang et al.[44,45] detailed the main
monly accepted way of enhancing drying performance.
advances in microwave-assisted drying of vegetables, fruits,
Figure 8 describes some multistage drying possibilities for
and aquatic products with a focus on drying kinetics and
the product quality. The method has already been applied
for numerous food products to prepare recently popu-
larized snack foods. As described earlier, Woo and
Mujumdar[43] have reviewed the application of electric
and magnetic fields in freezing and their effect on freeze
drying. Spray freeze drying is another hybrid drying tech-
nique used to prepare highly porous particles. This tech-
nique involves the spraying of a liquid feed in a cryogenic
atmosphere and then freeze drying the frozen droplets.
However, this technique is more pertinent in pharmaceuti-
cal applications where the activity of the product is more
important than the cost of the process.[12] The technique
of spray freeze drying can be used for food application as
well, provided that the necessary R&D work is carried
FIG. 8. Some hybrid dryer configurations for foods. out to minimize the cost.

Modified Atmosphere Drying effluent steam. Desirable organic compounds can also be
As discussed earlier, the most common drying methods contained using the superheated steam drying method.
employed for food dehydration use hot air as the drying Mujumdar has discussed the principles, advantages, and
medium. In convective air drying, most food products limitations as well as diverse applications of superheated
undergo quality degradation due to various unwanted steam drying technologies in a number of papers and
physical and chemical changes that occur during drying. books.[47–50] Interested readers can refer to a detailed dis-
Most common are the browning reaction and shrinkage cussion in the Handbook of Industrial Drying[12,50] and a
of the products due to case hardening.[7,39–41] Browning recently published monograph by Shibata.[51]
can be a result of either enzymatic or nonenzymatic Figure 9 describes the various possibilities of super-
reactions. The most common enzyme present in fruits heated steam drying technologies, classified based on the
and vegetables is polyphenol oxidase, which results in such working pressure inside the dryer. Some products are not
unwanted quality defects. The presence of oxygen also stable at 100 C if the dryer operates at atmospheric press-
results in various unwanted characteristics in dried food ure; one option is to lower the operating pressure. Indeed,
materials. silk cocoons and many fruit and vegetable products have
To avoid oxidation of the drying material and destruc- been successfully dried in low-pressure superheated steam
tion of its bioactive ingredients, hot drying air, which con- dryers.[52–56] Because the heat transfer for drying is still
tains 21% of oxygen, can be replaced with nitrogen or by convection, the drying rates are very low at low steam
carbon dioxide. By eliminating the oxygen content of the pressures. Infrared radiation or microwave heating may
Downloaded by [Universite Laval] at 07:25 18 March 2013

drying medium, oxidation and some undesirable reactions be applied to raise low-pressure steam drying rates.
that require oxygen are thus avoided. This in turn Although one can obtain good quality at low pressures,
reduces=eliminates browning of products and improves the process is still not popular due to the large equipment
retention of bioactive ingredients. As discussed earlier in size required by the low drying rates. Other commonly
the HPD section, modified-atmosphere heat pump drying reported problems with superheated steam are the initial
reportedly increases the effective diffusivities of some food condensation—which can be avoided by preheating the
products. Perera[37] and O’Neill et al.[38] have discussed the feedstock—and ingress of air into the system, which
application of modified-atmosphere drying for some food requires efficient sealing of the equipment. Many foods
products using a heat pump. A number of experimental and biomaterials are damaged at the saturation tempera-
studies have been carried out on modified heat pump dry- ture of superheated steam. Perhaps it is necessary to
ing on various types of food products and have shown include supplementary heat sources, for example, micro-
great enhancement of product quality.[39–41] Although wave radiation or conduction, to speed up drying rates at
commercialization of this technique has been limited, the low steam pressures. Much R&D is still needed in this area.
process has very high potential in food application. As energy costs rise and legislation on carbon emissions
becomes more stringent, superheated steam drying will be
more attractive. Experience gained in low-pressure steam
Superheated Steam Drying drying of wood may be transferred to drying of some food
Superheated steam is an attractive drying medium for products because the equipment is already available com-
some processes because the net energy consumption can mercially. Pronyk et al.[57] have provided a detailed dis-
be minimized if the exhaust (also superheated steam) can cussion on superheated steam drying and dried various
be utilized elsewhere in the plant and hence is not charged food materials using superheated steam. The technique
to the dryer. Superheated steam does not contain oxygen; has been applied to a number of food products at the
hence, oxidative or combustion reactions are avoided. In
addition, it eliminates the risk of fire and explosion hazard.
The quality of superheated steam–dried (SSD) products
tends to be better than that using a conventional hot air
dryer. Superheated steam also allows pasteurization, steri-
lization, and deodorization of food products. This is parti-
cularly important for food and pharmaceutical products
that require a high standard of hygienic processing. In
addition, superheated steam drying provides higher drying
rates in both constant and falling rate periods under certain
conditions. Closed-cycle superheated steam drying enables
emitted odors, dust, and other hazardous components to
be contained and thus mitigates the risks of these hazards.
The pollutants are concentrated in the condensate of the FIG. 9. Variations of superheated steam drying.

laboratory scale, including various fruits, roots, beef, and Contact–Sorption Drying
fish. A few authors claimed that the technique was also Contact–sorption drying can be achieved in two ways:
successful on a pilot scale. However, the scale-up remains either by direct contact of a wet material with heated inert
a major limitation, as discussed earlier. particles and thereby removal of moisture as a result of
heat exchange or through contact of the wet material with
heated sorbent particles where the moisture is transferred
Impinging Stream Drying from the wet solids to the sorbent particles to achieve dry-
Impinging stream dryers (ISD) are novel alternatives to ing. The efficiency of drying can be enhanced by the use of
flash dryers for particulate materials with very high drying adsorbents such as zeolites, which have strong water
loads.[58,59] Nevertheless, studies on ISD are still partial or absorption ability. A typical contact–sorption drying tech-
limited to very few applications. In these types of dryers, nique involves good mixing of wet solid particles with the
the intensive collision of opposing streams creates a zone sorbent particles to achieve the heat and mass transfer
that offers very high heat, mass, and momentum trans- and then separation of these two media. The sorbent parti-
fer.[60] Hence, rapid removal of surface moisture is possible. cles are regenerated and returned to the dryer. Typical inert
Other advantages of impinging dryers are smaller sorbent particles (also called carriers) used for this purpose
footprints and high robustness due to the absence of any are molecular sieves, zeolites, activated carbon, or silica
moving parts. However, the design of such systems is very gel. The applications of contact–sorption drying reported
important, particularly the feeding arrangement and the so far include drying of various grains and pieces of fruit.
Downloaded by [Universite Laval] at 07:25 18 March 2013

design of the impinging streams, which affect the value of The fruit pieces can also be dried in the presence of sugar
the volumetric heat transfer coefficient and in turn the granules, which absorb moisture from the wet solids and
water evaporation rate. Choicharoen et al.[60] have carried make the product taste sweeter (the dried product is called
out performance evaluation of an impinging dryer with a sugar-infused product). Rahman and Mujumdar[61] have
okara as a drying material and concluded that ISD pro- proposed atmospheric freeze drying of foods in a vibro-
vides a very high volumetric heat transfer coefficient and fluidized bed dryer of adsorbent particles. This resulted in
performance depending on the aforementioned parameters. reduced drying time and enhanced product quality. These
Figure 10 shows variations of impinging stream dryers adsorbents can also be used for dehumidification of the
mainly based on geometry, drying medium used, and other air used for drying. The system consists of two beds of sor-
heat sources used in combination. There are more possibi- bent particles, one of which is in desiccation mode (to
lities based on geometries that require numerical as well as remove water from drying air) and the other one is in
experimental evaluation, essentially to enhance the gas– regeneration mode. As noted earlier, adsorbents must be
solids mixing and increase heat transfer. It should be noted edible, stable, and easy to regenerate. Kudra and
that impinging stream dryers can use air, flue gas, or super- Mujumdar[11] have discussed this concept in detail, includ-
heated steam as drying media. All of the aforementioned ing the possible limitations and requirements for future
advantages of ISD allow one to consider it as a possible R&D in this area. Because adsorbents must be regenerated
option for drying of various food products provided that for reuse, it is important to make this step energy efficient
it can handle high throughputs. One can also consider as well. Recent studies have suggested the use of super-
the design of multistage two-dimensional impinging stream heated steam for regeneration due to its inherent energy-
dryers that can be used for wet particulate solids or for saving features.[11]
sludge-like feeds. Design and scale-up of such units is very
complex and requires significant R&D effort.
Mechanical Dewatering
It is logical that dehydration without change of phase is
highly energy efficient, because there is no heat of vaporiza-
tion required and the associated equipment is simpler and
less expensive. Most of the food products have less surface
moisture and the drying occurs in a falling rate period,
which means a very long drying time. Hence, the use of
mechanical dewatering as a predrying stage reduces the
load on the main dryer.[62] The choice of dewatering tech-
nique for a specific food product depends on many factors,
such as particle size and initial moisture content; however,
the dewatering efficiency decreases rapidly with decreasing
particle size. The most important thing is to get the
FIG. 10. Variants of impinging stream dryers. required physical form of the product; hence, filtration

needs to be followed by a relevant drying technique. pressure.[66,67] Dehydration by successive decompression

Figure 11 displays different means of mechanical dewater- (DDS; déshydratation par détentes successives) is a process
ing, including application of positive or negative pressure, particularly suited to thermosensitive products, in which
electroosmosis, or the use of combined filtration and the product undergoes a series of cycles, during which it
drying. is placed under pressure (<10 bar) for a defined time and
During electrodewatering, the water in the sludge is then subjected to an instantaneous decompression to a
contains cations (positive ions) that, under the effect of a vacuum (5–90 kPa).[64–68] The product is maintained under
continuous or intermittent electrical current, are attracted a vacuum for a defined time before the following cycle
by the negative pole—in this case, the cathode. Through begins. Each decompression step results in partial water
viscous action, the movement of the cations through removal by autovaporization. The amount of water
the water in the sludge carries water molecules toward removed depends on the water state in the system (free or
the cathode, where the water is finally drained out of the linked) as well as the processing conditions. The DDS
sludge. To compensate for the volume loss created by operation can be performed at room temperature, using
the extracted water, the distance between the anode desiccated air to create the pressure. The major advantage
and the cathode is adjusted by applying a mechanical force of this technique is considerable reduction in drying time
to the electrodes and controlled pressure to the sludge to compared to normal vacuum drying and hot air drying
be dewatered. However, in the case of mechanical dewater- techniques used for food products. This technique is not
ing using pressure, current could be applied continuously only used for drying but also for various predrying pro-
Downloaded by [Universite Laval] at 07:25 18 March 2013

or intermittently in order to minimize the power used. cesses such as steaming. These techniques of instantaneous
The filter-cum-dryer assembly usually has a detachable and cyclic pressure drop have been successfully applied for
filtration system, inlet for hot drying gas, and liquid collec- various food products, including grains, fruits, vegetables,
tor. The most commonly used is the Nutschfilter-cum- and fish.[64–68]
dryer. This has been applied for various applications, one Comparing the two methods, the DIC method can be
of which is drying of lecithin. After extraction of oil, the used mainly to solve the problem of shrinkage, which is
crude lecithin has a considerable amount of acetone (used common in conventional hot air drying. However, the
for extraction, which needs to be recovered in order to DDS method is interesting in that the drying process is
minimize consumption of acetone).[62,63] A maximum por- gentle but relatively rapid so it can be used to dry heat-
tion is removed by mechanical means and the remaining is sensitive biological products (including foodstuffs), which
removed either by a conventional hot air dryer or using maintains their general appearance and probably their
inert gas in a closed loop—the choice depends on the kind nutritional content.[68] The DIC process has also been
of product properties expected. applied for spray drying of skim milk to increase the spe-
cific surface area of the powder and reduce the amount
of fine dust using a three-stage process.[69] DIC treatment
Variable Pressure Drop (Instantaneous/Cyclic) Method was used in between the atomization and the final drying
Drying can be carried out by either a controlled instan- stage, which resulted in expansion of granules, increasing
taneous pressure drop method or cyclic pressure drop the specific surface area and resulting in a faster final stage
method.[64,65] In a controlled instantaneous pressure drop drying. It was reported that the specific quality of the
(DIC) method, the product is subjected to vacuum in the powder, as determined by the customer’s needs in terms
DIC processing chamber and then exposed to steam of physical properties, can be achieved by using DIC
pressure followed by an instantaneous drop in pressure during spray drying.
toward a vacuum and finally a return to atmospheric
Enhancement of Energy Efficiency
Drying is a highly energy-intensive operation resulting
in substantial operating costs and hence very expensive
dried products. Various researchers have suggested differ-
ent ways of reducing energy consumption, which include
better control, proper insulation, recycling of a part of
the drying air, recycling of a part of the dried product,
etc. The use of a heat pump system is one way of reducing
the energy consumption by recovering the heat from the
drying air. Simulation packages such as Simprosys can be
very helpful in solving complex drying flowsheets using
the above combinations to enhance the overall efficiency
FIG. 11. Possibilities in mechanical dewatering. of a drying system.[70] The use of renewable energy is one

method of reducing the cost of drying operation and will be pumping of drying air) wherever possible. Because all
discussed in the following section. It is well known that renewable energy sources are intermittent, it is necessary
indirect drying has higher thermal efficiency. Adding heat to provide backup heat or heat storage during the day
indirectly to a direct dryer helps improve the energy (for solar energy) using phase-change material heat store
efficiency as well. Thus, internal heat exchangers can be exchangers. The use of solar ponds to store energy on a
used in rotary dryers, fluid bed dryers, spouted bed dryers, large scale is also a possibility worth exploring.
etc., to improve the volumetric heat=mass transfer rates Another system that has as-yet untapped potential in
and thus make the dryer volume smaller while enhancing upgrading renewable energy is CHP, as discussed pre-
efficiency. Berghel[71] has presented experimental results viously. Some work has been carried out on chemical heat
for immersed heating tubes in a superheated steam spouted pumps for various applications, although their commercia-
bed dryer of sawdust and showed that the specific energy lization is limited. Use of CHPs in drying has become a
consumption for drying was lowered. This concept allows subject of R&D only recently. Considering the fact that
the insertion of heating elements in an existing dryer to the drying is highly energy intensive and the advantage of
enhance its capacity and efficiency. chemical heat pumps to upgrade energy, CHPs will have
Another recently reported technique is known as a great deal of importance in drying. However, the selec-
self-heat recuperative drying.[72] The system include the tion of a reaction scheme, design of reactors, etc., are the
compression of a drying gas coming out of dryer, part of issues of current R&D, especially for performance enhan-
which is then used for internal heating of the dryer, pre- cement. Chemical heat pumps can be used to upgrade the
Downloaded by [Universite Laval] at 07:25 18 March 2013

heating of the drying gas, and heating of the wet solids renewable energy and store it for a long time for later appli-
entering the dryer. This system can result in considerable cation when the renewable energy source is not available.
savings compared to hot air and mechanical com- One could also consider phase-change material undergoing
pression–assisted drying; however, it has the disadvantage melting=freezing to store=release thermal energy when it is
of using a very expensive compression step.[72] Because available only intermittently and coupling such exchangers
conventional drying methods use a large volume of air, with CHPs. This idea has not yet been tested.
compression of such a large quantity of noncondensable In the review by Woo and Mujumdar,[43] it was noted
gas makes the overall system expensive, although the that an alternative source of freezing (for freeze-drying
thermal energy consumed is low. application) can potentially be found in a magnetocaloric
freezer. This form of freezer does not require a conven-
Use of Renewable Energy tional refrigerant or coolant, which reduces the environ-
It must be pointed out that the use of renewable ener- mental impact from the dryer. However, more R&D is
gies, for example, solar and wind, should be investigated required in this field before such a system can be commer-
seriously, because current concerns over potential energy cially available. It may also be possible to couple these
shortages and global climate change will likely result in ideas with atmospheric freeze drying.
legislative actions to minimize fossil fuel usage. A solar dry-
ing system, particularly for agro-products and marine pro- CLOSING REMARKS
ducts, is already viable, particularly in developing countries A brief overview of the application of drying in food
where labor costs are low and the cost of fossil fuel energy processing is presented for both conventional and emerging
is very high. In the future, larger systems need to be drying technologies. Kudra and Mujumdar[11] have pre-
designed utilizing solar thermal, photovoltaic panels com- sented comprehensive treatment of new drying concepts
bined with wind power. Because solar and wind energy at various stages of development. As energy costs soar,
are necessarily intermittent, advances in thermal and elec- energy efficiency will be key criterion for marketing of
trical energy storage systems are needed to make the use dryers. Much R&D needs to be done to make some of
of renewable energy viable in drying. To minimize the the new concepts commercially attractive. This overview
use of oil or gas, one could use biomass to provide backup includes some innovative ideas that can stimulate further
heating in the absence of insolation and wind. The use of R&D. For true sustainability, advances are needed not
thermal energy storage in water pools, pebble beds, and= only in the drying hardware and software but also in clo-
or phase-change materials can be coupled with the use of sely allied areas such as source of energy, energy conver-
intermittent energy sources like solar and wind energy. sion, energy recovery from low-temperature heat source
Much R&D is needed at the systems level to make this such as dryer exhaust, environmental pollution control,
concept commercially viable. The main research and devel- etc. To utilize solar=wind energy extensively, some innova-
opment is needed to fabricate an efficient solar collection tions are necessary in these techniques. For example, as
system and allow better air circulation in solar dryers, suggested by A. S. Mujumdar (National University of
use of appropriate biomass as a supplementary option, Singapore, personal communication, April 13, 2011), stu-
and use of wind energy for drying (either for heating or dies are needed to design efficient wind farms that may

ideally utilize propeller-type large turbines along with smal- drying of maltodextrin solutions on a bed of inert particles. Canadian
ler vertical axis wind turbines to accommodate more tur- Journal of Chemical Engineering 2011, in press.
19. Islam, M.R.; Mujumdar, A.S. Heat pump–assisted drying. In Drying
bines in a form of given size. One may also develop Technologies in Food Processing; Chen, X.D., Mujumdar, A.S., Eds.;
farm-scale inexpensive windmills to drive dryers and supply Blackwell Publishing: West Sussex, UK, 2008; 190–224.
electricity to farming communities. 20. Islam, M.R.; Mujumdar, A.S. Heat pump–assisted drying. In Guide to
Industrial Drying; Mujumdar, A.S., Ed.; Three S Colors Publications:
Mumbai, India, 2008; 157–179.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT 21. Jangam, S.V.; Mujumdar, A.S. Heat pump assisted drying tech-
Discussions with Professor Arun S. Mujumdar were nology—Overview with focus on energy, environment and product
quality. In Modern Drying Technology, Vol. 4; Tsotsas, E., Mujumdar,
extremely helpful in the preparation of this article. A.S., Eds.; Wiley Interscience: UK, 2011.
22. Ogura, H.; Mujumdar, A.S. Proposal for a novel chemical heat pump
dryer. Drying Technology 2000, 18(4), 1033–1053.
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