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Division of City Schools of Makati

Negros St., Brgy. Pitogo
1216 City of Makati




Abide by the following guidelines in formatting your summative test questionnaires:

1. PAPER: Use long (8.5” X 13”) bond paper to minimize the use of xerox or risograph
materials, especially stencil, which is very expensive.

2. PAGE SETUP: Customize your document into 8.5” X 13” instead of LEGAL SIZE
that measures 8.5” X 14”. If your laptop or personal computer does not allow you to
customize your document, your bottom margin must be adjusted at 2.0” instead of

3. MARGINS: Use 1.0” for the left, top, right, and bottom margins.

4. JUSTIFICATION: Use “Align Text Left” because this is more readable than “Justify.”

5. SPACING: Use single line spacing for the entire document. Do not use additional
line spacing between test items. Add an extra space between tests and another
extra space after directions.

6. FONT, FONT SIZE, AND FONT STYLE: Use Arial 10 regular for the entire
document. No other font, font size, and font style may be used even for the

7. LETTERHEAD: Your letterhead should look like the following:


Negros St., Brgy. Pitogo 1211 City of Makati

8. TITLE OF THE DOCUMENT: After the letterhead, leave one single line space, then
write the title of the document, which should look like the following:


School Year 2022-2023

9. EXAMINEE INFORMATION: After the title of the document, leave another one
single line space, then write the information needed from the examinee, which
should look like the following:

NAME:_________________________________________________ SECTION:__________________

10. TEST ITEMS: After the examinee information, leave another one single line space,
then start constructing your questions, which should look like the following:
TEST I. REMEMBERING. DIRECTIONS: Choose the correct answers. Write the letters of your
answers in your answer sheet.

1. A gerund is a verbal derived from a verb and it ends in –ing. Which of the following is not a
function of a gerund?
A. adjective C. indirect object
B. direct object D. subject


Abide by the following guidelines in constructing multiple-choice items:

1. Use a direct question rather than a directive in the stem of the item.

First Draft: Find the area of a rectangle with sides 2 cm and 6 cm.
A. 8 B. 12 C. 20 D. 24

Revision: What is the area of a rectangle with side 2 cm and 6 cm?

A. 8 B. 12 C. 20 D. 24

2. The stem of the item must have enough information to make the task clear and
unambiguous to students.

First Draft: Solve the equation 25 – X = 19.

A. -44 B. -6 C. 6 D. 44

Revision: What number should go in the blank to make the number sentence
true? 25 - ___ = 19
A. -44 B. -6 C. 6 D. 44

3. Do not include extraneous information in the stem of the item because this or these
may confuse students.

First Draft: Mang Gorio has 180 eggs that he has collected on his farm. He
wants to take them to the market 3 km away. Before he takes them,
he must put them in cartons. Each carton holds 12 eggs. How
many cartons does Mang Gorio need?
A. 13 B. 14 C. 15 D. 17

Revision: Eggs are packed 12 to a carton. How many cartons are needed to
pack 180 eggs?
A. 13 B. 14 C. 15 D. 17

4. Include the prepositional phrase “of the following” in the stem of the item if there is
no universally agreed upon answer to the question.

First Draft: Which is the best conductor of electricity?

A. air B. copper C. rubber D. water

Second Draft: Which of the following is the best conductor of electricity?

A. air B. copper C. rubber D. water

5. Make sure that there is only one best or correct answer.

6. Do not provide hint to answers from the options.

7. Avoid using trick distractors.

8. Observe the rules of grammar and syntax.

9. Make sure that all options are parallel in length, level of complexity, and grammatical

10. Options must be in capital letters, i. e., A, B, C, or D.

11. Arrange options in logical order, i. e., numerically or alphabetically, or from the
shortest to the longest or from the longest to the shortest.

12. Avoid the reference to “you” or “your.”

13. Avoid using “all of the above” or “none of the above” as response options.

14. Avoid the use of specific determiners that qualify the response options providing
clues to the correct options:

“always” and “never” tend to be incorrect

“may,” “some,” and “sometimes” tend to appear in correct options.

15. Make sure that the stem or options of the item to one of the questions do not
answer another question. Rule out distractors in another question.


Principal III

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