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Center of Development in Teacher Education
Reaccredited Level IV by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges
and Universities of the Philippines
A.Y. 2020-2021

Detailed Lesson Plan in

Mathematics 4
Identifying and Describing

Prepared by:
Mae Olivia E. Lorenzo
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

a. Identify and describe the different types of quadrilaterals.

b. Appreciate and relate the things around us that shows a shape of quadrilaterals.
c. Construct the different kinds of quadrilaterals: square, rectangle, parallelogram, trapezoid,
and rhombus.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Identifying and Describing Quadrilaterals
References: Mathematics in Grade 4 Learning Activity Sheet
MATH BOOK 4 - Lesson 52: Identifying and Describing Quadrilaterals – Pages 164-165
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, box, cards, worksheets, visual aids/instructional materials,
cardboard shaped into quadrilateral, whiteboard and marker
III. Learning Procedures


A. Preparation
1. Prayer

Let us pray first, kindly lead the prayer. (Pupils will stand up and one student will
lead the prayer)

Let’s bow down our head, Dear God, Thank

you for giving us another day to learn. Thank
you for all the blessing that we received
today. Give us enough knowledge and
understanding the lesson. Please guide and
protect us. Amen.

2. Greetings
“Good Morning ma’am and Good Morning
Good Morning Class!

How are you feeling today?

“Good, Happy, Blessed, Love”
3. Checking of Attendance
Is everybody present today?
Let us check your attendance chart.

Great! Everyone is present today.

Before we start, what are our classroom

4. Review
Before we move on to our next lesson, who
can tell me what was our lesson last
“Identifying and Describing Triangles”

Again, what is a Triangle?

“Triangle is a polygon with 3 sides and 3

Yes, that’s right!

I am going to show you a pictures of triangles

and you are going to tell me what kind of
triangle it is.

Are you ready? “Yes we are ready”

Triangles classified according to Sides


“Equilateral Triangle”

What do we call to a triangle that has three

equal sides?


“Isosceles Triangle”

How about the triangle that has two equal



“Scalene Triangle”
How about the triangle that has no equal

Triangles Classified According to Angles


“Right Triangle”

It has an angle which measures 90°


“Acute Triangle”

It has 3 angles, each angles measures less

than 90°?


“Obtuse Triangle”

It has an angle which measures more than


Very Good! I’m glad that you still remember

our previous lesson.
B. Motivation

Everybody stand up and Let us sing the (student’s will sing the quadrilateral song)
quadrilateral song.

C. Discussion

Based on the song we just sung, tell me what “It’s all about Quadrilaterals”
is it all about?

Yes, that’s right!

Who can tell me what is a Quadrilateral? “Quadrilateral is a polygon with 4 sides and 4

That’s correct!

Our new lesson today has something to do

with the song we just sung it’s all about
Identifying and Describing Quadrilaterals.
You are going to learn about the different
types of Quadrilaterals and its properties.

Are you ready to learn? “Yes we are ready”

That’s great! Now, let me tell you what a

quadrilateral is, Quadrilateral is a polygon
with 4 sides and 4 angles. Quadri means four
(4) and lateral means sides.

Let us find out what are the shapes that

belong in a quadrilateral group.
I have here an Activity Packs, I am going to
group you into two and you are going to help
each other to finish your activity.

Bring out your Activity Pack and assemble

the puzzle to make a shape.

Group 1 – Can you show the class the shape

you have formed?

Do you know what shape have you formed? “Yes ma’am”

What shape is that? “Parallelogram”

Very Good group 1!

PARALLELOGRAM has 2 pairs parallel sides

and 2 pairs of equal sides.
side AB and side CD are opposite sides and
parallel. side AD and side BC are opposite
sides and parallel.
side AB = side CD and side AD = side BC
The small lines or slash on the sides of the
figure tells that the sides are equal.
Group 2 - Can you show the class the shape
you have formed?
“Yes ma’am”
Do you know what shape have you formed?
What shape is that?

Very Good group 2!

RHOMBUS has 4 equal sides.

side AB = side BC = side CD = side DA

Group 3 - Can you show the class the shape

you have formed?
“Yes ma’am”
Do you know what shape have you formed?
What shape is that?

Very Good group 3!

RECTANGLE has 4 right angles. Its opposite

sides are equal. The small square at the four
corners of the rectangle denote right angles
Group 4 - Can you show the class the shape
you have formed?
“Yes ma’am”
Do you know what shape have you formed?
What shape is that?

Very Good group 4!

SQUARE has 4 equal sides and 4 right angles.

(The pupils will assemble the puzzle to

Group 5 - Can you show the class the shape formed a shape)
you have formed?

Do you know what shape have you formed? “Yes ma’am”

What shape is that? “Trapezoid”

Very Good group 5!

TRAPEZOID has only one pair of opposite

sides that are parallel. side AB is parallel to
side CD.

Look around to our classroom can you find an (students will look around the classroom)
objects or things like a quadrilateral shapes?
Example: the table, the floor, walls, ceiling,
window, the door, books, and many more.
Anything with 4 sided figure is a

There’s a lot of quadrilaterals around us it

gives a unique beauty and arts to the
different things and buildings around us.
D. Generalization
Now, let us identify and describe again the
different types of quadrilaterals. I have a
pocket chart here with a description of each
quadrilateral shapes all you have to do is to
put the right shape inside of the pocket.

It has a two pairs parallel sides Parallelogram

and two pairs equal side.

It has 4 equal sides.

It has 4 right angles and its Rectangle

opposite sides are equal.

It has 4 equal sides and 4 Square

right angles.

It has 1 pair of opposite sides

that are parallel.

E. Application

Activity 1– Mystery Box

Instruction: There’s a piece of paper under
your desk with a number written on it.
- It’s a pair activity.
-Two of you got the same number, he or she
will be your partner.
- One of you will pick a shape in the box and
your partner will name and describe the
shape you picked.
(Let’s give them 5 claps)

(Let’s give them 5 claps)

(Let’s give them 5 claps)

-PAIR 4 (the student’s will clap 5 x)

(Let’s give them 5 claps)

(Let’s give them 5 claps)
Activity 2 – True or False
Instructions: Bring out your whiteboard and
whiteboard marker. Write T if the statement
is true and F if the statement is false.
-After answering wait for my signal to raise
your board.

1. Parallelogram has a two pairs parallel sides

and two pairs equal side.


Let’s reveal the correct answer, in 3-2-1 raise

your board. The correct answer is T- True.

2. Rhombus has 3 equal sides.


Let’s reveal the correct answer, in 3-2-1 raise

your board. The correct answer is F – False.

3. Rectangle has 4 right angles and its

opposite sides are equal.


Let’s reveal the correct answer, in 3-2-1 raise

your board. The correct answer is T- True.

4. Square has 4 equal sides and 4 right


Let’s reveal the correct answer, in 3-2-1 raise

your board. The correct answer is T- True.

5. Trapezoid has two pair of opposite sides

that are parallel.


Let’s reveal the correct answer, in 3-2-1 raise

your board. The correct answer is F – False.

Instructions: Choose the correct answer.

Write your answer on the space provided
before each number and draw the figure
inside the circle.

_______1. This kind of quadrilateral has 2

pairs of parallel sides and 2 pairs of
congruent sides.

a. Rhombus
b. Parallelogram
c. Rectangle “B” - Parallelogram
d. Trapezoid

_______2. This kind of quadrilateral has 4

equal sides.

a. Square
b. Trapezoid “C” - Rhombus
c. Rhombus
d. Rectangle

________3. It has 4 right angles and its

opposite sides are equal.

a. Rectangle
b. Square
“A” - Rectangle”
c. Parallelogram
d. Rhombus

_________4. It has 4 equal sides and 4 right


a. Rectangle
b. Rhombus
c. Trapezoid “D” - Square”
d. Square

_________5. This kind of quadrilateral that

has only one pair of opposite sides that are

a. Rhombus “C” - Trapezoid”

b. Square
c. Trapezoid
d. Rectangle

Instructions: Complete the table. Draw each figure of quadrilaterals and describe by writing
each properties.

Quadrilateral Figure Properties






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