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An eye for an eye will make the world blind" 

-Mahatma Gandhi
For decades, Russia and Ukraine have a growing tension in peace. Since the significantly escalated
on February 24, 2022, when Russia invaded Ukraine. Over eight million Ukrainians, or a third of
the displaced population, fled their country because of the invasion, creating the biggest refugee
crisis in Europe since World War II. Global food shortages were also brought on by the invasion,
just as residential areas, schools, hospitals, and other civilian object and infrastructure have
already been violently assaulted because of the invasion of Ukraine, murdering and injuring
civilians. Human rights in Ukraine are currently experiencing a terrible crisis. Russian Conflict is a
matter for all the world, and Honduras will act against suffering.
Despite being over 11,400 kilometers away from Honduras, Russia is the world's second-largest oil
producer, after only the United States. Additionally, it provides 13% of the agricultural fertilizers
required, and along with Ukraine, it harvests 30% of the wheat used for global consumption.
Countries such as The United States and 27 European countries limit purchases of Russian oil as
well as other industries as stocks and investments due to the war Russia sparked. Therefore, prices
increase because of a global shortage of fertilizers and fuels. Because of this, cost increases in fuel,
energy, and food are the key factors affecting the Honduran economy and individual's private
finances. Inflation and global uncertainty limits investment, and the nation's economic and human
progress stops, impacting the poorest citizens and rising social inequality.
We should strive forward to a resolution of this inhuman fight, not only as independent nations
but also as a whole. As Honduras, we propose Russia to return to the respect of the international
rights' principles and to find a politic way of fulfilling a peaceful resolution. Even though we cannot
directly interfere in the conflict, providing support to international organizations that can
inactivate a resolution is a clear path to follow for Honduras. Effects have been seen in all sectors
of our country's economy. Honduras has a 41.6% of its population in poverty and needing to deal
with the indirect but visible effects of the conflict worsens our live conditions. It is imperative to
act now for things to change and be better.

Pain, hate, lack of understanding are the causes and consequences of this war. Everything else but
peace has occurred recently. As humans, we are in the need of taking of each other, stop hating
and comprehending people more. A dialogue can resolve the issue and that is what we aim for.
Our country has lived many dark times and have its own issues; but we have moved forward and
continue our history. This conflict is an opportunity to improve and bind together as one, as

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