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Written by Roderick Hunt

Illustroted by Alex Brychto


Tolk together Enjoy the story together.
. Reod the titte ond tolk obout whot the If your child needs
chi[dren might be thinking. support to reod the
. Ask: Do you thinkthe children like cots?
. Look through the book ond tolk obout
Ask your chitd to
point f rom left to
the pictures.
right under eoch word
whilst reoding.
Model how to sound
About the words in this book out ond blend new
. Your chi[d shou[d be oble to sound words if necessory. tS,u
out ond bLend some words. which
moy inc[ude:
IJ o word is stitl too U
q is big cot dog
tricky, simply soy the
whote word for your
i t ,r, i
chitd. I
Some words moy be more chottenging.
Use the pictures
Encouroge or modet blending, then
reod the words below to your chitd
to tolk obout the
story ond leorn the
if necessory.
meoning of new
go no owoy tittl.e oh words.
coming Fl,oppy

,ffi Go owou, little cot.

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Go owou, little cot. A dog is coming.

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Go owou, little cot. A big dog is coming.


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Go owou, little cot. Floppg is coming.

" Look ot poge 2. Ask: Do you thinkthe cot tikes
Kipper? How con you telt?
. Totk obout why the chiLdren wonted the cot to
go owoy.
. Look ot the Lost poge. Ask: Why is Ftoppy running

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, &4 Texi O Rodc ck Hurt 2000
Ilhstlirions O ,^lcx Rt]rchta 2000

FrNt published 2000
This edition publjshed 2011
ISBN 978'0-19.a48073-0
All ghts reserved. Photocopying oflhis

I,rimed in Chinr by Imago

Oh, no! Papcr uscd nr thc producrioD ofthis book is a

Datural, rccycl.rble producr mnde from wood

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